Find the odd word out usual typical

Итоговый контрольный тест по английскому
языку для 7 класса

I. Find
the odd word out. 
(Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строчке)

usual –
typical – incredible – ordinary

sheep – swan –
deer – camel

bald – young –
teenager – elderly

II. Use the
words with countableuncountable nouns. 
(Используйте нужные слова с
исчисляемыминеисчисляемыми существительными)

1. There aren’t …
apples on the plates.

a) some b) any c)

2. I’ll have …
cream with my pancakes.

a) any b) a little
c) few

3. Would you like
to pass me … sugar, please?

a) some b) any c)

4. I like cereal
with … milk.

a) few b) many c)

5. There is too …
salt in the soup.

a) many b) much c)

III. Choose the correct form of the verb (Выберите правильную форму глагола)
1. Mark … his essay yet.

a) has not
finished b) have finished c) finished

2. My brother …
with his girlfriend every day.

a) go out b) is
going out c) goes out

3. I’m afraid we
… to the party tomorrow.

a) don’t go b)
will not go c) will go

4. She………….. a
holiday dinner for two hours.

a) cooks b) has
been cooking c) cooked

5. Look at the
clouds! It…….. to snow.

a) go b) went c)
is going

6. She….. the
house at 7this morning.

a) is leaving b)
left c) leaves

IV. Read the text and put True (T) or False (F)
Прочитайте текст и выполните задание, поставив Т (верно)
или F (неверно)

Nancy’s family is
very small. She hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. Her granny lives with her,
so all together there are four people in the family. They live in a big flat
near the center of St. Petersburg. People often say that St. Petersburg is the
Venice of the North. Both parents work in the Hermitage Museum and her granny
takes care of her when they are at work. Her parents’ names are Sue and Sam.
Dad is short with dark hair, and her mum is tall, beautiful woman with long
fair hair. They are in their late thirties. At the weekends her family enjoys
bike rides to the countryside.

1. Nancy has some
brothers and sisters. ________________

2. Granny looks
after her. ________________

3. Her parents are
thirty years old. ________________

4. Her family
likes spend free time outdoors. ________________

5. Both parents
like visiting museums at the weekends.

I. Choose the odd word out.


2.comedy,mystery,science fiction, novel

3.spiky,wavy,middle aged, curly



6. intelligent, clever, brilliant, artistic

II. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

1.I …..( study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.

2.Tom ……..(watch)TV when Jane arrived.

3.Water………..(not, boil) at 80C.

4.The policeman asked, «What………(you, do) at the time of the robbery?»

5.This athlete …..( break) the record at the Olympic games last year.

6…….. (he, like) the English countryside?

7.When I was a kid, I……. (not , get) much pocket money.

III. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.

1.A doctor is someone……..helps sick people.

2.Do you know……book this is?

3. It was summer time……we decided to go on holiday to New York.

4. Tom is very reliable. That’s……I like him.

5.That’s the clinic……Mary works.

6.They take care of the eight big black ravens ……. live in the tower.

IV. Complete the sentences using in ,out, up, on, with, into.

1. John gave……boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.

2. That blouse goes really well……your skirt.

3. I ran…….an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.

4. Go…… I’m listening to you.

5. Our class take part…..a clean-up campaign.

6. Many young people hang…….at the shopping centre at the weekends.

V. Choose the correct response.

1.What’s your sister like?

a) She is tall with freckles. b) She is very sociable.

2.What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?

a) Don’t be so silly. b) You should look after your wallet.

3. I’ve got some good news.

a) That’s amazing! b) Sure

4. I need to get more exercise.

a) Why don’t you go home b) How about joining a gym?

5.How can we protect our home?

a) Walk in well-lit places. b) Why don’t you fit an alarm system.


Английский язык,

вопрос задал xolodmr,

7 месяцев назад

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Find the odd word out. ( Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строчке )
usual – typical – incredible – ordinary
sheep – swan – deer – camel
bald – young – teenager – elderly

1 ответ:




1 incredible

2 swan

3 bald


обычный — типичный — невероятный — обычный

овца — лебедь — олень — верблюд

лысый — молодой — подросток — пожилой

Читайте также

Идешь ли ты завтра вечером в театр?

<span>1. I stay, I shall call, we shall have. 2. He will go, he is. 3. I return, I shall ring. 4. You will pass, you arrive. 5. I shall stay, she comes, we shall go, she brings, 6. I finish, I shall enter. 7. Не returns, he will call. 8.1 see, I shall tell. 9. We shall gather, my brother comes. 10. I shall sing, you tell. 11. You will join, we gather. 12. What will you do, you come. 13. They cross, they will see. 14. She gets, she will go. 15. What shall we do, it rains. 16. What will she do, she sees. 17. The bus is, you will be, you get. 18. It is, our car will not start.</span>

1)the Professor likes to read books with the plot of the adventure-профессору нравится читать книги с сюжетом «приключения»

2)the cat found my cross in the bushes-кошка нашла в кустах мой крестик

3)brown bear lives in a dark cave- бурый медведь живёт в тёмной пещере

4)the compass is pointing South- компас указывает на юг

5)we discover a historic vase- мы обнаружили историтеческую вазу

6)before you move you need to explore the territory-перед переездом нужно исследовать территорию

7)I hid your favorite candy bar under his pillow-Я спрятала твой любимый шоколадный батончик под подушку

8)I have a huge Teddy bear at home-У меня дома огромный плюшевый мишка

9)scientists have discovered the initials of primitive people-ученые обнаружили инициалы первобытных людей

10)I journeyed to Austria with my parents-Я путешествовал в Австрию с родителями

11)I have a nephew who lives in Russia-У меня племянник живет в России

12)there was an interesting plot in my book-в моей книге был интересный сюжет

13)I saw a rock that was two meters high-Я увидел скалу высотой в два метра

Привет,Диана!Мне жаль,что ты не можешь завести себе друзей в новой школе.Давай я расскажу,что тебе нужно делать для этого.

Почему бы тебе не садиться к людям во время ланча. Таким путём,ты сможешь обрести новые знакомства.Не обращай внимания,когда люди говорят что-то плохое.Делай так, и скоро ты будешь раслабленнее.

Есть другая идея.Это вступить в команду или школьный кружок.Там ты встретишь новых друзей,с твоими интересами и тебе будет комфотнее.Ладно,иди тогда.Надеюсь,мои советы помогут тебе.Напиши мне потом и скажи помогло ли тебе это.

The world is not perfect, but it is beautiful and perfect all its shortcomings. We — the people, we are part of this world, and his main problem. Man spoils it darkens, tramples and destroys its beauty. All the worst thing in the world belongs to the man, meanness, hypocrisy, envy, hypocrisy, lies. But that would have cost without the disadvantages of beauty? «… That would make your good, if there were no evil, and how the earth would look like if shadows disappeared from it?» This is a beautiful counterbalance. After all, happiness is in equilibrium and harmony of black and white, and not in the monotonous uniformity of light tones.

From the hardship and turmoil we are looking for shelter in the monastery of tranquility in nature. When the soul is too much bad, and it seems that everything is shrouded in darkness, is to stop, look around. Blue sky reflected in the eyes, as in a mirror, the boundless ocean of air with white clouds like foam from the waves.


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