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Search for songs by lyrics

Do you have a song stuck in your head? Maybe you only know that: I’m looking for a song that goes like this lyrics. This tool finds songs that contain the lyrics you remember!

Find song by lyrics tool can now help you figure it out and solve your earworm, it’s just as simple—no artist name required. Just type the few lyrics you know, and then after you’re finished entering, our tool helps identify potential song matches. And don’t worry, you don’t need perfect lyrics to use this tool.

Our tool uses Google search to show you the most likely options based on the lyrics, then you can select the best match and explore information on the song and artist, It will also provide you the ability to play the song via YouTube and/or Spotify. You can also click the song title link to go lyrics page.

*You can also use this tool as a lyrics search engine to find lyrics for any song you want, just type any artist, song, or lyric phrase.

Многие из нас являются страстными меломанами и любителями музыки. Разнообразие музыкальных жанров, исполнителей, песен дарует нам огромную возможность выбора в обширном море музыкальных пристрастий. Мы наслаждаемся музыкой на работе и дома, на прогулках и в путешествиях, она делает нашу жизнь ярче, богаче, колоритнее. При этом может случиться, что прослушав какую-то мелодию, и запомнив из текста песни всего пару слов, мы ловим себя на мысли, что не знаем ни названия песня, ни её исполнителя. В этом материале я расскажу, как отыскать нужную песню, если с неё знаешь всего пару слов, какие сервисы и программы для этого существуют, и как с ними работать.


  1. Онлайн сервисы позволяющие найти песню, если знаешь только пару слов
  2. — поможет найти песню по словам на онлайн-сервисе
  3. Amalgama-lab — удобный сервис для поиска музыки, если знаешь только пару строчек
  4. Midomi — большая онлайн-база популярных песен
  5. Другие способы найти музыку, если знаешь только несколько слов
  6. Видео-инструкция
  7. Сервис Text-You для распознавания песни
  8. Google, Yandex и другие поисковые системы
  9. Форумы
  10. Интернет-сайты радиостанций
  11. Программы для поиска песни по словам
  12. Программа SoundHound
  13. Программа Shazam
  14. Программа Lyrics Finder
  15. Заключение

Онлайн сервисы позволяющие найти песню, если знаешь только пару слов

В вопросе о том, как найти песню по словам, нам, прежде всего, способны помочь различные онлайн сервисы, специально предназначенные для поиска песни по словам. Практически все они работают в сходном ключе: вы вводите в специальной поисковой строке запомнившиеся слова из песни, нажимайте на кнопку активации поиска, а сервис ищет совпадения в своей базе текстов песен. При нахождении сходств он выдаёт результат, включающий название песни и её исполнителя, полный текст песни, также часто имеется возможность прослушать саму песню и посмотреть соответствующий клип (при его наличии).

Ниже я опишу список наиболее популярных сервисов, позволяющих искать песню по словам онлайн. Если у вас есть записанный отрывок песни, которую необходимо идентифицировать ознакомьтесь со статьёй «Поиск музыки по звуку онлайн«. — поможет найти песню по словам на онлайн-сервисе

На странице «Поиск по тексту» сайта любой пользователь может вбить запомнившийся ему отрывок из песни. Если это не даст результата, оставьте вопрос в комментариях. Возможно, знающие люди вскоре смогут на него ответить.Сервис text-lyrics

На сайте радио «Дорожное» вы можете вписать фразу из трека в поиск и получить моментальный результат. Переходите на ресурс, чтобы проверить свою удачу. Если вы попали на главную страницу, вам понадобится сперва перейти в раздел «Артисты».Вкладка Артисты в меню

Когда вы окажетесь на вкладке artists, обратите внимание на поле поиска в самом центре сайта. Напишите туда любую строчку, пришедшую вам на ум. Если в памяти сервиса найдутся совпадения, вам даже не понадобится нажимать на клавишу «Ввод». Ресурс автоматически выдаст обнаруженный результат.Успешный поиск по сервису радио Дорожное

Amalgama-lab — удобный сервис для поиска музыки, если знаешь только пару строчек

Если обычный поиск с помощью Гугла не помогает в розыске, вы можете зайти на специализированный сайт с большой коллекцией текстов. Сделайте запрос там.

Например, вам стоит посетить сервис Amalgama-lab. У сайта есть собственное приложение для ОС Андроид, которое лежит в бесплатном доступе на портале Гугл Плэй. Чтобы включить поиск в программе для мобильников, нажмите на значок лупы. Вы найдете его в правом верхнем углу экрана.Кнопка поиска

В версии Амальгама.лаб для компьютерных браузеров поле поиска находится сразу под шапкой сайта. Его будет легко найти на каждой странице сервиса. Используйте Амальгаму для работы с англоязычными песнями, поскольку это сайт с большой коллекцией переводов.

Найти понравившуюся песню, если знаешь из нее только пару слов, можно с использованием портала Яндекс. Собственного алгоритма у Amalgama нет. Однако обращение через этот сервис позволяет конкретизировать направленный к Yandex запрос.Результат поиска в Яндексе

Midomi — большая онлайн-база популярных песен

Зарубежный ресурс Midomi позволяет быстро найти любые песни на английском языке.

Как им пользоваться, чтобы найти музыку, из которой знакомы только пару строчек:

  1. Откройте сайт
  2. Введите в поисковое поле свой запрос.Главная страница Мидоми
  3. Просмотрите ТОП полученных результатов. Самые первые трэки будут содержать введенные вами слова в названии песен. Если ничего полезного в выдаче нет, листайте страницу вниз.Результаты поиска
  4. Ниже будет раздел «Albums». Там будет видно, в названии каких альбомов встречалось добавленное вами словосочетание.
  5. В самом последнем разделе «Lyrics» сайт покажет, какие песни содержат поисковый запрос в своем тексте.

Вы можете переключить сервис Мидоми на русский. Чтобы это сделать, внизу страницы найдите небольшое поле с названием активного языка. Кликните по нему. Перед вами откроется небольшое контекстное меню, в котором нужно будет щелчком мыши выбрать русский язык.Меню смены языка

Мидоми – это веб-версия приложения SoundHound. С вы можете перейти к скачиванию этой программы для мобильных устройств. Для этого в самом конце веб-страницы найдите блок управления и выберите в нем клавишу «Загрузить». В результате вас немедленно перебросит на сайт SoundHound.

Также вы немедленно сможете перейти в магазины для скачивания мобильных приложений с главной страницы сайта. Пролистайте ее вниз, до яркой рекламы сервиса СайндХаунд. Затем кликните на интересующую вас опцию.

Не получается найти нужную композицию? Почитайте статью: Поиск музыки по звуку онлайн.

Другие способы найти музыку, если знаешь только несколько слов

Если самостоятельный поиск не дал результата, попросите о помощи других людей. В интернете существует много площадок, на которых вы можете смело задать свой вопрос.

