Find the following words and word combinations in the text отвечать требованиям

1. отвечать требованиям современной технологии2. используя лабораторны перевод - 1. отвечать требованиям современной технологии2. используя лабораторны английский как сказать

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1. отвечать требованиям современной технологии

2. используя лабораторные методы

3. новые способы использования металлов

4. сжатие, растяжение, изгиб, кручение, срез

5. возвращать первоначальный размер и форму

6. внешняя сила

7. постоянная деформация

8. уменьшение объема

9. растягивающие и сжимающие силы

10. превышать предел упругости материала

11. повторяющиеся циклические напряжения

12. разрушение материала

13. развитие и распространение мелких трещин

14. сопротивление материалов ползучести и усталости


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


1. meet the requirements of modern technology2. using laboratory techniques3. new ways to use metals4. compression, tensile, bending, torsion, cut5. return the original size and shape6. external power7. permanent deformation8. the decrease9. tensile and compressive forces10. exceed the elastic limit of the material11. recurrent cyclic strain12. the destruction of material13. development and dissemination of small cracks14. resistance of material creep and fatigue

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


1. meet the requirements of modern technology 2. Using laboratory techniques 3. new ways of using metal 4. compression, tension, bending, torsion, shear 5. to return the original size and shape 6. external force 7. permanent deformation 8. a decrease of 9. tensile and compressive forces 10. exceed the elastic limit of the material 11. repeated cyclic stress 12. the destruction of the material 13. the development and distribution of fine cracks 14. resistance of materials creep and fatigue

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


1. meet the requirements of modern technology

2. using laboratory methods

3. new ways of using metals

4. compression, stretching, bending, torsion, a

5. return to the original size and shape of

6.external force

7. permanent deformation of

8. a decrease in

9. tensile strength and сжимающие

10. exceed the limit of elasticity material

11. repeated cyclical voltage

12. the material

13.development and distribution of the small cracks

14. creep and fatigue resistance of materials

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • copy long sentences
  • улучшить самоконтроль
  • не осуждать
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  • В дечому результат Чорнобиля э очевидним
  • коли я буд дитиною то жив в Луцьку
  • наблюдать
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  • Она учиться в школе
  • Miss
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  • Потому что это очень интерестно и захват
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  • Russian Federation,Released by customs
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  • Miss
  • прими капли настойки
  • as I understand it is the replacement pa
  • ты очень хорошо выглядишь
  • My elder brother to be an electrical eng
Exercise 8. Find the following word combinations in the text.

1) отвечать требованиям современной технологии

2) используя лабораторные методы

4) сжатие, растяжение, изгиб, кручение, срез

5) возвращать первоначальный размер и форму

6) внешняя сила

7) постоянная деформация

8) уменьшение объема

9) растягивающие и сжимающие силы

10) превышать предел упругости материала

11) повторяющиеся циклические напряжения

12) разрушение материала

13) развитие и распространение мелких трещин

14) сопротивление материалов ползучести и устало­сти
Exercise 9. Put the words in the correct order and answer the questions:

1) What size change materials the form and forces of?

2) What of results external are the forces?

3) What compression cause does?

4) What of tension result is the?

5) What we do fatigue call? When occur it does? What of are the fatigue results?

6) What call do creep we? When this does take place deformation? What of results creep are the?
Exercise 10. Translate into English the following sentences paying attention to Participle I:

1) Скручивая материал, мы можем его деформировать.

2) Усталость и ползучесть материалов являются результатом внешних сил, воздействующих на материал.

3) Внешние силы вызывают постоянную деформа­цию и разрушение материала, изменяя его свойства.

4) Растягивающие и сжимающие силы работают одновременно, когда мы изгибаем или скручиваем материал.

5) Растягивая материал выше предела его упру­гости, мы вызваем постоянную деформацию или разрушение.

6) Применяя современные технологии, мы можем получать новые материалы с нужными свойствами.

7) Человек, измеряющий ползучесть и усталость металла, является инженером нашего института.

8) Сжатие – это давление, приводящее к уменьшению объема.

9) Ползучесть – это деформация, которая является результатом постоянной силы, действующей на материал.

10) Превысив предел упругости материала, они разорвали материал.
Exercise 11. Translate the words from Russian into English to complete the sentences.

