Find the word with the same or similar meaning to clear up


Variant I

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

1. to clear up a) to protect b) to pollute c) to clean

2. garbage a) danger b) litter c) bin

3. to save a) to help b) to prohibit c) to avoid

4. human being a) nature b) man c) animal

5. to destroy a) to recycle b) to pack c) to damage

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

pollution environment throw away poison waste plant

protected save recyclable environmental

1. You shouldn’t … the garbage in the forest, woods or park after you have had your picnic there.

2. You can see this notice by a river or a lake in some seasons when fish should be … .

3. Local government should support the idea of recycling and provide each house with bins for different types of …

4. Children should be taught to protect the … .

5. We can … trees and create parks for endangered species.

6. Together we can … the planet and all of us with it.

7. The … of the environment is dangerous for people and wildlife.

8. If countries had spent more money on scientific research, scientists would have solved some … problems.

9. How much of … material is actually recycled?

10. Rivers, lakes and seas are filled with … : industrial, chemical and nuclear wastes.

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

1. PROTECT — People of some professions should wear … clothing.

2. NATURE — If you care about the protection of the environment, you should buy only … food with no added chemicals.

3. ECOLOGY — You have probably already heard about such a profession as an … .

4. PREDICT — Scientists have made … and they are alarming.

5. USE — Many things that we throw away can still be … .

IV. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

3. … Kazbek is the highest peak of … Caucasus mountains.

4. I have never been to … Lake Onega.

5. … Washington is the capital of … United States.        

6. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.

7. … Shetland Islands are situated to the north of … Great Britain.

V. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

1. If you (do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better.

2. If I (be) you, I would agree to go to the museum.

3. If they (not go) to Moscow last year, they wouldn’t have heard that famous musician.

4. I (write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

5. If you really loved music, you (go) to the concerts much more often.

6. If she hadn’t sent this letter yesterday, my brother (be) at home now.

7. If you (ring up) earlier, she would be here now.

Test (8кл. 2 чет.)

Variant II

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.        

1. to throw away a) to recycle b) to get rid of c) to avoid

2. rubbish a) litter b) packaging c) can

3. to protect a) to prohibit b) to pack c) to save

4. terrible a) environmental b) crucial c) dangerous

5. to disappear a) to die out b) to pollute c) to clean

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

environment cut down causes polluted packaging environmental

dangerous save protect litter

1. You shouldn’t use your car because it … noise and air pollution.

2. This notice can be seen at the zoo or at the circus to … people from danger.

3. He wants to become an ecologist himself to research and protect the … .

4. Recently, however, our beach has become more polluted with … left by tourists and locals.

5. Our forests are disappearing because they are … or burnt.

6. Your family can begin trying to … the Earth right now.

7. If you go the seaside, you’ll see the … area around you.

8. If people hadn’t invented different machines and developed industry, the … problems wouldn’t have appeared.

9. Why is litter so … in the countryside?

10. When you buy packed goods, don’t drop the … .

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

1. PROTECT — If you want to be healthy, you should care about the … of the environment.

2. ECOLOGY — If we want to protect our environment, lots of things should be changed in our life, but first of all we should improve … education.

3. CHEMISTRY — Sometimes fish die out in rivers because plants and factories throw … waste there.

4. COLLECT – People should … litter more often along our beach.

5. RECYCLE — Very little of … material is actually recycled.

IV. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Nile flows to … Mediterranean Sea.

2. There are small islands in … Pacific Ocean.

3. … Hymalayas are the highest mountains in … Asia.

4. … Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

5. … Glasgow is one of the biggest cities in … United Kingdom.

6. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

7. … Great Britain is situated in … British Isles.

V. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

1. If I (know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (be) you, I would stay at home.

3. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before, they (take) measures.

5. Your brother (become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

6. If he didn’t train enough last year, he (be) a first-class sportsman now.

7. If I (write) the composition yesterday, I would be free now.


Variant I

Variant II














1-throw away

2- protected

3- waste













5-cut down





















3- ,the


5- ,the

6- ,,the







5- ,the


7- ,the




3-hadn’t missed

4-would have taken

5-would become

6-would be





3-hadn’t gone

4-would have written


6-would have been

7-rang up

Помогите пожалуйста сделать английский язык.
I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.
Example: amazing – c)
a) frightening b) vital c) wonderful
1. to clear up
a) to protect b) to pollute c) to clean
2. garbage
a) danger b) litter c) bin
3. to save
a) to help b) to prohibit c) to avoid
4. human being
a) nature b) man c) animal
5. to destroy
a) to recycle b) to pack c) to damage
II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.
pollution environment throw away poison waste plant
protected save recyclable environmental

