Find the following words and word combinations in the text автоматические устройства

9. What industries use automation technologies?

Exercise 7.1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

1. автоматические устройства

2. автоматизированное производство

3. выполнять простые задачи

4. как легкие, так и тяжелые детали

5. интегрированная система производства

6. принцип обратной связи

7. механизм может разгоняться и тормозить

8. компьютер автоматически посылает команды

9. высокоавтоматизированная система

10. непроизводственная система


Applications of Automation and Robotics in Industry

Manufacturing is one of the most important application area for automation technology. There are several types of automation in manufacturing. The examples of automated systems used in manufacturing are described below.

1. Fixed automation, sometimes called «hard automation» refers to automated machines in which the equipment configuration allows fixed sequence of processing operations. These machines are programmed by their design to make only certain processing operations. They are not easily changed over from one product style to another. This form of automation needs high initial investments and high production rates. That is why it is suitable for products that are made in large volumes. Examples of fixed automation are machining transfer lines found in the automobile industry, automatic assembly machines and certain chemical processes.

2. Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing products in large quantities, ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For each new product the production equipment must be reprogrammed and changed over. This reprogramming and changeover take a period of non-productive time. Production rates in programmable automation are generally lower than in fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to facilitate product changeover rather than for product specialization. A numerical-control machine-tool is a good example of programmable automation. The program is coded in computer memory for each different product style and the machine-tool is controlled by the computer programme.

3. Flexible automation is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable automation requires time to re-program and change over the production equipment for each series of new product. This is lost production time, which is expensive. In flexible automation the number of products is limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very quickly and automatically. The reprogramming of the equipment in flexible automation is done at a computer terminal without using the production equipment itself. Flexible automation allows a mixture of different products to be produced one right after another.


equipment — оборудование

sequence — последовательность

initial — первоначальный, начальный

investment — инвестиция, вклад

to facilitate — способствовать

rate — скорость, темп

assembly machines — сборочные машины

quantity — количество

non-productive — непроизводительный

changeover — переход, переналадка

General understanding:

1. What is the most important application of automation?

2. What are the types of automation used in manufacturing?

3. What is fixed automation?

4. What are the limitations of hard automation?

5. What is the best example of programmable automation?

6. What are the limitations of programmable automation?

7. What are the advantages of flexible automation?

8. Is it possible to produce different products one after another using automation technology?

Exercise 7.2. Find equivalents in English in the text:

1. сфера применения

2. фиксированная последовательность операций

3. автоматические сборочные машины

4. определенные химические процессы

5. станок с числовым программным управлением

6. потерянное производственное время

7. разнообразная продукция

Exercise 7.3. Explain in English what does the following mean?

1. automation technology

2. fixed automation

3. assembly machines

4. non-productive time

5. programmable automation

6. computer terminal

7. numerical-control machine-tool


Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations. The applications of robots can be divided into three categories:

1. material handling

2. processing operations

3. assembly and inspection.

Material-handling is the transfer of material and loading and unloading of machines. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move materials or work parts from one to another. Many of these tasks are relatively simple: robots pick up parts from one conveyor and place them on another. Other transfer operations are more complex, such as placing parts in an arrangement that can be calculated by the robot. Machine loading and unloading operations utilize a robot to load and unload parts. This requires the robot to be equipped with a grip-per that can grasp parts. Usually the gripper must be designed specifically for the particular part geometry.

In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the work part. Examples of such applications include spot welding, continuous arc welding and spray painting. Spot welding of automobile bodies is one of the most common applications of industrial robots. The robot positions a spot welder against the automobile panels and frames to join them. Arc welding is a continuous process in which robot moves the welding rod along the welding seam. Spray painting is the manipulation of a spray-painting gun over the surface of the object to be coated. Other operations in this category include grinding and polishing in which a rotating spindle serves as the robot’s tool.

The third application area of industrial robots is assembly and inspection. The use of robots in assembly is expected to increase because of the high cost of manual labour. But the design of the product is an important aspect of robotic assembly. Assembly methods that are satisfactory for humans are not always suitable for robots. Screws and nuts are widely used for fastening in manual assembly, but the same operations are extremely difficult for an one-armed robot.

Inspection is another area of factory operations in which the utilization of robots is growing. In a typical inspection job, the robot positions a sensor with respect to the work part and determines whether the part answers the quality specifications. In nearly all industrial robotic applications, the robot provides a substitute for human labour. There are certain characteristics of industrial jobs performed by humans that can be done by robots:

1. the operation is repetitive, involving the same basic work motions every cycle,

2. the operation is hazardous or uncomfortable for the human worker (for example: spray painting, spot welding, arc welding, and certain machine loading and unloading tasks),

3. the workpiece or tool is too heavy and difficult to handle,

4. the operation allows the robot to be used on two or three shifts.


handling — обращение

transfer — передача, перенос

location — местонахождение

pick up — брать, подбирать

arrangement — расположение

to utilize — утилизировать, находить применение

gripper — захват

to grasp — схватывать

spot welding — точечная сварка

continuous — непрерывный

arc welding — электродуговая сварка

spray painting — окраска распылением

frame — рама

spray-painting gun — распылитель краски

grinding — шлифование

polishing — полирование

spindle — шпиндель

manual — ручной

labour — труд

hazardous — опасный

shift — смена

General understanding:

1. How are robots used in manufacturing?

2. What is «material handling»?

3. What does a robot need to be equipped with to do loading and unloading operations?

4. What does robot manipulate in robotic processing operation?

5. What is the most common application of robots in automobile manufacturing?

6. What operations could be done by robot in car manufacturing industry?

7. What are the main reasons to use robots in production?

8. How can robots inspect the quality of production?

9. What operations could be done by robots in hazardous or uncomfortable for the human workers conditions?

Exercise 7.4. Translate into English:

1. Существует несколько различных сфер использования автоматизации в производстве.

2. Для использования жесткой автоматизации необходимы большие инвестиции.

3. Жесткая автоматизация широко используется в химической промышленности.

