Find out the word with meaning

Find out the meaning of these words. Use the dictionary if necessary. Say the words with the opposite meaning.

unfriendly − friendly

unwell − _

untidy − _

informal − _

unlucky − _

unpleasant − _

impolite − _

unknown − _

independent − _

unlike − _

to unzip − to _

to undo − to _

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. Describing the Family. Номер №31


Перевод задания
Узнай значение этих слов. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем. Произнесите слова с противоположным значением.
недружелюбный − дружелюбный
плохо − _
неопрятный − _
неформальный − _
неудачливый − _
неприятный − _
невежливый − _
неизвестный − _
независимый − _
не похожий − _
распаковать − _
отменить − _


unfriendly − friendly

unwell − well

untidy − tidy

informal − formal

unlucky − lucky

unpleasant − pleasant

impolite − polite

unknown − known

independent − dependent

unlike − like

to unzip − to zip

to undo − to do

Перевод ответа
недружелюбный − дружелюбный
плохо − хорошо
неопрятный − опрятный
неформальный − формальный
неудачливый − удачливый
неприятный − приятный
невежливый − вежливый
неизвестный − известный
независимый − зависимый
не похожий − похожий
распаковать − упаковать
отменить − сделать

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Maybe you are in the middle of an exam and suddenly come across a word that makes absolutely no sense. This is usually a cue for most people to panic if a dictionary is not handy. But don’t worry! There are several steps you can take to help you figure out the meaning of a word without a dictionary.

  1. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 1


    Read the entire sentence. It can be very frustrating to have your reading interrupted by an unknown word. If you are in the middle of an exam or an assignment for school or work, it can also be very stressful. If you can’t reach for a dictionary, take other steps to figure out what the word means.

    • Your first step is to go back and re-read the entire sentence. You probably lost track of what your were reading when you stumbled upon the new word.
    • Think about the content of the sentence. Do you understand the sentence without using the new word? Or is it incomprehensible?
    • Try underlining the unknown word. This will help you separate it from the rest of the sentence.
  2. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 2


    Identify words you do understand. You can often use other words in the sentence to help you define the unknown word. Think about what else is happening in the sentence. Hopefully, this will help you figure out whether the unknown word is a noun, verb, or adjective.

    • For example, maybe you are looking at a sentence that says, «It was a very sultry day in the middle of the summer.» You probably understand each word except for «sultry».
    • Think about what you know about the summer. It is likely that «sultry» has something to do with weather.
    • Maybe your biology exam has this sentence, «Many members of the canine family are predators, looking for other animals to eat.» You can surmise that «predators» prey on other animals.


  3. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 3


    Look for illustrative examples. Once you have examined the other words in that sentence, you can move on. Start looking at the sentences that follow the unknown word. An author will often give descriptions that can help you figure out the meaning of an unknown word.[1]

    • For example, take the sentence, «It was a very sultry day in the middle of summer.» It could be followed by the sentence, «The heat and humidity made it appealing to sit in the shade and drink lemonade.»
    • You can now more confidently define «sultry». The descriptive words such as «heat» and «humidity» are further clues that it is a description of the weather.
    • Sometimes, the descriptive examples will be right in the original sentence. For example, it could say, «Sultry days are so damp and hot.»
  4. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 4


    Think logically. Sometimes, the context clues will not be as clear. You will have to use logic to figure out the word. You can also use experience, or prior knowledge, of the topic.[2]

    • For example, maybe a sentence says, «In the antebellum South, many plantation owners kept slaves.» It is likely that «antebellum» is the unknown word.
    • The sentence itself does not offer many clues. However, the following sentences are, «But after the Civil War, slavery was outlawed. This was a major change between the two periods.»
    • Think about what you know now. You are reading information about two different time periods, right? Before the Civil War and after the Civil War.
    • You can now make a pretty logical assumption about the word «antebellum». Based on your experience and reading the following sentences, you know it probably means «before the war».
  5. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 5


    Use other context clues. Sometimes an author will offer other types of clues. Look for restatement. This is where the meaning of the word is restated in other words.

