Find the odd word in the chain of the nouns trousers spectacles

1) trousers-spectacles-scales-news singular

2) advice-knowledge-contents-progress plural

3) phonetics- vacation-goods— information plural

4) criteria-datum-oases-radii singular

5) mice-men-goats-geese plurak with s

6) police-work-weather-furniture plural

7) congress-team-government-equipment

8) water-potato-milk-bread countable

9) lime-business-stone-bird uncountable

10) means-species-crossroads-wolves plural with s

11) thanks-barracks-congratulations-authorities both count. and unc.

12) diagnosis-roofs-cattle-accommodation plural with s

13) success-research-applause-path countable


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    Английский язык


    01.11.2022 15:37

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        На заметку ученику

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        • Звук [ou] Обозначение звука на письме
        • «If» and «when» conditional clauses. Условные предложения с «если» и «когда».
        • The Present Continuous Tense. Настоящее длительное время.


        Exercise 8.

        Find the odd word in the chain of the nouns.

        Example: tea butter onions meat

        1) trousers spectacles scales news 2) advice knowledge contents progress

        3) phonetics vacation goods information 4) criteria datum oases radii 5) mice men goats geese 6) police work weather furniture 7) congress team government equipment 8) water potato milk bread 9) time business stone bird 10) means — species — crossroads — wolves 11) thanks barracks congratulations authorities 12) diagnoses roofs cattle accommodation 13) premises mechanics darts laughter 14) success research applause path 15) journey voyage travel walk


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        The word «noun» comes from the latin nomen meaning «name.» Word classes like nouns were first described by Sanskrit grammarian Pāṇini and ancient Greeks like Dionysios Thrax, and defined in terms of their morphological properties. For example, in Ancient Greek, nouns can be inflected for grammatical case, such as dative or accusative. Verbs, on the other hand, can be inflected for tenses, such as past, present or future, while nouns cannot. Aristotle also had a notion of onomata (nouns) and rhemata (verbs) which, however, does not exactly correspond our notions of verbs and nouns.

        Expressions of natural language will have properties at different levels. They have formal properties, like what kinds of morphological prefixes or suffixes they can take, and what kinds of other expressions they can combine with. but they also have semantic properties, i.e. properties pertaining to their meaning. The definition of nouns on the top of this page is thus a formal definition. That definition is uncontroversial, and has the advantage that it allows us to effectively distinguish nouns from non-nouns. However, it has the disadvandage that it does not apply to nouns in all languages. For example in Russian, there are no definite articles, so one cannot define nouns by means of those. There are also several attempts of defining nouns in terms of their semantic properties.


        В различных языках мира выделяются разнообразные части речи, значения которых отличаются: одни обозначают предметы, другие – действия, третьи – признаки и т.д. Каждая из частей речи имеет определенное значение, вопросы, которые к ней относятся, правила употребления, те или иные грамматические категории, в английском языке каждой части речи соответствует определенное место в предложении.

        Являясь самостоятельной частью речи, имя существительное в английском языке обладает значением предметности, иными словами, английское существительное, как и русское, отвечает на вопросы кто? что? и обозначает предмет, человека, событие или состояние. В предложении существительное выполняет функцию его члена и занимает определенное место в нем, т.к. связь между словами в английском предложении отражается в первую очередь порядком слов, а также при помощи служебных частей речи.

        В данной работе нами рассмотрены основные сведения об английском существительном и его положении в языке как части речи. Таким образом, цель данного реферата заключается в изучении и описании существительного в английском языке, его определении как части речи, его особенностей и грамматических категорий.


        Nouns are names of objects. Semantically all nouns can be divided into two main groups: proper names (John, London) and common nouns. Common nouns, in their turn, are subdivided into countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns denote objects that can be counted. They may be either concrete (book, student) or abstract (idea, word). Uncountable nouns are names of objects that can’t be counted. They can also be concrete (water, grass) and abstract (information, time). Nouns have the grammatical categories of number and case.

