Find the extra word in each line oh let me tell you about our trip

Find the extra word in each line.

1 ……………………. Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be

2 ……………………. fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

3 ……………………. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 ……………………. Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if

5 ……………………. she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.

6 ……………………. We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t

7 ……………………. keen on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ‘We regret it to

8 ……………………. inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled.’ That was

9 ……………………. our fl ight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to

10 ……………………. fl y anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

Choose the correct answer.

1 I’ve always dreamt ………… China. A to visit B of visiting C I visit D visit 2 The travel agency is arranging for us ………… at a really nice hotel. A stay B of staying C to stay D staying 3 My dad says he always regrets ………… more. A to not travel B not travelling C he not travel D of not travelling 4 John seems keen ………… how to drive as soon as he can. A of learning B he learn C for learn D to learn 5 Now, class, I’d like you all to write ………… a description of your last holiday. A me B to me C it me D about me 6 When you arrive ………… , have your passport ready. A to the airport B in the airport C on the airport D at the airport 7 The Joneses have invited us ………… to Australia with them this summer. A going B for going C about going D to go 8 The in-fl ight entertainment may differ ………… that advertised. A to B from C in D at

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G Find the extra word in each line.
The cancelled trip
Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be
flying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.
I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.
We …

Xem thêm


Find the extra word in each line. 1 … . Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be 2… . fl ying? We had arranged…

13 сентября 2022

Find the extra word in each line. 1 … . Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be 2… . fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • English TensesForm 10

    1 слайд

    English Tenses
    Form 10

  • Complete the sentences using the following words:
        For hours, in a few...

    2 слайд

    Complete the sentences using the following words:
    For hours, in a few minutes, for three hours, for over six years, always, it’s the second time, when, until the 1930s, when, at the time

    1. She’s had her motorbike … .
    2. She is … shouting at me!
    3. We have been driving … . Can’t we have a break soon?
    4. It sounds like the plane’s going to take off … .
    5. At seven o’clock I’ll have been doing my chemistry homework … .
    6. Greg was living in London … .
    7. I’d already bought the computer game … I saw it was cheaper in another shop.
    8. Crosswords didn’t become popular … .
    9. … Lisa opened the window the sun was shining.
    10. … I’ve been on a plane.

  • 1. She’s had her motorbike for over six years.
2. She is always shouting at m...

    3 слайд

    1. She’s had her motorbike for over six years.
    2. She is always shouting at me!
    3. We have been driving for hours . Can’t we have a break soon?
    4. It sounds like the plane’s going to take off in a few minutes .
    5. At seven o’clock I’ll have been doing my chemistry homework for three hours .
    6. Greg was living in London at the time .
    7. I’d already bought the computer game when I saw it was cheaper in another shop.
    8. Crosswords didn’t become popular until the 1930s .
    9. When Lisa opened the window the sun was shining.
    10. It’s the second time I’ve been on a plane.

  • Find the extra word in each line.
The cancelled trip
1. ……………….. Oh, let me...

    4 слайд

    Find the extra word in each line.
    The cancelled trip
    1. ……………….. Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be
    2. ……………….. flying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.
    3. ……………….. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.
    4. ……………….. Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if
    5. ……………….. she was okay and she said she was fine, so we continued on to our way.
    6. ……………….. We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t
    7. ……………….. keep on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ’We regret it to
    8. ……………….. inform passengers that Flight 114 to France it been cancelled.’ That was
    9. ……………….. our flight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to
    10. ……………….fly anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

  • The cancelled trip
1. ……be………….Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you kn...

    5 слайд

    The cancelled trip
    1. ……be………….Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be
    2. ……had……… flying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.
    3. ……in…………. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.
    4. ……been……..Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if
    5. ……to………….she was okay and she said she was fine, so we continued on to our way.
    6. ……so………….We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t
    7. ……it………….. keep on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ’We regret it to
    8. ……been………inform passengers that Flight 114 to France it been cancelled.’ That was
    9. ……of…………. our flight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to
    10. ……to…………fly anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

Presentation on theme: «English Tenses Form 10.»— Presentation transcript:


English Tenses Form 10


Complete the sentences using the following words:
For hours, in a few minutes, for three hours, for over six years, always, it’s the second time, when, until the 1930s, when, at the time 1. She’s had her motorbike … . 2. She is … shouting at me! 3. We have been driving … . Can’t we have a break soon? 4. It sounds like the plane’s going to take off … . 5. At seven o’clock I’ll have been doing my chemistry homework … . 6. Greg was living in London … . 7. I’d already bought the computer game … I saw it was cheaper in another shop. 8. Crosswords didn’t become popular … . 9. … Lisa opened the window the sun was shining. 10. … I’ve been on a plane.


