Find in the texts english equivalents for these words and word combinations означает охватывает


1. общая площадь — total area

2. расположено в стороне от– located away from

3. отделяться от континента — separated from the continent

4. важная защита против — important protection

5. на протяжении всей истории — throughout history

6. соответственно- respectively

7. нельзя описать — beyond description/indescribable/can’t be described

8. южный полуостров- southern peninsula

9. протекают через — flowing through

10. самая оживленная — the busiest

11. родной язык — mother tongue

12. белый фон — white background

13. на обоих берегах — upon both banks

14. исторические дворцы — historical palaces

15. проводить время — spend time

16. тратить деньги — spend money

Verified answer


1. общая площадь — total area

2. расположено в стороне от– located away from

3. отделяться от континента — separated from the continent

4. важная защита против — important protection

5. на протяжении всей истории — throughout history

6. соответственно- respectively

7. нельзя описать — beyond description/indescribable/can’t be described

8. южный полуостров- southern peninsula

9. протекают через — flowing through

10. самая оживленная — the busiest

11. родной язык — mother tongue

12. белый фон — white background

13. на обоих берегах — upon both banks

14. исторические дворцы — historical palaces

15. проводить время — spend time

16. тратить деньги — spend money

Для написания ответов необходимо зарегестрироваться


Заведующая Аркадакским
филиалом ГАПОУ СО

«Балашовское медицинское

__________________  О.Н

_______________2016 год

Методическое пособие для студентов

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Специальность  34.02.01 «Сестринское дело»

2 курс, 4 семестр, 28 часов




методическое пособие

дисциплине «Английский язык»,

на основе рабочей программы по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык» для
медицинских и фармацевтических училищ для
III курса

иностранных  языков


СО «Балашовское медицинское училище»

Данное  учебно-методическое пособие  представляет собой   Методическое
пособие предназначено в помощь студенту  для подготовки к занятиям по предмету
«Английский язык» для 2 курса по специальности 34.02.01 «Сестринское  дело».

В данном пособии представлены учебные элементы, лексический минимум,
упражнения, направленные на мыслительную деятельность студентов. Студентам
предлагаются задания по развитию навыков устной речи. В данной разработке  
поставлены и реализованы обучающие, развивающие, воспитывающие цели.

   В методической разработке обобщена и систематизирована лексика за весь
учебный семестр, для 2 курса. Студентам предлагается высказаться по
предложенным ситуациям, выполнить задания по образцу и применить полученные
знания в новой ситуации, развивать самостоятельную работу, а также вырабатывать
навыки чтения с целью извлечения информации. Занятия по данному пособию
развивают у студентов память и способность к активной мыслительной
деятельности, формируют интерес к изучению иностранного языка, помогают запомнить
необходимую медицинскую терминологию, развивают кругозор. Рекомендовано для
работы студентам,  как на занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы. В целом
данное   методическое пособие заслуживает внимания и может быть рекомендовано  для
использования в учебном процессе.




Содержание теоретического материала темы: «Кровь и её элементы.»…..8

Содержание теоретического материала грамматической  категории

в прошедшем времени» .……………………………………11

теоретического материала темы

— сосудистая система.» ……………………………………………..16

Содержание теоретического материала грамматической  категории

в разных временах» ………………………………………….20

Содержание теоретического материала темы: «Сердце» ………………….24

Содержание теоретического материала грамматической  категории


Содержание теоретического материала темы «Пищеварительная система.


Содержание теоретического материала грамматической  категории


Содержание теоретического материала темы «История медицины.».……36

Содержание теоретического материала грамматической  категории


Содержание теоретического материала темы ««Ученые-медики и их вклад в

Содержание теоретического материала грамматической  категории


Содержание теоретического материала темы ««Пирогов Н.И.- основатель
сестринского дела в России. Обобщающее повторение» ………………………..49


рекомендуемой литературы…………………………………………….52


современным представлениям и тенденциям в мировой практике обучения иностранным
языкам, основной целью обучения является формирование коммуникативных умений. В
практике преподавание иностранного языка в медицинском училище  приобретает
особую значимость.  Его роль заключается в обеспечении физической и психической
поддержки здоровых и больных людей, в укреплении здоровья, предупреждении
заболевания,  осуществлении совместно с врачом медицинского обслуживания,
предоставлении рекомендаций, проведении реабилитационных мероприятий.
Медицинская сестра должна уметь  консультировать в отношении здорового образа
жизни. Организовать патронаж и помощь на дому, производить сбор необходимых
анализов и так же участвовать в реабилитации. Всё вышесказанное требует наличия
коммуникативных навыков.   

Эффективность профессиональной
языковой коммуникации зависит от владения тремя базовыми компонентами:

Терминологическим фондом соответствующей
специальности (владение общемедицинскими терминами и специализированным языком,
описывающим сестринский процесс);

Профессионально – стилевым и жанровыми
вариантами профессиональной речи в связи с ролями коммуникантов (медицинская
сестра – врач, медицинская сестра – пациент, медицинская сестра – коллеги),
обстоятельствами и обстановкой (палата в стационаре, неотложная служба);

Профессионально – ориентированными
языковыми структурами разного рода – от словосочетаний, фразеологических единиц
до предложения.

Английский язык как предмет,
изучаемый в медицинском училище, является самостоятельным курсом, который
характеризуется целостностью, спецификой, тесной интегральной связью с
изучением латинского языка, основ сестринского дела, сестринского дела в
клинических дисциплинах. Назначением этого курса является завершение
формирования основ владения иностранным  языком, которое было начато в средней
общеобразовательной школе. Также задачей этого курса является заложение прочной
основы практического владения профессиональным медицинским языком, и обучение
технике перевода и элементам адаптирования литературы на английском  языке.
Таким образом, осуществляется плавный переход: средняя общеобразовательная
школа – среднее специальное учебное заведение.

Основные цели курса:

Формировать базовые умения практического и
профессионального владения медицинскими терминами английского языка,
относящегося к сестринскому делу;

Непроизвольное усвоение (запоминание) в
ходе выполнения большого количества лексических упражнений медицинских

Совершенствовать полученные знания и
умения во всех видах речевой деятельности с упором на коммуникативный аспект;

Стимулировать и укреплять мотивацию
самостоятельного изучения и дальнейшего совершенствования становления в области
изучения иностранного языка;

Научить базовым умениям технического
перевода профессионально -ориентированных текстов.

Закрепить базовые коммуникативные умения
профессиональности (умение взаимоотношений «медсестра – пациент», умение сбора
информации, умение передачи информации пациента).

Значимость иностранного языка
обусловлена следующими обстоятельствами:

Иностранный язык (английский) служит средством общения, в ходе которого
происходит процесс обмена опытом с зарубежными коллегами;

Изучение английского языка позволяет получить доступ к самым современным
источникам материалов в области сестринского дела. Эти источники могут быть в
печатаном  виде: журналы, пособия, газеты, или в электронном варианте
(компьютерные базы данных, Интернет);

Изучение английского языка: закрепляет коммуникативные умения, развивает
память, позволяет повышать уровень владения профессиональной терминологией;

Изучение иностранного языка повышает общую культуру студентов, способствует их
личностному росту и самореализации.

Занятие 1. Тема «Кровь и её элементы.
в прошедшем времени» 4часа

1 Blood. Elements of blood. The verb to have in Past Tenses.

Active Vocabulary

• Read and learn the following words:

contain [kɔn’tein] —  содержать

plasma [‘plæzma] — плазма

microscopical  [maik’rəskoupikəl] —  микроскопичный

element [‘əliment]  — элемент

erythrocyte [əriϴrousait]  — эритроцит

leucocyte [‘lju:kousait] —  лейкоцит
thrombocyte [ ‘
ϴrombəsait] —  тромбоцит

bone marrow [‘mærou] —  костныймозг

transport [tra:ns’pɔ :t] транспортировать, переносить

convert [kɔnvɜ:t] — преобразовывать, превращать

carry [‘kæri]
—  переносить

arrive [æ’raiv]  —

expel [ikspel
— вытеснять, выводить

catabolism [kætəbəlizm
— катаболизм

hemoglobin (haemoglobin)

[,himougloubin]  —

agranulocyte [æ’grænjuləsait

cytoplasm [‘sitɔplæzm] —  цитоплазма

granulocyte [‘grænjuləsait]
— гранулоцит

eosinophil ‘[i:osinəfil]

basophil [‘beisəfil]
—  базофил

neutrophil [nju:trəfil]
— нейтрофил

node [noud] — узел

spleen [spli:n]
— селезёнка

lymphocyte [‘limfasait] — 

monocyte [‘monæsait]
—  моноцит

platelet [‘pleitlit] — тромбоцит

tiny [‘taini] — крошечный

bloodclotting [‘klotiŋ] —  свёртываемостькрови

occur [ə’kɜ:]  — npoисходить, случаться

remain [ri ‘mein] — оставаться

coagulation [koaqjuleiʃən] — коагуляция

complete [kəm’pli:t] —  заканчивать

• Read and translate the text. Find the sentences with the gerund.


Blood contains a fluid called plasma plus microscopical cellular
elements: erythrocytes, leucocytes and thrombocytes.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells of which 4.5—5 million are found
in each cubic millimeter. These cells are made in the bone marrow and are
important in transporting oxygen from the lungs through the blood stream to the
cells all over the body. The oxygen is then used up by body cells in the
process of converting food to energy (catabo­lism). Hemoglobin, containing
iron, is an important protein in eryth­rocytes which helps in carrying the
oxygen as it travels through the blood stream. Erythrocytes also carry away
carbon dioxide (CO2),

waste product of catabolism of food in cells, from the body cells
to the lungs. On arriving there it is expelled in the process of breathing.

Leucocytes are white blood cells from 4,000 to 10,000 per cubic
millimeter existing in several types: granulocytes and agranulocytes, which are
also subdivided into different types.

Granulocytes are cells with granules in their cytoplasm formed in
the bone marrow. There are three types of granulocytes: eosinophils, basophils,

Agranulocytes are produced in lymph nodes and spleen. There are
two types of agranulocytes: lymphocytes and monocytes.

Thrombocytes or platelets are tiny cells formed in the bone mar­row.
They are necessary for blood clotting. Their number is 400,000 per cubic
millimeter. The plasma is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred. The
serum is the fluid portion of blood remaining after the coagulation process is


Exercise № 1. Find in the text English equivalents for
these words and word combinations:

1. микроскопические клеточные элементы, 2.
в каждом кубическом миллиметре, 3. через кровоток, 4. по всему организму, 5.
процесс превращения пищи в энергию, 6.выводить.

Exercise № 2. Quote the sentences in which these words
and word combinations are used in the text:

to call, to be found, bone marrow, to be used, to convert, iron,
to be expelled, spleen, a fluid portion, coagulation process

Exercise № 3. Translate the following word

the habit of smoking, the way of producing it, the hope of seeing
you, the chance of getting the prize, the method of transporting, the necessity
of knowing, the importance of carrying away waste products, the time of
arriving, the fact of existing

Exercise № 4. Compose sentences using the model

Model: You can learn English, (to work hard) You can learn
English by working hard.