4. Станки с числовым программным управлением — хороший пример программируемой автоматизации.

5. Гибкая автоматизация делает возможным перепрограммирование оборудования.

6. Время простоя оборудования оборачивается большими убытками.

7. Использование гибкой автоматизации делает возможным производство разнообразной продукции.


James Watt

James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the steam engine.

Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. He worked as a mathematical-instrument maker from the age of 19 and soon became interested in improving the steam engine which was used at that time to pump out water from mines.

Watt determined the properties of steam, especially the relation of its density to its temperature and pressure, and designed a separate condensing chamber for the steam engine that prevented large losses of steam in the cylinder. Watt’s first patent, in 1769, covered this device and other improvements on steam engine.

At that time. Watt was the partner of the inventor John Roebuck, who had financed his researches. In 1775, however. Roebuck’s interest was taken over by the manufacturer Matthew Boulton, owner of the Soho Engineering Works at Birmingham, and he and Watt began the manufacture of steam engines. Watt continued his research and patented several other important inventions, including the rotary engine for driving various types of machinery; the double-action engine, in which steam is admitted alternately into both ends of the cylinder; and the steam indicator, which records the steam pressure in the engine. He retired from the firm in 1800 and thereafter devoted himself entirely to research work.

The misconception that Watt was the actual inventor of the steam engine arose from the fundamental nature of his contributions to its development. The centrifugal or flyball governor, which he invented in 1788, and which automatically regulated the speed of an engine, is of particular interest today. It embodies the feedback principle of a servomechanism, linking output to input, which is the basic concept of automation. The watt, the unit of power, was named in his honour. Watt was also a well-known civil engineer. He invented, in 1767, an attachment that adapted telescopes for use in the measurement of distances. Watt died in Heathfield, near Birmingham, in August 1819.



I. Text A: «What is a computer?», Text B: «Hardware», Text C: «Types of software»

II. Famous people of science and engineering: Charles Babbage.


The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is referred to as hardware. A computer system is a combination of five elements:

• Hardware

• Software

• People

• Procedures

• Data/information

When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system, connectivity becomes the sixth system element. In other words, the manner in which the various individual systems are connected — for example, by phone lines, microwave transmission, or satellite — is an element of the total computer system.

Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do. People, however, are the most important component of the computer system: they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called data to perform mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results. The data is raw material while information is organized, processed, refined and useful for decision making. Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.


characters — символы

назад (Назад)скачать (Cкачать работу)

Функция «чтения» служит для ознакомления с работой. Разметка, таблицы и картинки документа могут отображаться неверно или не в полном объёме!


aid — помощь

dimension — измерение, размеры

General understanding:

1. How is the term automation defined in the text?

2. What is the most «familiar example» of automation given in the text?

3. What was the first step in the development of automaton?

4. What were the first robots originally designed for?

5. What was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of production?

6. What is feedback principle?

7. What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for?

8. What is FMS?

9. What industries use automation technologies?

Exercise 7.1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

1. автоматические устройства

2. автоматизированное производство

3. выполнять простые задачи

4. как легкие, так и тяжелые детали

5. интегрированная система производства

6. принцип обратной связи

7. механизм может разгоняться и тормозить

8. компьютер автоматически посылает команды

9. высокоавтоматизированная система

10. непроизводственная система


Applications of Automation and Robotics in Industry

Manufacturing is one of the most important application area for automation technology. There are several types of automation in manufacturing. The examples of automated systems used in manufacturing are described below.

1. Fixed automation, sometimes called «hard automation» refers to automated machines in which the equipment configuration allows fixed sequence of processing operations. These machines are programmed by their design to make only certain processing operations. They are not easily changed over from one product style to another. This form of automation needs high initial investments and high production rates. That is why it is suitable for products that are made in large volumes. Examples of fixed automation are machining transfer lines found in the automobile industry, automatic assembly machines and certain chemical processes.

2. Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing products in large quantities, ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For each new product the production equipment must be reprogrammed and changed over. This reprogramming and changeover take a period of non-productive time. Production rates in programmable automation are generally lower than in fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to facilitate product changeover rather than for product specialization. A numerical-control machine-tool is a good example of programmable automation. The program is coded in computer memory for each different product style and the machine-tool is controlled by the computer programme.

3. Flexible automation is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable automation requires time to re-program and change over the production equipment for each series of new product. This is lost production time, which is expensive. In flexible automation the number of products is limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very quickly and automatically. The reprogramming of the equipment in flexible automation is done at a computer terminal without using the production equipment itself. Flexible automation allows a mixture of different products to be produced one right after another.


equipment — оборудование

sequence — последовательность

initial — первоначальный, начальный

investment — инвестиция, вклад

to facilitate — способствовать

rate — скорость, темп

assembly machines — сборочные машины

quantity — количество

non-productive — непроизводительный

changeover — переход, переналадка

General understanding:

1. What is the most important application of automation?

2. What are the types of automation used in manufacturing?

3. What is fixed automation?

4. What are the limitations of hard automation?

5. What is the best example of programmable automation?

6. What are the limitations of programmable automation?

7. What are the advantages of flexible automation?

8. Is it possible to produce different products one after another using automation technology?

Exercise 7.2. Find equivalents in English in the text:

1. сфера применения

2. фиксированная последовательность операций

3. автоматические сборочные машины

4. определенные химические процессы

5. станок с числовым программным управлением

6. потерянное производственное время

7. разнообразная продукция

Exercise 7.3. Explain in English what does the following mean?

1. automation technology

2. fixed automation

3. assembly machines

4. non-productive time

5. programmable automation

6. computer terminal

7. numerical-control

industries are highly automated or use automation technology in some
part of their operation. In communications and especially in the
telephone industry dialing and transmission are all done
automatically. Railways are also controlled by automatic signaling
devices, which have sensors that detect carriages passing a
particular point. In this way the movement and location of trains
can be monitored.

all industries require the same degree of automation. Sales,
agriculture, and some service industries are difficult to automate,
though agriculture industry may become more mechanized, especially
in the processing and packaging of foods.

automation technology in manufacturing and assembly is widely used
in car and other consumer product industries.

each industry has its own concept of automation that answers its
particular production needs.


