Finish these questions or statements with a suitable word hotel guest

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Complete these convarsations with tho correct word.
1. Guest: I`m leaving in ten minutes, so could I pay my________, please?
Receptionist: Yes, of course.
2. G: Is breakfast____in the price of the room?
R: No, I`m afraid breakfast is extra.
3. G: ___________me. How do I_____to the centre from here?
R: Turn right outside the hotel and just keep walking for about ten minutes.
4 G: Are you fully_____next week?
R: Yes, I`m afraid we are , sir. It`s the middle of the tourist ______ all the hotels are very busy.
5. G: Do you have a _______?
R: I`m sorry sir, we only have the stairs, but I`ll take your luggage up for you.
6.G: I`m afraid the central heating in my room isn`t ______ at all.
R: Oh I`m terribly sorry. I`ll get someone to look at it.
G: Thank you. Could they also look at the shower? I think there is something _____with it. The water pressure is very low.
7. G: I`d like to leave for the airport in about ten minutes. Could you _______ a taxi for me?
R: Yes, of course.
8. R: Do you already have a reservation?
G: Yes, I______a room there weeks ago.
9. G: What do I have to do when I arrive?
R: Just check in at ______ when you get to the hotel.
10. G: Could you give me an early morning____, please?
R: Yes, of course. What time?
11. Guest: We hat an excellent waiter, so I gave him a ₴10__________.

name — location — description — facilities —
things to see/do

5) Make notes under the same headings for a place you have stayed on holiday. Then use your notes to write a short article about it. Use the given article as a model.


you know when Wimbledon and the Super Bowl started? In which
countries? Which of the two competitions is older? Read the texts to
find out.


  1. Wimbledon

is the most famous tennis championship in the world, and over the
years it has become a British institution. Held every summer at the
All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, the competition lasts for
two weeks.

was first held in 1877. In those days, it was an amateur event which
only men could enter. Today, both men and women, professionals or
amateurs can take part in the championship, which is followed in the
media by millions of people.

players come from all over the world to compete, hoping to win a
trophy and a substantial amount of money. The prize for winning the
Gentlemen’s Singles Championship is a large silver gilt cup. The
winner of Ladies’ Singles gets a silver salver called the
“Rosewater Dish”. There are also competitions in both men’s and
ladies’ doubles. The prizes are traditionally presented by the
Dutchess of Kent.

makes Wimbledon special is the tradition involved. It is the only
international tennis tournament which is still played on grass, and
the only competition open to both amateurs and professionals. The
best tradition of all, though, is the spectators’ custom of eating
strawberries and cream while they watch the tennis.

  1. The Super Bowl

Bowl is the highlight of the year for American football fans. It is
the final round in a competition between the top teams in the
National Football League as well as national celebration. The 30
professional teams in the NFL play matches against each other all
season, to determine who will go through to the playoffs. Then, the
two winning teams face each other to compete for the Super Bowl
Trophy., which is a model of a football in kicking position made of
silver. The trophy is presented by the NFL commissioner. All players
from both teams receive a special commemorative silver ring.

first Super Bowl was played in 1967. Since then the event has
gradually become more elaborate and more popular. These days, the
competition is watched by millions of people worldwide, and is more
than just a football game. In fact, it is an entertainment
extravaganza, with a pre-game show and a half-time show which both
feature famous games and singers. A big-name star is always asked to
sing the national anthem, which is considered to be a great honour.
The shows also have plenty of cheerleaders and marching bands.
Everyone who takes part in the event, from spectators to players, has
a fantastic time.

the texts again and find three differences between each event.

of your country’s most important sporting event. Write an article
for a sports magazine.


  • When/where
    it is held

  • The
    event’s history

  • Description
    of the event

  • The


the information about the British royal family and discuss the

British royal family has no real political power. Much of their time
is devoted to sport and charity. They hold positions in various
sports organizations and they are often asked to present the medals
at important events. They also take part in various sports.
Horse-riding and polo are traditionally very popular with the royals.
Members of the family are also very involved in work for charity.
They work as unpaid patrons of many charitable organizations and help
raise money.

else do you know about the royal family?

the head of state in your country involved with any sports or



about Mike and answer these questions:

  1. Why
    did he start skydiving?

  2. How
    did he feel on his first jump?

  3. What
    caused his accident and why has he continued skydiving?


just done my first jump since the accident that nearly killed me just
over a year ago. As I was lying in hospital, thinking that I would
never skydive again, I wasn’t feeling glad to be alive. Instead, I
was wondering how I could possibly live without it.

all started one evening after another typical nine to five day. I was
sitting at home thinking, “There has to be more to life than this,”
when an ad came on the television: “Try skydiving,” it said.