1. You can improve your health (to walk in the evening, to have
a proper diet, to follow your doctor’s advice).


2. You will help me (to take part in the conference, to deliver
a lec­ture on Monday, to organize a seminar).

3. You can keep up your English (to read books in the original,
to learn grammar, to work with a tape-recorder).

Exercise № 5.  Answer these questions:

1. What does blood contain?

2. How many erythrocytes can be found in each cubic millimeter?

3. Where are these cells made?

4. What is their function?

5. What role does hemoglobin play?

6. What are the types of leucocytes?

7. Where are agranulocytes produced?

8. What types of granulocytes do you know?

9. What organ forms thrombocytes?

10. How many platelets are there in one cubic millimeter?

11. What is the difference between the plasma and the serum?

Exercise № 6. Insert articles where necessary:

1. Blood contains … fluid called plasma and cellular elements.

2. Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are important in … gas
exchange taking place in … lungs.

3. Leucocytes (white blood cells) are subdivided into …
different types.

4. Granulocytes are formed in … bone marrow.

5. Agranulocytes are produced in … lymph nodes and … spleen.

6. Platelets are … tiny cells formed in the bone marrow.

7. … fluid portion of blood remaining after … coagulation
process is the serum.

Exercise № 7. Insert prepositions or adverbs:

1. Thrombocytes are necessary … blood clotting.

2. The plasma is the fluid portion … clotting has occurred.

3. There are two types … agranulocytes.

4. Granulocytes are cells … granules in their cytoplasm.

5. The number of leucocytes is … 4,000 … 10,000 per cubic

6. The oxygen is used … body cells in the process … converting
food … energy.

7. Carbon dioxide is expelled … the process … breathing.

8. Erythrocytes transport oxygen … the lungs … the blood
stream … the cells of the body.

9. They also carry … a waste product … catabolism.

Exercise № 8.Finish the sentences using the gerund. The
words from the right column may be of help

1. Do you mind my …

2. I insist on …       ‘

3. The lecturer began …

4. It’s no use …

5. He stopped …

6. The level of hemoglobin in your blood needs …

7. Most of us dislike the idea of …

8. We had no difficulty in …

9. Please go on …

10. I can’t help …

11. The students made much progress in Physiology by …

to ask you…

to do it now, not tomorrow…

to speak on gas exchange in the lungs…

to try it again…

to   do   laboratory   experiments   on…

blood coagulation to count to be examined to learn the blood
formula to speak on the topic to visit my sister, who is ill to learn this

•Read the text and translate it using a dictionary. Describe
briefly the main  constituents of blood

Text B

The body contains about five litres of blood kept at a constant
temperature of 37°C. Blood consists of three different types of cell floating
in a liquid called plasma. The blood cells are known as red cells, white cells
and platelets. Red cells and platelets are unique among body cells in having no
nucleus. Blood cells are so small that one cubic millimetre of blood (the size
of a pin head) contains about five million red cells, 7,000 white cells and
250,000 platelets.

Red Cells

The red blood cells contain a pigment called haemoglobin which
gives the blood its red colour. The main function of red cells is to carry
oxygen (O2) to the body cells.

For its journey from the lungs to the body cells, oxygen combines
with the haemoglobin of the red cells. It is then released from the haemoglobin
when the body cells are reached. Some people do not have enough haemoglobin in
their red cells and are consequently short of oxygen. This condition is called
anaemia and such people tire easily, become breathless on exertion and have a
pale complexion. They need special care during general anaesthesia.

White Cells

The white blood cells defend the body against disease. They do
this by attacking germs and repairing damage.


The function of platelets is to stop bleeding. They do this in two
ways: by blocking the cut blood vessels; and by producing substances which help
the blood to

•Speak on the functions of blood using the summary

Functions of blood Summary

1. Carriage of oxygen to body cells.

2. Carriage of digested food to body cells.

3. Carriage of carbon dioxide and other waste products away from 
body cells.

4. Carriage of hormones.

5. Defence against disease and repair of injury.

6. Maintenance of body temperature at 37°C.

Глагол to have впрошедшемнеопределенномвремени (The Past Indefinite form of have)

В прошедшем
неопределенном времени (Past Indefinite) глагол to have
имеет одну форму: had.
Обратите внимание на правописание сокращенной формы глагола c местоимениями. ( 

4.2. Глагол to have в прошедшем неопределенном времени. Утвердительная форма

Полная форма глагола

Сокращенная форма глагола

I had

You had

He had

She had

It had

We had

You had

They had








В английском языке прошедшее неопределенное время
употребляется со следующими обозначениями времени: yesterday (вчера), last week
(на прошлой неделе), last month 
прошлом месяце), last year 
прошлом году), two years ago (два года тому назад), five hours ago
(пять часов назад) и т.п.

Сравните следующие примеры:

I had his address. У меня был его адрес.

My sister had curly hair when she was young. У моей сестры были вьющиеся волосы, когда
она была молодой.

We had five exams last term. В прошлом семестре у нас было пять экзаменов.

Max had a Ford two years ago.
У Макса был
автомобиль марки «форд» два года назад.


Exercise № 1.Вставьте глагол to
have в правильной форме.

1. have          
2. Has

1. He … a large

2. He … two pets
at home.

3. They … a very
nice flat in Pskov.

4. Peter … many
friends here.

5. You … many
books at home.

6. Does she … any

7. My mother …
three children.

8. I … two

9. She … two
brothers and a sister.

Exercise № 2.
Вставьте глагол
tobe или tohave в
правильной форме.

1. have          
2. are                  3. is                 4. am              5. has

1. You …

2. This station
… far from here.

3. It … 5
o’clock now.

4. She … a nice

5. We … a little

6. They … a big
car. It … red.

7. How … you?

8. How old …

9. What country
… she from?

10. We … well.

11. They … a
small cottage. It … far away.

12. She … at

13. He … bad

14. She … 2

15. Her mistakes
… bad.

Exercise № 3. Заполнитепропускиличнымиформамиглаголаtohave.

1. … you any
paper? -1 am sorry. I… no paper.

2. They… no
French magazines.

3.  Miss
Cabston… no family of her own.

4. Mike and
Jane… a new flat.

5.  Miss Evance…
a new coat.

6. My friend… no

7.  … your
children many toys?

8. … youanyquestions?

Exercise № 4. 
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие ответы.

1. Не has a headache.

2. You had many
German books.

3.  They will have
a form.

4.  This woman has
a black cat.

5.  Little Ted has
very many balls.

6.  The students
will have a seminar tomorrow.

7.  We had an English
class yesterday.

Exercise №5.
Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

1. Danny has a new

2. I have ninety

3. My parents have
a big house.

4. This man has
fifty English books.

5. They will have
an exam in Literature next month.

6.  My brother has
a wife and two children.

7.  She has got a
new cap.

Exercise №6.
Переведите предложения на английский язык

А. 1. У вас много
книг по истории (on History)? — Да.

2.  У вашего друга
есть гараж (a garage)? — Нет.

3.  У него большая
семья? — Нет. Их трое.

4.  У Мэри есть
дети? — Да, у нее двое детей.

5.  У них есть
стой сад? — Да.

6.   У этого
преподавателя много групп? — Да, у него 5 групп.

7.  У вас есть
какие-нибудь журналы? — Да.

8.   У него есть
виды Лондона (pictures of London)?

B. 1.У нас
нет фермы.

2. У него нет

3.  У нас нет
свободного времени.

4.  У моей жены
нет летней шляпы (summer hat).

5.  У них нет
занятий по немецкому языку сегодня.

6.  У его сестры
нет детей.

7.  У их сына нет

8.  У нас нет
лекций сегодня.

Exercise №7. Вставьтеглагол to be в Present Simple.

1. I … a pupil.
2. My father … not a teacher, he … a scientist. 3. … your aunt a doctor?
—   Yes, she … . 4. … they at home? — — No, they … not at borne, they …
at work. 5. My brother … a worker. He … at work. 6. … you an engineer? —
— Yes, I…. 7. … your sister a photographer? No, she … not a photographer,
she … a student. 8. … your brother at school? — — Yes, he … . 9. … your
sister at school? — No, she … not at school. 10. My … sister … at home.
11. … this your watch? • Yes, it … . 12. She … an actress. 13. This …
my bag. 14. My uncle … an office-worker. 15. He … at work. 16. Helen … a
painter. She has some fine pictures. They … on the walls. She has much paper.
It … on the shelf. The shelf … brown. It … on the wall. Helen has a
brother. He … a student. He has a family. His family … not in St.
Petersburg, it … in New York.

Занятие  2.  Тема «Сердечно — сосудистая
система. Глагол
в разных временах» 4часа

2. Heart. The Curculation. The verb to have.

Active Vocabulary

• Read and learn the following words:

pump [pʌmp] —  нacoc

circulate [‘sɜkjuleit] — циркулировать

tube [tju:b] — rpy6a

carry [‘kæri]  — nepeносить

artery [‘atæri] —  apтерия

vein [vein] —  вeнa

adult [‘ædʌlt]  —

pulse [pʌls] 

skin [skin]  — кожа

occur [ɔ‘kɜ :] npoисходить

wrist [rist] — запястье

chest [tʃest] 
— rpy

breast [brest]  — rpyдь

chamber [‘tʃeimbə]

valve [vælv]  — клапан

atrium [‘eitrim] —  предсердие

ventricle [‘ventrik(ə)l] —  желудочек

death [deϴ] —  смерть

apply [æ’ plai]  — применять

pressure [‘preʃə]

squeeze [skwi:z]  — сжимать

spine [spain] —  позвоночник

relax [ri’læks] —  расслабится

• Read and translate the text. Sum up the content of the text in
4-5 sen­tences.

Text A


heart is simply a pump which circulates blood throughout the body. Tubes called
blood vessels carry it from the heart to all parts of the body and back again.
This round trip is known as the circulation. Vessels carrying blood away from
the heart are known as arteries and those returning blood to the heart are
known as veins.

heart pumps blood round the body about 70 times a minute in adults. The
heartbeats can be felt as the pulse’ where certain arter­ies lie just beneath
the skin, and the most well-known place where this occurs is at the wrist.

heart lies in the chest immediately behind the breast bone’. It consists of two
chambers, left and right, separated from each other by a wall. Each chamber is
further divided3 into upper and lower compart­ments which
communicate with each other1 by valves. Each upper com­partment is
called an atrium and each lower a ventricle. Note that there is no
communication at all between the left and right sides of the heart.

failure5, or cardiac arrest, means that the heart has stopped
beating. This, of course, means that no blood is being pumped round the body
and death occurs in a few minutes. But as the heart is just
a simple
pump*, it can be made to beat artificially by rhythmically apply­ing pressure
to the chest. This squeezes the heart between the breast bone and forces blood
out the heart into the circulation. When pressure on the chest has been
relaxed, blood returns to the heart again.


