Find the extra word in each line international friends

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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!




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những từ cần bỏ trong câu là :

1. to 

2. going 

3. to 

4. been 

5. making 

6. are 

7. have 

8. am

9. had 

10. is 

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?





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    câu 2 bn sai nhé



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  • 24/05/2021

1. to -> bỏ

2. going -> gone

3. to -> bỏ

4. been -> bỏ

5. making -> bỏ

6. are -> bỏ

7. have -> bỏ

8. am -> bỏ

9. had -> bỏ

10. is -> bỏ

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?





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    cau 2 pk laf BEEN GOING ->GONE

H Find the extra word in each line.
International friends
I’ve been to travelling round Europe all summer. It’s the first time I’ve
ever been going abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time! I’ve seen
loads of interesting places and I have to also made loads of new friends.
I’ve been dec …

Xem thêm

Complete using the words in the box.

Already • before • ever • for • just • rarely • since • so • still • yet

1 Have you .

Dreamt of winning the lottery?

2 I haven’t worked out how to set the timer on the video .

3 My dad’s lived in the same house .

He was born.

4 The film’s only been on .

A couple of minutes.

5 Bruce has knocked three men out of the competition .

Far. 6 I .

Get the chance to get any exercise — I’m just too busy.

7 He’s only.

Got home.

8 It’s eleven o’clock and Todd .

Hasn’t come home.

Where could he be?

9 I’ve never met Ruth .

What’s she like?

10 Have you finished .

That was quick!

Find the extra word in each line.

International friends

1 .

I’ve been to travelling round European summer.

It’s the first time I’ve

2 .

Ever been going abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time!

I’ve seen

3 .

Loads of interesting places and I have to also made loads of new friends.

4 . I’ve been decided to stay in touch with them now I’m back.

One of

5 .

Them, Giselle, is French.

She was making on holiday too.

We now send

6 .

Text messages are to each other all the time.

They’re usually in English

7 .

Because my French isn’t very good!

I’m planning to have visit her in

8 .

France next year sometime.

I hope I can.

I am love meeting people from

9 .

Other countries!

I want to have had lots of friends from all over the world!

10 . Travelling certainly broadens the mind, but it also is broadens your circle of


Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Complete using the words in the box?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

В1. Find an extra word in
each line.
1.I’ve been to travelling round Europe all summer. It’s
the  first time I’ve ______
2.      ever been going abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time!
I’ve seen        ______
3.      loads of interesting places and I have to also made
loads of new friends_______ .
В2. Match to make sentences(there
is one letter you don’t need)
1.      I think _____                A for his glasses. Have you
seen them?
2.      I’m thinking _______     B  not old enough to drive a car
3.      Phil’s looking______     C I’m going to buy the new Racetrack CD.
                                           D of getting Dad a CD for his birthday.
В3. Complete the sentences
with one word:
1.       If clothes are
not casual, they are ___________.
2.      Something that costs a lot of money is ___________.
3.      Be quiet! Stop being so _________!
В4. Use the correct relative
pronoun to complete the sentences:
(1)   1980 was the year _______ I first went back to the
small village (2)_______ I was born.I was only three years old  when my parents went to live in the States,
(3)____ I now consider my home.
В5. Complete the questions
with a preposition..
1. What do you use the Internet ______?
2. What
cultures are you interested ______?

Автор: Гость

6) That‟s the first time ……… an answer right today!

A I get

C I have got

B I am getting

D I have been getting

7) Jessica has ……… left, I‟m afraid.

A already

C still

B yet

D so far

8) Dan ……… in the living room while we are redecorating his bedroom.

A sleeps

C has slept

B is sleeping

D does sleep

9) Unfortunately, Simone ……… a day off very often.

A doesn‟t get

C hasn‟t got

B isn‟t getting

D hasn‟t been getting

10) Actually, I ……… a cup of tea first every morning but then I switch

to coffee.

