Find word meaning in context

How to find word meaning in context.



Transcript How to find word meaning in context.

How to find word meaning in
Step 1: Read the sentence
Read the whole sentence. If you don't know the
meaning of the word, skip over it and read the rest
of the sentence. Then look at the words around
the new one and try to make a connection.
Here is an example: George cared little
for social amenities, and sometimes his
unpleasant words and actions made
people feel uncomfortable.
The words that come after the word "amenities" explain that
the word means unpleasant words and actions. Now read
the whole sentence including the new word.
Step 2: Look for clues within the
Read this sentence: They drove their bright
new red vehicle to the park.
You might not know the word "vehicle,"
but the word "drove" is a clue that
vehicle could mean a car. In this
sentence the context clue comes before
the new word.
Read the sentence again using the word "car" instead
of "vehicle" to see if the word makes sense.
Step 3: Look for antonyms within
the sentence…
Read this sentence:He was always
late; he just couldn't ever be punctual.
The word "late" is the opposite of the
word "punctual.” In this sentence the
clue to the meaning of “punctual” is the
word “late.”
Step 4: Look for synonyms within
the sentence…
Read this sentence: The family needed to
economize, but try as they would they just
couldn't save money.
The word "save" in this sentence means
the same thing as "economize." Save is a
synonym for economize.
Sometimes a synonym, or word that means the
same as the new word is a context clue that
can help you figure out the meaning of a new

In an English Language exam, you may come across questions about words in context. These are multiple-choice questions that ask you to consider the meaning of a word. You can identify them by paying close attention to how the questions are worded. To answer words in context questions, you should look for the circumstances surrounding the passage each question is based on.

Words in Context Meaning

«Words in context» refers to how words change meaning in different circumstances. Words often mean slightly different things depending on their context.

Context is the set of facts and circumstances that surround a word or phrase in a text.

Context sometimes changes the meaning of words. For example, the word «restrain» means different things depending on its context.

  • I had to restrain my laughter when he fell over that chair!
  • The coach had to restrain the football team captain to keep a fight from breaking out.
  • These tariffs were designed to restrain international trading.

What changes the meaning of «restrain» in each of these examples? The circumstances surrounding them!

  1. In the first example, the fact that something funny happened made it clear «restrain» means to control emotions.
  2. In the second example, the mention of a possible fight indicates «restrain» means to physically hold back.
  3. In the third example, the verb «designed» and the reference to international trade made it clear that «restrain» means to limit trade.

When answering questions about words in context, you are really just identifying how the meaning of a word changes based on the circumstances that surround it.

Words in Context Identification

There are two primary types of context: Immediate context and broad context.

Immediate context includes the words, phrases, and sentences of the passage surrounding the word.

Broad context includes the larger historical, biographical, and genre considerations in which the passage was written.

Here is how you identify each type of context.

Identifying Immediate Context

Ask yourself some questions.

  • What is the situation being described in this passage?
  • What is the tone the author takes in this passage?
  • What other words in this passage can help me understand how this word is being used?
  • What similar words does the author use in this passage?

Identifying Broad Context

Ask yourself some questions.

  • When was this passage written or published?
  • Where was this passage written or published?
  • Who wrote this passage? What do I know about them?
  • What type of genre is this passage?
  • What do I know about the political, social, or economical situation in which this passage was written?

Words in Context Scenic road vista StudySmarterFig. 1 — Look out for the big, big picture.

Words in Context Questions

The purpose of words in context questions is to check your understanding of how circumstances can change the meaning of the words or the passage around them. Understanding the effects of context is important for understanding language AND the world around you.

Context changes everything. Everything you read, write, watch, listen to, or do is shaped by context. Think about what it’s like to learn about your favorite author. You probably first read their books with an idea of what it meant. However, once you learned more about the author’s life and the time period they lived in, this probably changed what their writing meant to you. The context of their writing changed what their writing means.

Words in context questions are great practice for identifying and explaining context. They remind you of how circumstances can change what something means. Identifying context and how it changes meaning is a key feature of critical thinking.

Words in Context Examples

Words in context questions are multiple choice questions. Just like other multiple choice questions, they appear immediately after a reference passage from a story, poem, or essay.

A reference passage is the passage of text a question refers to. It appears before each set of multiple choice questions.

Here is an example of a reference passage in an English Language exam:

Words in Context, Reference Passage Example, StudySmarterFig. 2 — Example passage.

Words in context questions are based on reference passages. Reference passages have numbered lines so you can easily refer to the correct lines when answering questions about the passage.

Words in context questions include a list of possible word or phrase choices to answer the question. Your job is to select the word or phrase that best answers the question, considering the context of the passage.

In the passage, the author uses the phrase «revolutionary methods» primarily to:

(A) Contrast the needs of modern women against those of historical women.

(B) Emphasize the humanity of women.

(C) Compare the methods of modern women to those of historical men.

(D) To criticize the suffrage movement.

Did you get C for this question? If so, you’re right! If you didn’t, or simply if you want a little more information, the following section contains how you might arrive at this answer.

How to Answer Words in Context Questions

To answer words in context questions, read the reference passage, identify context clues, predict the answer, and test out each possibility. Follow this 4-step process to effectively answer questions about words in context.

1. Read the Reference Passage

Before looking at the questions, read the reference passage closely. Mark any words, phrases, or sentences that reflect the author’s purpose.

2. Identify Context Clues

After reading the passage, take a moment to identify context clues.

Context clues are anything that gives you an idea of the context of a passage.

Here are some context clues you might identify:

  • Words that indicate the author’s tone and attitude toward the subject
  • Sentences that indicate the genre of the passage.
  • Information on the location, time period, or other historical aspects of the passage.
  • Information on the author.
  • Words and phrases that give you a sense of the author’s purpose.

3. Predict the Answer

Don’t look at the answer choices at first. Instead, try to make an educated guess. What do you think the right answer might be, without looking at the answer choices? This will help anticipate possible answers.

For example, you might think of a synonym for «compromise.» You find your guess isn’t in the list of options. However, the synonym you guessed most closely aligns with one of the answer options! You just made things a lot easier on yourself by trying to make an educated guess first.

