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ease, easiness, easily
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Antonyms for Easy. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from
Antonyms for Easy. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2023. <>.
Antonyms for Easy. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.
Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Comfortable; at ease.
After his illness, John decided to take it easy.
uneasy, anxiousSynonyms:
trivial, soft, fast, relaxing, relaxed -
Requiring little skill or effort, soft.
The teacher gave an easy test to her students.
challenging, hard, uneasy, uneath, difficultSynonyms:
relaxed, relaxing, fast, soft, trivial -
Consenting readily to sex.
She has a reputation for being easy; they say she’s slept with half the senior class.
fast, relaxing, soft, relaxed, trivial -
eath, light
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
arduous, difficult, exhausting, hard, laborious, onerous, severe, toilsome, tryingSynonyms:
facile, light, pleasant, slight, trifling, trivial
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
uneasy, disturbed, uncomfortable, difficult, unmanageable, hard, exacting, anxious, awkward, embarrassedSynonyms:
quiet, comfortable, manageable, indulgent, facile, lenient, unconstrained, gentle, not difficult, unconcerned, self-possessed
Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:4.0 / 3 votes
posing no difficulty; requiring little effort
«an easy job»; «an easy problem»; «an easy victory»; «the house is easy to heat»; «satisfied with easy answers»; «took the easy way out of his dilemma»
elusive, unimpressionable, difficult, troublesome, nasty, hard-fought, chaste, heavy, herculean, challenging, serious, uneasy, trying, scarce, touchy, apprehensive, uncomfortable, sticky, baffling, precarious, unenviable, ticklish, knotty, embarrassing, ambitious, catchy, displeasing, problematic, tough, tricky, hurried, hard, thorny, rocky, unstable, rough, steep, awkward, rugged, vexed, worried, problematical, poor, tight, arduous, unavailable, fractious, delicate, tall(a)Synonyms:
well-situated, loose, gentle, prosperous, easygoing, sluttish, soft, leisurely, well-off, light, wanton, well-heeled, promiscuous, comfortable, well-to-do, well-fixed -
easy, easygoing, leisurelyadjective
not hurried or forced
«an easy walk around the block»; «at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace»
tricky, tall(a), unimpressionable, rough, trying, serious, difficult, delicate, apprehensive, unstable, elusive, sticky, awkward, hard-fought, embarrassing, steep, thorny, scarce, uncomfortable, rocky, precarious, chaste, displeasing, problematic, troublesome, touchy, uneasy, knotty, tight, ambitious, unenviable, hard, challenging, heavy, worried, baffling, tough, problematical, unavailable, fractious, herculean, hurried, catchy, rugged, arduous, ticklish, vexed, poor, nastySynonyms:
cushy, promiscuous, wanton, sluttish, well-heeled, soft, well-to-do, well-situated, loose, well-off, prosperous, well-fixed, comfortable, leisurely, light, gentle, easygoing -
free from worry or anxiety
«knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy»; «an easy good-natured manner»; «by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words»
tight, troublesome, vexed, problematic, chaste, uncomfortable, touchy, trying, awkward, hard, hurried, tall(a), problematical, heavy, unenviable, fractious, apprehensive, knotty, rough, uneasy, sticky, baffling, ticklish, rocky, catchy, arduous, unstable, unimpressionable, difficult, rugged, poor, thorny, challenging, scarce, delicate, embarrassing, elusive, ambitious, displeasing, steep, herculean, tricky, precarious, tough, serious, hard-fought, nasty, worried, unavailableSynonyms:
well-situated, loose, gentle, prosperous, easygoing, sluttish, soft, leisurely, well-off, light, wanton, well-heeled, promiscuous, comfortable, well-to-do, well-fixed -
affording pleasure
«easy good looks»