    • Here is an example of «restatement»: «The pig squealed in pain. The high-pitched cry was very loud.»
    • You can also look for «appositives». This is where an author highlights a specific word by placing a further description between two commas.
    • This is an example of the use of an appositive: «The Taj Mahal, which is a massive white marble mausoleum, is one of the most famous landmarks in India.
    • You may not know the words «Taj Mahal», but the use of appositives makes it clear that it is a landmark.
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  1. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 6


    Look for a prefix. Etymology is the study of the meanings of words. It also looks at the origins of words, and how they have changed over time. By learning about etymology, you can find new ways to define unknown words without using a dictionary.

    • Start by looking at each part of the word in question. It is very helpful to look to see if the word has a common prefix.
    • Prefixes are the first part of the word. For example, a common prefix is «anti».
    • «Anti» means «against». Knowing this should help you figure out the meanings of words such as «antibiotic» or «antithesis».
    • «Extra» is a prefix that means «beyond». Use this to figure out words such as «extraterrestrial» or «extracurricular».
    • Other common prefixes are «hyper», «intro», «macro» and «micro». You can also look for prefixes such as «multi», «neo» and «omni».
  2. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 7


    Pay attention to the suffix. The suffix are the letters at the end of the word. There are several suffixes in the English language that are common. They can help you figure out what kind of word you are looking at.

    • Some suffixes indicate a noun. For example, «ee» at the end of the word almost always indicates a noun. Some examples are «trainee» and «employee».
    • «-ity» is also a common suffix for a noun. Examples include «electricity» and «velocity».
    • Other suffixes indicate verbs. For example, «-ate». This is used in words such as «create» and «deviate».
    • «-ize» is another verb suffix. Think about the words «exercise» and «prioritize».
  3. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 8


    Identify root words. A root word is the core word, without a prefix or suffix. Most words in the English language come from either a Latin or Greek root word.[3]

    • By learning common root words, you can begin to identify new words more easily. You will also be able to recognize words that have had a prefix or suffix added.
    • An example of a root word is «love». You can add many things to the word: «-ly» to make «lovely».
    • «Bio» is a Greek root word. It means «life, or living matter». Think about how we have adapted this root word to become «biology», «biography», or «biodegradable».
    • The root word mater- or matri- comes from the Latin word mater, meaning mother. By understanding this root, you can better understand the definitions of words like matron, maternity, matricide, matrimony, and matriarchal.
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  1. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 9


    Keep notes. If you can increase the size of your vocabulary, you will find yourself less likely to encounter unknown words. There are several steps you can take to effectively build your vocabulary. For example, you can start by writing notes.

    • Every time you encounter an unfamiliar word, write it down. Then later, when you have access to a dictionary, you can look it up for a precise definition.
    • Keep a small pack of sticky notes with you while you read. You can write the unfamiliar word on a note and just stick it on the page to return to later.
    • Start carrying a small notebook. You can use it to keep track of words that you don’t know and new words that you have learned.
  2. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 10


    Utilize multiple resources. There are a lot of tools that you can use to help you build your vocabulary. The most obvious is a dictionary. Purchase a hard copy, or book mark an online dictionary that you find useful.

    • A thesaurus can also be very helpful. It will give you synonyms for all of the new words you are learning.
    • Try a word of the day calendar. These handle desk tools will give you a new word to learn each day. They are available online and at bookstores.
  3. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 11


    Read a lot. Reading is one of the best ways to increase the size of your vocabulary. Make it a point to read each day. Both fiction and non-fiction will be helpful.

    • Novels can expose you to new words. For example, reading the latest legal thriller will likely expose you to some legal jargon you’ve never heard before.
    • Read the newspaper. Some papers even have a daily feature that highlights language and explores the meanings of words.
    • Make time to read each day. You could make it a point to scroll through the news while you drink your morning coffee, for example.
  4. Image titled Understand a Word Without Using a Dictionary Step 12


    Play games. Learning can actually be fun! There are many enjoyable activities that can help you to build your vocabulary. Try doing crossword puzzles.

    • Crossword puzzles are a great way to learn new words. They will also stretch your brain by giving you interesting clues to figure out the right word.
    • Play Scrabble. You’ll quickly learn that unusual words can often score the most points.
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  • Question

    Is there a list of prefixes/suffixes, or a simple etymology handbook, that I can obtain from the Internet or someplace else?

