Finnish word for language

I have noticed that several «Altaic» languages have similar words for «language,» but I do not know whether this is a coincidence, or due to historical language contact.

The word «kieli» in Finnish is similar to «khel» in Mongolian and «dil» in Turkish. All three of these words mean «language.»

Has the original source of this word been identified in any historical linguistic studies?

asked Feb 9, 2019 at 18:28

Anderson Green's user avatar


The exact nature of the relationship between Uralic and «Altaic» languages has so far remained quite obscure. Most specialists of these languages tend to be negative, though this might be a bit too severe.
Finnish kieli has good comparanda in the rest of Uralic and indeed somehow looks related to Mongolian. Turkic dil is obviously another word.

answered Feb 9, 2019 at 18:56


  • #1

In your language, does the word «tongue» and «language» translate to the same word? And another little question — Why do you think they may be linked?
My «guess» would be that language is spoken — with the tongue. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to speak. Something like that?

I know the following:
(blue = language. red = tongue)


language/tongue :thumbsdown:


ભાષા/જ઼બાન :thumbsdown:

भाषा/ज़बान :thumbsdown:

زبان/زبان :thumbsup:


langue/langue :thumbsup:


Sprache/Zunge :thumbsdown:



:thumbsup: Italian:

lingua/lingua :thumbsup:

Having said all of that, can there still be instances where the word for «tongue» can still be used to mean «language»? (or vice versa)
(Just like in English, for example: mother tongue)

I just find the link between the two words interesting.

Corrections welcome if necessary.

    • #2

    I forgot I knew some others:

    لسان/لغة/ لسان :thumbsup:

    Chinese Mandarin:
    舌头/语言 :thumbsdown:
    (she2 tou2/yu3 yan2)

    • #3


    bhaasaa ภาษา/ lin ลิ้น, jewha ชิวหา :thumbsdown:

    • #4

    Portuguese: língua (both meanings).
    Czech: jazyk (both).
    Polish: język (both).
    Romanian: limbă (both).
    Russian: язык (both).
    Macedonian: jaзик (both).
    Catalan: llengua (both).


    • #5

    Linguist, what about the lines from the Dil se song:

    woh yaar hai jo khusboo ki tarah
    hai jiski zubaa(n) urdu ki tarah

    wouldn’t the second line there refer to ones language and tongue simultaneously? Maybe because I speak Hindi and Panjabi just like I do english sometimes, my mind is clouded, but I think they’d be the same…


    • #6

    In Turkish:
    tongue = dil
    langue = dil, :thumbsup: also lisan
    but, tongue is not equal to «lisan«

    • #7


    taal/tong :thumbsdown:

    • #8

    Cantonese for tongue is «lei» I think but I don’t know the CHinese character for it.
    It’s definitely not used for » language» though.

    • #9

    In Greek, the word γλώσσα [glóssa] is also used for both tongue and language.

    • #10

    (bhaashaa/jeebh) :thumbsdown:

    matribhaashaa (mother-tongue)

    • #11

    linguist786 said:

    Chinese Mandarin:
    舌头/语言 :thumbsdown:
    (she2 tou2/yu3 yan2)

    Perhaps the answer is both right in Chinese but not exactly in Mandarin.


    • #12

    In Russia, the word for ‘language’ and ‘tongue’ is the same — язык.
    But we have two words for ‘dialect’ — диалект and наречие. It seems that the difference between those two words is that диалект sounds more formally, whereas наречие is a bit more informal. At least, I’ve never seen the word наречие in any serious work on linguistics.


    • #13








    (where blue = language, red = tongue, green = lip)

    Furthermore, ניב (niv) means both «dialect»/»idiom» and «eyetooth/fang» ;)

    • #14

    in swedish it is not the same word.Tongue : tunga , language : språk


    • #15

    Confused, is it Bhaashaa or Bhaoshaa ;)

    • #16

    panjabigator said:

    Confused, is it Bhaashaa or Bhaoshaa ;)

    It is Bhaashaa because the long ‘a’ sound was not affected during the vowel shift that lent Bengali its unique pronunciation of Sanskrit loan words. Hope this helps. :)


    • #17

    In Latvian:valoda/mēle
    (where blue = language, red = tongue)

    mēle has been used to indicate language but nowadays it will sound archaic. Sometimes it is used in poetry.


    • #18

    In German, you actually can use tongue (Zunge) for language, but it’s just very archaic. Same goes for English by the way (f.e. native tongue) Besides all words with lang* or ling* in them are derrived from the latin word for tongue.


    • #19

    übermönch said:

    In German, you actually can use tongue (Zunge) for language, but it’s just very archaic. Same goes for English by the way (f.e. native tongue) Besides all words with lang* or ling* in them are derrived from the latin word for tongue.

    Interesting remark. Because Arabic has almost the same : the word lisaan لسان is mainly for tongue, and can also mean language, but it’s usage as synonym for language is getting less common. We mostly use the word lugha لغة for language.


    • #20

    übermönch said:

    In German, you actually can use tongue (Zunge) for language, but it’s just very archaic. Same goes for English by the way (f.e. native tongue) Besides all words with lang* or ling* in them are derrived from the latin word for tongue.

    I think this is interesting:

    lingua (ante-class. form dingua, like dagrima for lacrima, Mar. Victorin. p. 2457 and 2470 P.; cf. the letter D), ae, f. Sanscr. jihvā; original Lat. form. dingua; A. -S. tunga; Germ. Zunge; Engl. tongue. Not from the root lih, lich, v. lingo,

    The word «dingua» may have developed to «tingua/tengua», which got to «tongue» in English (ME: tunge). The German word «Zunge» (OHG: zunga) got it’s «z» sound due to the 2nd sound shift. So, after all, the two words «tongue» and «language» are closely connected — speaking about logic and etymology. :)


    • #21

    In Serbian it is the same!

    language — jezik (језик)
    tongue — jezik (језик)


    • #22

    In Sinhalese

    language = basa
    tongue = diva

    mother tongue = mav basa

    • #23

    In Croatian is the same:



    • #24


    In Slovenian, we also use JEZIK for both LANGUAGE and TONGUE

    • #25

    In your language, does the word «tongue» and «language» translate to the same word? And another little question — Why do you think they may be linked?
    My «guess» would be that language is spoken — with the tongue. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to speak. Something like that?