precarious, troublesome, displeasing, awkward, elusive, rocky, tight, unenviable, tough, embarrassing, serious, challenging, thorny, problematic, ticklish, knotty, scarce, steep, uneasy, rough, tall(a), uncomfortable, herculean, unimpressionable, arduous, unstable, apprehensive, vexed, worried, baffling, catchy, hard-fought, heavy, fractious, hard, trying, difficult, poor, problematical, tricky, sticky, hurried, touchy, delicate, chaste, unavailable, rugged, ambitious, nastySynonyms:
well-situated, loose, gentle, prosperous, easygoing, sluttish, soft, leisurely, well-off, light, wanton, well-heeled, promiscuous, comfortable, well-to-do, well-fixed -
easy, gentle, softadjective
having little impact
«an easy pat on the shoulder»; «gentle rain»; «a gentle breeze»; «a soft (or light) tapping at the window»
awkward, difficult, sticky, problematical, tricky, hard, chaste, uneasy, touchy, unenviable, tough, fractious, rough, hard-fought, tight, arduous, elusive, tall(a), vexed, rugged, unavailable, trying, uncomfortable, challenging, ticklish, embarrassing, displeasing, serious, thorny, apprehensive, rocky, precarious, hurried, unimpressionable, heavy, nasty, knotty, scarce, steep, poor, herculean, problematic, catchy, unstable, baffling, delicate, troublesome, ambitious, worriedSynonyms:
balmy, sluttish, wanton, flaccid, subdued, prosperous, sonant, soft, delicate, gentle, flabby, promiscuous, well-off, indulgent, voiced, aristocratical, leisurely, well-to-do, piano, well-fixed, easygoing, patrician, well-situated, comfortable, blue-blooded, diffuse, mild, cushy, aristocratic, docile, lenient, diffused, well-heeled, light, blue, loose -
readily exploited or tricked
«an easy victim»; «an easy mark»
nasty, baffling, unavailable, herculean, knotty, steep, tall(a), rugged, heavy, uneasy, ambitious, touchy, displeasing, elusive, catchy, hurried, hard, rough, difficult, embarrassing, precarious, arduous, trying, ticklish, tough, unimpressionable, vexed, tricky, awkward, sticky, unstable, fractious, troublesome, hard-fought, worried, poor, delicate, rocky, chaste, scarce, uncomfortable, problematical, apprehensive, unenviable, problematic, thorny, challenging, tight, seriousSynonyms:
well-situated, loose, gentle, prosperous, easygoing, sluttish, soft, leisurely, well-off, light, wanton, well-heeled, promiscuous, comfortable, well-to-do, well-fixed -
comfortable, easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-doadjective
in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
«they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards»; «easy living»; «a prosperous family»; «his family is well-situated financially»; «well-to-do members of the community»
chaste, rough, trying, challenging, unstable, steep, embarrassing, precarious, awkward, apprehensive, unenviable, unimpressionable, delicate, tall(a), vexed, uneasy, arduous, troublesome, uncomfortable, tough, thorny, hurried, knotty, scarce, rocky, heavy, ticklish, nasty, touchy, sticky, hard-fought, rugged, worried, problematic, problematical, unavailable, herculean, serious, hard, fractious, displeasing, catchy, tricky, difficult, elusive, poor, ambitious, baffling, tightSynonyms:
flourishing, thriving, promiscuous, comfy, favourable, wanton, sluttish, booming, well-heeled, soft, well-to-do, well-situated, lucky, palmy, loose, well-off, favorable, prosperous, well-fixed, comfortable, leisurely, light, roaring, halcyon, gentle, prospering, easygoing, golden -
easy, gentleadjective
marked by moderate steepness
«an easy climb»; «a gentle slope»
worried, scarce, serious, fractious, apprehensive, tall(a), problematical, unimpressionable, rough, problematic, ticklish, vexed, catchy, nasty, steep, arduous, chaste, rugged, tricky, touchy, awkward, embarrassing, rocky, uncomfortable, uneasy, tight, trying, delicate, difficult, hard-fought, unavailable, displeasing, elusive, heavy, baffling, poor, hard, herculean, tough, troublesome, hurried, ambitious, sticky, unenviable, thorny, precarious, challenging, knotty, unstableSynonyms:
aristocratical, promiscuous, wanton, sluttish, well-heeled, soft, docile, patrician, blue, aristocratic, well-to-do, well-situated, loose, well-off, prosperous, well-fixed, comfortable, leisurely, light, blue-blooded, gentle, easygoing -
affording comfort
«soft light that was easy on the eyes»
nasty, fractious, ambitious, vexed, steep, rocky, touchy, rough, ticklish, trying, problematical, embarrassing, uncomfortable, challenging, precarious, apprehensive, rugged, troublesome, tricky, serious, hard, hurried, unimpressionable, chaste, unavailable, scarce, awkward, tough, sticky, unstable, displeasing, knotty, baffling, thorny, catchy, poor, heavy, arduous, worried, uneasy, hard-fought, tall(a), elusive, difficult, delicate, problematic, herculean, tight, unenviableSynonyms:
well-situated, loose, gentle, prosperous, easygoing, sluttish, soft, leisurely, well-off, light, wanton, well-heeled, promiscuous, comfortable, well-to-do, well-fixed -
easy, light, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wantonadjective
casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
«her easy virtue»; «he was told to avoid loose (or light) women»; «wanton behavior»
hurried, thorny, worried, uneasy, poor, hard-fought, embarrassing, tall(a), tough, delicate, elusive, vexed, challenging, touchy, precarious, ambitious, unavailable, chaste, troublesome, heavy, unstable, apprehensive, tricky, serious, rugged, ticklish, unenviable, difficult, trying, fractious, uncomfortable, nasty, arduous, knotty, rough, unimpressionable, baffling, tight, steep, herculean, problematical, awkward, scarce, sticky, hard, rocky, catchy, problematic, displeasingSynonyms:
motiveless, light-headed, sluttish, wanton, wakeful, faint, prosperous, at large(p), well-situated, soft, gentle, idle, blowsy, lightsome, blowzy, light-colored, unaccented, slatternly, weak, low-cal, lite, promiscuous, well-off, liberal, abstemious, informal, unclouded, leisurely, unaffixed, open, light(a), well-to-do, clear, well-fixed, easygoing, on the loose(p), comfortable, lightheaded, clean, tripping, short, scant(p), unprovoked, free, well-heeled, slack, light, swooning, calorie-free, escaped, lax, loose -
less in demand and therefore readily obtainable
«commodities are easy this quarter»
precarious, displeasing, vexed, awkward, ambitious, delicate, touchy, unenviable, catchy, apprehensive, rough, tricky, baffling, tough, tight, tall(a), steep, uncomfortable, poor, uneasy, herculean, heavy, serious, troublesome, unstable, challenging, unavailable, nasty, hard-fought, ticklish, knotty, chaste, embarrassing, rocky, fractious, rugged, worried, trying, hard, thorny, difficult, elusive, scarce, problematical, problematic, arduous, hurried, unimpressionable, stickySynonyms:
well-situated, loose, gentle, prosperous, easygoing, sluttish, soft, leisurely, well-off, light, wanton, well-heeled, promiscuous, comfortable, well-to-do, well-fixed -
obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally
«easy money»
embarrassing, rugged, apprehensive, thorny, problematical, vexed, tall(a), rough, hurried, unstable, fractious, precarious, baffling, rocky, problematic, tough, unavailable, ticklish, touchy, catchy, displeasing, serious, uncomfortable, steep, tight, uneasy, heavy, hard-fought, tricky, awkward, unenviable, nasty, elusive, unimpressionable, herculean, challenging, troublesome, knotty, worried, hard, ambitious, difficult, trying, delicate, arduous, sticky, scarce, poor, chasteSynonyms:
well-situated, loose, gentle, prosperous, easygoing, sluttish, soft, leisurely, well-off, light, wanton, well-heeled, promiscuous, comfortable, well-to-do, well-fixed -
easily, easyadverb
with ease (`easy’ is sometimes used informally for `easily’)
«she was easily excited»; «was easily confused»; «he won easily»; «this china breaks very easily»; «success came too easy»
