First word for baby

The first word uttered by a child is one of the most exciting moments for parents. It’s kind of like hearing your baby speak, except they are only using one word. To make it even more exciting, there are certain first words that you can expect from your little bundle of joy!

The most common baby first words include variations for parents such as “mama,” “mommy,” “dada,” “daddy,” and “papa.” After those, you can expect a wide variety of words to follow such as “no,” “uh-oh,” “please,” “ball,” and more!

This article will discuss 30 common baby first words and their meanings so you can be sure to know what to say when your darling finally starts talking.

The Most Common Baby First Words to Expect

mom and baby

Here is an extensive list of common baby first words and their meanings:

  1. Mama – This is usually the first word, or one of the very first uttered by a child. They are very likely to call their mother by this name.
  2. Mommy – The female version of “Daddy,” this is another favorite first word used by young children when talking about their mother or any similar-looking female.
  3. Dada – This is the male version of Mama, and it’s equally common for young children to use these words when referring to either parent.
  4. Daddy – This is one of the most common first words, and it usually comes after they’ve seen you for a while or have been given to their father.
  5. Papa – This is another common first word that babies will learn, and it usually means the same thing as “daddy.”
  6. Uh-Oh – This is one of the first words that young children learn, and it’s usually used when they’ve done something wrong.
  7. Ball – After parents, there are many first words that will be related to everyday objects. This is one of the most common, and it’s usually a ball of some kind (although sometimes children also use this word for other round things.).
  8. Yes – This is one of the most common first words, and it’s usually followed by another word or phrase.
  9. Stop – Another important first word used to express displeasure at something not wanted (such as a parent putting them down) or to emphasize something (such as “no” or “uh-oh”).
  10. No – This is an important word, but it’s also a slightly negative one that can be used in place of “No.” You should teach your child the appropriate times to use this word, so they don’t accidentally start saying something inappropriate!
  11. Up – The opposite of down, babies will learn these words at a very young age. They can be used to express that something is not where it should be or as an expression of excitement about being picked up from the ground!lifting baby up
  12. Down – The opposite of up, this word will also be learned early on by babies and toddlers. It’s usually paired with “up” but can also mean other things, like the opposite of “stop” or that something is not where it should be.
  13. Doggy – This word will usually follow the naming of a specific animal, and your child might repeat this many times when they see their pet in person after calling them by name at home.
  14. Dog – This can be one of the first words, and it usually means any dog in general. Children will sometimes use this word when talking about other animals too (like a cat or even lion!)
  15. Puppy – This is another word that will usually be used when naming a specific type of animal, and it’s often paired with the words “dog” or “cat.”
  16. Cat – This is another common first word, and it’s usually used to describe any feline friend.
  17. Kitty – This is another common first word and it will usually come after the naming of a specific type of feline.
  18. Bye – It’s not unusual for babies to start saying their version of “goodbye” well before they learn how to actually wave bye-bye.
  19. Bye-bye – Another common first word, this means that your little one wants you to pick them up or move them somewhere else. It can also be used as an all-purpose goodbye.
  20. More – This is a common request from babies and toddlers, who might not yet know how to ask for more by using words like “please.” It can also be used as an expression of satisfaction when they’re done eating or playing!
  21. Please – Another important word that will usually come after the first set of words, this is how your baby will ask for things from you. It’s important to teach them the difference between “Please” and “Thank You.”
  22. Thank you – This is another common first word that babies learn very early on! It shows their gratitude after they’ve been given something or allowed to do something.
  23. All done – They might not be able to say this word exactly, but your child will let you know when something is finished (like a meal, bath time, and playtime!)
  24. All gone – This is an important word for babies because it refers to something being out of their reach! They might be too young to verbalize this specifically but will show you what they mean when there’s nothing left for them to eat or play with.
  25. Boat – Another common first word based on an everyday object. This is usually paired with “Bye-bye” to mean the child wants you to give them their toy boat!
  26. Car – Another common first word based on everyday objects, this will usually refer to any type of vehicle and not just cars! You might want to teach your child about the difference between “Car” and “Train.”
  27. Plane – This is yet another common first word, but it can sometimes be used in place of “Car,” so you’ll want to teach your child the difference between these two vehicles. This is very common, especially in babies that are fed with the classic “here comes the plane!”
  28. Here – One of the very first words, this is used when they want you to come over and pick them up or give something to them. It’s also paired with “There” for a few more common word combinations like “Hide-and-Seek.”
  29. There – This will be another important word that your baby learns, and it’s usually paired with “Here” to mean that something is over there.
  30. Shoe – This is another common first word, and your toddler will usually know how to use this because they see you putting them on their feet.