next day, I called my local skydiving centre and I booked my first

spent a day training and then I was ready for my first jump. Or
almost. First, I had to sign a document to say that I understood that
I was taking part in an activity that could end in serious injury. At
that moment I realized that I was about to do something voluntarily
that would put my life at risk and as I signed, I wondered if I was
completely mad.

will never forget my first jump. Five of us walked to the runway and
got into the plane barely big enough to hold three people. I was
beginning to feel nervous, but the others were chatting and joking
and I started to feel more relaxed. It was a beautiful, cloudless day
and the sun was just going down. It took us about 20 minutes to get
to 11,000 feet and then the trainer opened the plane door – the
view took my breath away. Suddenly, it was time to jump and as I
pushed myself away from the plane, I don’t know what I was
thinking, my mind was blank.

cannot describe the rush of adrenalin I experienced while I was

5,500 feet I pulled the cord and the parachute opened immediately.
Suddenly, everything was silent and peaceful. Twice I shouted, “This
is absolutely incredible,” though I knew there was nobody to hear
me. It was the most amazing four minutes of my life.

the first jump, I was hooked. I started spending every free moment I
had skydiving. At work, I sat in front of my computer and imagined
ways of making more money so that I could jump more often. It became
my reason for living and nothing else mattered. I was addicted to
skydiving. Things were going really well. I was spending every free
moment I had skydiving.

disaster struck me on my 1,040th
jump. Another skydiver collided with my parachute at 80 feet. I fell
and hit the ground at about 30 mph, face down. I broke both legs, my
right foot, left elbow, right arm, my nose and my jaw. I lost 10
pints of blood, 19 teeth and 25 pounds of fat. I was lucky to

who have never experienced skydiving will find it hard to understand
that my only motivation to get better was so that I could do it
again. All I can say is that for me, skydiving is life and life is

sentences below summarize Mike’s story. Correct the details that
are wrong.

  1. Mike
    was reading a newspaper one evening when he saw an ad for skydiving.

  2. He
    phoned the skydiving centre immediately and booked a jump.

  3. After
    a day’s training, he was sure he was doing the right thing.

  4. His
    first jump was unforgettable. It was a beautiful morning and he was
    feeling relaxed.

  5. After
    an hour’s flight, he jumped out of the plain and his parachute
    opened immediately.

  6. After
    his first jump, he didn’t think he would do it again.

  7. During
    his free time, he thought about skydiving a lot.

  8. On
    his 1,040th
    jump he had an accident when his parachute didn’t open.

  9. He
    nearly died and thought that his skydiving days were over.

  10. The
    only reason he wanted to get better was so that he could skydive



people will answer the ringing phone. Usually you don’t know who is
phoning or how urgent their business is, so a ringing phone is
difficult to ignore. In one experiment, a researcher wrote down the
numbers of several public phones in stations and airports. Then he
called the numbers. Someone nearly always answered. When he asked
why, people usually said, “Because it rang.”

few years ago in New Jersey, a man with a gun killed 13 people. Armed
police surrounded his house but he refused to come out. A reporter
found out the phone number of the house and called. The man put down
his rifle and answered the phone. “What do you want?” he said,
“I’m really busy right now.”

you’re at work and the phone is ringing in someone else’s office.
Do you answer it or not? In one survey on telephone use, 51% of
participants told researchers that they did. We can’t ignore the
phone and for that reason, it intrudes into our lives. It interrupts
what we are doing and n top of that, the caller is often someone we
don’t really want to talk to. However, in the survey, 58% said they
never took the phone off the hook, and 67% didn’t mind if someone
called during a television programme. For 44% it wasn’t a problem
if someone rang during a meal, while only 28% were annoyed or upset.
If someone phoned in the middle of the night, 40% told researchers
that they got nervous or frightened, while around 30% got angry.

course, when someone is really annoying , you can choose to hang up
on them. This is in fact one of the rudest things you can do on the
phone, but 79 % said that they were prepared to do it in some cases.
Only 6 % told researchers they never hung up on people.


you think the phone causes stress in your life/work?

the sentences:

  1. Гостям
    Мексики круглый год гарантируется
    полное расслабление и солнечная погода.

  2. Номера
    отеля спроектированы таким образом,
    чтобы отвечать всем нуждам бизнесменов,
    находящихся в деловой поездке. Бизнес
    и развлечения идеально скомбинированы.

  3. Год
    назад я начал заниматься баскетболом
    и теперь играю каждую субботу.

  4. Компания
    выделяет $200 в год на каждого сотрудника
    для занятий спортом и другими увлечениями.

