Find in the text the english equivalents to the following russian words and word combinations

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russians words and word combinations : — Универсальный ; — Набор инструкций ; — Блок памяти ; — Форма двоичного кодирования ; — Контрольные сигналы , которые нужно вернуть на обработку ; — Параметр изменений в измерительном процессе ; — Кристалл интегральной схемы ; — Кристалл интерфейса ввода / вывода ; — Большая интегральная схема ; — Система промышленного управления ; — Сохранение и корректировки ; — Большое количество данных и информации ; — Двоичная цифра ; — Схема синхронизации ; — Выполнять ; — Предшественник ; — Соответствующий ; — Точность , аккуратность ; — Придавать особого значения ; — Внешний.


From the first electronic digital computers of the forties to today’s versatile computers and most up — to — date microcomputers, very little has changed as far as basic computer operation is concerned.

In the last thirty years, vast improvement in the size, speed and capabilities of computers have taken place.

But today digital computers still use the same logical operations as their predecessors.

There are many basic concepts that can be applied to all types of computers, including microcomputers.

For the most part, human beings can do whatever computers can do, but computers can do it with much greater speed and accuracy, though computers perform all their calculations and operations one step at a time.

A computer is faster and more accurate than people, but unlike most people it must be given a complete set of instructions that tell it exactly what to do at each step of its operation.

This set of instructions, called a programme, is prepared by one or more persons for each job a computer is to do.

These programmes are placed in the computer memory unit in binary — coded form, with each instruction having unique code.

Computers are often used in applications where the results of their calculations are required immediately to be used in process controlling.

These are called real — time applications ; they are often found in industrial process control in industries such as paper mills, oil refineries, chemical plants, and many others.

The measuring systems send their signals to the computer which processes them and responds with appropriate control signals to be sent back to the process.

Computers in present use range considerably : from tiny things to big fellows.

The microcomputer, for one, is the smallest and the newest member of the computer family.

It usually consists of several integrated circuit chips, including a microprocessor chip, memory chips, and input / output interface chips which are the result of tremendous advances in large — scale integration.

Minicomputers are larger than microcomputers, they are widely used in industrial control systems, scientific institutions, and research laboratories.

Although more expensive than microcomputers, minicomputers continue to be widely used because they are generally faster and possess more capabilities.

The largest computers (“maxicomputers”) are those found in research centers, large scientific laboratories, big universities.

Most of the computer principles and concepts are common to all categories of computers, although there can be tremendous variations from computer to computer.

A question sometimes arises whether computers are able to think.

As a matter of fact they do not think.

It is the computer programmer who provides a programme of instructions and data which specifies every detail of what to do, how to do, and when to do it.

The computer is simply a high — speed machine which can manipulate data, solve problems, and make decisions, all under the control of the programme.

If the programmer makes a mistake in the programme or puts in the wrong data, the computer will produce wrong results.

Every computer contains five essential elements or units : the arithmetical logical unit, the memory unit, the control unit, the input unit, and the output unit.

The arithmetical logical unit is the area of the computer in which arithmetical and logical operations are performed on data.

The memory unit stores groups of binary digits (words) that can represent instructions (programme) which the computer is to perform and the data that are to be operated on by the progrmamme.

The input unit consists of all the devices used to take information and data that are external to the computer and put it into the memory unit.

The output unit consists of the devices used to transfer data and information from the computer to the outside world.

The control unit directs the operation of all the other units by providing timing and control signals.

This unit contains logic and timing circuits that generate the signal necessary to execute each instruction in a programme.

На этой странице сайта вы найдете ответы на вопрос Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russians words and word combinations : — Универсальный ; — Набор инструкций ; — Блок памяти ; — Форма двоичного кодирования ; — Контрольные сигнал?,
относящийся к категории Английский язык. Сложность вопроса соответствует базовым
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Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russians words and word combinations :— Универсальный ;

— Набор инструкций ;

— Блок памяти;

— Форма двоичного кодирования ;

— Контрольные сигналы , которые нужно вернуть на обработку ;

— Параметр изменений в измерительном процессе ;

— Кристалл интегральной схемы;

— Кристалл интерфейса ввода / вывода;

— Большая интегральная схема ;

— Система промышленного управления ;

— Сохранение и корректировки ;

— Большое количество данных и информации;

— Двоичная цифра ;

— Схема синхронизации ;

— Выполнять ;

— Предшественник ;

— Соответствующий ;

— Точность , аккуратность ;

— Придавать особого значения ;

— Внешний.