Words in Context Tarot cards StudySmarterFig. 3 — Make educated not random predictions.

4. Test out Each Possibility

Once you have an educated guess, it’s time to consider the answer options. Take a moment to try out each answer. For example, if the question asks you to select the best synonym for a word, just replace that word with each answer option. See which one makes the most sense.

Words in Context — Key Takeaways

  • «Words in context» refers to how words change depending on their context, the set of facts and circumstances that surround a word or phrase.
  • The purpose of words in context questions is to check your understanding of how context changes things.

  • Words in context questions appear immediately after a reference passage and include a list of possible word choices to choose from.

  • To identify words in context questions, read each question closely to see what it asks you and how it phrases the question.

  • To answer words in context questions, read the reference passage, identify context clues, predict the answer, and test out each possibility.

Have you ever come across a word that you don’t quite understand? Of course you have! We all have!

So how did you go about figuring out what that word means?

Did you use a dictionary or thesaurus? Ask someone? Skip over it?

Well 2 of those 3 are pretty good ways of finding out what a word means (and no, skipping it is not one…)

We are going to be looking at some strategies for finding out the meaning of words using context

First of all — brainstorm with the person next to you:

What is context?

Context will give you clues to help you find the meaning of your unknown word.

Have a go at figuring out what these images mean.

*What are the clues that help you?*

I bet a lot of you used the words don’t or no

What was the clue that gives you that information?

Look for clues in the sentences to help you work out what these made up words mean.

Mr. K was so regtiled to see his class that he started to smile.

Miss. D was so milloped for her birthday, she could hardly wait.

 Mr. B turned around so frangly that he hurt his neck.

The ability to derive meaning from words is the heart of reading comprehension. At the simplest level, students reading text should be aware that they can work out the meaning of unfamiliar words by either looking them up in a dictionary or asking the teacher to define them. In this way, at the beginning levels of comprehension, students are aware that there are definitions and meanings that they do not know but are not cowed by this and can display a willingness to find out about words that they do not know yet.

This relationship to securing definitions is a simple one – the student reads a word, perhaps sounding it out due to its unfamiliarity, but is drawn to resources beyond the text to find out its meaning. In a more advanced level of reading comprehension, a student will display the skill of finding out the meaning of a word themselves by looking at its place in the text and inferring possible meanings from its relation to the rest of the passage. 

In this way, Finding Word Meaning in Context is a fundamental skill in the evolution of a student’s comprehension journey, because it illustrates not just a willingness to learn unfamiliar concepts in order to better understand text, but also the realisation that textual relationships within stories presented can be used to engage with text and promote thinking that allows students to use what they know to arrive at what they don’t.

Finding Word Meaning in Context is a crucial skill that develops as students move from lower-order to higher-order thinking about the texts that they read and illustrates the development of comprehension from rote learning to critically and creatively engaging with text read. Where once students were simply aware that definitions could be located outside the text, Finding Word Meaning in Context gradually develops a student’s ability to carefully and informedly find the knowledge of unknown concepts themselves within the text they’re reading.

In this way, Finding Word Meaning in Context is a pivotal strategy among the twelve that form the heart of CARS & STARS Online. Students who master this strategy demonstrate an ability to think deeply about information provided in a text, both directly and indirectly, and draw their own conclusions as to its meaning. Questions about Finding Word Meaning in Context in CARS & STARS Online encourage students to think about several possible meanings for a word and arrive at what they think is the most likely based on the wider context in which it is presented.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a 30-day free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.

A poster highlighting how to find word meaning in context when reading a piece of text.

Display this poster when learning about the different comprehension strategies and finding word meaning in context.

Information on the poster includes:

If you come across a word that you do not know the meaning of, you can use context clues to help you.

Definition Clues
An explanation of the unknown word’s meaning in the sentence or paragraph.
Kristen was ecstatic. She felt overwhelming happiness and joy.

Example Clues
An example of the unknown word’s meaning in the sentence or paragraph.
Kristen was ecstatic. She was jumping for joy and couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.

Synonym Clues
A synonym or another word that means the same in the sentence or paragraph.
Kristen was ecstatic. She was thrilled to win the prize.

Antonym Clues
An antonym or opposite in the sentence or paragraph.
Earlier, Kristen felt sad, but after winning the prize, she was ecstatic.


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  • AC9E4LY05

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    Use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring and questioning to build literal and inferred meaning, and to connect and compare content from a variety of sources

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The forgoing covers understanding (guessing the meaning of) new words and simple phrases

Firstly,  you should know that context is information, ideas or clues given in the sentence, and other sentences in the paragraph or text as a whole. Clues from the whole text come from: the title, subheadings, the main topic, thesis statement and topic sentences.

Example of context:

He hated all animals and insects, so he was really rattled when his found a sea of ants in his bedroom.

From the context, from he hated all animals and insects you can guess rattled means not happy, upset or scared.

To understand a text you will probably need to understand some new vocabulary. But did you know you can get meaning of new words from the passage your are reading, or looking more closely at the word itself? It is a very important and useful skill to be able to glean (get) meaning of new words from context and other clues. This way you will not need to look up every word you don’t know. If reading is easier for you you will probably read more and learn more.

You can learn new vocabulary from the context (the words and sentences nearby) together with other clues.  But you will need to look carefully for the clues. When you find them you will probably be able to guess correctly the meaning of pronouns, new words or new phrases.

You may use a dictionary to find the mean of some words. For all of the following exercises, YOU MAY NOT USE A DICTIONARY, A TRANSLATOR OR ASK ANYONE to help find the meaning of the underlined words.

The reading component (part) of your exam will include questions that ask the meaning of new words (and pronouns within the text). You will need to use context and other clues. So understanding how to find the clues, and practicing the skill of getting meaning from context (i.e. background or other information)  will help in the exam.  During your exam, you will not be able to ask anyone about vocabulary or use a translator app or dictionary during your exam. So you should practice getting meaning from context. Do the quizzes on this page.

IMPORTANT! You will need to be able to find the meaning of new words or phrases (words or phrases that do not appear in your textbook, the exam specification or the exam vocabulary list)

Look at this example:

“Ahmed made a new acquaintance yesterday.  That is just like him. He is always meeting new people.