— автоматизация

— ранее

— последовательность


— сборочный завод

— непроизводственный

— устройство, прибор

— походить

— эффективность


— центробежный регулятор


— паровоз


— бытовой термостат

— способствовать



— помощь

— измерение, размеры


How is the term automation defined in the text?

What is the most «familiar example» of automation given in the

What was the first step in the development of automaton?

What were the first robots originally designed for?

What was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of

What is feedback principle?

What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for?

What is FMS?

What industries use automation technologies?


Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

автоматические устройства

автоматизированное производство

выполнять простые задачи

как легкие, так и тяжелые детали

интегрированная система производства

принцип обратной связи

механизм может разгоняться и тормозить

компьютер автоматически посылает

высокоавтоматизированная система

непроизводственная система

Text в: «types of automation»

of Automation and Robotics in Industry

is one of the most important application area for automation
technology. There are several types of automation in manufacturing.
The examples of automated systems used in manufacturing are
described below.

sometimes called «hard automation» refers to automated machines in
which the equipment
configuration allows fixed sequence
of processing operations. These machines are programmed by their
design to make only certain processing operations. They are not
easily changed over from one product style to another. This form of
automation needs high initial investments and high production rates.
That is why it is suitable for products that are made in large
volumes. Examples of fixed automation are machining transfer lines
found in the automobile industry, automatic assembly

and certain chemical processes.


is a form of automation for producing products in large

ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For
each new product the production equipment must be reprogrammed and
changed over. This reprogramming and changeover take a period of

time. Production rates in programmable automation are generally
lower than in fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to


rather than for product specialization. A numerical-control
machine-tool is a good example of programmable automation. The
program is coded in computer memory for each different product style
and the machine-tool is controlled by the computer programme.


is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable automation
requires time to re-program and change over the production equipment
for each series of new product. This is lost production time, which
is expensive. In flexible automation the number of products is
limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very
quickly and automatically. The reprogramming of the equipment in
flexible automation is done at a computer terminal without using the
production equipment itself. Flexible automation allows a mixture of
different products to be produced one right after another.

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Английский в мире
науки и техники

Программа элективного курса по
английскому языку для учащихся 10-х классов


Работая в течение ряда лет в старших классах,
имеющих физико-математическое направление
(профильные предметы – физика, математика,
информатика), отслеживая дальнейшую судьбу
учащихся, продолживших обучение в вузах по
выбранным профилям, и ориентируясь на стандарт
среднего (полного) общего образования по
иностранному языку (профильный уровень), в
соответствии с которым необходимо
совершенствовать чтение и понимание текстов,
развивать профильно-ориентированные умения
перевода текстов, связанных с тематикой профиля,
мы пришли к следующим выводам:

1. Практически все вузы имеют в своей программе
образования предмет “Иностранный язык”, где
студентам с начала обучения предлагается работа
с достаточно сложными текстами по выбранной
специальности, т.е. адаптированными для учебных
целей, содержащими большое количество новой
специальной лексики, что вызывает трудности, так
как в школе они не приобрели опыта работы с
“оригинальными” текстами.

2. В 10 и 11 физико-математическом классе
иностранный язык не является профильным,
учащиеся занимаются им 2 часа в неделю. Но при
переходе на новый учебный план, по которому на
предмет “иностранный язык” выделяется 3 часа в
неделю, возникает потребность в дополнительном
учебном материале. Поэтому материал данного
курса может быть использован не только на уроках
элективного курса, но и на учебных занятиях.

3. Тексты для чтения –
профильно-ориентированные, что имеет большую
ценность при изучении, так как в них сняты
трудности в чтении оригинальной
научно-популярной литературы на английском

4. Тексты имеют достаточно большой объём (600-1000
печатных знаков). К каждому тексту составляется
словарь наиболее сложных слов и выражений,
значительная часть из которых в ходе выполнения
предлагаемых заданий усваивается активно. Таким
образом, учащиеся не только совершенствуют
навыки чтения, но и расширяют свой словарный
запас по той тематике, с которой они планируют
связать свои студенческие годы и дальнейшую
профессиональную деятельность.

5. Учащиеся также получают возможность
дополнительно тренироваться распознавать в
тексте и переводить сложные грамматические
конструкции, употребление которых характерно
для научно-популярной литературы.

6. Учащиеся совершенствуют обще-учебные навыки
работы с текстом (работа со справочной
литературой, словарями, составление плана,
конспекта и т.д.).

Статья опубликована при поддержке курсов английского языка English Today в Харькове. Хотите успешно начать построение карьеры и не менее успешно продвигаться вверх по карьерной лестнице? Хотите смотреть фильмы и читать книги на языке оригинала, улавливая тонкости речи героев и наслаждаясь тончайшими нюансами авторских текстов? Хотите расширить границы своих возможностей в получении информации за счет включения в свою орбиту и англоязычных сайтов? Хотите чувствовать себя уверенно и не бояться заблудиться в незнакомых заграничных мегаполисах? Тогда начните делать первые шаги на пути исполнения этих своих желаний с изучения английского в Харькове на курсах «English Today». Здесь Вы сможете изучать иностранный язык в удобное для Вас время в удобном месте недалеко от метро. Вы будете учить английский язык по лучшим учебникам мировых лидеров — Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Longman, Macmillan, в прекрасно оборудованных современных аудиториях. Помогать познавать язык Вам будут профессиональные преподаватели, которые, уверены, смогут Вас увлечь и заинтересовать. С подробной информацией о курсах и их стоимости Вы можете ознакомиться на сайте


  • Удовлетворение потребности учащихся в
    специфическом языковом образовании.

  • Углубление и расширение знаний
    учащихся по чтению и переводу
    специализированных текстов.