    I know the following:
    (blue = language. red = tongue)


    language/tongue :thumbsdown:


    ભાષા/જ઼બાન :thumbsdown:

    भाषा/ज़बान :thumbsdown:

    زبان/زبان :thumbsup:

    Having said all of that, can there still be instances where the word for «tongue» can still be used to mean «language»? (or vice versa)
    (Just like in English, for example: mother tongue)

    I just find the link between the two words interesting.

    Corrections welcome if necessary.

    Hi Linguist!




    bahasa/lidah :thumbsdown:

    Lidah is never used to mean language.




    • #26

    Not in Tagalog. Tongue= Dila Language= Wika/Salita But we use to say: Kung ano mayroon ang Diwa siyang mabibigkas ng Dila. ( The spirit within dictates what to say/tell)

    • #27

    月利 (one character, but I can’t type it.) v. 語言. :thumbsdown:
    (lei, jyu jin)

    It used to be the same as Putonghua, but thanks to superstition, people have switched to lei instead.

    • #28

    In French it is not the same at all; Langage is the capacity to build communication within the brain, Langue is the outcome of the development that follows this capacity.

    • #29

    In Lithuanian they are not the same (especially the way the words are used). Language (spoken and written — a system of signs used for communication) is kalba. Tongue (organ) is žodis, but also word is žodis (speech sometimes). I think word comes from tongue because you use tongue to speak. It is the essential organ to produce speech.

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012

    • #30

    in Persian they are the same, زبان /zabān/

    • #31

    (мова /mowa/= language. язик /yazyk/= tongue).

    • #32

    in swedish it is not the same word.Tongue : tunga , language : språk

    It’s true that the common word for language in Swedish is språk, but there is also an older word, tungomål, which comes from the word tongue. There is also an expression, «att tala i tungor», which comes from the Bible when the first Christians became able to speak different languages, today usually used when someone is speaking in religious ecstasy, but it can also be used when someone is «speaking gibberish», or speaking confusingly.

    Have the same word for both tongue and language, kieli.


    • #33

    It’s true that the common word for language in Swedish is språk, but there is also an older word, tungomål, which comes from the word tongue. There is also an expression, «att tala i tungor», which comes from the Bible when the first Christians became able to speak different languages, today usually used when someone is speaking in religious ecstasy

    That would be glossolalia, wouldn’t it («speaking in tongues»)?

    In Greek both tongue/language are described by «γλώσσα» /’ɣlosa/ (fem.) a Classical fem. noun «γλῶσσα» ‘glōssă & «γλῶττα» ‘glōttă —> tongue, language with obscure etymology (some philologists see a connection with the ancient fem. nouns «γλώξ» glōks —> beard of corn and «γλωχίς» glō’xīs —> any projecting point).
    It should be noted however that in Classical/Koine Greek, language was defined mostly by the masculine noun «λόγος» ‘lŏgŏs —> reckoning, ratio, proportion, word, reason, speech, language (e.g «Ἕλλην λόγος» —> Greek language)

    • #34

    That would be glossolalia, wouldn’t it («speaking in tongues»)?

    Yes it is.


    • #35

    The word «dingua» may have developed to «tingua/tengua», which got to «tongue» in English (ME: tunge). The German word «Zunge» (OHG: zunga) got it’s «z» sound due to the 2nd sound shift. So, after all, the two words «tongue» and «language» are closely connected — speaking about logic and etymology. :)

    Hi Whodunit!
    In Old Norse, language was «tungu». Don’t know about tongue…
    So I think the English tongue derives from tungu, at first meaning both language and tongue.
    Then the Germanic word «tongue» stuck for referring to a common thing: a part of the body, while for the cultural concept English switched to the French-derived word language. Is it possible?
    Also, in English there’s an odd word: mothertongue :confused: Shouldn’t it be *»mother language» instead?
    In fact in most languages it’s called «mother language» (lingua madre, lengue maternelle, língua materna, 母语 etc.).

    月利 (one character, but I can’t type it.) v. 語言. :thumbsdown:
    (lei, jyu jin)

    Hi OneStroke!
    What does 月利 mean?

    In my Chinese dialect, Wenzhounese:
    口舌/口肣 v. 语言/说话 :thumbsdown:

    Curiously, we also changed the word for «tongue» due to superstition.
    The original word 舌 is homophone with «折=lose money in business» (as in 折本). So we replaced it with 肣 instead, which means «tongue» in ancient Chinese and is homophone with «赚=gain money» instead.
    But nowadays, young people tend to use the original «unlucky» form, while old people tend to use the «lucky» form.
    But the food duck tongue (yes, we eat them :D) is always called 鸭肣, with the «lucky» form.

    (Actually they are homophone in Mandarin too ;) but Mandarin speakers aren’t so supersticious, and 折本 is not a common word in Mandarin.)

    Here 说话 is a noun meaning «language, speech», it doesn’t mean «speaking»; for that we only say 讲话 or 讲说话。
    语言 is an influence from Mandarin/Chinese written language.

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2012

    • #36

    In Turkish:
    tongue = dil
    langue = dil, :thumbsup: also lisan
    but, tongue is not equal to «lisan»

    We also use ağız for both mouth and dialect.

    For example: Azerbaycan ağzı, Türkiye ağzından biraz farklıdır. (Azerbaijan dialect is a little bit different from Turkey dialect)

    lisan is an Arabic loan in Turkish.


    • #37

    Hungarian, the same: NYELV = language, tongue

    • #38

    Hi OneStroke!
    What does 月利 mean?

    In my Chinese dialect, Wenzhounese:
    口舌/口肣 v. 语言/说话 :thumbsdown:

    Curiously, we also changed the word for «tongue» due to superstition.
    The original word 舌 is homophone with «折=lose money in business» (as in 折本). So we replaced it with 肣 instead, which means «tongue» in ancient Chinese and is homophone with «赚=gain money» instead.
    But nowadays, young people tend to use the original «unlucky» form, while old people tend to use the «lucky» form.
    But the food duck tongue (yes, we eat them :D) is always called 鸭肣, with the «lucky» form.