When Should You Expect Their First Words?

12 month old baby

According to parents, most babies start speaking their first words around the age of 12 months. Typically, at this time they also begin walking and making other developments in motor skills as well.  It is a pivotal point in their lives and marks the beginning of a whole new world.

It can be surprising to most parents when their baby says his or her first word, but there are also words that you should expect from your little one based on statistics.

However, you can begin to expect cooing as early as 2 months old. Cooing should sound distinct from babbling. At this point they are just beginning to learn how to use their vocal cords. Parents can encourage this behavior by acknowledging them when they coo.

How Can You Encourage Your Baby to Talk?

There are many ways you can encourage your baby to speak.

Talk Back

First, talk back! As soon as they begin cooing or babbling respond by smiling and saying words like “yes” or “oh?” This encourages them to keep communicating with you in this way.

You should also get down on the floor around their level when they want something. This is a great way for them to learn valuable communication skills and how they can get what they need from an adult when in the future, it’s not possible to always have their needs met by you or someone else who loves them so much.

Listen to Them

Parents should also take the time to listen. If you’re cooking dinner and your child is playing nearby, stop for a few moments every now and then to focus on what they are saying or asking for!

Even when they’re only making random sounds, they could already be attempting to vocalize actual words. Thus, it is important to listen to them.

Read Together

baby parent reading

Reading to your baby is another great way for them to learn! Read books that are appropriate for their age and read slowly so they can hear each word. This will help them begin to understand language as well as expand upon what words sound like outside of just hearing you speak around the house or at bedtime every night.

Sing Songs Together

This can be a great way to bond and spend quality time with your child as well. They will enjoy the tunes and repetition of certain songs, so sing these often or even just hum them when you’re thinking about them!

Repeat Words

The more parents repeat common words, the more likely their baby will learn that word and use it themselves. Try to incorporate these words into your everyday speech as much as possible, even if they don’t understand what you’re saying just yet!

Should You Worry about Their First Words?

Your baby’s first words are an important milestone.

However, if your child isn’t saying any real words by the time they’re 15 months old you should talk to their doctor. This is a reasonable expectation and might not require too much concern on your part, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry! If there is some kind of issue, early intervention can help them gain their language skills and be on the same developmental track as most children.

Lori Herbert lives in a house of all males — a husband and three lively boys. She believes that parenting is messy, and that’s okay. Thanks to her experience in Psychology, she’s learned how that was the case for most people — and that the best way to help them open up was through kindness, compassion, and communication.

One of the most exciting milestones your baby will hit is saying their first word!

Learn all about how to teach your baby to talk and make sure to grab the printable checklist I have made to help you keep track of what your child is saying within this post!

Are you wondering how to teach your baby to talk?  Try these simple play ideas and strategies that you can use through daily routines to encourage your baby's language development.

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How to Teach Baby to Talk

There are a few different stages when we look at how babies learn language.

The first skills needed to talk is to learn how to watch, listen, and imitate.

When you have a brand new baby you can start teaching your baby to talk by just simply just talking to them.

Babies need to hear words many times in order to learn the sounds and repeat them.

Narrating what you do throughout the day or talking to them during play time are great ways to encourage language development from the very beginning.

Singing is also a great way to expose young babies to new words and sounds.

The repetitive nature of singing also helps little ones learn these words and sounds quickly.

Reading to your child not only develops cognitive skills but it also encourages the skills you need to talk.