  • На базе имеющихся знаний, умений,
    навыков, совершенствуя их, обучать школьников
    всем видам чтения;

  • Формировать навыки перевода на русский
    и английский языки;

  • Обучать распознаванию и правильному
    переводу сложных грамматических конструкций;

  • Обогащать словарный запас учащихся,
    обращая внимание на владение специфической

  • Совершенствовать навыки работы со
    справочной литературой, реферирования,
    аннотирования и конспектирования, обучать
    выделять главное, составлять план и приобретать
    другие навыки самостоятельной работы.

Содержание курса

Данный курс рассчитан на учащихся 10-11 классов.
Он предполагает сочетание теоретических занятий
с практическими. Для выполнения данной программы
учащимся необходимо освоить следующие разделы
из курса “Практическая грамматика английского

  • времена английского глагола

  • страдательный залог

  • инфинитив

  • причастие

Учащиеся также должны знать порядок слов в
английском предложении, словообразовательные
элементы различных частей речи.

Учащиеся должны уметь самостоятельно работать
со словарём, справочной литературой.

Данный курс рассчитан на 15 часов. Прежде всего
он способствует развитию основных видов чтения.

Школьники учатся:

  • Понимать основное содержание
    аутентичных текстов, содержащих неизученные
    слова, о значении которых можно догадаться на
    основе контекста, словообразования, сходства с
    родным языком.

  • Находить в процессе чтения основную
    мысль (идею) текста, разграничить существенные и
    второстепенные факты, анализировать отдельные
    места, определяя подлежащее, сказуемое для
    полного понимания текста;

  • Пользоваться в процессе чтения
    сносками, лингвострановедческими комментариями
    к тексту и грамматическим справочником;

  • Передавать основное содержание текста;

  • Выражать свое отношение к проблеме.

  • Делать аннотацию прочитанного текста.

Методы и формы обучения

При работе над данным курсом используется
междисциплинарная интеграция с такими
дисциплинами как математика, физика,

Обучение строится на основе сотрудничества;
учитываются индивидуальные особенности
учащихся (аудиал, визуал, кинестетик);
учитывается потребность учащихся в работе над
текстом данной тематики.

Учащиеся работают в группах, индивидуально,
коллективно. Предполагается равноправное
взаимодействие всех участников учебного

Результаты изучения курса

  • Повышение интереса учащихся к

  • Снятие трудностей в чтении и понимании
    текстов данной тематики;

  • Повышение качества знаний в целом и у
    каждого учащегося в отдельности;

  • Умение пользоваться справочной

  • Приобретение опыта работы со
    специальными текстами (“фирменные” материалы).

Учащиеся должны знать:

  • основные грамматические явления

  • основные трудности перевода на уровне
    грамматики и лексики

  • правила перевода описания изобретения
    и патентов, фирменных материалов.

Учащиеся должны уметь:

  • максимально полно и точно понимать всю
    содержащуюся в тексте информацию и критически её
    осмысливать (изучающее чтение)

  • быстро находить в тексте определённые
    данные (факты, характеристики, цифровые
    показатели, указания) (поисковое чтение)

  • определять тему текста, выделять
    основную мысль, выбирать главные факты
    (ознакомительное чтение)

  • находить в тексте необходимые
    грамматические структуры

  • грамотно переводить их на русский язык

  • грамотно пользоваться словарём
    (находить значение слова, соответствующее
    содержанию текста)

  • реферировать, аннотировать и
    конспектировать, составлять план.

Формы контроля достижений учащихся

Контроль осуществляется в форме

  • наблюдений активности учащихся на

  • беседы с учащимися

  • беседы с другими учителями

  • анализа зачётных работ

  • анкетирования учащихся


1. И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко. Английский
язык для технических вузов Серия “Высшее
образование”. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2004–352 с.

2. С. М. Айзенкоп, Л.В. Багдасарова, Н.В. Васина,
И.Н. Глущенко.
Учебное пособие по техническому
переводу. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 1996–288 с.

3. К.А. Гузеева, Т.Г. Трошко. Английский язык:
Справ. материалы: Книга для учащихся. М.:
Просвещение, 1993.-288 с.

4. К. Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич.
Практическая грамматика английского языка с
упражнениями и ключами. М.: Юнвес, 1996

5. В.К. Мюллер. Англо-русский словарь. М.:
Русский язык, 1997

6. Е.А. Маслыко, П.К. Бабинская. Настольная
книга преподавателя иностранного языка. Минск:
Вышэйшая школа, 1999

7. В.С. Слепович. Курс перевода
(английский-русский язык) Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2004

8. Л.П.Широкова, И.Ф.Кулинцева, Е.И.Широков.
Как написать авторскую разработку. Пенза:
ИПКиПРО, 2004

Лариса Андреевна Миряева,
учитель английского языка



Automation is the system of manufacture performing certain tasks, previously done
by people, by machines only. The sequences of operations are controlled
automatically. The most familiar example of a highly automated system is an assembly
for automobiles or other complex products.

The term automation is also used to describe nonmanufacturing systems in which
automatic devices can operate independently of human control. Such devices as
automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems are used to
perform various operations much faster and better than could be done by people.

Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization was the
first step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work made it
possible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the worker. These
specialized machines were motorized and they had better production efficiency.

In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of
production. This method of production was adopted by most car manufacturers and became
known as Detroit automation.

The feedback principle is used in all automatic-control mechanisms when machines
have ability to correct themselves. The feedback principle has been used for
centuries. An outstanding early example is the flyball governor, invented in 1788
by James Watt to control the speed of the steam engine. The common household
is another example of a feedback device.

Using feedback devices, machines can start, stop, speed up, slow down, count, inspect,
test, compare, and measure. These operations are commonly applied to a wide variety
of production operations.

Computers have greatly facilitated the use of feedback in manufacturing
processes. Computers gave rise to the development of numerically controlled machines.

More recently, the introduction of microprocessors and computers have made possible the
development of computer-aided design and computer aided manufacture (CAD and CAM)
technologies. When using these systems a designer draws a part and indicates its dimensions
with the help of a mouse, light pen, or other input device. After the drawing has been
completed the computer automatically gives the instructions that direct a machining centre
to machine the part.