1) Деформированный material was not used in the production of tools.

2) One side of погнутый metal bar was compressed.

3) The material растянутый did not return to its original length.

4) Вылитый metal into a mold was cooled.

5) Оставленные machine tools were in bad condition.

6) Вымытые instruments were in the laboratory.
Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to Participle II:

1) Hydrogen is the lightest element known.

2) The work performed showed good results.

3) The substance obtained contained some admixtures.

4) Unless heated, this substance does not melt.

5) Gold does not rust not even when heated.

6) This substance does not dissolve in water whether heat­ed or not.

7) The temperature of the liquid obtained remained con­stant.

8) This reaction will be of little service unless catalyzed or carried out at high temperature.

9)Metals do not melt until heated to a definite temperature.

10) Given the weight and gravity of a body you can calculate its volume.
Exercise 13. Speak on

What subjects are the most important for you as a future engineer? Prove your reply.


Machine Tools
Exercise 1. Listen and repeat after the speaker. Practice the pronunciation of the following.

[ ] conventional, machine, operation, shape; [ ] unconventional, among, number, punch, production, ultrasonic, industry, ultrathin; [aι] either, classified, grinder, die, light, primarily, device, microprocessor; [ ] saw, auxiliary, forming, drawing; [eι] lathe, shaper, planer, laser, capable, aerospace, range; [æ] gas, ram, alloy, plasma, category, [ι:] beam, superheated; [α:]arc, discharge, particle, ultrahard.
Exercise 2. Match these words with their initial forms and Russian equivalents.

  1. shaper, shaping a) drill 1) строгать
  2. milling b) bore 2) придавать форму
  3. planer c) grind 3) вытягивать, волочить
  4. drilling d) draw 4) штамповать
  5. boring e) shape 5) срезать
  6. grinder f) shear 6) бурить
  7. shearing g) press 7) формировать, обрабатывать
  8. drawing h) plane 8) шлифовать
  9. pressing i) form 9) сверлить
  10. forming j) mill 10) фрезеровать

Exercise 3. Explain the meaning of these expressions taking into account the value of the prefix and ending and the sense of the base form.

Example: the drilling machine

The drilling machine is used to create holes.

  1. ultrahard alloys
  2. ultrathin materials
  3. a tricycle
  4. a microprocessor
  5. a multi-user configuration
  6. ultrasonic machines
  7. a minicomputer
  8. a multispindle unit

Exercise 4. Before you read the text, try to answer the following questions.

What is a machine tool?

What is it used for?

What kinds of machine tools do you know?
Read the texts and match them with the headings in the list.

  • Machine tools are stationary power-driven machines
  • Presses
  • Unconventional machine tools
  • Conventional machine tools

1……………………………..They are used to shape or form solid materials, especially metals. The material to be shaped is called the workpiece. Nowadays most machine tools are electrically driven. Machine tools with electrical drive are faster and more accurate than hand tools. They form the basis of modern industry and are used either directly or indirectly in the manufacture of machines and tool parts. Machine tools may be classified under three main categories: conventional machine tools, presses, and unconventional machine tools.

2……………………………. Among the basic machine tools are the lathe, the shaper, the planer, and the milling machine. Auxiliary to these are drilling and boring machines, grinders, saws, and various metal-forming machines.

3.…………………………….They employ a number of different shaping processes, including shearing, pressing, or drawing. Presses are equipped with dies and punches. Presses are capable of rapid production because the operation time is that needed for only one stroke of the ram.

4……………………………..They employ light, electrical, chemical, and sonic energy; superheated gases; and high-energy particle beams to shape the exotic materials and alloys that have been developed to meet the needs of modern technology. Unconventional machine tools include plasma-arc, laser-beam, electro discharge, electrochemical, ultrasonic, and electron-beam machines. These machine tools were developed primarily to shape the ultrahard alloys used in heavy industry and in aerospace applications and to shape and etch the ultrathin materials used in such electronic devices as microprocessors. Numerical control of machine tools and flexible manufacturing systems have made it possible for complete systems of machine tools to be used for the manufacture of a range of products.
Exercise 5. Read the following active words and word combinations. Can you guess their meanings? Compare your ideas with other students.

