Find in the text synonyms for the following words and word combinations

Английский язык

Практикум по
английскому языку

для студентов, обучающихся
по специальности

и ландшафтное строительство»

Автор: Жукова И.Ю.

Преподаватель английского










Section 1.  Plants
and flowers




Section 2.  Gardening       








Section 3.  Landscape




ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ                          


Данный практикум предназначается
студентам 3-4 курсов средних профессиональных образовательных учреждений,
изучающих садово-парковое и ландшафтное строительство.

Цель пособия – подготовить студентов к
самостоятельному чтению и пониманию английской литературы и к устному общению
на английском языке в пределах изучаемой тематики.

Практикум построен на текстах,
насыщенных лексикой по специальности. Такие тексты повышают интерес студентов к
изучению языка и способствуют лучшему усвоению материала. Кроме того, они дают
больше возможностей для разговорной речи.

Практикум построен по тематическому
принципу и включает 3 раздела, охватывающие основные области садово-паркового
ландшафтного строительства. Каждый раздел содержит два текста (раздел
«Садоводство» — три текста) и рассчитан примерно на 8-10 академических часов.
Каждый раздел имеет активный словарь, включающий садово-парковую лексику
текстов, а также дополнительные слова, рекомендуемые для активного усвоения.

Упражнения делятся на лексические,
грамматические и речевые. Ряд упражнений может быть использован для
самостоятельной работы студентов дома.

Теория грамматики вводиться
преподавателем или самостоятельно изучается студентами по имеющимся
грамматическим справочникам и учебникам. Грамматику следует вводить и первично
закреплять до чтения текстов.

 Для перевода текстов общеязыковой
лексики студенты должны пользоваться имеющимися словарями. При переводе текстов
в аудитории желательно развивать языковую догадку учащихся. Ряд текстов,
содержащих более 75% знакомой лексики, можно давать для чтения на общий охват
содержания без использования словаря.


Умение работать с литературой по
специальности следует рассматривать как базовое при осуществлении любой
профессиональной деятельности. Этим объясняется тот факт, что обучение
студентов средних профессиональных образовательных учреждений чтению должно
рассматриваться в качестве основной цели обучения, а чтение на иностранном
языке как ведущий вид речевой деятельности.

В данной методической разработке
представлены разнообразные тексты и система упражнений на развитие у студентов
навыков основных видов чтения: изучающего, ознакомительного, просмотрового и

Целевая установка каждого вида чтения
определяет направленность учебных заданий. Так, учебные задания к текстам для
просмотрового чтения направлены на формирование умения ориентироваться в
логико-смысловой структуре текста, а также использовать информацию текста в
соответствии с определенными коммуникативными задачами.

Изучающее чтение направлено на
формирование умения полного и точного понимания всей содержащейся в тексте

Ознакомительное чтение предполагает
развитие умения быстрого ознакомления с содержанием всего текста и извлечения
из него основной информации. Наконец, поисковое чтение ориентировано на умение
быстро найти в тексте определенные данные и является сопутствующим компонентом
других видов чтения. Таким образом, чтение как базовое умение определяет по
существу систему всех упражнений методической разработки и ее построение в

Такая система обучения чтению
ориентирована, в первую очередь, на выработку у студентов коммуникативной
компетенции, необходимой для их будущей профессиональной деятельности.

Конечная цель обучения устной речи в
неязыковых средних профессиональных образовательных учреждениях – научить
будущих специалистов высказываться по темам специальности, предусмотренным
действующей программой по иностранным языкам.

Следует отметить, что система речевых
упражнений, представленная в методической разработке, предусматривает обучение
коммуникации, т.е. умению соотносить средства языка с целью и спецификой
обучения, в частности в области будущей профессиональной деятельности

В упражнениях такого типа
отрабатываются следующие виды языковой деятельности:

правильное построение предложений;

отбор языковых средств по ситуации общения;

логическое построение высказываний;

адекватное использование средств смысловой связи;

использование лексико-грамматических средств для
выражения мысли и логики ее развития.

Формирование специалиста нового типа,
обладающего способностью к самостоятельной творческой деятельности и высокой
профессиональной квалификацией, невозможно без целенаправленной организации
самостоятельной работы обучаемого по всем видам речевой деятельности.

Развитие творческих начал возможно
только в условиях учебного процесса, целенаправленно активизирующего
самостоятельную деятельность студентов, а достижение высокого уровня
квалификации будущего специалиста можно обеспечить, вооружив студента навыками
самостоятельной работы.

Самостоятельная работа является
неотъемлемой частью системы учебного процесса и наиболее эффективным средством
развития познавательной деятельности студентов и формирования
самостоятельности. В общем виде самостоятельная работа студентов представляет
собой систему действий, которые в соответствии с учебной задачей и темой и с
опорой на способности, опыт и знания преобразуют учебный материал с целью
расширения и углубления опыта и знаний, формирования и развития познавательных

Методическая разработка предназначена
для студентов второго уровня обучения, на котором самостоятельная работа
студентов представляет собой взаимосвязанный блок аудиторной и внеаудиторной
работы с некоторым преобладаем первой.

Поскольку чтение – это вид речевой
деятельности, в котором можно практиковаться самостоятельно, формирование и
развитие навыков и умений чтения может и должно осуществляться самостоятельно
(после сравнительно небольшой практики с преподавателем).

Обучение студентов самостоятельной
работе предполагает привитие им навыка извлечения из текста значительной
информации наиболее рациональными путями и способами. Причем контроль понимания
прочитанного имеет не только проверочную форму, но и обучающую функцию. Он
является эффективным средством усвоения языкового материала и формирования
речевых навыков и умений, так как выполнение контрольных заданий заставляет
студента неоднократно обращаться к тексту.

Section 1. Plants
and Flowers

The National Emblems of Great Britain

The humid and mild climate of Great Britain is good
for plants and flowers. Some of them have become symbols in the United Kingdom.
You probably know that the poppy is the symbol of peace, the red rose is the
national emblem of England, and the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland
and the Edinburgh International Festival. The daffodils and the leek are the
emblems of Wales; the shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Northern Ireland.

The Rose

The national flower of England is the rose. The
flower has been adopted as England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the
Roses – civil wars (1450-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster (whose
emblem was a red rose) and the royal house of York (whose emblem was a white
rose). The York’s regime ended with the defeat of King Richard III by the
future Henry VII at Bosworth on 22 August 1485, and the two roses were united
into the Tudor rose (a red rose with a white centre) by Henry VII when he
married Elizabeth of York.

The Thistle

The thistle is a wild plant with prickly leaves and
yellow, white, or purple flowers.

The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.     In
very ancient times the Norsemen once landed somewhere on the east coast of Scotland,
with the intention of plundering and setting in the country. At this time the
Scots were returning to Scotland after a long march. They were very tired. So
the Scots decided to stop behind the river Tay. They pitched their camp and

The Norsemen, however, were near; noticing that no
guards or sentinels protected the camp, they crossed the river Tay, intending to
take the Scots by surprise and slaughter them in their sleep. The Norsemen took
off their shoes so as to make the least noise possible. But one of the Norsemen
stepped on a thistle. The sudden and sharp pain caused him to shriek. The alarm
was given in the Scots’ camp and The Norsemen were put to flight. So the Scots
took the thistle as their national emblem.

The Leek

St David is the patron saint of Wales. He was a monk
who lived on bread, water, herbs and leeks and died on March 1, 589 AD. The
leek became the national emblem for Wales and medieval soldiers used to wear
leeks as they road to battle. Leek is a vegetable related to the onion but with
wider green leaves above a long white bulb.