    (Actually they are homophone in Mandarin too ;) but Mandarin speakers aren’t so supersticious, and 折本 is not a common word in Mandarin.)

    Here 说话 is a noun meaning «language, speech», it doesn’t mean «speaking»; for that we only say 讲话 or 讲说话。
    语言 is an influence from Mandarin/Chinese written language.

    月利 is just our ‘lucky’ form. The ‘unlucky’ form has died out in Cantonese completely except as a bound morpheme.

    Also, you’re right that 語言 is an influence from the written language. In colloquial Cantonese, we say 話 for ‘language’ (which, incidentally, has the unlucky character for ‘tongue’ in it), but with a change of tone to the second.

    P.S. Duck tongues?!


    • #39

    Hi OneStroke!
    I was searching about 脷 to see if it had an ancient meaning, but is not listed in the Kangxi dictionary(康熙詞典)。
    According to some website, it was newly created in Cantonese, to be homophone with 利=gain, profit,then it was added the «meat» radical and it became 脷; because the original 舌 was homophone with 蝕=to lose money in business, as in 蝕本. Practically the same as my dialect, and I’m having doubts if our word for «losing money» should be written 折本 or 蝕本。

    Your observation about 話 is interesting, probably because we need the tongue to talk. Perhaps 舌 and 話 were pronounced the same in Old Chinese (上古漢語), or maybe not: just a combined ideogram(會意字)。
    So do you pronounce 廣東話 and 講話 with a different tone for 話?

    By the way, duck tongues are a popular food in Hong Kong too, where they are mostly imported from Taiwan. See here and here.
    Probably because they are imported from Taiwan, they are called 鴨舌 and not 鴨脷, which could be confused with the 鴨脷洲 island in Hong Kong.

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    The Finnish language is suomi (Finnish) or suomen kieli (Finnish language) in Finnish.

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    It’s always fun to spot a familiar word or two when you’re learning a new language—it’s like getting a freebie! English loanwords are common in many languages, and plenty have been incorporated into Finnish over time. The earliest English loanwords were introduced into Finnish in the nineteenth century. Globalization and the internet have accelerated the process, and new loanwords are entering our language faster than ever. Sometimes, English is mixed so liberally with Finnish that the end result is known as Finglish.

    In this article, we’ll answer your burning questions about English words in Finnish. For example, what exactly is Finglish? And how do you tell the difference between Finglish and the use of loanwords? Do loanwords change over time? Are English loanwords and Finnish grammar a good fit? How do Finns feel about the influx of English words? Are there any Finnish loanwords in the English language? 

    Let’s find out!

    A Smiling Woman Looking Up at Speech Bubbles on a Chalkboard.

    Languages have always influenced one another.

    Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Finnish

    Table of Contents

    1. Finglish and Loanwords – What’s the Difference?
    2. English Loanwords in Finnish
    3. More About Finglish
    4. When Finnish and English Clash
    5. Finnish Loanwords in English
    6. Lopuksi

    1. Finglish and Loanwords – What’s the Difference?

    First of all, let’s clarify the difference between the use of English loanwords and speaking Finglish.


    Loanwords are words that have crossed from one language to another and have become more or less established. These words may retain their original spelling and pronunciation in their new environment, though they may also be adapted in different ways to better fit within the structures of the host language.

    Why do we use loanwords? Often, English loanwords are borrowed when a native Finnish word doesn’t yet exist for that thing (this is commonly the case with technological terminology). Other times, an English word may be borrowed because it’s more succinct, exact, or comprehensive than a Finnish alternative—or just because it’s trendy!

    In a bit, we’ll take a look at three different categories of English loanwords used in Finnish.


    The word ‘Finglish’ was first coined to describe the language spoken by Finnish immigrants in North America. Today, speaking Finglish refers to the act of peppering one’s Finnish with an excess of English words and expressions to such an extent that the end result sounds like some sort of strange hybrid language. We’ll come back to Finglish later in this article.

    Speech Bubbles with Internet Slang.

    Finglish is strongly associated with internet slang and youth culture.

    2. English Loanwords in Finnish

    As you learn Finnish, you’ll come across many loanwords that you’ll instantly recognize. There are other loanwords that may look familiar yet strange at the same time. The difference usually comes down to how long ago the word was borrowed. The longer a loanword has been used in Finland, the more likely it is that it has gradually changed to resemble native Finnish words.

    Let’s look at three different groups of loanwords.

    Non-Integrated Loanwords

    This type of loanword is known as sitaattilaina (literally: “citation loan”) in Finnish. These words are borrowed from English exactly as they are, complete with their original spelling and pronunciation. In other words, these are the true freebies for a language learner!

    Non-integrated English loanwords are frequently seen in the fields of technology, business, social media, food, music, and sports. Proper nouns (such as Sydney) are also adopted from English without any changes.  

    A loanword may also appear as part of a compound word:

    • cashewpähkinä (“cashew nut”)

    Sometimes, a Finnish term exists but the English loanword is more popular. For example, popcorn is used far more often than paukkumaissi

    Let’s take a look at some examples of these common English words in Finnish:

    Information technology

    • Bluetooth
    • Internet
    • Hands free
    • Online

    Hands free – laitteiden kysyntä on selvästi vähentynyt.

    “The demand for hands-free devices has clearly decreased.”

      → Can you spot other English loanwords on our technology vocabulary list?


    • Popcorn
    • Smoothie
    • Brownie
    • Hot dog

    Hanna-tädin browniet ovat ihania. 

    “Aunt Hanna’s brownies are wonderful.”

      → Learn how to say “I am going to buy popcorn and drinks,” and other useful Finnish words and phrases for going to the movies on


    • Curling
    • Squash
    • Baseball
    • Golf

    Tiesitkö, että curling kehitettiin Skotlannissa? 

    “Did you know that curling was developed in Scotland?”

      → Spot even more familiar words on our Olympic sports vocabulary list.


    • Freelance
    • Bonus
    • Copywriter
    • Deadline

    Yrityksemme uusi copywriter aloitti työt viime maanantaina. 

    “The new copywriter in our company started working last Monday.”