    Community Answer

    I’m sure there are many! Check websites like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or other booksellers who might sell grammar handbooks. You could also try checking your local book stores.

  • Question

    How does one find out and understand the formation of words?

    Community Answer

    If you can recognize the prefixes, suffixes, and anything else that might alter the root word, then you’ll know how the root is being altered. For example, ‘amuse’ is made up of ‘a’ as in ‘not’ and ‘muse’ referring to ponderous thought. Even if you don’t recognize the root ‘muse’ because it’s a more archaic term, you know that the ‘a’ inverses it’s meaning.

  • Question

    How can I know the exact meaning of a word using dictionaries from many leanings given?


    Substitute each meaning into the sentence where you encountered the word, and see which definition makes the most sense within the context of that sentence.

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  • Keep a notebook. This could be useful if you come across a word that you want to learn later, if you want to list any words that share suffixes or prefixes (both of which are known as «roots», which also include anything that goes into the middle.)

  • Read etymology dictionaries. They are found online and presumably in bookstores if you look hard enough.

  • Make your own notes in your personal English notebook to remember important points later on.



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Article SummaryX

To understand a word without a dictionary, try re-reading the entire sentence to see if the context helps you to find out what the word means. If it’s unclear, try to figure it out by thinking about the meaning of the words you’re familiar with, since the unknown word might have a similar meaning. Additionally, look for common prefixes in words, such as «anti,» which means against, or «extra,» which means beyond. Next, check the following sentences for clues, such as the topic the word is related to. Alternatively, keep a list of unknown words so you can check them in a dictionary at a later date. For tips on how to identify root words and how to learn words by doing crossword puzzles, read on!

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Whenever you read extended texts in English, you will come across words which you do not know. Even native speakers will not know all
the words when they are reading. Your instinct is probably to look up the unfamiliar words
in a dictionary. If you do this for each word, however, it will take you a great deal of
time, and you may never reach the end of the text. You therefore need to develop strategies for dealing with unknown words. On this page, you can read about:

  • how to deal with unknown words;
  • using context to guess meaning;
  • using prefixes, suffixes, and words roots.

There are also some activities to help you practice this area of EAP.

How to deal with unknown words

There are two questions to ask yourself whenever you meet an unfamiliar word. The first question is: ‘Do I need to know the meaning of the word?’
If not, you can keep reading and ignore the word. In order to answer this question, you need to make sure you have a clear
purpose in your reading. The second question you need to ask is:
‘Is an approximate meaning enough?’ If not, you need to look the word up
in a dictionary.

If the answer to both questions above is ‘yes’, it means you can guess what the word means then keep reading. Use the following to help you guess an approximate meaning:

  • examine the immediate context of the word (i.e. the sentence in which it appears, and words which come before and after); pay particular attention to linking words;
  • examine the wider context of the word (i.e. other sentences in the paragraph);
  • look at the structure of the word (i.e. prefix, suffix, root).

The approach to unfamiliar words is summarised in the diagram below.

Do I need to know the meaning of the word?

no Keep reading

Is an approximate meaning enough?

no Use a dictionary
Use the following to help you guess the meaning:

Immediate context (other words in the sentences)

Wider context (other sentences in the paragraph)

Prefix, suffix, root


Using context

When you guess the meaning of a word from context, you need to consider first the immediate context, i.e. the other words in the
sentence. If this is not enough, you need to use the wider context, i.e. sentences which come before and after the one which contains the word
you are guessing.

Immediate context

Consider the following sentence:

Although the company’s income from sales was higher than expected, its high costs in the form of salaries and other overheads put it in a
disadvantageous position.

Imagine the word you want to guess in this sentence is ‘disadvantageous’ (it doesn’t matter if you already know this word — this is just an example).
The immediate context of the word tells you the following:

  • it is probably an adjective, because it comes before a noun (‘position’)
  • it is probably negative, because it relates to ‘high costs’, which are not usually good for a company
  • it is probably negative, because the sentence begins with ‘although’, a contrast marker,
    so the idea in the second clause contrasts with the first clause, which is positive (‘high income’ is good for a company)

A good guess for the word at this point would be ‘bad’. This is probably close enough for you to understand the main idea, and you would
be able to keep reading.