Куда идти, если вы хотите спросить чужого совета:

Способы поиска: Пояснение:
Попробуйте посетить сайт в разделе «Музыка». Этот сервис утратил свою былую популярность, однако люди здесь по-прежнему часто и активно отвечают на вопросы других пользователей.
Создайте тред на Дваче в разделе Сюда заходит множество людей, способных дать подсказку. Особенно если речь идет об аудиозаписях, неизвестных широкой публике.
Задайте вопрос на Сейчас это очень популярный ресурс, на который стекается немало людей среднего и старшего возраста. Все дело в агрессивной политике компании Yandex. Она хитро устанавливает свое ПО на устройства людей, плохо разбирающихся в компьютерах и смартфонах. Если вы ищете старую песню, то на Яндексе наверняка найдется несколько человек, которые помогут вам ее идентифицировать.
Пробейте запрос «Найти песню» в поиске по социальной сети Вконтакте. На этом сайте существует немало специальных групп, в которых собираются любопытные пользователи с целью разыскать понравившуюся композицию. Если опрос случайных людей не дает результата, зайдите в сообщество людей, объединенных любовью к конкретному музыкальному направлению.

Группы поиска музыки в ВК

Эксперты с разных сайтов за долгие годы существования этих сервисов помогли россиянам найти уже множество песен не только по обрывкам слов. Они также неплохо справляются, ориентируясь по набранным на клавиатуре исковерканным звукоподражаниям, имитирующим иностранную речь. Не стесняйтесь обратиться за помощью к другим пользователям, если вы слишком плохо себе представляете, о чем поется в песне или затрудняетесь связать обрывки текста в единое целое.


В видео будет подробно рассказано, какими способами найти любую песню, если из нее знаешь только пару строчек или слов.

Сервис Text-You для распознавания песни

Первый из сервисов, позволяющий отыскать песню по нескольким словам – это сервис

  1. Для работы с данным сервисом достаточно перейти на него;
  2. Вести запомнившиеся слова песни в специальную строку под надписью «Введите слова для поиска»;
  3. Указать, где искать совпадение (в тексте песни или названии исполнителя), определиться с приблизительным периодом создания песни, а также количеством выводимых результатов и порядком их сортировки.

Сервис Text-You

После задания параметров нажмите на кнопку «Начать поиск» и ознакомьтесь со списком полученных результатов.

Google, Yandex и другие поисковые системы

При поиске текста песни по паре слов можно воспользоваться функционалом обычных поисковых систем (Гугл, Яндекс, Мейл.Ру, Yahoo, Bing и других). Достаточно ввести в поисковой строке запомнившиеся слова из песни, нажать на кнопку активации поиска и просмотреть полученные результаты. Также можно попробовать ввести слова из песни, добавив к ним слово «lyrics» (без кавычек) или словосочетание «текст песни» (также без кавычек), тогда поисковый запрос будет выглядеть так:

Слова из песни + текст песни

Слова из песни + lyrics

В некоторых случаях, если вы помните точную последовательность слов и не напутаете с падежами, есть смысл ввести фразу из песни в кавычках, тогда поисковая система будет искать словосочетание ровно так, как оно написано, исключая промежуточные слова.

Если текст песни на английском, и вы не знаете, как он пишется, но можете воспроизвести его в транслитерации (русскими буквами), и ввести такой транслитерационный вариант в поисковике, возможно, вы сможете получить нужный вам ответ.


Если вы больше доверяете человеку, нежели машине, то стоит обратиться с соответствующим вопросом на форумы меломанов, где вам помогут отыскать понравившийся вам трек по запомнившимся словам. В частности, можете задать вопрос в комментариях к данной статье, я постараюсь вам помочь.

Интернет-сайты радиостанций

Картинка твоё радио P52

Многие из популярных радиостанций обладают своим интернет-ресурсом, где каждый желающий может отследить список проигрываемых треков. Потому, если вы услышали понравившийся вам трек по радио и помните, на какой именно радиостанции, тогда поищите сайт последней в сети. Возможно, там вы найдите подробный список проигранных мелодий, и в частности ту единственную, которая вам особенно понравилась.

Программы для поиска песни по словам

Среди программ для поиска текста песни я бы отметил популярные мобильные приложения Shazam, SoundHound и Lyrics Finder. Кроме поиска текста песни по её музыкальному отрывку они позволяют находить песню по отрывку из её текста, введя последний в специальную строку поиска окна программы.

Программа SoundHound

Данное мобильное приложение позволяет находить текст идентификационные данные песни по её отрезку. Загрузите и установите данное приложение SoundHound (к примеру, вот отсюда), запустите его, тапните на строке поиска, введите там текст запомнившегося вам отрезка песни, а затем нажмите на кнопку «Поиск». Программа поищет совпадения в своей базе, и выдаст вам результат (который, к тому же, возможно будет прослушать).

Приложение SoundHound

В большинстве случаев данная программа ищет англоязычные тексты, поиск русскоязычных довольно проблематичен.

Программа Shazam

Приложение Shazam – наверняка, одно из лучших в своей сфере. Оно легко позволяет находить нужный трек по его отрезку, включена в него и функция поиска по словам песни. Запустите приложение (скачать его можно вот отсюда), нажмите на кнопочку с лупой, и введите в строке поиска запомнившиеся вам слова из музыкальной композиции. Приложение поищет совпадение и выдаст вам результат.

Приложение Shazam

Используйте функционал приложения Shazam для поиска

Программа Lyrics Finder

Данная музыкальная программа для предназначена для поиска текста песни (скачать её можно, к примеру, отсюда ). Интерфейс её прост и интуитивно понятен – достаточно ввести слова из песни в строку поиска, указать специфику запроса и получить результат в виде полных текстов песен.

Программа Lyrics Finder


В вопросе о том, каким образом разысать песню по паре слов из неё, проще всего воспользоваться онлайн-сервисами, позволяющими искать текст понравившейся песни в огромной базе конкретного ресурса. Обычно использование любого из указанных сервисов (к примеру, Textpesni) позволит довольно легко найти текст песни по отрывку онлайн, а если перечисленные онлайн-ресурсы оказались не эффективны, тогда стоит воспользоваться указанными мной мобильными программами, они также дают довольно хороший результат.

Are you a music-lover? How often do you listen to a melody or a fun song and wonder what the music lyrics are? Sometimes the lyrics get stuck in your head and do not go away. So, to know what the lovely song holds and where it is from, you need to check out websites to find song by lyrics.

There are dedicated music recognition services, music search engine sites, and popular music streaming platform that help you get the real time lyrics if you want. And then play music on the best Android music player apps! You only need to enter the excerpts or the lyric phrase you remember, and the real-time track lyrics will pop up in front of you along with the track title link, the genre, and the feature artist.

