Find in the text the translation of the following word combinations страдать от стрессов переедание

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  1. Прочитайте и переведите текст в письменной форме.

Healthy lifestyle

Nowadays our life is getting more and more tenser. People live under the press of different problems, such as social, ecological, economic and others. They constantly suffer from stress, noise and dust in big cities, diseases and instability. A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties. To achieve this aim people ought to take care of their physical and mental health. There are several ways to do it. The state of your body depends on how much time you spend doing sports. At least everybody must do morning exercises every day. The healthiest kinds of sports are swimming, running and cycling. Healthy food is also a very important factor. Overeating causes many dangerous diseases. The daily menu should include meat, fruit and vegetables, milk product, which are rich in vitamins, fat, proteins and etc. On the other hand modern diets are very popular especially among women. Diets may be harmful, if they are used in the wrong way. To be healthy, people should get rid of their bad habits. It’s necessary to stop smoking and drinking much. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. Besides according to statistics most of crimes are committed by people under the influence of drugs and alcohol. In addition it is recommended to watch TV less, avoid anxiety and observe daily routine. Certainly it’s hard to follow all these recommendations, but every person has to choose between healthy life style and numerous illnesses.


I. Find in the text the translation of the following word combinations:

(Найдите в тексте и выпишите перевод следующих словосочетаний)

1. страдать от стрессов 2. переедание 3. разрушать мозг 4. под влиянием алкоголя 5. избегать вредных привычек 6. преодолевать трудности 7. делать утреннюю зарядку 8. заниматься спортом 9. соблюдать режим дня 10. богатый белком

II. Answer the questions:

(Ответьте на вопросы письменно на английском)

  1. What problems do people have nowadays?

  2. Why should a person be healthy?

  3. What do people do to take care of their health?

  4. Is overeating dangerous? Why?

  5. What does healthy diet include?

  6. Are modern diets harmful or useful?

  7. What do you do to be healthy?

організація, припустимий метод,
лікарський засіб (ліки), майстер,
виробництво, рецепти, хвороба, розквіт,
виготовляти ліки, у відповідності до,
провізор, хірург, створення аптек.

  1. Ask
    several questions covering the text.

  1. Think
    of several sentences with the following word combinations.

that case, just in case, that way, any other way.

Development of Pharmacy and Medicine

фармації і медицини в Україні.


Learn the topical vocabulary.

acquire practical habits

to gain usual or normal practice by skill;


knowledge relied on observation and experiment, not on theory;

introduce reforms

to bring them into use;

master midwifery

to be trained how to help women in childbirth;


treatment when person visits a hospital but not lives there;

set dislocations

to put a bone which is out of position back to its place.

the table.















Explain the meaning of these words.

  • dislocation

  • midwifery

  • occupational

Add appropriate nouns to the adjectives above.

  • aid,

  • treatment,

  • disease,

  • medicine.

  1. Give
    synonyms to:

  • out-patient

  • occupational

  • in-patient

  • preventive


the text carefully:

  1. underline
    any words that you do not know or are unsure of;

  2. use
    a dictionary; find or check the meaning of the words you’ve

  3. compare
    what you find with your partner.


people who from ancient times lived on the southern steppes between
the Dnipro and Danube in the process of labour gradually acquired
practical habits of medical aid. Empiric medical knowledge which was
enriched by the experience of other peoples was passed on from
generation to generation. At the same time expedient hygienic
facilities (bath houses, etc) came into being.

the foundation of Kyiv Rus the level of medical care was raised
consi­derably. In those times medical knowledge developed on the
basis of original folk medicine enriched by some information derived
from antique and Arabian medi­cine and also by the experience of
the Southern and Western Slavs in the field of medicinal treatment.
With the growth of towns, groups of persons arose out of the
handicraftsmen, who had mastered certain practical experience in
medical aid, e.g., in setting dislocations, midwifery, etc.

was considerably widespread in the medical practice of that time.
During the age of feudalism epidemics of plague, smallpox and
typhoid fever prac­tically never ceased on the territory where
Ukrainian people lived, in most coun­tries of the world. But it
was only the 17th
century that government measures were undertaken against epidemics.