What does “made a new acquaintancemean?

Choose a. or b. below. Use the clue (in red) to help you.

a. made an appointment

b. met someone for the first time.

The correct answer is b.

You need to use various clues to help understand new words. The following can help you get the meaning of a new word:

  1. knowing the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective…)
  2. knowing the meaning of prefixes and suffixes
  3. looking for context clues, like background or other information in the text
  4. you will also need to use you general knowledge

PART 1 – Using part of speech to help get meaning of new vocabulary

What are parts of speech?

Parts of speech include noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

Click here to review parts of speech . If you need some practice to help you understand parts of speech,  go here:

Using part of speech as a clue to meaning.

Look at the part of speech. Is the word  a verb (e.g. write), noun (e.g.pen) or adjective (nice)? The part of speech will give you a big clue as to the meaning of the new word. Then look at the sentences around the new word for more clues as to the meaning.

Example 1 -verb

The Prince motioned with his hand for everyone to sit down.

You might guess motioned  is a past tense verb, because it ends in ed and it comes after the subject (the Prince). The Prince did something, He did some kind of action. You can see  he used his hand. Maybe he wrote something. Maybe he picked something up. However, from the clue with his hand for everyone to sit down you might guess he moved, or waved his hand, to show (or signal) that he wanted everyone  to sit down. So motioned means waved or signaled.

Example 2 -noun

All his friends loved the taste of Stilton. They ate every last bit. The Prince would not eat it.He hated blue cheese. 

All his friends loved the taste shows that it is something that can be eaten. it’s food and it’s a a noun. He hated blue cheese tells you what kind of food it is. So Stilton is a kind of blue cheese.

Example 3-adjective

He sat down at the end of an enormous table. He joined the other 29 people already seated.

Enormous is an adjective (it comes before the noun, it describes the noun). It describes the table. From this sentence enormous might mean big, long, small, old etc. You will also need to look for other clues to get closer to the meaning of enormous. You might guess from the sentence He joined the other 29 people already seated that enormous means big.

Example 4-adverb

Everyone seated at the huge table waited for the prince to begin the feast. He reluctantly started to eat. It was blue cheese. He hated blue cheese.

Reluctantly is an adverb as it describes the verb. The word reluctantly refers to how the person is eating. He might might be eating quickly, slowly, or without pleasure (enjoyment). Again, you will also need to look for other clues to get closer to the meaning. You might guess from the sentences  It was blue cheese. He hated blue cheese that the Prince did not want to eat the cheese. He did not like blue cheese, so he ate it unwillingly, without enjoyment. .

Example 5-noun phrase

The Mark Dyson website lists (shows) his many amazing innovations. They include a driverless flying car,  a solar (sun) powered motorbike and a smartphone that never needs charging.

“His many amazing innovations  is a noun phrase. Noun phrases usually contain an adjective+noun and often other words too.  The examples: driverless flying car,  a solar (sun) powered motorbike and a smartphone that never needs charging suggest (give the idea) that innovations are new products (man-made things) never seen before.

Noun phrase practice quiz:

Example 6 – phrasal verb (idiomatic, and there is no literal sense)

“His bedroom was so messy. Has he  tidied and cleaned his room yet?” asked his aunt.  His mother replied (said) “Yes, it’s not messy now. He had been very busy with important college work, so he didn’t get around to it until last night.

Get around to (something) is a phrasal verb. It means do, as you might have guessed. The clues are: it’s not messy now and until last night.

Example 7 – phrasal verb (there is a literal and a idiomatic sense) Is he shooting off bullets? It the example in bold literal or idiomatic?

You’ve missed him. He went five  minutes ago. He said “sorry”.  He had to shoot off on urgent business.

Shoot off here is not literal. There is nothing being shot. It means leave quickly. The clue is: on urgent business.

Example 8 -passive verb

A car came around the bend much too fast, lost control, span (went) across the road and smashed head-on into David’s car. He was injured in the crash. He broke both arms and both legs.

“Was injured” is a passive verb. Was+verb+ed shows something happened to him. He did not do the injuring. In a crash a person can get cut, get hurt (damaged), be helped or be killed. An injury is something that can happen to you in a crash. Can you guess what injured means? The examples He broke both arms and both legs show he was hurt, so injured means hurt.


PART 2 – Using prefixes, roots and suffixes for meaning of new vocabulary.

This is only and introduction.

You can get an idea of the meaning of a new word if you look at the prefix, root and suffix.

helpfulful is the suffix and it shows the word in an adjective.

disable (verb): dis is the prefix. Dis means no/not/make not. So if a programme on you computer has been disabled is is not working.

revisiting: visit is the root: Re means again. Ing here shows it is a progressive (continuous) verb

The prefix or suffix changes the meaning of a word. For example,  the PC is disconnected from  the Internet has the opposite meaning to the PC is connection to the Internet  

Go here for a more detailed explanation, more examples, and quizzes (Scroll down to prefixes, roots and suffixes).


PART 3 – Six kinds of context clues.

Framework clues:

That guy always makes us laugh. His stories are hilarious.

What does hilarious mean?

The background clue, that guy always makes us laugh, shows he’s a funny guy. So what kind of stories does he tell?

What dies hilarious mean? Choose the best answer:

a..scary,      b. very funny,     c.true

The answer is: b. funny


Definition, example and framework clues

Here we look at three types of clues: definition, example and framework  clues. The clues are shown in italics.

Definition clue (in blue), example clue (in green) and framework clue (in red).

  1. A bungalow is a one story (level) house.
  2. Amphibious animals live part of their life in/on water and part on land.
  3. There are many kinds of furniture. For example, tables, chairs, bookcase and sofa.
  4. Carnivores such as lions, tigers, snakes and birds of prey (eagle, falcon etc.) …
  5. Our cat Timmy left home for 6 months. I think it was upset because we got another cat. We had thought Timmy would like the company of another cat, it seems he didn’t.  When Timmy returned he would not let us touch him. He had turned a little feral.
  6. The winner of the gold medal was so strong against his weaker opponents. He was omnipotent.

NOTE: with many framework clues you will also need to draw on your general knowledge. To help find the meaning of feral it helps to know that house cats can sometimes behave like wild cats.

