Find the letters to spell the missing moving word


_____´s good at jumping. He’s really great! 

And look! _______´s hopping on square number 8!


3. One girl is skipping. What color are her trousers?

 The color RED


What do you play in your playground

I play with _________


______´s roller skating! She’s going round and round. 

And watch ____ skipping in our new playground. 


1. The boy in the orange jacket is ______

RUNNING after his sheep


What’s your friend’s (table partner) name

My friend’s name is ______


_____´s good at dancing! One, two, three! 

And there’s ______. He’s funny! He’s climbing our tree!


4. What’s the girls with the red balloons doing?

SKATING around the park. 


What are you good at? 

I’m good at _______


______´s very good at running. He runs all day!

But _______ likes walking (and talking) with her best friends, ______.  


2. At the front of the picture you can see _______

A blue bicycle


Is your playground big or small?

It’s BIG


What animal is running in the park?

A sheep!!


Find the letters to spell the missing moving word!





Click to zoom

Fix the letters to spell the words. Read them to your friend.
1. grni
2. cshse
3. obrnw
4. isgn
5. crih
6. tewor

Английский язык STARLIGHT 3 класс (часть 2) Баранова. MODULE 5. Lesson 8. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Исправьте буквы, чтобы составить слова. Прочтите их своему другу.
1. grni
2. cshse
3. obrnw
4. isgn
5. crih
6. tewor

1. ring
2. chess
3. brown
4. sing
5. rich
6. tower

Перевод ответа
1. кольцо
2. шахматы
3. коричневый
4. петь
5. богатый
6. башня



Teacher’s Book

Third edition

Anne Robinson

Karen Saxby

h Audio

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Language Assessment

Information on this title: cambridge/

© Cambridge University Press 

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of the publishers.

First published 
Second edition 

Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library

ISBN --- Student’s Book with audio and online activities
ISBN --- Teacher’s Book with audio
ISBN --- Class Audio CD
ISBN --- Presentation Plus DVD-ROM

Download the audio at cambridge/funfor

e publishers have no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and
do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate
or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual
information given in this work is correct at the time of rst printing but the
publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereaer.


New for the third edition, Presentation plus is a DVD-ROM that contains
a digital version of the Student’s Book and all the audio to complete the
listening tasks. The integrated tools enable you to make notes, highlight
activities and turn the Student’s Book into an interactive experience for
your learners. The Presentation plus includes:

Map of the Student’s Book

all the audio for the Student’s Book
pdfs of the Teacher’s Book, including a complete practice test with
the Listening audio
unit tests – one per unit, testing the key language covered in each unit

A free app for mobile phones and tablets

For further practice of the vocabulary for all of the Cambridge English:
Young Learners tests, download our new, free app and encourage your
learners to practise their vocabulary while having fun!

How is the Student’s Book organised?

This lists the Student’s Book unit numbers and titles.

50 units
Each unit is topic-based and designed to provide between 75 and 90
minutes of class time. Language is presented and practised throughout
the unit and the final activity usually provides freer, fun practice of the
unit’s key content language. In most units, at least one task will provide
Cambridge English: Movers test practice. The title instructions for these
tasks are shown in blue lettering. The title instructions for all other tasks
are shown in black lettering.

Ideas for project work on topic are included in many units and signalled
by a icon, as are fun activities to practise specific phonemes or
other key aspects of pronunciation.

Photocopiable activities

Learners will use these in specific unit tasks.

Alphabetical wordlist

This is a list of the key words which appear in each unit (organised by
topic or word class).
Listings are not repeated if they have already featured in a previous unit.
List of irregular verbs
This includes all the irregular verbs in the Cambridge English: Movers
test. Space is provided for learners to write translations.

How is the Teacher’s Book organised?

This shows where to find each section of the Teacher’s Book.


This will help you use Fun for Movers Third edition. It includes:
a quick guide to how units in the Teacher’s books are organised
(page 6)
suggestions for games and activities (page 6)
suggestions for how to use pictures in the Student’s Book
(page 7)
suggestions for using dictation (pages 7–8)

Checklist for Cambridge English: Movers preparation

a quick guide to what learners have to do in each part of the
Movers test and units where each part is covered in the Student’s
Book. ‘Test’ indicates those activities that reflect the format of the
Movers Listening, Reading and Writing or Speaking test. ‘Practice’
indicates activities that prepare for a particular part of Movers,
but do not reflect the identical format of the test.