Nowadays Welshmen all over the world on March 1
celebrate St David’s Day by wearing either leeks or daffodils.

The daffodil is also associated with St David’s Day.
It became an alternative to the Leek as a Welsh emblem in the present century,
because some thought the leek vulgar.

Daffodil is a very common bell-shaped pale yellow
flower of early spring.

There is a very well-known poem by William Wordsworth
which British people often quote when they are talking about daffodil. It

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils.

The Shamrock

What the red rose is to Englishmen and the leek and
daffodil to the Welsh, the little shamrock is to the Irish. The Irishmen wear
this national emblem on St Patrick’s Day, March 17.

A popular notion is that when preaching the doctrine
of the Trinity to the pagan Irish St Patrick used the shamrock, a small white
clover bearing three leaves on the stem as an illustration of the mystery.


humid [ ‘hju:mid] a сырой, влажный

plant [pla:nt] n растение, саженец

probably [ ‘prכ bәblι] adv вероятно

poppy [ ‘pכ ] n 1) мак 2) маковый

thistle [ ‘өιsl] n чертополох

daffodil [ ‘dæfכdιl] 1. n 1) нарцисс 2. a бледно-желтый

leek [li:k] n лук-порей

shamrock [ ‘ςæmrכk] n 1) кислица 2) трисистник

clover [ ‘klכuvә] n клевер

adopt [ә’dכpt] v 1) принимать; to ~a decision принять решение 2)

civil [ ‘sιvl] a гражданский

regime [reιζi:m] n режим, строй

defeat [fi:t] 1. n 1) поражение 2) расстройство (планов) 2. v. 1) наносить поражение 2)
расстраивать (планы)

unite [junaιt] v 1) соединять(ся) 2) объединять(ся)

wild [ ‘wιld] a дикий

prickly [ ‘prιklι] a 1) имеющий шипы, колючки 2)

purple [ ‘pз:pl] n 1) пурпурный цвет, пурпур 2)
фиолетовый цвет

ancient [ ‘eιn∫әnt] a 1) древний, старинный 2) античный

intention [ιntenn] n намерение, стремление, цель

plunder [ ‘plΛndә] v грабить, воровать

set [set] v расставлять, располагать,

pitch [pιt∫] v разбивать (палатки, лагерь)

camp [kæmp] n лагерь

guard [ga:d] n охрана, стража

sentinel [ ‘sentιnl] 1. n часовой; страж; to stand ~ over охранять  2. v охранять, стоять на страже

protect [prכtekt] v защищать

slaughter [ ‘slכ:tә] v совершать массовое убийство, резать,

cause [kכ:z] v быть причиной, вызывать

shriek [∫ri:k] n пронзительный крик

flight [flaιt] n бегство, поспешный отступ

patron saint [ ‘peιtrәn seιnt] n святой покровитель

monk [mΛηk] n монах

medieval [ֽmedιi:vl] a средневековый

relate [leιt] v состоять в родстве, иметь отношение

bulb [bΛlb] n луковица

alternative [כ:ltз:nәtιv] n альтернативный выбор

vulgar [ ‘vΛlgә] a грубый, простонародный

common [ ‘kכmәn] a простой, обыкновенный

quote [kwכut] v цитировать, ссылаться на к.-л. На ч.-л.

float [flכut] 1. n паром, плот 2. v плавать, плыть по небу

host [hכust] зд. n множество

notion [ ‘nכun] n 1) понятие, идея 2) точка зрения, мнение

preach [pri:t∫] v проповедовать

the doctrine of the Trinity [ðә ‘dכktrιn כf ðә ‘trιnә] учение о Троице

pagan [ ‘peιgәn] a язычный, неверующий

bear [beә] v (bore, borne) 1) носить, нести 2) иметь

stem [stem] n ствол, стебель

mystery [ ‘mιstrι] n 1) тайна 2) церковное


Vocabulary Exercises

  1.  Practise
    the pronunciation of the following words:

shamrock, purple, prickly, thistle, clover, poppy,
bulb, daffodil,  humid, to relate, to protect, wild, leek, to bear

  1.  Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word

символ мира, две розы были объединены…,
поражение короля, нарцисс и лук-порей, дикое растение, листья с шипами,
наступить на чертополох, белая луковица, обыкновенный в форме колокольчика
цветок, множество золотых нарциссов, белый клевер, три листа на стебле,  иллюстрация
церковного таинства

  1.  Give Russian equivalents to the following
    words and word combinations from the text:

to be good for plants, a kind of clover, to be the
national flower, to step on a thistle, to take the thistle as the national
emblem, to live on bread and leeks, prickly leaves, to wear leeks, to be a
vegetable related to the onion, a long white bulb, to think the leek vulgar, to
be a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower, a host of golden daffodils, a
small white clover,  bearing three leaves on the stem, an illustration of the

  1.  Find in text synonyms to the following words and word

the moist climate, thorny leaves, to apply to the
onion, to cite, heaps of golden daffodils, a popular point of view, having
three leaves, example of the mystery, to tread on a thistle

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active

1) The flower of March is a … . 2) The plant has long
… and a sweet pleasant sweet. 3) … are bright red or yellow flowers. They look
like cups. 4) Are you prepared to … yourself in case of attack? 5) A living
thing that grows in soil and has leaves and roots is called … . 6) No one goes
to college with the … of failing. 7) I found these daisies growing … in the
meadow. 8) We offer courses that … English literature to other subjects. 9) You’ll
… be gone by the time I get back.10) Bright yellow, orange and red … are often
put together in baskets, bouquets.

  1. Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Correct
    them if    they are wrong:   

 The humid and mild climate of Great Britain is bad for plants and

The poppy is the symbol of peace.

The white rose is the national emblem of England.

The thistle is the national emblem of Ireland.

The shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Ireland.

The thistle is a wild plant with prickly leaves and red, orange, or
purple flowers.

 But one of the Norsemen stepped on a rose.

 Leek is a vegetable related to the onion but with wider green leaves
above a long  white bulb.

The daffodil is also associated with St Patrick’s Day.

 Daffodil is a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower of early

 The Irishmen wear this national emblem on St Patrick’s Day, March 17.

  1. Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for
    the best


  1. Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word

war, to be abolished, to be divided, smooth leaves,
on the west coast of Scotland,  with the intention of giving gifts and leaving
the country, to be brisk, to put on, in the ancient century, late winter

Grammar Exercises

  1. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention
    to the Passive Voice:

1)  The flowers were bought by me yesterday. 2) The
flowers are often bought. 3)   The flower has been adopted as England’s emblem
since the time of the Wars of the Roses. 3) The flowers will be bought by me
tomorrow. 4) The flowers are being bought  now. 5) The flowers were being bought
at five o’clock yesterday. 6) The flowers have already been bought. 7) The flowers
had been bought when I came. 8) The flowers will have been bought by five

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

 1) Деревья были посажены прошлой осенью.
2) Деревья сажают каждый   день. 3) Деревья будут сажать завтра. 4) Деревья
сажают сейчас.  5)  Деревья сажали вчера в 6 часов. 6) Вы когда-либо сажали
деревья? 7)   Деревья уже посадили, когда я пришел. 8) Деревья уже посадят
завтра к  часам.

Speech Exercises

  1. Answer the
    questions to the text:

   1) What is
the national flower of England?