Find Song By Lyrics: The Search Now Becomes Easy

We have a list of the best websites that help you find song by lyrics. So, the next time you come across a beautiful cover on the radio, you’ll be good to go, even if you only remember a part of the beautiful music lyrics. Put them on the search bar of any of these lyrics site and enjoy the matching lyrics. 

The lyrics site also comes in handy when even the Google Music app and YouTube music fail to help you with the unknown song and matching lyrics you are hunting for! Let’s check out the best music database and online music recognition service, which will help to find songs by lyrics.

1. LyricsWorld


LyricsWorld is a song lyrics search engine for music people. You can find song by lyrics by typing the lyrics of the unknown song, artist, or song title. It is not a dedicated lyrics search engine but merely a collection of sites with real-time lyrics database. So, it will direct you to those relevant music lyrics websites related to the search.

If you own a lyrics site and want your music app to be listed as a priority in the search results, Lyrics World can be the game changer and help you achieve that.

Check out LyricsWorld

2. Find Music By Lyrics

find music by lyrics

Find Music by Lyrics website finds the matching lyrics, even if you type in just a line or a phrase of an unknown song. You can also search for a particular piece by an artist or just the lyric phrase.

You do not need to sign up, and the site interface is simple. One of the best websites that enables you to find song by lyrics; this one is similar to LyricsWorld. It directs you to a database collection of all the relevant lyrics site.

Check out Find Music By Lyrics

3. Lyric Finder


Lyric Finder helps you find a particular song by partial lyrics or artist name. It also displays 25 of the top-most trending popular songs playlist. If you are interested in new music, this find song by lyrics website is the place to get frequent updates about contemporary music artists, new music releases and launches, and popular songs trivia. 

You don’t always have to use the Search feature option since you can just scroll the list, which is sorted out alphabetically. 

Check out Lyric finder

4. AZLyrics


If you are wondering how to find song by lyrics, then be sure AZLyrics is a good option. It is the most popular song lyrics search engine that has a vast collection of popular songs to help you find the lyrics of any song and melody.

Since AZlyrics helps you find a track with partial lyrics, you will never be disappointed! The playlist database collection of this site is extensive, legal, and updated. 

It lets you search alphabetically by artist name and song title and can even browse the videos. Besides, you can help this lyrics site improve if you know the exact song lyrics and want to contribute to a lyric phrase or something that may be missed. All you need to do is fill out a form and submit the lyrics. Your form will be sent to the team’s approval before they publish it.

Check out AZLyrics

5. Shazam

shazam to find song by lyrics

When it comes to the finest music recognition apps we have today, the Shazam app deserves the numero uno spot. It is popular and widely used worldwide by millions of people as a song finder. You can type in the lyrics you remember, and the Shazam app’s search results will display all the possible song options that match the word/s you entered. Most of the time, you end up finding the exact song.

Music fans can search songs by lyrics, search lyrics by keywords, and search lyrics to find song for free. One of the best websites to find song by lyrics is the Shazam app, developed by Apple and comes with Siri integration. 

You get real-time lyrics and do not stumble upon any advertisements, even in the free version. In addition, the website boasts a ‘charts section’ that highlights all the new music playlist that is currently trending and the list of popular songs in all genre. 

Check out Shazam

Download Shazam on Android | iOS

6. WatZatSong

watzatsong to find song by lyrics

The name of this find song by lyrics website is a good giveaway of what it does. It is very different from all the mobile phone apps and sites we’ve listed and does its best to help you find your song. 

You have to post a sample of the song you are looking for. Once the file is uploaded, the fellow music fans, who are a part of WatZatSong’s community, will try to guess the song. So, this website is an excellent go-to option if you have tried typing in the lyrics, humming, and singing the melody but did not find the song.

The song identification medium is easy to use and works well. Users can post their song requests on Twitter, Facebook, and social media platforms directly from WatZatSong. The community actively participates, and you get replies within minutes. You can become a website visitor, too, listen to the song snippet posted by others, and do not miss the chance to send in your guesses. 

Check out WatZatSong

7. LyricsMode

lyricsmode to find me a song by lyrics

LyricsMode allows you to find song by lyrics. The site provides a real-time feed with a new feature list and an innovative interface. It keeps you updated with all the exciting and recent stories in the music industry. So, if you like to listen to new music artists, new music videos, want to find new music, or wish to follow the Kpop genre, you can rely on LyricsMode.

The collection is vast, and you can also post lyrics to your blog or website using its Flash widget. This incredible music lyrics site also consists of lyrics of the most popular music video/s.

Check out LyricsMode

8. SoundHound


SoundHound is one of the well-known music recognition apps available, be it an Android or iOS smartphone. We particularly loved SoundHound’s ‘music charts’ section. This section includes the new songs identified by the other music fans and is an excellent source to get your hands on music you’ve never heard before. 

The ‘live lyrics’ section displays real-time songs and track lyrics that users can check out, interact with, and sing along. The music app offers all services for free and is perfect when you want to figure out your favorite song or favorite artist. 

Find song by lyrics by typing in words or simply voicing them. For example, if a piece is playing on the radio while driving, open the smartphone app, click on the small orange button, and SoundHound will display all details about the song, including the name, the artist, and the year of release. 

Check out SoundHound for Android | iOS

9. MetroLyrics

metrolyrics to find song by lyrics phrase

MetroLyrics is quite popular among music lovers. It has millions of songs, and the music collection ranges from old to new, keeping up with recent times. The site is trusted worldwide to find song by lyrics.

It will provide you with the desired result, whether the artist search or the melody search. Want to follow Beatles albums or Eminem albums? Go ahead and do it.

If you’re looking for the top 100 songs rock music playlist, you get it here. Search by matching lyrics, pop genre, artist names, and the website lists results. The interface is easy to browse and interactive.

Check out MetroLyrics

10. Lyrics

Lyrics, as the name suggests, is the perfect place to find song by lyrics. The homepage has a very engaging and updated left bar. You will find all the famous artist names and a trending list of popular songs and lyrics. In addition, there is a handy search bar at the top of the screen. It allows you to find music by entering the song’s name, some lyric phrase, or the artist’s name.

As you enter your words in the search bar, relevant word results appear. So, even if you do not type in the exact matching lyrics, chances are you might end up discovering your favorite song. You can directly hop to the song or browse through the artist page. Once you have found your piece, the website provides you with the music video, lyrics, and some trivia.

Check out Lyrics

11. Genius


The find song by lyrics website is clean and modern with great features. The home screen includes a playlist of trending numbers and music-related news. You will also come across various video series by Genius.

Genius makes your search pretty easy. You enter your query, and the website displays a list of the songs, any song lyrics, artists, and albums related to it, or similar-sounding options. Users can listen to the full song while checking out the lyrics if they sign into their Apple Music account on their iPhone/iPad.