the late 17th
and early 18th
centuries the organization of medical services underwent certain
changes due to the reforms introduced by Peter I, which de­voted
special attention to provision of medicinal services and to medical
education. Teaching of natural science and medicine was introduced
at the Kyiv Academy, and also at collegiates in Chernihiv, Kharkiv,
and Pereyaslav in the 18th

Ukrainian territory physicians were trained at the Yelizavetgrad
surgical school (1787—1797). In the 18th
and early 19th
centuries a large number of the country’s medical scientist received
their general education in the Kyiv Academy and the collegiates of
other Ukrainian cities, and their professional training in the
hospital school of St. Petersburg and Moscow, at the medical
departments of Mos­cow University (founded in 1764), or at the
St. P.& M. medico-surgical academies (founded in 1798).

1932 there were 1,333 hospital institutions with 73,800 beds and
18,715 doctors in Ukraine.

and prophylactic aid in Ukraine includes out-patient polyclinic and
hospital aid. Most of the patients (about 80 %) begin their
treatment at poly­clinics. An extensive network of out-patient
departments and polyclinics has been organized in the towns and
villages of Ukraine, with well-equipped special de­partments and
labouratories. The out-patient treatment is organized on the
district-territory principle. Along with medical treatment a great
deal of work is carried on disease prevention, in particular that of
infectious diseases.

addition to the general network of medical institutions, medical
services to workers in Ukrainian industrial enterprises are effected
by medico-sanitary de­partments and health centers which give
out-patient and in-patient aid, implement sanitary measures at the
places of work and in the workers’ homes and also assist in the
prevention of occupational illnesses and injuries. Out-patient
treatment is widely developed in both town and village.

aid, urgent medical aid for the population of Ukraine is provided by
first-aid station. The overwhelming majority of hospitals were
provided with X-ray and physical therapy rooms and clinical
diagnostic labouratories. Electro­cardiography, tomofluorography
and other up-to-date diagnostic methods are widely spread and
biochemical, bacteriological, immunological, cytological, and other
research is conducted.

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Найдите в тексте, и переведите на русский язык предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
a) Isn’t it strange that we do nothing personally to recognize the very special role our friends play in our lives? — Очень странно, что мы не делаем лично ничего, чтобы осознать какую очень важную роль наших играют друзья в наших жизнях?
b) And they expect nothing for their effort — beyond perhaps a smile and a thank you. — И они не ожидают ничто за их усилия — кроме, пожалуй, улыбки и спасибо.
c) We decided to declare July 31 as our Friends Day — a day to take a moment to remember all the kindness our friends have done for us during the year. — Мы решили объявить 31 июля днем Друзей —день чтобы взять и вспомнить всю доброту, которую наши друзья сделали для нас в течение года.
d) If you also think the idea of a Friends Day is worth supporting, do it. — Если вы также думаете, что идею относительно дня Друзей стоит поддержать, сделайте э!о.
e) Thank all your friends for the wonderful gift they give you by simply saying: — Поблагодарите всех ваших друзей за замечательный подарок, которым они дают вам, просто говоря:
f) Times change and we do, too, but friendship is for always. — Времена меняются, и мы меняемся, но дружба — навсегда.

Text 1

1. To begin your job search, you must identify the kind of job you

want, where the jobs are, and what employers expect.

2.If you are a student or a graduate of a vocational, technical, or

professional (university) training program and you have the same

interests, you already know the kind of job you want.

3.Begin by thinking about the work you can do. Include work you

have been trained to do, work you have actually done, and work you

enjoy doing.

4. Next, talk to as many people as possible about jour job interests and


5. Thinking and talking help you build a network of people interested

in helping you.

6. This network will lead to specific job contacts.

7. However job counseling is also useful.

8.Job counseling is a professional service that may include vocational

— interest and aptitude testing; informing and advising about

particular jobs; and providing training and guidance in the various

steps at a job search.

1. Find in the text the equivalents of the following word and


Поиски работы, профессиональное учебное заведение,

профессиональные контакты, служба трудоустройства, проверка

профессиональной пригодности и интересов, обучение и


1.2. Answer the questions to text 1.

1.What must you do to begin your job search?

2.What must you include when thinking about the work you can do?

3.How can you build a network of people interested in helping you?

4.What is job counseling?

5.Does it provide training and guidance?

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