      → Learn the word for ‘Christmas bonus’ on our vocabulary list for talking about the workplace in Finnish.


    • Rock
    • Pop
    • Blues
    • Heavy metal

    Heavy metal on todella suosittu musiikkilaji Suomessa. 

    “Heavy metal is a really popular musical genre in Finland.

      → “Learn more Finnish music vocabulary on

    A Close-up of Spilled Popcorn.

    Finns favor the word popcorn over paukkumaissi.

    Partially and Fully Integrated Loanwords

    Non-integrated loanwords tend to be relatively new additions to the Finnish language. That’s because few English loanwords survive in their original form forever; most go through various changes over time to make them a more natural fit for Finnish.

    Remember how Finnish has an almost complete agreement between letters and sounds? A lot of the changes that loanwords undergo simply reduce the discord between pronunciation and spelling.

     Common changes to loanwords include:

    • The replacement of letters like b, d, g, f, x, and q with letters that are more common in Finnish
    • The replacement of the letters a and o with the letters ä and ö to more accurately reflect the pronunciation of a loanword 
    • The duplication of the final consonant
    • The addition of i to the end of a word

    The last change is extremely common. It applies, for example, to ‘-isms’ borrowed from English, including kapitalismi (“capitalism”).

    Can you tell what changes these loanwords went through?

    • Elektroni (“Electron”)
    • Taksi (“Taxi”)
    • Brändi (“Brand”)
    • Trendi (“Trend”)
    • Viski (“Whisky”)
    • Pekoni (“Bacon”)
    • Vinssi (“Winch”)
    • Tiimi (“Team”)
    • Greippi (“Grapefruit”)

    Confusing to language learners and native Finns alike, both the original spelling and an adapted spelling of the same word may be in use. For example, take a look at these two musical genres:

    •  jazz / jatsi  (“jazz”)
    • country / kantri (“country”)

    Loanwords can also exist simultaneously with endemic Finnish words:

    • läppäri / kannettava (“laptop”)
    • printteri / tulostin (“printer”)

    A Dictionary Entry Highlighted in Green.

    The English word “team” has evolved into tiimi in Finnish.


    Our final category of English loanwords in Finnish is one that causes zero problems with pronunciation, spelling, or inflection: käännöslainat (“calques,” or literally “translation loans”). These are word-for-word translations of English compound words or word pairs.

    • Jalkapallo (“Football”)
    • Sähköposti (“Electronic mail”)
    • Kotisivu (“Homepage”)
    • Maksumuuri (“Paywall”)
    • Musta aukko (“Black hole”)
    • Sohvaperuna (“Couch potato”)
    • Emolevy (“Motherboard”)
    • Baarikärpänen (“Bar fly”)
    • Lasikatto (“Glass ceiling”)
    • Haamukirjoittaja (“Ghost writer”)
    • Hyvinvointivaltio (“Welfare state”)
    • Luottokortti (“Credit card”)

    Idioms hop from English to Finnish as translation loans, as well:

    • Kieli poskessa (“Tongue in cheek”)

    Making a Credit Card Payment.

    The word luottokortti (“credit card”) is a translation loan.

    3. More About Finglish

    As promised, here’s some detailed information on Finglish for you! 

    North American Finglish

    The word ‘Finglish’ was originally coined in the 1920s by Professor Martti Nisonen. He was referring to the mixture of Finnish and English spoken by Finnish immigrants in the United States and Canada. The Finnish term for it is amerikansuomi (“North American Finnish”). Examples of Finglish used by American Finns include:

    • leeki (from ‘lake’)
    • milkki (from ‘milk’)
    • tätsrait (from ‘that’s right’)
    • haussi (from ‘house’)
    • äpyli (from ‘apple’) 

    New Finglish

    In Finland today, the term ‘Finglish’ refers to the end result of native Finnish speakers using excessive English terms and expressions. Finglish is strongly associated with young people, though IT professionals and business people have also gained a reputation for relying a little too heavily on English terminology.

    Finglish absorbs new English vocabulary and expressions, particularly from TV, cinema, music, social media, and various subcultures.

    Characteristics of Finglish include a liberal use of English words as they are (like “anyway,” “basically,” and “about”) and a frequent adaptation of new English words. These adapted words differ from regular English loanwords in the sense that they sound like slang—although the line between the two can become rather blurred!

    Here are a few terms that are considered Finglish (the first word) with their equivalent Finnish terms (the second word) for comparison: 

    • Biitsi / Hiekkaranta (“Beach”)
    • Kreisi / Hullu (“Crazy”)
    • Keissi / Tapaus (“Case”)
    • Bugi / Ohjelmointivirhe (“Bug” – in IT)

    There are also new verbs derived from English that follow Finnish conjugation rules:

    • Skipata (“To skip”)
    • Klikata (“To click”)
    • Tsekata (“To check”)

    A Close-up of an Ethernet Port.

    Many IT-related words like Ethernet have been borrowed from English.

    4. When Finnish and English Clash

    Now you know what Finglish and loanwords look like in Finnish, but how do they affect the language and those who speak it? Take a look. 

    How Do Finns Feel About English Loanwords?

    Unlike countries such as Iceland and France, Finland has no official rules to regulate the introduction of new loanwords. However, Kielitoimisto does provide guidance and recommendations on how to use them.

    While many Finns embrace English loans, many others are deeply skeptical. In one survey, the participants were almost evenly divided on the matter. The narrow majority of respondents felt that loanwords enrich the Finnish language and are often necessary. For example, they would welcome loanwords if a Finnish alternative didn’t exist or was clumsy compared to a loanword. 

    Those who felt uneasy about the introduction of English loanwords felt that there were already too many and that they can be very difficult to spell and pronounce. The latter group expressed a desire for active efforts to coin new Finnish terms to replace loanwords.

    When English Loanwords Meet Finnish Grammar

    Inflecting (non-integrated) English loanwords according to Finnish grammar rules can feel like forcing a square peg into a round hole—the two are often not compatible. A lot of the trouble and confusion stems from the fact that Finnish pronunciation is very different from English pronunciation. This creates a dilemma: should Finnish grammar rules like vowel harmony be applied according to a word’s spelling or according to its pronunciation? Should consonant gradation apply to loanwords at all?