Check out Genius

12. Musixmatch


Musixmatch is an excellent website that allows music lovers to find song by lyrics. You can also type in the name of the artist, random word and lyric phrase you remember, or the title. We particularly loved the ‘top lyrics’ page Musixmatch displays. The section highlights the lyrics and names of the songs people looked up on the website. 

The music genre search list on the home screen comes in handy for music fans to browse according to their preferences. For example, if you think a previous user has filled in incorrect song lyrics, you can edit and correct what’s wrongly written. 

Check out Musixmatch

13. LyricsPlanet

lyrics planet

LyricsPlanet started in 2000 and has a massive collection of songs, free music and lyrics, and exclusive classic numbers that are not easy to find elsewhere. The top songs list on the homepage depicts what’s trending currently. You can click on any song name and get more information about the artists involved and tracklist details. 

LyricsPlanet is one of the best websites to find song by lyrics since it boasts an enormous database. On most occasions, you will get what you are looking for and not be disappointed with the search results. The clean and easy-to-handle user interface is LyricsPlanet’s unique selling point, apart from the beautiful collection of classics. 

Check out LyricsPlanet

14. Midomi


Midomi is a community-driven website with a massive collection of over 2 million tracks in its digital music store. The site allows users to find song by lyrics and identify unknown tracks. In addition, you can connect with fellow music lovers, exchange your favorite numbers, and discuss your favorite artist. 

The site uses voice sampling to identify songs. So, if you loved a song you recently heard but do not recall the lyrics correctly, sing a few words, hum the tune, or whistle the melody. Midomi then searches the database and brings you the best results. You can also search by entering the artist’s name, song title, or lyrics. Instead of looking for dedicated music recognition apps, try Midomi, and you will be in awe. 

Check out Midomi 

15. QuickLyric


QuickLyric is a smartphone music app that lets you find a song by lyrics. Simply fill in the word you remember, press enter, and the search results will show you the tentative song choices. The music app works pretty fast and gets you instant results. The app also comes in handy for karaoke performances since it supports synchronized lyrics. 

Broken lyrics you faintly remember are good enough to take you to the right one. The app’s support team is top-notch and does incredible work in solving your queries.

Check out QuickLyric

16. Lyrster


Lyrster is best used when you cannot remember the complete lyric phrase but recall broken lyrics only. Fill in what you know, and the website’s search results will amaze you. It searches over 450 music websites for lyrics and provides the best results. 

Simply enter the words you know in the search bar and click on ‘find my song.’ You see a ‘top songs lyrics’ section on the home screen. This section shows the list of songs that are most searched for. You can share the list directly from the website’s interface with your friends.

One of the top-notch websites to find song by lyrics, Lyrster, is convenient to use. However, your experience is not ad-free, and the ‘news’ section is not updated regularly.

Check out Lyrster

17. LyricsMania

lyricsmania to find songs

LyricsMania is one of the best solutions for anyone who wants to find song by lyrics. You can search for lyrics of the songs by genre, label, song name, album, and artist names.

The most trending music video numbers and latest songs are sorted by name and artist. You can even view the playlist of Top 100 artists and Top 100 Lyrics. This enables music enthusiasts to know the list of popular songs and artists.

If the user knows the lyrics of a particular song and wants to submit it, you can do that here as well. Overall, LyricsMania is an excellent find song by lyrics website with a massive database collection.

Check out LyricsMania

Final Thoughts On How To Find Song By Lyrics

Various music streaming services have sprung up in the recent past. They display the name of the song and album details while you play a particular song. But what about the people who still love listening to music on the radio? Or, what do you do when you recall only a few phrases from the song you heard at a concert? Do you follow celebrities on social media and often wonder, ‘what song is this?’ Well, check the websites listed above; they will help you find song by lyrics.

No more getting stuck in the middle of the song, wondering what the next words are. Even if you recall broken phrases from your favorite song or music album, you can take the help of these websites or mobile phone apps. 

(Article Updated on 18th July 2022)

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  • Search is not case sensitive. So «test» and «TeSt» will return the same results.

Anonymous 3 February 2023

Hi! Looking for an extremely obscure parody song from years ago sung to the tune of Cielito Lindo. Here’s the verse I remember….
«Ay, ay, ay, ay…
Mister Spock sucks on photon torpedoes».

I vividly remember hearing it years ago on Dr. Demento. Lol

John Myles 4 February 2023

Who used to play this song?
When you re without love, it’s a new way of living.Stay with me,play with me, sat that you love me tonight. Dreaming, always scheming, how to make amends, how to stay as friends..All my joys are yesterdays sorrows are blowing in the wind?…………

Gratefully john

Vipin 4 February 2023

I just touched down city full of bright lights New York home of great night life Yankees the Mets . It’s a rap song from a series on Netflix called stay here

Ed Patterson 6 February 2023

The first lines are:
Oh when i leave gone to time, when I’m dead and gone will I feel fine, who’ll lead me on
The melody is a haunting melody.
The last line is:
try to find something that won’t fade away with time

Adam 16 March 2023

Probably a blooper generated lyric or an outtake lyric or a lyric being sung wrong

max 20 March 2023

Nah it’s not that

DianeKatherine 7 February 2023

Hello! I need help finding this song. It’s a Christian hymn for which I only have these lyrics:

We gather round Your table, Lord
You prepared the bread and wine
We do this to remember You
Until the end of time

Kenneth Pickering 8 February 2023

Please help, originally a give away record with a magazine in 1979/80, to promote a new artist. Lyrics include «smelly sweetly of sex» chorus high pitched voice in background singing what sounds like «I’ll do what I want with my pony, yes I’ll do what I want with my pony» for some reason an artist/band name of «orangie» sticks with me. Copy appeared on YouTube about 20 year’s ago, now gone.

Kenneth Pickering 8 February 2023

Please help, had cd 20 years ago, now lost. Mixture of dance / trance music. All tracks various artists. Very much in the style of «man 2 man meets man parish». One specific track by a unknown band. The only bit I can remember is a background chorus of «I’m a little cowboy, I’m a little cowboy».

Anonymous 8 February 2023

The beginning of the song is a guy opens the truck from behind because he is moving and it shows he has arrived and there’s a ghost lady singing and jumpscares the guy throughout the house that song was catchy but i forgot it

Meren 10 February 2023

Looking for an RnB song from 2010s
The song is titled «Under the influence» i guess
Lyrics i can remember are
«She got me under the/her influence.. «
It has upbeat music and rap verse too.
Someone please help, it’s bugging my head for weeks now🥲

Elliot O 9 March 2023

Mayhaps «Troublemaker» by Ollie Murs (Featuring Flo Rida)?
It’s decently upbeat, from 2012, and has the vibe of the lyric given.
If it’s not that song, I apologize!