Ex.1. Find the meaning of the underlined words from the examples above

  1. bungalow =     a. low house     b. tall house    c. nice house
  2. amphibious =   a. not clear    b. land+water  animal   c. lays eggs
  3. furniture =   a. only chairs    b.  kind of food   c.  movable things used to make a room or building OK for living or working
  4. carnivore =  a. insect eaters   b. meat eater   c. does not eat meat
  5. feral =  a. wild       b. happy       c. dangerous
  6. omnipotent =  a.  weak   b. powerful   c. dangerous


5 and 6 Retrieved (and adapted) from


6. powerful      5. wild    4. meat eater   3.  movable things used to make a room or building OK for living or working        2. land+water  animal       1. low house


Punctuation, contrast and comparison clues

We now look at three more different kinds of context clues: punctuation clues, contrast clues, comparison clues.

Punctuation clues

1. There are many kinds of deciduous trees, ones that lose their leaves each season.

2. The subconscious mind, or part of the mind of which one is not fully aware, often control the way we feel and act.(exercise coming soon).

Contrast clues

3. Peter was obese, but now he isn’t very overweight, just he should lose some more weight to be healthy.

4. John was studiouswhile his brother Paul did not study at all.

Comparison clues

5.  Taking out the garbage was an onerous task; likewise (similarly), washing dishes can be a hard job.

6.  The unsubstantial story was as if (like) she were retelling a dream.


Exercise  1

Find the meaning/synonym of the underlined words in the 6 sentences above.

  1. deciduous        =     a. leaves fall    b. choosing    c. tall
  2. subconscious  =     a. awake    b. asleep    c. unaware
  3. studious           =     a. does not study   b. smart   c. studies hard
  4. onerous            =      a. difficult     b. easy    c. for somone esle to do
  5. obese                 =     a. very thin    b.very sporty    c. fat
  6. unsubstantial  =     a. short/small    b. weak/thin    c. long/tall



unsubstantial      =   b. weak/thin                   obese                      =  c. fat

onerous                =   a. difficult                         studious                =  c. studies hard

subconscious      =   c. unaware                        deciduous           =    a. leaves fall



5.  adapted from

6. adapted from


Context clues summary

These are the types of clues that will help you (there are 6 in all):

  1. framework based clue (the meanings of surrounding words, background information you find in the text, your experience  and common sense).
  2. punctuation clues.
  3. definition clues.
  4. contrast clues.
  5. comparison clues.
  6. example clues.


Exercise 2.a 

What kind of clue is given? The words in bold show the kind of clue.

  1. The seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and southern Asia is a monsoon.
  2. Nicotine, a coloruless and oily drug in tobacco, stains the teeth of chain smokers.
  3. My sister is extremely neat in appearance while she is slovenly in her housekeeping.
  4. Birds are oviparous; similarly, fish and reptiles lay eggs that hatch outside of the body.
  5. Various means (ways) of conveyancefor example, cars, subways, and ships are used worldwide.
  6. The angry driver shouted vehemently during his fight with the other driver.


Retrieved from:



6. Framework based clue 5.  Example clue   4.Comparison clue

3. Contrast clue   2. Punctuation clue   1 Definition clue


Exercise 2.b

Find the meaning or synonym of the underlined words in Ex 2a. Choose the closest meaning.

  1. monsoon = type of tree, type of weather, name of a sea, area between Indian Ocean and Southern Asia
  2. nioctine = a brand of cigarette, engine oil, a drug, a kind of tobacco
  3. slovenly = neat, untidy, housekeeper, good
  4. oviparous = egg layer,  dangerous,  can fly, eats eggs
  5. conveyance = escalator, conveyor belt, manufacture,   transport
  6. vehemently = strongly, weakly, slowly, kindly


6. strongly    5. transport   4. egg layer    3. untidy   2. a drug    1. type of weather


Meaning of phrasal verbs from context

Common phrasal verbs with multiple meanings

What do the words in bold mean? Choose the best answer.

1.The plane will take off in 30 minutes. You should go to the boarding gate now

a. imitate (copy)     b.get off the ground     c. remove     d. leave.

2.You must be warm in that jacket.Why don’t you take it off?

a. imitate (copy)     b.get off the ground     c. remove     d. leave

3.So you want to talk about your idea for combating (fighting) terrorism. I can give you twenty minutes of my time now if that OK, but I have been asked to be ready to take off at a moment’s notice. If there is an emergency, I may have leave quickly and see the chief officer.

a. imitate (copy)     b.get off the ground     c. remove     d. leave

4. When I was young I liked to run through the fields.

a. move fast across     b.start and continue until the end     c.put a knife in someone    d. give information about

5. I need to run you through  the new fire safety regulations (rules).

a. move fast across     b.start and continue until the end     c.put a knife in someone    d. give information about

6. The German soldier was determined (set) to kill me. Since had no bullets left, he tried to run me through. I managed to shoot him before it was too late.

a. move fast across     b.start and continue until the end     c.put a knife in someone    d. give information about


1. b. get off the ground     2. c. remove    3  d. leave

4. a. move fast across     5. d. give information about   6. c.put a knife in someone


Meaning of phrasal verbs using the 6 types of context clues

What do the words in bold mean? Choose the best answer.

1.Framework clue

I’m not sure right now how we can fix (resolve) this. You damaged my car, but I’m sure we can work something out.

a. remove something    b. find a resolution (agreeable result)  c.  fix (repair) the car together

2.Definition clue

I will not put up with your bad behavior. I will not tolerate (accept) it.

a. endure (stay with)    b. increase    c.  resist (fight)

3. Examples clue

Person A   “I must get on top of my homework”

Person B.”Why not (I suggest) do the most important homework tonight? I will stay and help you. Forget about any homework where there are no grade points at stake (to be awarded). Then make sure you do one hour homework every night.”

a.  to gain control of a difficult situation      b. climb on top of homework books     c. get the highest  possible grade

4. Comparison clue

Andy stands up for himself.  He similar to  his brother Jack. Jack can and will defend himself with words if he needs to.

a.  stand up tall      b. never asks others to stand up     c. defend with words

5. Contrast clue

I though he’d grown out of going drifting. It seems he hasn’t. He’s like a teenager, he goes drifting almost every night.

a.  become wiser        b. stopped, due to being older or wiser      c. become too fat or tall to fit

6. Punctuation clue

“Why are you sitting watching boring TV every night, ignoring your problem? You really need to visit the doctor, Maria. Why put it off again?” Putting important things off, delaying necessary action or response, can cause pain and stress. It can even damage your health.

a.  switch off the TV       b. cancel an appointment    c. delaying  action

Answers:     1. b.    2. a.   3. a    4. c.   5. b    6.c.