Wider context

Now consider the following paragraph:

Although the company’s income from sales was higher than expected, its high costs in the form of salaries and other overheads put it in a disadvantageous position.
This was one of the main reasons why the company
folded. This put all two hundred of its employees out of work.

Imagine the word you want to guess this time is ‘folded’ (this is a common word, but it has a special meaning in this sentence).
The immediate context of the word does not tell you much: it is clearly a verb, but it is difficult to determine more than this using only
the sentence it occurs in. To guess the meaning, you need to use the wider context, i.e. the sentences which come before and after.
Using these, you can tell the following:

  • it is probably negative, because it is the result of the company’s ‘disadvantageous (bad) position’
  • it is something which can happen to companies
  • it resulted in all of the company’s employees being ‘out of work’

From this, you can guess that the word means something like ‘stopped’ or ‘stopped doing business’
(because no one works there any more). In fact, ‘to fold’ in this context means
‘(of a company etc.) to close because it is not successful’.

Using prefix, suffix, root

Again consider the following sentence:

Although the company’s income from sales was higher than expected, its high costs in the form of salaries and other overheads put it in a
disadvantageous position.

Imagine (again) that the word you want to guess in this sentence is ‘disadvantageous’. This word can be broken down into three components:
dis-, which is the
prefix; advantage, which is the
root; and -ous, which is the
You can get the following information by studying the word in this way:

  • it is probably an adjective, because it ends in -ous, which is a common suffix for adjectives
  • it is probably negative, because it begins with a negative prefix dis-
  • its meaning is probably opposite to the root of the word, advantage

As before, a good guess for the word at this point would be ‘bad’. Again, this would be close enough to allow you to understand the
main idea and keep reading.

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This post on IELTS Reading Skills focuses on some methods to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words. Hopefully, reading this post will guide beginners in IELTS Reading easily to understand how to guess the meaning of such words in a real-test situation.

When you don’t understand a new/unknown/confusing word in a large text, what’s the first thing you do? Most probably you stop reading the text; then you search for a good dictionary and try to find out the meaning. When you are satisfied with the meaning, you come back to read the text. Now, the black magic happens with a lot of people like it always happened with me! You suddenly find that you’ve lost your interest in reading. Taking the ‘Dictionary break’ sometimes costs your attention and you fail to get into the reading again.

Well, how about a different approach to Reading an article? When you start reading a text, you will surely face some new/unknown/confusing words you don’t have idea about. You might be a native speaker of English and still you will face the same problem. Taking help from a dictionary can be a solution but you can’t use a dictionary in an exam situation, can you? Therefore, you need some strategies that may help you predict the meaning of the word. Here, is this lesson, I’ll try to show you some strategies that can help you guess the meaning of such words.

Let’s begin.

1. You don’t need to know every new/unknown word. Sometimes they aren’t needed.

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

Ask yourself this question: Do I need to know all the words? Let’s take the following sentence as an example:

“By asking people about their experiences of boredom, Thomas Goetz and his team at the University of Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five distinct types: indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic.” (Cambridge IELTS 13 Test 1 Reading Test 2)

Here, in this long sentence, most average English learners have the possibility to get stuck with these 3 words, calibrating, reactant and apathetic. Should you stop reading for that?

OK, let’s try to guess what these words mean in general, not the exact meaning. Do these words belong to a same group? The previous lines talk about boredom and their types. All these three words are the types of boredom. The other two words are known to you, indifferent and searching. Probably, in the next few paragraphs, there will be some sort of discussion on each type. So, for now, you don’t need the exact meaning. Have you got my point? A long list of games may have peculiar names of games like Molkky which you don’t need to know; a game is a game, isn’t it?

2. Parts of speech can help to find out the meaning:

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

It’s easy to find a meaning, not exact but close at least, if you know what part of speech it belongs to. Most often candidates and students of IELTS test get jammed to an unknown word without considering much about the part of speech. In most cases the new words are nouns, adjectives, verbs or adverbs. If you know the functions of these parts of speech, it becomes easier to guess a meaning.

Let’s look at this example sentence:
“Fish were a vital commodity in growing towns and cities, where food supplies were a constant concern. . ..”. (Cambridge IELTS Series 8 Reading Test 2)

Let’s suppose you don’t know the word commodity in this text. Let’s try to guess it from it’s part of speech. What kind of part of speech is it?