Your infant will hear many words while you read to them.

Does your baby want you you to read the same book over and over again?

This is good news because it helps them learn through repetition.

Crying is Your Baby’s First Way to Communicate

No one enjoys hearing a baby cry but it is such an essential skill because it is the first way your baby is able to communicate.

Is your baby hungry?


Need a diaper change?

A cry indicates to parents that the baby needs something and is a very effective way for the baby to communicate.

When do babies start cooing?

Your baby will start cooing sometime after they are at least 2 months old.

Cooing sounds a bit different then babbling and is made up of mostly vowel sounds.

Cooing is a way for your baby to start playing with language a bit by making different sounds and seeing how their caregiver responds.

Have fun with this stage by acknowledging your baby when they coo so that they know you are listening.

You can even try to imitate their sounds to play a little game.

Baby Non-Verbal Communication

Baby Non-Verbal Communication

Being aware of your baby’s non-verbal communication is important because they use that frequently to get messages to you before they can talk.

What does non-verbal communication look like in a baby?

It can be facial expressions, body movement, pointing, or gestures.

Your baby’s face gives you tons of clues on how they are feeling and what they may be needing.

You can tell they are full by that silly content smile they get after a feeding.

As your infant gains control of their arms and hands they will start to use pointing as an indication for what they want or need.

You may also teach them a few baby signs in order to give them a way to communicate before their actual words come in.

Baby first Words List: Which words should you teach first?

When you think about what words to teach your baby first you will want to think about words that will be powerful and have meaning to them.

Many times a baby’s first word is either “mom” or “dad” or some variation of that.

One of the reasons this is such a popular choice for a baby’s first word is because being able to say their caregiver’s name is a crucial skill.

This is another way to get your attention that isn’t crying!

Here are a few more examples of words you may want to target as your baby starts to talk:

  • More
  • All Done
  • Eat
  • Drink
  • Hi
  • Bye
  • Yes
  • No
  • Up

You can grab a printable baby’s first-word list HERE that you can hang on your fridge for ideas and for you to track progress.

Keeping Your Own Baby Talk Words List

One of my favorite strategies for parents that are working on growing their little one’s vocabulary is to keep a list of what they are saying.

This is a great way for you to monitor and keep track of your child’s progress.

It can also give you ideas on what words to focus on as your little one gets older.

For example, you will notice that many of the words your child starts out saying are nouns.

As your they get older you will want to make sure that they learn a variety of different word types including descriptive and action words as well.

You can download my printable baby word list here and check off the words as they gain them.

When do babies speak in sentences?

When do babies speak in sentences?

Your little one will start combining words into two word phrases or sentences usually sometime between 20-24 months.

You can encourage this skill by simply adding on to what your child says.

For example, if they say “ball”, you can say “blue ball.”

This allows them to hear a new word as well as how to combine two together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do babies say mama or dada first?

I have seen it go both ways! Some will say “mama” first while others say “dada”. Your baby may also call both parents the same name for a while as well because they find out it is a very effective word.

How many words should a 1 year old say?

Between 15-18 months you expect your child to have somewhere between 15-20 words that they use expressively. This includes signs and word approximations as well.

What is the most common first words for a baby?

“Mom” or “dad” tend to be very common first words for babies to speak.
Words that your baby are most likely to imitate are the words that they here the most frequently.

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Baby first words list can be helpful for new parents because it allows you to track your baby's language development.  Download this free printable baby word list so you can keep track of what your little one says.

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Will it be «mamma» or «dadda»?


| 23 November 2018

The day that your baby’s babble turns into identifiable words is a huge landmark in their development. But what words will they say first?

The race is often on between mum and dad to see whose name gets said first, and what it may come down to is which one is easier for them to get out, and which one is said the most at home.

Repetition is the key to learning language for babies, which is why parents often learn exactly how many times they say «no!» in a day once their baby learns to speak.

For some parents, baby’s learning to speak can also be an indication of just how much they swear when baby drops an s-bomb, in context at an inopportune time!