   2) What is
the symbol of peace?

   3) What is
the national symbol of Scotland?

   4) What is
the national symbol of Wales?

   5) What is
the national symbol of Northern Ireland?

   6) When
were two roses united into the Tudor rose?

   7) What
plant is a thistle?

   8) Why did
the Scots take the thistle as their national emblem?

   9) Who is
the patron saint of Wales?

  10) What
plant is a leek?

  1. Retell the

Flower Bouquets

Bright, vibrant flowers seem to be popular with
people today. More modern flowers such as lilies are now being combined with
old favourites like the Irish and Chrysanthemum. The tulip is another very
popular flower. In Australia the tulip is in season from April until September
or October.

Bright yellows, oranges and reds are often put
together in baskets, bowls and bouquets. Green foliage such as Eucalyptus
leaves is added to break up the color.

The most popular type of flower arrangement is the
bouquet. They are hand-held and less expensive than arrangements in baskets and
bowls. There can be a variety of flowers in a bouquet or just one type of

Australians usually send flowers for special occasions,
such as, the birth of a baby, weddings, birthdays, and funerals. Australia has
a special day called “Daffodil Day” on the 1st of September. On this
day it is a tradition to buy a bunch of daffodils as a sign of respect for
cancer sufferers. All proceeds from sales that day go towards cancer research


bouquet [
‘bukeι] n букет

vibrant [
‘vaιbrәnt] a (зд.) броский, яркий

lily [‘
lιlι] n лилия

iris [
‘aιәrιs] n ирис

[krι’sænθәmәm] n хризантема

tulip [
‘tju:lιp] n тюльпан

foliage [
‘foulιdζ] n листва

wedding [
‘wedιη] n свадьба

funeral [
‘fju:nәrәl] n похороны

[bΛnt∫] n  букет

[rιs’pekt] n уважение

cancer [
‘kænsә] n рак

sufferer [
‘sΛfәrә] a пострадавший

proceeds [
‘prousi:dz] n доход

combine [ ‘kכmbaιn] v 1) объединять(ся) 2) комбинировать, сочетать(ся),смешивать(ся)

bowl [bәul] n 
ваза для цветов

eucalyptus [ ֽju:kә’lιptәs] n (plses [-sιz], —ti) эвкалипт

arrangement [ә’reιndζmәnt] n расположение, аранжировка

occasion [ә’keιζәn] n событие

research [sз:t∫] n научное исследование, изучение,
исследовательская работа


Vocabulary Exercises

Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

bouquet, popular, chrysanthemum, Australia, foliage, arrangement,
eucalyptus, expensive, occasion, vibrant, bunch, tulip, iris, lily, daffodil

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word
combinations from the text:

to seem, the lilies are now being combined with old favourites like the
Irish and Chrysanthemum, to put together in baskets, bowls and bouquets, green
foliage, to break up the color, the type of flower arrangement, hand-held, a
variety of flowers, for special occasions, a special day, to buy a bunch of
daffodils, a sign of respect

Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word 

зеленая листва, быть популярным, самый популярный вид
аранжировки цветов, сделанный руками, в букете, посылать цветы по особому
случаю, в этот день, букет нарциссов, доходы от продажи

Find in text synonyms to the following words and word

to mix, for special event, a token of respect, all returns, to break up
the tint

Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word

pale flowers,
cheap, to sell, to take away the leaves, a sign of insult

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active

1) I like to put together the beautiful flowers in … . 2) Yesterday my
mother had her birthday. She got many bright and … flowers. 3) A … is a
colourful flowers that is shaped like a cup. 4) A … is a large flower in the
shape of a bell. 5) A … is a tall, usually purple, flower. 6) The leaves of a
plant or tree are called … .7) A ceremony in which two people get married is
called … .8) … is a tall yellow flower that grows in spring in our country. 9)
She has worked hard to gain the … of her colleagues. 10)  He died of lung …

7. Give a
written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for the best


Grammar Exercises

Translate into Russian paying attention to the Tenses of the
English Verb:

1) When I saw Ann, she was sorting the flowers which she had picked in
the field. 2) People are planting tulips now. 3) I have bought a bouquet of
lilies for my mother today. 4)  When I went out into the garden, the sun was
shining and birds were singing in the trees. 5) They grew all their own
vegetables. 6) I have planted a small apple tree in the garden. 7) I will pour
water on plants in order to keep them healthy tomorrow. 8) My father has been planting
lilies for two hours. 9) We have brought a lot of flowers from the wood. Now we
will make bouquets.

 Translate the following sentences into English paying
attention to the Tenses of the English Verb:

1) — Что ты делаешь? – Сажаю цветы. 2) Когда он пришел
домой, цветы уже посадили. 3) Моя бабушка сажает цветы каждый день. 4) Она
посадила цветы на прошлой неделе. 5) Ты уже посадила цветы? 6) Она сажает цветы
уже 2 часа. 7) Когда я пришел домой, бабушка сажала цветы. 8) Я завтра посажу

     Speech Exercises

Answer the questions to the text:

     1) Do you have a favourite flower?

     2) What kinds of flowers are popular in your country?

     3) If you could create a bouquet of different flowers, which flowers
would you 


     4) On which occasions do Australians give flowers? On which
occasions do you 

        give flowers?

     5) Do you have a special day like “Daffodil Day” in your country? If
you could

        create such a day, to whom would you give the proceeds?

Retell the text.

Section 2. Gardening

The History of gardening and the
Egyptian Gardens

 The earliest evidence for ornamental gardens is seen
in Egyptian tomb paintings of the 1500s BC; they depict lotus ponds surrounded
by rows of acacias and palms. The other ancient gardening tradition is of
Persia: Darius the Great was said to have had a “paradise garden” and the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon were renowned as a Wonder of the World. Persian
influences extended to post-Alexander’s Greece: around 350 BC there were
gardens at the Academy of Athens.

The most influential ancient gardens in the western
world were the Ptolemy’s gardens at Alexandria.

In Europe, gardening revived in France in the 13th
century. French parterres were developed at the end of the 16th
century and reached high development under Andre le Notre. English landscape
gardens opened a new perspective in the 18th century.

Egyptian Gardens

Gardens were much cherished in the Egyptian times and
were kept for secular purposes. Gardens in private homes and villas before the
New Kingdom were mostly used for growing vegetables and located close to a
canal or the river. However, in the New Kingdom they were often surrounded by
walls and their purpose incorporated pleasure and beauty besides utility.
Garden produce played an important role in the foodstuff but flowers were used
in garlands to wear at festive occasions and for medicinal purposes. While the
poor kept a patch for growing vegetables, the rich people could afford gardens
with vibrant trees and decorative pools with fish and waterfowl.

The ancient Egyptian garden differs from a garden in
our days. Flowers like the iris, chrysanthemum, lily and delphinium (blue),
were certainly known to the ancients but do not feature much in garden scenes.

