Find synonyms to the given words and word combinations

  • Лексико-грамматический практикум
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Find synonyms to the words and word combinations below and write them down.
Найдите синонимы к приведенным ниже словам и словосочетаниям и запишите их.


performer - an actor
исполнитель — актер


spectators - audience
зрители — аудитория


hero - character
герой — персонаж


think over - consider
подумайте — обдумайте


dear - expensive
дорогой — дорогой


in the end - finally
в конце концов — наконец-то


get - receive
получить — получить


answer - reply
ответить — ответить


excited - thrilled
взволнованный — взволнованный


real - true
настоящее — истинное


in the meantime - meanwhile
тем временем — тем временем


then - later
затем — позже

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Find synonyms to the words and word combinations below and write them down.
Найдите синонимы к приведенным ниже словам и словосочетаниям и запишите их.

1. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations. Use your active vocabulary.

found a university, sit for an
exam, be enrolled in the university, take an ex­am, pass an exam,
gifted student, hostel, tuition, time-table, extra-mural stu­dent,
graduate student, higher educational institution, train a specialist,
be ex­pelled from the university

2. Find antonyms to the following words and word combinations. Use your active vocabulary.

full-time student, pass an
exam, attend classes, fall behind, engineering subjects,
undergraduate students, enter the university, a graduate, be enrolled
in the university, study hard, final exams


3. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. Our university is well-known
    high standards of education.

  2. The university was set
    nearly 70 years ago.

  3. I’ve managed to get
    entrance exams successfully.

  4. I’ve been enrolled the
    university this summer.

  5. Unfortunately my friend
    failed entrance exams.

  6. The academic year consists
    two semesters.

  7. I’m interested natural

  8. The students have the longest
    vacation summer.

  9. The academic year begins
    September and ends June.

  1. The students study general
    engineering subjects the first and second years.

  2. Special attention is paid
    practical training.

  3. Both teachers and students
    are involved research work.

  4. There are sports facilities
    the campus.

  5. I’ll graduate the
    university five years.

  6. Those who want to enter the
    university must apply admission and pass entrance exams

4. Fill in the gaps using your active vocabulary.

  1. Revising for the exam I have
    to learn some formulae and definitions

  2. I can’t say he is a studious
    student, he studies

  3. He missed a lot of classes in
    physics and fell behind other students. He must try to

  4. Many students can’t go to
    university free of charge, they must pay

  5. Economics, sociology,
    psychology are subjects.

  6. Physics, higher mathematics,
    strength of materials, elements of machines are subjects.

  7. If you forget the number of
    your classroom you should look at

  8. In American colleges and
    universities the students in the first year are called , and
    then , and

  9. The of Foreign Languages
    is one the oldest one at our university.

10. The
graduates of the Institute of deal with the design of
bridges, tunnels and other structures.

11. trains
engineers who design and operate systems for generating,
and distributing electric power.

12. If
you want to be a computer engineer you should enter

5. Give definitions to the following words and word-combinations:

full-time student, part-time
student, applicant, academic year, semester, va­cation, campus,
hall of residence, tuition fee, dean, Rector, undergraduate stu­dent,
(post)graduate student, extra-mural student, curriculum.


III. Speech practice exercises

1. Agree or disagree with these statements. Give true information about yourself.

  1. I’m a second-year part-time
    student of Far Eastern State Transportation University,

  2. Our university is 100 years

  3. Our university is a large
    modern higher education institution.

  4. Our university trains
    specialists in medicine and pharmacology.

  5. I study at the Institute of
    Economics; I’m going to become a specialist in finance.

  6. I’ve passed my entrance exams

  7. I am not going to miss

  8. I’m good at natural sciences.

  9. I don’t pay tuition fee; I
    study free of charge.

  1. There are 10 hostels and
    three buildings for classes on the campus.

  2. There are a lot of
    well-equipped laboratories, workshops and computer centres in the

  3. The university curriculum is
    very complicated.

  4. I find it very easy to study
    at the university.

  5. We have vacation at the end
    of each semester.

  6. If you don’t pass your exams
    you may be expelled from the university.

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Помогите пожалуйста!!!
13. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:
 to begin  to continue  disciplines
 basis  thanks to  to be the same
 research project  guidance  to suggest
14. Find in the text the antonyms to the following words:
 to start  exclusive  equivalent
 to fail an exam  to graduate  to unchange
15. Choose among the words in parentheses the one that corresponds
to the text above to complete the sentences:
1. Russia’s higher education system started with the foundation of the
universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg ___ of the 18th century.
(a. at the beginning; b. in the middle; c. at the end)
2. The pursuit of higher education was and still is considered to be very ___.
(a. modern; b. fashionable; c. prestigious)
3. The right to education is stated in the ___ of the Russian Federation.
(a. regulations; b. laws; c. constitution)
4. Education in Russia is ___ up to the 9th form inclusive.
(a. free of charge; b. recommended; c. compulsory)
5. Institutes or universities offer 5-years ___ of academic subjects for
undergraduates in a variety of fields.
(a. course; b. programme; c. plan)
6. The system of education in Russia began ___ over the past years.
(a. to change; b. to make experiments; c. to research)
7. The Bachelor’s degree is ___ after defending a Diploma project.
(a. presided; b. given; c. awarded)
8. The Master’s degree is awarded after completion of ___ years’ full-time study.
(a. three; b. two; c. four)
9. Nowadays the universities are still in the ___ of these changes.
(a. process; b. state; c. system)

Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


13. start, carry on, training, physical foundation, gratitude, alike, analysis, advice, offer
14. end, poor, pass, undergraduate, change
15 задание вставить правильное слово из пропусков. текст про образование

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