Find the odd word out найди лишнее слово

Find the odd words out.
1) to damage, to destroy, to kill, to build
2) pollution, protection, environment, information
3) pigeon, insect, habitat, beetle
4) paper, waste, metal, plastic
5) among, between, law, through

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 5. Step 6. Номер №9


Перевод задания
Найди лишние слова.
1) наносить урон, разрушать, убивать, строить
2) загрязнение, защита, окружающая среда, информация
3) голубь, насекомое, среда обитания, жук
4) бумага, отходы, металл, пластик
5) среди, между, закон, через

1) to build (по смыслу – остальные слова про разрушение)
2) environment (по составу слова – остальные слова с одинаковым суффиксом)
3) habitat (по смыслу – остальные слова называют живых существ)
4) waste (по смыслу – остальные слова называют виды материалов)
5) law (по принадлежности к частям речи – остальные слова являются предлогами)

Перевод ответа
1) строить
2) окружающая среда
3) среда обитания
4) отходы
5) закон

1 —

  • chemist’s
  • funny
  • butter

— 2-

1. We haven’t got … notebooks.

  • many

2.There are … skirts to choose from.

  • a lot of

3. Sometimes I eat … cheese in the morning.

  • a little  

4. Can I drink … more coffee?

  • some

5. There is … milk in the fridge.

  • some

— 3 —

  • Solar power can be used to heat homes, can’t it?
  • You have been a fan of Harry Potter since 2001, haven’t you?
  • We are listening a great soundtrack to the Matrix, aren’t we?
  • They often play basketball, don’t they?
  • You can join an environmental organization, can’t you?

— 4 —

1. What…… they ……now?

  • are … doing

2. Kate … ome food yesterday.

  • bought  

3. My neighbours ____ their house for three years.

  • have been building  

4. Jane _____ the second part of the story before we found it.

  • has translated

5. Who _____ the radio?

  • invented  

6. I …. just … homework.

  • have finished

— 5 —

  • The Games take place every year in Scotland. — TRUE
  • The sport games are in early autumn. — TRUE  
  • The marching bands have funny clothing. — FALSE
  • The games are usually on the first of September.  — FALSE
  • Tickets are easy to buy.  — FALSE

Итоговый контрольный тест по английскому
языку для 7 класса

I. Find
the odd word out. 
(Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строчке)

usual –
typical – incredible – ordinary

sheep – swan –
deer – camel

bald – young –
teenager – elderly

II. Use the
words with countableuncountable nouns. 
(Используйте нужные слова с
исчисляемыминеисчисляемыми существительными)

1. There aren’t …
apples on the plates.

a) some b) any c)

2. I’ll have …
cream with my pancakes.

a) any b) a little
c) few

3. Would you like
to pass me … sugar, please?

a) some b) any c)

4. I like cereal
with … milk.

a) few b) many c)

5. There is too …
salt in the soup.

a) many b) much c)

III. Choose the correct form of the verb (Выберите правильную форму глагола)
1. Mark … his essay yet.

a) has not
finished b) have finished c) finished

2. My brother …
with his girlfriend every day.

a) go out b) is
going out c) goes out

3. I’m afraid we
… to the party tomorrow.

a) don’t go b)
will not go c) will go

4. She………….. a
holiday dinner for two hours.

a) cooks b) has
been cooking c) cooked

5. Look at the
clouds! It…….. to snow.

a) go b) went c)
is going

6. She….. the
house at 7this morning.

a) is leaving b)
left c) leaves

IV. Read the text and put True (T) or False (F)
Прочитайте текст и выполните задание, поставив Т (верно)
или F (неверно)

Nancy’s family is
very small. She hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. Her granny lives with her,
so all together there are four people in the family. They live in a big flat
near the center of St. Petersburg. People often say that St. Petersburg is the
Venice of the North. Both parents work in the Hermitage Museum and her granny
takes care of her when they are at work. Her parents’ names are Sue and Sam.
Dad is short with dark hair, and her mum is tall, beautiful woman with long
fair hair. They are in their late thirties. At the weekends her family enjoys
bike rides to the countryside.