  5. Компания
    Форд понимает, что может создать для
    своих сотрудников более здоровую и
    приятную обстановку на работе.

  6. Систему
    кондиционирования в бизнес центре
    сейчас ремонтируют.

  7. Я
    считаю, что правильное питание и
    позитивное отношение к жизни способствуют
    хорошему здоровью.

  8. Меня
    не беспокоит старение. Это естественный
    процесс. В Китае пожилых людей уважают
    больше чем на западе.

  9. Человека,
    которому вы позвонили, сейчас нет.
    Оставьте сообщение после сигнала. Вы
    можете записать свое сообщение, нажав


  1. Write
    about your leisure and fitness activities.

  2. Write
    some arguments to prove that sports can help you make a successful

  3. Write
    about the best hotel you’ve ever stayed at.



Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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The hotel’s leisure ____ include a large indoor pool, sauna and sun terrace.
When you travel, it is very important to choose a hotel within easy walking distance of the main historic ____ and cultural ____.
It is almost impossible to drive around the city centre because the roads are ____.
The apartment blocks in the suburbs of small towns often look shabby and run-down — no wonder noone wants to live in such ____ areas.
People living near major ____ areas often complain about polluted air and suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma.
When you live in an apartment ____, you don’t have to worry much about the maintenance.

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Пропущенное слово — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

Требуется вход в систему


Требуется вход в систему


Переключить шаблон


Дополнительные форматы будут отображаться при выполнении занятия.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

PART A Insert the correct word into the sentences below: BOOK
the street trying to ?????? a taxi, but none would stop. We heard
the old bus slowly ?????? to a halt outside. Fifty extra policemen
were called in to ?????? the traffic outside the stadium. The mayor
of Plymouth promised to ?????? the new buses into operation without
delay. Ileana’s old car takes quite a long time to ?????? up speed.
The school bus always used to ????? the children down opposite the
church. When her car broke down, Julia had to ?????? a ride to the
nearest phone. When Paul went to ?????? a ticket to Sydney, he
found that the flight was full. This car is an automatic so you
don’t have to ?????? all the time. As our ship rounded the
headland, we watched the town ????? into view. PART B Replace the
words in CAPITALS with one of the following words: ACCELERATE
BOARD Anne GOT OFF HER HORSE and picked up her riding hat. As the
plane WENT FASTER down the runway, Ileana began to sweat nervously.
Without realising it, Ileana DROVE BACKWARDS into a lamp-post. In
the thick fog the two ships RAN INTO EACHOTHER outside Plymouth
harbour. Passengers who wish to GET OFF at Plymouth should travel
in the front two coaches. Please DO UP your seat belt before we
begin the journey. All visitors to the ship must GET OFF
immediately as we are about to sail. The captain refused to PUT AT
RISK the safety of the other members of the crew. The balloon ROSE
UP gracefully into the summer sky. The sooner the passengers GET ON
the aircraft, the sooner it can take off.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Air TravelPart One: Complete the words or phrases below using
words from the box. Control Lounge Number Luggage Desk Reclaim Card
Locker Baggage

1. boarding 2. excess 3. check-in 4. flight 5. overhead 6.
departure 7. baggage 8. passport 9. hand Part Two: What do you call
these? 1. The place where you go when you arrive at the airport
with your luggage

2. The card they give you with the seat number on it. 3. What
you have to pay if you luggage is very heavy 4. The bags you carry
onto the plane with you 5. The place above your head where you can
put these bags 6. The part of the airport where the plane
accelerates and takes off. 7. The people who look after you on the
plane. 8. Another verb used to say rent a car. Part Three: Complete
these sentences with a suitable word 1. There was a mechanical
problem, and we ended up with a two-hour.. 2. Several passengers
had to fill in landing.. 3. I went through passport control and sat
in the departure 4. If you have nothing to declare, you follow the
green signs when you go through 5. A woman at the check-in desk
weighed my. 6. I looked for our flight number on the departures..
Part Four: Fill the gaps in this letter. Dear Kate, Ive just
arrived in Rome but Im still recovering from a really terrible
flight. We (1).two hours later because of bad weather, and then
over the channel we had more bad weather. The (2) told us to (3)
.our seat belts, which worried me a bit, and for half an hour we
(4).through a terrible storm. I was almost sick, but the cabin
(5).were really nice. It was still raining and very windy when we
(6) .in Rome and I was really glad to (7)..the plane and get into
the airport building. I really hope the return (8) a lot