Another development using automation are the flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). A
computer in FMS can be used to monitor and control the operation of the whole factory.

Automation has also had an influence on the areas of the economy other than
manufacturing. Small computers are used in systems called mod processors, which are
rapidly becoming a standard part of the modern office. They are used to edit texts, to
type letters and so on.

Many industries are highly automated or use automation technology in some part of their
operation. In communications and especially in the telephone industry dialing and
transmission are all done automatically. Railways are also controlled by automatic
signaling devices, which have sensors that detect carriages passing a particular point.

Not all industries require the same degree of automation. Sales, agriculture, and some
service industries are difficult to automate, though agriculture industry may become more
mechanized, especially in the processing and packaging of foods.

The automation technology in manufacturing and assembly is widely used in car and other
consumer product industries.

Nevertheless, each industry has its own concept of automation that answers its
particular production needs.


automation автоматизация
previously ранее
sequence последовательность
assembly plant сборочный завод
nonmanufacturing непроизводственный
device устройство, прибор
resemble походить
efficiency эффективность
flyball governor центробежный регулятор
steam engine паровоз
household thermostat бытовой термостат
facilitate способствовать
aid помощь
dimension измерение, размеры

Exercise 1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text
(Найдите английские эквиваленты).

1. автоматические устройства
2. автоматизированное производство
3. интегрированная система производства
4. принцип обратной связи
5. механизм может разгоняться и тормозить
6. компьютер автоматически посылает команды
7. высокоавтоматизированная система
8. непроизводственная система

Exercise 2. Define the part of speech of the words and translate
them.(Сравните способы образования указанных слов,
назовите части речи, к которым они относятся,
переведите их).

Automation, automatically, familiar, previously, highly, independently, faster, better,
efficiency, originally, dangerous, widely, heavy, manufacturer, feedback, governor,
variety, numerically, recently, introduction, dimension, instruction, development,
flexible, require, particular.

Exercise 3. Choose the sentences with the Present Perfect Tense. Translate
them. Выбрать из приведенных предложений те,
которые содержат глагол в настоящем совершенном
времени. Переведите их.

Remember that Present Perfect is formed with the help of the verb have/has + V3.

1. Computers have greatly facilitated the use of feedback in manufacturing
2. Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development.
3. More recently, the introduction of microprocessors and computers have made possible the
development of computer technologies.
4. Automation has also had an influence on the areas of the economy other than
5. Each industry has its own concept of automation that answers its particular production

Exercise 4. Find the sentences with the Passive Voice in the 5th paragraph.
Translate them. Найдите в пятом абзаце предложения с
глаголом в пассивном залоге. Объясните, по каким
признакам вы установили грамматическую форму.

Exercise 5. Find the key sentence in each paragraph. В каждом
абзаце найдите ключевое предложение.
Подчеркните их.

Exercise 6. Read the text , divide it into logical parts and give the
headlines to each part in the form of questions. Прочтите текст,
разделите его на смысловые части, к каждой части
придумайте название в форме вопроса.

Примерный ответ:

1. What is automation?
2. Why is the term automation used?
3. How many steps did automated manufacturing have in its development? What were they?
4. Where is the feedback principle used?
5. What is another development using automation?
6. What industry uses automation?

Exercise 7. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How is the term “automation” defined in the text?
2. What is the most “familiar example” of automation given in the text?
3. What was the first step in the development of automation?
4. What were the first robots originally designed for?
5. What was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of production?
6. What is feedback principle?
7. What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for?
8. What is FMS?
9. What industries use automation technologies?

Exercise 8. Finish the sentences. Закончите

1. Automation is the system of….
2. The term “automation” is used to …
3. Mechanization was the…
4. In the 1920s the…
5. The feedback principle was first used by…
6. Computers have facilitated the use of…
7. Many industries are highly…

Exercise 9. Read the text and say what new thing you have learned .
Прочтите текст и скажите, что нового вы узнали из

Exercise 10. Can you use this information in your future profession?
Скажите, каким образом вы можете использовать
информацию, содержащуюся в тексте, при работе по

Exercise 11. Make the synopsis of the text, paying attention to the
informative style of the text. Подготовьте реферат текста,
подчёркивая его информативную ценность.


1. The Title

I’ve read the text (article, story) entitled…
I’d like to tell you about the text (article, story) entitled …
I want to tell you about the text (article, story) entitled …

2. The Source

This is an article (story, text) published in the newspaper (magazine,
book) …

3.The Author

The author of the text is …, a famous writer (journalist, scientist)

4. The Idea

The main idea of the text (article, story) is to show (to prove, to
underline, to convince)…

5. The Subject

The text is about …
The text describes (gives information about)…

6. The Content

The text (story, article) starts with the fact (with the description
of, with the characteristic of)…
Then the author describes …
After that the author touches upon the problem of …
Next the author deals with the fact (the problem)…
Besides the author stresses that …
Finally the author comes to the conclusion that…

7. Your Attitude

My attitude to the article (story, text) is contradictory
(complicated, simple).
On the one hand I agree that…
On the other hand I can’t agree that … I’ve learned a lot of interesting (important,
new) facts (information, things) from the text. It makes us think of…
It gives us food for thoughts. It proves the idea (the theory, the point of view, the
opinion) …
It can help us in self-education (in
solving our problems). I’d like to cite the author (to make a quotation).

8. Your Advice

So in my opinion it is (not) worth reading.



заместитель директора

    ____________ В.Н.Павленко

    «____»_____________2017 г.


итоговой контрольной работы

по учебной

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык


Технология машиностроения

для группы

Преподаватель:  Саакян Ирина

Рассмотрено на

ПЦК преподавателей
иностранного языка

протокол № ____ от
___________ 2017 г.

председатель ПЦК
_____________ Е.А.Белошапкина


итоговой контрольной работы

учебной дисциплине  ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный

по разделу:
Automation in industry»
(«Автоматизация в промышленности»)

группы ТМ-41

Вариант №1


Текст задания

the text and translate the text into Russian.

