Find the word given the meaning

Find out the meaning of these words. Use the dictionary if necessary. Say the words with the opposite meaning.

unfriendly − friendly

unwell − _

untidy − _

informal − _

unlucky − _

unpleasant − _

impolite − _

unknown − _

independent − _

unlike − _

to unzip − to _

to undo − to _

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. Describing the Family. Номер №31


Перевод задания
Узнай значение этих слов. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем. Произнесите слова с противоположным значением.
недружелюбный − дружелюбный
плохо − _
неопрятный − _
неформальный − _
неудачливый − _
неприятный − _
невежливый − _
неизвестный − _
независимый − _
не похожий − _
распаковать − _
отменить − _


unfriendly − friendly

unwell − well

untidy − tidy

informal − formal

unlucky − lucky

unpleasant − pleasant

impolite − polite

unknown − known

independent − dependent

unlike − like

to unzip − to zip

to undo − to do

Перевод ответа
недружелюбный − дружелюбный
плохо − хорошо
неопрятный − опрятный
неформальный − формальный
неудачливый − удачливый
неприятный − приятный
невежливый − вежливый
неизвестный − известный
независимый − зависимый
не похожий − похожий
распаковать − упаковать
отменить − сделать

maneuvering, attempt, implication, capability, envisioned,
multaneously, disruption

III. Choose the correct translation of the underlined words:

Feynman was a renowned

a)популярный с)известный

b)прославленный d)знаменитый

2. Drexler
spent ten years describing and analyzing the incredible

a)маловероятный с)немыслимый

b)неправдоподобный d)потрясающий

technology builds simple structures on a molecular scale.

a)земной c)светский

b)обычный d)космический

4. The
meaning of the word nanotechnology shifted to encompass
the simpler kinds of nanometer-scale technology.

a)окружать c)выполнять

b)включать d)осуществлять

Molecular machinery will result in a manufacturing revolution,
probably causing severe disruption.

a)распад c)расстройство

b)подрыв d)разрушение

6. Molecular
machinery has military implications.

a)вовлечение c)включение

b)вывод d)применение

7. The
includes anything smaller than 100 nanometers with novel properties.

a)определение c)четкость

b)отчетливость d)ясность

8. The
theoretical capability
was envisioned in 1959 by Richard Feynman.

a)способность с)возможность

b)одаренность d)мощность

IV. Do you know the meaning of the given words? If not, find the explanation of these notions

mundane technology, mechanochemistry

you familiar with the names of K. Eric Drexler and Richard Feynman?

How can
this information help you to understand the text?

V. Fill in the gaps using the given words.

accepted, using, projected, created, building, describing, being

A basic
definition: Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems
at the molecular scale. This covers both current work and concepts
that are more (____).

In its
original sense, ‘nanotechnology’ refers to the (____) ability to
construct items from the bottom up, (____) techniques and tools
(____) developed today to make complete, high performance products.

When K.
Eric Drexler popularized the word ‘nanotechnology’ in the 1980’s, he
was talking about (____) machines on the scale of molecules, a few
nanometers wide—motors, robot arms, and even whole computers, far
smaller than a cell. Drexler spent the next ten years (____) and
analyzing these incredible devices, and responding to accusations of
science fiction. Meanwhile, mundane technology was developing the
ability to build simple structures on a molecular scale. As
nanotechnology became an (____) concept, the meaning of the word
shifted to encompass the simpler kinds of nanometer-scale technology.
The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative was (____) to fund this
kind of nanotech: their definition includes anything smaller than 100
nanometers with novel properties.

being, using, advanced, referred, guided, formulating, based,
envisioned, causing

Much of the
work (_____) done today that carries the name ‘nanotechnology’ is not
nanotechnology in the original meaning of the word. Nanotechnology,
in its traditional sense, means building things from the bottom up,
with atomic precision. This theoretical capability was envisioned as
early as 1959 by the renowned physicist Richard Feynman.

“I want
to build a billion tiny factories, models of each other, which are
manufacturing simultaneously. . . The principles of physics, as far
as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of (______) things
atom by atom. It is not an attempt to violate any laws; it is
something, in principle, that can be done; but in practice, it has
not been done because we are too big.”— Richard Feynman, Nobel
Prize winner in physics.

Based on
Feynman’s vision of miniature factories (______) nanomachines to
build complex products, (____) nanotechnology — sometimes (_____) to
as molecular manufacturing — will make use of positionally-controlled
mechanochemistry (____) by molecular machine systems. (____) a
roadmap for development of this kind of nanotechnology is now an
objective of a broadly (____) technology roadmap project led by
Battelle (the manager of several U.S. National Laboratories) and the
Foresight Nanotech Institute.

after this (_____) molecular machinery is created, it will result in
a manufacturing revolution, probably (_______) severe disruption. It
also has serious economic, social, environmental, and military

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Find words in the article with these meanings.
1. exams and courses that you have taken
q _____
2. money that you will receive when you are old
3. similar work that you have done before
4. special abilities
5. levels of pay
p____ s ___
6. extra hours you can work to earn more money
7. study and practice to learn how to do a job
b t

8. more advanced learning
f s

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. exams and courses that you have taken


2. money that you will receive when you are old


3. similar work that you have done before


4. special abilities


5. levels of pay

pay scale

6. extra hours you can work to earn more money


7. study and practice to learn how to do a job

basic training

8. more advanced learning

further study

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I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.
<u>Example: </u>research – c)
a) an experiment b) an achievement c) an exploration
1) humid
a) misty b) cool c) wet
2) icy
a) frosty b) snowy c) nasty
<span>3) spaceship </span>
a) space travel b) starship c) space flight
4) violent
a) weak b) strong c) terrible
5) storm
a) wind b) hurricane c) rain

1 ответ:



1) humid    c) wet
2) icy    a) frosty 
3) spaceship  b) starship 
4) violent    c) terrible
5) storm <span> b) hurricane</span>

Читайте также


Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer.

DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles, California, the only child in the family. His parents divorced when he was a year old and he lived mostly with his mother, although his father was around intermittently. During his childhood, DiCaprio was interested in baseball cards, comic books, and frequently visited museums with his father.

DiCaprio’s career began with his appearing in several commercials and educational films. He got his break on television in 1990 when he was cast in the short-lived series based on the movie Parenthood. His debut film role was Critters 3, a B-grade horror film, which later went straight to video.

In 2010, DiCaprio starred in Shutter Island directed by Martin Scorsese, which is based on the novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane.

Сегодня я проснулся  посмотрел на время было без 10-ти 9 я осознал что опоздал в школу.Я сегодня был в школе ,я получил 2 меня и мою семью это огорчило.Ведь я всегда учился на хорошо.Я пришел домой дома никого не было .Я начал делать уроки на улице плохая погода. С работы пришла мама она сказала что уедет в командировку, я упал со стула.Я скучаю по маме . Я сегодня дал нечайно другу по носу . Он сказал простит если даст тоже мне по носу.Теперь сижу с переломом перегородки

Всмысле? перевод?
Как это????????

They shouldn’t smoke here.
<span>He shouldn’t late for classes.
</span><span>She shouldn’t eat in an hour.
</span>You shouldn’t break your promise.
She shouldn’t go alone.

Там нужно перевести и поймешь
я уже зделала

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