Part One: Put the sentences in each column in a logical order
Hotel Hotel a. I paid my bill b. I checked in at the hotel c. I
left the hotel d. I went up to my room e. I spent the night in the
hotel f. I had an early morning call g. I booked the hotel h. I
went out to a local restaurant for dinner i. I arrived at the hotel
j. I got up and had breakfast k. I tipped the porter who took my
bag to the room Restaurant a. I had the starter b. I paid the bill
c. I left the restaurant d. I looked at the menu e. I gave the
waiter a tip f. I booked a table g. I had a dessert h. I ordered my
meal i. I arrived at the restaurant j. I had my main course k. I
looked at the wine list

Hotels and Restaurants

Part Two: Finish these questions or statements with a suitable
word Hotel Guest 1. Im leaving in a few minutes. Could I pay my.?
2. Is that just bed and breakfast or full..? 3. Could I book a
twin.? 4. Im interested in next weekend. Do you still have rooms?
5. (Your room is on the tenth floor.) Excuse me. Wheres the? Waiter
6. Are you ready to..? 7. Would you like to try the..? 8. Is
everything all right with your? Restaurant Customer 9. Ill.the soup
to start. 10. Excuse me. Is service..? Part Three: What would you
ask the hotel receptionist in these situations? 1. You think a
hotel is busy next weekend, but youre not sure. What could you ask?
«Are you fully booked next weekend?» 2. You want to stay in a hotel
for two nights next weekend with your husband/wife. You phone the
hotel. What do you say? 3. You are planning to leave in about 15
minutes. What could you ask? 4. You want to go to the nearest bank
but you dont know where it is? What do you ask?

Holidays1. Complete this postcard. You may need a word or phrase
in each space: Hi everyone, I’ve been in Paris for over a week now
and I’m having a great (1) In the first few days I did quite a lot
of (2) — the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and all the usual tourist
attractions. Most places are absolutely (3)with tourists, so
yesterday I decided to have a (4) round the shops.Today I’ve been
to a couple of interesting art (5) . I got (6) on my way back to
the hotel, but it didn’t matter because I discovered a really
fascinating (7) with lots of little stalls, selling just about
everything from apples to antiques.I ate in the hotel the first
night but I usually (8)for dinner — the restaurants are great and I
can get a set meal for less than 25 euros. I’m afraid I’ve (9) a
lot of money, but it’s great place. You’ll be able to see for
yourself when I get back — I’ve taken lots of (10) I hope you’re
all well. I’ll write again next week.Love, Ileana 2. Agree with the
information in the questions without repeating the same words and
phrases. Example A: You’ve got quite a few pictures, haven’t you?
B: Yes, I took lots of photos. 1. A: It’s a fabulous city, isn’t
it? B: Yes, it’s
a………………………………………………….. 2. A:
There’s a big mix of people in London, isn’t there? B: Yes, it’s
very………………………………………………….. 3.
A: It was very crowded, wasn’t it? B: Yes, it was
………………………………………………….. 4. A:
There’s a lot to do in the evenings, isn’t there? B: Yes, the is
very good. 5. A: Did you enjoy yourselves? B: Yes we had
a………………………………………………….. 6. A:
Kyoto is a good place to go, isn’t it? B: Yes, Kyoto is definitely

Notices / WarningPART 1: Complete these notices and warnings in
possible ways: PLEASE QUEUE __________ MIND THE __________ SOLD
__________ OUT OF __________ KEEP __________ PART 2: Where could
you see these warnings / notices? 1. NOTHING TO DECLARE at an
GRASS PART 3: What notice(s) might you see in each of these places?
1. A zoo — _______________ 2. A waiting area in a busy airport —
_______________ 3. The door of a hotel room at 09.00am —
_______________ 4. In front of garage doors — _______________ 5.
Above the window of a train — _______________ 6. Inside a theatre —
_______________ 7. On the underground — _______________ 8. A door
going into a low room — _______________ BEWARE OF __________ MIND
YOUR __________ PLEASE DO NOT __________ NO __________

Exercise Choose the best word. l can’t wait to see you!» means:
1.l’m excited 2.I don’t hove time I need some advice. Con you give
me o few 1. tips 2. rules A group of people who live in the some
area is called 1.a population 2. a community Everything around us
is called … 1.the atmosphere 2. the environment lf you stay in «a
family run hotel» you stay in: 1. o hotel for families 2. a hotel
managed by o family I want to go on holiday for a week lo relax. I
want to get away… it all. 2.from When you bargain you shouldn’t beat the locals …
too much. 1.up 2. down Why don’t you read up … the place you’re
going to? 1.on 2.not The… rule for an ethical traveler is to
respect local culture and environment. 1..golden 2.silver Have you
ever heard of that new … agency he was talking about?


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

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