Babies will all learn to speak and get words out at their own pace, there is no set timeline, however most will begin to develop some language at around 11-14 months.

However they are learning long before that, so using repetitive language often, and from the very beginning will help determine just what the words your are that your baby comes out with when they’re ready.

Continues after video …

Using songs, games and narrating life at home as clearly as possible with a simple vocabulary will set your little one up with a great understanding of words and what they mean.

While each child’s vocabulary will vary from family to family, there are certain words that are commonly reported as baby’s firsts and can be taught pretty easily in day-to-day life around the home.

We’ve gathered up 15 of the most common in the gallery below …


Mamma and Dadda: The race is on, which one will they say first? The thing is, it has nothing to do with who they love more, it’s just whichever one they can wrap their little tongues around quicker. Also common as they get to know family are nan, pa and gaga. Image: Getty Images.


More: Repetition is the key to learning when it comes to language. «More» is a common first word, which you can encourage your child to learn by repeating often. For example, offer them only parts of a meal at a time, saying ‘more’ as you add more to their plate. Image: Getty Images.


Open: Using the word open every time you open a drawer, a door, a jar or a box will help your little one not only understand what it means, but have them repeating it in no time. Image: Getty Images.


Uh-oh: You’ll have plenty of occasion to use this one while raising a baby! Babies learn to know when to use this one pretty quickly. Image: Getty Images.


No: Many parents report this as one of bub’s first words, and the reason is most likely that it is not only easy to say, but a word that babies learning to navigate the world hear quite often. For this very same reason, parents sometimes learn just how much they swear when baby’s first word comes out as «s@#t»! Image: Getty Images.


Eat or yum: One of the activities your developing child will be doing often is eating, how else are thy going to fill all those nappies? Finding a word like ‘eat’ or ‘yum yum’ and using it often will help your child develop the language they need to tell you when they are hungry. Image: Getty Images.


Book: Book is an easy word for a child to say so, by using the word a lot at reading time you can help them learn it quicker. «Let’s choose a book,» «we’re reading a book», «let’s open the book» etc. Image: Getty Images.


Car: Car, broom broom, beep beep … identifying cars in whichever way they are taught can be super fun for babies and are often recorded as one of baby’s first words. Image: Getty Images.


Baby or bubba: Babies might not realise that they are actually a baby themselves, and that is never more evident than when they learn to identify their dolls, siblings, cousins and random babies in the street with a joyful exclamation of ‘bubba’. Image: Getty Images.


Wash or bath: Treat bath time as if you are narrating, «I’m running the bath», «I’m washing you in the bath», «Hop out of the bath,» etc and very soon your baby will have a brand new word in their vocabulary! Image: Getty Images.


Ta: Using the word «ta» every time you pass your baby something, or whenever they hand you back something in return will have your child not only learning a new word, but some new manners too! Winning. Image: Getty Images.


Boo: There’s not much sweeter than a baby’s joy during a game of peek-a-boo. It’s probably the reason we do it so regularly and why «boo» is often reported as one of baby’s first words! Image: Getty Images.


Up: Saying «up» whenever you lift your child up from the floor, a chair, a carseat or a pram and before you know it they will have a new word and know exactly when to use it. Image: Getty Images.


Hello and bye-bye: Learning greetings, often with a little wave attached, is a super sweet stage in a baby’s development. Using the words often and in the right context will help your baby learn how to say them, and when to use them. Image: Getty Images.


Bubble: A fun word to say and learn, you can help your child learn this during bath time, or with a bubble wand or machine. Image: Getty Images.

More From Bounty

What is Baby Babbling?

“Baba”, “mama”, “egoo” These sounds (baby jargon) are known as babbling. Babbling is an essential phase of speech development in a child. In this stage, an infant appears to be experimenting with creating first words but is not quite ready.

Babbling is one way to measure how a child’s language is developing. Language milestones are progress recorded as a child goes through the various stages of language development. These developmental milestones involve hearing, understanding, and the ability to speak (i.e., receptive and expressive language skills).