1. She’s had her motorbike for over six years.
2. She is always shouting at me! 3. We have been driving for hours . Can’t we have a break soon? 4. It sounds like the plane’s going to take off in a few minutes . 5. At seven o’clock I’ll have been doing my chemistry homework for three hours . 6. Greg was living in London at the time . 7. I’d already bought the computer game when I saw it was cheaper in another shop. 8. Crosswords didn’t become popular until the 1930s . 9. When Lisa opened the window the sun was shining. 10. It’s the second time I’ve been on a plane.


Find the extra word in each line. The cancelled trip 1. ………………
Find the extra word in each line. The cancelled trip 1. ……………….. Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be 2. ……………….. flying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days. 3. ……………….. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day. 4. ……………….. Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if 5. ……………….. she was okay and she said she was fine, so we continued on to our way. 6. ……………….. We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t 7. ……………….. keep on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ’We regret it to 8. ……………….. inform passengers that Flight 114 to France it been cancelled.’ That was 9. ……………….. our flight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to 10. ……………….fly anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!


The cancelled trip 1. ……be………….Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be 2. ……had……… flying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days. 3. ……in…………. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day. 4. ……been……..Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if 5. ……to………….she was okay and she said she was fine, so we continued on to our way. 6. ……so………….We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t 7. ……it………….. keep on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ’We regret it to 8. ……been………inform passengers that Flight 114 to France it been cancelled.’ That was 9. ……of…………. our flight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to 10. ……to…………fly anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

Олимпиадные задания школьного этапа Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку для учащихся 8-х классов.

Фамилия, имя_____________________________________________ Класс_______________

Общее время выполнения работы — 120 минут Общее количество баллов — 140

  1. Listening (12 points)

1) Listen to the family planning a trip to New York. They are talking about what they want to do there. Look at the pictures. Match the speakers (Mum, Dad, Anna and George) with the pictures of what they want to do.

2) Mark the statements True (T) or False (F).

  1. Mum suggests booking things on the Internet.

  2. Anna finds history boring.

  3. George is enthusiastic about going on a tour.

  4. Father thinks there`s a lot to see in New York.

  5. Father will love shopping in New York.

  6. Anna says that you can see four miles from the top of the Empire State Building.

  7. Father suggests going on a boat.

  8. All of New York City is on an island.

II. Reading (15 points)

1)Read the text and answer the questions below. For each question, choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Earth Day

We celebrated Earth Day in my city last week. The idea of this special day began in the 1960s when life was very different. Few people talked, or even thought, about the environment. Most people had no idea how dirty our air and water were. This attitude bothered Gaylord Nelson, who was a senator in the US government, and he had an idea. If people around the world knew the planet was in danger, they might work harder to save it, so he just needed to get their attention. The first Earth Day was just in the United States but it led to events every year all around the world on April 22 or the nearest weekend, depending on where you are.

In my town, last Saturday afternoon lots of people rode their bikes from the park, around the town together and back to the park, taking as much time as they possibly could, so that the cars had to wait. Then we talked to all the drivers in cars which just had one person in them, to explain how wasteful that is and how much pollution it causes. The idea was to make people think about how much they use their cars. In other places, people collected plastic bags for a week and then made a pile of them in the town square. You can do anything as long as it makes people of all ages come together for a few hours and talk about the environment. Last year we had a big music event for young people. Some people said it was a waste of time, but there was information for people to read and announcements between the bands about how to help protect the environment.

  1. What is the writer trying to do?

  1. encourage people to take part in this year’s Earth Day

  2. explain why Earth Day happens every year

  3. compare the success of different events on Earth Day

  4. offer advice to people arranging an Earth Day event

  1. Earth Day began because

  1. people had started to worry about damage to the environment.

