Find one word that can complete the sentences

drowned, occupy, straight

  1. Glaciers
    provide vital evidence of climate …

What you need is not pills but
a simple … of scene.

If you need money, there’s
some spare … in my coat pocket.

2. Grassland and savannah …
a substantial part of Southern Africa.

It’s a long journey — let’s
take some books to … the children.

The protesting students intend
to … the Holman Building.

3. The vet said the … on the
dog’s face was not cancerous.

She had a … in her throat
and a tear in her eye when she said goodbye.

Get up and do some work, you
lazy …

4. Many of the wildebeest
didn’t make it and … half-way across the river.

My voice was … out by the
sound of builders drilling.

I … my meal in sauce to hide
the bitter taste.

5. The falconer trained the
hawk to fly in a perfectly … line.

So let’s get this … ; you
say you saw the man break in through the window.

Why can’t you just give me a …
answer for once in your life?

31. Comment on the change of meanings in the italicized words.

1. They sat
on the rug before the fireplace, watching the rising tongues
of flame
2. He inspired universal confidence and had an
iron nerve
3. He was burning
with a desire

to meet his old friends. 4. As I spoke, rage

in my eyes. 5. Emotion squeezed
Soames’ heart. 6. Here was the great mysterious city which was still

for her. 7. Carrie’s anger melted
on the instant. 8. Some books are to
be tasted
others swallowed,
and some few to
be chewed

32. Define the meanings of the italicized words in the following sentences.

1. I began
to search the flat, looking in drawers and boxes to see if I could
find a
I tumbled with a sort of splash upon the

of a piano. Now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music and
the opera of voices pitches a

2. I sat
down with my

in my hands, until I heard the phone taken up inside and the butler’s
voice calling a taxi. G.Quarterman possessed more power than many
of the state.

3. I walked
into Hyde Park, fell
flat upon the grass and almost immediately fell

4. Her

opened crookedly half an inch, and she shot a few words at one like
pebbles. Would you like me to come to the

of the river with you? I put the letter into the

of the box and let it go.

Homonyms Homographs

33. How would you pronounce each of the underlined words in the sentences below? Chose a word with a similar sound from the brackets.

The girl I live
with knows a good pub with live
music. (dive/give)

The main house
a collection of rare stamps. (mouse/rouse)

They bathed
the children after they had bathed
in the sea. (lathe/path)

You sow
the seeds while I feed the sow.

The violinist in the bow
tie took a bow.

He’s the lead
singer in the group ‘Lead
piping’. (head/deed)

What a row
from the last house in the row!

Does he still suffer from his war wound?

I wound
the rope around the tree to strengthen it against the gale.

It’s quite hard to wind
in the sails in this wind.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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1. Match the words/phrases to their definition.
1 computer games
2 spot
3 alarm system
4 surf the Net
5 beach volleyball

A. look for information on the computer
B. fun activities on the computer
C. machine that signals danger
D. a sport
E. a place
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• heavy • helpful • crowded • convenient • peace

1. They went for a run in the country because they wanted some … and quiet.
2. He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very …
3. In a big city, you will always find … public transport.
4. Her cousin hates driving in … traffic.
5. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and … people.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1 .He (visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.
2. I (cook) lunch today, so please don’t be late.
3. We (go) to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us?
4. She (write) an article about crime in big cities.
5. He (feed) the cows every evening.
6. She (leave) late on Fridays.
7. He (travel) to school by tube every morning.
8. She (think) of painting her house.
9. He (study) in his bedroom at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later.
10. I really have to go. My train (leave) at 8:30.

4. Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

e.g. A: I’m really tired today.
B: (bed/early) You should go to bed early tonight.
1. A: I’m very worried about my best friend.
B: (worry/so much)
2. A: I feel very tired.
B: (stay up/late)
3. A: I’ve broken my sister’s new mobile phone.
B: (tell/tonight)
4. A: I’ve got a bad headache.
B: (take/painkiller)
5. A: It’s very cold today.
B: (wear/a jacket)
5. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire.
First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker.
It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanket over it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn.
Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

1. Nowadays, fires in the home aren’t very dangerous.
2. In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year.
3. A lot of home fires start in kitchens.
4. You should always leave the kitchen while cooking.
5. You shouldn’t wear loose clothes when cooking.
6. You should keep your cooking area clean.
7. Children should stay close to the cooker.
8. If a fire starts, pour water on it to put it out.
9. Call the fire brigade if a fire doesn’t go out right away.
10. You should have a smoke alarm and know how to use it.