The sentence says, “Fish were a vital commodity . .. .” The preceding words are ‘a’ and ‘vital’. ‘a’ is an article and ‘vital’ is an adjective. Therefore, to maintain grammatical rule, the next word has to be a noun (article + adjective + noun). As the word commodity is a noun, we can guess the meaning as a thing or person (a noun is always a thing or a person). Now, the sentence tells us that it is about fish and fish cannot be a person. So, we can guess that the meaning of commodity should be something. So, we can read the sentence like this: “Fish were a vital something. .. .   ..”

3. Root words can direct you to the meaning:

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

This is another easy way to find the meaning of a confusing/unknown word. Take this example:

“… . . Extreme high performance sports may lead to optimal cardiovascular performance, but they quite certainly do not prolong life . . .” (Cambridge IELTS Series 8 Reading Test 3)

As the word is before the word ‘performance (noun)’, we already know that this new word cardiovascular is an adjective. So, can we guess the root word for this particular word? Let’s dissect the word first:

  • cardiovascular = cardio + vascular

So, the root word here is cardio which means heart-related. You may even know other words like cardiology, cardiac, cardiogram, cardiologist, cardiograph; all these word relate to something or someone dealing with heart (body part).

Now, if you read the sentence again, you can guess the meaning better.

“… . . Extreme high performance sports may lead to optimal cardiovascular (or heart) performance, but they quite certainly do not prolong life . . .”

It does the work quite well, doesn’t it?

4. Break down the sentence. You may learn the meaning of the word from the whole sentence.

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

When you find a very long sentence with some unknown words, don’t panic. You can break down the sentence which may help you find the meaning of the unknown word(s). Let’s have a close look at the following example:

“… At various points in evolutionary history; enterprising individuals within many different animal groups moved out onto the land, sometimes even to the most parched deserts, taking their own private seawater with them in blood and cellular fluids.”  (Cambridge IELTS Series 9 Reading Test 1)

Suppose, you don’t know the meaning of the word ‘parched’. Let’s take a deep breath and break down the sentence. Can you see two commas separating the sentence in three individual parts?

Part 1: At various points in evolutionary history; enterprising individuals within many different animal groups moved out onto the land,

Part 2: sometimes even to the most parched deserts,

Part 3: taking their own private seawater with them in blood and cellular fluids.

Now, think about the second part only, forget the first and third part for the time-being.

“. . .. . sometimes even to the most parched deserts,. .. ..”

So, here we can see that the text is taking about deserts which are parched. Again, just like in method no. 2, desert is a noun, so, the word ‘parched’ is an adjective. Therefore, this word describes a quality or status of deserts. We know that the most significant status or quality of a desert is that it is a dry place. So, the word ‘parched’ must be something related to ‘dry’.

Now, you can check your dictionary at a later time and find out whether you were correct in guessing the meaning or not. If not correct, you will be close, trust me.

5. Search for clues around: it can be synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, suffixes, anything.

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

Let’s take a look at the following sentence:

Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their development of speech and communication, resulting in a detrimental effect on their ability to learn at school.”  (Cambridge IELTS Series 9 Reading Test 2)

Suppose, you don’t know these words: auditory and deficit. Let’s look for other words here, may be some synonyms or antonyms.

First, let’s dissect the word auditory to find out the root word:

The root word for auditory is audio. Does the root word ring any bell? Take a look the first word of the whole sentence. Hearing is synonymous to audio. Thus, the word auditory relates to sound.

Now, let’s have a look at the second word, deficit.

Take a look at the first part of the sentence again:

“Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children  . .. .”

Can you see the word ‘or’ here? What’s the function of the word ‘or’ here?

According to Cambridge Dictionary, the word or is a conjunction that connects two or more possibilities or alternatives. It connects words, phrases and clauses which are the same grammatical type.

So, we can say that ‘or’ connects two synonymous words.

The phrase ‘Hearing impairment’ has an adjective (hearing) and then a noun (impairment). Here, impairment means a problem.