  2. different governments decided it was a good idea.

  3. one man wanted people to know about the planet’s problems.

  4. people were working hard to make the air and water cleaner.

3. What happened on Earth Day this year in the writer’s city?

  1. Cars were not allowed in the city centre.

  2. People cycled slowly through the streets.

  3. There was a talk about the pollution made by cars.

  4. Cars had to have more than one person in them.

4. What does the writer think is the most important thing about Earth Day events?

  1. that people should become involved in them

  2. that they should attract young people

  3. that there should be some music

  4. that they should last all day

5. Which of the following sentences appeared in a newspaper article about Earth Day?

  1. Gaylord Nelson travelled around the world to persuade people to arrange events on the first Earth Day

  2. Earth Day events are on the same day in countries around the world.

  3. Many more countries take part in Earth Day now than when it first began.

  4. The first Earth Day was a disappointment to the organisers.

2) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

Last night, a bomb (1) _______ (explode) outside the main branch of the Trusty Bank in Barton. The police (2) ________ (receive) an anonymous phone call minutes before the explosion. The bomb squad (3) __________ (drive) to the bank when the bomb (4) ________ (go off). There (5) _________ (be) no one inside the bank, but a security guard (6) ________ (sit) at the car park entrance. He suffered minor injuries from pieces of broken glass. Late last night, police officers (7) ________ (still/search) the scene for evidence and they (8) ___________ (question) the people living in the area. The security guard (9) ___________ (recover) from his injuries in hospital. No one (10) _________ (yet/claim) responsibility for the blast.

III.Use of English(53 points)

1) Choose the correct answer.

1. Excuse me, do you speak English? I _______ for a hotel.

  1. look

  2. am looking

  3. was looking

  4. have been looking

2. Last summer we wanted a relaxing holiday, so we _______ to stay on a small island.

  1. choose

  2. have chosen

  3. had chosen

  4. chose

3. Mathematics ______ hard. I don`t understand it.

  1. are

  2. is

  3. was

  4. were

4. While we _______ for the train, it started to rain.

  1. waited

  2. are waiting

  3. was waiting

  4. were waiting

5. The police officer said that every house in that street ______ already by the police.

  1. search

  2. were searched

  3. had been searched

  4. searched

6. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It _______ a lot of visitors.

  1. attracts

  2. will attract

  3. has attracted

  4. attracted

7. The result of his investigation ________ in the newspaper soon.

  1. publish

  2. be published

  3. will be published

  4. is published

8. When they arrived home, their children _______ outside the door waiting for them.

  1. sit

  2. are sitting

  3. was sitting

  4. were sitting

9. We _______ a new computer not long ago. Now the job will be done much more quickly.

  1. had bought

  2. was bought

  3. bought

  4. have bought

10. He was sorry that he _______ to me for so long.

  1. didn`t write

  2. haven’t been writing

  3. hadn`t been writing

  4. hasn`t been writing

11. My mother ______ strawberries for years but she has never had such a good crop before.

  1. grow

  2. grew

  3. has been growing

  4. had grown

12. Helen got off the bus and walked into the bank when she realized that she _______ her handbag on the bus.

  1. left

  2. had left

  3. has left

  4. leaves

13. You are a great cook! This cake _______ wonderful as usual.

  1. taste

  2. tasted

  3. will taste

  4. tastes

14. I cut my finger when I ________ the potatoes.

  1. am peeling

  2. have peeled

  3. was peeling

  4. will peel

15. The students _______ not to be late for their classes.

  1. ask

  2. asked

  3. are asked

  4. are asking

2)Test your idioms. Fill in the correct idiom.