From the first electronic digital

computers of the forties to today’s versatile computers and most up-to-date

microcomputers, very little has changed as far as basic computer operation is

concerned. In the last thirty years, vast improvement in the size, speed and

capabilities of computers have taken place. But today digital computers still

use the same logical operations as their predecessors. There are many basic concepts that

can be applied to all types of computers, including microcomputers.

For the most part, human beings can do whatever

computers can do, but computers can do it with much greater speed and accuracy,

though computers perform all their calculations and operations one step at a

time. A computer is faster and more accurate than people, but unlike most

people it must be given a complete set of instructions that tell it exactly

what to do at each step of its operation. This set of instructions, called a

programme, is prepared by one or more persons for each job a computer is to do.

These programmes are placed in the computer memory unit in binary-coded form,

with each instruction having unique code.

Computers are often used in applications where the

results of their calculations are required immediately to be used in process controlling.

These are called real-time applications; they are often found in industrial

process control in industries such as paper mills, oil refineries, chemical

plants, and many others. The measuring systems send their signals to the

computer which processes them and responds with appropriate control signals to

be sent back to the process. Computers in present use range considerably: from

tiny things to big fellows. The microcomputer, for one, is the smallest and the

newest member of the computer family. It usually consists of several integrated

circuit chips, including a microprocessor chip, memory chips, and input /

output interface chips which are the result of tremendous advances in

large-scale integration.

Minicomputers are larger than microcomputers,

they are widely used in industrial control systems, scientific institutions,

and research laboratories. Although more expensive than microcomputers,

minicomputers continue to be widely used because they are generally faster and

possess more capabilities.

The largest computers (“maxicomputers”)

are those found in research centers, large scientific laboratories, big

universities. Most of the computer principles and concepts are common to all

categories of computers, although there can be tremendous variations from

computer to computer.

A question sometimes arises whether

computers are able to think. As a matter of fact they do not think. It is the

computer programmer who provides a programme of instructions and data which

specifies every detail of what to do, how to do, and when to do it. The

computer is simply a high-speed machine which can manipulate data, solve

problems, and make decisions, all under the control of the programme. If the

programmer makes a mistake in the programme or puts in the wrong data, the

computer will produce wrong results.

Every computer contains five

essential elements or units: the arithmetical logical unit, the memory unit,

the control unit, the input unit, and the output unit.

The arithmetical logical unit is

the area of the computer in which arithmetical and logical operations are

performed on data.

The memory unit stores groups of

binary digits (words) that can represent instructions (programme) which the

computer is to perform and the data that are to be operated on by the


The input unit consists of all

the devices used to take information and data that are external to the computer

and put it into the memory unit. The output unit consists of the devices used

to transfer data and information from the computer to the outside world. The

control unit directs the operation of all the other units by providing timing

and control signals. This unit contains logic and timing circuits that generate

the signal necessary to execute each

instruction in a programme.