Meaning of passives from context

What do the words in bold mean? Choose the best answer.

1. Contrast clue

Tea is harvested all year round, whereas outdoor grown oranges are available for picking only half the year.

a. brought in from the fields             b. drunk or eaten            c. planted out in the fields

2. Comparison clue.

After Bonzo, Emma’s dog, did so much damage to her Mum’s new villa, it was confined to the garden for a month.  Emma was made to stay somewhere too, in her room, for the whole weekend. Her mother was angry with for not exercising the dog enough.

a. destroyed             b. made to stay           c. made smaller

3. Framework clue

We are staying with my parents,  while our house is being renovated. It was looking old and tired. It really needs a lot of work done.  Their place (house) has plenty (lots) of space and lots of spare bedrooms.

a. returned to a new condition            b. made bigger          c. made safer

4. Punctuation clue

We went back to see the old house I used to live in as a child. I was disappointed. It‘d  been demolished, flattened and swept away,  like it had never existed.

a. imaginary           b. returned to a new condition        c. pulled down

5. Examples clue

was snatched

6. Definition clue

were forgiven


1.a. brought in from the fields     2. b. made to stay   3.a. returned to a new condition

4.c. pulled down


Quick Practice

Exercise 1

Find the meaning/synonym of the underlined words.

  1. Another component, or part, of blood is red blood cells.
  2. Kangaroos, opossums, and other marsupials usually carry their young in a pouch.
  3. Bob hiked the forests of Maine in October because he wanted to see the fall foliage.
  4. In contrast to how stiff it got in the refrigerator, the dough became pliable when the baker rolled it out.
  5. Bees and flowers have a symbiotic relationship; in other words, they each help the other to survive.
  6. A megalopolis is an enormous city.
  7. Somnambulism, or sleepwalking, can be dangerous.


  1. component = a. person  b. computer   c. part
  2. marsupials = a. insects   b. flightless birds   c. animals that usually carry their young in a pouch
  3. foliage = a. trees  b. leaves  c.branches
  4. pliable = a. hard as iron  b. strong/unbreakable  c. soft/bendy 
  5. symbiotic =  a. simple medicine  b. living things  helping each other to live c. like a machine
  6. megalopolis  = a. small town  b. medium sized city  c.very big city
  7. somnambulism =  a. ambulance   b. walking in one’s sleep  c. not many


7. walking in one’s sleep  6. very big city  5.  living things helping each other to live.   4. soft/bendy  3. leaves  2. animals that usually carry their young in a pouch  1.  part


Exercise 2

Find the meaning of underlined word in each sentence.

1. Mark is obsessed with dogs; he likes them better than people!

A. preoccupied B. excited about

2. Roger is obnoxious, just like his dog that never stops barking.

A. encouraging B. unpleasant

3. No one comes into my yard because my dog is vehement about protecting us.

A. fierce B. sweet

4. Joel is ambivalent about dogs, he can’t decide whether he wants one or not.     A. unhappy B. unsure

5. Aaron asked if he could have a dog, but his parents rejected the idea.

A. refused B. liked

6. My dog Sparky needs constant reassurance because he is so insecure.

A. lacking confidence B. lacking security

7. We think George will be a good dog trainer because he has so much composure.

A. experince B. patience

8. Harvey doesn’t like other dogs. He is so antisocial.

A. not social B. overly social

9. Spot never gets sick because he has an extremely healthy constitution.     A. thinking  B. physical state

10. I was very dissatisfied when Fluffy failed dog obedience.     A. pleased B. not pleased


1. A  2.B   3.A   4.B   5.A   6. A  7. B  8.A   9. B  10.B


Adapted from:


More quick practice


Reading Passages

Banana Smoothies

Find the meaning of the bold words

Banana smoothies first appeared in the 1930s. Since then, they have become very popular across the world. Not only is the banana smoothie delicious, but it has many of the nutrients our bodies need to function (work / be well).

Banana smoothies are made from fresh bananas using an electric blender. The fresh fruit gives it that chunky but creamy look. The ice keeps it cool in the hot summer heat. Bananas have a lot of healthy carbohydrates which makes them a perfect food for athletes and people with active lifestyles.

Smoothies help to give energy after a difficult workout.  Doctors recommend bananas to  who have heart problems and high blood pressure, as they lower the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Another good thing about this wonderful fruit is that it protects against depression and keeps you in a good mood.  Banana smoothies, when mixed with yogurt and other fruits like apples or mangos, protect you from stomach ulcers and help your digestive system.

Bananas are a low-calorie food; there are about 100 calories in a medium sized banana. They make you feel full, so if you eat a banana, you will avoid snacking between meals. This is beneficial because it helps you to reach your weight loss goals. But make sure you don’t put sugar in your smoothie. Bananas are sweet enough

  1. they (in paragraph 1)               = A. people  B. nutrients  C.banana smoothies
  2. nutrients (in paragraph 1)      = A. things within food you need in order to live   B. banana smoothies    C. yellow fruit
  3. it ( (in paragraph 2)                  = A. electric blender    B. a smoothie    C. ice
  4. risk    (in paragraph 3)               =  A.  bananas     B. chance    C.  impossible                         
  5. depression    (in paragraph 3)   =  A.  good heath    B. low mood     C. high spirits (mood)
  6. ulcers   (in paragraph 3)            = A. stomach sores   B.bad people   C.sugar
  7. digestive system  (in paragraph 3)      = A. parts of the body that help you breathe  B. banana smoothies  C. parts of the body that help change food to energy.
  8. beneficial (in paragraph 4)      =  A. low-calorie  B. sweet tasting  C. helpful



8. beneficial (in paragraph 4)                = helpful

7. digestive system   (in paragraph 3)    = parts of the body that help change food to energy

6. ulcers     (in paragraph 3)                    =  stomach sores

5. expression  in paragraph 3)                   =  low mood

4. risk    (in paragraph 3)                           =  chance   

3. it ( (in paragraph 2)                             = a smoothie

2. nutrients (in paragraph 1)                  = things within food you need in order to live

1. they (in paragraph 1)                           =  banana smoothies

Acknowledgement: adapted from KSU exam preparation material.