Due to the arid climate of Egypt, the tending gardens
meant constant attention and depended on irrigation. Skilled gardeners were
employed by temples and households. Duties included planting, weeding, watering
the plants, pruning of fruit trees, digging the ground, harvesting the fruit.


evidence [
‘evιdәns] n данные

ornamental [כ:nә’mentl]  a декоративный

[tu:m] гробница

[ι’dζιp∫n] a египетский

painting n
живопись, роспись

depict [dι‘pιkt] v изображать, описывать

lotus [ ‘lכutәs] n лотос

pond [pכnd] n пруд, водоем

[ә’keι∫ә] n акация

paradise [
‘pærәdaιs] n рай

Babylon [
‘bæbιlәn] Вавилон

renowned [rι’naund]
a известный, знаменитый

Persian [
‘pз:∫n] a персидский, иранский

[ ‘ιnfluәns] n влияние, воздействие

[ιk’stend] v простирать(ся), тянуть(ся)

post- [pכust] pref после-, по

[gri:s] Греция

Athens [‘æθιnz]

revive [vaιv] v восстанавливать, возобновлять, приходить в себя

parterre [pa:’teә] n цветник

cherish [ ‘terι∫] v заботливо выращивать (растения)

secular [ ‘sekjulә] a мирской,
светский (не церковный)

purpose [ ‘pз:pәs] n намерение, цель

incorporate [ιnֽkכ:pә’rәt] (зд.) v соединять(ся), объединять(ся)

prep кроме

utility [ju’tιlәtι]
n выгода

produce [ ‘prכdju:s] n изделие, продукция, продукт

foodstuffs [ ‘fu:dstΛfs] n продовольствие, продукты питания

garland [ ‘ga:lәnd] n венок, гирлянда

festive [ ‘festιv] a праздничный,

medicinal [mә’dιsnl] a лекарственный, лечебный

patch [pæt∫] n зарплата

afford [ә’fכ:d] v позволить себе

vibrant [ ‘vaιbrәnt] a (зд.) броский, яркий

waterfowl [ ‘wכ:tәfaul] n водяные птицы

differ [ ‘dιfә] v различаться,

lily [‘ lιlι] n лилия

iris [ ‘әrιs] n ирис

chrysanthemum [krιsæәmәm] n

delphinium [delfιnιәm] n дельфиниум, шпорник

feature [ ‘fi:t∫ә] v изображать, обрисовывать

scene [si:n] n эпизод, сцена

arid [ ‘ærιd] a сухой

tend ухаживать, заботиться

irrigation [ֽιrιgeιn] n орошение

employ [ιmplכι] v нанимать, держать на службе, предоставлять

temple [ ‘templ] n храм

household n (зд.) королевский двор

weed v полоть

prune [pru:n] v подрезать (деревья)

dig v копать, выкапывать

harvest [ ‘ha:vιst] v собирать урожай

skilled a квалифицированный


Vocabulary Exercises

  1.  Practise
    the pronunciation of the following words:

 ornamental, lotus, acacia, cherish, garland, foodstuffs, medicinal,
irrigation,               weed, prune, dig, harvest

  1. Find in
    text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

живопись египетских гробниц, окруженный акациями, античные
традиции садоводства, «райский сад», чудо света, западный мир, лечебные цели,
дельфиниум, сухой климат, подрезка деревьев, прополка, вскапывание земли,
собирать урожай фруктов

  1. Give
    Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the

 the earliest evidence, to depict lotus ponds, growing vegetables, in
garlands, at festive occasions, decorative pools, for medicinal purposes,
Egyptian garden, due to the arid climate, skilled gardeners, planting, weeding,
watering the plants, pruning of fruit trees, digging the ground, harvesting the

  1. Find in
    text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

to represent, famous, the miracle, to reach to, horticulture, to achieve,
intention, except, curative, to unite, profit, wages, the bright trees, dry,

  1.  Find in
    the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

the gardens were destroyed, to separate pleasure and beauty, to put off, 
the poor people, with pale trees, at sad occasions, the humid climate

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active

1) Yesterday I saw many … by Picasso. 2) An area of water that is smaller
than a lake is called a … . 3) Teachers have considerable … over what is taught
in the classroom. 4) I asked if I could … my holiday. 5) She had fainted, but
soon … . 6) The … of this dictionary is to help students of English. 7) We’ll …
some of these ideas in the final report. 8) Did you talk to anyone … Joan? 9) A
ring of flowers or leaves that you decorate something with is called a … . 10)
Our approach … from theirs in different ways.

7.  Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for
the best   translation. 

Grammar Exercises

  1. Translate
    the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Sequence of

1) He said that he had weeded the flowers. 2) I was sure that she was
weeding the flowers. 3) My mother informed me that they would weed the flowers
in the evening. 4) He asked me where I lived. 5) I thought that you had already
pruned the trees. 6) I was sure that he spoke French very well. 7) She said
that Andrew had told her that he was cherishing the lilies. 8) He knows that
you have weeded the flowers. 9)    I hoped that I would find him at home. 10)
He said that he had dug the ground.

  1. Translate
    the following sentences from Russian into English:

    1) Мы увидели, что наш сын играет в саду. 2) Она
сказала, что мама уже прополола цветник. 3) Моя сестра сказала, что хочет
выращивать ирисы. 4) Он спросил, где мы будем собирать урожай. 5) Я не думал,
что вы все будете ждать меня. 6) Она спросила нас, кто хочет полить хризантемы.
7) Он сказал, что его мама сажала деревья уже более 2 часов. 8) Я знал, что мой
брат увлекается ландшафтным дизайном. 9) Я боялся, что он не получит зарплату. 10)
Мой друг позвонил мне и сказал, что болен и не сможет прийти ко мне на день

Speech Exercises

Answer the questions to the text:

When and where did the earliest evidence for ornamental gardens appear?

What can you say about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

When did gardening revive in Europe?

What cli5mate was in Egypt?

Where did the skilled gardeners work?

What kind of gardens could the rich people of Egypt afford?

Did the ancients feature the flowers like the iris, chrysanthemum, lily,
and delphinium in garden scenes?

What duties did the skills gardeners have?

Are you fond of gardening?

10)   What
are your duties in gardening?

  2. Retell
the text.

Botanical Garden

The Nikitsky Botanical Garden, a unique preserve of
Crimean nature and a supreme example of park architectural landscaping, is the
largest scientific-research establishment in the south of Russia. More than
28,000 species and hybrids of various tropical plants have been collected in
this treasury. The trees and shrubs (1,500 species) are planted in individual
groups or picturesque clusters that blend into a single artistic design. There
is also a wonderful rosarium and a special display of clematis and chrysanthemums.

Hundreds of thousands of visitors from Russia and
from abroad come to Nikitsky Botanical Garden every day. It was founded in
September 1812 as the Imperial Botanical Garden. For this purpose the site was
chosen near Nikita, a village founded by Greek settlers four centuries before. Today,
the Nikitsky Garden’s plant collection number more than 28,000 species,
varieties and hybrids. Numerous visitors to the Garden show special interest in
the great variety of subtropical trees. The Nikitsky arboretum, where more than
1,500 species of ornamental trees and shrubs are collected, covers an area of
over 40 hectares and consists of four separate parks: the Upper Park, the
Lower, the Maritime Park and the park on Cape Montedor.

A tour of the Nikitsky Garden begins with the Upper
Park. It was laid out in typical landscape style during the last century. Here
you can see rare species of conifers, ever-green shrubs, a splendid rosarium, a
rock garden and displays of chrysanthemums and new varieties of the clematis.

Past the entrance to the Upper Park, in front of the
main office building, there is a parterre. Chinese palms grow on the lawns of
the parterre, a group of slender pyramidal cypresses and columnar English yews
flank the path leading to the office building.

The Nikitsky rosarium is a really marvelous sight to
behold. Here you will find various species of roses of native and foreign

Chrysanthemums are the reigning beauty of the park in

Outstanding amidst the infinite wealth of greenery is
the weeping glaucous Atlas cedar, a truly natural wonder whose boughs drop to
the very ground. It is native to Algeria’s mountains and can be grown only
through grafting. This tree terminates the Upper Park.

