Find the word which does not belong





5 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

In each line find the word which does not belong.
The trick is to guess the logic of the group. This time it is not always connected with the meaning.
mental / public / real /effective / personal / captive / electric /

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5 лет назад

Светило науки — 142 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

Real mental personal
Captive effective
Public electric , не знаю почему но мне кажется real лишнее

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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

Ответ №1


В первом лишнее He, так как это личное местоимение, остальные притяжательные

во втором ряде лишнее sea, так как это море, а остальное это города

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)
  2. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)
  3. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)
  4. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)
  5. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

1.Attend   go    visit    enter

2.Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory

3.GCSE  a level     entrance    further

4.College   gymnasium   lyceum    kindergarten

5.University  college   academy    conservatory        

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)
  2. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)
  3. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)
  4. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)
  5. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on      from      as  
  3. is taught    learn    are taught
  4. are able      can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Приложение. Ответы

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)

My teacher wanted to know what marks had British children got in Maths exam that year.

  1. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)

Lena wanted to know if your parents had studied well at school.

  1. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)

 My friend from Scotland wanted to know when Russian children could leave school and start working.

  1. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)

My teacher wanted to know if my father went to school on Sundays.

  1. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Sergey wanted to know if English children would study at a private school if they had an opportunity.

Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. Attend   go visit  enter
  2. Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory
  3. GCSE  a level   entrance  further
  4. College   gymnasium lyceum   kindergarten
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)

My  friend from England wanted to know when pupils started school in Russia

  1. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)

A lot of students wanted to know what school  the President of Russia had studied at.

  1. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)

Sveta wanted to know where she would live if she came to Germany to study German.

  1. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)

My friend wanted to know if he would get a school  certificate.

  1. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Pavel wanted to know if someone had studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don.

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on     from      as  
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able    can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)
  2. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)
  3. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)
  4. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)
  5. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. Attend   go visit  enter
  2. Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory
  3. GCSE  a level   entrance  further
  4. College   gymnasium lyceum   kindergarten
  5. University  college academy conservatory        

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)
  2. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)
  3. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)
  4. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)
  5. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on     from      as  
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able    can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. What marks have British children got in Maths exam this year?(your teacher)
  2. Did your parents study well at school? (Lena)
  3. When can Russian children leave school and start working? (your friend from Scotland)
  4. Did your father go to school on Sundays? (your teacher)
  5. If English children have an opportunity, will they study at a private school? (Sergey)

 Задание 2. Choose the correct word

We visit public schools. Though some children attend 1)_____ schools. The school year runs2) ____ September each year ___ June of the next year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their parents. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 11 and 12, students in England 4)____ to choose from university or college preparation.  Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school  5)____ they are 16.

  1. private   comprehensive      music
  2. in…to      from…till     as …as
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able   can     must
  5. until    to      more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. Attend   go visit  enter
  2. Comprehensive primary   higher  compulsory
  3. GCSE  a level   entrance  further
  4. College   gymnasium lyceum   kindergarten
  5. University  college academy conservatory        

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Report this questions. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”

  1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)
  2. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)
  3. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)
  4. Will I get a school  certificate? (your friend)
  5. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)

Задание 2.  Choose the correct word

We visit comprehensive  schools,  which ______ by the minister of education . The school year begins 2) ____ September every  year.  There are some children who3) ____ at home by their teachers. Student in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In forms 9 and 11, students in Russia 4)____ to choose further way of education.  But most students stay ___ till they get a diploma after their 11th form.

  1. Is controlled   is controlling   are controlled
  2. on     from      as  
  3. is taught   learn    are taught
  4. are able    can       must
  5. Further    longer           more

Задание 3. Find the word that does not belong.

  1. compulsory comprehensive higher primary  
  2. Optional  private public state
  3. Fail   pass  enter  take
  4. Attend   go visit  enter
  5. University  college academy conservatory


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    перевод текста с английского языка на русский.
    Для большей наглядности и
    сравнения оригинала с переводом текст поделен на логические части:

    </span>Sebastian and his sister Viola were twins, and
    from their birth they were so much alike, that only the difference in their dress
    allowed people to know who was who. They were both born in one hour, and in one
    hour they were both in danger of dying when the ship on which they were making
    a sea voyage struck on a rock near the coast of Illyria.

