Find the word you re looking for

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Stuck on a word search? Have you spent what feels like hours hunting for that one missing word to solve your puzzle? You’re in the right place: welcome to our Word Search Solver! Whether you need help solving a school assignment or just want to finish your puzzle before you lose your sanity, you can use our tool to quickly and easily find the missing words you’re looking for.

How To Use the Word Search Solver

  1. Create your board: In the ‘Create Board’ box, type all the letters that appear on your board in the order they appear. Don’t forget to hit return between lines to ensure correct formatting. The board preview will automatically update as you type, so you can check to make sure the board is accurate as you go.
  2. Enter words to find: If you’re looking for particular words in your search, you can enter them into the ‘Find these words’ box. When searching for multiple words, make sure to separate them using commas. Spaces aren’t necessary between words.
  3. Set searching parameters: Our tool allows you to search only for specific words or to search for any word found in the dictionary. If you don’t have specific words you want to search for, set the parameter to ‘Dictionary only.’ Even if you are looking for specific words, it can be fun to see all the words that appear in your search, whether intentionally included or not!

Tips for Solving Word Searches

This section describes some tips on how to improve at word search puzzles.

Scan each row for key letters.

Although this is not the quickest way to solve a puzzle, it is likely the most thorough when you are stuck. Instead of randomly searching the board, start at the top left corner of the board and, row-by-row, scan for key letters or letter combinations. For instance, if one of the words you are searching for is ‘puzzle’, scan the board for the letter ‘P’ or ‘Z’. This methodical approach can help ensure you don’t miss anything hiding in plain sight!

Look for the longest words first.

If your board includes long words, try searching for those first. They’re often easy to find, because they take up a significant amount of space on the board — and they can help you narrow down available search areas for other, shorter words.

Make sure you know your board’s rules.

Depending on the word search, there might be different rules about how words can appear on the board. For instance, some word searches might allow for words to be placed diagonally and backwards across the board, while others may not. Make sure you know your board’s rules, so you’re not missing out on different ways the word could appear.

Look for key two-letter combinations.

Sometimes, if a word contains a lot of common letters, that word can be harder to find on the board. To narrow down your search, try to find a unique two-letter combination within the word that you can search for. These combinations will be less likely to appear randomly on your board, and can significantly narrow down your search time. For instance, if you’re searching for the word ‘Aubergine,’ you might look for the ‘AU’ letter combination instead of only searching for ‘A’s.

Scan the board backwards, or turn it upside down.

If you find yourself stumped, a good way to change your perspective is to scan the board backwards or upside down. For instance, starting at the bottom right corner and looking for key letters might help you find something you missed when scanning from left to right. Similarly, physically turning the board upside down might help you notice patterns on the board that you previously missed.

Use your finger or a pen to keep your place.

It can be easy to lose yourself in all those letters. When you’re scanning the board, keep your place with your finger or a pointing device in order to ensure you don’t inadvertently skip any lines or letters.

Where to Find Word Searches of All Difficulty Levels

The Word Finder has our own word search puzzles to browse and play. Whether you’re a teacher looking for a way to entertain their students, or a hobbyist who just likes to keep their mind sharp, we have word searches for all different ages, topics, and difficulty levels. For many of our puzzles, you can even customize the difficulty level for different players. For instance, you can generate an ‘easy’ Taylor Swift word search for one child, and a ‘hard’ Taylor Swift word search for another, so they can work on the similar tasks customized to their abilities. If you’re looking for more of a challenge, we also have a unique ‘brutal’ setting for our word searches, which creates puzzles even the most skilled searcher would struggle to solve. We also have a tool that will allow you to make your own custom word search puzzle. These can be great for gifts, parties, or even the classroom. Word search puzzles have been around for a long time, and it’s fun to be able to create your own!

Feedback for Word Search Solver

What do you think about our Word Search Solver? Was this tool useful for you, or are there features you’d like to add? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out using the ‘Contact Us’ page linked below to share your suggestions. Also be sure to check out our new wordle solver for the popular new word game!