A do drink

C have drunk

B am drinking

D have been drinking

6. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

be disagree do include know look see seem understand


Everyone 1) … that humans have been flying for only a few hundred years. But 2) … it possible that ancient civilisations also had the ability and technology to fly?

In the Nazcan Desert in southern Peru, there are hundreds of lines which an ancient culture drew in the dust. On the ground, they just 3) … like straight lines. But when you 4) … them from the air, you 5) … exactly what they are. They are incredible and enormous pictures. The pictures 6) … animals, birds and symbols.

One bizzare theory, which most mainstream scientists 7) … with, is that the people who made the lines thousands and thousands of years ago flew above the lines in balloons. It 8) … incredible, but a few people 9) …believe it‟s possible.

7. Match to make sentences.


I think ………


darker hair than her sister.


I‟m thinking ………

B I‟m going to buy the new Racetrack CD.


Phil‟s looking ………

C a haircut at the moment.


Phil looks ………


for his glasses. Have you seen them?


Claire has ………


not old enough to drive a car.



Claire is having ……


of getting Dad a CD for his birthday.


Andy is ………


very annoying at the moment!


Andy is being ………


like he needs a holiday!

8. *Find the extra word in each line.



I‟ve been to travelling round Europe all summer. It‟s the first time I‟ve


ever been going abroad, and I‟ve had a fantastic time! I‟ve seen


loads of interesting places and I have to also made loads of new friends.


I‟ve been decided to stay in touch with them now I‟m back. One of


them, Giselle, is French. She was making on holiday too. We now send


text messages are to each other all the time. They‟re usually in English


because my French isn‟t very good! I‟m planning to have visit her in


France next year sometime. I hope I can. I am love meeting people from


other countries! I want to have had lots of friends from all over the world!


Travelling certainly broadens the mind but it also is broadens your circle

of friends!

9. Write one word in each gap.


«You‟ve (1) …………… looking at that timetable for the last ten minutes. It can‟t be that confusing!» said Sheila angrily.

«I (2) …………… wish you‟d be quiet! I‟ve (3) …………… a splitting headache thanks to you!» replied Matt.

«Mum! Dad! Please!» said Alison. «You‟re both (4) …………… very silly. (5)

…………… is no point at all in blaming each other. That‟s not going to help us find out what time the next train to Budapest is due to leave».

«You (6) …………… quite right, darling. I (7) …………… sorry», said Sheila. «Me too», mumbled Matt. «Now, let‟s have another look at this timetable. Well. It (8) …………… like we (9) …………… definitely missed the last train today. That was the 18.20 we just missed, wasn‟t it?».

«I (10) …………… so», said Sheila. «I mean, it did leave at 18.20. Whether it‟s actually going to Budapest or not is another question».

«Well, one thing is (11) …………… in doubt», said Matt.

«What‟s that?» asked Sheila and Alison together.

«This is the worst holiday we‟ve (12) …………… been on», said Matt. «Next year, we‟re going to try something far less adventurous».

«Agreed!» said Sheila and Alison.


10. *Complete each second sentence using the word given, so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1. What‟s the price of the tickets, Jimmy? much

How …………………………………………………… , Jimmy?

2. Are these your trainers? to

Do …………………………………………………… you? 3. Sasha‟s not keen on team sports at all. like

Sasha …………………………………………………… team sports at all.

4. It‟s only her second time in a recording studio. been

She ……………………………………………in a recording studio once before. 5. We got here three hours ago. have

We …………………………………………………… three hours.

6. I started writing this hours ago and it‟s still not right. writing

I …………………………………………………… hours and it‟s still not right.

7. This is my first experience of flying alone. time

It is the first …………………………………………………… alone. 8. Sharon‟s in the bath at the moment. a

Sharon …………………………………………………… at the moment.

9. Paul enjoys surprises apart from on his birthday. does

Paul ………………………………………… surprises, just not on his birthday!

11.**Translate into English.