выполнения задания

можете воспользоваться: англо-русским словарем


is the system of manufacture performing certain tasks, previously done by
people, by machines only. The sequences of operations are controlled
automatically. The most familiar example of a highly automated system is an
assembly plant for automobiles or other complex products.

term automation is also used to describe non-manufacturing systems in which
automatic devices can operate independently of human control. Such devices as
automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems
are used to perform various operations much faster and better than could be
done by people.

manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization was the first
step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work
made it possible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the
worker. These specialized machines were motorized and they had better
production efficiency.

robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments
dangerous to human workers, are now widely used to transfer, manipulate, and
position both light and heavy workpieces performing all the functions of a
transfer machine.


— автоматизация

— ранее

— последовательность

assembly plant
сборочный завод


устройство, прибор



№ 2

Текст задания

these questions on the text.

How is the term automation defined in the text?

What is the most «familiar example» of automation given in the text?

What was the first step in the development of automaton?

What devices are used to perform various operations much faster than people?

What were the first robots originally designed for?


Текст задания

the following word combinations in the text:

1. автоматические устройства

2. автоматизированное производство

3. выполнять простые задачи

4. как легкие, так и тяжелые детали

5. высокоавтоматизированная система

6. последовательность действий

7. непроизводственная система

8. могут работать независимо от человеческого контроля


итоговой контрольной работы

учебной дисциплине  ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный

по разделу:
Automation in industry»
(«Автоматизация в промышленности»)

группы ТМ-41

Вариант №2


Текст задания

the text and translate the text into Russian.

выполнения задания

можете воспользоваться: англо-русским словарем


feedback principle is used in all automatic-control mechanisms when machines
have ability to correct themselves. The feedback principle has been used for
centuries. An outstanding early example is the flyball governor, invented in
1788 by James Watt to control the speed of the steam engine. The common
household thermostat is another example of a feedback device.

have greatly facilitated the use of feedback in manufacturing processes.
Computers gave rise to the development of numerically controlled machines. The
motions of these machines are controlled by punched paper or magnetic tapes. In
numerically controlled machining centres machine tools can perform several
different machining operations.

industries are highly automated or use automation technology in some part of
their operation. In communications and especially in the telephone industry
dialing and transmission are all done automatically. Railways are also
controlled by automatic signaling devices, which have sensors that detect
carriages passing a particular point. In this way the movement and location of
trains can be monitored.

all industries require the same degree of automation. Sales, agriculture, and
some service industries are difficult to automate, though agriculture industry
may become more mechanized, especially in the processing and packaging of


– обратная связь

flyball governor
— центробежный регулятор

steam engine — паровоз

household thermostat — бытовой термостат

— способствовать

— перфорированный

№ 2

Текст задания

these questions on the text.

1. What is feedback principle?

Who invented the flyball governor?

What are the motions of the machines controlled by?

Can machine tools perform different machine operations?

5. What industries
use automation technologies?


Текст задания

the following word combinations in the text:

1. принцип обратной связи

2. автоматически контролируемые механизмы

3. центробежный регулятор

4. производственные процессы

5. перфорированная бумага

6. автоматические сигнальные устройства

7. движение и местоположение поездов

8. обработка и упаковка продуктов


итоговой контрольной работы

учебной дисциплине  ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный

по разделу:
Automation in industry»
(«Автоматизация в промышленности»)

группы ТМ-41

Вариант №3


Текст задания

the text and translate the text into Russian.

выполнения задания

можете воспользоваться: англо-русским словарем


is one of the most important application area for automation technology. There
are several types of automation in manufacturing.

Fixed automation, sometimes called «hard automation» refers to automated
machines in which the equipment configuration allows fixed sequence of
processing operations. These machines are programmed by their design to make
only certain processing operations. This form of automation needs high initial
investments and high production rates. That is why it is suitable for products
that are made in large volumes.

Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing products in large
quantities, ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For
each new product the production equipment must be reprogrammed and changed
over. Production rates in programmable automation are generally lower than in
fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to facilitate product
changeover rather than for product specialization.

Flexible automation is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable
automation requires time to re-program and change over the production equipment
for each series of new product. In flexible automation the number of products
is limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very quickly and


equipment — оборудование

sequence — последовательность

initial — первоначальный, начальный

investment — инвестиция, вклад

to facilitate — способствовать

rate — скорость, темп

assembly machines — сборочные машины

quantity — количество

non-productive — непроизводительный

changeover — переход, переналадка


Текст задания

these questions on the text.

What is the most important application of automation?

What are the types of automation used in manufacturing?

What is fixed automation?

What is the best example of programmable automation?

What are the advantages of flexible automation?


Текст задания

the following word combinations in the text:

1. сфера применения

2. фиксированная последовательность операций

3. автоматические сборочные машины

4. определенные химические процессы

5. программная автоматизация

6. производство изделий в больших количествах

7. разнообразная продукция

8. первоначальный вклад


итоговой контрольной работы

учебной дисциплине  ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный

по разделу:
Automation in industry»
(«Автоматизация в промышленности»)

группы ТМ-41

Вариант №4


Текст задания

the text and translate the text into Russian.

выполнения задания

можете воспользоваться: англо-русским словарем


Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations. The applications
of robots can be divided into three categories:

1. material handling

2. processing operations

3. assembly and inspection.

Material-handling is the transfer of material and loading and
unloading of machines. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move
materials or work parts from one to another. Many of these tasks are relatively
simple: robots pick up parts from one conveyor and place them on another.