Now, let’s have a look at the phrase after ‘or’. The phrase is ‘auditory function deficit’. Here, ‘Hearing’ means ‘auditory function’. So, in this text deficit means impairment.

6. Definitions or explanations might help too.

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

If you know how to find out the definition of a word, you are in luck! No unknown or new words can obstruct your reading of the text.

You can look for different words such as is, mean(s), depict(s), describe(s), refer(s) to, known as, called, named, entitled, deal(s) with, explain(s), suggest(s), comprise(s), consist(s) of etc.

You should also look for asterisk sign (*) or numbers (1, 2, etc.), a hyphen or double hyphen (-, – -), even brackets ( ) with a word too. If you find them, look below or around the text. There should be some sort of footnotes or glossary explaining the word(s).

Let’s have a look at some examples:

“As their name suggests, stepwells comprise a series of stone steps descending from ground level to the water source . . ..” (Cambridge IELTS Series 10 Reading Test 1)

Here, the words suggests and comprise give us the definition of stepwells.

Another example:

“Easter Island, or Rapa Nui as it is known locally, is home to several hundred ancient human statues – the moai.” (Cambridge 11 Test 2 Reading Passage 2)

Suppose here, in this sentence, you don’t understand the words Rapa Nui and the moai. Now, take a close look at the phrase Rapa Nui, you’ll see a definition of the word given just after that; “. . . .is home to several hundred ancient human statues – the moai.”

Again, the explanation or definition of the phrase the moai is given in the same sentence.  Have a look at the sentence again and you will see a hyphen before the phrase the moai. This means an explanation is given just before the hyphen which is “.. .. ancient human statues”.

Here is one more instance:

Take a look at this image of the text taken from Cambridge IELTS Series 10. In paragraph B, you’ll find a word – photosynthesis with an asterisk sign (*). This means the word is explained just below the text. I’ve marked it with a red line.

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

One final example for your better understanding:

“Silk is a fine, smooth material produced from the cocoons – soft protective shells – that are made by mulberry silkworms (insect larvae).” (Cambridge IELTS Series 11 Test 3 Reading Passage 1)

Suppose, these two word seem confusing to you; cocoons and silkworms. Actually, both the words are explained here. The word ‘cocoons’ is explained within two hyphens “– soft protective shells –“ and the word silkworms is explained within brackets “(insect larvae)”.

So, looking for an explanation or definition around can help you directly.

7. Think about nuance/ connotations of a word: what’s the implied positive or negative?

IELTS Reading Skills: How to guess/predict the meaning of new/unknown/confusing words; with best details/explanations and examples

This technique will be useful for candidates who are already in a good place in Reading or Writing Test and now want to target 8.0 or 9.0.

Connotation refers to the implied meaning of a word. It can be positive or negative. Confused ?  Let’s take a look at some examples:

  1. “Alex’s thesis paper looked a bit different in that it constructively criticized the government plan to reduce the number of basic shelters for the homeless.”
  2. “Hannah’s dissertation seemed to be different from her classmates’ as it did not follow the basic structure or any writing plan.”

As you can see, both sentences A and B contain the word different. Then why have I used green in A and red in B?

In sentence A the word different implies that Alex’s writing was unique.

In sentence B the word different implies that Hannah’s writing was peculiar.

This is known as connotation. If you can understand connotation in IELTS, you have a great chance to score way better than others. However, it needs a huge amount of practice.

That’s all from me for this post. I hope you now have a better understanding to think about new/unknown/confusing words. If you are already in a good position in Reading, this post may/might help you to get a better score, but if you are seriously in troubles with your Reading test because of unknown words, try these ideas while you do a test of your own and keep the dictionary away from you for a while. I bet you’ll find these ideas useful and effective.

If you still have queries or want to know more about this lesson, hit the messenger button and throw your questions there or mail me at I’ll be in touch, I promise.

Click here to learn about IELTS Reading skills: Skimming and Scanning



V –2

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: dull –c)

a) original b) fascinating c) boring

1. news

a) items b) articles c) affairs

2. report

a) advertisement b) information c) review

3. television

a) box b) paper c) cable

4. to quit

a) to prove b) to stop c) to borrow

5. to be keen on

a) to approve b) to be famous for c) to be interested in

6. gripping

a)exciting b) unusual c)amusing

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