Find the extra word in this sentence

1. The man to whom we spoke knew some fascinating stories about the place. — The man we spoke to knew some fascinating stories about the place. — Человек, с которым мы говорили, знал некоторые захватывающие истории о месте.
2. The hotel in which we stayed was the best I’ve ever been to. — The hotel we stayed in was the best I’ve ever been to. — Отель, в котором мы остановились, был лучшим, где я когда-либо был.
3. Who was the woman about whom you were talking? — Who was the woman you were talking about? — Кто была женщина, о которой вы говорили?
4. The airport from which we left was very crowded. — The airport we left from was very crowded. — Аэропорт, из которого мы вылетали, был очень переполнен.
5. The people with whom we shared the taxi were very helpful. — The people we shared the taxi with were very helpful. — Люди, с которыми мы делили такси, были очень полезны.
6. What was the name of the lovely castle to which we went last summer? — What was the name of the lovely castle we went to last summer? – Как назывался прекрасный замок, в который мы ходили прошлым летом?
Mind the trap! – Избегайте ловушки!
what = the thing that/which — Что = вещь, которая
This is what made his work so famous. — Именно это сделало его работу настолько знаменитой.

‘The first man who landed…’

Read these ten short statements. Each sentence has one extra word that is not needed. The extra word is bad grammar. Write the extra word in the space below. Do not use capital letters and be careful with your spelling!

1) I went to home in my new car. I don’t have a garage, so I park it in the street outside my house.

2) The first part of this test is the listening. You will hear each sentence for two times.

3) Have you ever  tried horse meat? In some countries it is a common to eat it.

4) Whenever I fly to on a plane, I always make sure I sit near the front because I feel safer there. 

5) There were thousands of people at the festival. They were all having fun, eating food and making dancing.

6) My job is pretty boring. I spend all day sitting at a desk looking at of a computer screen.

7) Let’s make a cake. We need flour, sugar, milk and the eggs.

8) Donald went for shopping with his brother. They bought some nice clothes.

9) The first man who landed on the moon in 1969. His name was Neil Armstrong.

10) John Wayne was a famous Hollywood actor. He acting played the role of a cowboy in many films.

Find the extra word -1.

  • In part 1 the extra word is
  • In part 2 the extra word is
  • In part 3 the extra word is
  • In part 4 the extra word is
  • In part 5 the extra word is
  • In part 6 the extra word is
  • In part 7 the extra word is
  • In part 8 the extra word is
  • in part 9 the extra word is
  • in part 10 the extra word is

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Вопрос пользователя по предмету Английский язык

There is an extra word in each sentence.
Find the word and write it down.

I have been never seen this film before.

George is has caught the biggest fish I’ve ever seen.

We haven’t already missed the train because you gave us a lift.

Have you already saw seen Martin’s new haircut?

It’s the first time they have ever are left the country!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


I have ⊕ never seen this film before.  BEEN

George ⊕ has caught the biggest fish I’ve ever seen.  IS

We haven’t ⊕ missed the train because you gave us a lift.  ALREADY

Have you already ⊕ seen Martin’s new haircut?  SAW

It’s the first time they have ever ⊕ left the country!  ARE


Помогите с английским!

Circle the extra word in each line.

1) The many people who appear i the news for the first time

2) find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.

3) The national press can be an unforgiving and the loss of

4) the privacy that comes with fame is an extra problem at a

5) difficult time. This is especially the case when a someone is

6) in the news because of a tragedy or the serious crime. Just

7) at the moment when you are under a most stress, you find

8) microphones and the cameras in your face. The madia have

9) a responsibility to inform the public, but an innocent people

10) are often hurt by the demand for the scandal.

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Помогите с английским! Circle the extra word in each line. 1) The many people who appear i the news for the first time 2) find that a …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Помогите с английским! Circle the extra word in each line. 1) The many people who appear i the news for the first time 2) find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.

2 Cross out the extra word in each sentence.
1 ‘m not sure, but i might definitely stay in tonight
2 I’m sure that people won’t probably stop eating meat very easily
3 We’re not sure, but we might to get a fuel-efficient car
4 lexpect people will might travel to the Moon orie day
5 The hole in the ozone layer definitely on’t not get smaller if we keep producing polluting gases.
6 Pollution will to definitely increase if we don’t change our habits.
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