A thesaurus is a repetitive writer’s best friend, but what happens when you’re looking for a specific word, the one that starts with a certain letter, or means the same things as that other word? Free word search site Tip of My Tongue makes it easy to find that word that’s just out of your fuzzy mind’s reach. Type in parameters on the left—letters the word starts with or contains, definitions it matches, and others—and the word matches appears instantly on the right. It’s worth a bookmark for anyone who’s struggled at their keyboard, only to just type in, say, «useful.»

Tip of My Tongue [ via Digital Inspiration]

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Easy ways to search for a word on a website

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This wikiHow teaches you how to search for a word or phrase on a webpage. Nearly every web browser comes with a «Find» tool. This allows you to search a webpage for matching words or phrases. You can also use Google’s advanced search options to perform a search for a word or phrase on all of the pages of a specific site. You can use this in conjunction with the Find tool to locate a word anywhere on the internet.

  1. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 14


    Visit in your browser. You can use Google to perform searches of all of the pages on a website. This can help you find matching words on large or complex websites.

  2. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 15


    Enter site: followed by the site address you want to search. For example, if you wanted to search for a word on wikiHow, you would type «site:» in the Google search bar. This tells Google to only search on the website you want to search.


  3. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 16


    Enter the word or phrase you want to search for after the site address. You can enter a single word or you can enter phrases. [1]

    • For example, to search wikiHow for any page that has the word «banana», you would type banana. To search wikiHow for any page that has the phrase «eat a banana», you would type eat a banana.
  4. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 17


    Open a page from the search results and use the Find command. Google will return any pages that match your search, but it won’t point you to the matching text once you open the page. You’ll need to use the Find tool to jump to where the word occurs on the page.

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  1. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 7


    Tap your web browser to open it. All popular web browsers have a «Find» function. This includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Samsung’s «Internet» app. Tap the icon for whichever web browser you use on your iPhone or Android device to open it.

  2. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 8


    Navigate to the webpage you want to search. Use the address bar at the top of the web browser to enter the web address for the website you want to search. You can also Google to search for the exact webpage you want to search.

  3. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 9


    Tap , , or

    iPhone Blue Share

    . This opens the menu. If you are using Google Chrome, tap the icon with three dots in the upper-right corner. If you are using Firefox, tap the icon with three dots in the lower-right corner. If you are using Safari on iPhone or iPad, tap the blue square icon with an arrow pointing up in the upper-right corner. If you are using Samsung Internet, tap the icon with three lines in the lower-right corner.

  4. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 10


    Tap Find on Page

    Android 7 Search

    . It’s in the menu. On most web browsers, it’s next to an icon that resembles a magnifying glass. This displays the «Find» search bar.

  5. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 11


    Enter the word or phrase you want to search for in the search bar. The search bar will appear either at the top of the page or above the keyboard depending on which web browser you are using. This searches the webpage for words or phrases that match your search and highlights them in the text.

    • Letter case is ignored when using the Find tool.
  6. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 12


    Tap the Next and Previous buttons

    Android 7 Expand More
    Android 7 Expand Less

    to cycle through the search results. They are the arrows pointing up and down next to the Find search bar. The web browser will jump to each highlighted search result in the webpage.

    • On Samsung Internet, the up and down arrows appear on the right side above the keyboard.
  7. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 13


    Tap X to close the Find search box. When you are finished using the Find function, you can close the web page by tapping the «X» icon next to the search box.

    • If you are using Safari on iPhone or iPad, tap Done in the lower-left corner to close the search bar
  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 1


    Open your web browser. The «Find» function is part of most popular web browsers. This includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Click the icon for which ever web browser you use to open the web browser.

  2. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 2


    Navigate to the webpage you want to search. Use the address bar at the top of the web browser to enter the web address for the website you want to search. You can also use Google to search for the exact webpage you want to search.