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russians words and word combinations: — Схема; — Давать, выпускать; — Промежуточный; — Вызвать; — Электрический импульс; — Последовательность (таких) импульсов; — Исходные данные; — Превращать слова в цифры; — Пробивать; — Телетайпная лента; — Подавать, питать; — Электронно-счетная машина; — Молниеносная скорость; — Неограниченные возможности; — Наоборот; — Последовательность, порядок, ряд; — Для управления автоматизированным производством; — Умножение; — Деление; — Пробивать цифры.ELECTRONIC BRAIN Computers represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them appeared more than half a century ago. Although still now, these machines have already brought about a real revolution in science, technology, statistics, and automatic control.The reason for this lies in the fact that a mathematical formula can be found for almost all scientific and technical problems. They can be solved without a computer but it would require millions of arithmetical operations. No wonder that many problems of exceptional importance remained unsolved for a long time, the volume of the calculations required being above human possibilities. A high speed electronic computer can carry out several thousand arithmetical operations in one second. A calculation, which would have taken several years of intense human work in the past, is now done in a few minutes or hours. The principle of this wonderful machine lies in counting electric impulses. Numbers are represented as a sequence of such impulses, and a radio-technical scheme counts them carrying out addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; all higher mathematical calculations being reduced to these four operations.If we introduce into the scheme first one number and then another, the result will yield the sum of these two numbers. Subtraction is reduced to the addition of negative numbers. Multiplication is done by repeated additions of the necessary number of times, a division – by repeated subtraction. Electronic machines work according to a programme prepared in advance which determines the sequence of operations. They have a very efficient electronic “memory” which stores the initial data, the intermediate numbers and final results as well as the working commands given to the machine. The electronic machine can also be used for automatic product control. This machine can also be used to make translations from one language into another by converting words into figures and vice versa. This is how the translation is done from English into French, for example.The English words are converted into figures using a number for each letter: thus if a– 16, n – 15, d – 30, the word “and” becomes “161530” . These figures are punched out on a teletype ribbon. The ribbon is fed into the electronic calculating machine, into which “a vocabulary” has been installed in advance with all the words, English and French converted into figures. The machine “searches” (by a sequence of electronic impulses) all through the English section of its vocabulary for a number corresponding to each word that has been fed into it; each stage in this “search” occupies about one ten thousandth of a second. Having found the right number on the English side, the machine automatically begins to search on the French side at the same lightning speed, and the resulting translation comes out printed on a teletype ribbon in French. All the instruments invented up to now have served to save human labour. But it is electronic computers which have come to the help of the human brain, thus opening up boundless possibilities.

сигнал, аналоговая сеть, амплитудная
модуляция, канал передачи, фазовая
манипуляция, уплотнение с временным
разделением, низкочастотный аналоговый
сигнал, шумовой порог, несущая,
радиопередача, устанавливать связь,
преобразовать сигнал, дискретное
значение, двухточечное соединение,
связь по телефонной линии.

2 Using the text give
derivatives from the following words and translate them into Russian:

communicate, to transmit, to attenuate, to repeat, to modulate, to
inform, to continue, to distinguish, to route.

3 Answer the following

1 What is telecommunication?

2 What does a
telecommunication system consist of?

3 What is point-to-point

4 What is an advantage of
digital signals over analog ones?

5 What is a network?

6 What types of networks are
used for transmission of information?

7 What allows distinguishing
attenuation from noise?

8 What is modulation and what
is it used for?

9 What keying techniques

10 What modulation schemes are

4 Fill in the table using
the information from the text:



Choose the definition that fits each word as it is used in the text:

Communication 1)
the act or an instance of communicating, the imparting or exchange of
information, ideas, or feelings;

smth. communicated, such as message, letter, or


Network 1)
a system of interconnected computer systems,

and other equipment allowing information to be exchanged;

a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programme

a system of interconnected components or circuits.

Noise 1)
undesired or irrelevant elements in a visual image;

any undesired electrical disturbance in a circuit,

the usual information in a signal.

Channel 1)
a course into which smth. can be directed or moved;

2) a band of radiofrequencies assigned for a particular

the broadcasting or a television signal;

3) a path for an electromagnetic signal.

1) precise meaning or significance;

2) the particular quantity that is the result of applying

a function or operation for some given argument.

6 Fill the blanks using the words below:

transmission, network, switches, transceiver, modulation, modulated.

Connection between users is established by…..

… a device acting as both a transmitter and …..

The shaping of a signal to convey information is known as ….

In terminal repeater stations speech signals are …. and combined
before ….