Improving Your English

Find the meaning of the bold words

Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?

The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people. In Italy, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want to and the learning is slower.

On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don’t have to make big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school.

So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class.

Retrieved from

  1. method  → school, language, teacher, way.
  2. obvious → impossible to see, difficult to see or understand, easy to see, difficult
  3. surrounded   → everywhere around, surprised, not next to, speaking
  4. advantages  → bad things, good things, difficult things, easy things
  5. achieve  not get, get, stop, give away
  6. concentrated → focused, confused, diffiult, relaxing
  7. viable → easy, workable, legal, clear
  8. situation → urgent, place or circumstances, emergency, exam or test
  9. maximise your opportunities → improve your accent,  avoid mistakes by not trying, make the most of your chances,  learn Italian


  1. method  →  way.
  2. obvious → easy to see or understand
  3. surrounded   → everywhere around
  4. advantages  → good things
  5. achieve   get
  6. concentrated → focused
  7. viable → workable
  8. situation → place or circumstances
  9. maximise your opportunities → make the most of your chances


When the Ground Shakes

Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words (if you don’t know them already): panic,  hurricane, flood, surge, earthquake, obstacles,  regardless, approach, distressing

Find the meaning of the bold words without a dictionary

Earthquakes are often devastating, killing people and destroying buildings. One of the most important things to remember when calamity strikes (hits) is not to panic. A panicky person cannot think clearly. A person who panics cannot maneuver through the obstacles presented by a disaster, such as a tornado or hurricane. Each kind of disaster requires a different action. For example, a tornado requires (needs) people to go to the center of a building (preferably a room with no windows) or a basement and to cover their heads. A hurricane, on the other hand, requires evacuation because the storm surge can flood areas. If the storm surge rises too high, people will be stranded on rooftops and unable to get to safety. In the event of an earthquake, people should get outside or stand in doorways for protection. Seismic activity causes the ground to shake and buildings to come toppling down in some cases. Regardless of the kind of natural disaster, a calm approach will allow you to think things through and act appropriately for the situation.

Adapted from

Click to access ccslh_g6_lv_8_3b_link3.pdf

Exercise: choose the correct or closest meaning if there is no correct meaning.

devastating →      exciting,    enormous,   highly destructive or damaging,   ground shaking.

calamity →  damaging or distressing event,   memorable or important event,   earthquake, death

maneuver →  destroy completely,  move around,  plan ahead.  live dangerously

evacuation →  drying out,   patience,    courage,   moving out

stranded →  can’t understand,  can’t move,   can’t communicate,  living

seismic → rescure,  building,  hurricane,  earthquake

toppling →  falling,   slowly,   eventually,  gently

appropriately →  in a fitting way ,  not exactly correctly,  without panic,   proceeding (going) cautiously


devastating →      highly destructive or damaging

calamity →  damaging or distressing event

maneuver →  move around

evacuation →   moving out

stranded →  can’t move

seismic → earthquake

toppling →  falling

appropriately →  in a fitting way


Below is a pair of reading passages followed by several multiple-choice question. Carefully read the passages and choose the best answer for the question that follows.

Victor Hugo, famous for works such as Les Miserables, which depicts life during the French Revolution, had a son, Charles, who was accused of criticizing a public execution-a punishable offense in Paris at the time. In the first passage, delivered in 18511851, Hugo entreats the court to grant mercy in sentencing his son.

Socrates, one of the greatest philosophers in world history, was executed in 399399 B.C. The second passage recounts parts of Socrates’ last speech before the judges of the Greek court condemned him to death.

First passage

GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY:- If there is a culprit here, it is not my son-it is myself-it is I!-I, who for these last twenty-five years have opposed capital Punishment-have contended for the inviolability of human life-have committed this crime, for which my son is now arraigned. Here I denounce myself, Mr. Advocate General! I have committed it under all aggravated circumstance-deliberately, repeatedly, tenaciously. Yes, this old and absurd lex talionis-this law of blood for blood-I have combated all my life-all my life, gentlemen of the jury! And, while I have breath, I will continue to combat it, by all my efforts as a writer, by all my words and all my votes as a legislator! I declare it before the crucifix; before that victim of the penalty of death, who sees and hears us; before that gibbet, to which, two thousand years ago, for the eternal instruction of the generations, the human law nailed the Divine!

In all that my son has written on the subject of capital punishment-and for writing and publishing which he is now before you on trial-in all that he has written, he has merely proclaimed the sentiments with which, from his infancy, I have inspired him. Gentlemen jurors, the right to criticize a law, and to criticize it severely-especially a penal law-is placed beside the duty of amelioration, like a torch beside the work under the artisan’s hand. This right of the journalist is as sacred, as necessary, as imprescriptible, as the right of the legislator.

What are the circumstances? A man, a convict, a sentenced wretch, is dragged, on a certain morning, to one of our public squares. There he finds the scaffold! He shudders, he struggles, he refuses to die. He is young yet-only twenty-nine. Ah! I know what you will say-«He is a murderer!» But hear me. Two officers seize him. His hands, his feet, are tied. He throws off the two officers. A frightful struggle ensues. His feet, bound as they are, become entangled in the ladder. He uses the scaffold against the scaffold! The struggle is prolonged. Horror seizes on the crowd. The officers-sweat and shame on their brows-pale, panting, terrified, despairing-despairing with I know not what horrible despair-shrinking under that public reprobation which ought to have visited the penalty, and spared the passive instrument, the executioner-the officers strive savagely. The victim clings to the scaffold and shrieks for pardon. His clothes are torn-his shoulders bloody-still he resists.