1. You shouldn’t … the garbage in the forest, woods or park after you have had your picnic there.
2. You can see this notice by a river or a lake in some seasons when fish should be … .
3. Local government should support the idea of recycling and provide each house with bins for different types of …
4. Children should be taught more protecting the … .
5. We can … trees and create parks for endangered species.
6. Together we can … the planet and all of us with it.
7. The … of the environment is dangerous for people and wildlife.
8. If countries had spent more money on scientific research, scientists would have solved some … problems.
9. How much of … material is actually recycled?
10. Rivers, lakes and seas are filled with … : industrial, chemical and nuclear wastes.

РЕШИТЕ ПЛИЗ Find the word with the same or similar meaning. 1. to clear up a) to protect b) to pollute c) to clean 2. garbage a) danger b) litter c) bin 3. to save a) to help b) to prohibit c) to avoid 4. human being a) nature b) man c) animal 5. to destroy a) to recycle b) to pack c) to damage

Владислав Венчев

Вопрос задан 2 октября 2019 в

5 — 9 классы,  

Английский язык.

  • Комментариев (0)



Контрольная работа, 8 класс

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

1. to clear up

 a) to protect b) to pollute c) to clean

2. garbage 

a) danger b) litter c) bin

3to disappear

 a) to die out b) to pollute c) to
4. human being 

a) nature b) man c) animal

5. to destroy 

a) to recycle b) to pack c) to damage

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases

environment       makes             polluted          environmental          

1. You shouldn’t use your car because it … noise and air

2. He wants to become an ecologist himself to research and
protect the … .

3. Our beach has become more polluted with … left by
tourists and locals.

4. Our forests are disappearing because they are … or burnt.

5. If you go the seaside, you’ll see the … area around you.

6. If people hadn’t invented different machines and
developed industry, the … problems wouldn’t have appeared.

III. The word in capitals above each of the following
sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
Fill each blank in this way.

1. PROTECT — If you want to be healthy, you should care
about the … of the environment.

2. CHEMISTRY — Sometimes fish die out in rivers because
plants and factories throw … waste there.

3. COLLECT – People should … litter more often along our

4. NATURE — If you care about the protection of the
environment, you should buy only … food with no added chemicals.

5. USE — Many
things that we throw away can still be … .

Контрольная работа, 8 класс

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

1. to clear up

 a) to protect b) to pollute c) to clean

2. garbage 

a) danger b) litter c) bin

3to disappear

 a) to die out b) to pollute c) to
4. human being 

a) nature b) man c) animal

5. to destroy 

a) to recycle b) to pack c) to damage

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases

environment       makes             polluted         
environmental              litter

1. You shouldn’t use your car because it … noise and air

2. He wants to become an ecologist himself to research and
protect the … .

3. Our beach has become more polluted with … left by
tourists and locals.

4. Our forests are disappearing because they are … or

5. If you go the seaside, you’ll see the … area around you.

6. If people hadn’t invented different machines and
developed industry, the … problems wouldn’t have appeared.

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences
can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each
blank in this way.

1. PROTECT — If you want to be healthy, you should care
about the … of the environment.

2. CHEMISTRY — Sometimes fish die out in rivers because
plants and factories throw … waste there.

3. COLLECT – People should … litter more often along our

4. NATURE — If you care about the protection of the
environment, you should buy only … food with no added chemicals.

5. USE — Many
things that we throw away can still be … .

1) If the screen image is bad, you can spoil your eyes.
2) You waste much time while looking through different numerous ads.
3) Very often some interesting shows are on late at night at inconvenient time.
4) Very often the shows are silly and dull.
5) Too many soap operas and few serious educative and interesting films.
1) you may listen and watch home news as well as world news.
2) you can watch scientific and educational programmes or movies.
3) you may relax watching entertaining shows and programmes.
4) there are special programmes for different people, for example, for those who love to cook, or to knit, or to travel and much more.
5) there are also programmes for people of different age: Healthy Life style for elderly people and  for children they show funny cartoons, which they like very much.

На стенах дворца снега)
если неправильно сори)))


Бес предложения будет а милк 

1. Яркий
There is bright colour.
2. Умный
There is bright people.

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