        The gender of nouns

        Nouns can be classed as belonging to the masculine, feminine and neuter gender. Names of male beings are masculine (man, husband), and names of female beings are feminine (woman, wife). All other nouns are said to be neuter (pen, flower, family, rain). However, there are nouns in English which may be treated as either males or females (cousin, friend). They are said to be of common gender. Sometimes a separate form for a female is built up by means of the suffix –ess (host – hostess, actor – actress). It is also possible to indicate the gender of a noun by forming different kinds of compounds (a man servant – a maid servant). Nouns denoting various kinds of vessels (ship, boat), the noun car as well as the names of countries may be referred to as she.

        The number of nouns

        Some nouns in English may have the singular and the plural forms.

        The plural of most nouns is built up by means of the suffix –s or –es. It should be noted that some nouns in the plural change the pronunciation in their final consonants: [s]→[ziz] and [Ө]→[∂z].

        In writing, the following spelling rules should be observed: the suffix –es is added to nouns ending in s, sh, ch, x and z (glass – glasses, brush – brushes).

        Nouns ending in –y preceded by a consonant change the –y into –ies ( story – stories, fly – flies). But if a noun ends in –y preceded by a vowel, only –s is added ( key – keys, boy – boys). The following nouns ending I –f or –fe have the ending –ves in the plural: wife – wives, knife – knives, leaf – leaves

        But other nouns ending in –f or –fe take only –s in the plural: roof – roofs, cliff – cliffs

        There are a number of nouns in English which form their plural in an irregular way. A few nouns form their plural by a change of vowel. They are:

        Man – men

        Woman – women

        Tooth – teeth

        Foot – feet

        Mouse – mice

        Goose – geese

        Louse – lice

        Child children

        Ox – oxen

        Brother – brethren( not blood relations, but members of the same society).

        A few nouns have the same form for the singular and the plural:

        A sheep – sheep

        A swine – swine

        A deer – deer

        A fish – fish

        A craft – craft

        A counsel – counsel (legal adviser, barrister).

        The following nouns ending in-s in the singular remain unchanged in the plural:

        A means – means

        A (gas) works – (gas) works

        A barracks – barracks

        A headquarters – headquarters

        A series – series

        A species – species

        Some nouns borrowed from other languages, especially from Greek and Latin, keep their foreign plural forms: agendum – agenda

        Analysis – analyses

        Bacterium – bacteria

        Basis – bases

        Crisis – crises

        Criterion – criteria

        Datum – data

        Hypothesis – hypotheses

        Phenomenon – phenomena

        Stratum – strata

        Thesis – theses

        A considerable number of nouns are used only in the singular in English. Here belong all names of materials( iron, copper, sand, coal, bread…) and also a great number of nouns denoting abstract notions (curiosity, anger, foolishness). A few nouns are used only in the singular: advice, information, progress news, , gallows, summons, knowledge, money, hair, physics, mathematics, phonetics, optics, ethics, politics.

        there are a few nouns in English which are used only in the plural:

        trousers, pants, shorts, trunks, pyjamas, drawers, scissors, glasses, tongs, scales, billiards, cards, dominoes, draughts, goods, clothes.

        The case of nouns

        Case is the form of the noun which shows the relation of the noun to other words in the sentence.

        English nouns have two case forms – the common case and the genitive case: the child – the child’s father.

        The genitive case is formed by means of the suffix –s or the apostrophe (-’) alone. The –’s is added to singular nouns and also to irregular plural nouns. The apostrophe (-’) alone is added to regular plural nouns: soldiers’, parents’…. and also to proper names ending in –s: Sophocles’ plays, Hercules’ labours.

        The number of nouns which may be used in the genitive case is limited. The –’s genitive commonly occurs with animate nouns denoting personal names (John’s bed, Mary’s job…), personal nouns (mu friend’s visit), collective nouns (the party’s platform, the team’s victory) and higher animals (the dog’s barking, the lion’s cage).

        In principle, the –’s genitive is also possible with certain kinds of inanimate and abstract notions. For example, it’s regularly found with temporal nouns (a day’s work, a few days’ trip) and with nouns denoting distance and measure (a mile’s distance). Sometimes it’s used with geographic names of continents, countries, cities, towns and universities (the United States’ policy, London’s water supply), locative nouns (the island’s outline, the school’s history).

