Find in the texts the words which have the similar meanings as the following word

1. They’re building a new research …… just outside the town.
A Facility C. institution
B Plant D. chamber

2. Richard ……. his book for three years before he completed it
A Wrote C has been waiting
B had been waiting D was writing

3. the system coudlnt cope with the ……. in energy
A capacity C Shotfall
B challenge D vacuum

4. Scott …….. a conference on presentation skills all this week, so he wont be at the work
A attends C is attending
B will have attended D has attended

5. Our solar panels generate more electricity than we need, so sell the ….. energy back to the grid.
A efficient C vast
B intermittent D surplus

6. This time tomorrow, we ….. in our first lecture of the year
A ‘ll have been sitting C ‘ll sit
B ‘ll be sitting D ‘re going to sit

7. The wind blowing is a form of ……… energy
A Thermal C chemical
B Mechanical D grevitational

8. how long ……. chemical engineering?
A does Emma study
B is Emma studying
C was emma studying
D has Emma been studying

9. i think its a great idea to build a(n) …. wind farm to power the town
A ambitient C pumped
B pressurized D offshore

10. the whole team pitched …. and helped design the advertising campaign
A together C out
B on D in

11. Increasing …….. ermissions are primarily responsible for global warming
A carbon C ultraviolet
B lithium-ion D high capacity

12. My computer isn’t working. I …….. tech support
A ‘ll have called C call
B ‘ll be calling D i’ll call

13. My brother is a web …. and he creates amazing websites
A surveyor C developer
B engineer D advisor

14. My brother ……. the local University to attend their open day. He wants to study engineering there
A has been in C has gone to
B has gone in D has been to

15. Previous generations didn’t understand that burning …… fules damaged the environment, but we know the truth
A power C fossil
B renewable D natural

16. we should finish the installation at about 7 o clock, and by then we …….. for 12 hours!
A will work C will have been working
B are working D will be working

17. thanks to techonology, we can ….. some diseases earlier than we could in the past
A diagnose C access
B undertake D avoid

18. Your speech looks good, but you need to use more emotional language or you ……. the audience
A ‘re not persuading C won’t be persuading
B ‘re not going to presuade D wont have persuaded

19. Changing wind speeds make the amount of electricity ……….
A generate C fluctuate
B outweigh D perform

20. Ther’re celebrating because thair village ….. only renewable energy for the last three years
A has been using C had used
B uses D had been using

100 БАЛЛОВ !
Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sentences,the first letter of each word has been given to help you:
1)Science d… with a variety of subjects. 2)Scientists s… for the answers to the different questions. 3) The structure of the cells is e… by the scientific fields are not clear. 6)The natural,social and technical sciences are closely i… 7)T… the ages, people have invented tools,machines, and materials to make work easier. 8)Science c… much to modern technology. 9) Some modern technologies d… on science. 10) During our l… time we watch TV.
2.a)find in the texts the words which have the similar meanings as the following words .
wide,to research,to attempt,to believe,to examine,main,complex,difficult,to start,big,a motor,various,to study.
b)find in the texts the words ,which have the opposite meanings as the following words .
narrow,easy,practice,artificial,old,more,to begin,small,little.

Find the words in the text which have a similar meaning to the following.



to start



to tell again

a problem


Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 6 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. More about the UK. Номер №39


Перевод задания
Найдите в тексте слова, которые имеют значение, подобное приведенному ниже.
по всему миру
сказать еще раз


various – different

worldwide – all over the world

to start – to begin

information – facts

weather – climate

to tell again – to remind

a problem – trouble

amusing – enjoyable

Перевод ответа
разный − разный
по всему миру − по всему миру
начать − начать
информация − факты
погода − климат
сказать еще раз − напомнить
проблема − проблема
занимательный – доставляющий удовольствие

Find in the text the words which have the similar meanings as the following words: kind, free time, to suggest, difficult, much, to contain, to visit, perhaps, an item, a ship, mental, to be fond of, the base, several, old, to focus, great, various, nice, a lot of.


Найдите в тексте слова, которые имеют значение, аналогичное следующим словам: добрый, свободное время, предлагать, трудно, много, содержать, чтобы посетить, возможно, предмет, корабль, умственный, любить, базовый, несколько, старый, чтобы сосредоточиться, отличный, разнообразный, хороший, много.

<em>Нет</em><em> </em><em>текста</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>поэто</em><em>м</em><em>у</em><em> </em><em>просто</em><em> </em><em>перевёл</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em>

EXERCISE 19. a) Find in the text the words which have the a
similar meanings as the following words (Найдите в
текстах слова, сходные по значению со следующими
large, to like, much, slim, to assist, a pupil, various, whole,
to be situated, beautiful, little, an apartment.
b) Find in the text the words which have the opposite mean-
іngs to the following words (Найдите в текстах слова,
противоположные по значению следующим словам):
big, short, fair, to dislike, little, older, here, north, left, low,
bad, busy, difficult, dark, narrow, thin, under.
c) Read, translate the sentences, change the words in italics
into the words with similar and opposite meanings
(Прочитайте, переведите предложения, замените
выделенные курсивом слова на слова со сходным и
противоположным значением):
1. This girl is thin. 2. We spend a lot of time together. 3. Our
flat is large. 4. She is fond of dancing. 5. This thick carpet is nice.​

Ответы на вопрос


Find in the text the words which have the similar meanings as the following words: kind, free time, to suggest, difficult, much, to contain, to visit, perhaps, an item, a ship, mental, to be fond of, the base, several, old, to focus, great, various, nice, a lot of.

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