    There’s usually no perfect solution, and the best course of action may be to tweak sentences to avoid inflecting loanwords in the first place. When this isn’t possible, Finns may have to make a choice between an option that ‘looks wrong’ and one that ‘sounds wrong.’

    This is probably the greatest driver behind the adaptation of loanwords in Finnish. When a loanword is tweaked into a more Finnish-friendly form, it becomes far easier to inflect with confidence.

    A Man with a Puzzled Look on Lis Lace.

    A man with a puzzled look on his face.

    5. Finnish Loanwords in English

    By now, you may be wondering if there are any Finnish words in the English language. The short answer is: not many! It’s been mostly a one-way street between Finnish and English as far as loanwords are concerned.

    The most famous Finnish loanword in English is sauna. The other loans are decidedly more niche, such as rapakivi (a type of granite rock) and palsa (a permanently frozen peat mound).

    Finnish Sauna.

    Finnish sauna.


    In this guide, we’ve discussed various types of English loanwords that are used in Finland, Finns’ attitudes toward them, and the grammar problems they sometimes cause. We’ve also looked at the strange hybrid language known as Finglish, and how it differs from the use of established English loanwords.

    We’ve listed some of the most common English words used in the Finnish language, but naturally, there are a lot more out there. Do you know of any that we didn’t mention in this article? Feel free to share them by leaving a comment below!

    Keep your eyes peeled for more familiar words on our Finnish vocabulary lists on, or head over to our free resources for an overview of Finnish pronunciation, grammar tutorials, and much more.

    Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Finnish

    This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken Finnish words. The top 100 words have audio pronunciations if available.