1. can be felt as the pulse – можноопределитьпопульсу

2. immediately behind the breast bone непосредственнозагрудиной

3. is further divided далееподразделяется

4. communicatewith each other сообщаютсядругсдругом

5. heart failureпаралич,
остановкасердца; сердечнаянедостаточность

6.  as the heart is just a simple pump посколькусердцевсеголишьпростойнасос


Exercise № 1. Find in the text English equivalents for these words
and word combinations:

1. Просто насос. 2.
Кровеносные сосуды 3. Круговое движение 4. Известны как 5. У взрослых 6.
Располагается непосредственно под кожей 7. Где это происходит 8. Состоит из
двух камер 9. Каждый верхний отдел 10. Вообще нет сообщения 11. Его можно
заставить биться искусственно 12. Выталкивать кровь из сердца.

Exercise № 2.  Quote the
sentences in which the following words and word com­binations are used in the

throughout the body, blood
vessels, about 70 times a minute, im­mediately behind the breast bone,
separated from each other, upper and lower compartments, communication, cardiac
arrest, round the body, to beat artificially, pressure on the chest.

Exercise № 3. Make these
sentences interrogative:

1. The heart circulates blood
throughout the body.

2. The heartbeats can be felt
as the pulse.

3. Each chamber is divided
into upper and lower compartments.

4. The heart has stopped

5. Death occurs in a few

6. Vessels returning blood to
the heart are known as veins.

Exercise № 4.  Answer these

1. What is heart?

2. What are tubes carrying
blood called?

3. Where can the heartbeats be felt?

4. Where does the heart lie?

5. What does the heart consist of?

6. What compartments is each chamber divided into?

7. What are the compartments called?

8. What does heart failure mean?

9. Can the heart be made to beat artificially? 10. When does blood
return to the heart again?

Exercise № 5. Insert articles or possessive pronouns where

Heart attack is recognized by … sudden onset of … severe pain
across … chest, radiating to the shoulder and left arm. Rhythmically applying
pressure to … chest is repeated 80 times … minute and is called external
cardiac compression. Combined with artificial respira­tion it can keep …
patient alive until … expert medical help is avail­able.

Exercise № 6. Insert prepositions where necessary:

The pain … myocardial infarction is far more severe than other
heart pains. The patient may collapse and cardiac arrest can occur.

Text B


Active Vocabulary • Read and learn the following words and word

except [ik’sept] — кроме

 enter [‘entə] —  входить

bring [brjŋ] —  npиносить

 the rest of  — ocтаток

pass [pass] — проходить

through [ϴru:] —  чepeз

pulmonary [pʌlmənəry] — лёгочные

fresh [freʃ] — свежий

reach[ritʃ]  — достигать

destination [,desti ‘neiʃn] – местоназначения

capillary [ka’piləri]  — капилляр

reverse [ri’vɜ:s]  — обратный

 describe [di’skraib] —  onucывать

• Read and translate these words and word combinations:

atrium:        right atrium, left atrium, to enter the right
atrium, from


the left atrium it passes through enters, entered, to enter the
atrium, to enter the univer­sity, entrance

pass: passes, passed, to pass through, to pass out, to pass on, a

pass describe:      described, describes, description, to describe
oneself, to

describe a circle

• Read and translate the text. Answer the question that follows

Text A

Blood returning from all parts of the body, except the lungs,
enters the right atrium. All this blood enters the right atrium through two
great veins — the superior vena cava bringing blood from the head, neck and
arms, and the interior vena cava which brings it back from the rest of the

From the right atrium, blood passes through the tricuspid valve
into the right ventricle. It then passes out of the right ventricle through the
pulmonary artery to the lungs.

Here the blood gives up the waste carbon dioxide it is carrying
and takes in fresh oxygen, which is part of the fuel necessary for the working
of the body. This oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs in the pulmonary
vein to the left atrium of the heart. From here it passes through the mitral
valve into the left ventricle. Then it is pumped out of the left ventricle into
the aorta. This great artery di­vides into many smaller arteries which convey
oxygenated blood all round the body.

When these smaller arteries reach their destination they divide
again into very thin-walled vessels called capillaries. Oxygen from the blood
passes through the walls of these capillaries to the body cells. Carbon
dioxide, which is a waste product formed in the body cells, also passes through
the capillary walls, but in the reverse direction, from the body cells to the
blood. The capillaries then unite to form veins which carry the blood and waste
carbon dioxide back to the right atrium of the heart via the superior and
interior vena cava. As already described, the blood passes on again via the
tricuspid valve, right ventricle and pulmonary artery to the lungs.

What are the superior vena cava and interior vena cava?


Exercise № 1.Find in the text English equivalents for these words
and word


1. Кроме легких 2. Поступать в правое предсердие 3. Из остальных
частей тела 4. Проходить через 5. Выходить из правого желудочка 6. Отдавать 7.
Обогащенная кислородом кровь 8. По всему организму 9. Впротивоположномнаправлении
10. Объединяются, образуявены.

two great veins, the tricuspid valve, to pass out, the waste
carbon dioxide, the pulmonary vein, mitral valve, to divide into, to reach
their destination, to carry back, to pass on

Exercise № 2.Form and translate the new words using the given

-ion (-ation), -sion: circulate, decide, inform,
divide, direct, protect

-(i)ty: human, possible, special, responsible

Exercise № 3. Answer these questions:

1. Where does blood returning from all parts of the body enter?

2. Where does it pass into from the right atrium?

3. What does it take in the lungs?

4. The oxygenated blood is carried to the left atrium of the
heart, isn’t it?

5. Where does it pass into after that?

6. What do smaller arteries divide into?

7. Does oxygen from the blood pass through the walls of these
capillaries or through the walls of veins?

8. What direction does carbon dioxide pass?

9. What do capillaries form? 10. Where do veins carry the blood?

Exercise №4. Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

The journey made … blood from the left ventricle through arter­ies,
body capillaries and veins back … the right atrium is known as the systemic
circulation. These arteries can only oxygenated blood, while the veins carry
only deoxygenated blood.

The passage … blood from the right ventricle … the pulmonary
ar­tery, lungs and pulmonary vein back … the left atrium is called the
pulmonary circulation. It is unique in being the only part … the cir­culation
where an artery carries deoxygenated blood (pulmonary ar­tery) and a vein
carries oxygenated blood (pulmonary vein).

Exercise № 5. Insert articles where necessary:

It should now be clear that … function of the left side of …
heart is solely to pump oxygenated blood from … lungs to the rest of the

to have в английском языке

Как самостоятельный глагол to have в настоящем
времени имеет 2 формы:

have для всех лиц, кроме 3-го лица
единственного числа

has для 3-го лица единственного числа

В прошедшем времени глагол to have имеет
форму had,
в будущем — shall
will have.

Формы глагола to have

настоящее время

прошедшее время

будущее время

I have
You have
е / She / It has

We have
You have
They have


shall have
will have

Значение этого глагола — «иметь, владеть, обладать».
Часто в разговорной речи вместо havehasупотребляется словосочетание have gothas got (краткие
формы ‘ve got и ‘s got) с тем же
значением, особенно когда речь идёт о временном владении или только что приобретённом
предмете или предметах:

We‘ve got a nice flat.
У нас хорошая квартира.

Have you got any pets?
У вас есть домашние животные?

В вопросительной форме в британском варианте языка глагол
to have
 часто стоит перед подлежащим, в американском варианте
вопросительная и отрицательная формы всегда образуются с помощью
вспомогательного глагола do:

Have you two sons? (брит.)
Do you have a lot of free time? 

Отрицание выражается формой глагола to have с
отрицанием not или
с отрицательным местоимениемno:

haven’t got a pen.
have got no pen here.

has not = hasn’t
have not = haven’t

Распространённые сочетания с глаголом to have

to have a lesson / a lecture / a meeting
посещать урок / лекцию / собрание

to have breakfast / lunch / dinner…
завтракать / обедать

to have a rest / a swim / a wash
отдохнуть / поплавать /постирать

to have a drink / a cigarette / a day off
выпить / выкурить сигарету / иметь выходной день


Упражнение №
1.Вставьте глагол to have в правильной форме.

1. have          
2. has

1. He … a large

2. He … two pets
at home.

3. They … a very
nice flat in Pskov.

4. Peter … many
friends here.

5. You … many
books at home.

6. Does she … any

7. My mother …
three children.

8. I … two

9. She … two
brothers and a sister.

Упражнение №
2.Вставьте глагол to be или to have в правильной форме.

1. have          
2. are                  3. is                 4. am              5. has

1. You …

2. This station
… far from here.

3. It … 5
o’clock now.

4. She … a nice

5. We … a little

6. They … a big
car. It … red.

7. How … you?

8. How old …

9. What country
… she from?

10. We … well.

11. They … a
small cottage. It … far away.

12. She … at

13. He … bad

14. She … 2

15. Hermistakesbad.

Упражнение №3.
Заполните пропуски личными формами глагола to have.

1.    … you any
paper? -1 am sorry. I… no paper.

2.    They… no
French magazines.

3.    Miss
Cabston… no family of her own.

4.    Mike and
Jane… a new flat.

5.    Miss
Evance… a new coat.

6.    My friend…
no telephone.

7.    … your
children many toys?

8.    … youanyquestions?

Упражнение №4. 
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткие ответы.

1.    Не has a headache.

2.    You had many
German books.

3.    They will
have a form.

4.    This woman
has a black cat.

5.    Little Ted
has very many balls.

6.    The students
will have a seminar tomorrow.

7.    We had an
English class yesterday.

Упражнение №5.
Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

1.    Danny has a
new computer.

2.    I have
ninety stamps.

3.    My parents
have a big house.

4.    This man has
fifty English books.

5.    They will
have an exam in Literature next month.

6.    My brother
has a wife and two children.

7.    She has got
a new cap.

Упражнение №6.
Переведите предложения на английский язык

А. 1. У вас много
книг по истории (on History)? — Да.

2.    У вашего
друга есть гараж (a garage)? — Нет.

3.    У него
большая семья? — Нет. Их трое.

4.    У Мэри есть
дети? — Да, у нее двое детей.

5.    У них есть
стой сад? — Да.

6.    У этого
пpenодавателя много групп? — Да, у него 5 групп.

7.    У вас есть
какие-нибудь журналы? — Да.

8.    У него есть
виды Лондона (pictures of London)?

 1. У нас нет

2.    У него нет

3.    У нас нет
свободного времени.

4.    У моей жены
нет летней шляпы (summer hat).

5.    У них нет
занятий по немецкому языку сегодня.

6.    У его сестры
нет детей.

7.    У их сына
нет велосипеда.

8.    У нас нет
лекций сегодня.