Stages of Language Development — When Do Babies Talk?

Parents and caregivers often ask questions such as: “When do babies start making sounds?”, “When do babies start giggling?”, “When do babies start cooing?”, “When do babies start babbling?”, «When do babies talk?»

Speech Milestones involve a series of stages that begins with crying, cooing, forming a few words, and culminates in sentences. Note that the following dates overlap and vary from one child to the next and should not be interpreted too rigidly.


Babies communicate pain and pleasure by making sounds.


The pre-talking stage is the baby’s first sound production (besides crying and sucking). Babies laugh or giggle in response to things in their world. This period also involves the cooing phase; cooing refers to the baby producing vowel-like sounds. The sounds like Oooooooooooo and Aaaaaaaaaaaa are noticeable. Infants make these coos when having face-to-face interactions with caregivers. Babies may use a different cry for different situations.


In this stage, babies begin to use babbling to include consonant and vowels combinations such as “da, da, da.” They may use their babbling to gain attention and make different sounds to express feelings.


During this period, a baby’s speech uses a broader range of sounds and syllable combinations in babbling. Young children may attempt to imitate sounds that they hear. They may use simple gestures such as shaking their head no. As they approach their first birthday, first words may emerge.

1- 2 YEARS

In this stage, babies utter their first one word as a means of expressing their emotional state. The child’s vocabulary continues to grow. Here children begin to form words and two-word sentences such as “Baby go” or “More ball.” Your baby’s grammar will not be perfect in the beginning but as they develop their sentences will become longer and sound more adult-like.


In this period, the child’s vocabulary is expanding rapidly. A child goes from a few words to producing statements that are one, two, or three words in length.

The Phases of Babbling

There are three main phases (types) of babbling, with each stage overlapping with the next as the child develops. These phases are:


This babbling usually occurs between 4-6 months of age. During this period, the infants put together consonant-vowel or vowel-consonant sound combinations like “baa,” “maaa,” or “uuum.” Marginal babbling is also called pre-canonical vocalization. It is also accompanied by squealing and cooing.


The canonical babbling period usually spans between 6-10 months of age. This phase can be further divided into two subtypes:

  • Reduplicated Babbling: The period when infants repeat the same syllable over and over, such as “babababa” or “mamamama” or “gagagaga”.

  • Non-Reduplicated Babbling: In this phase of babbling, the sounds are now more varied. Instead of producing the same syllable over and over, they start to combine different sounds and syllables like “magaga,” “gagamee,” or “gababama”. This type is also called variegated babbling.


The final period of babbling typically begins at approximately 10 months of age. Babies enter a stage called conversational babbling (baby jargon), including pauses, turn-talking, rhythm, and intonation. It can appear as an adult conversation, e.g., a form of pseudo dialogue. This stage often overlaps with a child’s first word.

Babies First Words

When do babies start talking? Every parent dreams of the day their child will utter that first meaningful word. Soon after the conversational babbling phase, most babies start talking around their first birthday. When babies say their first word, it often becomes a sign of the child’s emerging personality.

Once they start talking, it can become overwhelming for parents to understand what their baby is saying. It is difficult because there are so many words to learn, and they often use short sentences or even one word such as “Mommy” or “Daddy.” Even though they say words, babies may not understand the meaning yet.

The first words are usually one-word utterances. For instance, a child may hear the word “dog” and unconsciously pick it up to refer to a specific dog. Or they may learn it from their parents and caregivers in context. That is why it can be difficult for parents to determine when their baby truly understands how to use a word.

First words are usually grammatically correct because children learn them from people around them who speak with proper grammar. Babies learn to copy everything they hear, so be careful about what you say to your child. Although this may seem like a blessing for parents, it also means that babies pick up bad habits in speaking too. That is why parents need to provide their children with age-appropriate and positive input. This will help them learn to speak properly.

First Word Combinations

  • Intrinsic Combination: They make up their combination of two words (e.g., “bye-boo”).

  • Extrinsic Combination: When a child uses the first word to modify another word or sentence, such as “mama milk” or “gaga night.”