    Number Finnish Word in English
    1 on

    there is
    2 ei

    3 ja

    4 se

    5 hän

    6 mitä

    7 en

    I do not
    8 että

    9 ole

    10 olen

    I am
    11 niin

    12 minä

    13 mutta

    14 vain

    15 sen

    16 oli

    17 sinä

    18 nyt

    19 tämä

    20 jos

    21 voi

    22 olet are
    23 kun

    24 sitä

    25 kuin

    26 täällä

    27 he

    28 kaikki

    29 minun

    30 hyvä

    31 hänen

    32 et

    you do not
    33 ovat

    34 minua

    35 olla

    36 älä

    do not
    37 kyllä

    38 sinun

    39 hei

    40 sinua

    41 onko

    42 sitten

    43 miksi

    44 mitään

    45 kiitos

    thank you
    46 mikä

    47 hänet him
    48 siitä

    49 ne

    50 miten

    51 joka

    52 minulle

    53 tässä

    54 olisi

    55 me

    56 kanssa

    57 minulla

    58 pitää

    59 missä

    60 tuo

    61 tai

    62 jotain

    63 ollut

    64 sinulle

    65 tiedä

    do not know
    66 oletko

    Are you
    67 minut me
    68 kuka

    69 häntä

    70 sinut

    71 tule

    72 hyvin

    73 tänne

    74 anteeksi

    75 vielä

    76 tämän

    77 anna

    78 meidän

    79 olemme

    80 jo

    81 haluan

    I would like to
    82 tehdä

    83 pois

    84 koska

    85 tiedän

    I know
    86 ehkä

    87 täytyy

    88 herra

    89 siellä

    90 takaisin

    91 paljon

    a lot
    92 sinulla

    93 tätä

    94 kuinka

    95 tulee

    96 emme

    we do not
    97 te

    98 selvä

    99 siinä

    100 saa

    101 no well
    102 eikö right
    103 juuri just
    104 eivät do not
    105 aina always
    106 yksi one
    107 koskaan ever
    108 mennä go
    109 enää more
    110 ennen before
    111 vai or
    112 mene go to
    113 pitäisi should
    114 kaksi two
    115 mistä from
    116 koko size
    117 näin this
    118 aivan right
    119 meillä we have
    120 oikein properly
    121 mies man
    122 joku someone
    123 halua do not want to
    124 joten so
    125 tästä this
    126 hänelle him
    127 olin I was
    128 vähän a little bit
    129 todella really
    130 hyvää good
    131 olette are
    132 aika time
    133 isä father
    134 katso look
    135 kai probably
    136 totta TRUE
    137 teet you do
    138 ulos out
    139 tietää know
    140 kunnossa all right
    141 voin I
    142 kuten as
    143 edes at least
    144 ihan quite
    145 siihen thereto
    146 äiti mother
    147 entä what
    148 kukaan anyone
    149 voit You can
    150 pidä hold
    151 vaan but
    152 kiinni closed
    153 tulla become
    154 noin about
    155 haluat To
    156 aikaa time
    157 teidän your
    158 siis therefore
    159 minusta about me
    160 pahoillani sorry
    161 mennään go
    162 päästä get
    163 itse self
    164 myös also
    165 tänään today
    166 sillä for
    167 odota wait
    168 kaiken all
    169 sanoi said
    170 eikä or
    171 ota please
    172 tee tea
    173 etkö do not you
    174 sinusta you
    175 kerro provide
    176 heidän their
    177 taas again
    178 liian too
    179 niitä them
    180 mukaan according to
    181 hänellä he
    182 näyttää show
    183 haluatko Would you like to
    184 meitä us
    185 kotiin home
    186 nämä these
    187 ettei that
    188 menee goes
    189 puhua talk
    190 täältä from here
    191 vuotta years
    192 jälkeen after
    193 sinne there
    194 kolme three
    195 nähdä see
    196 poika boy
    197 vaikka even though
    198 muuta more
    199 jotka that
    200 auttaa help
    201 antaa give
    202 tuolla there
    203 ette you do not
    204 tiedät you know
    205 luoja creator
    206 tiedätkö do you know
    207 heti immediately
    208 saat you
    209 teitä you
    210 sanoa say
    211 meidät us
    212 tuli fire
    213 tähän this
    214 sisään in
    215 tapahtui occurred
    216 ilman free
    217 nähnyt seen
    218 joo yeah
    219 saada get
    220 sanoin I said
    221 rakastan I love
    222 teille you
    223 heidät them
    224 tarvitse to
    225 tuon that
    226 ikinä ever
    227 varmasti certainly
    228 teen I
    229 haluaa wants to
    230 kulta gold
    231 tekee makes
    232 usko faith
    233 okei okay
    234 kertoa tell
    235 pian soon
    236 n The
    237 heitä them
    238 hienoa great
    239 sano say
    240 vastaan against
    241 meille us
    242 minne where
    243 varmaan will
    244 hänestä him
    245 kuollut dead
    246 jonka whose
    247 enemmän more
    248 tehnyt made
    249 olevan the
    250 varma sure
    251 sir sir
    252 tyttö girl
    253 tulen I
    254 tuota produce
    255 käy visit
    256 asia thing
    257 kerran once
    258 mihin where
    259 ottaa take
    260 lopeta stop it
    261 ylös up
    262 teidät you
    263 alas down
    264 tapahtuu takes place
    265 pidän I like
    266 sain I was
    267 luulin I thought
    268 olit you were
    269 hauskaa fun
    270 rouva Mrs.
    271 voimme we can
    272 rahaa Money
    273 e e
    274 tarvitsen I need
    275 tappaa kill
    276 voisi could
    277 älkää do not
    278 takia because of
    279 ajan for
    280 kauan long
    281 teillä roads
    282 yhtä as
    283 toinen other
    284 lähteä go
    285 huomenna tomorrow
    286 yhdessä together
    287 paska shit
    288 tällä this
    289 päivä day
    290 ihmiset people
    291 juttu story
    292 nainen woman
    293 luulen I think
    294 oikeassa right
    295 menen I go to
    296 päivää days
    297 olivat were
    298 valmis ready
    299 kuuntele Listen
    300 myöhemmin later
    301 joskus sometimes
    302 nähdään see you
    303 silloin then
    304 piti had
    305 niinkö really
    306 tavata meet
    307 apua help
    308 kertaa times
    309 lisää more
    310 pitänyt have
    311 hieman slightly
    312 enkä I do not
    313 yksin alone
    314 tosi TRUE
    315 ensin at first
    316 olisin I would have
    317 tohtori Dr.
    318 yhden one
    319 siksi therefore
    320 www www
    321 vie takes
    322 sanoit said
    323 teki made
    324 pieni small
    325 senkin even
    326 paras best
    327 odottaa wait
    328 voinut could
    329 parempi better
    330 ketään anyone
    331 jonkun someone
    332 meni went to
    333 tulkaa come on
    334 tuntuu feels like
    335 saan I
    336 ainoa only
    337 I
    338 kaveri guy
    339 neiti Ms.
    340 uusi new
    341 ohi past
    342 hetki moment
    343 kuuluu a
    344 pari couple
    345 paikka place
    346 jota whom
    347 vanha old
    348 oletteko are you
    349 milloin when
    350 yhä still
    351 mikään any
    352 irti loose
    353 hiljaa quietly
    354 minäkin I
    355 pyydän please
    356 nopeasti quickly
    357 saanut received
    358 ajattelin I thought
    359 etten I
    360 miehen man
    361 viisi five
    362 viime last
    363 kanssasi with you
    364 osaa part of the
    365 muista other
    366 jotta so that
    367 jumala god
    368 minkä the
    369 alkaa start
    370 voinko I can
    371 pysy Permanent
    372 haluaisin I would like to
    373 sai received
    374 oikea right