Map of the Student’s Book (pages 10–13)
an overview of the content and organisation of all the units in the
Student’s Book.

Topics and grammar indexes (pages 14–15)

Unit guides / Teacher’s notes
The teacher’s notes for each of the 50 units. See below for a detailed
guide to these.

Photocopiable activities (pages 116–127)
these relate to specific units as indicated in the teacher’s notes.

Alphabetical wordlist (pages 128–133)
the Movers wordlist showing the units in Fun for Movers Third
edition where each word appears.

Photocopiable practice test
a complete Movers practice test (Listening, Reading and Writing,
Speaking) to photocopy and use with learners. Audioscripts,
a sample Examiner’s script for the Speaking and a key are
also provided.

The long sentence
Choose a simple sentence which can grow if words are added to the end
of it.
For example:
Teacher: In my bedroom, there’s a bed.
Learner 1: In my bedroom, there’s a bed and a table.
Continue round the class, with each learner repeating the sentence and
all the words which have been added, before then adding another word.
The winner is the person who remembers all the words in the correct
order when everyone else has been eliminated.
Guess what I’m drawing
One learner chooses a word and draws a picture of it on the board, one
line at a time. A er each line, the learner asks: ‘What is it?’ The other
learners have to guess what it is. This can then be played in groups with
learners drawing the lines on paper.
Spell it!
Choose a group of words (they could be from a particular topic, like
body or animals, or they could be unrelated.) Tell learners to listen and
write the letters as you say them (for example: P-E-). If they think they
know the word, learners say ‘Stop!’ and say the remaining letters (for
example: A-R) and the word (pear). If they are right, they get a point
for each letter they gave. If they are not right, continue to spell out the
word, letter by letter.

How is each unit organised?

Topics, Grammar practice, Pronunciation practice, Vocabulary

This is a list of all the topics, areas of grammar and pronunciation
covered in the unit. Any words that appear in the unit but not in the
Movers wordlist are also listed here.

Movers practice

This indicates activities in the unit which will help learners to prepare
for the individual parts of Cambridge English: Movers.

Movers test
This indicates activities in the unit which provides authentic practice for
the individual parts of Cambridge English: Movers.

Equipment needed
This lists any equipment, for example: audio resources and/or material
needed for the unit, including including the number of photocopies
needed for any activities. Pages to be photocopied are found at the
back of the Teacher’s Book.

These are usually labelled A, B, C, etc. and correspond to the diff erent
activities which appear in the Student’s Book. There are some activities
that appear only in the teacher’s notes and are not labelled A, B, C, etc.


The audioscripts for each Listening are at the end of the activity where
they are used.

Project work
There are a number of suggestions for projects. The instructions for
these generally appear at the ends of units.

Listening tasks

In the Listening tasks with a asks with a icon, the lengths of the pauses in the
audio are the same as in the Young Learners English Tests the first time
they are played.

When the audio is heard the second time in the Cambridge English: YLE
Tests, the pauses are slightly shorter, allowing time to add any missing
answers and/or to check answers.
For all other Listening tasks in this book, the lengths of pauses are
approximate. You may want to re-start or stop the audio to allow your
learners less or more time in which to complete tasks.

Games and activities
The following games and activities can be done in class to practise or
revise a wide range of vocabulary or grammar.

Learners make a grid of six or nine squares, in two or three rows of
three. They write a word in each square. Read out words, one by one. If
learners have the word, they cross it out or cover it with a small piece of
paper. The first learner to cross out or cover all their words is the winner.
Check that learners have heard the right words by asking them to say
the words and comparing them with your list of words.

Seven lives (‘Hangman’)

Draw (or stick) seven body outlines on the board.

Choose a word. Draw one line on the board for each letter in the word,
for example: __ __ __ __ __ __. (shorts) Learners put up their hands
to say letters. If the letter is in the word, you write it on the line. If the
letter is not in the word, you remove one of the bodies from the board.
The game finishes when the learners complete the word or they lose
all seven lives. Learners then play in groups, drawing lines for their
own words.