Zandi 12 February 2023

Hi.. I’m looking for a song it is deep house a lady sings these lyrics I know, u know, that this thing is just a matter of time the man most says aah aah aah it has an instrument that goes whii whii(not like a police siren) in between and the lady also says its gonna be alright you will see it will be… The man has a deep voice

Cdn 12 February 2023

Hi all! Im looking for a soca song, I only remember it going «whine to de top and drop it down for meh, whine to the de top and drop it down for meh». It was sung by a female, the voice is similar to Patrice Roberts and/or Destra. It is also not a recent song, I would say about 6-10 years old. Thank you!

Neves1277 22 February 2023

Possibly «Throw Wine» by Shanta Prince

Helen Froome 12 February 2023

Im trying to find what a dance song is called…. it has the words thinking and wondering…… the music video had silhouettes of women dancing with diffferent coloured lights?

Anonymous 15 February 2023

Looking for a song I heard playing in a store.. Female singer, acoustic guitar
The lyrics I heard were:
and i wanna let you know
that i could never let you go
and i just want to be yours

I just keep getting results for Arctic Monkeys :( cant find the lyrics online

SKZX 15 February 2023

Looked forever for a song: cheap drum machine, fuzz guitar : ‘Lets have a war, it doesn’t matter what we’re fighting for. dum duh dum dum….Let’s have a war, it doesn;t matter if we’re wrong or if we’re right… …I’ve got a feelin, it could happen pretty soon now….it could happen any day now…»
It’s not the band FEAR’s song made famous in RepoMan.
-There was a site I visited in the mid 2000s that had all sorts of free downloadable protest/resistance/truth songs where I dl’d it.
 I tried internet archive using key song titles oof other songs there as they were spelled after downloads — but nothing.
There were a few dozen songs including; sonofabush, 10secondfreefall, whatwouldyoudo, bushkilla, fu@kawar….and the best mix ever of ‘message from sponsor’ (Jello Biafra) aka ‘Martial Law’ — «This territory is now under MARTIAL LAW » — it was a hard rock mix, but not the Black Sabbath or the Ice T one.. I looked forever for it too…. I have an mp3 of it saved and am going ro put it to a video and then up on my SKZX rumble channel. It should be out there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Sam 15 February 2023

Hi I’m looking for a song that contains the following lyrics:

(sort of «drop») «I just wanna ________, catch you when you fall»
«I gave my heart to you, ’cause baby you’re my ______»

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Ch 17 February 2023

Please help me

I cannot remember it too clearly but it sounded like
“We are prolly going upside down ———- inside down”
It was sang by a female singer (not sure tbh) and it had an addictive beat

Lee 3 April 2023

Maybe Diana Ross, Upside Down..

Anonymous 9 April 2023

Thanks, but it’s not that one 😭😭

Sabina 18 February 2023

Hi I’m trying to look for a song the song is a slow song with one of the lyrics saying getting out of line getting out of line or it’s getting out alive getting out alive

Shay 18 February 2023

Hi, Can someone please help me find a rap song 🙏 I think it’s from the late 90’s maybe early 2000’s. I remember the video clip with this tall dude dancing on a stage, the song starts with a very weird monotonic synth that plays throghout all the song. the rap is pretty fast i think. I recall a female in chorus singing somthing like «alright, tonight» or something like that. And then rapper jumps in with somthing like «wobbly sayeed» (I think it’s the name sayeed). This one really hunts me and my brother, We are searching it for years, It envloves a pretty big bet between us who will find it. If there is a place that can be helpful, I bet it’s here. Thanks allot 🙏

Mcadams dall 19 February 2023

Looking for an rNb song by a female singer she sing «all that I need , is one more (lie)? (Night)? (Try)? I don’t remember the last word

Anonymous 19 February 2023

Please help me find this song, it’s in the movie EO from last year about 55 mins in (the scene with the truck driver). I’m not too good with music genres but i’m guessing it’s some sort of metal or hard rock?? There’s a death growl in the beginning (i think that’s what it’s called, it’s lyrics being growled) and then there’s normal vocals singing something along the lines of «i ain’t never lost my baby, you never ____ (call? go?)» twice
It’s not listed in the soundtrack, shazaming it doesn’t work and i can’t find anything from the lyrics and i cant get it out of my head since last month, any help is greatly appreciated !!

Joe Martinez 19 February 2023

Is there a song with the lyrics:

I am just a lonley soul so were i ask shall i call my home

My Friend 20 February 2023

Hey do I am looking for the full lyrics of a song. I know the name which is “I’ll Set you free” which is on YouTube but there are no videos with lyrics and I can’t find them anywhere. I’m searching for a friend if you find anything at all I would be super grateful. Thanks.and the artist is Loic Ghanem

Anonymous 25 February 2023

The song and lyrics are on Apple Music. If you have a friend or family member that has Apple Music or maybe even Spotify they could possibly send you a screenshot shot of the lyrics. Just an idea.. good luck *

Jessie 20 February 2023

I’ve been looking for a song abs i don’t remember how it goes but it has a lady on the cover in a boat and it has weird shapes on it but it was a good song though.

Anna 21 February 2023

I’m looking for a song with a strong bassline (like a cello or double bass) and Piano. The refrain is literally like » babababababa babababa» and I know that the male voice sings «one thing one thing». It’s like a smooth pop Jazz song, but from the 70s or 80s.
Can you Help me?

Anonymous 23 February 2023

I am trying to find a song that was running through my head as I woke up this morning. It is sung by a man, it was a popular song from the last 10+ years. The phrase that was running through my head was «I am, I am, I am the lucky one», but the phrase does not seem to be in the title.

Thank you!

Erica 5 April 2023

Lucky by Bif Naked?

Manuel 23 February 2023

Hi, I remember a 90s or 2000 (?) song by a female singer electronic, house or something of that genre, lyrics that went:»i want it know it and i want it now»

Anonymous 24 February 2023

if you wan’t me better make your move and show me show me with your lightspeed
when i’m faster than my cd’s, quicker than a train and i’m faster than a bullet bullet i can write a bolt of lightning raise a shooting star i could take a trip to heaven cuz heaven ain’t so far if you want me better make a move show me

Lovely 24 February 2023

I heard this song yesterday on the way to the mall, it was playing on the radio station, I forgot the song’s rhythm, but it was repetitive and I remember the lyric «Are you happy now», the song had a slow BPM, it was calm, there was a guitar and maybe a xylophone in it, the singer was female, and the song seemed brand new. I have looked EVERYWHERE for the song, on song finder sites, nothing! I remember the world «babe» in it aswell.

Anonymous 26 February 2023

Happy Now — Zedd, Elley Duhe (?)

Music Fan 3 April 2023

Michelle Branch — Are You Happy Now?