At length, after three-quarters of an hour of this monstrous effort, of this spectacle without a name, of this agony-agony for all, be it understood-agony for the assembled spectators as well as for the condemned man-after this age of anguish, gentlemen of the jury, they take back the poor wretch to his prison. The people breathe again. The people, naturally merciful, hope that the man will be spared. But no-the guillotine, though vanquished, remains standing. There it frowns all day in the midst of a sickened population. And at night, the officers, reinforced, drag forth the wretch again, so bound that he is but an inert weight — they drag him forth, haggard, bloody, weeping, pleading, howling for life-calling upon God, calling upon his father and mother-for like a very child had this man become in the prospect of death-they drag him forth to execution. He is hoisted on to the scaffold, and his head falls! And then through every conscience runs a shudder.

Second passage

FOR the sake of no long space of time, O Athenians, you will incur the character and reproach at the hands of those who wish to defame the city, of having put that wise man, Socrates, to death. For those who wish to defame you will assert that I am wise, tho I am not. If, then, you had waited for a short time, this would have happened of its own accord; for observe my age, that it is far advanced in life, and near death. But I say this not to you all, but to those only who have condemned me to die. And I say this too to the same persons. Perhaps you think, O Athenians, that I have been convicted through the want of arguments, by which I might have persuaded you, had I thought it right to do and say anything so that I might escape punishment. Far otherwise: I have been convicted through want indeed, yet not of arguments, but of audacity and impudence, and of the inclination to say such things to you as would have been most agreeable for you to hear, had I lamented and bewailed and done and said many other things unworthy of me, as I affirm, but such as you are accustomed to hear from others.

But neither did I then think that I ought, for the sake of avoiding danger, to do anything unworthy of a freeman, nor do I now repent of having so defended myself; but I should much rather choose to die having so defended myself than to live in that way. For neither in a trial nor in battle is it right that I or any one else should employ every possible means whereby he may avoid death; for in battle it is frequently evident that a man might escape death by laying down his arms and throwing himself on the mercy of his pursuers. And there are many other devices in every danger, by which to avoid death, if a man dares to do and say everything.
But this is not difficult, O Athenians, to escape death, but it is much more difficult to avoid depravity, for it runs swifter than death. And now I, being slow and aged, am overtaken by the slower of the two; but my accusers, being strong and active, have been overtaken by the swifter, wickedness. And now I depart, condemned by you to death; but they condemned by truth, as guilty of iniquity and injustice: and I abide my sentence and so do they. These things, perhaps, 25 ought so to be, and I think that they are for the best.

In the next place, I desire to predict to you who have condemned me, what will be your fate: for I am now in that condition in which men most frequently prophesy, namely, when they are about to die. I say then to you, O Athenians, who have condemned me to death, that immediately after my death a punishment will overtake you, far more severe, by Jupiter, than that which you have inflicted on me. For you have done this thinking you should be freed from the necessity of giving an account of your life. The very contrary however, as I affirm, will happen to you. Your accusers will be more numerous, whom I have now restrained, though you did not perceive it; and they will be more severe, inasmuch as they are younger and you will be more indignant. For, if you think that by putting men to death you will restrain any one from upbraiding you because you do not live well, you are much mistaken; for this method of escape is neither possible nor honorable, but that other is most honorable and most easy, not to put a check upon others, but for a man to take heed to himself, how he may be most perfect. Having predicted thus much to those of you who have condemned me, I take my leave of you.

But with you who have voted for my acquittal, I would gladly hold converse on what has now taken place, while the magistrates are busy and I am not yet carried to the place where I must die. Stay with me then, so long, O Athenians, for nothing hinders our conversing with each other, whilst we are permitted to do so; for I wish to make known to you, as being my friends, the meaning of that which has just now befallen me. To me then, O my judges-and in calling you judges I call you rightly-a strange thing has happened. For the wonted prophetic voice of my guardian deity, on every former occasion, even in the most trifling affairs, opposed me, if I was about to do anything wrong; but now, that has befallen me which ye yourselves behold, and which any one would think and which is supposed to be the extremity of evil, yet neither when I departed from home in the morning did the warning of the god oppose me, nor when I came up here to the place of trial, nor in my address when I was about to say anything; yet on other occasions it has frequently restrained me in the midst of speaking. But now it has never throughout this proceeding opposed me, either in what I did or said. What then do I suppose to be the cause of this? I will tell you: what has befallen me appears to be a blessing; and it is impossible that we think rightly who suppose that death is an evil. A great proof of this to me is the fact that it is impossible but that the accustomed signal should have opposed me, unless 1 had been about to meet with some good.

You, therefore, O my judges, ought to entertain good hopes with respect to death, and to meditate on this one truth, that to a good man nothing is evil, neither while living nor when dead, nor are his concerns neglected by the gods. And what has befallen me is not the effect of chance; but this is clear to me, that now to die, and be freed from my cares, is better for me. On this account the warning in no way turned me aside; and I bear no resentment toward those who condemned me, or against my accusers, although they did not condemn and accuse me with this intention, but thinking to injure me: in this they deserve to be blamed.

Thus much, however, I beg of them. Punish my sons, when they grow up, O judges, paining them as I have pained you, if they appear to you to care for riches or anything else before virtue, and if they think themselves to be something when they are nothing, reproach them as I have done you, for not attending to what they ought, and for conceiving themselves to be something when they are worth nothing. If ye do this, both I and my sons shall have met with just treatment at your hands.

But it is now time to depart,-for me to die, for you to live. But which of us is going to a better state is unknown to every one but God.

Both passages involve situations in which people are put on trial for

A. extorting government funds.

B. harboring fugitives.

C. leading revolutions.

D. communicating with the enemy.

E. subversive speech.

You Don’t Have to Memorize Terms to Understand Their Meaning

Andrius Aleksandravicius / EyeEm / Getty Images 

Updated on January 20, 2020

Reading comprehension is one of the most difficult skills to master yet also one of the most prominent. In fact, most standardized tests feature reading comprehension-based questions. Reading comprehension involves skills like finding the main idea, making inferences, determining the author’s purpose, and understanding familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary words.