46 A dy on the islnd

OneBoy: Look at Sally!
Woman: Where?Boy: There. She’s the girl who’s hiding behind that big rock.
Woman: Oh yes! I can see her. She’s playing with her friend.
Boy: There’s Peter.
Woman: Which one’s he?Boy: There. I think he’s sleeping in the sun.
Woman: I think he’s awake, but his eyes are closed because it’s sunny.
ThreeWoman: Who’s that boy? The boy who’s calling the parrot?
Boy:Woman: Why’s he doing that?Oh, that’s Sam.
Boy:Woman: Oh dear!Because the parrot’s not in its cage. Look! The door’s open.
FourBoy: Vicky doesn’t look very happy.
Woman: Which one’s she?
Boy:Woman: Did she hurt her foot on that shell?She’s the girl who’s holding her foot.
Boy: Yes, I think she did.
Boy:Woman: The boy on the boat?And there’s Alex. He’s very funny.
Boy: Yes!
Woman: I like his pirate hat!Boy: Me too!
BB Look and read. Write yes or no.
Learners look at the picture in first example: The boy in the big boat has a black hat on his head A again. Read out the.
Ask: Is this right or wrong? (right) Point to ‘yes’ on the line.
Read out the second example: the sea. One of the children is swimming in
Ask: Is this right or wrong? (wrong) Point to ‘no’ on the line.
Learners write yes or no for questions 1–6.
Check answers:
1 yes 2 no 3 yes 4 no 5 no 6 yes
Learners look at sentences 4 and 5.
Ask: Which words can you change to make sentence 4 right?
Two birds are sitting / One bird is sitting
Which word can you change to make sentence 5 right?
a parrot inside / a parrot outside
CC Listen and say.

Learners look at the sentence in are more important than the other words. C. Say: Some words in this sentence Read out the sentence in
C making sure that you stress the bold words: The pirate in the big
Ask one learner to only read out the bold words: boat has a black hat on his head! pirate, big boat,
black hat, head.
Ask: you know about this pirate? When (Maria) says ‘pirate, big boat, black hat, head’ what do Learners suggest answers: He’s got a big
boat. He’s got a black hat. He’s got a head!
Ask another learner to only read out the smaller words: The, in the,
has a, on his know about this pirate? Can you tell me about him? Ask: When (Tony) says ‘the, in the, has a, on his’ what do (no)

Reading & WritingPart 2

TopicsGrammar practice the world around us, sports and leisureprepositions of place, verbs + -ing, present and
past question forms and short form answers
Pronunciation practice has a black hat on his head Sentence stress (). See C. The pirate in the big boat
See wordlist page 123 Student’s Book.
Movers practice Speaking Part 1
Movers test Listening Part 1, Reading and Writing Part 2, Speaking 3
Equipment needed
Movers Audio 46A.
AA Listen and draw lines.
Movers tip
In Listening Part 1, candidates have to name the people so, before they listen, they should look at the people in the picture
and think about what they are doing, where they are, what they
are wearing, etc. If two people are doing the same or wearing the same clothes, they should look for other diff erences between
them because this diff erence might be tested.
Learners look at the picture. Ask: Would you like to go to this beach?
What can you do at this beach? go sailing / fishing / play games / read comics / find shells / sleep. Learners answer. For example:
You might like to teach/revise ‘asleep’ and its opposite ‘awake’.
Say: Find five things that start with the letter ‘s’.
(also know ‘shorts’ (a Flyers word). Suggestions: sand, sea, shell, sun, shoes, shark). Learners may
Point to the yellow circle. Ask a learner to read out the question:
How many people and how many names can you see?and seven names) Make sure learners understand that (eight people they won’t
hear about all the people and one of the names won’t be a correct
Say: beach. What colour is that boy’s T-shirt?There’s a line from the name Jack to one of the boys on the (red and white)
Ask: What’s he doing? (looking for something)
Where is he looking? (on the sand near/under the plant)
Play the audio stopping a› er the example. Ask: for? (his glasses) What’s Jack looking
Learners listen to the rest of the conversation and draw lines from the names to the people in the picture.
Check answers:
Lines should be drawn between: 1 Sally and girl hiding behind rock.
2 3 Peter and boy lying on ground with his eyes closed and boy calling the parrot.
4 Vicky and girl holding her foot.
5 Alex and boy pirate on boat.
Say: You didn’t need one of the names. Which one? (Grace)
Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
Boy: The children are enjoying the island.
Woman: Yes, they are, but what’s the matter with that boy?Boy: Oh! You mean Jack. He’s looking for his glasses. He
dropped them near that plant.
Woman: Oh yes! I can see them now.
Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen and draw lines.


Dictations don’t have to be boring! They are great for practising
spelling, word order and prediction. Here are some diff erent ways you
can use dictation in class.