    375 ymmärrä understand
    376 tarpeeksi enough
    377 teit you did
    378 ihmisiä people
    379 iso big
    380 kiltti nice
    381 jotakin something
    382 yli over
    383 oliko whether
    384 kaunis beautiful
    385 tarkoitan I mean
    386 vittu fuck
    387 tulossa coming
    388 tullut become
    389 dollaria dollars
    390 hitto bugger
    391 voisin I could
    392 teemme we do
    393 isäni my father
    394 tahansa any time
    395 tein I did
    396 rahat money
    397 kohta point
    398 tarkoittaa mean
    399 halusin I wanted to
    400 asiaa issue
    401 puhu talk
    402 riittää suffice
    403 otan I
    404 minuun me
    405 hyvältä good
    406 nimi name
    407 menossa going to
    408 saanko I get
    409 pikku little
    410 heille them
    411 yritän I try to
    412 tänä this
    413 kunnes until
    414 haloo hello
    415 a a
    416 asti until
    417 kyse about
    418 soittaa call
    419 nuo those
    420 menkää go
    421 neljä four
    422 sanoo says
    423 läpi through
    424 helvetti hell
    425 vauhtia momentum
    426 luulet do you think
    427 kello clock
    428 pojat boys
    429 hullu crazy
    430 melkein almost
    431 muuten otherwise
    432 näytä show
    433 silti still
    434 ymmärrän I see
    435 katsokaa just look at the
    436 mukana with
    437 kanssani with
    438 kerron I will tell
    439 täysin fully
    440 ettet you do not
    441 poliisi police
    442 sama same
    443 jossa where
    444 asioita things
    445 yötä Nights
    446 miltä from
    447 ensimmäinen first
    448 vitun fucking
    449 näytät you look
    450 jack Jack
    451 poissa out
    452 näen I see
    453 mukava nice
    454 luuletko do you think
    455 tarkoitat mean
    456 tulin I came to
    457 isäsi father
    458 toivottavasti hopefully
    459 kuullut heard
    460 kuoli died in
    461 tunnen I feel
    462 olisit you would have
    463 olkaa please
    464 sieltä from there
    465 hieno fine
    466 john john
    467 töitä work
    468 vuoden year
    469 kapteeni captain
    470 vasta only
    471 minuuttia minutes
    472 jokin one
    473 oikeasti for real
    474 yrittää try
    475 voitte you can
    476 hauska funny
    477 löytää find
    478 puhut you’re talking about
    479 YOU
    480 uskoa believe
    481 tunne feeling
    482 hyvät good
    483 suoraan directly
    484 varten for
    485 siltä in
    486 new New
    487 auta help
    488 pysty upright
    489 kuulin I heard
    490 niistä of the
    491 valmiina ready
    492 ainakin at least
    493 tiennyt did not know
    494 sellaista a
    495 huomenta good morning
    496 käyttää use
    497 jätä leave
    498 maailman World
    499 kuule listen
    500 tapa way
    501 sait you got
    502 viitsi come on
    503 unohda forget
    504 kanssaan with them
    505 muut other
    506 liikaa over-
    507 kotona at home
    508 tehdään made
    509 terve healthy
    510 meistä About Us
    511 yhtään any
    512 mieltä view
    513 kuitenkin however
    514 pakko force
    515 päivän Day
    516 maksaa pay
    517 kaikkea everything
    518 tervetuloa welcome
    519 auto car
    520 kuulostaa sound
    521 mikset why do not you
    522 kuulla hear
    523 jopa even
    524 ystäväni my friend
    525 onnea good luck
    526 näe see
    527 päivänä day of
    528 halunnut wanted
    529 rauhoitu take it easy
    530 suuri large
    531 sanon I say
    532 parasta the best
    533 samaa the same
    534 lähdetään let’s go
    535 yritä try
    536 kiva nice
    537 muistatko do you remember
    538 soita Call
    539 tietysti of course
    540 miestä man
    541 paitsi except
    542 asiat things
    543 mr Mr.
    544 välitä do not care
    545 aikaan at the time of
    546 toisen the second
    547 miehet men
    548 asian the
    549 annan I
    550 kovin very
    551 palaa burn
    552 sehän that’s
    553 työtä work
    554 vuoksi because of
    555 sille the
    556 elää live
    557 aion I’m going to
    558 äitisi mother
    559 tulevat will
    560 tapahtunut occurred
    561 erittäin very
    562 tarvitsemme we need
    563 naiset ladies
    564 eilen yesterday
    565 paskiainen son of a bitch
    566 monta many
    567 viimeinen last
    568 uuden new
    569 ovi door
    570 voitko if you can
    571 ok ok
    572 sanonut said
    573 lapset children
    574 tiesin I knew
    575 menemme we go
    576 ensi next
    577 hetkinen wait a minute
    578 iltana night
    579 jättää leave
    580 jolla whereby
    581 ai al
    582 aio going to
    583 osa part
    584 niiden their
    585 olimme we were
    586 teistä you
    587 vaivaa effort
    588 avaa open
    589 tarvitsee needs
    590 kertoi told
    591 uudestaan re-
    592 olemaan to be
    593 sinuun you
    594 päälle on
    595 toki do
    596 tietenkin of course
    597 tavalla way
    598 jää ice
    599 tuntia hours
    600 kertonut told
    601 oikeastaan really
    602 soitan I’m calling
    603 helvettiä hell
    604 laita side
    605 uskon I believe
    606 ase gun
    607 eli or
    608 saamme we have
    609 sanot say
    610 minulta me
    611 lähellä close
    612 tulet you will
    613 ongelmia problems
    614 nimeni my name
    615 antakaa please
    616 herrat Gentlemen
    617 menet go to
    618 hätänä wrong
    619 heillä they
    620 äitini my mother
    621 ongelma problem
    622 aiot you are going to
    623 pidät you like
    624 voisitko will you please
    625 ala area
    626 katsomaan take a look at
    627 ulkona outdoors
    628 lähde source
    629 poikani my son
    630 hätää worry
    631 viedä export
    632 haluavat want to
    633 tuossa there
    634 kaikkien of all
    635 löysin I found
    636 lapsi child
    637 sellainen such
    638 kuusi six
    639 takana behind
    640 oma own
    641 pääse can not
    642 muita other
    643 joita whom
    644 naimisiin married
    645 sopii suitable for
    646 jäädä stay
    647 naisen woman
    648 toivon I hope
    649 näetkö do you see
    650 mahtavaa awesome
    651 asiassa Case
    652 muka supposedly
    653 kysyä ask
    654 näitä these
    655 aamulla in the morning
    656 frank frank
    657 paha bad
    658 väliä Any
    659 paremmin better
    660 varo watch out
    661 helvetin fucking
    662 heistä of them
    663 odottakaa wait
    664 luo luo
    665 eri different
    666 hoitaa treat
    667 ihminen man
    668 haluatte you want to
    669 tarvitset you need
    670 lähden I go
    671 molemmat both
    672 tyyppi type
    673 sinulta you
    674 vuonna in
    675 ruokaa food
    676 vastaa to
    677 voisit you could
    678 kaikille for all
    679 istu Sit
    680 tytön girl
    681 huono poor
    682 sisällä within
    683 uudelleen again
    684 väärin wrong
    685 kuolla die
    686 kahden two
    687 nuori young
    688 hakemaan pick
    689 olekin it not
    690 s s
    691 homma rigmarole
    692 kultaseni sweetheart
    693 lopettaa stop
    694 tiedäthän you know
    695 ymmärrätkö Do you understand
    696 kävi it became
    697 antoi on
    698 seuraa the
    699 divxfinland divx finland
