First two word sentences

If «sentence» means a chunk of writing that begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, then the answer is yes. What you’ve written is not «bad» or «wrong.» It’s something people do for rhetorical effect, such as to sound dramatic. In genres like creative writing, fiction, or just informal writing in general, you can do things like that.

If «sentence» means what sentence usually means, the answer is still «yes»—but the two-word things that you’ve written here are not sentences; they’re noun phrases. For that reason, if this was in a paper that was being graded, the instructor MIGHT dislike them. If the instructor dislikes them, he/she will probably call them «fragments». Sentences usually have a subject (something doing the action or that the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or more information about the subject). Examples of two-word sentences that everyone would agree are «complete sentences» are «Dogs bark» (Subject Verb), «I slept» (Subject Verb), and «We left» (Subject Verb).

If «sentence» means «utterance» or «turn at speaking,» the answer is also «yes». We can even have one-word utterances, like «Yes» or «Goodbye.»

In other words, the sample of your writing that you’ve shared sounds perfectly fine, but not everyone would refer your two-word things as «sentences»—and SOME instructors might circle them with a red pen and call them «fragments».

I’m super excited and my wife is asleep for her midnight shift tonight, so I have no one to be excited with.

Baby (13mo) just said his first 2-word combo! I asked him if he wanted a bite and he shook his head and said, “No bite. No bite.”

I’m so excited for him! He says “I did it” a lot, but I’m not sure if he understands that it’s not all one word. No bite is the first time he combined words on his own! 😍

level 2

Thanks for celebrating with me. It means a lot! ☺️

level 1

I’m in a lot of writers subs so this headline made me lol.

level 2

Lol, I didn’t know what to call it! It’s not REALLY a sentence, right? 🤷‍♀️😂

level 1

Ahhhh!! Two words that mean something together that is amazing! And at that age. Mine is just over 12mo and she does say two words together but they don’t mean anything together. Cat and Shit. 😅 I mean sure they do but she knows the word cat and what it means mostly, shit I suppose maybe we swear too much around her…

level 2

Lol! That’s hilarious. We definitely swear too much around our kids too.

He rarely talks. Even the words he does say aren’t as frequent as we’d like, so this sudden combo threw me

level 1

Awww lovely! My kid just started doing this and he’s 18 months so yours is ahead of the curve! ;)

level 1

My LO’s was “bib off” when she was done eating. But it was way later than 13 months. Maybe 16?? Now comes the fun part… deciphering their “sentences”!

level 1

You guys are so great! I love this sub. Thanks for the support

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

первые два предложения

первых двух предложений

первых двух предложениях

два первых предложения

первые две фразы

две первых фразы

первые два приговора

Fourth: make the first two sentences.

In the text of the Rules, it would be preferable to retain, at most, the first two sentences of draft paragraph 2.

В тексте Регламента было бы предпочтительно сохранить максимум первые два предложения проекта пункта 2.

The Committee adopted the substance of the first two sentences of paragraph 2.

The Working Group requested the Secretariat to prepare two alternatives, one along the lines of the first two sentences of recommendation 101 and another providing for a notice of intention to pursue extrajudicial enforcement.

Рабочая группа предложила Секретариату подготовить два альтернативных варианта: один вариант на основе первых двух предложений рекомендации 101, а другой — с изложением уведомления о намерении применить внесудебные методы принудительной реализации.

The level of detail in the first two sentences in paragraph 2 of the commentary to article 66 was considered excessive.

Mr. O’Flaherty proposed that the first two sentences should remain unchanged.

Mr. RECHETOV suggested deleting the first two sentences and simply having the current third sentence request that data on ethnic composition should be included in the next report.

Г-н РЕШЕТОВ предлагает исключить первые два предложения и просто оставить нынешний вариант третьего предложения, содержащего просьбу о включении данных об этническом составе в следующий доклад.

Ms. Walsh, referring to the first two sentences of paragraph 22, noted that States might have a legitimate concern about equality of access for users even in electronic systems.

Г-жа Уолш, ссылаясь на первые два предложения пункта 22, отмечает, что государства могут испытывать законную озабоченность по поводу равного доступа пользователей даже в электронных системах.

Mr. Ghikas (Canada) said that his delegation favoured retaining only the first two sentences of the paragraph and deleting the remainder, so that the rule would remain almost identical to the 1976 version.

Г-н Гикас (Канада) говорит, что его делегация выступает за то, чтобы оставить только первые два предложения в данном пункте и исключить из текста его остальную часть, в результате чего это правило будет практически идентично варианту 1976 года.