Word dictations
Spell a word, letter by letter. Learners listen and write the letters.
When a learner thinks they know the word you are spelling, they
shout Stop! and say the word and the remaining letters. If the
learner is correct, give them a point for every remaining letter they
Dictate the letters of a word, but not in the right order. Learners
have to write the letters, then un-jumble them and write the word,
correctly spelt, as quickly as possible.
Dictate all the consonants from a word (indicating the gaps for
vowels). Learners have to complete the word with a-e-i-o-u.

Sentence dictations
Dictate the key words from a sentence which has appeared in the
unit or text. Learners have to write the full sentence so that it is
similar (or identical) to the original sentence.
Dictate a sentence a word at a time. (For example: a definition
sentence like those which appear in Movers Reading and Writing
Part 1.) Learners write the words and shout Stop! when they think
they can complete the sentence (or say what is being defined).
Dictate only the start of sentences. Learners complete the
sentences with their own words. For example: Teacher: This
morning I put on … Learner (writes): my clothes.
Learners listen to a sentence. They only write the longest word
(with the most letters) in the sentence.
Learners listen to a sentence. They say how many words were in
the sentence. For example: I don’t know him very well but he’s quite
nice. (12)

Cambridge English: Young Learners
For more information on Cambridge English: Young Learners, please
visit cambridgeenglish/exams/young-learners-english. From
here, you can download the handbook for teachers, which includes
information about each level of the Young Learners exams. You can
also find information for candidates and their parents, including links
to videos of the Speaking test at each level. There are also sample test
papers, and a computer-based test for you t o try, as well as games, and
links to the Teaching Support website.

Paper Part Task Unit


25 marks

Approx. 25 minutes


5 marks

Draw lines between names outside a picture to
figures inside.

Practice: 1, 9, 11, 17, 26, 31, 41, 47
Test: 5, 15, 29, 46
5 marks

Write words or numbers. Practice: 12, 30
Test: 2, 14, 39, 40
5 marks

Draw lines between the day and the correct

Practice: 16, 28, 30, 33, 38
Test: 22, 34, 42
5 marks

Multiple choice.
Tick the correct picture.

Practice: 4, 19, 47
Test: 10, 21, 36, 50
5 marks

Colour objects and draw and write. Practice: 1, 3, 6, 14, 18, 20, 22, 23
Test: 12, 31, 47

Reading and Writing

40 marks

30 minutes


6 marks

Match words to definitions by copying the word. Practice: 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 17, 23, 26, 27, 41,
Test: 7, 18, 21, 35, 45
6 marks

Write yes or no beside each sentence about a
scene picture

Practice: 4, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26, 31,
32, 41, 42, 45, 47, 49
Test: 1, 5, 22, 46
6 marks

Multiple choice. Read the dialogue and circle
the best response.

Practice: 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 49
Test: 10, 13, 19 33, 48
7 marks

Picture gap fill. Choose words and write one
word in each gap. Choose the best name for the

Practice: 9, 7, 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 25, 28, 32, 34,
35, 36, 42, 43, 47
Test: 15, 20, 25, 38, 41, 48
10 marks

Complete sentences about three pictures and

Practice: 3, 4, 6, 13, 17, 20, 28, 35, 36, 37, 43,
Test: 9, 45
5 marks

Complete the text by selecting the best word
and copying.

Practice: 2
Test: 8, 11, 16, 32, 39


5–7 minutes

1 Two similar pictures Describe four diff erences between pictures. Practice: 12, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27, 32, 45, 46, 49
Test: 13, 34, 38, 42, 43, 44
2 Picture story Describe the pictures. Practice: 31
Test: 7, 12, 32, 35, 44
3 Picture sets Identify the odd one out and give reasons. Practice: 11, 2, 13, 20, 29
Test: 3, 25, 27, 37, 46
4 Open-ended questions Answer personal questions. Practice: 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49
Test: 21

Che cklist for C mbridge English: Movers prep r tion

Unit Topic Grammar Exam Practice

14 Our homes the home, the world around us prepositions of place,

Listening Part 5, Reading and Writing
Part 4, Speaking Part 4

Listening Practice test:

15 At our school school, sports and leisure determiners, past simple,
questions, relative clauses,
there is / there are

Reading and Writing Parts 1 and 2,
Speaking Part 4
Test: Listening Part 1, Reading and
Writing Part 4