Stationary power-driven machines; electrically driven; hand tools; unconventional machine tools; metal-forming machines; boring machines; shaping processes; rapid production; operation time; superheated gases; high-energy particle beams; electron-beam machines; aerospace applications; numerical control; flexible manufacturing systems; range of products.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

Станки с ручным управлением; авиакосмическая промышленность твердый материал; бурильный молоток; токарный станок; деталь; фрезерный станок; шлифовальный станок; строгальный станок; вытравливать; сверлильный станок; машина для обработки металлов давлением; волочение; срез; звуковая энергия; пучок частиц высокой энергии; плазменно-дуговая установка; электроразрядные; сверхзвуковой; специальные станки; тяжелая промышленность; цифровое программное управление; гибкая производственная система; продольно-строгальный станок; поперечно-строгальный станок.
Exercise 7. Using the information from the text “Machine tools”, complete these statements. Translate them. If necessary look at the Vocabulary.

  1. Modern machine tools are used to………………………..
  2. There are three main categories of machine tools:……………………………………………..
  3. Drilling, boring machines, grinders, saws and various metal-forming machines may be referred to…………………………….
  4. Presses shape the workpieces without cutting away material that’s why they are equipped with……………………..
  5. A press consists of a frame supporting a stationary bed, ……….. and a power source.
  6. ………………………………to shape the exotic materials and alloys.
  7. Unconventional machine tools include……………………..

Exercise 8. Match the terms from the list below with the explanations and definitions.

Planer, lathe, drilling machine tool, ultrasonic machine, portable circular saw, grinder, laser.

  1. It is particularly suited to making accurately placed holes. It can make holes in refractory metals and ceramics and in very thin materials without warping the workpiece.
  2. Unlike the shaper, which moves a tool past a fixed workpiece, this device moves the workpiece past a fixed tool.
  3. It holds and rotates the workpiece while cutting tools shape it.
  4. It employs high-frequency, low-amplitude vibrations to create holes and other cavities.
  5. It removes metal with rotating abrasive wheel.
  6. Hole-making machine tools are used to drill a hole where none previously existed.
  7. They are classified into three general types, according to the kind of motion used in the cutting action: reciprocating, circular, and band-sawing machines (ленточная пила).

Exercise 9. Answer the questions to the text “Machine tools”.

  1. What are machine tools used for?
  2. How are most machine tools driven nowadays?
  3. What does “workpiece” mean?
  4. What categories are machine tools classified under?
  5. What machine tools are among the basic ones?
  6. Are there any auxiliary machine tools?
  7. Dies and punches are designed for such operations as forming, punching, and shearing, aren’t they?
  8. What do unconventional machine tools employ to shape the materials?
  9. What machine tools are used in heavy industry? What kinds of alloys do they shape?
  10. What is numerical control of machine tools used for?

Exercise 10. From the noun “machine” we can form other words:
Machined, machinery, machineman, machines, machining, machinist
Decide which part of speech each word is and complete the following word combinations.

  1. Diamond …… part
  2. Metal-working ……
  3. Skilled ……
  4. …….’s kit
  5. Electric rotating ……
  6. ……. by chip removal

Exercise 11. Put the words given in the brackets into the proper order. Translate the sentences without a preliminary preparation.

  1. In general, the shaper can produce almost any surface composed of (straight-line elements).
  2. The planer is the largest of (the machine reciprocating tools).
  3. Drilling machines vary in size and function, multispindle units, (production automatic machines), and (drilling-hole-deep machines).
  4. Plasma-arc machining employs a (high jet velocity) of (gas high-temperature) to melt and displace material.
  5. Extremely fine wires can also be welded using (laser machining beam equipment).
  6. (A high-frequency pulsating electric current) is applied between the tool point and the workpiece.
  7. The process is performed in a vacuum chamber to reduce the scattering of electrons by (molecules gas) in the atmosphere.
  8. (Drive motor) is usually used to power (larger guns machine) on vehicles, aircraft, and naval vessels.
  9. (Operated-machine device) employed in engineering, manufacturing, woodworking, and metalwork to cut or shape metal or wood parts.
  10. Important (power-machine or operated tools) include lathes, dies, presses, and equipment used for boring, milling, and welding.

Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary of the lesson.

  1. Станки с механическим приводом применяются для обработки твердых материалов, особенно металлов.
  2. Станки с электроприводом более быстрые и точные, чем с ручным управлением.
  3. Токарные, поперечно-строгальные, продольно-строгальные и фрезерные станки относятся к станкам с ручным управлением.
  4. Шлифовальные станки имеют вращающийся абразивный инструмент.
  5. Прессы, оснащенные пуансонами и штампами, сокращают время выполнения операции, что способствует значительному увеличению объемов производства.
  6. Специальные станки используют световую, электрическую, химическую, звуковую энергию, перегретые газы, пучки частиц высокой энергии для обработки материалов, обладающих необычными свойствами.
  7. Плазменно-дуговые и лазерные станки были спроектированы для работы со сверхжесткими сплавами, которые используются в тяжелой и аэрокосмической промышленности.
  8. С помощью лазера можно сделать отверстия в тугоплавких или керамико-металлических материалах, не нанеся урон самой детали.
  9. Деталь, обработанная алмазным инструментом, имеет законченный вид.
  10. Благодаря цифровому программному управление и гибкой производственной система станки используются почти на всех уровнях производства.

Exercise 13. Speak on.

What main categories of machine tools do you know? Describe each of them.


  1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для технических вузов: учебное пособие / И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко. – Изд. 9-е. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2007. – 349 с.
  2. Куклина И. П. Energy is the Source of Life Пособие по английскому языку для техникумов, колледжей, профессионально-технических училищ / И. П. Куклина. – Санкт-Петербург: КАРО, 2000. – 508 с.
  3. Турук И.Ф. Пособие по переводу технических текстов с английского языка на русский / И.Ф. Турук. – М.: Высш.шк.,1966. – 97 с.




  1. W

    1. Can you
      call the ways of using materials?

    2. How do
      you think if the study of materials is important in the civilized

  2. Look
    through the following text and say if it contains the answers to the
    questions you’ve just discussed.

Science and Technology is the study of materials and how they can be
fabricated to meet the needs of modern technology. Using the
laboratory techniques and knowledge of physics, chemistry, and
metallurgy, scientists are finding new ways of using metals, plastics
and other materials.

must know how materials respond to external forces, such as tension,
compression, torsion, bending, and shear. All materials respond to
these forces by elastic deformation. That is, the materials return
their original size and form when the external force disappears. The
materials may also have permanent deformation or they may fracture.
The results of external forces are creep and fatigue.

is a pressure causing a decrease in volume. When a material is
subjected to a bending, shearing, or torsion (twisting) force, both
tensile and compressive forces are simultaneously at work. When a
metal bar is bent, one side of it is stretched and subjected to a
tensional force, and the other side is compressed.

Tension is
a pulling force; for example, the force in a cable holding a weight.
Under tension, a material usually stretches, returning to its
original length if the force does not exceed the material’s elastic

Fatigue is
the growth of cracks under stress. It occurs when a mechanical part
is subjected to a repeated or cyclic stress, such as vibration.

Creep is a
slow, permanent deformation that results from a steady force acting
on a material. Materials at high temperatures usually suffer from
this deformation. Creep extended over a long time finally leads to
the rupture of the material.

of elastic limits, and the resistance of materials to creep and
fatigue are of basic importance in engineering.

  1. Read
    the text attentively and answer the following questions:

    1. What are
      the external forces causing the elastic deformation of materials?

    2. What are the results of
      external forces?

    3. What
      kinds of deformation are the combinations of tension and

    4. What is
      the result of tension? What happens if the elastic limit of
      material is exceeded under tension?

    5. What do
      we call fatigue? When does it occur?

    6. What do
      we call creep? When does this type of permanent deformation take

  2. Find
    the following word combinations in the text:

требованиям современной технологии;
используя лабораторные методы; новые
способы использования металлов; сжатие,
растяжение, изгиб, кручение, срез;
возвращать первоначальный размер и
форму; внешняя сила; постоянная деформация;
уменьшение объема; растягивающие и
сжимающие силы; превышать предел
упругости материала; повторяющиеся
циклические напряжения; сопротивление
материалов ползучести и усталости.