ticklish, arduous, poor, displeasing, nasty, unimpressionable, tough, sticky, unavailable, knotty, steep, rocky, serious, trying, hurried, precarious, delicate, difficult, worried, challenging, heavy, embarrassing, herculean, tall(a), hard, vexed, ambitious, thorny, scarce, uneasy, unstable, uncomfortable, awkward, rough, rugged, apprehensive, catchy, hard-fought, chaste, elusive, tricky, problematical, fractious, unenviable, problematic, troublesome, baffling, tight, touchySynonyms:
soft, slowly, easily, tardily, slow, well -
slowly, slow, easy, tardilyadverb
without speed (`slow’ is sometimes used informally for `slowly’)
«he spoke slowly»; «go easy here—the road is slippery»; «glaciers move tardily»; «please go slow so I can see the sights»
fractious, steep, chaste, problematic, vexed, difficult, unavailable, arduous, apprehensive, hard-fought, knotty, trying, displeasing, troublesome, thorny, embarrassing, sticky, heavy, ticklish, unimpressionable, elusive, scarce, uncomfortable, delicate, tall(a), rocky, rugged, hurried, unenviable, challenging, hard, poor, touchy, ambitious, unstable, serious, problematical, nasty, precarious, rough, baffling, worried, tough, herculean, tight, uneasy, catchy, tricky, awkwardSynonyms:
slowly, easily, tardily, behind, soft, lento, late, belatedly, slow -
easy, softadverb
in a relaxed manner; or without hardship
«just wanted to take it easy» (`soft’ is nonstandard)
problematical, unavailable, tall(a), herculean, serious, hurried, delicate, poor, tough, troublesome, chaste, touchy, catchy, vexed, sticky, hard-fought, ticklish, ambitious, worried, unstable, tricky, fractious, uneasy, precarious, rugged, scarce, thorny, unimpressionable, displeasing, challenging, arduous, knotty, hard, unenviable, rocky, steep, uncomfortable, heavy, tight, embarrassing, problematic, baffling, difficult, rough, elusive, awkward, trying, apprehensive, nastySynonyms:
tardily, easily, slow, soft, slowly
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes
facile, slight, comfortable, untroubled, quiet, tranquil, gullible, facile, credulous, submissive, compliant, tractable, affluent, independent, smooth, fluent, unconstrained
How to use easy in a sentence?
Mike Lee:
There’s not an easy, simple answer. We need pro-family policies, we need to identify policies that might be harming families or undermining them, that might be discouraging people from getting married or that punish them for doing so, or other policies that erode the family structure.
Mignon McLaughlin:
I’m always there to tell people that their life is not that bad. I wish it was easy to follow that advice It is important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to friendship that we are not.
Jasen Wang:
There are so many big companies here, it’s very easy to find hardware development engineers, you don’t have that kind of advantage in Beijing or Shanghai.
Debasish Mridha, M.D.:
It’s easy to be complicated but very difficult to be simple.
Sabino Jauregui:
It’s too hard to blame Trump, it’s too hard to bring him in here with his army of lawyers. … Instead, they go for the easy target. They go for Enrique Tarrio.
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Are we missing a good antonym for easy?
Автор ответа: FizixFridman
d) difficult
Потому что с английского языка easy переводится как «легко», следовательно, его противоположное слово difficult что означает «сложно».
Интересные вопросы
Предмет: Физика,
автор: chuvyrlaa
помогите пожалуйста с заданием!!!
(там, где ___ — нужно вставить слово.)
Молекулы 1.___(а-белков, б- углеводов, в- ДНК, г- РНК) в клетках выполняют функции хранения и передачи наследственной информации. Процесс передачи наследственной информации в живых организмах связан с 2.___ (а- транскрипцией, б- репликацией, в- трансляцией, г- сплайсингом), осуществляемой ферментом 3.___ (а- ДНК-полимеразой, б- РНК-полимеразой, в- рибосомой, г- митохондрией) . Помимо хранения и передачи наследственной информации, очень важна её реализация. Реализация включает в себя процессы синтеза РНК — 4.___ (а- трансляции, б- репликации, в- репарации, г- транскрипции)
и синтеза белков — 5.___ (а- трансляции, б- репарации, в- транскрипции, г- транспозиции)