Check – 3

V – 1

Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: dull – c)

a) original b) fascinating c) boring

1. to report

a) to borrow b) to inform c) to explain

2. advertisement

a) commercial b) review c) quiz

3. headline

a) article
title c) conclusion

4. quality

a) popular b) original c) serious

5. handbook

a) manual b) guidebook c) encyclopedia

6. fascinating

a) gripping b) brilliant c) amusing

Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

whenever wisdom tabloids events celebrate prove

book broadcast issue suggested

1. … contain a lot of photographs
and have a more sensational reporting style.

2. Smoking is bad. Can you … it?

3. Local newspapers give information on different … happening in the
local area.

4. I’d like to … tickets for a group of students to London.

5. Series is a long drama or comedy or documentary that is … in parts,
usually at a certain time of day.

6. The first … of the newspaper “The Daily Courant” was published in London in 1702.

7. … you ask for help, I’ll help you.

8. My uncle … making green tea as it is very good for the health.

9. Mikhail Lomonosov was known as a man of great … .

10. How did you … the turn of the century?

III. The word in capitals above each of the
following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank
space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: MANAGE

He is the manager of a popular singer.

1. DAY

… newspapers are published on
every day of the week except Sunday.


Who is your favourite TV … ?


Pamela thinks that the Internet
is the most useful means of … .


I prefer to read articles about
… affairs in our town.


I think CD books will be much
more popular with teenagers of my generation than … books.

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: I’ve got a lot of …
(work/ works) to do for the weekend. –

I’ve got a lot
of work
to do for the weekend.

1. What (is/ are) her progress in

2. (Is/ Are) there any news from Andy?

3. Where (is/ are) Granny’s glasses?

4. (Is/ Are) these goods from America?

5. I got a lot of useful (information/ informations).

6. Do you eat much (fruit/ fruits)?

7. I like any kind of (weather/ weathers).

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: My mother disapproved of … (to read/ reading)
thrillers. —

My mother
disapproved of reading thrillers.

1. I have never dreamed of (to win/ winning) a competition.

2. My sister always enjoys (to go/ going) for a walk.

3. The angry neighbour told the teenagers to stop (to speak/ speaking)
too loud.

4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate
the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


  • #1

Hello friends,

I need your help with the following problem.
There are three sentences, with a gap in each of them.
I need to find the one single word (and only one) which can fill all the three gaps and fit properly.

1. I’m sure Maria will ………. for the beach as soon as she’ll be unpacked.

2. How do you think Frizt will …….. each month, with his new job ?

3. He’s achieving great results, I’m sure the management will ……. him sales manager next year.

I couldn’t find anything better than «head», but I’m pretty sure it’s wrong.
A guy who was at the exam with me tried «drive», which is also wrong.
Any suggestions ?


  • la grive solitaire

    • #2

    Hi Claudio,

    Is there a word missing from the second sentence?

    • #3

    Cloudy-aw said:

    Hello friends,

    1. I’m sure Maria will ………. for the beach as soon as she’ll be unpacked.

    Can future tense be after as soon as?
    If my memories serve me right, my teacher said never.

    la grive solitaire

    • #4

    You’re right, Erik.:) It should read:

    1. I’m sure Maria will …….. for the beach as soon as she’s [she has] unpacked.


    • #5

    Hi Claudio,

    I can’t find a word that does all three, but I have to say, sentences 1 and 2 sound wrong regardless. «as soon as she’ll be unpacked» is ungrammatical, like you said, and «each month, with his new job ?» seems to have a misplaced comma, and at first glance «with» is incorrect too. «In» would work better, as long as the missing word doesn’t change the structure. Mind you, my observation still doesn’t help much! Sorry!

    la grive solitaire

    • #6

    I think the missing word for all three is «make»:

    …she’ll make for the beach

    How much will Fritz make each month

    …management will make him sales manager…

    • #7

    Cloudy-aw said:

    Hello friends,

    I need your help with the following problem.
    There are three sentences, with a gap in each of them.
    I need to find the one single word (and only one) which can fill all the three gaps and fit properly.

    1. I’m sure Maria will ………. for the beach as soon as

    she’ll be

    she has unpacked.