Занятие 3. Тема « Сердце.
The Present Simple Tense» 4

3. Respiration. Breathing. The Present Simple Tense.

Active Vocabulary • Read and learn the following words and word

breathing [‘bri:ðiŋ] — дыхание

 provide [prɔ‘vaid]  — o6ecпечивать

 interchange [intə’tʃendʒ]  —

protective [prɔ‘tektiv] — защитный

cage[keidʒ]  —  клетка

rib [rib] —  pe6po

muscle [‘mʌsl]  —

diaphragm [daiæfræm] —  диафрагма

abdomen [‘æbdɔmin] 

throat [ϴrout]

larynx [læriŋks]  — глотка

trachea [træ’kia] — тpaxea

bronchi [‘bronhi] —  6poнхи

huge [hju:dʒ]  —

air sac [əasek]  — лёгочнаяальвеола

network [netwɜ:k] 
— ce

passage [‘pæsidʒ] — 1.
д; 2.проходить

airway [‘eawei]  — воздушныйпуть

surround [sə’raund]  — окружать

simultaneously [,simil`teinjəsli] — одновременно

replenish [ri’pleniʃ]
пополнять, насыщать

eliminate [ə linimeit] —  ycтранять

•Read and translate the following words and word combinations:

muscle: a sheet of muscle, muscle-man, muscular, muscle-bound,

rib muscle

respiration: respirator, respiratory, respiratory tract, respire
passage: air passage, food passage, to work one’s passage, pas-


• Find in the text and write out the equivalents for the following
words and word combinations:

Text A

Respiration means breathing. Its function is to provide the means
whereby oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves. This interchange of
gases occurs in the lungs which are situated in the chest, one on each side pf
the heart.

The chest forms a protective cage for the heart and lungs. The
bars of the cage are formed by the ribs — which are joined to the breast bone
in front and spine behind. The spaces between the ribs are filled by the rib
muscles. The floor of the cage’ is formed by the diaphragm, which is a sheet of
muscle separating the chest from the abdomen. •

In order to2 reach the lungs, the air we breathe enters
the throat through the nose or mouth and passes into the larynx. Below the lar­ynx
the air passes along a tube called the trachea, which runs down the neck to the
chest where it divides into two. These two branches are known as the right and
left bronchi and they enter their respective lungs. Just as arteries divide up
into smaller arteries and finally into thin-walled capillaries, so do the
bronchi3 divide inside the lungs. Each bronchus divides into many
smaller and smaller tubes until it eventually ends up as a huge number of tiny
air sacs, which comprise each lung. A network of capillaries originating from
the pulmonary artery passes round each air sac4.

Air breathed in through the nose5 passes via the
throat, larynx, trachea and bronchi to the air sacs of the lungs. This passage
from nose to lungs is known as the airway. In the lungs, oxygen from the air
passes through the thin walls of each air sac and its surrounding capillary to
reach the blood. In the same way carbon dioxide passes simultaneously out of
the blood into the air sacs. This gaseous ex­change for replenishing the blood
with oxygen and eliminating the waste product, carbon dioxide, is the sole
purpose of respiration.

Oxygen enters the blood by combining with hemoglobin in the red
cells; whereas carbon dioxide is carried by the plasma.


1. the floor of the cage — ocнованиеклетки2. in
order to

3. just as arteries … so do the bronchi какартерии, такилёгкие

4. passes round each air sac оплетаеткаждуюальвеолу

5. breathed in through the nose вдыхаемыйчерезнос


Exercise №1.Quote the sentences in which the following words and
word com­binations are used in the text:

1.     to
provide the means 2. to be situated 3. the bars of,the cage 4. to be joined to
the breast bone 5. the space between the ribs 6. asheet of muscle 7. to
pass into larynx 8. to pass along 9. thin-walled capillaries 10. a huge number
of tiny air sacs 11., pass round 12. to reach the blood 13. the sole purpose
14. to be carried by

Exercise №2.Answer these questions:

1. What is respiration?

2. How can you characterize its function?

3. Where does the interchange of gases take place?

4. What does the chest form?

5. What are the spaces between ribs filled by?

6. What does the diaphragm separate?

7. Where does the air pass below the larynx?

8. How do the bronchi divide inside the lungs?

9. What passes round each air sac?

10. How can you describe the airway?

11. What is the sole purpose of respiration?

12. What takes place in the red cells during respiration?

Exercise №3. Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
Retell the text.

Air enters the body … the nose. … passing through the nasal
cav­ities the air reaches the pharynx. On its way … the lungs, air passes
from larynx … the trachea. The trachea divides … two branches called
bronchi. The smallest … the bronchial branches are called bronchi­oles. …
the end of the bronchioles are air sacs called alveoli.

The very thin wall allows for the exchange of gases … the
alveolus and the capillaries.

Exercise №4. Insert articles where necessary:

Each lung is enveloped hi … membrane called the pleura. … two lungs
are not mirror images of each other. … right lung is larger and is divided
into three lobes. … left lung is divided into two lobes. The air­way is
covered with … fine layer of fluid called mucus, which collects dust and dirt
particles from … air.

Exercise № 5. Ask questions to which the italicized words are the

1. The floor of the cage is formed by the diaphragm.

2. Below the larynx the air passes along the

3. The bronchi divide inside lungs.

4. Air enters the body through the nasal cavities.

5. There, are three divisions of the pharynx.

6. The larynx contains the vocal cords.

Exercise № 6.Ask questions about the text

Work in pairs.

• Read the text and say what new facts you have learnt about
breathing in and breathing out. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Text B

Breathing is the means whereby
air is sucked into and expelled from the lungs. It is brought about by
movements of the chest which have the same effect as bellows. When the chest
expands air is sucked into the lungs, and when it contracts air is expelled.
Fresh air reaches the lungs when we breathe in. This is called inspiration and
occurs about 15 times a minute. Breathing out, or expiration, rids the lungs of
carbon dioxide.

For inspiration to take place,
the chest cavity must expand, and this is brought about by the action to the
respiratory muscles. These are the diaphragm and rib muscles. As already
described, the dia­phragm is a sheet of muscle separating the chest from the
abdomen. The rib muscles expand the chest by pulling the ribs upwards and out­wards.
This combined action of diaphragm and rib muscles sucks air

into the lungs during
inspiration, while their passive recoil during ex­piration expels air from the

Inspired air contains 20%
oxygen and a negligible amount of carbon dioxide. Expired air contains about
16% oxygen and 4% carbon dioxide.

Simple —

Время Present Simple обозначает действие в
настоящем в широком смысле слова. Оно употребляется для обозначения обычных,
регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы говорим о
чьих-либо привычках, режиме дня, расписании и т. д., т. е. Present
 обозначает действия, которые происходят в настоящее время, но
не привязаны именно к моменту речи.

Образование Present Simple

Утвердительные предложения:

I play

We play

You play

You play

He / she / it plays

They play

Вопросительные предложения:

Do I play?

Do we play?

Do you play?

Do you play?

Does he / she / it play?

Do they play?

Отрицательные предложения:

I do not play

We do not play

You do not play

You do not play

He / she / it does not play

They do not play

Английский глагол во
временной форме Present Simple почти всегда совпадает со своей
начальной, то есть указанной в словаре, формой без частицы to. Лишь в 3-ем
лице единственного числа к ней нужно прибавить окончание -s:

I work – he works

Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, то к нему прибавляется окончание -es:

I wish – he wishes

К глаголам на -y с предшествующей согласной тоже прибавляется
окончание -es,
а -y заменяется
на -i-:

I try – he tries

Если же глагол оканчивается на -y с предшествующей гласной, то -y сохраняется
и добавляется только окончание -s:

I play – he plays

Для того, чтобы построить вопросительное предложение, перед подлежащим нужно
поставить вспомогательный глагол. Время Present Simple используется
без него, поэтому в этом случае добавляется вспомогательный глагол do (или does в 3 л.
ед. ч.):

Do you like rock?

Does he speak English

Он говорит по-английски?

В отрицательных
 тоже используется вспомогательный глагол do/does, но не перед
подлежащим, а перед глаголом. После него прибавляется отрицательная
частица notDo/does и notчасто
сокращаются до don’t и doesn’t соответственно:

do not like black coffee.
Я не люблю черный кофе.

She doesn’t smoke.
Она не курит.


Вспомогательный глагол do/does может стоять и в утвердительных предложениях.
Тогда предложение приобретает бoльшую экспрессивность, глагол оказывается
эмоционально выделен:

do want to help you.
Я на самом деле хочу тебе помочь.

Jane does know how to cook.
Джейн действительно умеет готовить.

В таких предложениях вспомогательный глагол никогда не

Случаи употребления Present Simple

Регулярные, повторяющиеся действия:

I often go to the park.
Я часто хожу в парк.

They play tennis every weekend.
Каждые выходные они играют в теннис.

Действие в настоящем в широком смысле слова (не обязательно в
момент речи):

Jim studies French.

We live in Boston.


Общеизвестные факты:

The Earth is round.

The Volga is the longest river in Europe.

Волга – самая длинная река в Европе.

Перечисление последовательности действий:

We analyse what our clients may need, develop a
new product, produce a sample,improve it and sell it.
Мы анализируем, что может понадобиться нашим клиентам,
разрабатываем новый продукт, изготавливаем образец, дорабатываем его и продаем.

Некоторые случаи указания на будущее время (если имеется в виду
некое расписание или план действий, а также в придаточных предложениях времени
и условия):

The airplane takes off at 2.30 p.m.
Самолетвзлетаетв 14:30.

When you see a big green house, turn left.

Когда вы увидите большой зеленый дом, поверните налево.

Некоторые случаи указания на прошедшее время (в заголовках газет,
при пересказе историй):

Airplane crashes in
В Пакистане разбился самолет.

I met Lenny last week. He comes to me and says,
Hello, mister!”
НапрошлойнеделеявстретилЛенни. Подходит ко мне и говорит: «Здорово, мистер!»


Exercise№ 1.
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple

1. Я ученик. Я в


2. Мой брат
художник. Он не инженер.


3. Моя сестра на
работе. Она врач.


4. Он студент.


5. Вы студент? —
Нет, я врач.


6. Моя сестра


7. Мы не в школе.
Мы дома.


8. Мой брат
ученик. Он в школе.


9. Ваша мама дома?
— Нет, она на работе.


10. Ваш двоюродный
брат дома? — Нет, он в школе. Он ученик.


11.  Ваша сестра
учительница? — Нет, она студентка.


12. Твой папа на
работе? — Нет, он дома.


13. Твоя сестра
дизайнер? — Да, — Она дома? — Нет, она на работе.


14. Мой дедушка


15. Моя мама не
учительница. Она врач.


1. Чья это ручка?
— Это моя ручка.


2. Чья это книга?
— Это ваша книга.


3. Чей это стол? —
Это стол моего брата.


4. Чья это сумка?
— Это сумка моей мамы.


5. Чей это карандаш?
— Это карандаш моей сестры.


6. Это твоя
тетрадь? — Да.


7. Это тетрадь
твоего брата? — Нет, это моя тетрадь.


8. Где ваш стол? —
Он посередине ком­наты.


9. Где твоя ручка?
— Она в моем кармане.


10. Где твоя
тетрадь? — Она на столе.


11. Где твоя мама?
— Она на работе.


12. Где твой брат?
— Он в школе.


13. Где твоя
сестра? — Она дома.


14. Чей это
карандаш? — Это мой карандаш. — А где мой карандаш? — Он на столе.


15. Чьи это часы?
— Это мои часы. —  А где мои часы? — Они на столе.