        The relations between the noun in the genitive case and its head-word may be of two kinds:

        1)The noun in the genitive case may denote a particular person or thing, as in my mother’s room. This kind of the genitive case is called the specifying genitive: Mary’s suitcase, that boy’s answer, the girl’s story, the boy’s punishment.

        2)The noun in the genitive case may refer to a whole class of similar objects. This kind of the genitive case is called the classifying (descriptive) genitive: sheep’s eyes, a doctor’s degree, cow’s milk, a soldier’s uniform.

        The suffix –’s may be added not only to a single noun but to a whole group of words. It’s called the group genitive: Smith and Brown’s office, the Prime Minister of England’s residence.

        Sometimes we find the use of –’s and of together. This is called a double genitive: He was an old business client of Grandfather’s .

        The functions of nouns in the sentence.

        Nouns may have different functions in the sentence:

        1)the subject: Life consists in accepting one’s duty.

        2)an object: You did such splendid work.

        3)a predicative: The place was in disorder.

        4)an objective predicative: They elected him president of the club.

        5)a subjective predicative: He was appointed squadron commander.

        6)various adverbial modifiers: He spoke in a different tone.

        7)an attribute: His officer’s uniform gave slimness to his already heavy figure.

        8) an apposition: He told us about his father, a teacher, who died in the war.


        We have investigated the noun, the main part of speech in English grammar. We used different kinds of references to investigate the noun. Nouns can be classified further as count nouns, which name anything that can be counted (four books, two continents, a few dishes, a dozen buildings); mass nouns (or non-count nouns), which name something that can’t be counted (water, air, energy, blood); and collective nouns, which can take a singular form but are composed of more than one individual person or items (jury, team, class, committee, herd). We should note that some words can be either a count noun or a non-count noun depending on how they’re being used in a sentence. Whether or not a noun is uncountable is determined by its meaning: an uncountable noun represents something which tends to be viewed as a whole or as a single entity, rather than as one of a number of items which can be counted as individual units. Singular verb forms are used with uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot «count» them. In our work we described the gender of nouns, revealed several groups of nouns which form their plural in an irregular way. Beside it, in the process of our investigation we distinguished the nouns which are used only in singular and only in plural in English. Moreover, we described the case of nouns and came to conclusion that there are two of them: a)the common case

        b)the genitive case.

        In this work the functions of nouns in the sentences are certainly mentioned. We should say that this material (both theoretical and practical) may be recommended to the use of it at English lessons in colleges.


        Рассмотренное нами имя существительное как часть речи английского языка позволяет определить, что, как и в русском языке, оно имеет значение предметности, обозначая предмет или явление действительности или абстрактное понятие. Категории имени существительного в английском языке несколько отличаются от категорий данной части речи в русском языке.

        Таким образом, в английском языке бесспорно выделяется только категория числа. Категория падежа является спорным вопросом, ее признают не все лингвисты, а категория рода по морфологическому признаку отсутствует как таковая.

        Также к категории существительного, не выражаемой формами самого слова (т.е. не являющейся морфологической), относится категория определенности – неопределенности. К иным лексико-грамматическим категориям имен существительных различные исследователи относят следующие: собственные, нарицательные, вещественные, собирательные, абстрактные, конкретные, исчисляемые, неисчисляемые, одушевленные, неодушевленные и разряд «лицо» — «не лицо».

        Как правило, для определения той или иной категории рассматривается семантический признак имени существительного, хотя в некоторых случаях важным является и грамматический признак.

        Таким образом, имена существительные в английском языке, по своей сущности совпадая с именами существительными в русском языке (т.е. неся значение предметности и отвечая на вопросы кто? что?), значительно отличаются по своим грамматическим признакам и лексико-грамматическим категориям. Это вызывает, среди прочего, некоторые трудности перевода, которые зачастую решаются заменой имен существительных при переводе словами других частей речи.

        Технологическая карта урока на тему «существительное»

        Цели урока:

        образовательные — рассмотреть и изучить понятие «существительное» в английском языке

        развивающие — развитие навыков диалогической речи

        — совершенствование фонетических навыков и навыков аудирования,

        — совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме.