1.Всем известно, что, если Вы вежливы и аккуратны, Вы производите очень благоприятное впечатление на окружающих. 2. Неискренние и любопытные люди раздражают окружающих. 3. В данный период времени мы изучаем вопросы этикета в разных странах. 4. Я только что побывал в Аргентине и хочу сказать, что знания традиций и обычаев этой страны мне очень помогли в построении деловых отношений. 5. Первое впечатление очень важно для поддержания последующих отношений. 6. Столько времени прошло с момента нашего первого знакомства, а ты совсем не изменился. 7. Я полагаю, что мы все еще лучшие друзья. 8. Мне нравится наблюдать за людьми. 9. Мой друг что-то притих сегодня. Может быть, что-то случилось? 10. Если ты хочешь добиться успехов в профессии, ты должен быть внимательным, терпеливым, трудолюбивым. 11. Болтливость, несдержанность, лень – не лучшие качества для карьерного роста.











I played.

Did I play?

I did not / I didn’t play.

You played.

Did you play?

You did not / You didn’t play.

He (she, it) played.

Did he (she, it) play?

He did not / He didn’t play.

We played.

Did we play?

We did not / We didn’t play.

You played.

Did you play?

You did not / You didn’t play.

They played.

Did they play?

They did not / They didn’t


Случаи употребления


Действия, произошедшие в про-

He left yesterday.

шлом, не имеющие связи с настоя-

Он уехал вчера.

щим моментом (со словами: ago, last

week (month, year), the other day (на

днях), yesterday, the day before yes-


Последовательные действия при

I heard a strange sound, looked

описании событий в прошлом;

back, and saw a huge cat sitting on

обычные, повторяющиеся действия

the table.

в прошлом

Я услышал странный звук, обер-

нулся и увидел здоровенного кота,

сидящего на столе.

Действие, длившееся некоторое

Yesterday I walked in the park for

время и законченное в прошлом.

two hours. Вчера я два часа гулял в

Важен факт, а не процесс!



I was walking in the park at two

o’clock yesterday. В два часа дня я

гулял в парке.








I was playing.

Was I playing?

I was not /

I wasn’t playing.


You were playing.

Were you playing?

You were not /

You weren’t playing.

He (she, it) was

Was he (she, it) playing?

He (she, it) was not /


He wasn’t playing.

We were playing.

Were we playing?

We were not /

We weren’t playing.

You were playing.

Were you playing?

You were not /

You weren’t playing.

They were playing.

Were they playing?

They were not /

They weren’t playing.

Случаи употребления


Фоновые действия или ситуации в

I was sleeping when someone knocked

прошлом, прерванные другим бо-

at the door.

лее кратковременным действием

Когда я спал, кто-то постучал в

(Past Simple)


Два одновременных продолжаю-

While I was cooking, Kate was hav-

щихся действия в прошлом

ing a shower.

В то время, как я готовил, Кэйт

принимала душ.

Действия, происходившие в опре-

Last night at 6 p.m. I was eating din-

деленный момент в прошлом

ner. Вчера вечером в 6 часов я ужи-


Эмоционально окрашенные выска-

He was constantly coming late.

зывания (обычно негативного ха-

Он постоянно приходил поздно.










I had /

Had I played?

I had not /

I’d played.

I hadn’t played.

You had /

Had you played?

You had not /

You’d played.

You hadn’t played.

He (she, it) had /

Had he (she, it) played?

He (she, it) had not /

He’d played.

He hadn’t played.

We had /

Had we played?

We had not /

We’d played.

We hadn’t played.

You had /

Had you played?

You had not/

You’d played

You hadn’t played


They had/

Had they played?

They had not/

They’d played

They hadn’t played

Случаи употребления


Действие, которое совершилось до

I remembered that I had met him be-

начала другого действия или опре-

fore. Я вспомнил, что встречал его

деленного момента в прошлом


She had cleaned the flat by 5 o’clock.

Она прибралась в квартире к пяти.