16 Let’s do some sport! sports and leisure, time prepositions of place, simple
past, questions

Listening Part 3, Reading and Writing
Part 4, Speaking Part 4
Test: Reading and Writing Part 6

17 Our hobbies sports and leisure, family and

go + -ing, like + -ing, relative
clauses, pronouns

Listening Part 1, Reading and Writing
Parts 1, 4 and 5, Speaking Part 4

18 At the hospital health, work relative clauses Listening Part 5, Reading and Writing
Part 2, Speaking Part 4
Test: Reading and Writing Part 1

19 What’s the matter? health, body and face? questions, past simple, have got Listening Part 4, Reading and Writing
Part 2, Speaking Part 1
Test: Reading and Writing Part 3

20 Where? places, the world around us past simple, conjunctions Listening Part 5, Reading and Writing
Part 5, Speaking Part 3
Test: Reading and Writing Part 4

21 Here and there in town places, family and friends infinitive of purpose, past

Reading and Writing Part 4
Test: Listening Part 4, Reading and
Writing Part 1, Speaking Part 4

22 A trip to the city places, time, transport I think/know … , adverbs,
comparative adverbs,
comparative adjectives

Listening Part 5, Reading and Writing
Part 3
Test: Listening Part 3, Reading and
Writing Part 2

23 The world around us the world around us adverbs of frequency,
determiners, plurals,
present simple

Listening Part 5, Reading and Writing
Part 1, Speaking Part 1

24 Travelling, texting,

the world around us, transport present simple and continuous,
past simple, conjunctions

Reading and Writing Parts 2 and 3,
Speaking Parts 1 and 4

25 Which one is diff erent? the home, animals present and past simple, verb +
infinitive, adjective order

Test: Reading and Writing Part 4,
Speaking Part 3

26 Guess who lives here? the home, sports and leisure prepositions of place,
superlative adjectives

Listening Part 1, Reading and Writing
Parts 1 and 2, Speaking Part 1

27 Seeing diff erences body and face, the world
around us, clothes

plurals, conjunctions,
impersonal you, relative clauses

Reading and Writing Part 1, Speaking
Part 1
Test: Speaking Part 3

Unit Topic Grammar Exam Practice

28 Our busy holidays time, sports and leisure, family
and friends

adverbs of frequency,
prepositions and determiners in
time expressions, verb + ing

Listening Part 3, Reading and Writing
Parts 4 and 5, Speaking Part 4

29 About us family and friends, names,
sports and leisure

adverbs of manner, past simple,
present simple, conjunctions

Speaking Parts 3 and 4
Test: Listening Part 1

30 About me topic review questions, present simple, past
simple, can

Listening Parts 2 and 3, Speaking Part 4

31 Why is Sally crying? family and friends, animals relative clauses, conjunctions,
present simple and continuous,
past simple

Listening Part 1, Reading and Writing
Part 2, Speaking Parts 2 and 4
Test: Listening Part 5

32 Mary goes shopping food and drink, numbers quantifiers, countable, singular
and plural nouns, present
continuous, present simple,
conjunctions, there is / there are

Reading and Writing Parts 2 and 4,
Speaking Part 1
Test: Reading and Writing Part 6,
Speaking Part 2

33 Last weekend, last week places, time past simple, questions Listening Part 3, Speaking Part 4

Test: Reading and Writing Part 3

34 What did you do then? time, friends and family, sports
and leisure

past simple, prepositions of
time and place

Reading and Writing Part 4
Test: Listening Part 3, Speaking Part 1

35 What a morning! school, sports and leisure past simple, conjunctions,
prepositions of time and place

Reading and Writing Parts 4 and 5
Test: Reading and Writing Part 1,
Speaking Part 2

36 Could you do it? sports and leisure, time past simple, have (got) to, could/
couldn’t, conjunctions

Reading and Writing Parts 4 and 5,
Speaking Part 4
Test: Listening Part 4

37 Mr Must changes his job work past simple, have (got) to, like

when clauses 37,

Reading and Writing Part 5, Speaking
Part 4
Test: Speaking Part 3

38 Playing and working work, the home past simple, adverbs of time,

Listening Part 3, Speaking Part 4
Test: Reading and Writing Part 4,
Speaking Part 1