Here wide stairs descend to the Lower Park, the
oldest section in the Nikitsky Garden. During the first years following its
foundation palms and bamboos were imported from abroad. Today, you will find
century-old groves of Lebanon cedars with their unusual flat crowns, mighty
oaks and silvery olives. These groves have become unique monuments of nature.
Sun-loving plants with thick pulpy leaves and stems are put outdoors in summer.
They are mostly natives of Mexico: agaves, prickly-pears, etc. next to them, at
the end of the palm alley, there is a decorative Japanese banana, noted for its
large species.

The Nikitsky arboretum wears its green attire all the
year round. Even in winter, when the ground is covered with a thin snowy
carpet, you can still see flowering shrubs here and there. At all seasons of
the year the Nikitsky Botanical Garden is visited by many tourists.


preserve [prι’zз:v] n (зд.) заповедник

unique [ju:’ni:k] 1.
a 1) единственный в своем роде; уникальный; ~
feature особенность конструкции 2)
замечательный, необыкновенный

2. n уникум

Crimean [kraιәn] a крымский

supreme [supri:m] a 1) верховный, высший 2) высочайший, величайший

landscape [ ‘lændskeιp] n ландшафт, пейзаж

establishment [ιstæblιmәnt] n учреждение, заведение

species [ ‘spi:∫i:z] n (pl без изменений) вид,

hybrid [ ‘haιbrιd] n гибрид, помесь

treasury [ ‘treζәrι] n сокровищница

shrub [∫rΛb] n кустарник, куст

picturesque clusters [ֽpιkt∫ә’reskklΛstәs] живописные группы (пучки, гроздья,кусты)

blend [blend] v (blended, blent) смешивать(ся), сочетаться, гармонировать

rosarium [rכuzeәәm] n розарий

display [spleι] n выставка

clematis [ ‘klemәtιs] n ломонос, клематис

chrysanthemum [krιsæәmәm] n хризантема

site [saιt] n участок, место

purpose [ ‘pз:pәs] n намерение, цель

variety [vә’raιә] n многообразие, множество

arboretum [ֽa:bә’ri:tәm] n (plta, —tums) древесный питомник

ornamental [כ:nә’mentl] a декоративный

hectare [ ‘hekteә] n гектар

to lay out выкладывать, планировать

rare [reә] a редкий

conifer [ ‘kכnιfә] n хвойное дерево

evergreen [ ‘evәgri:n] a вечнозеленый

splendid [ ‘splendιd] a великолепный, роскошный, превосходный

rock a горный, каменный

parterre [pa:’teә] n цветник

lawn [lכ:n] n газон, лужайка

slender a стройный

pyramidal [ræmιdl] a пирамидальный

cypresses [ ‘saιprәs] n кипарис

columnar [kә’lΛmnә] a стебельчатый

yew [ju:] тис

flank v примыкать

path [pa:ө] n тропинка, дорожка

behold v смотреть, созерцать

outstanding [autstændιη] a выдающийся, знаменитый

amidst [ә’mιdst] prep среди

infinite [ ‘ιnfιnәt] a безграничный

greenery n зелень, растительность

glaucous [‘glכ:kәs] a 1) серовато-зеленый, серовато-голубой 2) тусклый

cedar [ ‘si:dә] n кедр

truly [ ‘tru:] adv 1) правдиво, искренне 2) в самом
деле, действительно

bough [bau] n сук

drop v  зд. падать, спадать

grafting [ ‘gra:ftιη] n прививка (растения)

Algerialdζιәә] Алжир

terminate [ ‘tз:mιneιt] v завершать(ся)

descend [send] v спускаться, сходить, снижаться

valuable [ ‘væljuәbl] a ценный, дорогой

foundation n основа, основание

bamboo [bæmbu:] n бамбук

palm [pa:m] n пальма

grove [grכuv] n роща, лесок

flat a ровный, прямой

crown n крона, верхушка дерева

mighty [ ‘maιtι] a могущественный, громадный

oak [כuk] n дуб

olive [ ‘כlιv] n маслина, олива (дерево,

pulpy a мягкий, сочный

stem n ствол, стебель

agave [ә’geιvι] n агава

pricklypears [ ‘prιklι peәs] n имеющие шипы (колючие) груши

alley [ ‘æ] n аллея

noted a знаменитый, известный

attire [ә‘taιә] n наряд, платье


Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

preserve, Crimean, landscape, species, rosarium, treasury, chrysanthemum,
variety, ornamental, arboretum, conifer, splendid, parterre, lawn, cypresses,
columnar, path, greenery, cedar, grafting, prickly-pears

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word
    combinations from the text:

architectural, scientific-research, tropical plants, individual groups, a
single artistic design, from abroad, village, on Cape Montedor, the Maritime
Park, foreign selection, during the last century, marvelous, to put outdoors

  1. Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word 

сотни тысяч посетителей, тропический, быть основанным,
императорский, многочисленные посетители, субтропические деревья, прошлый век,
китайский, изумительный, селекция, природный, широкие лестницы, солнцелюбивые
растения, декоративный, снежный ковер

  1. Find in
    text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

exceptional, sanctuary, institution, bush, exhibition, place, intention,
slim, to look at, among, boundless, branch, complete, even, enormous, celebrated,

  1. Find in
    the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

terrible, stout, to turn away, hay, to finish, crooked, slightest,

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active

1) Mark had a … opportunity to travel with the President. 2) The Church
was of … importance in medieval Europe. 3) I am late only on … occasions. 4)
Amy walked up the … to the house. 5) The possibilities are … 6) A small black
or green fruit that is eaten or used for its oil is called an … . 7) Caroline
was lying … on her back. 8)   … is a tree with dark green leaves.

  1. Give a
    written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for the best


Grammar Exercises

Translate into Russian paying attention to the Modal Verbs:

1) He … plant the flowers himself. 2)  She … play trees and shrubs very
well when she was young. 3) My son … … … … it without my help. 4) Where is he?
– He … … planting the flowers. 5) You … go into the preserve. 6) The clematis …
… planted at once. 7) My brother … come and help you in the garden. 8) Don’t go
to the wood alone: you … lose your way. 9) … you tell me the nearest way to the
Nikitsky Botanical Garden? 10) … we come and see you next Sunday at three
o’clock in the afternoon?

Translate the following sentences into English paying
attention to the Modal Verbs:

1) Я могу вырастить роскошные хризантемы. 2) Она не сможет
вовремя добраться до заповедника. 3) Можно мне посмотреть розарий? 4) Мне
разрешают ходить по газону. 5) Вы должны быть осторожны в древесном питомнике.
6) Он должен быть на выставке сейчас. 7) Можно здесь остаться? – Пожалуйста. 8)
Я должен посадить хвойное дерево сегодня. 9) Мне придется посадить хвойное
дерево сегодня. 10) Они, должно быть, работали в заповеднике.

     Speech Exercises

Answer the questions to the text:

1) How many species and hybrids of tropical plants have been collected in
the Nikitsky Botanical garden?

2) How are the trees and shrubs planted there?

3) When was the Nikitsky Botanical garden founded?

4) What kind of trees can you see there?

5) How many species are there in the Nikitsky arboretum?

6) What parks does the Nikitsky Botanical garden consist of?

7) What can you see in the Upper Park?

8) What can you behold in the Lower Park?

9) What plants are natives of Mexico?