Mr. BOSSUYT proposed combining the first two sentences by using the phrase: «While noting the information…, the Committee is concerned…».

Г-н БОССАЙТ предлагает объединить первые два предложения, используя следующую фразу: «Принимая к сведению информацию…, Комитет озабочен…».

Further, it was suggested to delete the first two sentences of the paragraph, as they were viewed as too descriptive and repetitive of the content of article 7 (1), and thus redundant.

Кроме того, было предложено исключить первые два предложения этого пункта, поскольку они были сочтены носящими слишком описательный характер, повторяющими содержание статьи 7 (1) и, в силу этого, излишними.

The Chairperson said that there was strong support for retaining the first two sentences of draft paragraph 2 and that there was no objection to the drafting changes in the third sentence proposed by the United States.

Председатель отмечает наличие сильной поддержки в пользу сохранения первых двух предложений проекта пункта 2 и отсутствие возражений против редакционных изменений в третьем предложении, предложенных Соединенными Штатами.

The text of paragraph 4.2.3 was reviewed and the first two sentences only were retained, as the other text is either covered by the new paragraph 1.9.2 or is in the manual.

В результате рассмотрения текста пункта 4.2.3 были оставлены только первые два предложения, поскольку остальная часть текста либо дублируется в пункте 1.9.2, либо содержится в Справочнике.

Sir Nigel RODLEY said that the first two sentences had originally been formulated to provide an introduction to the final sentence; subsequently, however, it had been suggested that the final sentence should be deleted.

Сэр Найджел РОДЛИ говорит, что первые два предложения первоначально были сформулированы в виде введения к окончательному предложению; однако затем было предложено исключить это предложение.

Mr. van BOVEN proposed amalgamating the first two sentences by inserting «While the Committee» at the beginning of the first and amending the beginning of the second to read: «It is nevertheless concerned».

Г-н ван БОВЕН предлагает объединить первые два предложения, вставив слова «Хотя Комитет» в начале первого и внеся следующую поправку в начало второго: «В то же время обеспокоен».

Replace the first two sentences with the following sentence: «The overall objective of the programme is the reduction of drug production, trafficking, consumption and related crime through concerted international action.»

Заменить первые два предложения следующим предложением: «Общая цель программы заключается в сокращении производства, оборота, потребления наркотических средств и связанных с этим преступлений посредством согласованных международных действий».

Mr. PILLAI noted that the first two sentences of paragraph 2 spoke of the same aspects of racial discrimination, and suggested that they should be consolidated and combined.

Г-н ПИЛЛАИ указывает на то, что первые два предложения пункта 2 посвящены одним и тем же аспектам расовой дискриминации, и предлагает консолидировать и объединить их.

Mr. Kretzmer observed that the first two sentences of paragraph 3 — dealing with the state of emergency as an exception — were not necessarily connected with the idea of when an emergency could be proclaimed.

Г-н Крецмер замечает, что первые два предложения пункта З, в которых чрезвычайное положение рассматривается как исключение, вовсе не обязательно связаны с идеей того, когда может быть объявлено чрезвычайное положение.

From the amendment proposed delete the first two sentences, reading «Cool air may be used, … the following formula:», and the last sentence, reading «The temperature of the cooling air… ambient temperature.»

Из предлагаемой поправки исключить первые два предложения, начиная с фразы «прохладный воздух может использоваться… в следующие формулы:», а также последнее предложение «температура охлаждающего воздуха… температуре окружающей среды».

The prevailing view favoured deletion of chapter 9 in its entirety, but it was generally agreed that draft article 43 (2) and the first two sentences of draft article 44 (1) should be maintained for future consideration by the Working Group.

Преобладающее мнение состояло в том, чтобы полностью исключить главу 9, однако было решено сохранить проект статьи 43(2) и первые два предложения проекта статьи 44(1) для дальнейшего рассмотрения Рабочей группой.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 70. Точных совпадений: 70. Затраченное время: 101 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I have string with multiple sentences.

string1 = 'I am going to the shop. I would like some cheese! I am ready to go back home!'

How can i print the first two words of each sentence?
And the last two words of each sentence?

The first two words of each sentence are:
I am I would I am
The last two words of each sentence are:
the shop some cheese back home

Tomerikoo's user avatar


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asked Jan 28, 2021 at 17:40

Sebi1920's user avatar


Try this one:

string1 = 'I am going to the shop. I would like some cheese! I am ready to go back home!'

# First two words
print('nFirst two words')
print(' '.join(string1.split()[:2]))

# Last two words
print('nLast two words')
print(' '.join(string1.split()[-2:]))

# First two and Last two with something inside...
print('nFirst + something + last two words')
print(' '.join(string1.split()[:2]) + ' ...something... ' + ' '.join(string1.split()[-2:]))


First two words
I am

Last two words
back home!