    2. How do you think Frizt will …….. each month, with his new job ?

    3. He’s achieving great results, I’m sure the management will ……. him sales manager next year.

    I couldn’t find anything better than «head», but I’m pretty sure it’s wrong.
    A guy who was at the exam with me tried «drive», which is also wrong.
    Any suggestions ?


    Hello Claudio,

    The obvious answer, to me, is «make». But, as La Grive says, there seems to be something missing in the second sentence. That would need the addition of «out» — «How do you think Fritz will make out each month . . . ?»



    • #8

    Cloudy-aw said:

    1. I’m sure Maria will MAKE for the beach as soon as she HAS unpacked.

    2. How MUCH do you think Frizt will MAKE each month, with his new job ?

    3. He’s achieving great results, I’m sure the management will MAKE him sales manager next year.


    Omitted words and other errors MAKE this difficult to correct!


    • #9

    Thank you for your kind and prompt replies.

    At the exam I couldn’t take note of the sentences, therefore I obviously stuffed them with errors when I tried (with the only help of my memory) to type them in the first post of this thread.

    Anyway you all agree that the word is «make».
    I have another question : is «make for the beach» a bit colloquial ? I ask because I have never seen such a form. Is it BE ? Or AE ?

    Ciao and thank you again

    • #10

    In BE I say «head for the beach».


    • #11

    I agree with Joelline. Even without the mistakes, it is very difficult. I´d guess that «make for» is both BE and AE, though I´ll let the Americams speak for themselves. It´s certainly BE, though a bit unusual, perhaps more written than spoken?

    • #12

    In AE I have heard and understand «make for the beach,» although its not the primary way of saying it. We usually say «head to the beach» or «go to the beach.» I am sure there are other but thats all I can think of at the moment.


    • #13

    Let me offer sincere sympathy and suggest that you reserve the right to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. This is cruel and unusual punishment, not a legitimate examination in the use of English.

    I’ll accept that it is possible to use make in each of these sentences. But I stress possible and assert that it is unnatural.

    • #14

    These are questions that come out in FCE, CAE and CPE.

    Here are my attempts:

    1. head

    2. fare

    3. name


    • #15

    Ooops, Cracker Jack,

    Go back and read the nasty directions again. That was our problem: you had to use the 1 word (the same word) in all 3 sentences!

    It is for this reason that the Europeans here will be appealing to the European Court of Human Rights, and the Americans will be appealing to the Supreme Court! This was, indeed, cruel and unusual punishment!



    • #16

    If the second sentence is «How much do you think he will make each month, with his new job?», is «make» the correct word then?


    • #17

    Hi coconut palm,

    Yes, and that’s what I changed it to in post #8.



    • #18

    Oh, I’m sorry that I didn’t notice the quote!
    I promise I will pay more attention next time!
    Thank you, Joelline, for confirming my assumption!

    • #19

    Joelline said:

    Ooops, Cracker Jack,

    Go back and read the nasty directions again. That was our problem: you had to use the 1 word (the same word) in all 3 sentences!

    It is for this reason that the Europeans here will be appealing to the European Court of Human Rights, and the Americans will be appealing to the Supreme Court! This was, indeed, cruel and unusual punishment!


    Oh gee!!! Thanks for reminding me Joelline. That was very careless of me. Well, you have all the right to deplore those bastard-examiners. Not just cruel and usual. It is stupid. Go ahead.


    • #20

    «Make for» meaning to go to, or head in the direction of, is not
    used with any frequency in AE. It’s found quite a bit in 19th and early 20th century writing, but has fallen out of favor in recent decades.


    • #21

    cuchuflete said:

    «Make for» meaning to go to, or head in the direction of, is not
    used with any frequency in AE. It’s found quite a bit in 19th and early 20th century writing, but has fallen out of favor in recent decades.

    Except for occasional appearances, one of them being the written part of the CPE exam I tried last week…
    I agree with Cracker Jack’s opinion, although my view is not so mild.


    • #22

    My understanding is that Cambridge questions are tested and a sufficient number of ‘guinea pigs’ must have answered the question for it to have been shown to help in grading candidates’ English ability.

    I don’t feel «make for the beach» is so unusual.


    • #23

    It’s not unusual if you’re reciting dialogue in a WW II movie about the beaches at Normandy! Otherwise, when is the last time you said it or heard someone say it?