10) When is the Nikitsky Botanical garden visited by tourists?

 2. Retell the text.

Garden of Moscow State University

The Botanical Garden of the M.V.Lomonosov Moscow
State University is one of the oldest botanical institutions of our country
(founded in 1706). It is widely known for its scientific and educational
activities. During construction of the MSU new premises at the Lenin (now
Vorobyovy) Hills, a new University garden was laid out. More than 6000 plant
species and varieties were planted in a territory of 40

Much research is under way at the Garden; its
collection provides a practical and training base for the Department of Biology
of the Moscow University, and other higher education institutions in Moscow.
Besides scientists and students, general visitors also enjoy excursion tours of
this remarkable island of live nature. It introduces them to a diverse world of
plants. The departments of the Garden at the Vorobyovy Hills (arboretum, plot
of mountain plant, plots of useful plants, ornamental plants and orchard)
demonstrate their plant diversity to the visitors and show human activities in
botany. The arboretum has a collection of species and forms of trees and shrubs
running to over 1000. Also the wild herbaceous plants are represented here. A
wealth of experience in parkland development has been gained by specialists at
the arboretum. The plot of mountain plants was constructed on a geographic
basic and contains more than 1000 species of alpine plants from the
Carpathians, Crimea, Caucasus, middle Asia and Far East.

The best Russian and foreign fruit plants which were
partly bred out by the Garden’s staff, grow in the orchard.

Tropical and subtropical plants can be seen at the
hothouses of the Garden Affiliated Societies. These hothouses are located at
the exact place of the “chemists’ garden” laid out in 1706 by Peter the Great.
The Moscow University acquired its ownership over the garden in 1805. With the
building of the new premises for the Moscow State University and the laying out
of new Garden, the former Botanical Garden, a historical and cultural monument
of Moscow, became its branch. The hothouse collections go back to the late 18th
century and are of great scientific value.


activity [æk’tιvәtι] n деятельность

construction [kәnstrΛkn] n строительство, стройка

premise [ ‘premιs] n помещение, дом (с
прилегающими пристройками и участком); владение

lay out v
планировать, разбивать (сад, участок), выкладывать

species [ ‘spi:∫i:z] n (pl без изменений) вид,

plant [pla:nt] n растение, саженец

variety [vә’raιә] n 1) разнообразие, множество 2) сорт, вид

provide [prכvaιd] v снабжать, обеспечивать

remarkable [rι’ma:kәbl] a замечательный, удивительный

diverse [daιvз:s] a разнообразный, разный

 arboretum [ֽa:bә’ri:tәm] n (plta, —tums) древесный питомник

 plot [plכt] n участок (земли)

 ornamental [כ:nә’mentl] a декоративный

 orchard [ ‘כ:t∫әd] n фруктовый сад

 shrub [∫rΛb] n кустарник, куст

 herbaceous [hә’beι∫әs] a травяной, травянистый

gain v добиваться, получать, приобретать

 construct [kәnstrΛkt] v строить, сооружать, воздвигать

alpine [ ‘ælpaιn] a альпийский

breed [bri:d] v разводить, выводить (животных,

staff [sta:f] n служебный персонал, личный состав

hothouse [ ‘hכthaus] n оранжерея, теплица

affiliated society [ә’fιlιeιtιdsә’saιә] n филиал

   exact [ιgzæct] a совершенно правильный, верный

acquire [ә’kwaιә] v приобретать, достигать

 former прежний, предшествующий

value [ ‘vælju:] n смысл, значение, ценность


Vocabulary Exercises

Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

      to lay out, premise, species, plant, variety, remarkable, diverse,

      ornamental, plot, orchard, shrub, herbaceous, hothouse

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word
combinations from the text:

   the Botanical gardens, educational activities, during construction,

  premises, plant species, general visitors, to enjoy, of live nature, in
botany, the

  wild herbaceous plants, a  wealth of experience, in parkland, the
alpine plants,

  the exact place, the hothouse collections

Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word 

широко известный, виды растений, быть посаженным,
биологический факультет, наслаждаться экскурсионными турами, удивительный
остров, полезные растения, коллекция разновидностей деревьев, дикие травянистые
растения, фруктовые деревья, частично, тропические растения, оранжерея

Find in text synonyms to the following words:

house, to erect, to
supply, splendid, various, to seek, to grow, correct, previous

Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word

to break, bad, to lose, wrong

 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active

1) We plan to expand our business … in East Africa. 2) The company will
finance the … of a new sports centre. 3) Over 120 … of flowers have been
recorded in this hothouse. 4) Adults study for a … of reasons. 5) Our office
can … information on the local area. 6) The play has been a remarkable success.
7) The tunnel was … in 1996. 8) She joined the … in 2007. 9) The … number of
wounded people is unknown. 10) She has … an impressive reputation as a

Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for
the best


Grammar Exercises

Translate into Russian paying attention to the Infinitive:

1) To grow the plants is pleasant. 2) He is glad to be growing the
flowers now. 3) He is glad to have already been growing the flowers for three
hours. 4) He is glad to have already grown the flowers. 5) I remained there to
see what would happen. 6) He was glad to grow the flowers. 7) He was glad to be
growing the flowers the whole evening. 8) He was glad to have already grown the
flowers. 9) He was glad to have already been growing the flowers for three
hours. 10) He will be glad to be growing the flowers the whole evening.

Translate the following sentences into English paying
attention to the Infinitive:

1) Мне очень жаль, что я тебя не встретил. 2) Он всегда
счастлив поговорить с  вами. 3) Он счастлив, что говорит с вами сейчас. 4) Он
счастлив, что поговорил с вами. 5) Он счастлив, что говорит с вами уже более
часа. 6) Он был всегда счастлив  поговорить с вами. 7) Он был счастлив, что
проговорил с вами весь вечер. 8) Он был счастлив, что поговорил с вами. 9) Он
был счастлив, что говорил с вами уже 2 часа. 10) Он всегда будет счастлив
поговорить с вами.

     Speech Exercises

Answer the questions to the text:

When was the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University founded?

What collection has the arboretum?

What do the departments of the Garden at the Vorobyovy Hills

What departments are there in the Garden at the Vorobyovy Hills?

What plants are there in the Botanical Garden?

When was the hothouse collection founded?

  2. Retell
the text.

Section 3. Landscape


Designers, agronomists, builders, psychologists carry
out a landscape project. This collective work comes to the excellent result in
a landscape design.

There is an exhibition plot of land in Sheremetievo (12
km from Moscow), where customers can view the landscape design created and
served by the company.

The company provides interior of landscape design for
private and corporative customers.

Do you want to have a beautiful landscape design on
your plot of land?

Firstly, a landscape project is to carry out. Their
specialist will come to your plot to get an order and to form a sketch by hand,
then this specialist carries out a landscape project by hand or visualization
by computer (AutoCAD, PhotoShop, 3D Max). The next is the realization of
landscape design on the plot.

Landscape design is a result of human’s activity on a
plot of land for creating beautiful views.

Landscape design is a method of providing inside
territories with artistic value.

Landscape design has some styles.

Landscape style is a style of landscape design based
on natural views without geometric figures, with flexible forms of garden
constructions: paths and walks, pavilion, pergola, arch, — with flexible forms
of garden water features: garden reservoirs, ponds, — with flexible forms of
groups of landscape plants: trees, bushes, flowers in flower bed.

The company uses a landscape plants from their
nursery that makes the process of greenery very quick and simple. These
elements are well based on the hedge and lawn.