  1. Read
    the text again and write out the main sentence of each logical part.

  2. Retell
    the text in your own words.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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9. What industries use automation technologies?

Exercise 7.1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

1. автоматические устройства

2. автоматизированное производство

3. выполнять простые задачи

4. как легкие, так и тяжелые детали

5. интегрированная система производства

6. принцип обратной связи

7. механизм может разгоняться и тормозить

8. компьютер автоматически посылает команды

9. высокоавтоматизированная система

10. непроизводственная система


Applications of Automation and Robotics in Industry

Manufacturing is one of the most important application area for automation technology. There are several types of automation in manufacturing. The examples of automated systems used in manufacturing are described below.

1. Fixed automation, sometimes called «hard automation» refers to automated machines in which the equipment configuration allows fixed sequence of processing operations. These machines are programmed by their design to make only certain processing operations. They are not easily changed over from one product style to another. This form of automation needs high initial investments and high production rates. That is why it is suitable for products that are made in large volumes. Examples of fixed automation are machining transfer lines found in the automobile industry, automatic assembly machines and certain chemical processes.

2. Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing products in large quantities, ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For each new product the production equipment must be reprogrammed and changed over. This reprogramming and changeover take a period of non-productive time. Production rates in programmable automation are generally lower than in fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to facilitate product changeover rather than for product specialization. A numerical-control machine-tool is a good example of programmable automation. The program is coded in computer memory for each different product style and the machine-tool is controlled by the computer programme.

3. Flexible automation is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable automation requires time to re-program and change over the production equipment for each series of new product. This is lost production time, which is expensive. In flexible automation the number of products is limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very quickly and automatically. The reprogramming of the equipment in flexible automation is done at a computer terminal without using the production equipment itself. Flexible automation allows a mixture of different products to be produced one right after another.


equipment — оборудование

sequence — последовательность

initial — первоначальный, начальный

investment — инвестиция, вклад

to facilitate — способствовать

rate — скорость, темп

assembly machines — сборочные машины

quantity — количество

non-productive — непроизводительный

changeover — переход, переналадка

General understanding:

1. What is the most important application of automation?

2. What are the types of automation used in manufacturing?

3. What is fixed automation?

4. What are the limitations of hard automation?

5. What is the best example of programmable automation?

6. What are the limitations of programmable automation?

7. What are the advantages of flexible automation?

8. Is it possible to produce different products one after another using automation technology?

Exercise 7.2. Find equivalents in English in the text:

1. сфера применения

2. фиксированная последовательность операций

3. автоматические сборочные машины

4. определенные химические процессы

5. станок с числовым программным управлением

6. потерянное производственное время

7. разнообразная продукция

Exercise 7.3. Explain in English what does the following mean?

1. automation technology

2. fixed automation

3. assembly machines

4. non-productive time

5. programmable automation

6. computer terminal

7. numerical-control machine-tool


Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations. The applications of robots can be divided into three categories:

1. material handling

2. processing operations

3. assembly and inspection.

Material-handling is the transfer of material and loading and unloading of machines. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move materials or work parts from one to another. Many of these tasks are relatively simple: robots pick up parts from one conveyor and place them on another. Other transfer operations are more complex, such as placing parts in an arrangement that can be calculated by the robot. Machine loading and unloading operations utilize a robot to load and unload parts. This requires the robot to be equipped with a grip-per that can grasp parts. Usually the gripper must be designed specifically for the particular part geometry.

In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the work part. Examples of such applications include spot welding, continuous arc welding and spray painting. Spot welding of automobile bodies is one of the most common applications of industrial robots. The robot positions a spot welder against the automobile panels and frames to join them. Arc welding is a continuous process in which robot moves the welding rod along the welding seam. Spray painting is the manipulation of a spray-painting gun over the surface of the object to be coated. Other operations in this category include grinding and polishing in which a rotating spindle serves as the robot’s tool.

The third application area of industrial robots is assembly and inspection. The use of robots in assembly is expected to increase because of the high cost of manual labour. But the design of the product is an important aspect of robotic assembly. Assembly methods that are satisfactory for humans are not always suitable for robots. Screws and nuts are widely used for fastening in manual assembly, but the same operations are extremely difficult for an one-armed robot.

