Find the synonym of the underlined word she

Last updated date: 09th Apr 2023

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Words or phrases that have the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase are called synonyms.

Complete step-by-step answer:

The meaning of the word moody is someone who often changes moods in a way that people cannot predict. So, the exact similar meaning of the word moody or the synonym of the word moody is the option [e] temperamental. The meaning of the word temperamental is someone who is liable to change moods for vague reasons and often become angry. So, the correct option is the option [e].
The meaning of the word vigilant in the option [a] is observant.
The meaning of the word timid in the option [b] is someone who gets easily frightened.
The meaning of the word reserved in the option [c] is someone who is always quiet.
The meaning of the word passionate in the option [d] is someone who shows strong feelings or beliefs.
Therefore, the options [a], [b], [c], and [d] are incorrect as they do not have the similar meaning of the word moody.

Synonyms help excel one’s vocabulary by avoiding the use of repetitive words in the English language. Read the sentence properly, if you don’t know the meaning of the underlined word and try to understand its meaning from the sentence to find the word which has the most similar meaning of the given word moody from the options.

< question> Find the synonym to the underlined words: She spoke to her English teacher after classes.

< variant> Ta l ked

< variant> Discussed

< variant> Told

< variant> Said

< variant> Work

< question> Fill in a suitable word: The May Spring Festival in Great Britain is … on the 1st of May.

< variant> ce l ebrated

< variant> got

< variant> recommended

< variant> received

< variant> played

< question> Fill a suitable word: The plains of Appalachian Mountains enjoy a continental…

< variant> climate

< variant> condition

< variant> zone

< variant> district

< variant> temperature

< question> Choose the correct answer: The complaint of the customers gave the multinational company a bad … around the world.

< variant> fame

< variant> reputation

< variant> proposal

< variant> opposition

< variant> strike

< question> Find the right variant: I have… lot of English books:

< variant> a.

< variant> the.

< variant> an.

< variant> -.

< variant> in.

< question> Choose the best alternative. If we… enough time we’ll do the shopping.

< variant> ha v e

< variant> has

< variant> had

< variant> shall have

< variant> will have

< question> Choose the correct variant: My car…now.

< variant> is being repaired;

< variant> is repaired;

< variant> will repair;

< variant> be repaired

< variant> is repairing;

< question> Choose the correct answer: Since we have to be there before 9 o’clock, we… take a taxi. Otherwise, we’ll be late.

< variant> had better

< variant> are able to

< variant> can

< variant> would

< variant> may

  • accentuate
  • highlight
  • indicate
  • point up
  • stress
  • underscore
  • bracket
  • caption
  • feature
  • italicize
  • rule
  • call attention to
  • check off
  • draw attention to
  • give emphasis
  • interlineate
  • play up
  • point to

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 41 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to underline, such as: accentuate, highlight, indicate, point up, stress, and underscore.

TRY USING underline

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use underline in a sentence

To guard against omission, the traveller should underline the names of the places to be visited before commencing the round.


Therefore I ask you to consider well and deeply the next sentence of this letter—which I will underline.


The following errors have been corrected; corresponding comments are marked in the text using a red dotted underline.


Hover your mouse over words underlined with a faint red dashed underline to see them.


Did he sight the shadowy underline of the small steamboat green through the deadlights?