A collection of transmitters, receivers or transceivers that
communicate with each other constitute a …



an analogue telephone network, the caller
is connected to the person he wants to talk to by switches at various
The switches form an electrical connection between the two users and
the setting of these switches is determined electronically when the
caller dials
the number. Once the connection is made, the caller’s voice is
transformed to an electrical signal using a small microphone
in the caller’s handset.
This electrical signal is then sent through the network to the user
at the other end where it transformed back into sound by a small
in that person’s handset. There is a separate electrical connection
that works in reverse, allowing the users to converse.

telephones in most residential homes are analogue – that is, the
speaker’s voice directly determines the signal’s voltage. Although
short-distance calls may be handled from end-to-end as analogue
signals, increasingly telephone service providers are transparently
converting the signals to digital for transmission before converting
them back to analogue for reception. The advantage of this is that
digitized voice data can travel side-by-side with data from the
Internet and can be perfectly reproduced in long distance
communication (as opposed to analogue signals that are inevitably
impacted by noise).

phones have had a significant impact on telephone networks. Mobile
phone subscriptions now outnumber fixed-line subscriptions in many
markets. Increasingly these phones are being serviced by systems
where the voice content is transmitted digitally such as GSM
with many markets choosing to depreciate analogue systems such as
There have also been changes in telephone communication. The
widespread adoption of systems is based on optic
The benefit of communicating with optic fibers is that they offer
increase in data capacity, due to several factors: First, optic
fibers are physically much smaller than competing technologies.
Second, they do not suffer from crosstalk
which means several hundred of them can be easily bundled together in
a single cable. Lastly, improvements in multiplexing have led to an
exponential growth in the data capacity of a single fiber.


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Exercise .a) Find in the text the Russian equivalents for the followin перевод - Exercise .a) Find in the text the Russian equivalents for the followin русский как сказать

  • Текст
  • Веб-страница

Exercise .
a) Find in the text the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
• to perform functions;
• managers of departments;
• top managers; sales managers;
• a set of customers; sales force;
• the scope of activities;
• the working foreman;
• staffing;
• by trial and error; t
• learn from study and experience;
• native abilities; humanities


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Упражнение.a) найти в тексте российских эквивалентов следующие слова и словосочетания:• для выполнения функций;• руководители департаментов;• топ-менеджеров; менеджеры по продажам;• набор клиентов; отдела продаж;• Сфера деятельности;• Рабочий десятник;• штатное расписание;• методом проб и ошибок; t• учиться из изучения и опыта;• собственные способности; гуманитарные науки

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


а) Найдите в тексте российские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний:
• для выполнения функций;
• Руководители отделов;
• топ — менеджеры; менеджеры по продажам;
• набор клиентов; сила продаж;
• сфера деятельности;
• рабочий старшина;
• штатное расписание;
• методом проб и ошибок; т
• узнать из исследования и опыта;
• нативные способности; гуманитарные науки

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


упражнение.a) найти в тексте российские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний:• выполнение функций;• руководители департаментов;• руководители, менеджеры по продажам.• ряд клиентов; продаж;• сфера деятельности;• рабочая форман;• укомплектование персоналом;• путем проб и ошибок; t• учиться на исследования и опыт;• родной способностей; гуманитарные науки

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

  • ефимовна
  • 1. i was in London2. They was good frien
  • ефимовна
  • корректная работа автоматически генериру
  • давай домой
  • Мы вчера довезли за 100
  • Dear Friend, Thanks a lot for your order
  • боль
  • flavour
  • 已经给您按最低运费算了哦
  • 1. Вена языка. 2. Миндалины. 3. Воротная
  • bad man
  • Куда ты поедешь завтра верхом
  • M. 1. Вена языка. 2. Миндалины. 3. Ворот
  • Zdjęcia
  • Dear Friend, Thanks a lot for your order
  • Look, read and match
  • я подумала,что у тебя проблемы дома
  • Empty priority 0 standby list
  • M. 1. Вена языка. 2. Миндалины. 3. Ворот
  • Охяу годзаимасу
  • Я о Вас тоже думала. Скучаю.
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