Make up one`s mind; Pull sb`s leg; break sb`s heart; Be on good terms; be broke; make a fuss; do one`s best; make a living; drop sb a line; do sb a favour

  1. After the divorce, they didn`t talk for months, but now they ________ with each other.

  2. I don`t get paid till Friday, so now I ________.

  3. Although he __________, he didn`t win the race.

  4. Could you ________? If you`re going out, could you get me some milk?

  5. Bob _________ when he said there was a snake on my bed. He just wanted to tease me.

  6. There`s no need to _______ just because I didn`t wash up. I`ll do it later.

  7. Please, ______ while you are in Germany.

  8. I can`t _________ whether to buy a Porsche or a BMW.

  9. Her fiancé _______ when he left her.

  10. The old lady manages to _________ by selling flowers.

3) Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

  1. She blamed him ______ the murder.

  2. They arrived _______ London at 7:30.

  3. I must apologize _____ Mary _____ the delay.

  4. I am very annoyed _______ John _____ being so careless.

  5. He was accused ______ being a thief.

  6. He believes ________ God.

  7. She is brilliant _______ gymnastics.

  8. I was not aware ________ the problem.

  9. I am afraid _______ snakes.

  10. He does not associate ______ his colleagues.

  11. They were ashamed ________ their children`s behavior.

  12. He was astonished _______ the way he spoke to the manager.

4) Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

It`s not always easy being a (1) _______ . you spend half your TOUR

time making (2) __________ for your holiday and the other half ARRANGE

worrying about sticking to the (3) __________. I think it`s relaxing TIME

sometimes to spend a holiday at home. There are no (4) _______ CULTURE

problems, you don`t need someone to be the (5) ___________ and PHOTOGRAPH

you know that the local (6) _________ are always friendly! INHABIT

5) Cross out the unnecessary word.

The cancelled trip

1 _______________ Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be

2 _______________ flying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

3 _______________ I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 _______________ Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if

5 _______________ She was okay and she said she was fine, so we continued on to our way.

6 _______________ We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn`t

7 _______________ keen on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: «We regret it to

8 _______________ inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled.» That was

9_______________ our flight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to

10 ______________ fly anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

IV. Country Study (20 points)

1. What is the name of the British national flag?

  1. the Union Jack

  2. the Saint Andrew’s Cross

  3. the Saint David’s Cross

  4. the Saint Jack

2. Who was Nelson from Nelson’s Column?

  1. a famous admiral

  2. a famous actor

  3. a King

  4. an explorer

3. The Tower of London used to be:

  1. a museum

  2. the Queen’s home

  3. a prison

  4. a military fort

4. When do the Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

  1. 1st April

  2. 17th March

  3. 31st October

  4. 5th November

5. The oldest university in Britain is…

  1. London

  2. Cambridge

  3. Oxford

  4. Edinburgh

6. The British Monarchs are crowned in:

  1. Westminster Abbey

  2. St. Paul`s Cathedral

  3. The Tower

  4. Buckingham Palace

7. The motto of the UK is:

  1. God and My Right

  2. God Save the Queen

  3. Land and My Fathers

  4. In God we Trust

8. The first woman prime minister in Britain was:

  1. Margaret Drabbe

  2. Elizabeth II

  3. Margaret Thatcher

  4. Charlotte Bronte

9. What bird is the national bird of the UK?

  1. The blackbird

  2. The sparrow

  3. Robin Redbreast

  4. The starling

10. Which part of the UK is not represented in the Union Jack?

  1. Scotland

  2. Wales

  3. England

  4. Northern Ireland

V. Writing task. (20 points)

Some families have an only child; others choose to have two, three or even more children.

What is your opinion? Is it good to be an only child in the family? (100 — 150 words)

VI. Speaking (20 points) (monologue, time: 1,5 — 2 minutes)In a minute you will have to speak on the following situation:

It is a common practice to study a foreign language at school in your own country. However, many people think that the best way to learn it is to speak with native speakers. What is your opinion? What do you think is best way of studying a language?

Материалы для учителя





















































Received/had received

Were driving

Went off


Was sitting

Were still searching

Were questioning

Is recovering

Has yet claimed

































2) Idioms











Are on good terms

Am broken

Did his best

Do me a favour

Was pulling my leg

Make a fuss

Drop me a line

Make up my mind

Broke her heart

Make a living

3) Prepositions















to, for

at, for









4) Word formation.













5) Cross out the unnecessary word.










































V. Writing (20 баллов)

содержание — 10 баллов

лексика — 5 баллов

грамматика — 5 баллов

VI. Speaking (20 баллов)

Содержание решение коммуникативной задачи ) — 5 баллов

Грамматическое оформление речи -5 баллов

Разнообразие лексики -5 балла

Фонетическое оформление речи -5 балла

Текст на аудирование (для учителей)


I. Listening. New York.

Mother: We need to start thinking about what we`re going to do in New York. We have to make some bookings. We can do it on the Internet. Do you know what you want to see and where you want to go?

