Find word that ends with

Eye Rhymes

Eye rhymes are words that have the same spelling at the end of the word, but the sound of the end of the word is not the same. This Tool could be used to identify eye rhymes.

Example: Words ending with ough

  • off sound: cough, trough
  • uff sound: tough enough,rough
  • ew sound: through
  • ow sound: plough
  • owe sound: although, borough, bough, dough, furlough,though, thorough

Half Rhymes

Half rhymes, also known as sprung rhymes, have the same ending consonants in the words.

Example: Words ending with rst

  • burst
  • first
  • thirst
  • worst

Scrabble / Crosswords

This search may be helpful in Scrabble or Crosswords by answering the following type of questions:

  • Find all words ending in nt (or some other sequence of letters).
  • Find all 7 letter words ending with rt
  • Find all 4 or 5 letter words that end with ws.
  • Scrabble Word Finder 
  • Word Lists 
  • Words that end with…

A list of words ending with a specific first letter, any of these links will take you to a full page of words starting with that letter that are good for use in the Scrabble Crossword Game or Words with Friends. You can also try out our Words with friends helper.

Alternatively, search for words with any of these letters:

Show Advanced Options

Starts with:Ends with:

Words that end with…

  • Words that end with the letter A
  • Words that end with the letter B
  • Words that end with the letter C
  • Words that end with the letter D
  • Words that end with the letter E
  • Words that end with the letter F
  • Words that end with the letter G
  • Words that end with the letter H
  • Words that end with the letter I
  • Words that end with the letter J
  • Words that end with the letter K
  • Words that end with the letter L
  • Words that end with the letter M
  • Words that end with the letter N
  • Words that end with the letter O
  • Words that end with the letter P
  • Words that end with the letter Q
  • Words that end with the letter R
  • Words that end with the letter S
  • Words that end with the letter T
  • Words that end with the letter U
  • Words that end with the letter V
  • Words that end with the letter W
  • Words that end with the letter X
  • Words that end with the letter Y
  • Words that end with the letter Z


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Words Ending with…

Tool to search Words ending with a given sequence of letters, or ending with a given pattern of letters, or a specific letter of the alphabet, etc.


Words Ending with…

Tag(s) : Word Search



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  1. Games and Solvers
  2. Word Search
  3. Words Ending with…

List words that end with

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

How to search for words ending with some letters?

The tool allows to find a word (or verb, common name, adjective, etc.) ending with certain letters (the last letters are in suffix). To list words finishing in pattern X?X, use letters and wildcards such as ?

Example: Search for words ending with ART gives: ABCOULOMB, etc.

Example: Find words ending with A?T gives: ACCIDENT, ALCHEMIST, ANCIENT etc.

The software can search for common names or verbs as well as proper names or city names according to the chosen dictionary.

What is the list of words ending with…?

In English:

Words that end with A 26000 words
Words that end with B 1900 words
Words that end with C 24000 words
Words that end with D 61000 words
Words that end with E 98000 words
Words that end with F 2000 words
Words that end with G 40000 words
Words that end with H 12000 words
Words that end with I 8500 words
Words that end with J 210 words
Words that end with K 7300 words
Words that end with L 32000 words
Words that end with M 16000 words
Words that end with N 53000 words
Words that end with O 7400 words
Words that end with P 4700 words
Words that end with Q 230 words
Words that end with R 35000 words
Words that end with S 260000 words
Words that end with T 34000 words
Words that end with U 2000 words
Words that end with V 680 words
Words that end with W 1900 words
Words that end with X 2200 words
Words that end with Y 51000 words
Words that end with Z 1100 words

What is the list of common suffixes in English?

-able, -ible, -acy, -al, -ance, -ence, -ate, -dom, -en, -er, -or, -esque, -ful, -ic, -ical, -ify, -fy, -ious, -ous, -ish, -ism, -ist, -ity, -ty, -ive, -ize, -ise, -less, -ment, -ness, -ship, -sion, -tion, tri-, -y

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How to find English words by their last letter?

Its easy to find words listed together by their first letter — you just need to open a dictionary! But you can use this resource to find all English words by their last letter! This is useful for explaining the different pronunciations that letters can have depending on the other letters in a word. For example, H has different sound in «tough», «worth» and «wash».

