Find ten places to go in the word search

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1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

1 Find ten shops in the word search. пожалуйста помогите дам 20 баллов.​

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(1 оценка)


1 год назад

Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи


1)Books shop









(1 оценка)


Vocabulary Shops P Find ten shops in the word search, 1 e e 1 C C y e m S h r d Z h CD e S y e С b t h S X X 0 0 a r t. g 1 d e 1 1 이 r b) delt 1 e 1 S t 0 b o o k S h opit 1 ce u Z mm e i V C 1 0 t hle S t n e 1 1 р t e e S t up elw b 5 n W S. alglent​

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Обновлено на

15 авг. 2018

  • Испанский
  • Английский (британский вариант)

Вопрос про Английский (британский вариант)

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  • Английский (британский вариант)

A word search is a puzzle.
In this case you need to find the name of ten places within the puzzle. (eg. town or city names)

  • Испанский


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Что значит Find ten places in the word search.?

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    @Mashamaria1 Do you mean inconsistent perhaps? Sorry I do not know the word you mean? Maybe another example? Anyway you can explain more?

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  • Мне трудно понимать даже короткие ответы на данном языке.

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Shops and Shopping — Online Word Search Puzzles

  • Lessons

  • Games

Types of Shops - An Easy Online Word Search Game. Image credits: Pixabay/


There are ten words for different types of shops hidden in this fun word search puzzle. Can you find them all? Click the first and last letter of each word to mark them off.

All the words go across or down. There are no diagonal or backwards words.

Too easy? Browse the tabs above to try a different level.

Show/hide tips

Use a question mark to show a word if you get stuck.

This game works best in portrait view on some mobile devices.

  • Lessons

  • Games

Shops and Shopping - medium difficulty Word Search Puzzle. Image credits: pixabay,


This online word search puzzle will help you learn and practise spelling words for types of shops. Can you find the hidden English words for shops in this puzzle?

All the words go across or down. There are no diagonal or backwards words.

Too difficult? Browse the tabs above to try a different level.

Show/hide tips

Use a question mark to show a word if you get stuck.

This game works best in portrait view on some mobile devices.

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