Find the word in the text that means the same as change in paragraph 2

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

    1. a metallic container

    2. to cause yourself seem like a stupid person

    3. former, recent and not now living

    4. an adhesive label to be stuck on sth, eg. clothes

    5. defensive covering, usually metal, for the body, worn in fighting

    6. stage dance with rhythmical quick and light blow of the foot, toe


    1. sum paid to the owner of a copyright on all copies sold

    2. a design on cloth or made of metal worn to show a person’s

occupation, rank or membership of a society

1.6. In pairs, discuss the following questions:

  1. How do people in Great Britain participate in charitable

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each way of collecting
    money for charity described in the articles?

  3. Which way would work best in your country?

  4. Steve Evans (see the picture) collects money for
    a British charity by walking 25 miles through the streets of London
    wearing a suit of armour weighing 52 lbs. People sponsor him by
    donating a certain amount of money per mile, and on the walk
    pictured above Steve collected about . 1,000. Can you think of any
    other original ways of raising money for charity?

  5. Would you be willing to “make a fool of
    yourself” in order to raise money for charity? Give reasons for
    your answer.

1.7. Fill in the gaps in the
article with suitable words from the list:

refugees helped
assistance accomplishments committed hunger
needy Famine poverty diseases raised

World Vision Canada Thanks Area Students

As president of World Vision Canada, I would like to thank the many
______students and organizers in the Stratford area, Ontario, who
______ make the 30 Hour Famine a success in 1999.

To date, the event has raised a record $3.1 million for ______
children around the world!

Students in your community
_______ more than 418,000. This money will be used to help Kosovar
_______, orphans in Rwanda, street kids in
and Romania, children of war in Uganda and needy

here in Canada.

The 30 Hour ________ is a national event. This year more than
136,000 students across Canada went without solid food for 30 hours
to raise money and increase awareness of global _______.

Next year’s 30 Hour Famine will be held on April 7 and 8 with a goal
of raising $3.5 million.

I hope that students in
Stratford will join the fight against
again by contacting us at 1-888-8-FAMINE.

On behalf of the children whose futures are brighter because of your
efforts, I want to thank Stratford and the surrounding area.

Your students can be proud of their _______.

Each day 33,000 children under the age of five die from hunger and
preventable ______. The 30 Hour Famine support emergency _____ and
long-term development programmes to help suffering children.

President World Vision

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Check – 3

V – 1

Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: dull – c)

a) original b) fascinating c) boring

1. to report

a) to borrow b) to inform c) to explain

2. advertisement

a) commercial b) review c) quiz

3. headline

a) article
title c) conclusion

4. quality

a) popular b) original c) serious

5. handbook

a) manual b) guidebook c) encyclopedia

6. fascinating

a) gripping b) brilliant c) amusing

Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

whenever wisdom tabloids events celebrate prove

book broadcast issue suggested

1. … contain a lot of photographs
and have a more sensational reporting style.

2. Smoking is bad. Can you … it?

3. Local newspapers give information on different … happening in the
local area.

4. I’d like to … tickets for a group of students to London.

5. Series is a long drama or comedy or documentary that is … in parts,
usually at a certain time of day.

6. The first … of the newspaper “The Daily Courant” was published in London in 1702.

7. … you ask for help, I’ll help you.

8. My uncle … making green tea as it is very good for the health.

9. Mikhail Lomonosov was known as a man of great … .

10. How did you … the turn of the century?

III. The word in capitals above each of the
following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank
space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: MANAGE

He is the manager of a popular singer.

1. DAY

… newspapers are published on
every day of the week except Sunday.


Who is your favourite TV … ?


Pamela thinks that the Internet
is the most useful means of … .


I prefer to read articles about
… affairs in our town.


I think CD books will be much
more popular with teenagers of my generation than … books.

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: I’ve got a lot of …
(work/ works) to do for the weekend. –

I’ve got a lot
of work
to do for the weekend.

1. What (is/ are) her progress in

2. (Is/ Are) there any news from Andy?

3. Where (is/ are) Granny’s glasses?

4. (Is/ Are) these goods from America?

5. I got a lot of useful (information/ informations).

6. Do you eat much (fruit/ fruits)?

7. I like any kind of (weather/ weathers).

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: My mother disapproved of … (to read/ reading)
thrillers. —

My mother
disapproved of reading thrillers.

1. I have never dreamed of (to win/ winning) a competition.

2. My sister always enjoys (to go/ going) for a walk.

3. The angry neighbour told the teenagers to stop (to speak/ speaking)
too loud.

4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate
the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.

On this side of the card, you have the tasks (most of them are from the book p 11). First, discuss them together, complete them, somebody should type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB. Then turn the card to check. If you have any questions, write them down to the shared notes. Don’t forget to copy the text from shared notes before leaving the breakout room!

Click the card to flip 👆

Profile Picture

On this side of the card, you have the tasks (most of them are from the book p 11). First, discuss them together, complete them, somebody should type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB. Then turn the card to check. If you have any questions, write them down to the shared notes. Don’t forget to copy the text from shared notes before leaving the breakout room!

3a Find words in the article that mean the following. Don’t forget the phrases from 2b! some words can be there.

1 describe something again, and in a better way (paragraph 2)
2 not understand correctly (paragraph 2)
3 not as good as some people think or say (paragraph 2)
4 used something in the wrong way or for a wrong purpose (paragraph 4)
5 a person who used to be very successful and powerful in business (paragraph 4)

type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB, then check the answers on the other side of the card

4b Think of a word with a prefix that means the same as the UPPER CASE words in these sentences.

1 He was always TOO CONFIDENT.
2 His team PLAYED MUCH BETTER than the other team.
3 She asked her FORMER BOSS for advice.
4 His mother’s French and his father’s Italian, so he’s ABLE TO SPEAK TWO LANGUAGES FLUENTLY.
5 He told me to WRITE the essay AGAIN.
8 I DON’T LIKE people who don’t listen when I’m talking.

type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB, then check the answers on the other side of the card

One word for 3 sentences!
There will be 5 cards like that. All the words are from the previous exercises.

1 There must be some reason why some small businesses ______________ others that decade .
2 Traditionally, girls have ______________ boys in reading and writing.
3 The company has consistently ______________ its larger competitors.

type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB, then check the answers on the other side of the card

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