  3. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 3


    Press Ctrl+F on Windows or Command+F on Mac. This will open the «Find» search box in virtually any browser. Alternatively, you can click the icon with three dots or three lines in the upper-right corner to open the menu. Then click the «Find» option. It will either say Find, Find on this page or something similar..[2]

    • If you are using Safari for macOS, you can access the «Find» function by clicking Edit followed by the Find menu. Then click Find.[3]
  4. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 4


    Type the word or phrase that you want to find in the search box. The «Find» search box appears either at the top of the page or the bottom of the page depending on which web browser you are using. Your browser will find matches as you type and highlight them in the text.[4]

    • Letter case is ignored when using the Find tool.
  5. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 5


    Click the Next and Previous buttons

    Android 7 Expand More
    Android 7 Expand Less

    to cycle through the search results. They are the arrows pointing up and down next to the Find search bar. The web browser will jump to each highlighted search result in the webpage.[5]

  6. Image titled Search for a Word on a Webpage Step 6


    Click X to close the Find search box. When you are finished using the Find function, you can close the web page by clicking the «X» icon next to the search box.

    • If you are using Safari on Mac, click Done to close the search bar.
  7. Advertisement

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    How can I search for a specific piece of text on a website?

    Luigi Oppido

    Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years.

    Luigi Oppido

    Computer & Tech Specialist

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    What seven letter word can I make from «aelisir»?

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    No known 7 letter words can be made, but many six letter words can be made, such as serial and resail.

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    What tool allows you to search for information on a particular word or phrase? *


    Just press Ctrl + F and you can search for a word and phrase.

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  • Make sure the entire web page is loaded before using the Ctrl+F function. Otherwise, it may not work properly.[6]



About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Open the website.
2. Press Command + F (Mac) or Control + F (PC).
3. Type the word you’re looking for.
4. Press Enter or Return.

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Word Of The Day


Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.

The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.

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Finally, a dictionary with a soul

illustration of a man pointing at monitor with pencial and
				   a student sitting on the ground with laptop next to books

Our definitions were written by humans, for humans.
Each word has a friendly explanation that makes it easy to remember.

Real world examples

illustration of a person using a mobile device, searching for words

Discover thousands of example sentences from current newspapers,
magazines, and literature.

World’s smartest, fastest dictionary

illustration of a lady with clip board next to giant light bulb wireframe

Find the word you’re looking for faster than any other online dictionary.
That’s less time searching, more time learning.

  • You can search for a word on a page using keyboard shortcuts or web browser controls.
  • You can also use Google to search for a word on specific sites or web pages. 
  • Using the search function to find specific words or phrases can help you find information faster.

The internet is vast, but sometimes you need to cut to the chase to get things done. Searching for a word on a page can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to get the information you need. 

There are several methods you can use to search for a word on a web page, program, or website, depending on the kind of computer you have. 

Try Command+F or Control+F keyboard shortcuts

On most web pages, word processors, and other programs, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command + F on a Mac, or Control + F on Windows to find what you need.

Close-up of a Mac keyboard with Command + F keys highlighted

On a Mac computer, the keyboard shortcut is Command + F.

MacFormat Magazine / Contributor/Getty Images

A text box will then appear toward the top of the screen where you can enter the desired search term. Then, simply hit Enter to find instances of that word or phrase on the page. You can use the up and down arrows on the search box to find each instance.

Screenshot of search pop-up on Chrome

When you search for a word, every instance of that word will be highlighted on the page.

Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider

Find your web browser controls

Browsers also come with their own built-in search functions. Here’s how to access these tools whether you’re using Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

1. Click the More button, which looks like three horizontal lines, located in the top-right corner of the web browser, next to the address bar.

2. Select Find or Find in This Page.

Screenshot of three-dot icon in Chrome and drop-down menu

Click the three-dot icon and select «Find» in the drop-down.

Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider

3. In the pop-up, type in your search term or phrase and hit Enter.

Use Google to search sites 

1. Go to

2. Type site: and then the name of the website you want to search, followed by a space and then your search term or phrase.

Screenshot of Google search homepage with search query typed in

Type «site:» then the name of the website and the word you’re looking for.

Devon Delfino

3. Hit Enter. From here, you’ll be able to find all the pages on that site that include the search term or phrase you’ve specified.

Devon Delfino is a Brooklyn-based freelance journalist specializing in personal finance, culture, politics, and identity. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Los Angeles Times, Teen Vogue, Business Insider, and CNBC. Follow her on Twitter at @devondelfino.

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