In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to
perform a process on the work part. Examples of such applications include spot
welding, continuous arc welding and spray painting. Spot welding of automobile
bodies is one of the most common applications of industrial robots. In nearly
all industrial robotic applications, the robot provides a substitute for human
labour. There are certain characteristics of industrial jobs performed by
humans that can be done by robots:

1. the operation is repetitive, involving the same basic work
motions every cycle,

2. the operation is hazardous or uncomfortable for the human
worker (for example: spray painting, spot welding, arc welding, and certain
machine loading and unloading tasks),

3. the workpiece or tool is too heavy and difficult to handle,

4. the operation allows the robot to be used on two or three


handling — обращение

transfer — передача, перенос

pick up — брать, подбирать

gripper — захват

spot welding — точечная сварка

continuous — непрерывный

arc welding — электродуговая сварка

spray painting — окраска распылением

labour — труд

hazardous — опасный

shift — смена


Текст задания

these questions on the text.

1. Where are robots used today?

2. What is «material handling»?

3. What does robot manipulate in robotic processing operation?

4. What is the most common application of robots in automobile

5. What operations could be done by robots in hazardous or
uncomfortable for the human workers conditions?


Текст задания

the following word combinations in the text:

1. автоматизация в производстве

2. электродуговая сварка

3. обработка материалов

4. загрузка и выгрузка машин

5. окраска распылением

6. заменить человеческий труд

7. требовать передвижения материалов

8. управлять инструментом для выполнения процесса

Text D. DIES

Dies are tools used for the shaping solid materials, especially those employed in the pressworking of cold metals.

In presswork, dies are used in pairs. The smaller die, or punch, fits inside the larger die, called the matrix or, simply, the die. The metal to be formed, usually a sheet, is placed over the matrix on the press. The punch is mounted on the press and moves down by hydraulic or mechanical force.

A number of different forms of dies are employed for different operations. The simplest are piercing dies (пробивной штамп), used for punching holes. Bending and folding dies are designed to make single or compound bends. A combination die is designed to perform more than one of the above operations in one stroke of the press. A progressive die permits successive forming operations with the same die.

In coining, metal is forced to flow into two matching dies, each of which bears a engraved design.

Wiredrawing Dies

In the manufacture of wire, a drawplate (волочильная доска) is usually employed. This tool is a metal plate containing a number of holes, successively less in diameter and known as wire dies. A piece of metal is pulled through the largest die to make a coarse wire. This wire is then drawn through the smaller hole, and then the next, until the wire is reduced to the desired measurement. Wiredrawing dies are made from extremely hard materials, such as tungsten carbide or diamonds.

Thread-Cutting Dies

For cutting threads on bolts or on the outside of pipes, a thread-cutting die (резьбонарезная плашка) is used. It is usually made of hardened steel in the form of a round plate with a hole in the center. The hole has a thread. To cut an outside thread, the die is lubricated with oil and simply screwed onto an unthreaded bolt or piece of pipe, the same way a nut is screwed onto a bolt. The corresponding tool for cutting an inside thread, such as that inside a nut, is called a tap (метчик).

chip — стружка

sharp — острый

friction — трение

content — содержание

range — диапазон

inexpensive — недорогой

to permit — позволять, разрешать

common — обычный

tungsten — вольфрам

ingredient — ингредиент

diamond — алмаз

tips — наконечники

ceramic — керамический

truing — правка, наводка, заточка

die — матрица, штамп

matrix — матрица

to employ — применять

to pierce — протыкать, прокалывать

to punch — пробивать отверстие

matching — сочетающийся, парный

coarse — грубый

wire — проволока

to draw — тащить, волочить

thread — резьба

hardened — закаленный

to lubricate — смазывать

to screw — привинчивать

nut — гайка

outside — наружный, внешний

inside — внутри, внутренний

Exercise 6.4. Find English equivalents in the text:

1. удалять металлическую стружку

2. острый режущий край

3. содержание углерода

4. режущая способность

5. сталь для скоростного резания

6. правка шлифовальных кругов

7. гидравлическое или механическое давление

8. различные формы штампов

Exercise 6.5. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Все резцы и фрезы должны иметь острую режущую кромку.

2. Во время резания режущий инструмент и деталь имеют высокую температуру и должны охлаждаться.

3. Углеродистые стали часто используются для изготовления резцов потому, что они недорогие.

4. Быстрорежущие стали содержат вольфрам, хром и ванадий.

5. Алмазы используются для резания абразивных материалов и чистовой обработки поверхности твердых материалов.

6. Для различных операций используют различные штампы.

7. Волочильные доски для проволоки делаются из очень твердых материалов.

8. Резьбонарезные плашки и метчики используются для нарезки резьбы снаружи и внутри.






Automation is the system of manufacture performing certain tasks, previously done by people, by machines only. The sequences of operations are controlled automatically. The most familiar example of a highly automated system is an assembly plant for automobiles or other complex products.

The term automation is also used to describe non-manufacturing systems in which automatic devices can operate independently of human control. Such devices as automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems are used to perform various operations much faster and better than could be done by people.

Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization was the first step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work made it possible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the worker. These specialized machines were motorized and they had better production efficiency.

Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers, are now widely used to transfer, manipulate, and position both light and heavy workpieces performing all the functions of a transfer machine.

In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of production. This method of production was adopted by most car manufacturers and became known as Detroit automation.

The feedback principle is used in all automatic-control mechanisms when machines have ability to correct themselves. The feedback principle has been used for centuries. An outstanding early example is the flyball governor, invented in 1788 by James Watt to control the speed of the steam engine. The common household thermostat is another example of a feedback device.

Using feedback devices, machines can start, stop, speed up, slow down, count, inspect, test, compare, and measure. These operations are commonly applied to a wide variety of production operations.

Computers have greatly facilitated the use of feedback in manufacturing processes. Computers gave rise to the development of numerically controlled machines. The motions of these machines are controlled by punched paper or magnetic tapes. In numerically controlled machining centres machine tools can perform several different machining operations.

More recently, the introduction of microprocessors and computers have made possible the development of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD and CAM) technologies. When using these systems a designer draws a part and indicates its dimensions with the help of a mouse, light pen, or other input device. After the drawing has been completed the computer automatically gives the instructions that direct a machining centre to machine the part.

Another development using automation are the flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). A computer in FMS can be used to monitor and control the operation of the whole factory.