Elements of landscape design:

—  stony slope with garden or reservoir;

—  area for the rest with garden pavilion or other
constructions between trees;

—  wall of stone with flowers or other rocks in a

—  garden water features: spring, stream and pond or
reservoir with garden rocks on the banks and bushes, flowers between them.

Landscape project is an artistic passport of a plot.

It’s important to project out beautiful views and
isolate poor details, to take into account the wishes of the plot’s owner and
opportunity of maintenance of the landscape project. One can have got not many
landscape plants: trees, bushes, flowers – or elements of landscape design in
the garden: flower-bed, pavilion, garden reservoir or pond, garden rocks – but
everything is to be in harmony with each other.


[ә’grכnәmιst] n агроном

carry out
v выполнять, проводить; to ~ out in (to) practice осуществлять,
проводить в жизнь

project [ ‘prכdζekt] n
проект, план (строительства)

plot [plכt] n участок (земли)

customer [ ‘kΛstәmә] n заказчик, покупатель, клиент

view [vju:] 1. v осматривать,

n вид, пейзаж

create [krιeιt] v творить, создавать

serve [sз:v] v
обслуживать, управлять, снабжать

sketch [sket∫] n набросок, эскиз

visualization [ֽvιzuәlaιzeιn] n отчетливый зрительный образ

[ֽәlaιzeιn] n осуществление, выполнение

provide [prכvaιd] v снабжать, обеспечивать

value [ ‘vælju:] n смысл, значение, ценность

flexible [ ‘fleksәbl] a гибкий, гнущийся

path [pa:θ, pl paz] n тропинка, дорожка,

walk [wכ:k] n зд. аллея, тропа

pavilion [pә’vιlιәn] n беседка, павильон

pergola [ ‘pз:gәlә] n беседка, крытая аллея из вьющихся растений

[a:t∫] n арка, свод

feature [ ‘fi:t∫ә] n особенность, свойство, деталь

reservoir [ ‘rezәvwa:] n водоем, бассейн

pond n пруд

nursery [ ‘nз:srι] n рассадник, питомник

hedge [hedζ] n изгородь

lawn [lכ:n] n газон, лужайка

slope [slכup] n склон, скат

rock n 1) горная порода; 2) камень, булыжник; 3) скала

stream [strι:m] n ручей

spring [sprιη] n источник, ключ,

bush [bu∫] n куст, кустарник

project v проектировать, составлять план

account [ә’kaunt] n мнение, оценка; to
take into ~ принимать во внимание

maintenance [ ‘meιntәnәns] n поддержка, сохранение, содержание

harmony [ ‘ha:mә] n гармония, согласие


Vocabulary Exercises

Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

project, view, plot, to create, sketch, visualization, pavilion, pergola,
path, arch, reservoir, pond, nursery, hedge, lawn, spring, bush

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word
combinations from the text:

     designer, landscape project, exhibition plot of land, for
private and corporative

    customers, to form a sketch by hand, on the plot, human’s activity,
with artistic                                                                                                                        value,
garden reservoirs, stony slope, garden water features

Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word 

  коллективная работа, ландшафтный дизайн, на участке
земли,   красивые пейзажи, гибкие формы садовых конструкций, тропинки и аллеи,
каменные склоны, крытая аллея из вьющихся растений

Find in text synonyms to the following words:

to realize, plan,
buyer, meaning, arbour, opinion, support

Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word

the bad result, the  destruction of landscape design on the plot, for
creating awful views, with hard forms of garden, very slow and complicated,
area for the work

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active

1) The building work was … … by a local contractor. 2) Supermarkets use a
variety of tactics to attract … . 3) We had a spectacular … of the mountains
from our room. 4) He was only 22 when he … this masterpiece. 5) The lecture …
him with an opportunity to meet one of his heroes. 6) The ring was of little …
. 7) Amy walked up the … to the house. 8) If you take inflation into …, the
cost of computers has fallen in the last ten years.

Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for
the best


Grammar Exercises

Translate into Russian paying attention to the Participles:

1) We visited one of the largest nurseries making the process of greenery
very quick and simple. 2) A broken cup lay on the table. 3) He is looking at
the woman planting a rose. 4) Having plenty time we decided to walk to the
exhibition plot of land in Sheremetievo. 5) Having worked in the nursery for
many years he knew those plants very well. 6) The boy throwing stones into the
pond is my brother. 7) The large building being built in our street is a new
school-house. 8) Yesterday he told us about the flowers now being growing in
his garden. 9) They sent us a list of plants imported by that firm. 10) A
thermometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature.

Translate the following sentences into English paying
attention to the Modal Verbs:

1) Будучи очень усталыми, мы отказались идти гулять. 2)
Продавцы отказались снизить назначенные цены, и покупатели отклонили
предложение. 3) Мы послали цветы по указанному адресу. 4) Сказав это, он вышел
из комнаты. 5) В настоящее время мы имеем очень ограниченное количество этих
растений в нашем питомнике. 6) Он тихо закрыл дверь, не желая будить ее. 7) «Я
должен идти», —  сказал он, встав со стула. 8) Я посмотрел на присланный
прейскурант. 9) На одной из осмотренных выставок заказчикам показали новые виды
растений. 10) Большая ветка, сломанная ветром, лежала поперек дороги.

     Speech Exercises

Answer the questions to the text:

Who carries out a landscape project?

What can the customers view in Sheremetievo?

What styles has landscape design?

Why is the process of greenery so quick and simple?

What elements of landscape design do you know?

Why did you decided to be a landscape designer?

Why is the profession of a landscape designer interesting?

What does the specialist do on your plot firstly?

 2. Retell
the text

Principles of Landscape Design

Landscape design is similar to landscape
architecture. But it focuses more on the artistic merits of design, while
landscape architecture encompasses the artistic design as well as structural
engineering. Landscape design and landscape architecture, both take into
account soils, drainage, climate and other issues, because the survival of
selected plants depends on those.

Landscape architecture may require a license
depending on the country and region. Landscape designers may be required to
have a license, depending on the level and detail in the design plan, as well
as the location. Landscape design is concerned with small and large scale
projects. Landscape design is almost synonymous with garden design.

Garden design is the art and process of designing and
creating plans for layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. Garden design
may be done by the garden owners themselves, or by professionals of varying
levels of experience and expertise.

Elements of garden design include the layout of hard
landscape, such as paths, walls, water features, sitting areas and decking; as
well as the plants themselves, with consideration for their horticultural
requirements, size, speed of growth, and combinations with other plants.

Landscape architecture and landscape design can and
should embrace garden design, landscape planning etc.

Landscape planning is a branch of landscape

Unity should be one of your main goals in your
design. Unity can be achieved by the consistency of character of elements in
the design. A simple way to create unity in your landscape is by creating
themes.  And one of the simplest ways to create themes is by using a little
décor. If you’re into butterflies for instance, you could create a theme using
plants that attract butterflies. Unity is achieved by repeating objects or
elements that are alike. Too many unrelated objects can make the garden look
cluttered and unplanned.

There’s a fine line here. It’s possible that too much
of one element can make a garden or landscape uninteresting, boring and

However, unity can still be created by using several
different elements repeatedly.  This keeps the garden interesting.