В сложносочиненных предложени-

Scarcely had I entered the flat, when

ях с придаточными времени, вво-

the telephone rang. Едва я вошел в

димыми союзами: scarecely…,

квартиру, как зазвонил телефон.

when; hardly… when («не успел…

как», «едва… как»)









I had been been

Had I been playing?

I had not /


I hadn’t been playing

You had been

Had you been playing?

You had not /


You hadn’t been playing

He (she, it) had

Had he (she, it) been

He (she, it) had not / He (she,

been playing


it) hadn’t been playing

We had been

Had we been playing?

We had not /


You hadn’t been playing

You had been

Had you been playing?

You had not /


You hadn’t been playing

They had been

Had they been

They had not /



You hadn’t been playing

Случаи употребления


Действие, которое началось до

They had been driving all night when

определенного момента в прошлом

they saw the lights of the city. Они

и все еще продолжается

ехали всю ночь, когда увидели огни


Действие, которое началось до

The boys were dirty. They had been

определенного момента в прошлом,

playing football. Мальчики были

продолжалось и только что закон-

грязными. Они играли в футбол.

чилось; результат этого действия




Used to + Bare Infinitive (инфини-

I used to collect stamps but I don’t do

тив без частицы to) употребляется

it any more.

для выражения повторявшихся

Я раньше собирал марки, но больше

действий или событий в прошлом,

этого не делаю.

которые были привычными ранее,

но больше не происходят в настоя-

щее время.


Как и конструкция used to, глагол

I used to go swimming twice a week.

would может использоваться для

= I would go swimming twice a week.

выражения повторявшихся дей-

Я раньше ходил плавать два раза в

ствий в прошлом. В некоторых


случаях значение глагола would

аналогично значению used to.

Однако в большинстве случаев

She would always send me strange

would в сочетании со словами al-

birthday gifts.

ways и never выражает готовность,

Она мне всегда отправляла какие-

желание выполнять действие, либо

то странные подарки ко дню рож-



Jeff would never pay for drinks when

we went out together with our friends.

Джеф никогда не платил за

напитки, когда мы отдыхали с


Would не может использоваться

Sarah was shy, but now she is very

для описания состояний, отдель-

outgoing. (Верно)

ных фактов или общих положений

Sarah used to be shy, but now she is

в прошлом.

very outgoing. (Верно)

Сара была всегда застенчивой, но

сейчас она достаточно общитель-


Sarah would always be shy, but now

she is very outgoing. (Неверно)


Обороты be used to и get used to

I am used to waking up at 10 every

употребляются для выражения дей-


ствий, ставших привычными

Я привык каждый день вставать в


I was used to going to the dacha in


summer when I was a child.

Я привык ездить летом на дачу,

когда был ребенком.

Over time, he’ll get used to it.

Со временем он к этому привык-


Для выражения процесса привыка-

I am getting used to waking up at 10

ния к чему-либо, используется be

every day.

getting used to.

Я постепенно привыкаю каждый

день вставать в десять. (Раньше

так не делал, а теперь привыкаю, и

постепенно это становится нор-


1. Choose the correct phrase.

1)I saw / was seeing Maria for the first time at Ray‟s birthday party.

2)Richard watched / was watching TV when the phone rang.

3)When we were on holiday, we went / were going to the café almost every day.

4)Denise practised / was practising the song every day until she could sing it perfectly.

5)The phone was engaged when I called.Who did you talk / were you talking to?

6)Mr. Connors owned / was owning two houses and a villa in the south of France.

7)I did / was doing my homework as soon as I got home from school.

8) A car came round the corner and I jumped / was jumping out of the way.

9)When my dad met my mum, he worked / was working as a bus driver.

10)I got / was getting up at six o’clock every morning last week!

11)My cousin and I played / were playing on the computer when there was a power cut.

12)No, that‟s not right. I did pass / was passing the test. I got a B.

2. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)Where … (you / go) when I saw you on the bus last night?

2)… (you / enjoy) the film?