        воспитательные — воспитание интереса к стране изучаемого языка, ее культуре и обычаям,

        — воспитание культуры общения

        Задачи урока:

        Предметные: -познакомить с новыми понятиями, провести первичное закрепление.

        -актуализировать знания о существительном в английском языке

        — актуализировать лексические знания по теме.

        Личностные: -сформировать учебно-познавательный интерес к новому учебному материалу.

        -формировать способность к самооценке.

        Метапредметные: -развивать умение слушать и слышать собеседника;

        -развивать умение классифицировать, анализировать и сравнивать.

        Средства обучения:

        компьютер, проектор, учебник, раздаточный материал

        1.Организационный момент

        Приветствие учителя и учащихся.

        2.Постановка учебной задачи

        взаимодействие учеников и учителя, выход на проблемный вопрос и формулирование темы и цели урока.

        3. Актуализация уже имеющихся у учеников знания по данной теме

        актуализировать знания учеников, необходимые для открытия нового знания

        4. Открытие нового знания, объяснение нового материала. Презентация по теме.

        Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме, учащиеся делают краткие записи по теме, опираясь на объяснения учителя и на презентацию.

        5. Первичное закрепление

        организация усвоения детьми нового способа действий при решении задач с их проговари-ванием

        6. Включение нового знания в систему. Самостоятельная работа в виде упражнений по изученной теме (см. приложение 1)

        организация самостоятельного выполнения каждым обучающимся задания по теме; организация самопроверки своих решений по эталону;

        создание ситуации успеха для каждого;

        Предоставление возможности выявления причин ошибок и их исправления

        7. Рефлексия

        обобщение и выводы по учебной теме.

        8. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания

        Обеспечение понимания учащимися целей, содержания, способов выполнения домашнего задания.

        Приложение 1

        Exercise 1. Some of the sentences are right, but most are wrong. Correct the sentences that are wrong.

        1.i’m going to buy some flowers. 2.Ineed a new jeans. 3.It’s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree. 4. There is a woman and two mans in the car. 5. Sheep eat grass. 6. David is married and has three childs. 7. Most of my friend are student. 8. He puts on his pyjama and goes to bed at 11 o’clock. 9. We often go fishing, but we don’t usually catch many fishes. 10. Do you know many persons in the town? 11. The scissors is not very sharp.

        Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.

        1. The windows in his car are made of unbreakable glass. 2. He gave me a glass of water. 3. These are the works of Shakespeare. 4. He is not at home, he is at the works. He is installing new equipment. 5. His work is rather dull, he thinks. 6. Do you have scales? I want to weigh this fish. 7. Celsius or Fahrenheit scales are used in many countries. 8. I spilled the water, give me a cloth, please. 9. Have you bought cloth for draperies?10. he’s got his car insurance policy. 11. She always criticizes the government’s policy. 12. I need an iron to press my dress. 13. These items are made of iron. 14. There is neither salt nor pepper on the table. 15. He planted several peppers in the hothouse. 16. Would you like some chocolate? 17. She took a chocolate out of the box. 18. He meets a lot of people every day. 19. A lot of different peoples live in Asia. 20. They run a very profitable business somewhere in South Africa. 21. Business is an essential part of American life.

        Exercise 3. Write the plural form of these nouns.

        A flower _________, a boat __________, a woman ___________, a city ____________, an umbrella _________________, an address ____________, a knife ___________, a sandwich ______________, a family _________, a foot ___________, a holiday ____________, a potato __________, a bus _____________, a church _____________, a box ____________, a tomato ____________, a dish _______________, a fish ___________, a baby _____________, a dictionary _____________, a party _____________, a day ___________, a monkey ___________, a boy __________.

        Exercise 4. Match the word on the left with its partner on the right.