39 We’ve got lots of things
to do

work, the home, time prepositions of time, adverbs of
frequency, questions

Speaking Part 4
Test: Listening Part 2, Reading and
Writing Part 6

40 People who help us work, animals, body and face past simple questions and short
answers, conjunctions, relative

Speaking Part 4
Test: Listening Part 2

Topics Units

Sports and leisure, names 1 Watch us! We’re moving!
Animals, body and face, clothes and colours 2 Animals, animals …
3 Fun at the farm
4 Your hair looks great!
5 The woman in the red dress
6 My neck, my shoulders
Weather 7 What’s the weather like?
8 The hottest and coldest places
The home, family, food and drink 9 Me and my family
10 People in our street
11 Things we eat and drink
12 Party things
13 Diff erent homes
14 Our homes
School, sports and leisure 15 At our school
16 Let’s do some sport!
17 Our hobbies
Health 18 At the hospital
19 What’s the matter?
Places and time 20 Where?
21 Here and there in town
22 A trip to the city
The world and the home 23 The world around us
24 Travelling, texting, phoning
25 Which one is diff erent?
26 Guess who lives here?
27 Seeing diff erences
Family and friends, time 28 Our busy holidays
29 About us
30 About me
31 Why is Sally crying?
Time, numbers, school 32 Mary goes shopping
33 Last weekend, last week
34 What did you do then?
35 What a morning!
36 Could you do it?
Work 37 Mr Must changes his job
38 Playing and working
39 We’ve got lots of things to do
40 People who help us
Leisure time — today and yesterday 41 I had a great birthday!
42 An exciting week for Jane
43 My holidays
44 On the sand and by the sea
45 Treasure!
46 A day on the island
Transport, the world around us 47 The diff erent things we do
48 We want to do this one day
49 Ask me another question
50 Well done!

Fun for Movers topic index

Grammar Grammar Units

comparative and

  • Introduction
  • Checklist for Cambridge English: Movers preparation
  • Map of the Student’s Book
  • Topic index
  • Grammar index
  • Unit guide (teacher’s notes)
  • Photocopiable activities
  • Alphabetical wordlist
  • Listening Practice test:
  • Audioscripts
  • Reading and Writing
  • Answer key
  • Speaking
  • Acknowledgements
  • adverbs frequency 22, 23, 28, 39,
  • manner
  • time
  • place
  • articles 17,
  • be called
  • be good at
  • can / can’t / could 2, 4, 30,
  • adjectives 6, 8, 9, 10, 22, 26, superlative
  • adverbs
  • conjunctions 2, 3, 7, 10, 14, 20, 24, 27, 29, 31, 35, 36, 38,
  • determiners 12, 15, 23,
  • have got 2, 4, 10, 19, 25, 31,
  • I think/know
  • imperatives 6,
  • modal verbs (must / have to / need) 12, 36, 37,
  • plurals 23, 27,
  • possessives 2,
  • prepositions place 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 26, 34, 35, 44, 46,
  • time 28, 34, 35, 39,
  • pronouns 8, 17,
  • questions 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 19, 30, 33, 39, 43, 46,
  • short answers 40, 46,
  • relative clauses 4, 15, 17, 18, 27, 31,
  • Suggestions: Shall I? / How about? 12, 23, 31,
  • there is / there are 7, 12, 13, 15, 23, 27, 31,
  • verb tenses present simple 1, 3, 10, 13, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31,
  • present continuous 1, 13, 24, 25, 31, 32,
  • 44, 45, past simple 8, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41,
  • verb forms infinitive of purpose 21,
  • verb + infinitive 6, 25, 43,
  • verb + ing 1, 17, 28, 37, 46,
  • when clauses 37,
  • would like 2, 3, 31, 41, 42,

DD Find the letters to spell the missing moving word.
Say: Find the moving words. Draw circles round them.
Learners find the seven verbs. (run, skip, dance, walk, skate, jump
and hop)
Say: There are seven more letters here. Ask diff erent learners to say
a letter and write them on the board: c g l m i n i
Point to the lines and the ‘b’ in the middle of the circle and the
letters on the board. Ask: Which moving word can you spell with
these letters?
Pairs find the word and write climbing in the middle of the word
circle. Say: When we say ‘climbing’, we don’t hear one of the letters.
Which one? (b)

EE Look at picture A and read. Write yes
or no.
Learners look at the picture in A again and then at the two
examples. Ask: Why is the second example wrong? (The boy’s not
sitting on the box. He’s jumping off the box.)
Learners write yes or no answers for sentences 1–6.