    Check these words 

    skyscraper [ˈskaɪˌskreɪpər] небоскреб
    appear [əˈpɪə] появиться
    shopping mall [ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔːl] торговый центр
    biggest [ˈbɪgɪst] самый большой
    accessories [əkˈsesəriz] аксессуары
    electronics [ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks] электроника
    toys [tɔɪz] игрушки
    travel agent [ˈtrævl ˈeɪdʒənt] тур-агент
    get tired of [ɡet ˈtaɪəd əv] устать от
    food court [fuːd kɔːt] ресторанный дворик
    serve [sɜːv] обслуживать
    variety of dishes [vəˈraɪəti əv ˈdɪʃɪz] разнообразие блюд
    snack [snæk] лёгкая закуска
    dinosaur museum [ˈdaɪnəsɔːr mjuˈziːəm] музей динозавров
    indoor [ˈɪndɔː] в помещении
    roller coaster [ˈrəʊlər ˈkəʊstər] американские горки
    aquarium [əˈkweəriəm] аквариум
    sea creature [siː ˈkriːtʃə] морское создание
    shark [ʃɑːk] акула

    Mall of America

    The USA is famous for its skyscrapers that appear in most big cities and its huge shopping malls. Americas love shopping there.

    The Mall of America, or MOA, in Minnesota with over 520 shops in the biggest mall in the USA. About 40 million people from many countries visit it every year. You can find everything there from accessories and books to electronics, toys and travel agents. When you get tired of shopping, you can eat in two food courts. 20 fast food restaurants serve a variety of dishes and snacks. After that you can watch a film in a 14-screen cinema, visit a dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park with roller coasters or play golf. There is even an aquarium with over 4,500 sea creatures including sharks! MOA has got something for everyone!

    Молл Америка

    США славятся своими небоскрёбами, которые появляются в большинстве крупных городов, и своими огромными торговыми центрами. Америка любит ходить по магазинам там.
    Молл Америка, или MOA, в Миннесоте с более чем 520 магазинами в самом большом торговом центре в США. Около 40 миллионов человек из многих стран посещают его каждый год. Здесь можно найти всё, от аксессуаров и книг до электроники, игрушек и турагентов. Когда вы устали от шоппинга, вы можете поесть в двух ресторанных двориках. В 20 ресторанах быстрого питания подают разнообразные блюда и закуски. После этого вы можете посмотреть фильм в кинотеатре с 14 экранами, посетить музей динозавров, повеселиться в крытом парке развлечений с американскими горками или поиграть в гольф. Есть даже аквариум с более чем 4500 морских существ, включая акул! У МОА есть что-то для каждого!

    Упражнение 1, с. 66

    1. Where do you parents/ you go shopping? How often? Are there shopping malls in your city? What can you buy there? Tell the class. — Где ваши родители / вы ходите за покупками? Как часто? Есть ли в вашем городе торговые центры? Что вы можете купить там? Расскажи классу.

    I usually shop at one of the malls in my city at least once a month. There are three malls in my city. You can buy clothes, electronics, books, CDs, shoes, etc.
    Обычно я делаю покупки в одном из торговых центров моего города по крайней мере раз в месяц. В моём городе есть три торговых центра. Вы можете купить одежду, электронику, книги, компакт-диски, обувь и т. д.

    Упражнение 2, с. 66

    2. а) Which of the following can you do in the Mall of America? Listen, read and check. — Что из перечисленного вы можете сделать в торговом центре Америки? Слушайте, читайте и проверяйте.

    shop for clothes — магазин для одежды
    book tickets — забронировать билеты
    have lunch — обедать
    watch a film — смотреть фильм
    visit a museum — посетить музей
    see sharks — увидеть акул
    go on a roller coaster — отправляйтесь на американские горки
    dance — танцы

    b) Read again and complete the charts. — Прочитайте ещё раз и заполните диаграммы.

    Name: Mall of America.
    Название: Торговый центр Америки.

    Location: Minnesota.
    Место расположения: Миннесота.

    Shops: over 520 shops with accessories, books, electronics, toys and travel agents.
    Магазины: более 520 магазинов с аксессуарами, книгами, электроникой, игрушками и туристическими агентствами.

    Things to do: shop, eat, watch a film, visit a dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park, play golf, visit an aquarium.
    Чем заняться: делать покупки, есть, смотреть фильм, посещать музей динозавров, веселиться в крытом парке развлечений, играть в гольф, посещать аквариум.

    Упражнение 3, с. 66

    3. Use words from the Check these words section to complete the sentences. — Используйте слова из раздела Check these words для завершения предложений.