        1.a lump a.lightening

        2.a bit b.thunder

        3.a flash

        4.a stroke d.air

        5.a slice e.salt

        6.a clap f.bread

        7.a sum g.rain article h.milk

        9.a loaf i.soap

        10.a bar j.toothpaste

        11.a spot k.cloth

        12.a carton

        13.a tube m.paper

        14.a puff n.cheese item

        16.a sheet p.luck

        17.a strip

        18.a grain r.sugar

        19.a block s.information

        20.a breath t.smoke

        Exercise 5. Find the odd word in the chain of the nouns.










        Means-species- crossroads-wolves


        Diagnoses- roofs-cattle-accommodation




        Список литературы

        1) Блох М.Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. — М.: Высш. школа, 2010. — 381 с.

        2) Бочкарева Т.С., Мороз В.В. Основы теории изучаемого языка. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Лексикология: Методические указания к практическим занятиям. — Оренбург: ГОУ ОГУ, 2004.- 83 с.

        3) Гуревич, В.В. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Сравнительная типология английского и русского языков. – М: Логос, 2001. – 168 с.

        4) Дроздова, Т. Ю. English grammar : reference & practice : with a separate key vol. : учеб. пособие для учащихся кл. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. и студентов неяз. вузов / Т. Ю. Дроздова, А. И. Берестова, В. Г. Маилова. – Изд. 11-е, испр. – СПб. : Антология, 2012. – 464 с.

        5) Казакова Т. А. Практические основы перевода. Учебное пособие. СПб.: Лениздат; Издательство Союз, 2000. — 320 с.

        6) Качалова К.Н. Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. — М.: ЮНВЕС, 2002. – 716 с.

        7) Маслов Ю.С. Введение в языкознание. Учебное пособие для филологических специальностей университетов. — М.: Высшая школа,2000. –328с.

        КГУ «Средняя школа №26»

        Полякова Т.В.

        г. Усть-Каменогорск

         Сборник упражнений по английскому языку.

        (Темы: «The Noun», «The Numeral»)

        Целью сборника является систематизация знаний и подготовка учащихся к ВОУД и ЕНТ. Система упражнений построена по принципу «от простого к сложному» по уровням. Это позволяет использовать уражнения при разно уровневом обучении английскому языку.

        1 УРОВЕНЬ.

        «The Noun»

        Exercise 1.  Напишите множественное число существительных:

        + s

        1. book –
        2. shirt –
        3. orange –
        4. apple –
        5. flat –
        6. glove –

        + es

        1. tomato –
        2. sandwich –
        3. glass –

        + ies

        1. country –
        2. city –
        3. dictionary –

        Exercise 2. Write the plural form of the following. ( Напишите множественное число имен существительных)

         A.regular nouns

        story, play, glass, flag, photo, name, match, knife, bush, chief, page, radio, roof, prize, set, key, factory, wolf, piano, class, cup, city

        B. irregular nouns (существительные исключения)

        Child, goose, man, foot, mouse, woman, sheep, person, deer, tooth, ox

        C. nouns of Greek or Latin origin (существительные греческого и латинского происхождения)

        Datum, formula, crisis, stimulus, index, phenomenon, medium, oasis, nucleus, memorandum, basis, radius, analysis, symposium

        D. compound nouns (сложные существительные)

        Fellow-worker, merry-go-round, man-of-war, passer-by, sister-in-law, forget-me-not,

        room-mate, lily-of-the-valley, ticket-holder, commander-in-chief, governor-general

        Exercise 3.  Divide the following words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns (you must get 25 uncountable nouns). Распределите слова на 2 колонки: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные (25 неисчисляемых существительных).

        furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permit, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter

        2 УРОВЕНЬ.

        Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

        1. The windows in his car are made of unbreakable glass. 2. He gave me a glass of water.3. These are the works of Shakespeare. 4. He is not at home, he is at the works. He is installing new equipment. 5. His work is rather dull, he thinks. 6. Do you have scales? I want to weigh this fish. 7. Celsius or Fahrenheit scales are used in many countries. 8. I spilled the water, give me a cloth, pleas. 9. Have you bought cloth for draperies? 10. He′ s got his car insurance policy. 11. She always criticizes the government’s policy. 12. I need an iron to press my dress. 13. These items are made of iron. 14. There is neither salt nor pepper on the table. 15. He planted several peppers in the hothouse. 16. Would you like some chocolate? 17. She took a chocolate out of the box. 18. He meets a lot of people every day. 19. A lot of different peoples live in Asia. 20. They run a very profitable business somewhere in South Africa. 21. Business is an essential part of American life.