Automation has also had an influence on the areas of the economy other than manufacturing. Small computers are used in systems called word processors, which are rapidly becoming a standard part of the modern office. They are used to edit texts, to type letters and so on.


Many industries are highly automated or use automation technology in some part of their operation. In communications and especially in the telephone industry dialing and transmission are all done automatically. Railways are also controlled by automatic signaling devices, which have sensors that detect carriages passing a particular point. In this way the movement and location of trains can be monitored.

Not all industries require the same degree of automation. Sales, agriculture, and some service industries are difficult to automate, though agriculture industry may become more mechanized, especially in the processing and packaging of foods.

The automation technology in manufacturing and assembly is widely used in car and other consumer product industries.

Nevertheless, each industry has its own concept of automation that answers its particular production needs.


automation — автоматизация

previously — ранее

sequence — последовательность

assembly plant — сборочный завод

nonmanufacturing — непроизводственный

device — устройство, прибор

resemble — походить

efficiency — эффективность

flyball governor — центробежный регулятор

steam engine — паровоз

household thermostat — бытовой термостат

facilitate — способствовать

punched — перфорированный

aid — помощь

dimension — измерение, размеры

General understanding:

1. How is the term automation defined in the text?

2. What is the most «familiar example» of automation given in the text?

3. What was the first step in the development of automaton?

4. What were the first robots originally designed for?

5. What was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of production?

6. What is feedback principle?

7. What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for?

8. What is FMS?

9. What industries use automation technologies?

Exercise 7.1. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

1. автоматические устройства

2. автоматизированное производство

3. выполнять простые задачи

4. как легкие, так и тяжелые детали

5. интегрированная система производства

6. принцип обратной связи

7. механизм может разгоняться и тормозить

8. компьютер автоматически посылает команды

9. высокоавтоматизированная система

10. непроизводственная система


Applications of Automation and Robotics in Industry

Manufacturing is one of the most important application area for automation technology. There are several types of automation in manufacturing. The examples of automated systems used in manufacturing are described below.


Fixed automation

, sometimes called «hard automation» refers to automated machines in which the equipment configuration allows fixed sequence of processing operations. These machines are programmed by their design to make only certain processing operations. They are not easily changed over from one product style to another. This form of automation needs high initial investments and high production rates. That is why it is suitable for products that are made in large volumes. Examples of fixed automation are machining transfer lines found in the automobile industry, automatic assembly machines and certain chemical processes.


Programmable automation

is a form of automation for producing products in large quantities, ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For each new product the production equipment must be reprogrammed and changed over. This reprogramming and changeover take a period of non-productive time. Production rates in programmable automation are generally lower than in fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to facilitate product changeover rather than for product specialization. A numerical-control machine-tool is a good example of programmable automation. The program is coded in computer memory for each different product style and the machine-tool is controlled by the computer programme.


Flexible automation

is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable automation requires time to re-program and change over the production equipment for each series of new product. This is lost production time, which is expensive. In flexible automation the number of products is limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very quickly and automatically. The reprogramming of the equipment in flexible automation is done at a computer terminal without using the production equipment itself. Flexible automation allows a mixture of different products to be produced one right after another.


equipment — оборудование

sequence — последовательность

initial — первоначальный, начальный

investment — инвестиция, вклад

to facilitate — способствовать

rate — скорость, темп

assembly machines — сборочные машины

quantity — количество

nonproductive — непроизводительный

changeover — переход, переналадка

General understanding:

1. What is the most important application of automation?

2. What are the types of automation used in manufacturing?

3. What is fixed automation?

4. What are the limitations of hard automation?

5. What is the best example of programmable automation?

6. What are the limitations of programmable automation?

7. What are the advantages of flexible automation?

8. Is it possible to produce different products one after another using automation technology?

Exercise 7.2. Find equivalents in English in the text:

1. сфера применения 2. фиксированная последовательность операций 3. автоматические сборочные машины 4. определенные химические процессы 5. станок с числовым программным управлением 6. потерянное производственное время 7. разнообразная продукция


Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations. The applications of robots can be divided into three categories:

1. material handling

2. processing operations

3. assembly and inspection.

Material-handling is the transfer of material and loading and unloading of machines. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move materials or work parts from one to another. Many of these tasks are relatively simple: robots pick up parts from one conveyor and place them on another. Other transfer operations are more complex, such as placing parts in an arrangement that can be calculated by the robot. Machine loading and unloading operations utilize a robot to load and unload parts. This requires the robot to be equipped with a grip-per that can grasp parts. Usually the gripper must be designed specifically for the particular part geometry.

In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the work part. Examples of such applications include spot welding, continuous arc welding and spray painting. Spot welding of automobile bodies is one of the most common applications of industrial robots. The robot positions a spot welder against the automobile panels and frames to join them. Arc welding is a continuous process in which robot moves the welding rod along the welding seam. Spray painting is the manipulation of a spray-painting gun over the surface of the object to be coated. Other operations in this category include grinding and polishing in which a rotating spindle serves as the robot’s tool.

The third application area of industrial robots is assembly and inspection. The use of robots in assembly is expected to increase because of the high cost of manual labour. But the design of the product is an important aspect of robotic assembly. Assembly methods that are satisfactory for humans are not always suitable for robots. Screws and nuts are widely used for fastening in manual assembly, but the same operations are extremely difficult for an one-armed robot.

Inspection is another area of factory operations in which the utilization of robots is growing. In a typical inspection job, the robot positions a sensor with respect to the work part and determines whether the part answers the quality specifications. In nearly all industrial robotic applications, the robot provides a substitute for human labour. There are certain characteristics of industrial jobs performed by humans that can be done by robots:

1. the operation is repetitive, involving the same basic work motions every cycle,

2. the operation is hazardous or uncomfortable for the human worker (for example: spray painting, spot welding, arc welding, and certain machine loading and unloading tasks),

3. the workpiece or tool is too heavy and difficult to handle,

4. the operation allows the robot to be used on two or three shifts.


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