    1 You can see fish an aquarium.
    Вы можете увидеть рыб в аквариуме.

    2 You can see eat at a food court.
    Вы можете увидеть, как едят в ресторанном дворике.

    3 There are roller coasters at an amusement park.
    В парке развлечений есть американские горки.

    4 There is an indoor golf course so don’t worry if it starts raining.
    Есть крытое поле для гольфа, так что не волнуйтесь, если начнётся дождь.

    5 When you get tired of walking you can relax at one of the cafes.
    Когда вы устанете от ходьбы, вы можете отдохнуть в одном из кафе.

    Упражнение 4, с. 66

    4. а) Imagine you are at the Mall. Call your friend to tell him/ her about it. — Представьте, что вы находитесь в торговом центре. Позвоните своему другу, чтобы рассказать ему об этом.

    A: Hi Bob. It’s Mark.
    B: Hi, Mark. Where are you?
    A: I’m calling from the Mall of America in Minnesota.
    B: Really? What’s it like?
    A: It’s great. There are over 520 stores. They have everything from accessories and books to electronics and toys.
    B: Wow! What are you shopping for?
    A: Books and clothes. Right now, I am going to visit the aquarium and see the sharks.
    B: Really. What else is there?
    A: There is a huge indoor amusement park with roller coasters, a dinosaur museum and a 14-screen cinema.
    B: That’s amazing! What about food?
    A: There are two big food courts with 20 fast food restaurants.
    B: Sounds like you are having a good time.
    A: I am. Talk to you later.

    А: Привет, Боб. Это Марк.
    Б: Привет, Марк. Где ты?
    А: Я звоню из торгового центра «Америка» в Миннесоте.
    Б: Правда? На что это похоже?
    А: Это здорово. Тут более 520 магазинов. У них есть всё — от аксессуаров и книг до электроники и игрушек.
    Б: Вау! Что ты покупаешь?
    О: Книги и одежда. Прямо сейчас я собираюсь посетить аквариум и посмотреть на акул.
    Б: Действительно. А что ещё есть?
    А: Здесь есть огромный крытый парк развлечений с американскими горками, музей динозавров и кинотеатр с 14 экранами.
    Б: Это потрясающе! А как насчёт еды?
    А: Есть два больших ресторанных дворика с 20 ресторанами быстрого питания.
    Б: Похоже, вы хорошо проводите время.
    А: Да. Поговорим позже.

    b) Think! Would you like to visit this mall? Tell the class. — Подумай! Хотите посетить этот торговый центр? Расскажи классу.

    I would like to visit the Mall of America. I often go shopping and I like to see new things. At this mall I can watch a film, ride a roller coaster and even see sharks. I can shop at over 520 different stores and eat delicious snacks at the food court. I can’t wait! / I wouldn’t like to visit this mall. I think you can get lost easily and with so many stores I think you would have trouble finding the store you want. People in my city often shop at the Golden Mall. They like to go shopping there because they can find everything in one location. The mall also has a cinema and a food court.

    Я хотел бы посетить торговый центр Америки. Я часто хожу по магазинам, и мне нравится видеть новые вещи. В этом торговом центре я могу посмотреть фильм, покататься на американских горках и даже увидеть акул. Я могу делать покупки в более чем 520 различных магазинах и есть вкусные закуски в ресторанном дворике. Я не могу ждать! / Я бы не хотел посещать этот торговый центр. Я думаю, что вы можете легко заблудиться, и с таким количеством магазинов, я думаю, вам будет трудно найти магазин, который вы хотите. Люди в моём городе часто делают покупки в Золотом торговом центре. Они любят ходить по магазинам там, потому что они могут найти всё в одном месте. В торговом центре также есть кинотеатр и ресторанный дворик.

    Упражнение 5, с. 66

    5. Where do people in your city go shopping? What is the place like? Write a few sentences about it. Tell the class. — Где люди в вашем городе ходят за покупками? На что похоже это место? Напишите о нём несколько предложений. Расскажи классу.

    People in my city often shop at the Golden Mall. They like to go shopping there because they can find everything in one location. The mall also has a cinema and a food court. 
    Люди в моём городе часто делают покупки в Золотом торговом центре. Они любят ходить по магазинам там, потому что они могут найти всё в одном месте. В торговом центре также есть кинотеатр и ресторанный дворик.

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    ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 5 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

    Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook.

    Английский язык. 5 класс

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