         Exercise 5. Change the uncountable nouns in bold type into countable ones in the sentences using the words from Exercise 3.

        Example: Buy some bread on your way home. –

                                 Buy a loaf of bread on your way home.

        1. I had luck in the casino yesterday. 2. I saw lightening and then heard thunder in the west.3. How much luggage have you got with you?  4. Would you like some more cake? 5. Daddy brought me milk chocolate! 6. He blew smoke out of his pipe into the open window. 7. How much sugar do you take with your tea? 8. We need to buy some furniture for our kitchen. 9. Give me please brown shoe polish. 10. He told us very interesting information last night.

        Exercise 6. Write out the nouns which are used only in the plural form (you must get 25 nouns). Выпишите существительные, которые только во множественном числе (25 существительных).

        Athletics, cattle, scissors, taxes, pyjamas, economics, police, news, means, goods, pants, subjects, billiards, darts, outskirts, premises, mechanics, spectacles, clothes, stairs, maths, shorts,  tights, gymnastics, congratulations, crossroad, patience, scales, lodgings, foundations, equipment, research, authorities, soap, contents, looks, countryside, traffic-lights, tongs, toothpaste, headphones, delays, binoculars, electronics, eyes, trousers.

        3 УРОВЕНЬ.

        Exercise 7. Find the odd word in the chain of the nouns.

        Example: tea – butter – onions – meat

        1. trousers – spectacles – scales – news
        2. advice – knowledge – contents – progress
        3. phonetics – vacation – goods – information
        4. criteria – datum – oases – radii
        5. mice – men – goats – geese
        6. police – work – weather – furniture
        7. congress – team – government – equipment
        8. water – potato – milk –bread
        9. time – business – stone – bird
        10. means – species – crossroads – wolves
        11. thanks – barracks – congratulations – authorities
        12. diagnoses – roofs – cattle – accommodation
        13. premises – mechanics – darts – laughter
        14.  success – research – applause – path
        15. journey – voyage – travel – walk

        Exercise 8. Open the brackets and choose the proper form.

        1. I feel that the jury already (have/has) thought that you are innocent. 2. The government (was/were) not able to pursue the policy which had been promised before the elections. 3. The policy (is/are) investigating the case now. 4. The crew of the plane (consist/ consists) of four people. 5. His company (was/were) founded in 1996. 6. The party (was/were) in full swing. The music was playing; the company (was/were) eating and drinking. 7. My family (is/are) early risers, so at 11 o’clock p.m. the family (is/are) always in bed. 9. The committee (is/are) full of enthusiasm. 10. Such an organization as the board of directors (is/are) elected by stockholders. 11. The ship turned out to be a good ship, the crew (was/were) skilled seamen. 12. The government usually (consist/ consists) of the prime minister and several ministers. 13. The average American family (have/has) three children. 14. The jury (is/are) represented by twelve people. 15. The crops (is/are) good this summer.

        Exercise 9.  Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb to be.

        1. The crew ____ rescued by our boat. 2. Her clothes ____ very fashionable. 3. Your advice ____ always welcome. 4. The information he gave us ____ very useful. 5.  A little money ____ better than nothing. 6. That species of spiders ____ commonly seen in deserts of North Africa. 7. I think her hair ____ dyed. 8. No news _____ good news. 9. I don’t want to work here. The equipment _____ too complicated. 10. There _____ a lot of sheep in the field. 11. I think this _____ detailed research.  12. Where _____ my spectacles? 13. The phenomena ____ unusual. 14. Mathematics _____ difficult, but physics _____ more difficult to my mind. 15. The cattle ____ up the hill.

        Exercise 10. Match the words on the left (1-10) with the appropriate phrases on the right

        (a-j) to get 10 sentences.