    700 etkä and you do not
    701 käydä visit
    702 tunnin -hour
    703 nimesi Your Name
    704 kestä stand
    705 tulit you came
    706 vaimoni my wife
    707 voivat to
    708 maan the
    709 elämä life
    710 vettä water
    711 kunhan as long as the
    712 kysymys question
    713 muistan I remember
    714 puhun I’m talking about
    715 voisimme we could
    716 olleet been
    717 teette do
    718 kymmenen ten
    719 lapsia children
    720 katsoa look
    721 jeesus Jesus
    722 jokainen everyone
    723 tehty made
    724 tekemään to
    725 sanotaan is said to
    726 syytä be
    727 tärkeää important
    728 täynnä full
    729 taitaa I think
    730 ollaan are
    731 tytöt girls
    732 hetken Minute
    733 tiedämme we know
    734 halusi wanted
    735 mukavaa nice
    736 puoli half
    737 kaverit Friends
    738 uutta new
    739 kusipää cunt
    740 sekä together with
    741 hyviä good
    742 sinäkin you
    743 samoin likewise
    744 voittaa win
    745 aikana during
    746 saatte you will
    747 tekevät make
    748 tuonne there
    749 saattaa may
    750 auton Car
    751 elämäni my life
    752 pitkä long
    753 onkin it is
    754 numero number
    755 elossa alive
    756 ottakaa please
    757 jumalan God
    758 tappoi killed
    759 päin towards
    760 kestää take
    761 auki open
    762 charlie charlie
    763 näet see
    764 kenen whose
    765 paskaa shit
    766 vaikea difficult
    767 toimii works
    768 etsin viewfinder
    769 lupaan I promise
    770 paskat shit
    771 näytän I’ll show
    772 häneen him
    773 mun my
    774 hoidan ll take care of
    775 töissä at work
    776 kaikkia all the
    777 eihän is it
    778 toimi action
    779 paljonko how much
    780 joe joe
    781 uskomatonta beyond belief
    782 pelkää Fear
    783 onneksi fortunately
    784 ympäri around
    785 yritin I tried to
    786 ovatko whether
    787 kunnon good
    788 pomo boss
    789 muu other
    790 paikan on
    791 puolesta on behalf of
    792 t t
    793 maahan down
    794 joko either
    795 kenraali general
    796 ystäviä friends
    797 alla below
    798 nimensä name
    799 päällä on
    800 sinähän After all, you
    801 tapan I’ll kill
    802 huolta care
    803 loppu end
    804 oman oman
    805 paikalla Online
    806 lähti left
    807 liikettä movement
    808 kaukana far
    809 haista smell
    810 seis stop
    811 taida I think I
    812 jatkaa continue
    813 tulisi should be
    814 muuttaa change
    815 eteenpäin forward
    816 matkalla on the road
    817 sam sam
    818 tapauksessa case
    819 rakas love
    820 mahdollista possible
    821 edessä in front of
    822 pitäkää hold
    823 iloinen happy
    824 verta blood
    825 puhuu speaks
    826 myöhässä late
    827 velkaa indebted
    828 töihin to work
    829 syö eating
    830 tehtävä task
    831 ihmisten people
    832 ajaa drive
    833 saimme we
    834 seuraava next
    835 tuskin hardly
    836 ikävä tedious
    837 mahtava awesome
    838 rakastaa love
    839 lähtee leaves
    840 jossain somewhere
    841 ystävä friend
    842 nouse rise
    843 olemassa There are
    844 michael michael
    845 maailma world
    846 häivy get lost
    847 tom tom
    848 kerta time
    849 luona by
    850 saisi should
    851 outoa strange
    852 luota trust
    853 kädet hands
    854 olenko Am I
    855 josta which
    856 tuosta did
    857 sentään after all,
    858 alkoi started
    859 onpa assembly
    860 kautta through
    861 ettekö Do you
    862 pyytää request
    863 käynyt been
    864 haluaisi would like to
    865 seitsemän seven
    866 tosiaan indeed
    867 yleensä usually
    868 jotkut some
    869 päässä from
    870 itseni myself
    871 helppoa easy
    872 niinpä so
    873 haluamme we want to
    874 muutaman a few
    875 palata return
    876 david david
    877 olkoon be
    878 jäljellä left
    879 syödä eat
    880 illalla at night
    881 yhteen together
    882 saavat will
    883 miksei why not
    884 todellakin indeed
    885 loppuun out
    886 idea idea
    887 itsensä itself
    888 miehiä men
    889 jatka continue
    890 häneltä from her
    891 aiemmin previously
    892 itsesi yourself
    893 vaikeaa difficult
    894 tilanne situation
    895 sisälle inside
    896 ajattele just think
    897 toista the second
    898 vien the
    899 haen I’ll get
    900 kerroin factor
    901 yönä Tonight
    902 talo house
    903 itseäsi yourself
    904 ostaa buy
    905 miljoonaa million
    906 idiootti idiot
    907 mike mike
    908 kiitoksia Thank you
    909 pojan son
    910 sun Sun
    911 viikon week
    912 pääsi he
    913 kuolee dies
    914 alle below
    915 huoli concern
    916 odotan I look forward to
    917 laittaa put
    918 mennyt gone
    919 jutun story
    920 tyhmä stupid
    921 kohti per
    922 veljeni my brother
    923 rauhaan peace
    924 luottaa trust
    925 minähän Minahan
    926 näkemiin goodbye
    927 jimmy jimmy
    928 katsotaan considered
    929 aiotko are you going to
    930 pidätkö do you like
    931 kuukautta months
    932 alan the
    933 eräs a
    934 väärässä wrong
    935 koira dog
    936 luultavasti probably
    937 helvettiin Hell
    938 kuningas king
    939 turpa chub
    940 usein often
    941 george george
    942 presidentti president
    943 välillä between
    944 oie oie
    945 org org
    946 turvassa safe
    947 vaikuttaa affect
    948 vihaan I hate
    949 jutella chat
    950 the the
    951 käytä use
    952 kysy asked
    953 talon house
    954 kahvia coffee
    955 hae Search
    956 ammu shoot
    957 onnellinen happy
    958 naimisissa married
    959 kuulu part of
    960 pitkään long
    961 puolella on the side of
    962 kuulemma reportedly
    963 ymmärtää understand
    964 haittaa harm
    965 etsi search
    966 muutama a few
    967 pysykää stick to your
    968 kahdeksan eight
    969 kaikesta of all
    970 auttakaa please help
    971 samalla at the same time
    972 mitäs what’s
    973 kuluttua after
    974 sairas sick
    975 pää head
    976 pelastaa save
    977 kunnolla properly
    978 syy cause
    979 katson I
    980 harry harry
    981 vuotias years old
    982 äkkiä suddenly
    983 veli brother
    984 taidan I think I’ll
    985 lopettakaa Stop
    986 painu fuck
    987 sattuu happens
    988 täydellinen complete
    989 pysyä stay
    990 viikolla during the week
    991 nukkumaan to sleep
    992 paul paul
    993 minuutin minutes
    994 lähtien since
    995 viikkoa weeks
    996 mestari master
    997 rauhallisesti quietly
    998 ajatus idea
    999 ketä who
    1000 selvää clear

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    Note: The words on this list are ranked in order of frequency used in subtitles (from You can download more extensive word lists here. The translations are from Google Translate (please be aware that the translations can be rough as they do not consider context!) and the audio is provided by these users of forvo.

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