3)When we shared a room, Zoe … (always / take) my things. It was so annoying!

4)When I went to get the tickets, I realised I … (not / have) any money.

5)When I was young, we … (go) to France every year on holiday.

6)Elvis … (become) famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes.


7)When you rang last night, I … (work) in the garden so I didn‟t hear the phone.

8) I … (hear) from Davina last night. She says hello.

9)The old man … (appear) to be very tired and he slowly sat down.

10)We … (throw) a surprise party for my brother last Saturday.

3. Choose the correct variant.

Dear Lisa,

Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got/ I had got in trouble!

Anyway, I‟m excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was / had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there I suddenly realised I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun.

The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic throws. Can‟t wait till next time!

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you (15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide / had you decided?

Speak to you soon. Love,


4. Complete using the past perfect simple or the past perfect continuous of the verbs in the box. You may need to use a negative form.

eat • stay • wait • know • write • see • listen • get • have • run

1)By the time he died, Beethoven……nine symphonies.

2)We chose the Hotel Rio because we ……… there before.

3)We …… for over an hour when the train finally arrived.

4)I was completely out of breath because I ………

5)I ……… the film before, so I knew how it ended.

6)When he got married, I ……… Chris for about two years.

7)Johnson ……… ready for the race for six months and finally the big moment came.

8) Vivian ……… computer lessons for very long so she wasn‟t sure how to use the Internet.


9)Holly ……… oysters before, so she wasn‟t sure what to do with them.

10)I ………… to my new CD for a few minutes when the CD player started making a funny noise.

5.Choose the correct answer.

1)My brother and I ………… swimming almost every day last summer.

A went

C were going


had been going

D had gone

2) We ………… when someone knocked at the door.

A talked


were talking


had talked


were talked

3) When the robbery happened, the security guard …………

A slept


had slept

B was sleeping


was slept

4) Jack ………… chess before so I showed him what to do.

A hadn‟t been playing


wasn‟t playing

B didn‟t play


hadn‟t played

5) I wasn‟t sure how Belinda would react because I ………… her long.

A didn‟t know


hadn‟t been knowing

B wasn‟t knowing


hadn‟t known

6) Ian ………… at the factory long when he was made a manager.

A hadn‟t been working

C didn‟t work

B wasn‟t working

D wasn‟t worked

7) I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he …………

A was already left


had already been leaving

B already left


had already left

8) When we got to the airport, I realized I ………… my passport at home!

A was left



B had left


had been leaving

6. * Circle the incorrect words or phrases and rewrite them correctly.

1)I had paint on my shoes because I‟d painted my bedroom all morning.

2)I missed the start of the film because I buy popcorn.

3)It was obvious that Bill has worked because he was very tired when I saw him.

4)We had been tidying the garden for hours and I was needing a rest.

5)When the bus was arriving, we missed it because we were talking.


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Find the extra word in each line.

1 ……………………. Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be

2 ……………………. fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

3 ……………………. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 ……………………. Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if

5 ……………………. she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.

6 ……………………. We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasnt

7 ……………………. keen on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: We regret it to

8 ……………………. inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled. That was

9 ……………………. our fl ight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to

10 ……………………. fl y anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

Choose the correct answer.

1 Ive always dreamt ………… China. A to visit B of visiting C I visit D visit 2 The travel agency is arranging for us ………… at a really nice hotel. A stay B of staying C to stay D staying 3 My dad says he always regrets ………… more. A to not travel B not travelling C he not travel D of not travelling 4 John seems keen ………… how to drive as soon as he can. A of learning B he learn C for learn D to learn 5 Now, class, Id like you all to write ………… a description of your last holiday. A me B to me C it me D about me 6 When you arrive ………… , have your passport ready. A to the airport B in the airport C on the airport D at the airport 7 The Joneses have invited us ………… to Australia with them this summer. A going B for going C about going D to go 8 The in-fl ight entertainment may differ ………… that advertised. A to B from C in D at

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