Find word in the text to match these definitions

Английский язык,

вопрос задал anyazykina01,

7 месяцев назад

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Ответил vertu345


— Hepatitis B; -syphilis and HIV; -mercury; — eczema, hay fever, asthma; -street drugs; -medicines

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Пожалуйста ответе

find words 1 — 6 in the text and match them with definitions a — f

1 bagpipes a) a musician who plays the bagpipes

2 piper b) to write music

3 kilt c) a traditional musical instrument

4 compose d) a group of singers

5 perform e) a traditional Scottish skirt for men

6 choir f) to play music at a concert.

На странице вопроса Пожалуйста ответеfind words 1 — 6 in the text and match them with definitions a — f1 bagpipes a) a musician who plays the bagpipes2 piper b) to write music3 kilt c) a traditional musical instrument4 c? из категории Английский язык вы найдете
ответ для уровня учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Если полученный ответ не
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0 голосов

619 просмотров

Find the words in the text and match them with the definitions.


  • words
  • match
  • definitions
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык

Английский язык


18 Май, 20


619 просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

0 голосов

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Для ответа


18 Май, 20

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Пожалуйста ответе
find words 1-6 in the text and match them with definitions a-f
1 bagpipes a) a musician who plays the bagpipes
2 piper b) to write music
3 kilt c) a traditional musical instrument
4 compose d) a group of singers
5 perform e) a traditional Scottish skirt for men
6 choir f) to play music at a concert

1 ответ:



1 c
2 a
3 e
4 b
5 f
6 d…………………………………………

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4.many, much

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<span><span>My Favourite Sport
</span><span>Everybody knows that sport is an important part of healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many opportunities nowadays to do different types of sports. First of all, we always have lessons of physical education at school. Secondly, from the very childhood I attend martial arts, to be precise karate lessons. It’s one of my favourite types of pastime. I’ve had several teachers and all of them were highly professional. Another sport that I enjoy is swimming. I’m just an amateur, and I often go to the nearest swimming-pool. Luckily in summer I get a chance to swim in the open sea. I’m not the only sport lover in our family. My younger brother is also keen on sport. His favourite sport is tennis and he is really good at it. Besides doing sports, I like watching different games on TV. Every winter, for example, I watch figure skating, skiing and hockey championships. In summer I enjoy watching football and rowing. Besides active games, there are also some other types of games which also refer to sports, among them chess, backgammon, billiards, air hockey, bowling and others. When I have free time I do play these games with my friends. I don’t think there are any types of sport which I don’t like.</span></span>

с определенным артиклем

the post-secondary education — высшее образование

the postgraduate education — послевузовское образование

the academic programs — специальные учебные программы

с неопределенным артиклем:

well-known universities — знаменитые университеты

international students — иностранные студенты

teacher education programmes — программы для педагогического образования

Cantor, carton //////////////////////

Read the advertisement and find words in the text that match these definitions.

1 change something to make it suit a special purpose


2 add electronic information to something, e.g. a


3 the position of something_________

4 changing written or printed words to data that a

computer can understand_____________

5 give information__________________

6 a word used to show that something is completely

correct and true_______________________

7 stored information, e.g. on a computer______________

8 a small part inside smartphones and other devices that measures change of speed, e.g. if someone drops it________________


With our fabulous new hand-held devices, your mobile workers can be safer and more productive at the same time! Have no more paperwork that takes up workers’ time and that can get lost! Know where your workers are at any time!

We can customise devices for any situation. As an example, let’s look at devices that we’ve customised for traffic wardens:

• The devices have cameras and GPS so the warden can take photographs of illegally parked cars. The device automatically tags the photographs with location and time. Then optical character recognition (OCR) technology can read the car’s registration number from the photograph and transmit it wirelessly to a central database. The warden saves time because there is no data entry.

• The devices continuously report the warden’s location back to the control centre. So if there is a problem, the control centre knows exactly where the warden is and who to contact.

• Because most of the data is kept electronically, record keeping costs are lower.

• Being a traffic warden can be dangerous. The accelerometer in the device automatically sends a message if it falls, unless the user presses the ‘Cancel’ button immediately. Then the control centre can call the police.

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