Exercise№ 2. 
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в

sister (to get) up at eight o’clock. 2. She (to be) a school-girl. She (to go)
to school in the afternoon. 3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her
morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a
sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 6. It (to
take) him two hours to do his homework. 7. She (to speak) French well. 8, My
working day (to begin) at seven o’clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the
radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes, At
half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at
eight o’clock. He (to take) a bus to his office. My mother (to be) a doctor,
she (to leave) home at nine o’clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the
living-room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

Переведитенаанглийскийязык, употребляяглаголыв Present Simple

1. Я работаю.  2.
Мы работаем. _________________________________________________________________

3. Они не работают._________________________________________________________________

4. Вы работаете? — Да.

5. Он работает? — Нет. Он

6. Мой брат не учится. Он работает.

7. Моя сестра не читает книг.

8. Наша бабушка любит спать на

9. Вы любите отдыхать в кресле?

10. Мы едим и пьем в кухне.

11. Мой брат не любит читать газеты.

12. Мы спим в спальне.

13. Мой брат спит на диване в жилой

14. Моя сестра одевается перед

15. Мой дядя пишет книги.

16. Мы пишем
упражнения в школе.

Exercise№ 4.
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1.Когда вы
встаете? — Я встаю без четверти семь. 2. Когда встает твой брат? — Он встает
без двадцати восемь. — А твоя сестра тоже встает без двадцати восемь? — Нет.
Мой брат ходит в школу, а моя сестра не ходит в школу. Она еще не ученица. Она
встает в девять часов.3. Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. Он встает
двадцать минут восьмого. Он работает утром и днем. Вече­ром он не работает.
Вечером он отдыхает. 4. Твоя сестра говорит по-французски? — Нет. Она говорит
по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-английски

Упражнение № 5.
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

Мой дядя инженер.
Он очень занят. Его рабочий день начинается рано утром. Он встает в семь 
часов. Он умывается, одевается и завтракает. После завтрака он идет на работу.
Он работает в институте. Он любит свою работу. Он женат. Его  жена врач. Она
работает в больнице. Вечером она изучает французский язык. Она посещает курсы
французского языка. Мой дядя не говорит по-французски. Он говорит по-русски и
по-немецки. Он изучает английский язык. Вечером он посещает курсы английского
языка. Сын моего дяди ученик. Он ходит в школу. В школе он изучает английский

4. Тема: «Пищеварительная система. Органыпищеварения.
Present Continuous Tense» 4

4. Digestion. The Present Continuous Tense.

      Active vocabulary

Utilize [`jutilaiz] – потреблять                                            
perform [pef
ɔ:m]- осуществлять

process [`prəʊsəs] 
diary [`deiri] —

enzyme [`enzim] – фермент                                                 
layer [`leiə] —

protein [prəʊ`tein]–
beneath [bi`ni:
ϴ] —  под,

carbohydrate [ `ka:bə`heidrət]
source [s
ɔ:s]- источник

fat [fæt] – жир,                                                                       
insulation [`insju:`lei
ʃ(ə)n]– изоляция,

amino-acid [`æminɔ`eisid]
juice [`d
ʒu:s] —  сок

repair [ri`pɛa]
sweat[`swi:t] — 

starchy [`sta:ʧi]
daily[`deili] –

and translate the text.



     For life to
continue, the body requires the fuel in the form of oxygen and food.
Respiration provides oxygen. Our food, however, cannot be utilized by the body
in the form in which it is eaten. It must be specially processed by the body
before it can be of any use. This special processing is called as digestion. It
is brought about by the action on the food of certain substances called enzymes
which are made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through
the body.

    The food we
eat consists of protein, carbohydrate and fat. It also contains small
quantities of vitamins and minerals.

    Proteins are
found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. They are broken down into amino
–acids during digestion. Protein is necessary for cell growth and repair.

Carbohydrates are found in sweet and starchy foods such as sugar, flour and
potatoes. They are                   broken down into glucose during digestion.
Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy required to perform their

    Fats are found
in meat, fish, dairy products and vegetable oils. The digestive process breaks
them down to fatty acids. Fats provide energy and body fat, which is stored in
a layer beneath the skin. It acts as a reserve source of energy when needed,
and also as insulation which helps maintain body temperature in cold water.

   The body
requires water for the production of blood, digestive juices, urine and sweat.
Many foods contain a large quantity of water but it is still necessary to drink
more than a liter of fluid daily.


for life to continue — для
поддержания жизни

— в том виде, в котором мы ее по­требляем

before it can be of any use — передтемкакееиспользовать

 to be broken down — расщепляться

 to be stored in a layer beneath the skin — накапливатьсявподкож­номслое


Exercise № 1. Find in the text English equivalents for
these words and word combinations:

1. организму необходима 2. быть специально
переработан­ным 3. оно производится 4. по мере ее прохождения 5. неболь­шое
количество 6. можно найти 7. для роста и восстановления клетки 8. обеспечивать
энергией 9. для осуществления их функ­ций 10. дополнительный источник энергии
11. желудочный сок 12. ежедневно

Exercise №2. Quote the sentences in which these words
and word combinations arc used in the text:

to provide, utilized, to be of any use, to be known
as, certain sub­stances, vitamins and minerals, to be found, body cells, fatty
acid, a layer, insulation, sweat

Exercise 3.
Answer these questions:

does the body require for life?

food be utilized in the form in which it is eaten?

is the processing of food by the body called?

Exercise 4.
Translate into English:

Для его функционирования организму
необходима энер­гия.

Пища должна быть специально переработана
для потреб­ления се организмом.

Пищеварение осуществляется при помощи
ферментов, вы­рабатываемых организмом.

Кроме белков, углеводов и жиров пиша
содержит витами­ны и минеральные вещества.

Белки необходимы для роста и
восстановления клетки.

Углеводы превращаются в глюкозу в процессе

Жир является дополнительным источником

Многие продукты питания содержат в себе
большое коли­чество воды.

•Read the text, translate it using a dictionary, and
give an annotation of the text.


The food we cat is called our diet. All the constituents
of food — protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals — arc present in
adequate quantities in a normal balanced diet. There is no need to eat
excessive quantities of one or the other. Over-eating is dangerous to health as
the body only requires a certain amount of energy. Food eaten in excess of the
body’s energy requirements is stored in the form of fat and thus increases body
weight. This is potentially danger­ous to health as it puts an extra strain on
the heart and circulation and may lead to disease of the heart and arteries,
resulting in high blood pressure and heart failure.

Thus, all the food we eat undergoes digestion by
enzymes, which turn it into amino-acids, fatty acids, glucose, vitamins and
minerals. Only when it is in this form can it be absorbed into the blood and
utilized by the body cells.

5. Тема «История медицины.

5. The History of Medicine. Florence Nightingale. The Present Perfect Tense»

Born in Florence, Italy,
on May 12, 1820, Florence Nightingale was raised mostly in Derbyshire, England,
and reserved a thorough classical education from her father. In1849 she went
abroad to study the European hospital system, and in 1850 she began training in
nursing at the Institute of Saint Vincent de Paul in Alexandria, Egypt. She
subsequently studied at the Institute for Protestant Deaconesses in Germany. In
1853 she became superintendent of the hospital for Invalid Gentlewomen in

           After the
Crimean War broke out in 1854, Nightingale stirred by reports of the primitive
sanitation methods and grossly inadequate nursing facilities at the large
British barracks – hospital at the Üskudar (Turkey), sends a letter to the
British secretary of war, volunteering her services in the Crimea. At the same
time, unaware of her action, the minister of war proposed that she assume
direction of all nursing operations at the war front. She set out for Üskudar
accompanied by 38 nurses. Under Nightingale`s supervision, efficient nursing departments
were established at Üskudar and later in Balaklava in the Crimea. Through her
tireless efforts the mortality rates among the sick and the wounded was greatly
reduced. At the close of the war in 1860, with a fund raised in tribute to her
services, Nightingale founded the Nightingale School and Home for Nurses at
Saint Thomas`s Hospital in London. The opening of this school marked the
beginning of professional education in nursing.

Nightingale`s contributions to the evolution of nursing as a profession were
invaluable. Before she undertook her reforms, nurses were largely untrained
personnel who considered their job an unpleasant task. Through her efforts the
stature of nursing was raised to a medical profession with high standards of
education and important responsibilities. She received many honors from foreign
governments and in 1907 became the first woman to receive The British Order of
Merit. She died in London in August 13, 1910. In 1915 The Crimean Monument in
Waterloo Place, London, was erected in her honor. Her writings include Notes on
Nursing 1860, the first textbook for nurses, which was translated into many
languages. Among her other writings are Notes on Hospitals and Notes on nursing
for the Laboring.


Exercise №1. It follows
from the text that

A.   Florence
Nightingale was named after the city she was born in.

B.   Florence
Nightingale was the first woman to receive a classical medical education.

C.   In
1850 Florence Nightingale began nursing at the Institute of Saint Vincent de
Paul in Egypt.

D.   In
the 50-th of the 19-th century Florence Nightingale managed a medical

Exercise№2. A
statement that doesn`t contradict the passage is

A.   The minister of
war proposed that
Nightingale assume direction of all nursing operations at the war front
regardless of her will.

B.   The medical
service in the British hospital was unlikely to be poor.

C.   Florence
Nightingale wished she had not worked in Turkey.

D.   Florence
Nightingale did not go to Turkey alone.

Exercise №3. The
text states that

A.   After the warFlorence
Nightingale established efficient nursing departments in Turkey.

B.    Nightingale
founded the Nightingale School and Home for Nurses at Saint Thomas Hospital in

C.   The money was
raised to help the foundation of nursing educational centers.

D.   The start of
professional education in nursing can be referred to the beginning of
Nightingale`s activities in this field.


Жизнь бежит,
а мы порой не замечаем происходящих вокруг нас событий. Англичане, чтобы
немного обратить внимание на прекрасные секунды настоящего, используют Present
Continuous Tense.

   Что это за
настоящее продолженное время и зачем его употреблять? Может, многие удивятся,
но в русском языке тоже существуют длительные времена, просто грамматика их не
выделяет, ведь мы и так понимаем разницу между «ходит» и «идет», «пришел» и
«шел». Изменение суффиксов, приставок и даже самого корня нам
кажется естественным, так же как англичанам использование вспомогательных
глаголов. Present Progressive (Continuous) помогает передать длительность
процесса, что он происходит в настоящий момент.

Сравнение настоящих времен

Чтобы легче
было разобраться, рассмотрим некоторые примеры:



The breakfast tastes awful! (плохойвкусфакт)  

 I am tasting the meat (пробуювкуспроцесс)  

Завтрак на вкус ужасный!   

 Я пробую мясо.

The parcel weighs over 10 kg (факт)

 We are weighing the parcel (действие)

Посылка весит больше 10 кг

Мы взвешиваем посылку

отличие этих времен в отображении действия. Если первое
просто констатирует факт, говорит о том, что есть, то длительное или
Continuous раскрывает подробно, как же это действие протекает.