        1. Your advice
        2. Our headquarters
        3. The money
        4. The premises
        5. The information
        6. Best news
        7. New equipment
        8. Athletics
        9. The scales
        10. Appearances
        1. are located outside London.
        2. she lent us was not enough.
        3. are fit.
        4. is an important part of the Olympic Games.
        5. are often deceptive.
        6. is installed in our new shop.
        7. against applying for that job was good.
        8. was not reliable. It was published inn tabloids.
        9. is always printed in morning newspapers.
        10. where he worked were in the suburbs.

        Exercise 11.  Find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them. Some sentences have more than one mistake.

        1. We hade such a terrible weather that we left the hotel in the country (we did not have heatings there) and took an accommodation with a fire place in town instead. 2. Yesterday I got a permission to go there. What about you? Have you got your permits? 3. I love French impressionists but I would need an advice from a specialist before I brought any. My  knowledges in that area very poor. 4. Her works are definitely making great progresses these day. She has done a lot of researches lately. 5. Have you heard that Jack’s lodging is on London, but on the outskirt of the city? These are interesting news, aren’t they? 6. The police is looking for the criminals who escaped last night. The informations about them were sent to all the police stations of the district. 7. Political and economic crises is frequent for Africa. 8. How many luggages are you taking? Oh, I think you won’t be able to cope with them. You’ll have to hire a porter. 9. Last week was awful for her. She had two tooth pulled out, her childs got ill and finally her husband lost moneys. 10. The tights is too loose for her.

        «The Numeral»

        1 УРОВЕНЬ.

        Exercise 1.   Напишите словами и произнесите следующие числительные:

        1. 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 4th; 5th ; 6th; 7th; 8th;9th
        2. 25;13; 11; 34; 40; 14; 76; 100
        3. 1,350; 2,481; 427; 144; 314; 413; 830

        Exercise 2. Следуя модели, запишите  словами и произнесите следующие математические выражения:

        Example:  2+5 = 7 (Two plus five is seven)

                                  7-3 = 4 (Seven minus three is four)

          3*2 = 6 (Three multiplied by two is six)

                                  9:3 = 3 (Nine divided by three is three)

        1. 3+4 = 7
        2. 18+43 = 61
        3. 102+13 = 115
        4. 2,635+1 = 2,636
        5. 19-6 = 13
        6. 18-7 = 11
        7. 125-30 = 95
        8. 2,635-0,015 = 2,620
        9. 2х4 = 8
        10. 13х3 = 39
        11. 5х8 = 40
        12. 25х5 = 125
        13. 18:2 = 9
        14. 21:7 = 3
        15. 28:4 = 7
        16. 200:100 = 2

        2 УРОВЕНЬ.

        Exercise 3.  Напишите время словами:

        Example:  10 15  it’s a quarter past ten

        1. 6 30 —
        2. 11 00  —
        3. 12 45-
        4. 9 30   —
        5. 3 00  —

        Exercise 4.  Напишите даты  словами:

        Example:   01.04. The first of April

        1. 14.02.  —
        2. 03.07. —
        3. 25.09 -.
        4. 12.01. —
        5. 21.12. —

        Exercise 5Напишите года словами:

        Example: 1881 – eighteen eighty – one

        1. 1564 —
        2. 1926 —
        3. 1452 —
        4. 1977 —
        5. 1616 —
        6. 1905 —
        7. 2000 —
        8. 2009 —
        9. 1934 –

        3 УРОВЕНЬ.

        Exercise 6. Write these numbers in English.

        1. 567
        2. 6 ½
        3. 3,267
        4. 8.93
        5. 0.34
        6. 7 ¼
        7. 2,359,000
        8. 11.06
        9. 58%
        10. 9 May
        11. 3 August
        12. 969 64 85 (telephone number)
        13. – 3 centigrade
        14. (In) 1907
        15. 33
        16. 3,000,000,000
        17. 7,082
        18. 40-0 (the result in a tennis game)
        19. 37%
        20. 4-1 (the result in a football match)

        Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?

        Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.

        Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.

        Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.

        Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.

        Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.

        Получить возможность работать творчески.

        Просмотр содержимого документа

        «сборник упражнений »

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