Check answers:
no 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 5 no 6 no

Ask questions: How do we know the boy is enjoying the music? (he’s
smiling.) Do you like listening to music? (yes/no) How many children
can you see in this park? (Learners count and tell you.)

FF About you! Say and write answers.

Movers tip
In Speaking Part 4, candidates do not read any of the questions.
They only hear them. They answer three simple questions, then
a ‘Tell me’ question. For the ‘Tell me’ question, they should try
to think of three simple answers. The examiner will only use
prompts for the ‘Tell me’ question (as shown in F ), if candidates
need support.

Ask diff erent learners one of the first three questions and then ask
one strong learner the three ‘Tell me about’ questions.
In pairs, learners then take turns to ask and answer the questions
and then complete the written answers.
Walk round and help learners who need more support.

Learners find and cut out pictures of children or adults doing
diff erent moving verbs in magazines or draw and colour their
own pictures.
In groups of 3–4, learners make a collage of them and label each
picture in the collage with sentences like: Look! He’s dancing. This
person’s s wimming. She’s really good at jumping.
If possible, display these collages on the classroom wall.
Alternatively, learners add their pictures to their project file.

& Writing



BB Read and write names.
Practise ‘be good at -ing’. Say, for example: I’m good at writing.
I’m not good at drawing. Ask 2–3 learners: What are you good at?

Note:  Remember answers for your following questions.
Ask Who? questions about children in the class, for example:

Who’s sitting next to (Maria)? Who likes wearing white clothes?
(Tomas) Who’s good at writing? (Chantal) Who’s good at climbing?
Say: Now look at the poem. Ask: What’s the name of this poem?
(Watch us! We’re moving!) Say and model: Move your arms!
(Learners copy you and all wave their arms in the air.) Now move
your feet! (Learners copy you and all shuff le their feet.)
Learners find the moving verbs in the poem and colour, circle or
underline them.
Say: Two people like doing one thing. Their names are …? (Jill and
May) Write on the board: Jill and May like walking. Explain that a er
‘Iike’ or ‘love’ we use the ‘-ing’ form of the verb.
In pairs, learners write the children’s names in the poem. They put
up their hands to show they have finished. Check answers then
ask diff erent learners to each read out one of the first ten lines.
Learners could read out the last line in chorus.

Check answers:
Ann, Sue, Sam, Dan, Pat, Tom, Jill/May

Note: In the Movers wordlist, ‘skate’ can mean either ‘ice’ or ‘roller
skate/skating’. You may wish to explain the diff erence by showing
pictures of ice skates and roller skates/rollerblades (or by drawing
a quick picture of them).

CC Listen and draw four things in A.
Say: Find your pencils. Point to the picture again and say: Listen and
draw four things in this picture now. Don’t worry. You don’t have to be

be good at

Read out slowly, pausing between instructions to give learners
time to draw:
Find the sheep. It’s a bad sheep! It’s eating the teacher’s favourite
flower. Draw the flower in the sheep’s mouth. (Learners can choose
either of the two sheep.)
Find Sue. Sue likes wearing funny hats. Draw a funny hat on
Sue’s head.

Can you see Dan’s school bag? Draw another bag there. That’s right.
Draw another bag there.
Now the balloon. Draw a face on the balloon. Put a really happy face
on the balloon.
Give learners a minute to admire each other’s drawings!
Check answers by asking questions:

What’s on the balloon? (a happy face) What’s on Sue’s head? (a funny
hat) What’s next to Dan’s school bag? (another bag) What’s in the
sheep’s mouth? (a flower)
Learners work in pairs. Each learner adds two more things to their
drawings and then shows them to their partner. Learners then ask
and answer questions about the drawings. For example, Learner
A asks: In my picture, what’s on Tom’s T-shirt now? Learner B looks
and answers, for example: an apple! Learner B then asks learner A
questions about their drawing.

2 Anim ls, nim ls …

Make groups
Write on the board: lions, lizards. Draw a circle round these two
Say: Lions and lizards can run quickly.
Write on the board: rabbits, kangaroos. Draw a circle round these
two words.
Say: Rabbits and kangaroos can …? (jump/hop)
In groups of 3–4, learners choose animals which have something
in common and write them in a circle. Ask one learner from each
group to come to the board and write the animals in a circle. The
other groups have to say what the connection is.
Suggestions: They eat meat. They can fly. They can swim. They
have / haven’t got legs / a tail.