Anna: I want to go to the Statue of Liberty. It`s got a really interesting history. You know, all the people who came from other places to start a new life in America. I really like reading about things like that. Maybe we could go on a tour.

George: I don`t mind going on a short tour. But I don`t like spending a lot of time listening to a tour guide.

Father: Don`t worry, we won`t spend hours in tours. There`s too much to see. I want to go to the Museum of Modern Art.

Mother: Well, I know you don`t like shopping but I have to do some shopping.

Father: You`ll be able to shop. I`m sure you`ll find time!

George: I want to go to the top of one of the tall buildings — like The Empire State Building.

Anna: Great. You can see for miles from there.

Father: And how about a boat trip around the island?

George: What island?

Anna: Manhattan Island, George. Most of New York City is on it!

George: Oh, right.

Шкала критериев оценивания заданий в разделе «Письменная речь»

Максимальное количество баллов: 20

Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию «Содержание» выставляется общая оценка 0.


(за содержание)


(максимум 10 баллов)

ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов)


(максимум 2 балла)


(максимум 3 балла)


(максимум 3 балла)

Орфография и пунктуация

(максимум 2 балла)


Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена — составленный текст является рассказом с заданными параметрами. Участник демонстрирует умение описывать имевшие место или вымышленные события, проявляя при этом творческий подход и оригинальность мышления. Сюжет рассказа понятен и интересен. Начало и конец рассказа соответствуют друг другу, логика повествования не нарушена, рассказ композиционно правильно построен. Объем работы либо соответствует заданному, либо отклоняется от заданного не более чем на 20% (в сторону увеличения).

2 балла

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения композиции

3 балла

Участник демонстрирует богатый лексический запас, необходимый для раскрытия темы, точный выбор слов и адекватное владение лексической сочетаемостью.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения лексического оформления.

3 балла

Участник демонстрирует грамотное

и уместное употребление

грамматических структур.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки

зрения грамматического оформления.


Коммуникативная задача выполнена — составленный текст является рассказом с заданными параметрами. Однако в работе не хватает оригинальности в развитии сюжета.

Или: Объем менее 80% от заданного.

Или: Объем превышает заданный более чем на 20%.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует богатый лексический запас, необходимый для раскрытия темы, точный выбор слов и адекватное владение лексической сочетаемостью.

В работе имеются 1-2 незначительные лексические ошибки.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует

грамотное и уместное употребление

грамматических структур.

В работе имеются 1-2 незначительные

грамматические ошибки.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует уверенное владение навыками орфографии и пунктуации.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения орфографического и пунктуационного оформления.


Коммуникативная задача в целом выполнена, однако имеются отдельные нарушения целостности содержания рассказа, имеются нарушения логики повествования. Содержание написанного рассказа не полностью сочетается с его концовкой.

Или: Объем менее 70% от заданного.


Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Содержание рассказа не полностью соответствует заданным параметрам. В нем явно отсутствует логика и связанность повествования.

Или: Объем работы менее 60% от заданного.

1 балл

В целом текст имеет четкую структуру. Текст разделен на абзацы. В тексте присутствуют связующие элементы. Допустимы незначительные нарушения структуры, логики или связности текста.

1 балл

В целом лексический состав текста соответствует заданной теме, однако имеются неточности в выборе слов и лексической сочетаемости, которые не затрудняют понимания текста. Или: в тексте присутствуют несколько (больше 2х) незначительных лексических ошибок. Или: используется стандартная, однообразная лексика.

1 балл

В тексте присутствуют несколько

(больше 2х) незначительных

грамматических и/или синтаксических

ошибок, не затрудняющих общего

понимания текста.

1 балл

В тексте присутствуют орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, которые не затрудняют общего понимания текста.


Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Содержание текста не отвечает заданным параметрам. Рассказ не получился.

Или: Объем менее 50% от заданного.

0 баллов

Текст не имеет четкой логической структуры. Отсутствует или неправильно выполнено абзацное членение текста. Имеются серьезные нарушения связности текста и/или многочисленные ошибки в употреблении логических средств связи.