The Most Common First Words: List of 10 Popular Baby Words

When do babies start saying mama and dada? Babies learn at their own pace, but more than likely, your child will say these simple words before any others. These words are very common and expected!

Baby babble beginning words:

  1. Mama: According to linguists, this word is on top of the list of first words that babies learn before any other words. It seems to be instinctive for them to call their mother “mama.”

  2. Dada (Daddy): Dada is equally likely to be a baby’s first word as Mama. Why do babies say dada first? Saying dada is easy to sound out for babies.

  3. Dog: Another common word in baby babbling, dog or doggie. A baby’s first words are likely tied to how they see the world around them. A child living with a dog is likely to have «dog» as one of their first words since language is related strongly to their visual experiences.

  4. Ball: Soon after learning the word for dog, many infants learn the word for ball. They then use it to refer to anything round, such as a bead or an apple.

  5. Kitty: Another favorite animal of babies is a kitty! This first word refers to both cats and kittens. When your child starts to talk, you may notice that they are using their own version of terms for a cat or kitten.

  6. Bye: Babies pick up the word bye or bye bye because of their frequent exposure to adults saying goodbye to each other. It usually has no special meaning or connotation, except that it marks the end of an activity.

  7. Hi: They learn this word in much the same way they learn bye. The difference is that hi is used as a greeting instead of bye.

  8. No: This is one of the simplest first words for babies to learn since it only has one syllable and follows the pattern of “yes,” which most children pick up before the age of 1.

  9. Mommy: It is a good thing that “mama” was the first word because this one follows right behind it in popularity too! You will hear babies even use this word to call other caregivers.

  10. Banana: Bananas are often the first food and babies may see the fruit eaten and shared by caregivers. Babies’ first words usually involve concrete objects in their immediate surroundings, making banana or just nana a popular first word.

The Significance of Babbling in Language Milestones

Babies are one of life’s most precious gifts. However, it seems almost as soon as your little bundle of joy is born, you begin to ask questions like:

“Is my child speech development on track?”, “Is it too early for my baby to start talking?”, “When will my baby say mama or when will my baby say dada?”, the questions are endless and, of course, compelling.

Babbling is a prelinguistic tool, and it serves as a stepping stone to actual words and a key marker of speech and language development. Babbling is vital, and research suggests that when parents/caregivers respond to these initial attempts at communication, it:

  • Shows the child what communication is genuinely about. Communication is a two-way affair; one person speaks, the other person listens, and then gives an appropriate response.

  • Motivates the infant to continue trying to make sounds.

  • It helps the child realize the importance of first words. Babbling indicates that the infant’s first word is near.

  • Lastly, there is evidence that canonical babbling is an essential precursor to later language development. Some research points out that delays in canonical babbling can sometimes predict later disabilities like language and speech delays or learning disabilities.

Causes of Delayed Speech or Language Acquisition in Infants

If your baby does not seem to be using their voice to make early communication attempts, you should speak to your pediatrician. A wide range of factors may contribute to speech delays. Some factors may include hearing impairment, communication delay, or neurological impairment, and often the cause is unknown. A lack of babbling can be predictive of later language delays. Parents should remain diligent about language developmental delays because with early awareness comes early intervention.

Early intervention can often make a tremendous difference in the outcome of language or speech delay.

If your pediatrician suspects that there has been a delay in your baby’s speech and language acquisition, you will be referred to a speech-language pathologist. They will work with you and your child to pinpoint the reason for the delay. The treatment plan may include concentrating on different areas of development like:

  • Motor skills (tongue rolling, lip movement, and articulation)

  • Vocalizations (including canonical babbling and early words)

  • Hand skills (demonstrating awareness of the mouth for feeding and talking as well as hand movements that complement speech)

  • Social interaction (interaction with caregivers, peers, or objects)

Ways to Encourage Communication in Infants

To aid both receptive and expressive language development, it is important to always respond to your little ones. Studies show that infants acquire communication skills faster when their parents react to their babbling with supportive language cues. Some things that you can do now include:

  • Maintain eye contact with your infant while they are having a “conversation” with you.