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • accentuate
  • draw attention to
  • emphasize
  • highlight
  • intensify
  • stress
  • underline
  • underscore
  • accent
  • bring attention to
  • call attention to
  • draw attention to
  • emphasize
  • feature
  • give prominence to
  • highlight
  • point up
  • spotlight
  • stress
  • underline
  • underscore
  • accented
  • brought attention to
  • called attention to
  • drew attention to
  • emphasized
  • featured
  • gave prominence to
  • highlighted
  • pointed up
  • spotlighted
  • stressed
  • underlined
  • underscored
  • accents
  • brings attention to
  • calls attention to
  • draws attention to
  • emphasizes
  • features
  • gives prominence to
  • highlights
  • points up
  • spotlights
  • stresses
  • underlines
  • underscores
  • explanation
  • head
  • inscription
  • legend
  • rubric
  • subtitle
  • title
  • underline
  • accent
  • accentuate
  • affirm
  • articulate
  • assert
  • bear down
  • charge
  • dramatize
  • dwell on
  • enlarge
  • enunciate
  • headline
  • highlight
  • hit
  • impress
  • indicate
  • insist on
  • italicize
  • labor the point
  • limelight
  • maintain
  • make a point
  • make clear
  • make emphatic
  • make much of
  • mark
  • pinpoint
  • play up
  • point out
  • point up
  • press
  • pronounce
  • punctuate
  • put accent on
  • reiterate
  • repeat
  • rub in
  • spotlight
  • underline
  • underscore
  • weight

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

The Interregional Olympiad on polylingual

Lexical-grammar test

Variant 1

Задания с выбором одного правильного ответа

  1. Choose the correct English equivalent to the given proverb meaning:

«Everything comes on its time”

  1. Nothing venture, nothing have

  2. East or West, home is best

  3. Little strokes fell great oaks

  4. It’s never too late to learn

  5. Everything is good in its season

2) Complete the proverb: Men learn while they …

A) …live

B) …speak

C) … work

D) … sleep

E) … study

3) The synonym of the word ‘’defile” is:

A) raise

B) degrade

C) cut

D) pollute

E) entitle

4) The verb of the word “Black”

A) to blacket

B) to blackise

C) to blacken

D) to blackish

E) to blacked

5) The meaning of “stop or keep a person from doing something”

A) survey

B) improve

C) measure

D) concentrate

E) prevent

6) Find the equivalent to “to turn or spin around a central point”:

A) revolve

B) remove

C) preserve

D) circle

E) improvise

7) A large area of land with few plants and little water and where the weather is always dry.

A) lonely

B) Dessert

C) desert

D) wilderness

E) waste

8) The correct use of article.

Hope is …good breakfast, but …bad supper.

  1. a/ the

  2. the/ the

  3. a /an

  4. — / the

  5. a/a

9) Correct use of the articles

It is ___ nice morning. Let’s go for ___walk.

  1. -,a

  2. a, a

  3. a,-

  4. a, the

  5. the, a

10) Find an adverb of time:

A) badly

B) always

C) abroad

D) for long time

E) a bit

11) Adjectives of material :

A) awful

B) green

C) steel

D) splendid

E) bath

12) Present Perfect Passive form:

A) will be told

B) has been told

C) were done

D) had been done

E) are told

13) The correct answer:

His illness got worse and worse. In the end he…go to hospital for an operation.

  1. ought to have

  2. must

  3. will have to

  4. had to

  5. need

14) Complete the sentence : I hope …you this weekend.

A) will see

B) saw

C) to saw

D) to see

E) to seeing

15) Define the underlined word: My elder sister enjoys travelling.

A) Gerund

B) Participle

C) Modal verb

D) Adverb

E) Infinitive

16) Choose the right sentences:

A) November is the eighth month of the year

B) December is the eighth month of the year

C) August is the ninth month of the year

D) August is the seventh month of the year

E) August is the eighth month of the year

17) Choose the correct preposition:

The farmer was pleased ____ the gift.

  1. Of

  2. On

  3. In

  4. About

  5. With

18) Complete the sentences: _______she can’t drive, she has bought a car.

A) while

B) even though

C) as

D) when

E) whither

19) Complex Object.

A) He heard he open the door

B) He heard me open the door

C) He heard we open the door

D) He heard they open the door

E) He heard our open the door.

