Find the extra word in each line что это

Find the extra word in each line.

1 ……………………. Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be

2 ……………………. fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

3 ……………………. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 ……………………. Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if

5 ……………………. she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.

6 ……………………. We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t

7 ……………………. keen on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ‘We regret it to

8 ……………………. inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled.’ That was

9 ……………………. our fl ight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to

10 ……………………. fl y anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

Choose the correct answer.

1 I’ve always dreamt ………… China. A to visit B of visiting C I visit D visit 2 The travel agency is arranging for us ………… at a really nice hotel. A stay B of staying C to stay D staying 3 My dad says he always regrets ………… more. A to not travel B not travelling C he not travel D of not travelling 4 John seems keen ………… how to drive as soon as he can. A of learning B he learn C for learn D to learn 5 Now, class, I’d like you all to write ………… a description of your last holiday. A me B to me C it me D about me 6 When you arrive ………… , have your passport ready. A to the airport B in the airport C on the airport D at the airport 7 The Joneses have invited us ………… to Australia with them this summer. A going B for going C about going D to go 8 The in-fl ight entertainment may differ ………… that advertised. A to B from C in D at


04 Март, 18


(28 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

1 Ответ


04 Март, 18

Супер Академик

(80.0k баллов)

Find the extra word in each line.

1 ……………………. Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be

2 ……………………. fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

3 ……………………. I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 ……………………. Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if

5 ……………………. she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.

6 ……………………. We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t

7 ……………………. keen on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ‘We regret it to

8 ……………………. inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled.’ That was

9 ……………………. our fl ight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to

10 ……………………. fl y anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

Choose the correct answer.

1 I’ve always dreamt ………… China. A to visit B of visiting C I visit D visit 2 The travel agency is arranging for us ………… at a really nice hotel. A stay B of staying C to stay D staying 3 My dad says he always regrets ………… more. A to not travel B not travelling C he not travel D of not travelling 4 John seems keen ………… how to drive as soon as he can. A of learning B he learn C for learn D to learn 5 Now, class, I’d like you all to write ………… a description of your last holiday. A me B to me C it me D about me 6 When you arrive ………… , have your passport ready. A to the airport B in the airport C on the airport D at the airport 7 The Joneses have invited us ………… to Australia with them this summer. A going B for going C about going D to go 8 The in-fl ight entertainment may differ ………… that advertised. A to B from C in D at

В1. Find an extra word in
each line.

1.I’ve been to travelling round Europe all summer. It’s
the  first time I’ve ______

2.      ever been going abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time!
I’ve seen        ______

3.      loads of interesting places and I have to also made
loads of new friends_______ .

 В2. Match to make sentences(there
is one letter you don’t need)

1.      I think _____                A for his glasses. Have you
seen them?

2.      I’m thinking _______     B  not old enough to drive a car

3.      Phil’s looking______     C I’m going to buy the new Racetrack CD.

                                           D of getting Dad a CD for his birthday.

В3. Complete the sentences
with one word:

1.       If clothes are
not casual, they are ___________.

2.      Something that costs a lot of money is ___________.

3.      Be quiet! Stop being so _________!

 В4. Use the correct relative
pronoun to complete the sentences:

(1)   1980 was the year _______ I first went back to the
small village (2)_______ I was born.I was only three years old  when my parents went to live in the States,
(3)____ I now consider my home.

 В5. Complete the questions
with a preposition..

1. What do you use the Internet ______?

2. What
cultures are you interested ______?

Find the extra word in each line.

1 . Oh, let me tell you about our trip.

Did you know that Sara is afraid of be 2 .

Fl ying?

We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

3 . I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 . Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous.

I asked her if 5 .

She was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.

6 . We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t 7 .

Keen on going any further.

Just then, a voice announced : ‘We regret it to 8 .

Inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled.

’ That was 9 .

Our fl ight!

Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to 10 .

Fl y anyway!

So, we all went to home.

That was the end of that trip!

Choose the correct answer.

1 I’ve always dreamt .


A to visit B of visiting C I visit D visit 2 The travel agency is arranging for us .

At a really nice hotel.

A stay B of staying C to stay D staying 3 My dad says he always regrets .


A to not travel B not travelling C he not travel D of not travelling 4 John seems keen .

How to drive as soon as he can.

A of learning B he learn C for learn D to learn 5 Now, class, I’d like you all to write .

A description of your last holiday.

A me B to me C it me D about me 6 When you arrive .

, have your passport ready.

A to the airport B in the airport C on the airport D at the airport 7 The Joneses have invited us .

To Australia with them this summer.

A going B for going C about going D to go 8 The in — fl ight entertainment may differ .

That advertised.

A to B from C in D at.

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1. My wedding had been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what Ответ being
2. I wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and Ответ to

3. have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we Ответ
4. would have the best food. I also wanted to have
us a string quartet play Ответ us
5. classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was been being made Ответ
6. specially and I had told the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally,
7. the big day got arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning, Ответ
8. but by ten it still hadn’t arrived. They called me and said it had been being Ответ
9. damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly to pop out and get Ответ
10. a new dress. I had got my lawyer to call to get my money back.


Отв. дан
2019-03-25 04:47:11

Помогите с английским!

Circle the extra word in each line.

1) The many people who appear i the news for the first time

2) find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.

3) The national press can be an unforgiving and the loss of

4) the privacy that comes with fame is an extra problem at a

5) difficult time. This is especially the case when a someone is

6) in the news because of a tragedy or the serious crime. Just

7) at the moment when you are under a most stress, you find

8) microphones and the cameras in your face. The madia have

9) a responsibility to inform the public, but an innocent people

10) are often hurt by the demand for the scandal.

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Помогите с английским! Circle the extra word in each line. 1) The many people who appear i the news for the first time 2) find that a …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Помогите с английским! Circle the extra word in each line. 1) The many people who appear i the news for the first time 2) find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.



Вопрос по английскому языку:

1. Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is today. …

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1. would
2. not
3. to
4. been
5. were
6. have
7. themselves
8. would
9. are
10. were

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Find the extra word in each line. 1 … . Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be 2… . fl ying? We had arranged…

13 сентября 2022

Find the extra word in each line. 1 … . Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be 2… . fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

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