Find the opposite word write down the word

Find the words with the opposite meaning. Write down the pairs.

sociable shy
















Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Биболетова. UNIT 1. SECTION 1. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Найдите слова с противоположным значением. Запишите пары.

общительный застенчивый



sociable shy
polite rude
industrious lazy
unfriendly friendly
intelligent silly
unlucky lucky
kind cruel

Перевод ответа

общительный застенчивый
вежливый грубый
трудолюбивый ленивый
недружелюбный дружелюбный
умный глупый
невезучий удачливый
добрый жестокий

5. Write down the opposite of the words.

Real , happy, in , night, fast , climb up, put, big, little, laugh.

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5. Write down the opposite of the words?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
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12. Найдите противоположности. Запишите их парами

Пример: to turn right – to turn left (повернуть направо- повернуть налево)

to get on(войти), to go straight(идти прямо), to turn right(повернуть направо), often(часто), far from(далеко от), across(напротив), seldom(редко), to turn left(повернуть налево), into front of(напротив), on the left(налево), in front of(напротив), on the left(налево), down(вниз), never(никогда), to get off(выйти), to turn(поворачивать), always(всегда), along(вдоль), behind(сзади), on the right(справа), next to (рядом)

to get on(войти) — to get off(выйти), to go straight — to turn(идти прямо-поворачивать), to turn right — to turn left(повернуть направо-повернуть налево), often — seldom(часто -редко), far from — behind (далеко от-сзади), up — down(вверх-вниз), across — next to(напротив -рядом), in front of — along(перед-вдоль), always — never (всегда-никогда), on the right — on the left (справа-слева).

Итоговая контрольная работа по чтению

7 класс

Read the text.

1. Everyone knows something about New York – the Statue of Liberty, the skyscrapers, the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue and many theatres of Broadway. This is America’s cultural capital and her biggest city with a population of nearly eight million. In summer it’s very cold, in winter it can be very cold but there are hundreds of things to do and see all the year round.

2. There are five parts in New York: Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Richmond. Only one of them, the Bronx, is not on an island. Manhattan, the smallest island in New York, is the real centre of the city. When people say ‘New York City’ they usually mean Manhattan. Most of the interesting shops, buildings and museums are here, and Manhattan is the scene of New York’s busy night life.

3. Wall Street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the USA and the most important banking centre in the world. It is a street of skyscrapers. Five million people work here every day.

4. Like every big city, New York has its own traffic system. Traffic jams can be terrible, and it’s usually quicker to by subway. It goes to almost every corner of Manhattan. But be careful at night, it’s better not to go by subway. There are more than 30000 taxis in New York. They are easy to see, because they are bright yellow.

5. If you really have to drive in New York, remember that nearly all the east-west streets and most of the north-south streets are one way only. This can be difficult for the visitor who doesn’t know his way. Try to get a map that shows the directions of the traffic, and good luck!

Level 1 mark-«3»

1. Make up the word combinations

1. the Statue

a) centre

2. traffic

b) of skyscrapers

3. cultural

c) of Liberty

4. financial

d) heart

5. a street

e) jam






  1. Match the places and the word combinations corresponding to them


a)  the scene of New York’s busy night life

  1. The Bronx

b) many theatres

  1. Wall Street

c) isn’t on an island

  1. Broadway

d) financial centre





  1. Найди в тексте 3 существительных, 3 прилагательных, 3 глагола и 3 наречия
  1. Nouns:____________________________________________
  2. Adjectives:_________________________________________
  3. Verbs:_____________________________________________
  4. Adverbs:__________________________________________

Level 2 mark-«4»

  1. Find the words with the opposite meaning. Write down the pairs.

Winter-_________, hot-_______, north-________, ugly-_______, free-________, the biggest-___________, easy-_________, bad-________.

2. Choose the right variant

1.What is the population of  New York?

a) 5 million               c)7 million

b) 6 million               d) 8 million

2.Where are many beautiful shops situated in New York?

a) on Broadway               c) near the skyscrapers

b) on Fifth Avenue            d) not stated

3. What is the real centre of New York?

a) Manhattan              c) Richmond

b) the Bronx                         d) Brooklyn

4. How many taxis are in New York?

a) thirteen                  c) one thousand

b) thirty                     d) thirty  thousand

3.  Complete the following sentences

 1. There are a lot of the skyscrapers, the beautiful shops on _____________________________.

2. Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Richmond are___________________________.

3. The financial heart of the USA is________________________________________________.

4. The city has its own___________________________________________________________.

Level 3-mark «5»

1. Give the title to the parts of the text

a) the problem of driving

b) the second capital

c) traffic in the city

d) business centre

e) cultural centre






2. Mark the statements True (T) or false (F)

1. The Statue of Liberty is situated in London.

2. New York is America’s cultural capital.

3. There are two parts in New York.

4. The most important banking centre in the world is Wall Street.

5. There are no problems in New York with traffic jams.

6. The population of New York is nearly eight million.

7. All the east-west streets and most of the north-south streets are one way only.

8. Wall Street is in Brooklyn.









3. Put the sentences into the right order.

1. Wall Street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the USA.

2. Manhattan, the smallest island in New York, is the real centre of the city.

3. Traffic jams can be terrible, and it’s usually quicker to by subway.

4. Everyone knows something about New York – the Statue of Liberty, the skyscrapers and other.

5. Most of the interesting shops, buildings and museums are here.

     6. Like every big city, New York has its own traffic system

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«Итоговая разноуровневая работа по чтению для 7 класса по английскому языку »

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