First + something + last two words
I am ...something... back home!

answered Jan 28, 2021 at 17:45

Raimundo Jimenez's user avatar


Edit: To also print last two words of each sentence

import re
string1 = 'I am going to the shop. I would like some cheese! I am ready to go back home!'
split_list = re.split('[?.!]', string1)
for txt in split_list:
    print(txt.split()[:2],txt.split()[-2:] ) 


['I', 'am'] ['the', 'shop']
['I', 'would'] ['some', 'cheese']
['I', 'am'] ['back', 'home']
[] []

answered Jan 28, 2021 at 17:46

Ajay Rawat's user avatar

Ajay RawatAjay Rawat

2582 silver badges6 bronze badges


There are probably a hundred ways to do this but the first one that comes to mind for me would be to use the strings split() method. This will split the string up into a list and each element will be a word

first_2_words = string1.split()[0:1]

this will split the string by the spaces and only grab the first 2 words

answered Jan 28, 2021 at 17:46

Jody Bailey's user avatar

There are four main stages of normal language acquisition:  The babbling stage, the Holophrastic or one-word stage, the two-word stage and the Telegraphic stage. These stages can be broken down even more into these smaller stages: pre-production, early production, speech emergent, beginning fluency intermediate fluency and advanced fluency. On this page I will be providing a summary of the four major stage of language acquisition.


Within a few weeks of being born the baby begins to recognize it’s mothers’ voice. There are two sub-stages within this period. The first occurs between birth – 8 months. Most of this stage involves the baby relating to its surroundings and only during 5/6 – 8 month period does the baby begin using it’s vocals. As has been previously discussed babies learn by imitation and the babbling stage is just that. During these months the baby hears sounds around them and tries to reproduce them, albeit with limited success. The babies attempts at creating and experimenting with sounds is what we call babbling. When the baby has been babbling for a few months it begins to relate the words or sounds it is making to objects or things. This is the second sub-stage.  From 8 months to 12 months the baby gains more and more control  over not only it’s vocal communication but physical communication as well, for example body language and gesturing.  Eventually when the baby uses both verbal and non-verbal means to communicate, only then does it move on to the next stage of language acquisition.

Holophrastic / One-word stage

The second stage of language acquisition is the holophrastic or one word stage. This stage is characterized by one word sentences. In this stage nouns make up around 50% of the infants vocabulary while verbs and modifiers make up around 30% and questions and negatives make up the rest. This one-word stage contains single word utterances such as “play” for “I want to play now”. Infants use these sentence primarily to obtain things they want or need, but sometimes they aren’t that obvious. For example a baby may cry or say “mama” when it purely wants attention.  The infant is ready to advance to the next stage when it can speak in successive one word sentences.


Two-Word Stage

The two word stage (as you may have guessed) is made of up primarily two word sentences. These sentences contain 1 word for the predicate and 1 word for the subject. For example “Doggie walk” for the sentence “The dog is being walked.”  During this stage we see the appearance of single modifiers e.g. “That dog”, two word questions e.g. “Mummy eat?” and the addition of the suffix –ing onto words to describe something that is currently happening e.g.  “Baby Sleeping.”

Telegraphic Stage

The final stage of language acquisition is the telegraphic stage. This stage is named as it is because it is similar to what is seen in a telegram; containing just enough information for the sentence to make sense. This stage contains many three and four word sentences. Sometime during this stage the child begins to see the links between words and objects and therefore overgeneralization comes in. Some examples of sentences in the telegraphic stage are “Mummy eat carrot”, “What her name?” and “He is playing ball.” During this stage a child’s vocabulary expands from 50 words to up to 13,000 words. At the end of this stage the child starts to incorporate plurals, joining words and attempts to get a grip on tenses.


As a child’s grasp on language grows it may seem to us as though they just learn each part in a random order, but this is not the case. There is a definite order of speech sounds. Children first start speaking vowels, starting with the rounded mouthed sounds like “oo” and “aa”. After the vowels come the consonants, p, b, m, t, d, n, k and g. The consonants are first because they are easier to pronounce then some of the others, for example ‘s’ and ‘z’ require specific tongue place which children cannot do at that age.

As all human beings do, children will improvise something they cannot yet do. For example when children come across a sound they cannot produce they replace it with a sound they can e.g. ‘Thoap” for “Soap” and “Wun” for “Run.” These are just a few example of resourceful children are, even if in our eyes it is just cute.

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