Find out what word describes you

Find out which word you should be using to describe your personality.


Question 1/10

You are starting a new job, and your first question is….

Where do you need me?

What are your names?

Why do we do it this way?

What are the options?

Who should I avoid?

Question 2/10

What is your favorite website?



WordPress / Blogging Site



Question 3/10

What is your favorite board game?





Apples to Apples

Question 4/10

Which noun would you rather be dubbed?






Question 5/10

Clothing should…

Be Fashionable

Be Comfortable

Make a Statement

Be Unique

Raise Eyebrows

Question 6/10

Choose an actor.

Brad Pitt

John Travolta

Morgan Freeman

Johnny Depp

Neil Patrick Harris

Question 7/10

What is a more important quality to have?


Interpersonal Skills



Positive Attitude

Question 8/10

Your long planned vacation goes horribly wrong. What do you do?

Find a way to have fun anyway.

Vent your frustration.

Focus on being thankful for your blessings.

Start planning the next vacation.

Appreciate the irony.

Question 9/10

What keeps you occupied in a waiting room?

Playing games on your phone.

Talking on the phone.

Thinking about life.

Reading a book or magazine.

Chatting with others in the room.

Question 10/10

What is your favorite holiday?


Saint Patrick’s Day

April Fools


New Years

What Word Describes You?

What Word Describes You?

Ever wanted to know how people describe you behind your back? Now’s your chance to find out!

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Question 1/10

How would you feel about visiting a nudist colony?

  • Sweet!

  • Sure, but give me a few weeks to get in shape

  • No thanks

  • I would feel the urge to judge them

Question 2/10

How do you feel about clubbing?

  • I’m dying for everybody to see me in my new outfit

  • Only if we get there and leave when I say

  • Yeah! Let’s go somewhere with loud punk rock music

  • I’m in the middle of a great novel — I’ll pass

Question 3/10

How do you feel about early mornings?

  • It’s when I focus my thoughts

  • I look terrible in the morning

  • I love to prepare breakfast for my loved ones

  • Early mornings are great for sleeping. Just like late mornings and afternoons.

Question 4/10

What are you likely to be doing late at night?

  • Getting a little reading in before bed

  • Partying

  • Watching TV

  • None of your business!

  • Sleeping. What else is there to do late at night?

Question 5/10

What do you do to stay in shape?

  • I don’t care how I look

  • Hit the gym

  • Yoga or pilates

  • Doing a little dance. Making a little love.

Question 6/10

What kind of TV show would you be the star of?

  • An educational program

  • A kid’s show

  • A reality show about my life

  • A groundbreaking drama

Question 7/10

Could you ever perform at a roast?

  • As in roast chicken?

  • Sure, it’d be great to perform for the crowd

  • I’d love to tell people exactly how they’ve been living their lives wrong

  • I’m brutal

  • I don’t like making fun of others

Question 8/10

What kind of blog would you most likely write?

  • Something that challenges conventions

  • Anything that brings joy and laughter

  • Something that gives guidance

  • Something where I detail all my experiences and knowledge

Question 9/10

Do you like old movies?

  • No

  • Yes

  • I like watching old science fiction movies and marveling at how much things have changed!

Question 10/10

When you go camping with a group, what sort of duties do you perform?

  • I do the cooking and cleaning

  • I just sit back and relax

  • I’m the one entertaining everybody else

  • I like to plan things out

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Quiz Image

Have you ever sat there wondering through plain boredom; «Which word describes me»? Have you asked someone what they think, but you receive an inaccurate reply?

Well, frett no more! One of these five positive words are bound to describe a characteristic of your unique (in a good way) personality! Are you confident, creative, intelligent, loyal, or kind? Find out now!

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Quiz topic: Which Word describes me?

Do you consider yourself…..

Would you cheat on your partner if you met someone better?

Who here is your favorite celebrity?

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite show?

Last but not least….. Did you like this quiz?

You are comedic…. You probably love to sing and dance in front of your friends and not afraid to be embarrassed. Your favorite actor is probably Kevin Hart and you love to watch funny shows on Netflix. Your hobby is probably to make fun of people failing on video. Overall, you’re just a comedic and lovable person!

You’re lovable! You care for your friends and your friends care for you. You would do anything to keep your closest friends satisfied and happy. You put other people’s needs before yours and overall you’re just a lovable person.

You’re stubborn! Hey, don’t consider it as a bad thing. You love to be in control and no one can boss you around. You hate when people say you’re wrong and argue even though you might still be wrong. Overall, you’re just stubborn.

You’re honest! You act like a descendant of Abraham Lincoln and would tell your friends anything. You’re probably honest because you would rather have someone hear things from you that some made up rumor. Overall, you’re a good friend and you’re honest!

You’re confident! When you walk into the club you act like you own it! You’re not afraid to speak your opinion and don’t care what other people say about you. You can do anything you want whenever you want. Overall, you’re just confident!

You’re loyal! You would tell your friends anything and you keep all secrets. You would never give out someone else’s info without their consent. You would never date someone for their money or looks. Overall, you’re just loyal.

You probably heard this question multiple times without knowing exactly which word fits you best. Now you can find out with this quiz!


Question 1/10

In a group of friends, what type of friend are you usually?

The optimistic

The different one

The planner

The lazy one


Question 2/10

When a friend is in need, how do you usually cheer them up?

Lending them a shoulder to cry on

Giving them advice

Taking them out to help cheer them up


Question 3/10

What would you say your best feature is?

My optimism

My intelligent

My big heart

My curiosity


Question 4/10

What would you say your worst feature?

I’m a pushover

I’m judgmental

I’m shy

I’m lazy


Question 5/10

Are you extroverted or introverted?



I’m in between

I’m not sure

Question 6/10

Which of these are most important to you?

My happiness

My loved ones happiness

Finding a great career



Question 7/10

What do you see life as?

A journey

A gift

A path to success


Question 8/10

How would you say you feel on average day?






Question 9/10

How do you resolve conflict?

Try to change the subject

Hug it out

By intimidating them


Question 10/10

Are you a shy person?

Not really

Not at all

A bit shy

Very shy

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