    Перевод: Себастьян и его сестра Виола были
    близнецами, и самого своего рождения они были так похожи, что только отличие в
    их одежде позволяло людям определить, кто есть кто. Они оба родились в одно
    время, и в один час они оба оказались в опасности погибнуть, когда корабль, на
    котором они совершали морское путешествие, столкнулся с камнем возле побережья

    </span>There was a terrible storm, and a very small
    number of the ship`s crew survived. The captain of the ship, with a few of his
    sailors got to the land in a small boat, and with them they brought Viola safe
    on shore, where she, poor lady, began to cry because she thought that she had
    lost her brother. The captain, however, explained to her that he had seen her
    brother when Sebastian was holding on to a strong mast and so he hoped that the
    young man had survived.

    Перевод: Был ужасный шторм, и выжило очень мало
    людей из корабельного экипажа. Капитан судна, со своими немногими матросами
    отправились на шлюпке в сторону берега, и с ними они взяли Виолу, спасенную на
    берегу, где она, бедняжка, начала плакать, так как думала, что потеряла своего
    брата. Однако, капитан объяснил ее, что видел ее брата, когда Себастьян
    держался за крепкую мачту, так что он надеется, что юноша спасся.

    </span>After the captain`s words Viola felt a little
    better as he had given her some hope, and now considered what she could do in a
    foreign country, so far from home; and she asked the captain if he knew
    anything of Illyria. «Ay, very well, madam,» replied the captain, «as
    I was born not far from this place».-«Who governs here?»
    wondered Viola. The captain told her that it was Duke Orsino, a man of noble
    nature. Viola said she had heard about Orsino from her father, and that he was
    unmarried then. «And he is so now,» said the captain. He added that
    many people thought Orsino was in love with fair Olivia. But Olivia, whose
    father and brother had died not long before, didn`t want to hear about Orsino`s

    Перевод: После слов капитана Виола почувствовала
    себя лучше, так как он вселил в нее надежду, и сейчас размышляла о том, что она
    может делать в чужой стране, так далеко от дома; и она спросила капитана, не
    знает ли он что-либо об Иллирии. «Да, очень даже хорошо, мадам, — ответил
    капитан. – Так как я родился не так далеко отсюда». «Кто здесь управляет?» —
    поинтересовалась Виола. Капитан сказал ей, что это Дюк Орсино, человек
    дворянского сословия. Виола сказала, что она слышала об Орсино от своего отца,
    и что тогда он был не женат. «Так и есть», — сказал капитан. Он добавил, что
    много народу думает, что Орсино влюблен в прекрасную Оливию. Но Оливия, чьи
    отец и брат скончались не так давно, не хочет слышать о любви Орсино.

    <span><span>4.     </span>Viola asked the captain to introduce
    her to Lady Olivia saying she could be helpful to her. But he replied it was
    impossible because Olivia refused to receive anybody in her house after her brother`s
    death. Then Viola made another plan. She decided to become Duke Orsino`s page.
    It was an unusual idea for a young lady to put on men`s clothes and try to look
    like a boy. But Viola, who was young and of uncommon beauty, alone and in a
    foreign land, thought that men`s clothes could protect her.

    Перевод: Виола попросила
    капитана представить ее леди Оливии, сказав, что возможно она могла бы быть ей
    полезна. Но он ответил, что это невозможно, так как Оливия отказывается
    кого-либо принимать в своем доме после кончины ее брата. Тогда Виола придумала
    другой план. Она решила переключиться на Дюка Орсино. Это была необычная идея
    для молодой девушки, требовавшая переодеться в мужскую одежду и попытаться
    выглядеть как парень. Но Виола, которая была молода и необычайно прекрасна,
    одна-одинешенька в чужой стране, подумала, что мужская одежда могла бы защитить

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