1. Nancy has some
brothers and sisters. ________________

2. Granny looks
after her. ________________

3. Her parents are
thirty years old. ________________

4. Her family
likes spend free time outdoors. ________________

5. Both parents
like visiting museums at the weekends.

  • Лексико-грамматический практикум
  • Unit 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40

Find and write the odd words out.
Найдите и выпишите лишние слова.


festival, parade, holiday, carnival, <span class="under">treat</span>
фестиваль, парад, праздник, карнавал, угощение


pumpkin, lantern, <span class="under">Santa</span>, ghost, witch
тыква, фонарь, Санта, призрак, ведьма


prepare, believe, <span class="under">hung</span>, appear, celebrate
подготовить, верить, повесить, появиться, отпраздновать


fireplace, festival, stocking, <span class="under">flowers</span>, gift
камин, фестиваль, чулок, цветы, подарок


card, gift, <span class="under">tower</span>, greeting, celebrate
открытка, подарок, башня, приветствие, праздновать


money, <span class="under">sack</span>, coins, notes, bank
деньги, мешок, монеты, банкноты, банк


special, <span class="under">midnight</span>, quiet, real, religious
особенный, полуночный, тихий, настоящий, религиозный


sweets, nuts, <span class="under">turkey</span>, balls, lights
сладости, орехи, индейка, шары, огни

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 6 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Find and write the odd words out.
Найдите и выпишите лишние слова.

I. Find the odd word out. ( Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строчке )

music – melody – football – song
pretty – tall – ugly – cute
smart – intelligent – clever – foolish
II. Use the words with countableuncountable nouns. (Используйте нужные слова с исчисляемыминеисчисляемыми существительными)
1. Would you like to taste … cake?
a) some b) any c) much
2. There is … food in the fridge.
a) much b) many c) few
3. We haven’t got … time.
a) few b) many c) much
4. There are …sweets in the box.
a) a lot of b) many c) much
5. I don’t eat … fruit for breakfast.
a) any b) no c) a lot of
III. Fill in the questing tag (выберите правильную форму разделительного вопроса)
1. John didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, ….?
didn’t he? b)hasn’t he? c)did he?
You like planting flowers, …..?
do you? b)don’t you? c)aren’t you?
3. Penguins are amazing animals, ….?
aren’t they? b) don’t they? c)are they?
She has made her one-off donation, ….?
hasn’t she? b) has she? c) is she?
He built a nesting box, …..?
did he? b)didn’t he? c)doesn’t he?
IV Choose the correct form of the verb (Выберите правильную форму глагола)
1. He _____ a lot of mistakes in last test.
a) have made b) have been making c) made
2. Pupils of our class _____ in five years.
a) meet b)will meet c) met
3. I _____ to tapes when they came.
a) listened b)was listening c)were listening
4. Mark _____ to get a bigger vocabulary.
a) wants b)have wanted c) want
5. We _____ film in the original now.
a) watch b)watched c)are watching
6. I ……. the piano for 3 years.
a) have been playing b) have played c) play
V Read the text and put True (T) or False (F) Прочитайте текст и выполните задание, поставив Т (верно) или F (неверно)
Antonio’s Restaurant is a new Italian restaurant in our neighborhood with the best cuisine in town. The meals are great here. You can start with cheese soup or a mixed vegetable seasonal salad. Spaghetti bolognese and perfect home-made pasta are favorites. The fantastic pizza and excellent lasagne are some of the specialties. Don’t forget to try our chocolate cake! The waiters are helpful and very polite, the atmosphere is friendly. And best of all, the prices are low! You can bring your friends, and be sure to enjoy a wonderful dinner out at Antonio’s Restaurant. The modern and live music and free Wi-Fi is available.
1. Antonio’ Restaurant is one of the oldest in our town. _____________
2. They serve traditional Italian meals. _____________
3. The most delicious dessert is muffin. _____________
4. The waiters are always ready to help. _____________
5. People enjoy listening to live music. _____________

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