Present Continuous довольно несложно запомнить. Для этого потребуется вспомнить
спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени и образовать форму первого
причастия (Participle 1) или, другими словами, глагола с окончанием -ing.
Звучит это, может, немного запутанно, но на деле — легко. Рассмотрим на примере
глагола to work:

TO BE (AM, IS, ARE) + Ving

Что значит
эта схема? Так, с местоимением «I» используется форма «am». К «she, he, it»
 подставим «is», а вот со всеми остальными (you, we, they) — are. После
вспомогательных глаголов ставим сказуемое с окончанием ing.

I am working
now. — Я сейчас работаю.

She (He, It) is working
now. —

They (You, We) are
working now. —

грамматика Present Continuous (Progressive) tense говорит, что это время может
употребляться в различных предложениях не только по смыслу, но и по типу:
повествовательное, отрицательное и вопросительное. Из всех времен, правила
для Present Continuous в этом случае самые легкие: либо добавить частицу «not»,
либо поменять местами подлежащее и вспомогательный глагол.

Подлежащее +
to be + Ving + второстепенные члены (утвердительное предложение).

Подлежащее + to be + not + Ving + второстепенные члены
(отрицательное предложение).

To be + подлежащее + Ving + второстепенные члены (вопросительное

I am writing a letter
right now.
I am not reading a book now.
Are you cooking dinner now?

Конечно же,
несмотря на простоту образования форм, грамматика презент
континиус усложнена некоторыми нюансами: особенности написания с
окончанием -ing.

Если глагол заканчивается на «e»,
а перед ней стоит согласная, то эта буквочка исчезает: use-using,
manage — managing. Но: dye — dyeing.

Буква «l» на
конце слова удваивается: travel — travelling.

А вот «у», несмотря
на предыдущие согласные или гласные буквы, сохраняется (в некоторых английских
правилах изменяется, но только не в глаголе): stay — staying, study —

Согласная после краткого
ударного слога удваивается: stop — stopping, sit — sitting. И, если
в конце слова стоит ударный слог «-er,- ur»: occur — occuring,
prefer — preferring. 
Вот почему так важно для начала познакомиться
с ударными и безударными слогами.

«ie» меняется на «y» на конце глагола: die — dying.

Еще одну сложность
вызывают глаголы, которые не употребляются в форме длительного времени. В
про non continuous verbs вы узнаете все подробности.


несколько случаев использования этого времени в предложениях и речи. Как и
зачем употреблять Continuous, вы узнаете из следующих правил.

Для выражения действия,
которое происходит прямо сейчас, в момент разговора. Такиепредложениячастосопровождаютсяуказателями
now, at (the) present moment, at this moment, Look! Listen!
right now, just now.

What are you doing? — I
am cooking now. Come and have supper with us. —
Чтотыделаешь? Я сейчас готовлю. Приходи к нам ужинать.

предложения, подчеркивающие действие в настоящий момент, могут быть
выраженыпараллельно.  Так, рассказать, что действие происходит
сейчас, оно длится, помогают такие союзы, как while, when, as:

I am reading a book while
children are playing in their room. —
Ячитаюкнигу, покадетииграютвкомнате.

Present Continuous
используется для выражения действий, которые занимают немного более длительный
отрезок, но подчеркивает, что действие происходит не постоянно, а именно длитсякакой-то
: still, the whole moning (evening, night), all day.

I am reading the novel by
K. Smirnov.  
— Я читаю
роман К. Смирнова (действие растянуто во времени).
She is cooking the whole day.  — Онаготовитвесьдень.
Itisrainingallday. —
Don’t bother him!
He is still
sleeping. — Не мешай ему! Он еще спит.

Если мы что-то запланировали
на ближайшее будущее
, то свои планы лучше выразить present continuous.
 Здесь обязательно должны быть в предложении подсказки, чтобы не
перепутать Present и Future. Это могут быть как tonight, tommorow, так и
глаголы движения. Но чаще всего используется конструкция to be going to,
 которая переводится  «собираюсь, намереваюсь»:

Are you doing
anything tonight? — Ты что-нибудь делаешь сегодня вечером?
I am going to buy a new TV set.  — Я собираюсь купить новый телевизор.

Ну и особую трудность
представляют предложения упрека, раздражения, осуждения и возмущения. Обычно
все сопровождается эмоциональной окраской и наречиями always, too often,
constantly, never again. Все это является указателями Present Simple (говорит
об обычном событии, факте), поэтому заглядывайте во внутрь предложения, текста,
смысла, чтобы не перепутать. Сравним:

He is always going away
for weekends. —
He always goes  away
for weekends. — Он всегда уезжает на выходные.

Если действие постоянно
изменяется, развивается, носит динамический характер, тогда
выбираем Present Continuous:

His handwriting is
improving.  —
Fitness is becoming a generally accepted principle of life. —


Exercise №1. Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв Present
иливPresent Simple. 

I (to read) now.  
He (to sleep) now.   We (to drink) tea now.  They (to go) to
school now.  I (not to sleep) now. She (not to drink) coffee now. I (to
read) every day. He (to sleep) every night. We (to drink) tea every morning.
They (to go) to school eve ry morning. I (not to sleep) in the day time. She
(not to drink) cof fee after lunch. We (not to watch) TV now.   They
(not to eat) now.  My mother (not to work) now. You (to work ) now? He (to
play) now?   They (to eat) now? Your sister (to rest) now?  What
you (to do) now?  What you (to read) now?  What they (to eat)
now?   What your brother (to drink) now?  We (not to watch) TV
in  the morning. They (not to eat) at the  lesson. My mother (not to
work)  at an office.  You (to work) every day?  He (to play) in
the after noon? They (to eat) at school?  Your sister (to rest) af ter
school?   What you (to do) every   morning? What you (to
read) after   dinner? What they (to eat) at   breakfast?
What your brother (to  drink) in the evening? 

Exercise №2. Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв
Present Continuous
илив Present Simple. 

1. I (not to drink) coffee
now. I (to write) an English exercise. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the
evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend (to do) his
homework now? 4. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 5. Look! The
baby (to sleep). 6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 7. My grandmother
(not to work). She is on pension. 8. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work)
in the garden. 9. I usually (to get) up at seven o’clock in the morning. 10.
What your sis ter (to do) now? — — She (to wash) her face and hands. 11. When
you usually (to come) home from school? — I (to come) at three o’clock. 12.
Where your cousin (to work)? — He (to work) at a hospi-taJ. 13. Your sister
(to study) at an institute? —
No, she (to study) at school. 14. My
cousin (to go) to school every day. 15. My mother (not to play) the piano now.
She (to play) the piano in the morning. 

Exercise №3.  Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв
Present Continuous
илив Present Simple. 

1.     I (to
read) books in the evening. 2. I (not to read) books in the morning. 3. I (to
write) an exer cise now. 4. I (not to write) a letter now. 5. They (to play) in
the yard now. 6. They (not to play) in the street now. 7. They (to play) in the
room now? 8. He (to help) his mother every day. 9. He (to help) his mother
every day? 10. He (not to help) his mother every day. 11. You (to go) to school
on Sunday? 12. My friend (not to like) to play foot ball. 13.1 (not to read)
now. 14. He (to sleep) now? 15.We (not to go) to the country in winter. 16.My
sister (to eat) sweets every day. 17. She (not to eat) sweets now. 18. They (to
do) their home work in the afternoon. 19. They (not to go) for a walk in the
evening. 20. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 21. He (to work) every

6. Тема «Ученые-медики и их вклад в медицину.
The Present
Perfect Tense» 4

6. Famous Scientists. The Present Perfect Tense.


Andreevna Boyko who had taken part in the Great Patriotic War as a medical
nurse and who had saved many Soviet soldiers during the most severe battles
near Novorossiysk, was awarded the medal of Florence Nightin­gale, by the
International Organization of Red Cross.

Do you
know who Florence Nightingale was? One hun­dred years ago the first
professional School for nurses was founded at one of the hospitals in London by
a young En­glish woman Florence Nightingale. She was born on May 12, 1820, in
the Italian city of Florence after which she was named. She was one of the
greatest women in the history of England.

In 1854 Miss Nightingale and 38 other nurses went to the Crimea to
help in the care of the sick and wounded British soldiers during the Crimean
War. Miss Nightingale never gave an injection, never took blood pressure or
made an electro­cardiogram, but she did her best establishing a more reason­able
and hopeful way of handling all kinds of illness. This way of handling has been
used up to now. She was the first to es­tablish the nursing profession.

JENNER (1749—1823)

It was
E. Jenner who made a great discovery in medicine. His new method of
«vaccination» (in Latin the word «vac­cines» means
«cow») was made known in 1798. At first his discovery passed
unnoticed. But soon the method was spo­ken about. People asked and demanded to
be vaccinated. And in a short time there was no part of the world that had not
taken up vaccination. It was vaccination against smallpox.

Edward Jenner was born at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, on May 17,
1749. He started practicing medicine in London at St. George’s Hospital. When
he was twenty-four he began practice in his native town. Ever since he was a
boy he liked to observe things. Today, thanks to his discovery, the cases of
smallpox are very rare. A lot of countries sent him their gifts, and even the
French Emperor, Napoleon, in spite of the fact that he was at war with England,
released two Brit­ish prisoners when he learned that they were friends of Ed­ward
Jenner. E. Jenner vaccinated free of charge anyone who asked him to.


I.I. Mechnikov was
born in 1845 in the village of Ivanov-ka, not far from the city of Kharkov.

Since his early
childhood I. I. Mechnikov had become interested in natural sciences. Being a
pupil of the sixth form he began to attend the course of university lectures.
Mech­nikov graduated from Kharkov University when he was only 19 years old.
While studying at the University he published several scientific articles in

In 1870 at the age
of 25 Mechnikov became one of the leading professors of Odessa University. But
twelve years lat­er, in 1882 he left the University demonstrating his protest
against the tzarist ministry of education. He began his intense work in his
private laboratory. In 1887 Mechnikov went abroad and spent almost 30 years in
Paris at the Pasteur In­stitute.

I. I. Mechnikov
was the first to observe the phenomenon of phagocytosis in experiments with
lower animals.

Mechnikov took
great interest in this phenomenon and began his regular observations. On the
basis of his observa­tions he proved that white blood cells of the human being
had the ability to pass through the walls of the capillary vessels and to
destroy the invading microbes, Mechnikov called these cells phagocytes and the
phenomenon itself phagocytosis. He also determined what defence forces the
human body had and why not every bacterial infection resulted in a disease.

In 1908 I. I.
Mechnikov received the Nobel Prize for his investigations on phagocytosis.
Mechnikov performed con­siderable work on the effect of lactic acid on bacteria
and devoted many years of his life to the problem of aging.

He died in 1916 at the age of 71.


Pasteur was born in 1822. He was a prominent French chemist, one of the
founders of modern microbiolo­gy. His research work helped much to establish
the field of bacteriology. In his early Pasteur devoted his energies to the
discovery of microorganisms in wine and beer production. He introduced the idea
of heat sterilization (pasteurization) for these products and milk.

he became interested in hydrophobia. He showed that viral pathogenic properties
could be attenuated by pass­ing the virus through the body of a proper animal.
On the basis of these observations he developed a vaccine for hydro­phobia.