0 баллов

Участник демонстрирует крайне ограниченный словарный запас. Или: имеются многочисленные ошибки в употреблении лексики, затрудняющие понимание текста.

0 баллов

В тексте присутствуют

многочисленные ошибки,

затрудняющие его понимание.

0 баллов

В тексте присутствуют многочисленные орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание.

1 ......................... Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did yo перевод - 1 ......................... Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did yo русский как сказать

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1 ……………………. Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be
2 ……………………. fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.
3 ……………………. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.
4 ……………………. Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if
5 ……………………. she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.
6 ……………………. We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t
7 ……………………. keen on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ‘We regret it to
8 ……………………. inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled.’ That was
9 ……………………. our fl ight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to
10 ……………………. fl y anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


1 ……………………. Ну позвольте мне рассказать вам о нашей поездке. Знаете ли вы, что Сара боится быть2 ……………………. fl ying? Мы устроили его со своей семьей поехать во Францию на несколько дней.3 ……………………. Я всегда хотел, чтобы увидеть Париж и очень хотелось бы жить один день.4 ……………………. Ну мы добрались до аэропорта и Сара появилась, будучи нервной. Я спросил ее, если5… она была хорошо, и она сказала, что она была fi ne, так что мы продолжили на нашем пути.6 ……………………. Мы прошли через паспортный контроль и я мог видеть, что Сара не7… заинтересованы идти дальше. Именно тогда, голос объявил: «Мы сожалеем о том, чтобы8… информировать пассажиров, что 114 рейса во Францию было отменено.» Это было9… Наша fl ight! Сара говорит, что она была рада, поскольку она была слишком напуган, чтобы10… fl y все равно! Таким образом мы все пошли домой. Это было в конце этой поездки!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


1 ……………………. О, позвольте мне рассказать вам о нашей поездке. Знаете ли вы , что Сара боится быть
2 ……………………. фл инь? Мы организовали его вместе со своей семьей , чтобы поехать во Францию ​​в течение нескольких дней.
3 ……………………. Я всегда хотел увидеть Париж и хотел бы жить в там один день.
4 ……………………. Ну, мы добрались до аэропорта и Сара появилась нервничать. Я спросил ее , если
5 ……………………. она была в порядке , и она сказала , что фи пе, поэтому мы продолжили на нашем пути.
6 ……………………. Мы прошли через паспортный контроль , и я мог видеть , так что Сара не была
7 ……… ……………. стремится идти дальше. Только тогда, голос объявил: «Мы сожалеем о его
8 ……………………. информировать пассажиров , что рейс 114 до Франции была отменена. Это было
9 ……………………. наш IGHT фл! Сара сказала , что она была рада , из — за что она была слишком напугана , чтобы
10 ……………………. мошка все равно! Таким образом, все мы пошли к дому. Это был конец этой поездки!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


1.о, позвольте мне рассказать вам о нашей поездке.ты знаешь, что сара боится быть2.FL, йинг?мы уже договорился с семьей поехать во францию на несколько дней.3.я всегда хотела побывать в париже и хотели бы жить не один день.4…ну, у нас в аэропорт и сара, как представляется, что нервничала.я спросил ее, если5…она была в порядке, и она говорит, что она не продолжение фи, мы в пути.6…мы прошли через паспортный контроль, и я мог видеть, что сара не7…кин, он идет дальше.только потом, голос объявил: «мы сожалеем об этом8…информировать пассажиров, что рейс 114, что франция были аннулированы «. это было9…наши FL — точно!сара сказала, что рада, что она была в том, что из — за слишком напуган10…FL и, в любом случае!это мы отправились домой.это был конец путешествия.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Помогите с английским!

Circle the extra word in each line.

1) The many people who appear i the news for the first time

2) find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.

3) The national press can be an unforgiving and the loss of

4) the privacy that comes with fame is an extra problem at a

5) difficult time. This is especially the case when a someone is

6) in the news because of a tragedy or the serious crime. Just

7) at the moment when you are under a most stress, you find

8) microphones and the cameras in your face. The madia have

9) a responsibility to inform the public, but an innocent people

10) are often hurt by the demand for the scandal.

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