  • Imitate your child’s babble. When adults mimic babies’ vocalization, it increases the likelihood that babies will make the sounds again. So even though it may feel a little silly, bring out the baby sounds. Babies exposed to this will love the back and forth game, and it will be an exciting practice.

  • Give your baby a toy and talk about it with them.

  • Sing and read to your baby and ask a lot of questions too.

  • Do not interrupt. Infants need to hear themselves make these sounds; the auditory feedback they receive after making babbling noises is good for proper language development. A slight nod and a smile will serve as a form of encouragement.

  • Diets: Babies use the same oral muscles to speak as they use to eat. Each time they graduate to a new category of solid foods, they use their muscles in more robust, more coordinated ways. Solid food will also help them to make more complicated speech sounds. A well-fed infant is a happy Infant, and a happy infant is a chatty infant.

With enough practice and encouragement from you, your baby’s babbling will eventually lead to their first essential real words.

Reliable Approach to Teach Your Toddler to Talk


During a baby’s first year, you should expect to hear vocalizations like crying, babbling (like “coo” and “goo”, “mama” and “dada”), and vocal exploration like squealing and yelling.

A baby’s first babbling sounds usually are made around 4-6 months of life, as infants practice the speech sounds used later to form syllables, words, or sentences.

In time, the syllables they form become more complex, and by the end of the first year, infants may begin producing their actual first words.

If your baby hasn’t started making these early developing sounds, we recommend consulting with your pediatrician because early recognition of delayed speech and language is essential.

When is it the Right Time for a Speech-Language Evaluation?

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Do you have questions or want to learn more about our early intervention program? At Connected Speech Pathology, we provide an early intervention service to parents and children approximately 16 months or older. Set up a free phone consultation with our lead speech pathologist.

In this Article

  • At What Age Babies Speak Their First Word?
  • Baby-Speaking Milestones
  • How To Make Your Baby Talk
  • How to Deal With Speech Delay

Think about it – right from the beginning, your baby learns to communicate. The first form of communication in any baby is crying. Every time your baby cries and you rush to tend to her, you are laying down the foundation for communication. The next way babies start to communicate is through sounds like cooing, growling and babbling. Once your baby starts to practice her consonants, it is only a matter of time before your baby starts trying to imitate the sounds you make while speaking.

At What Age Babies Speak Their First Word?

When do babies say their first word? The average age at which kids utter their first real word is around the one year mark. By the age of two, babies can generally form two word sentences such as “doggy nice” (The dog is nice) or “got boo-boo” (I got hurt). Most children are able to form more advanced, though not perfect sentences once they are three. For example, your child may say “I drinked all my juice” instead of “I drank all my juice” as they are not yet able to understand tenses.

Baby-Speaking Milestones

The first two years of your baby’s life are the most important for speech. Before using any words themselves, babies learn to communicate by watching how the adults around them do it. Your child will first begin by exploring the tongue, lips, palate and any grown teeth and making sounds with them. As your baby develops, she will be able to learn to use words to describe things in her life and what she wants.

Some of the most common first words of babies are “Dada”, “Mama” and “Bye-Bye.” At the age of 12 months, words like “ball” and “dog” go on the baby first words list. Some of the important milestones to look out for when it comes to your child’s speech development are as follows:

  1. Baby’s First Words at the 3rd Month:

Everything is new to babies of this age, and they spend a lot of time observing your facial expressions and listening to the sound of your voice. They are also curious about any other sounds that they can hear around the house. Babies prefer the sound of a female voice over a male one and are more partial to the voices they heard while in the womb. By the end of three months, babies learn to coo.

  1. Baby’s Words at the 6th Month:

This is the age at which babies learn to babble. They begin with simple things like “da da”, and they are able to recognise their own names. They can also distinguish their mother tongue from other languages. They learn to communicate if they are happy or sad through tone of voice. They do not understand the meanings of any words yet.