Inspection is another area of factory operations in which the utilization of robots is growing. In a typical inspection job, the robot positions a sensor with respect to the work part and determines whether the part answers the quality specifications. In nearly all industrial robotic applications, the robot provides a substitute for human labour. There are certain characteristics of industrial jobs performed by humans that can be done by robots:

1. the operation is repetitive, involving the same basic work motions every cycle,

2. the operation is hazardous or uncomfortable for the human worker (for example: spray painting, spot welding, arc welding, and certain machine loading and unloading tasks),

3. the workpiece or tool is too heavy and difficult to handle,

4. the operation allows the robot to be used on two or three shifts.


handling — обращение

transfer — передача, перенос

location — местонахождение

pick up — брать, подбирать

arrangement — расположение

to utilize — утилизировать, находить применение

gripper — захват

to grasp — схватывать

spot welding — точечная сварка

continuous — непрерывный

arc welding — электродуговая сварка

spray painting — окраска распылением

frame — рама

spray-painting gun — распылитель краски

grinding — шлифование

polishing — полирование

spindle — шпиндель

manual — ручной

labour — труд

hazardous — опасный

shift — смена

General understanding:

1. How are robots used in manufacturing?

2. What is «material handling»?

3. What does a robot need to be equipped with to do loading and unloading operations?

4. What does robot manipulate in robotic processing operation?

5. What is the most common application of robots in automobile manufacturing?

6. What operations could be done by robot in car manufacturing industry?

7. What are the main reasons to use robots in production?

8. How can robots inspect the quality of production?

9. What operations could be done by robots in hazardous or uncomfortable for the human workers conditions?

Exercise 7.4. Translate into English:

1. Существует несколько различных сфер использования автоматизации в производстве.

2. Для использования жесткой автоматизации необходимы большие инвестиции.

3. Жесткая автоматизация широко используется в химической промышленности.

4. Станки с числовым программным управлением — хороший пример программируемой автоматизации.

5. Гибкая автоматизация делает возможным перепрограммирование оборудования.

6. Время простоя оборудования оборачивается большими убытками.

7. Использование гибкой автоматизации делает возможным производство разнообразной продукции.


James Watt

James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the steam engine.

Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. He worked as a mathematical-instrument maker from the age of 19 and soon became interested in improving the steam engine which was used at that time to pump out water from mines.

Watt determined the properties of steam, especially the relation of its density to its temperature and pressure, and designed a separate condensing chamber for the steam engine that prevented large losses of steam in the cylinder. Watt’s first patent, in 1769, covered this device and other improvements on steam engine.

At that time. Watt was the partner of the inventor John Roebuck, who had financed his researches. In 1775, however. Roebuck’s interest was taken over by the manufacturer Matthew Boulton, owner of the Soho Engineering Works at Birmingham, and he and Watt began the manufacture of steam engines. Watt continued his research and patented several other important inventions, including the rotary engine for driving various types of machinery; the double-action engine, in which steam is admitted alternately into both ends of the cylinder; and the steam indicator, which records the steam pressure in the engine. He retired from the firm in 1800 and thereafter devoted himself entirely to research work.

The misconception that Watt was the actual inventor of the steam engine arose from the fundamental nature of his contributions to its development. The centrifugal or flyball governor, which he invented in 1788, and which automatically regulated the speed of an engine, is of particular interest today. It embodies the feedback principle of a servomechanism, linking output to input, which is the basic concept of automation. The watt, the unit of power, was named in his honour. Watt was also a well-known civil engineer. He invented, in 1767, an attachment that adapted telescopes for use in the measurement of distances. Watt died in Heathfield, near Birmingham, in August 1819.



I. Text A: «What is a computer?», Text B: «Hardware», Text C: «Types of software»

II. Famous people of science and engineering: Charles Babbage.


The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is referred to as hardware. A computer system is a combination of five elements:

• Hardware

• Software

• People

• Procedures

• Data/information

When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system, connectivity becomes the sixth system element. In other words, the manner in which the various individual systems are connected — for example, by phone lines, microwave transmission, or satellite — is an element of the total computer system.

Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do. People, however, are the most important component of the computer system: they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called data to perform mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results. The data is raw material while information is organized, processed, refined and useful for decision making. Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.


characters — символы

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