Context Clues

The good news is that one of the most important reading comprehension skills, understanding vocabulary, can be easily mastered using a tool always available to you: context. You can understand any new vocabulary term using only the context around it. By looking at the elements of a passage, an unknown vocabulary word reveals its meaning. For this reason, you’ll never have to memorize every word—you only have to remember how to use context clues.

Take the word «acerbity», for example. You might not understand this word on its own without a definition, but in a sentence, you have all the information you need: “The acerbity of the lemon caused the little girl to spit out the bite she had just taken.” The girl’s reaction to the lemon, spitting it out, tells you that the taste was unpleasant. Knowing that lemons are sour/bitter, you can ascertain that it was the lemon’s extreme sour/bitterness or acerbity that caused the little girl to spit it out.

Sample Standardized Test Question

As mentioned, reading comprehension questions can be found on almost any standardized test, so make sure you’re prepared to ace them. Pay attention to tense and tone as well. A vocabulary-related question on a test often looks something like this:

Read the passage and answer the question that follows.

After the first day on the job, the bank’s new manager realized he would be busier than he had been led to believe. Not only was he assisting the bank tellers with their work, but his new boss had decided to inundate him with other tasks like creating security systems, managing the bank’s deposits and refunds, securing loans, and maintaining daily operations. The new manager was exhausted as he locked the bank up for the night.

The best definition for the word “inundate» is:

  1. overload
  2. provide
  3. assault
  4. underwhelm

Hint: Figure out if your choice is correct is by swapping each answer with the word «inundated» in the passage. Which word fits the intended meaning best? If you said «overload», you’d be correct. The new manager was given more tasks than he could handle—he was overloaded/inundated with tasks.

Understanding Vocabulary Words

You’ll rarely be asked to define new words by themselves without any additional information, which means you’ll be given plenty of opportunities to practice using context clues. The following exercise is designed to help you sharpen the skill of understanding unfamiliar words in context.


Try to determine the meanings of the italicized vocabulary words using context clues in the sentences. There is more than one correct answer for each, so write as many synonyms/definitions as you can think of.

  1. Pablo always showed animosity toward his teachers by throwing spitballs and mouthing off, but his sister Mary was kind and sweet.
  2. The little girl was showing signs of ocular problems—she squinted to read the blackboard and complained of headaches after working on the computer for too long.
  3. The crowd rewarded the singer with plaudits, clapping and cheering through a standing ovation.
  4. Elena’s repudiation of Jerry’s bad table manners was obvious to everyone at dinner as she dropped her napkin and left the table.
  5. From the far past to the present day, the moon has been thought to cause lunacy. Some studies have shown that this momentary insanity does have some association with lunar phases.
  6. The old man’s hair was sparse rather than thick and full like it was when he was young.
  7. Janie was as devout as the Pope himself when it came to praying.
  8. My sister Kimmy shows a great abhorrence for crowds, whereas my little brother Michael loves to be the center of attention.
  9. The teacher admonished her student for misbehaving during the lesson.
  10. The sorcerer’s minions were willing to complete any task they were given as long as evil was not conjured upon them.
  11. 97 pairs is a superfluous number of shoes.
  12. The spy was hung at the gallows of his homeland for his perfidious deeds.
  13. “Busy as a bee” and “quiet as a mouse” are hackneyed phrases—they’re used all the time.
  14. Amelia was as pretentious as a princess when she arrived at the party. She tossed her coat to the hostess and grabbed a drink out of a nearby guest’s hand.
  15. We always listen to my great-aunt because she is venerable, but we ignore my niece’s advice because she’s only six.


  1. hatred; extreme dislike
  2. related to the eye
  3. extreme praise
  4. denial; refutation; rejection
  5. insanity; madness; psychosis
  6. thin; spare; light; meager
  7. pious; religious; sincere
  8. hatred; loathing; disgust
  9. reprimanded; cautioned; reproved
  10. crony; underling; follower
  11. excessive; extra; surplus; redundant
  12. disloyal; treacherous; deceitful
  13. trite; clichéd; worn out
  14. showy; pompous; entitled
  15. respected; esteemed; revered

Guessing Meaning from Context

Confronted with texts, language learners may be stuck by a shortage of vocabulary inventory and thus be unable to understand what texts are about. The first thing that a learner does to understand a difficult word is to look it up using the nearest dictionary. There are however techniques learners may use to get the meaning of such vocabulary items. One of these techniques is guessing meaning from context.

No matter what level our students are in, they will often come across difficult words in texts they are exposed to. Inferring and guessing the meanings of unfamiliar words is a strategy that is worth developing.

Guessing from context refers to the ability to infer the meaning of an expression using contextual clues. These clues may be purely linguistic or situational:

  • Linguistic context: the linguistic environment in which a word is used within a text
  • Situational context: extra-linguistic elements that contribute to the construction of meaning may involve background knowledge of the subject.

What this amounts to is that learners should be able to infer the meaning of an unknown word using:

  1. The meaning of vocabulary items that surround it;
  2. The way the word is formed;
  3. Background knowledge of the subject and the situation.

Techniques for guessing

Texts are often full of redundancy and consequently, students can use the relation between different items within a text to get the meaning. Our prior knowledge of the world may also contribute to understanding what an expression means.

  • Synonyms and definitions:
    • Kingfishers are a group of small to medium-sized brightly colored birds
    • When he made insolent remarks towards his teacher they sent him to the principal for being disrespectful
  • Antonym and contrast
    • He loved her so much for being so kind to him. By contrast, he abhorred her mother
  • Cause and effect
    • He was disrespectful towards other members. That’s why he was sent off and penalized.
  • Parts of speech
    • Whether the word is a noun, a verb, an adjective, or an adverb, functioning as a subject, a predicate, or an object.
  • Examples
    • A trojan is an example of a computer virus
  • Word forms (the morphological properties of the word)
    • Getting information from affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to understand a word. Examples: dis- (meaning not), –less (meaning without)…
  • General knowledge
    • The French constitution establishes laïcité as a system of government where there is a strict separation of church and state.

These techniques help students get the meaning of words or at least narrow the possibilities. If need be using the dictionary should be the last resort to fine-tune  the understanding of a vocabulary item

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