Continuing his investigation
L. Pasteur discovered the method to prevent some infections diseases by
introducing at­tenuated causative agents. This method is known as vaccina­tion.
It has helped to fight against many infections disease


Koch was a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology.
He was born in 1843, died in 1910. Koch carried on many experiments on mice
(Mhimax) in a small laboratory.

1882 Koch discovered tyberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin
Phisiological Society Koch described the morphology of tyberculosis bacilli and
the ways to reveal them. His discovery made him known all over the world. In
1884 Koch published his book on cholera. He included all the investigations
during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India into this book. Koch isolated a
small comma-shaped bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through
drinking water. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel prize for his important scientific

D. I.

losiphovitch Ivanovsky was born in 1864. In 1888 he graduated from Petersburg
University and began to study the physiology of plants and microbiology.

When D. I. Ivanovsky was
investigating the tobacco mo­saic disease (
мозаичнаяболезньтабака) he
came to the conclusion that this disease occurred due to a microscopic agent,
many times smaller than bacteria.

prove this phenomenon D. I. Ivanovsky had to make many experiments on various
plants. At that time everybody considered that bacteria were the smallest
living organisms. But then D. I. Ivanovsky had completed his experiment, he
came to conclusion that the living organism smaller than bacteria existed in
the environment. These living organisms were called viruses.

D. I.
Ivanovsky was the first scientist who was able to es­tablish the new branch of
microbiology — virology.


P. F. Lesgaft was born in 1837. He was a prominent Russian anatomist and a
talented teacher. He was the first to work out the science of physical culture.
After gradu­ation from the Academy he worked for the Degree of Doc­tor of
Medicine. This degree was given to him in 1865 and in 1868 he received the
Degree of Doctor of Surgery.

130 scientific works were written by Prof. Lesgaft. Many of them were
translated into foreign languages. One of his main books was called «The
Basis of Theoretical Anato­my». In his work Prof. Lesgaft divided the
muscles into two basic groups —- static and dynamic. They were called strong
and skilled.

determined that the static muscles were formed by short bands of muscular
fibers; the dynamic muscles were formed by the bands of long muscular fibers.

studies on static and dynamic muscles were contin­ued by other scientists.


I. M. Sechenov (1829—1905) was
a prominent Russian scientist, the founder of Russian physiology and scientific
psychology. He wrote 106 scientific works.

of his research works were connected with the in­vestigation of the blood gases
and their role in the respirato­ry process. I. M. Sechenov came to the
conclusion that he­moglobin was the substance of the blood which accomplished
the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the respirato­ry process. I. M.
Sechenov investigated as well the process of absorption of carbon dioxide by
the solutions of salts and some other processes.

Perfect — настоящее совершенное время

Время Present Perfect обозначает действие,
которое завершилось к настоящему моменту или завершено в период настоящего
времени. Хотя 
 в Present Perfect обычно
переводятся на русский язык в прошедшем времени, следует помнить, что в
английском языке эти действия воспринимаются в настоящем времени, так как
привязаны к настоящему результатом этого действия.

have done my homework already.
Я уже сделал домашнее задание.

We have no classes today, our teacher has fallen ill.
У нас сегодня не будет уроков, наш учитель заболел.

Образование Present

Утвердительные предложения:

I have played

We have played

You have played

You have played

He / she / it has played

They have played

Вопросительные предложения:

Have I played?

Have we played?

Have you played?

Have you played?

Has he / she / it played?

Have they played?

Отрицательные предложения:

I have not played

We have not played

You have not played

You have not played

He / she / it has not played

They have not played

Время Present Perfect образуется при помощи
глагола to
 в настоящем времени и причастия
прошедшего времени
 значимого глагола, то
есть его «третьей формы».

To have в
настоящем времени имеет две формы:

has – 3 лицо, ед. ч. (He
has played)

1 и 2 лицо ед.ч. и все формы мн. ч. (I have played)


 и вспомогательный глагол часто
сокращаются до he’sthey’ve и т.
В зависимости от использованного в предложении времени сокращения типа he’s могут
расшифровываться и как he is, и как he has.

Причастие второе, или причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II),
можно получить, прибавив к начальной форме значимого глагола окончание -ed:

examine – examined, enjoy – enjoyed, close – closed

Однако есть также достаточно большая группа неправильных
английских глаголов
, которые образуют форму
прошедшего времени не по общим правилам. Для них форму причастия прошедшего
времени нужно запомнить.

В вопросительном
вспомогательный глагол выносится на место перед
подлежащим, а значимый глагол остается после него:

Have you seen this film?
Ты смотрел этот фильм?

Has she come yet?
Она еще не пришла?

В отрицательных
 за вспомогательным глаголом следует отрицательная
частица not.
Формы have и has при этом
могут быть сокращены до haven’t и hasn’t соответственно:

haven’t seen him since then.
С тех пор я его так и не видел.

Случаи употребления Present Perfect:

Если говорящему важен сам факт произошедшего действия, а не его
время или обстоятельства:

have visited the Louvre 3 times.
Я посетил Лувр три раза.

Если время события имеет значение, то нужно использовать

visited the Louvre last year.
Я посетил Лувр в прошлом году.

Если период, в который произошло действие, еще не закончился:

I have finished reading “Dracula” this week.
На этой неделе я закончил читать «Дракулу».

В противном случае используется время Past

finished reading “Dracula” 2 weeks ago.
Я закончил читать «Дракулу» две недели назад.

Для обозначения действий, которые начались в прошлом и
продолжаются в момент разговора:

I’ve studied Spanish since childhood.
Я учил испанский с детства.

haven’t seen my hometown for 45 years.
Яневиделсвойроднойгород 45 лет.


Exercise №1. Дополните
предложения правильной формой Present Perfect

know who your boss is.
I (work) for him.

Somebody already (broke) the tree.

(go) to Moskow, but she’ll be back next Monday at the latest.

is in hospital now. He (have) a bad crash.

is crying. She (hurt) her knee.

Заполните пропуски sin
ce или for.

Mike left school when he
was 16. … then he has had five cars. He usually keeps a car … a year. Then he gets
bored with it and buys another one. As far as his dad, he has had the same car
… ten years. Mike can’t understand that. He’s had this Ford Mondeo … 2002 and
it’s still going well. He’ll probably keep it … a few month.

Exercise №3. Поставьтеправильнуюформуглаголав
Present Perfect Simple
или Present Perfect

— Hi, Mark! I (not/see)
you for ages.
— Hi. I (work) quite hard as usual. How about you?
— Great. I (look) around for a new flat, but I (not/find) one
— What’s wrong with your old one?
— It’s OK. But I (just/get) a new job and it’s on the other side of
town. By the way, you (finish) that book I gave you last month?
— I (not/have) time, I was very busy. I (start) it but I’ve only
got as far as the first chapter.
— What you (do) since I last saw you?
— I (prepare) for exams, of course. I (take) Maths I’ve still got
physics and chemistry to go.
— How did the Maths exam go?
— I think I (pass) it. We’ll see.

Exercise №4. Тестна
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous

1. He (play) a lot
of football this year.
a. plays
b. was playing
c. has played

2. Tell me all about what
(happen) at the meeting. I am all ears.
a. happened
b. has happened
c. has been happening

3. He (run) away
from school three times when he was 14.
a. run
b. has run
c. has been running

4. How many cups of
coffee you (drink) today?
a. did you drink
b. have you drunk
c. have you been drinking

5. How long you (drink)
this cup of coffee?
a. did you drink
b .have you drunk
c. have you been drinking

6. Your car is covered in
mud. Where you (drive)?
a. did you drive
b. have you driven
c. have you been driving

7. Our team is  rubbish.
They just (lose) 8 games one after another.
a. lost
b. have lost
c. have been losing

8. You (make) up
your mind? What you (decide) to do?
a. did you make/ have you decided
b. have you made/ have you decided
c. have you been making/did you decide

9. You (find) the
place on the map yet?
a. Have you found
b. Did you find
c. Have you been finding

10. I (not/hear)
anything from him since he (move) to Paris.
a. didn’t hear/ moved
b. haven’t heard/moved
c. haven’t been hearing/ was moving

Exercise №5. Заполнитепропуски: “since”,
“for”, “already”, “just” or “yet”.

1. John has … finished his homework, so
his books are still on the table.

2. I haven’t seen Sarah … 1990.

3. Have you … finished eating? I haven’t
even started … .

4. We’ve lived here … ten years.

5. He’s … come back from jogging and he’s
a bit tired.

Exercise № 6. Fill in:
has/have been in/to, has/have gone to.

Gina: Hello, Paul. Are you enjoying
yourself in Rome?

Paul: Oh, yes.

Gina: Which places 1) …have..
you ..been to.. since you arrived?

Paul: Well, I 2) ……… Rome for two weeks
now so I 3) …….. a lot of places, like the Coliseum, some museums and the

Gina: Where are your friends today?

Paul: Mark and Jim 4) ….. a travel
agent’s to buy tickets for the plane and they haven’t come back yet. Mark says
he 5) ….. Rome too long. He 6) …… to Capri before Jim and Sean 7) ….. (not) any
islands, so I think we will go to Sardinia. Sean 8)   ….. the hotel to sleep.

Gina: Well, I’m leaving now. My parents 
9) …..the  hospital to see uncle. He 10) …… hospital for a week. See you later!

Exercise №7. Fill in the blanks
with time adverbs or expressions from the list below:

so far, how long, just, for, since, how
long ago, yet, this week, ago, just now, already

1. They got married a month …ago..

7. ……. have you been in Rome?

2. He hasn’t called us … .

8. The boss came  ……. .

3. I’ve had this car ….. a year.

9. Carol has been to the cinema twice
……. .

4. He has ….. left.

10.  ……. did he move house?

5. She has typed three letters ……. .

11. I have studied Maths ……. 1991.

6. She has ……. cooked dinner.

12. Peter has been here …… 5 o’clock.

Занятие 7. Тема
«Пирогов Н.И.- основатель сестринского дела в России. Обобщающееповторение
»  4 часа

of Nursing in Russia. N. I. Pirogov

fist charity nursing in Russia appeared in 11 th century in the new created
almshouses. Monks took care after the sick and poor people. They were called

the influence of Christianity many wards for sick people were created.

great changes in nursing began after the reforms of Peter I. There were
appeared a lot of foundling hospitals in which many women had to take care
after sick people.

the war in Crimea the hospital for military men was organized to help the
wounded and to treat them there. The members of the hospital were women of
different  social groups. They worked under the leadership of the Russian
surgeon Pirogov. He differentiated the work of nurses, named the ward nurse,
the chief sister, the nurse who gave mediciners or food. Pirogov was the first
doctor who introduced women as nurses.

the famous Russian surgeon, was born in Moscow in 1810. He had graduated from
Moscow University. At the age of 26 he headed the surgical faculty.