Anonymous 27 February 2023

help. i have been trying to figure out this song forever. it has guitar that sounds like 0:21-0:30 of Everlong by Foo Fighters and it’s sung by a female probably late 90s early 2000 rock and all i can remember is there is a part where she repeats the same work over and over again i think it starts with the letter V.

Jason 7 March 2023

Voodoo Child — Rogue Traders

Shelby Coonfer 27 February 2023

Country fans! It’s a song by a woman, similar sounding to maybe Lady A but anyways, a song about a girl alone at a bar after being single and there’s lyrics about her getting a name on a napkin, leaving the bar and it’s raining possibly even crying in the bathroom?! I can hear it in my head, but I cannot for the life of me know what song it is! Anyone have any idea?!

Kevin 27 February 2023

Trying to find a song from either late 90’s or early 00’s… it was darker and I can’t quite remember the lyrics… it was something along the lines of I’m not giving up, because I’m not built that way… the world can’t bring me down, because I’m already there

Mechas 28 February 2023

Trying to find a song but I don’t know the full lyrics, I just know it contains these words:

Randomly in the song:
This life I’ve been living
At the next show

Part of the chorus:
I’ve got big plans and big dreams
(This part varies since I can’t recall it.) I’m gonna make it to the big leagues

Last lines of the song:
I’m still wondering when you’ll come around/I’m still wondering when you’ll understand.

Sara 1 March 2023

Looking for an r&b song from 2005-2009, peak of the MySpace days. I don’t think the artist is someone super famous, could’ve been a MySpace artist. Male.

Part of the chorus
“I love the way she wind it, wind it, wind it (oh)
-(Can’t remember this line)-
Shorty’s got it and ain’t scared to let it show (let it show)
Baby you know I just wanna get up witcha
I gotta get that picture when you wind it, wind it, wind it, (oh)”

Other lyrics
“Mami can we get past the floor,
And out the door,
Lemme know (lemme know)”

“Cuz you know what I want
And I got what you need
So baby pleaseeee”

I remember the chorus being “wind” like a wind-up toy. But it could be wine/whine like the dance move.

Anonymous 1 March 2023

I’m looking for the song inside the movie Bad Company Protocollo Praga, when the boy is at the disco like DJ, thanks

Anonymous 5 March 2023

Breathe in Breathe out / by Ali

Don’t know 2 March 2023

Female voice. Lyrics i remember:
I see you
I see you
I see you (lies, eyes?)

And i run away,
run away,
run away (with you?) to paradise

Oh, oh, oh are you ready, are you ready, are you ready.
Oh, oh, oh are you ready, are you ready, are you ready.

(To come with me to paradise)

Anonymous 4 March 2023

I watched The young and the Restless Season 50 episode 3. During the party scene, There is a song playing in the background that has the following lyrics: «It’s the way you look at me, It’s the way you make me feel when your smiling it gives a chill, now your mine.» Does anyone know this version of this song? Also, Not the ones like Alex bright, George Mello, Bassca, and the others. I’m referring to the one found in that soap opera show.

Anonymous 2 4 March 2023

I was watching The young and the Restless season 50 episode 3. The party scene was playing a song in the background that goes: «It’s the way you look at me, It’s the way you make me feel when your smiling it gives a chill now your mine.» Anyone know that version of that song?

Anon 4 March 2023

Can’t hurt to try. This one song I found it before but I can’t remember it. All I know is it’s a song from 50-60s from those girl groups. Like the supremes. Similar sounds The first part has bells/ dun dunna dun dun. The lyrics went along «I know what you think/heard of me and the chime chours. I swear it was in a movie too

Stella selovic 5 March 2023

Hello please help I have this music video stuck in my head I can’t remember any of the lyrics from the song but I remember in the video there were 2 girls that were singing and dancing with one chair in English. They were both white with dark hair and black clothes. The song was made in 2013-2014. It is similar to song pink «OH MY GOD». and some of the lyrics go something like «I dance better by myself without you»

Mr curious songy song 6 March 2023

Just heard a song in the radio but missed the artist… was a male singer, Rock type song and he’s talking about losing his possessions, I remember him saying he’s losing it near the end… I’ve tried searching the lyrics without success… anyone got ideas?

westbay 6 March 2023

Looking for an 80s r&b song.sounds like a group like Rose Royce. female singer..words I think include «when i get close to you I totally lose control. I dont know what to do with myself». .thanks

Peter 7 March 2023

Looking for song with these lyrics, ‘Pi PiPi when I see a cutie drop holla holla hey …….but it ain’t nothing like being with you

Peter 7 March 2023

Looking for song with these lyrics, ‘Pi PiPi when I see a cutie drop holla holla hey …….but it ain’t nothing like being with you late 90s early 2000s

Anonymous 8 March 2023

Hi , I’m looking for a song that is sung by a female singer . I’m not sure what the lyrics are but I think in the chorus she sings aaah aaah aaaah or aaaa aaaa aaaaa. I’m also sure she mentions cigarettes in the song. It’s a slower paced song .

Anonymous 21 March 2023

Halsey — New Americana (maybe)

Christopher Heckman 9 March 2023

This has been in my head for the past month or so.

* Synth pop, recording suggests it’s from the 1980s. Drums (if any) mixed low. Bass is a synth bass. «Crystal»/bell sound during «chorus»
* Single male singer.
* main portion (chorus?) is slow tempo; there’s a second part (bridge?) where it speeds up a bit. Fades out with the chorus.
* The chorus is fairly short: 2 syllables, 3 or 4 syllables, then two groups of 4 syllables; the second group seems to repeat the previous, but at a higher pitch.
* The chorus ends with lyrics like «here for a while» or «we say goodbye» (these aren’t them, though; maybe the vowel sounds are right).
* The bridge comes up a few times. One time, it starts with something like «I never wanted» (again, these aren’t the actual lyrics)

Avi bess 9 March 2023

Looking for a song I heard in the 90’s by a female singer it was a pop song. The lyrics I can remember and how it starts is.

As you see, misery building up in my heart _____ was your act when you walked out that door.

Chorus: baby why’d you have to take you love from me? Just open up your heart so you can see x2

Verse 2: so much pain, day day by day, no one heard the sound of this heart of mine crying out why’d you take your love from me?


that’s all I can remember and some of the words are or could be wrong but I’ve been looking for this song for 20 years and if someone knows it please TELL ME!
I’d appreciate it verry much since the person who gave me the cd past away not long after and it was precious friend and the song was special to me so plzz let me know

Alexander 11 March 2023

Hello guys im searching for a rock music that goes like this: i never wanted another try your all i wanted and you know why (i will take these bullets into my chest because of you i will never rest) smt like that xD some help?

It’s been to long, 13 March 2023

PLEASE if anyone know of or have any idea the name of this song or cover or artist please respond with any possibility’s I’ve been searching for it for over 10 years yes 10Years! my friends mum was playing a mix of reggae love songs old and new in her car one day and this one just touched my soul.