  1. Baby’s Words at the 9th Month:

Now babies are beginning to understand the meaning of some very simple words such as “yes” and “bye” and will start to practice their consonant sounds.

  1. Baby’s Words at the 12th Month:

Your baby now understands the meaning behind the words that she hears all the time. This is the age at which most babies utter their first real word.

  1. Baby’s Words at the 18th Month:

Your baby’s vocabulary expands at this age, and she will be able to point out objects to you if you name them for her. Many babies have fun learning the names of their body parts by pointing to the one they think you are asking for and try to imitate what you are saying.

  1. Baby’s Words at 2 Years:

Babies are finally starting to understand that words are not only meant to refer to objects but also to other things like possession and they can even put together two-word sentences like “ball mine!” to communicate.

How To Make Your Baby Talk

Keep talking to your baby. Make sure to focus on pronouncing each individual word carefully when speaking to your child and tell her what you are doing as you do it. Here are some ways of helping your baby learn to talk:

  1. Be Observant:

Young babies often communicate through actions, and you should pay attention to their every attempt. Your baby may hold up her arms to you to let you know she wants to be carried, or she could push her food away to let you know she is full. When these things happen, smile and make eye contact so that she will feel encouraged to communicate more.


2. Listen Carefully:

When your baby coos at you, coo back at her. This will help her learn to vary pitch and tone as she will imitate the way you make the sounds. When your child is speaking to you, look at her and be responsive so that she feels more comfortable talking to you.

3. Lots of Praise:

Babies often do not make any sense as they experiment with and learn different sounds. Praise your child for every attempt, whether it makes sense to you or not.

4. The Art of Imitation:

If your baby happens to glance at the cat and say “cah” you should do the same, except, use the correct word, “cat.” It will help her learn the correct way to say things and also confirms for her that yes; that is a “cah,” making her more confident in her associations.

5. Small Talk:

At mealtime, if your baby points to her bowl and makes a noise, don’t just give her more food. Converse with her first, “Would you like more pasta? It tastes lovely with cheese, doesn’t it?”

6. Narration:

Tell your baby everything you are doing to help her connect certain words with activities. “Let’s put on this green hat!” or “Mommy is cutting carrots for Cara.”

7. Don’t Give Up:

If you don’t understand what your baby is saying, clarify it with her, “Ball? Do you want the ball?”
Even if you still don’t understand what she is trying to say, don’t lose heart. Show your baby a lot of love. She will still feel rewarded for trying.

8. Follow the Leader:

Let your baby set the pace during playtime and follow your child’s interests. Let her pick the topic of conversation in her own way. This will teach her that that communication is a two-way street where there is talking, listening, following and leading.

9. Playacting:

Children should be encouraged to play and pretend, using creative imaginary scenes as these activities can help them develop their verbal skills as they become toddlers.

10. Read Out Loud:

Young children enjoy things that are pleasant and if you make reading sessions fun and relaxing, your child will not only develop her verbal skills, learn how to form sentences and how stories flow from listening to and imitating you, but could also develop a love for reading as she grows.

How to Deal With Speech Delay

At around two years is when the average child learns to speak. If your child is still not speaking, it is best to consult a doctor. If the problem is diagnosed early, the chances of your child getting back on track is higher. Here are some ways to help with delayed speech:

  1. Hearing Test:

Hearing loss is a major cause of delayed speech development. Three out of 1000 babies have it, Make sure to get your baby fully checked for this problem.

2. Consult a Professional:

An SLP (Speech-Language Pathologist) will be able to diagnose and treat whatever is causing your child to have delayed speech development. Treatments could involve giving you tips and games to improve her speech skills.

3. Developmental Screening:

Development or behavioural disabilities such as autism or cognitive disabilities can cause speech delays, and it is in your child’s best interest to have these diagnosed and properly treated if she is found to have any.

Like every other milestone in your child’s life, she will hit all her speech ones when she is ready. Parents really need not worry about their children developing their verbal skills at exactly the ages given above, as those are the average ages at which things should fall into place.

Also Read: What is Baby Babble?

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