1920 «Sisters of Charity» in Russia was annuled. New medical schools and
colleges started the preparation of medical workers. Finally, the status of a
nurse was determined. The nurse has become as the assistant of a doctor to care
after  sick people. The requirement of nurse`s duties, establising new methods
of treatment, made up the necessity of improving the nurse`s qualification.

the questions to the text

1.     When did the fist
charity nursing in Russia appear?

2.     What did monks do?

3.     Did the great
changes in nursing begin after the reforms of Peter I?

4.     What are foundling

5.     During the war in
Crimea the hospital for military men was organized to help the wounded wasn`t

6.     The members of the
hospital were women of different  social groups or monks?

7.     Who was Pirogov?

8.     How did the
government in Russia orginise preparing of nurses?


Для успешного усвоения предметов,
предусмотренных учебными планами медицинских и фармацевтических училищ, будущие
медсестры, акушерки, фельдшера, зубные врачи, фармацевты, санитарные фельдшера,
фельдшера лаборанты должны активно овладеть на занятиях по английскому языку
навыками чтения литературы по специальности для получения информации, а также
закреплять навыки ведения беседы на иностранном языке, в частности на
английском, в пределах тем, связанных с будущей специальностью в области

Лексический материал основных
разделов медицины, как например,  «Первая помощь» при различных болезненных
состояниях, позволяет студентам повторить курсы основных медицинских предметов,
уметь строить высказывания на английском языке, читать профессионально  ориентированные
тексты и уметь употреблять в речи английские модальные глаголы.

     Таким образом, по характеру
своей профессиональной деятельности будущий  медицинский работник любого уровня
должен закрепить базовые коммуникативные умения профессиональности (умение
взаимоотношений «медсестра – пациент», умение сбора информации, умение передачи
информации пациента).

 А  изучение английского языка
закрепляет коммуникативные умения, развивает память, позволяет повышать уровень
владения профессиональной терминологией.



1.     Ермолаева
М. Е.  Английский язык в диалогах, 2010

2.     Козырева
Л. В.,  Шадская Т. В.  Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ. —
Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2012

3.     Мухина В.
В., Мухина Н. С., Скрипников П.Н. Английский язык для медицинских училищ. — 
М.: Высшая школа, 2008

4.     Мюллер В.
К. Англо-русский словарь


1.     Ермолаева
М. Е. Английский язык в диалогах, 2006

2.     Иванова
И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного
английского языка. — М.: Высш. шк. 1981 

3.     Каменский
А.И., Каменская И. Б.. Практическая грамматика английского языка.  –
Харьков: ИНЭМ, 2002 .

4.     Левицкая
Е. Г., Василенко М.В.  Грамматика английского языка в таблицах. – М.: 2009

Интернет –






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Read and translate the text in a written form.

State system of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation is set up by the Constitution of 1993. Under the Constitution Russia is a presidential republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.

The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation; the Lower Chamber is the State Duma.

Each chamber is headed by the Speaker. The members of the Federal Assembly are elected by popular vote for a four year period.

Legislature maybe initiated in either of the two Chambers. But to become a law a bill must be approved by both Chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.

The President is commander in chief of the armed forces; he makes treaties, enforces laws, and appoints ministers to be approved by the Federal Assembly.

The executive power belongs to the Government which is headed by the Prime Minister. The first action of the Prime Minister on appointment is to form the Cabinet.

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and the regional courts.

The flag of Russia is a tricolor of three equal horizontal fields, white on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. The national anthem of Russia is composed by Alexander Alexandrov. The hymn was adopted in late 2000 by President Vladimir Putin. A new State Emblem of the Russian Federation consists of a black two headed eagle crowned with two imperial crowns, over which the same third crown, enlarged. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia.

All these symbols are official. They have been approved by the Federal Assembly.

Государственная система Российской Федерации

Российская Федерация учреждена Конституцией 1993 года. В соответствии с Конституцией Россия является президентской республикой. Федеральное правительство состоит из трех ветвей: законодательной, исполнительной и судебной. Каждая из них уравновешивается Президентом.

Законодательная власть возложена на Федеральное Собрание. Оно состоит из двух палат. Верхняя палата – Совет Федерации; нижняя палата – Государственная Дума.

Каждая палата возглавляется спикером. Члены Федерального Собрания избираются всеобщим голосованием на четырехлетний период.

Законопроект может быть инициирован любой из двух палат. Но чтобы стать законом, законопроект должен быть одобрен обеими палатами и подписан Президентом. Президент может наложить вето на законопроект.

Президент является Верховным Главнокомандующим вооруженных сил; он заключает договоры, проводит в жизнь законы, назначает министров с одобрения Федерального Собрания.

Исполнительная власть принадлежит Правительству, возглавляемому Премьер-министром. Первое, что делает Премьер-министр по назначении – формирует Кабинет.

Судебная власть представлена Конституционным судом, Верховным судом, Высшим Арбитражным судом и региональными судами.

Флаг России – триколор из трех горизонтальных полос, белой вверху, синей в середине и красной внизу. Музыку к национальному гимну России написал Александр Александров. Гимн был принят в конце 2000 президентом Владимиром Путиным. Новый государственный герб Российской Федерации состоит из черного двухголового орла, увенчанного двумя императорскими коронами, над которыми находится третья, более крупная, корона. Это самый древний символ России.

Все эти символы являются официальными. Они были одобрены Федеральным Собранием.

Exercise 2.

Find the in the text the English equivalents for these words and word combinations. Translate them in a written form:

учредить согласно Конституции – to set up by the Constitution; президентская республика – presidential republic; законодательная, исполнительная, судебная власть – legislative, executive and judicial power; система сдержек и противовесов – checks and balances; возложить на – vest on; Федеральное собрание – Federal Assembly; Совет Федерации – the Council of Federation; Дума – Duma; избирать всеобщим голосованием – to elect by popular vote; одобрить / подписать закон – approve/sign a bill; наложить вето на законопроект – to veto a bill; Верховный Главнокомандующий – commander in chief; назначать министров – to appoint ministers; возглавлять правительство – to head the Government; Верховный суд – the Supreme Court; государственный / гимн / флаг / герб – state hymn/flag/emblem.

Exercise 3.

Complete these sentences:

1. Under the Constitution Russia is a presidential republic.

2. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.

3. The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly.

4. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers.

5. To become a law a bill must be approved by both Chambers and signed by the President.

6. The executive power belongs to the Government.

7. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and the regional courts.

8. State symbols of the Russian Federation are hymn, flag and emblem.

Exercise 4.

Answer and the following questions. Sum up what you know about the political system of the Russian Federation. Write a summary.

1. What kind of political system does Russia have?

Russia has a democratic political system.

2. Is Russia is a presidential or parliamentary republic?

Russia is a presidential republic.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the both forms of government?

In presidential republic it’s possible to make a quick necessary decision but there’s a danger of power misuse. In parliamentary republic power is divided between several or many equal persons but there’s no possibility to make a quick decisions.

4. What is the highest legislative body of Russia? How is it elected?

The highest legislative body of Russia is the Federal Assembly. Its lower chamber is elected by popular vote for four years.

5. Who can initiate legislature?

Legislature maybe initiated by Chambers of the Federal Assembly, by the President, by the Federal Government.

6. What stages must a Bill pass to become a law?

A bill is introduced to the State Duma. The State Duma adopts it and passes to the Council of Federation. The Council of Federation adopts the bill and refers it to the President. The President signs the bill and promulgates it.

7. What are the President’s responsibilities?

The President is commander in chief of the armed forces; he makes treaties, enforces laws, and appoints ministers to be approved by the Federal Assembly.

8. Who is the head of the executive power? Is the Government elected or appointed?

The head of the executive power is the Prime Minister. The Government is appointed.

9. Which courts is the judicial branch represented by?

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and the regional courts.

10. What are the official symbols of the Russian Federation?

The official symbols of the Russian Federation are hymn, flag and emblem.

English Tenses (Active Voice)

Ex. 1

Combine two simple sentences into a complex one with the subordinate clause of time or condition:

Model: First he’ll gain some experience as a house counsel. Then he’ll start his own practice (when).

– He’ll start his own practice when he gains some experience.

1. You must prove the guilt of the suspect. You will win the case. (if)

If you prove the guilt of the suspect you will win the case.

2. First you must spend two years as an articled clerk. Then you’ll become a solicitor. (after)

After you spend two years as an articled clerk you’ll become a solicitor.

3. The attorney will prepare the necessary documents. He’ll send the copy to the client. (as soon as)

As soon as the attorney prepares the necessary documents he’ll send the copy to the client.

4. “Sir, you do not know it to be good or bad. Only the judge can determine it”. (till)

You do not know it to be good or bad till the judge determines it.

5. Please, don’t touch anything. The police will be here in no time. (before)

Don’t touch anything before the police coming.

6. The counsel will not preserve the client’s confidence. He discloses his secrets. (if)

The counsel will not preserve the client’s confidence if he discloses his secrets.

7. He will succeed, I think. He devotes much time to the development of his own practice. (in case)

He will succeed in case he devotes much time to the development of his own practice.

8. He studies well. His legal education will probably last about five years. (providing).

Providing he studies well his legal education will last about five years

Ex. 2

Use either the Present Continuous or the Present Simple:

1. – I am very busy now. I

am preparing the documents on a very difficult case.

Are you doing it alone?

– No, two managing clerks

are helping me.

2. A solicitor

deals with matters outside the court.

3. The Law Society

regulates the conduct of solicitors in England.

4. What kind of law

do youpractise?

5. – What

is the attorney doing at present? – He is studying the particulars of the case.

6. I

don’t believe your evidence! You are lying!

7. Legal service costs

increase permanently due to inflation.

8. Attorney rarely

discusses with their clients the possibility of losing the case.


Do you know what conveyancing means? – Conveyancing means making all the legal arrangements for the buying and selling of land, houses and other buildings.

10. Probate

is a type of work a lawyer does that deals with making a will for a client who, when he/she is dying, wishes to leave his/her property to certain persons or charities and making sure that his/her wishes are carried out.

11. The lawyer

serves effectively as an advocate only if he knows all that his client knows, concerning the facts of the case.


Do you know if the number of lawyers is increasing or decreasing in the country nowadays?

Ex. 3

These are Jane’s notes for Monday.

Say, what her plans are, using the Present Continuous.

11 a.m. She is swimming in the pool.

1 p.m. She is having lunch.

3 p.m. She is watching through the preliminary investigation.

5 p.m. She is having tea with the friends.

6 p.m. She is taking part in the seminar on administrative law.

8 p.m. She is working at the English language laboratory.

10 p.m. She is reading some detective novel.
Ex. 4

Insert the proper forms to express the future actions:

1. The Government has been in the past and

will be in the future a major consumer of legal talent.

2. This argument

will not convince the judge.

3. I don’t trust this juror. I

’ll challengehim.

4. He’s a practitioner with long experience. I am sure he

will win the case.

5. Jack is in trouble and needs a legal backing. – I know. I

’m discussing his matter tomorrow.

6. I’ve decided to retire from the Federal Agency. – Have you? What

are you going to do?

7. Did you send him a summons? – Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I

’ll do it now.

8. Can I get your opinion on the case today? – No, you

will get it tomorrow.

9. What

are you doing at 11 tomorrow? – We’ll be having a seminar on civil law at this time.

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