It goes something like.

“You could be anywhere in the world but your here with me tonight, so sexy your my type of girl”

I think it was done over a lovers riddim I’m not sure or if it was an original but it sounded new at the time and not so much like your old time lovers rock music it.

The riddim and lyrics just made me want to slow dance and wine up all at once wish I could find it

Nathan Forester 14 March 2023

Looking for a version of ‘my baby shot me down’ which was used in a Lady Dimitrescu cosplay tiktok video.

Jake 14 March 2023

I need help finding out a song it’s for real now it’s for real now a lady sings it it’s and old song

Chloe Williams 14 March 2023

I need help. There’s this song I remember from a long time ago. The one lyric I remeber is “so let’s set the world on fire” it’s kind of a slow paced song and it’s country. Reminds me a lot of hey there Delilah with the pace. It’s not Pink, it’s not we are young, and it’s not McGraw. I really need help it’s bothering me sm

Kat 14 March 2023

i heard a song on the radio but now I can’t find. a few lines that say » tell me how you hate me, ooh» but i search those lyrics and i dont get what i wanted

Bren 14 March 2023

Hi does anyone know the title of this song «i hear strange voices in my dreams I hear you calling… you’re tired of hiding,.. And it won’t be long you can tell your secret you dont feel all alone anymore»

Tam 14 March 2023

I have been looking for soooo long. But the only part I remember was when the person said “coffee Chan” it’s either in Korean (most likely) or Japanese by a solo male artist (something about love I think)

Christopher 14 March 2023

This has been driving me crazy for a few years! A song on the radio in the late 80s and 90s about a relationship break up with a lyric something like “I don’t have what she needs” and something about a wind or breeze through trees. Vocals were my a male (not she’s like the wind but similar). It kind of reminded me of the theme from Miami Vice TV show.

John Doe 14 March 2023

I’m trying to find a song: It’s a female singer and the refrain goes «oh what you do to me» (that’s the only text i remember). It comes along with some trumpets playing a very soft melody. The whole song is very soft and a little bit melancholic.

Adam 16 March 2023

I’m looking for a cover of Santa Claus is comin to town but it’s a bit like Mariah Carey’s version but like a female voice screeching the words it’s driving mad

Note:I probably found it it could be the Jackson 5 version they’re not female at all

Helpp 16 March 2023

Hey ive been looking for a retro song for ages, all i. Know is its a woman singing something like ‘ive been seeing… insiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddeeeee”
Can anyone help me with that? Its kinda a famous song

Adam 16 March 2023

Stick with me I’m tryna find a song that goes

Lalalalalala know me better
Ah Oooooooh/Yoooooou
It’s the (sounds like “bus/quest”) that always/only brings us back together
Cuz we got too/so much (sounds like “his terry”)
Here with you is wellamentoobee
Even after ALL THE (sounds like “pine”)
I do it all again
Cuz we got too/so much (sounds like “his terry”)

Sung by a female
It’s driving us all crazy
If you’ve heard it do you know what song this is
HELP MEEEEE, It drives me wrong

Anonymous 17 March 2023

History • Joel Corry & Becky Hill (?)

Ousmane Dembele 17 March 2023

I heard a gospel song once sometime and I’ve never heard of it again. And it goes by the lyric na he weh dey save my life, the voice was a male and also a Nigerian.

Henk tank 17 March 2023

I don’t have a sample unfortunately, but the song is a house like song, and there’s a speech sampled in it, with a rather intense voice which goes like: be kind to the person that is sitting in front of you, and then something like: for that person could be sitting next to you one day, or something like that. And there’s a lot more text in it, but I don’t know that anymore. The song itself sounds kind of fairytale-like.. I’ve been searching it for months but I just can’t find it can someone pleaseee help.?

akorean8mycat 9 April 2023

try ‘the sunscreen song’ by baz luhrmann

Oz 19 March 2023

There is a song with heaven in the title it’s like an alternative or rock song but it’s sung by a woman I believe, i also know the song art was a purplish color

Ousmane Dembele 19 March 2023

I’m looking for a gospel song which the singer might be Frank Edwards or Moses Bliss or any other male gospel artiste which goes by the lyric na he weh dey save my life.Does anyone know of this song pls.

Vladislav 19 March 2023

Please, can you help me find a song?
It’s DnB genre, woman vocal.
Some lyrics from this song:
Can’t you see, let me show
And sound woo-ooo, sad sound
Explain how I could 🥲

Anonymous 20 March 2023

Touched by an angel episode TIL DEATH DO US PART
 Part of lyrics
When I first laid eyes on you….

All I need is one more chance that might lease to romance

Amy P. 21 March 2023

Looking for lyrics to a song in CSI: NY Season 9, Episode 5 at about the 6 min mark when Lindsey is in the lab before it transitions to Flack boxing. It’s more of a rock song I think. Lyrics are for the most part like this:

i travel through the night hoping to find my peace
you see these worlds collide waiting for someone like me
i know you’re waiting now
i know you’re waiting now
i know you’re waiting now
it’s time to believe
yeah i’m falling
wait for the moment
say what you wanted to me
why you stole the world for me
i know you’re waiting now
it’s time to believe

Mitchell Smith 21 March 2023

Looking for a popular song, i cant remember much of it apart from i liked it at the time. I remember it being vry popular i think around the time 2018. It had 2 male singers. They may have been rapping. I think it couldve been about drugs maybe. Thats all i remember ty.

G.Gallego 21 March 2023

Doues anyone know the outro song in this make up tutorial on youtube? I’v been trying to find it but I couldn’ come up with an accurate result 😢

It has a lyric like:

«I wanna breathe you in, breathe you out…»

«I tried to let you know, what I know…»

Anonymous 24 March 2023

Gloria Tells — For Your Love

Amber 21 March 2023

Need help locating a song. It was playing in the Range this evening but Shazam would not pick it up. Its a male singer with a guitar (kind of slow) Only managed to catch a few lines.