20) Sentences with Perfect Infinitive

A) We hope to finished the job soon

B) I noticed that he seemed to be smoking a lot

C) You should written the composition

D) I’m glad to have seen her

E) I want to see a manager

The Interregional Olympiad on polylingual

Lexical-grammar test

Variant 2

Задания с выбором одного правильного ответа

1) Underlined word is: Here is some advice for those preparing to go on holiday.

A) Negative pronoun

B) Adverb

C) An Adjective

D) Preposition

E) Pronoun

2) Incorrect written number

A) fifth

B) five

C) fifty

D) fifteen

E) fiveteenth

3) Find the adjective which is formed from a noun:

A) Decision

B) Painless

C) Different

D) Smoker

E) Treatment

4) An appropriate preposition: Where do you usually get…?

A) on

B) away

C) over

D) off

E) together

5) Change into indirect speech: “What’s the time”? She asked.

A) She asked what time.

B) She asked what time it was.

C) She asked what was the time.

D) She asked what is it.

E) She asked what’s the time.

6) Fill in a suitable form of the verb: She … they would finish the work soon.

A) promising

B) Promised

C) should promise

D) Promise

E) Promises

7) Appropriate answer: Our teacher wishes he ___ another profession.

A) had chosen

B) chose

C) has chosen

D) will choose

E) would choose

8) Second conditional form:

A) present perfect, would +infinitive

B) present simple, future simple

C) present simple, would +infinitive

D) past simple, would +infinitive

E) past simple, future simple

9) Choose the unreal conditional sentences :

A) If I save money, I’ll buy a car.

B) If I find time, I’ll help you.

C) I’ll ring the bell, if I had it.

D) If I had a bell, I’d ring it in the morning.

E) If I found time, I’ll help you.

10) Choose a sentence with Participle II:

A) Mary is knitting at the moment

B) She had looks through the fashion magazine

C) I realize that my clothes are out of date

D) She remembered a forgotten song

E) He left the room without saying a word

11) The synonym of the word ‘’Remain” is:

A) Leave.

B) Become.

C) Repeat.

D) Stay.

E) Go away.

12) Appropriate answer: “A red dragon is the symbol of …”

A) Scotland.

B) Northern Ireland.

C) Wales.

D) Southern Ireland.

E) England.

13) The antonym of the word ‘’Truth” is:

A) Dream

B) Mark

C) Power

D) Shock

E) Lie

14) Choose the correct translation into Russian: Во дворе много деревьев.

A) There are many trees in the yard.

B) There were no trees in the yard.

C) There many trees in the yard.

D) There are no trees in the yard.

E) Many trees were in the yard.

15) Choose the right verb: President … elected for four years.

A) is B) are C) am D) will be E) has

16) Find the right question:

  1. He always comes in time, doesn’t he?

  2. He always comes in time, does he?

  3. He always comes in time, is he?

  4. He always comes in time doesn’t she?

  5. He always comes in time, comes he?

17) Choose the correct expression.

A) an pear
B) some cereal
C) an apples
D) a water

E) a bread

18) Fill in a suitable form of the adjective: Which is ___ country in the UK?

A) Industrial
B) the most industrial
C) more industrial
D) most industrial
E) industrial

19) Appropriate answer: We … fond … reading fairy-tales when we were children.
A) are / at;
B) are / of;
C) were / with;
D) was / by;
E) were / of.

20) Fill the necessary phraseological unit: Like a … to water.

A)      duck

B)      fish

C)       goose

D)      swan

E)      carp


Lexical-grammar test. Variant 1

  1. E

  2. A

  3. D

  4. C

  5. E

  6. A

  7. C

  8. E

  9. B

  10. D

  11. C

  12. B

  13. D

  14. D

  15. A

  16. E

  17. E

  18. B

  19. B

  20. D


Lexical-grammar test. Variant 2

  1. E

  2. E

  3. B

  4. A

  5. B

  6. B

  7. B

  8. D

  9. D

  10. D

  11. D

  12. C

  13. E

  14. A

  15. A

  16. А

  17. B

  18. B

  19. E

  20. B

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