Once you have chosen the letters that you want the words to end in, you also need to choose the number of letters in the word. For example, if you select “C” and then “5”, you will get results such as «attic»«antic», etc. The results will be listed alphabetically.

We also have other resources for finding English anagrams, English words that contain specific letters, English words that start with, English word search generators, and loads of English apps and converters for language learners.

Expand your Russian vocabulary with this handy app. You can use this app to find any Russian word based on the last letter. Choose the letter that you want the word to end with and then how many letters in the Russian word and you can see all the Russian words that fit that criteria.

So if you select letter as A with number of letters as 10, you will get words like: аборигенкааванкамера and 1,800 other words that end with A and have 10 letters.

The first column is the word, the second column is whether it’s singular or plural and third column is the gender.

Separately, we have other resources for finding Russian anagrams, Russian words that end with, Russian words that start with, Russian words that contain which letters (either together or apart) and lots of Russian worksheet creators. 

Your example works with matching the space after the string also:

grep -E '.pdf ' input.txt

What you call «string» is similar to what grep calls «word». A Word is a run of alphanumeric characters. The nice thing with words is that you can match a word end with the special >, which matches a word end with a march of zero characters length. That also matches at the end of line. But the word characters can not be changed, and do not contain punctuation, so we can not use it.

If you need to match at the end of line too, where there is no space after the word, use:

grep -E '.pdf |.pdf$' input.txt

To include cases where the character after the file name is not a space character ‘‘, but other whitespace, like a tab, t, or the name is directly followed by a comment, starting with #, use:

grep -E '.pdf[[:space:]#]|.pdf$' input.txt

I will illustrate the matching of word boundarys too, because that would be the perfect solution, except that we can not use it here because we can not change the set of characters that are seen as parts of a word.

The input contains foo as separate word, and as part of longer words, where the foo is not at the end of the word, and therefore not at a word boundary:

$ printf 'foo barnfoo.barnfoobarnfoo_barnfoon'
foo bar

Now, to match the boundaries of words, we can use < for the beginning, and > to match the end:

$ printf 'foo barnfoo.barnfoobarnfoo_barnfoon' | grep 'foo>'
foo bar

Note how _ is matched as a word char — but otherwise, wordchars are only the alphanumerics, [a-zA-Z0-9].
Also note how foo an the end of line is matched — in the line containing only foo. We do not need a special case for the end of line.

I am self-learning regex so that I can manage my Linux files a lot better for work but I am having trouble finding a word that ends with a specified letter.

I know how to find words that begin with a letter using:

grep -o 'bsw*' File.txt

I’ve been trying to add $ so it can do what I am looking for, though I have had no success.


asked Feb 12, 2017 at 21:06

C. Medina's user avatar


Figured it out using:

grep -o 'w*sb' File.txt

If anyone has a similar/better method with the same result please enlighten me.

answered Feb 12, 2017 at 21:20

C. Medina's user avatar

C. MedinaC. Medina

252 silver badges8 bronze badges


I want to find out word which ends with ()…Using the grep command in linux.

grep file_name_where_i_want_to_search «*()»

some thing like that….but its not working

asked Mar 5, 2014 at 7:34

Mayur Sawant's user avatar


$ cat <<EOF > test
foo bar
foo bar() baz baz
foo bar baz()
foobarbaz() foo bar()baz
$ grep -o 'w+()' test
  • -o means «print only matching parts», i.e. not the whole line
  • w means «a character within a word»
  • + means «the previous entity one or more times»

So, grep -o 'w+()' means «print everything that consists of one or more word characters followed by ()».

This will still match e.g. the bar() part of bar()baz. One could argue that the parentheses actually end the word, which makes bar() «a word that ends in ()». I assume that this is not an issue in your actual use case anyway.

answered Mar 5, 2014 at 7:56

Daniel Andersson's user avatar

Daniel AnderssonDaniel Andersson

23.7k5 gold badges57 silver badges61 bronze badges


Escape the () like this. if this is in the end of the line you should use regex (egrep)

egrep file_name_where_i_want_to_search ".*()$"

slhck's user avatar


220k69 gold badges596 silver badges585 bronze badges

answered Mar 5, 2014 at 7:35

Sniffleh's user avatar


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