«I can feel her close even though she’s not around»

«I know she’s gone but part of me keeps holding on»

«But she takes me away, takes me away, takes me away…»

Anonymous 22 March 2023

Late ‘90s / Early 2000s.
European rap/rockish. 4-5 members. The band name starts with ‘J’
I don’t remember the lyrics correctly.
Lyrics: «Until it was you I didn’t know what to do, but I, ….that I blew… succa Mcs wanna love me, wanna hate me»

Anonymous 24 March 2023

Quarashi — Stick Em Up

Cloudy skies 22 March 2023

Im looking for a song please help me find it goes, baby when I’m hurt next to you, I’m doing too much doing to much

Chiuna makayi 22 March 2023

I’m looking for a song all I remember is the video it’s a group of teens in a fancy old resort and I remember there was screaming from one of the girls as the song starts.They are also driving a car,the only lyrics I remember are I’m in love with you as the opening lyrics

Erica Battiata 23 March 2023

I’m busting my head thinking about this, it’s a 2017-2018 song by this not very well known blonde girl, she’s singing on a really nice bed and the dance bridge is her in a suit with men in suits as backup dancers. The entire song is her talking about how sexy and rich and cool she is. The big issue is it’s so basic and she’s so unknown that I can’t find it just by detailing the music video and I don’t remember a single line from that song. Please help

Anonymous 24 March 2023

Erika Jayne — Xxpen$ive (maybe)

Erica Battiata 30 March 2023


Cloudy 24 March 2023

Help please help me find a song all the lyrics I know is im doing too much doing too much, kinda a classic and a black man singing it, if u know please lemme know, thank you.

Jo C 25 March 2023

Looking for song that has very similar chorus to “still feel” by half-alive. Must have been produced around 10 years ago

Di ellis 25 March 2023

I’m looking for a song I heard around 2017,but it’s always played whilst I’m in a shop,etc.
The only lyrics I recall are,
«Oh yeah,x3,(some other lyrics)
She got it x3 or 4
It’s 3 or 4 guys,kinda remind me of the guys who sang «hey ya»
Please help,its doing my head in

noone 28 March 2023

female singer 80s
«who would i (be/dance) with in the end of the night»

Britt 30 March 2023

Song from Beverly Hills 90210 S3 E10. Last song on played on episode. “I’ll do anything for us, I’ll give you all that I am, to keep our love alive.”

Anonymous 31 March 2023

Please help me

I cannot remember it too clearly but it sounded like
“We are prolly going upside down ———- inside down”
It was sang by a female singer and it had an addictive beat

akorean8mycat 9 April 2023

‘upside down’ by diana ross?

Anonymous 31 March 2023

Helllpp! I’ve been looking for a song sang by a female artist….I heard it over the radio again this morning but can’t find the’s easy listening….chorus goes like this..»i’m at the crossroads don’t know where to begin.. it’s too late to turn around and start from the beginning»…………»i’m 22 still stuck in my room»…the end goes like this..»do i carry on this way?»


Jayson 1 April 2023

Can some one help me with a song

It goes
Baby do you love me
Than show me you do
Give me your trust

Eli 1 April 2023

Hello 🥰
I am looking for a song by a female artist, it was trending on tiktok around the winter of 2020. I don’t remember the lyrics, but included something about sitting in your room (bedroom) all day, posting online etc. It was quite cheerful.

Dre Darby 1 April 2023

I’m looking for a song I heard working at Publix Supermarket, female singer. Idk know the outro: he’s inside of my mind oh he’s inside inside of my head oh he’s inside of my mind, and she’s always says baby a lot in her song. It’s sounds like it came out in 1970-1990

Annie 2 April 2023

Looking for a song that is alt-pop with a funky beat that only has a few repeating lyrics. Something like «you’re gone, I know… you’re gone, it’s me… ah ah ah ah ah ah ah» with a female singer. New-ish song, I’m guessing- maybe late 2010s or 2020s.

shxlly 2 April 2023

hey guys,
i‘m looking for an 90‘s techno track but i don’t know the correct lyrics..
it sounds like
„i cant stop walking“ or „i just want walking“ smth like this..

Anonymous 3 April 2023

looking for a song that goes like
«im so tired of these fake ahh nihhas»
its called im tired or some like that but ion know whos it from

Lee 3 April 2023

Looking for song/artist from late 80s-early 90s. Powerful woman lead
«Go on/close your eyes»….»follow you»

That’s all I’ve got. It came back to me in a dream last night!

EDIT Found it thanks to the search tool on this site!! Should have used that first! Thanks

Joel 4 April 2023

I’m looking for an acoustic song, male singer singing somewhat lazily

«Come on baby just ride on me…»

90s or maybe 2000s

Jaisam Ahmed 4 April 2023

Fine…I said I was fine…
But you saw the flying debris I was barely avoiding
Light…I saw your light…
When you reached out your hand and dared me to take it
And I took it

I wanna be there, wherever you go
I wanna be there, wherever you go
You’ll always be there, wherever I go
So I wanna be there, wherever you go

I heard this song in a facebook video. I checked the comments, and I saw that a few people were asking for the name of the song, but nobody seemed to know it. I tried searching by lyrics on google and youtube but no matter how hard I tried, I just could not find that song…
So i downloaded the video, isolated the audio, and uploaded the isolated audio to some website that searched for songs by audio
But it did not work.

Anonymous 5 April 2023

I’m looking for a song that has the lyrics
I love you and you it’s true please don’t go away

Trisha 5 April 2023

I am looking for an upbeat pop song that was on an 80’s channel. A guy sang it and I think some of the lyrics went, I don’t know why I feel like crying.

Braden 6 April 2023

Awesome acoustic song, can’t find it anywhere.
Lyrics are something like-:
All I want is to see my home, I’ve been away for so long

Saif 7 April 2023

Looking for a rock song that sounded like it was from the 70s or 80s. Maybe New Wave genre with a female singer and guitar solo at the end. Only lyrics I might’ve heard were ‘straaange’ and ‘villain’. 0-5-3-2 bass chord progression (basic tabs)

Lee B 9 April 2023

My buddy is trying to find a song that came out roughly 2010s, maybe earlier, that has a music video that DOES NOT include the band. Apparently, it’s filmed in a dark room with female models singing the song with occasional neon lights or something. He thinks it’s an indie rock song that may include lyrics «Hey love» and «Hey God» but isn’t 100%. Any help would be appreciated.

Billy Winslow 10 April 2023

I’m looking for an older song. The ear worm that I have from the lyrics is. » We’d say Hi and bye. How you doing, I’m just fine. Then we’d turn and walk away. Tried google to no avail.

Anonymous 11 April 2023

Freddie Jackson •• Special Lady (?)

Billy Winslow 13 April 2023

Thank you.

Nick Reid 11 April 2023

Hi there. For the past couple years I’ve been looking for a relatively upbeat sounding song that listens like it were released in the late 80’s to the early 90’s and I’ve found zero results on Google and Spotify. The main chorus that I remember starts with «if you want less headaches, you’d better sell your soul.» Help would be greatly appreciated. It was a male singer with a voice a little similar to Beck. I heard it in my dad’s car weekly about 5-6 years ago and haven’t found it since.

Anonymous 11 April 2023

Did exist in 90 hits. a group name. I.O.L. Fields of love i cant find it ?

Jean 13 April 2023

Hi! Looking for an obscure 90’s gothic/darkwave song with the lyrics «You’ll never sleep til youre dead or buried» «If they find us, we will fly like witches…» cant find it ANYWHERE in any lyrics search!

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