BB Which parts of a crocodile can you see in
pictures 1–4?
Point to the crocodile’s eyes in picture 1. Ask: What are these? (the
crocodile’s eyes)
Point to the crocodile's nose in picture 1. Ask: What's this? (its nose)
Point to the whole of the crocodile's head and ask: And what's this?
(its head)
Learners write head on the line under picture 1.
Learners look at pictures 2, 3 and 4 and say which part of the
crocodile they can see. Ask diff erent learners to come to the
board and write the answers. Learners then copy the answers on
the lines.

Check answers:
mouth/teeth 3 leg/foot 4 tail

Ask questions about a crocodile:
Is a crocodile’s mouth big or small? (big)
Is a crocodile’s tail long or short? (long)
Are a crocodile’s legs ugly or beautiful? (Learners’ own answer!)
Point to picture 5. Ask: What’s this? (A baby crocodile.) Point to the
egg and ask: Do you know that crocodiles come from eggs?
Learners write baby on the line under the last picture.

CC How much do you know about crocodiles?
Learners read the seven questions. In pairs, they decide if the
answers are ‘yes’ or ‘no’. They can write their answers in pencil so if
they are wrong they can easily correct them.
Are your answers right? Read about crocodiles on page 106.
Learners work in A and B pairs. Learner A has their book open on
this page. Learner B turns to page 106. Pairs can then see both the
questions and the text about crocodiles. Ask one pair to read out
the first piece of information about crocodiles: Crocodiles eat fish,
birds, animals and sometimes they eat people too! They do not eat
grass or plants.
Ask: Which question does this answer? (Question 5 – Do crocodiles
eat birds?) Say: So what’s the answer to this question? (yes) Learners
write yes on the line next to question 5.
Read 2–7 with learners and check answers.

Check answers:
Question 1 (answer is found in text 4) No
Question 2 (answer is found in text 5) Yes
Question 3 (answer is found in text 2) Yes
Question 4 (answer is found in text 6) Yes
Question 6 (answer is found in text 7) No
Question 7 (answer is found in text 3) No

Topics animals, body and face

Grammar practice conjunctions, can, possessive (its), have got
Pronunciation practice Rhyming (using animal words). See F.

Vocabulary See wordlist page 116 Student’s Book.
Flyers words: little, sound like (v)

Not in YLE wordlists: penguin
Movers practice Reading and Writing Parts 1 and 6, Speaking Part 3
Movers test Listening Part 2

Equipment needed
Audio 2E.
Small cards or slips of paper for learners to write single words on
(six per learner).
Picture of a kangaroo. (See also cambridge/funfor) See F.

AA Say then write the animals.

Note: Some animals on the Movers wordlist might not be found in
your part of the world. Use pictures to teach these animals and ask
learners if they’ve seen these animals in books, on TV, in films or at
a zoo.
Ask diff erent learners:
What’s your favourite animal?
Are you afraid of any animals? Which ones?
Which animals are beautiful / ugly / funny / dangerous?
The animals in these pictures are all Movers words apart from
‘lizard’. Use the pictures to teach/revise any animal words that
learners don’t already know. Then ask: What’s the animal in picture
one? Learners say together: It’s a bear!
Ask: What’s the …? questions about three or four more animal
pictures. Show learners that you want them to answer in groups.
Groups answer together.
Ask What’s the …? questions. Diff erent learners answer. Continue
until learners know all the animal words or tire of the activity.
Write all the animal words on the board in a random order. Point to
‘bear’. Ask: What number is next to the bear in your pictures? (one)
Learners write bear on the line next to 1.
In pairs, learners continue finding and copying the correct animal
word for numbers 2–12.

Check answers:
bat 3 rabbit 4 kangaroo 5 fly 6 dolphin 7 panda
8 whale 9 parrot 10 shark 11 lion 12 lizar d

Clean the board to practise the animal vocabulary by using one of
the following race games:
Writing race: In their notebooks, pairs write all the animals as
quickly as possible in alphabetical order. Check answers by asking
diff erent pairs to spell one of the animal words: bat, bear, dolphin,
fly, kangaroo, lion, lizard, panda, parrot, rabbit, shark, whale.
Biggest to smallest: In pairs or small groups, learners quickly
decide how to order the animals from biggest to smallest and then
write their list. Accept any reasonable order, for example: whale,
bear, panda, kangaroo, dolphin, lion, shark, rabbit, parrot, bat,
lizard, fly.

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