[ ‘sιmәlә] a подобный (to), схожий,

             architecture [ ‘a:kιtekt∫ә] n архитектура, строение, структура

             focus [ ‘fכukәs] v сосредоточить (внимание и т. п.; on – на)

             merit [ ‘merιt] n 1) заслуга 2) pl качества
3) достоинство

             encompass [ιnkΛmpәs] v заключать в себе

             structural a строительный

engineering n инженерное искусство, техника

             to take into account
v принимать во внимание

            drainage [ ‘dreιnιdζ] n канализация, нечистоты

            issue [ ‘ιu:] n проблема, результат,
спорный вопрос

            survival [sә’vaιvl] n выживание

            selected a отобранный,

             require [kwaιә] v требовать,

license [ ‘laιsns] n лицензия, разрешение

             concern [kכnsз:n] v касаться, иметь отношение

             scale n уровень, ступень,

            create [krιeιt] v творить, создавать

            lay out v разбивать,
планировать (сад, участок)

            expertise [ֽekspз:’ti:z] n знания и опыт

path [pa:θ, pl paz] n тропинка, дорожка, путь

            consideration [kכnֽsιdә’reιn] n рассмотрение,

horticultural  [hכ:tι’kΛlt∫rәl] a садовый

[ιmbreιs] v включать в себя, заключать

            unity [ ‘ju:nә] n
единство, единение

            achieve [ә’ti:v] v
достигать, выполнять до конца, успешно выполнять

            consistency [kכnsιstәnsι] n последовательность, согласованность

            décor [ ‘deιkכ] n оформление, декорация

            for instance [ fכ:’ιnstәns]
adv например

[ֽΛnrιleιtιd] a связанный, не
имеющий отношения

           clutter [ ‘klΛtә] v приводить в беспорядок

           repeatedly [pi:tιdlι] adv повторно, несколько раз, неоднократно


Vocabulary Exercises

Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

architecture, to  focus, survival, scale, to lay out, to create, path, to
embrace, unity, décor, to clutter, repeatedly    

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word
combinations from the text:

to be similar, the artistic merits, as structural engineering, to into
account, the survival of selected plants, to depend on, to be concerned with,
garden design, the garden owners, sitting areas, with consideration, a branch,
the main goals, a little décor, a fine line

 Find in text English equivalents to the following words and
word  combinations:

ландшафтный дизайн, художественный дизайн,  различные
уровни опыта и знаний, элементы садового дизайна, комбинации с другими
растениями, возможно, скучный, неоднократно

 Find in text synonyms to the following

like, building, sewerage, to need, permission, knowledge, to contain, to
reach, for example

 Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word

prohibition, to destroy, once, to expel, fire features, to separate

 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active

1) We have … interests. 2) The church is a typical example of Gothic … .
3) Attention to detail is one of the great … of the book. 4) The term “world
music” … a wide range of musical styles. 5) Education was one of the biggest …
in the campaign. 6)  These animals face a constant fight for … . 7) Working
with these children … a great deal of patience. 8) The designers were allowed a
lot of creative … . 9) Several possibilities are under … . 10)  Most of the
students … high test scores.

Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for
the best


Grammar Exercises

Перефразируйте следующие предложения в
косвенную речь:

1)  She said: “I often plant the flowers”. 2) She said: “I planted the
flowers yesterday”. 3) She said: “I will plant the flowers tomorrow”. 4) She
said: “I am planting the flowers now”. 5) She said: “I was planting the flowers
yesterday at 5 o’clock”. 6) She said: “I will be planting the flowers tomorrow
at 5 o’clock”. 7) She said: “I have just planted the flowers”. 8) She said: “I
will have planted the flowers by 5 o’clock. 9) She said: “Do you like to plant
the flowers?”. 10) She said: “What flowers do you like to plant?”. 11) She
said: “Where is my flower?”. 12) She said: “Don’t forget to take the flowers.”

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих

1) Tom said he would go to see the doctor the next day. 2) He told me he
was ill. 3) Annie said that she had planted the flowers several months before.
4) Boris told me that he wanted to build a radio set. 5) She said she had seen
Mary that day. 6) Mother told me not to be late for dinner. 7) Nick asked Pete
what he had seen at the museum. 8) The teacher asked who was ill. 9) I asked my
aunt if she was going to her hometown for the holidays. 10) I asked my friend
if he often went to England.

     Speech Exercises

Answer the questions to the text:

Is landscape design similar to landscape architecture?

What thing may landscape architecture require?

What is it the garden design?

What do the elements of garden design include?

What is it the landscape planning?

What is the simplest way to create unity in your landscape?

 2. Retell the


Высокий уровень профессиональной
компетенции специалиста достигается наличием у него определенного набора
профессиональных умений и навыков.

Иноязычные умения и навыки успешно
реализуются в составе коммуникативной компетенции лишь тогда, когда они
соответствуют профессиональным умениям и навыкам, зафиксированным в нашей
стране Государственным стандартом среднего профессионального образования.

Данная методическая разработка
«Английский язык для студентов, изучающих садово-парковое и ландшафтное
строительство» предполагает формирование у студентов навыков и умений
иноязычного общения в конкретных профессиональных, деловых, научных сферах и
ситуациях и по завершении курса обучения наличие следующих умений.


·   умение
читать со словарем тексты, тематически связанные с профессией студента;

·   умение
читать тексты, смысловая ситуация которых может служить предметом беседы,
высказываний и обсуждения на иностранном языке.


·   умение
с помощью словаря изложить в письменной форме содержание текста;

·   умение
правильно писать слова и словосочетания, входящие в лексический минимум,
определенный программой;

Устная речь:

·   умение
выражать свои мысли в устной форме по пройденной тематике, относящейся к учебной
и производственной деятельности студента и его специальности.

·   понимать
на слух речь, содержащую усвоенный языковой материал; допускается использование
незнакомой лексики, значение и смысл которой раскрывается на основе умения
пользоваться языковой и лексической догадкой;

·   иметь
представление о культурных традициях в странах изучаемого языка.

 Письмо и учебный перевод в курсе
обучения рассматривается не как цель, а как средство обучения, входящее в
систему упражнений при объяснении, закреплении и контроле языкового материала и
его понимания при чтении.


. Справочник по грамматике английского языка. – М.:
Дрофа, 2014.

Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А.
Учебник английского
языка. – М.: Высшая школа, 2014.

Английский язык для средних специальных учебных
заведений. Учебник. – М.: Высшая школа, 2013.

Л.Г., Образцова Н.А., Куприка Т.С., Матявина М.Ф.

Английский для банкиров и брокеров, менеджеров и специалистов по маркетингу.
Учебник. – М., НИП 2Р, 2014.

Современный английский язык для делового общения.
– М.: Сфера, 2013.


1. Find in the text the synonyms of the following words:
inventor; author; to compose; very old; profession; to leave; school­ ing; triumph; breakdown; dead; well-off;serious; costly; to start; con­ tinuation; prize


Светило науки — 793 ответа — 8876 раз оказано помощи

inventor — creator
author — composer
to compose — to make
very old — ancient
profession — career
to leave — to drop out of
schooling — tuition
triumph — (great) success
breakdown — failure
dead — deceased
well-off — reach
serious — solemn
costly — expensive
to start — to open
continuation — sequel
prize — award

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

Unit 1 use-use-useful-useless-usefulness; increase-increase-increasingly; refine-refiner-refinery-refined; depend — dependence — dependentdependency — independent; produce — producer — production — product — productive — productivityproducible; refer — reference — referable; occur — occurrence.

Ex. 17 Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations in the text




to affect




at present



11. look for




to be involved in












to keep



Ex. 18 Find antonyms to the following words in the text.









to cool

14. Mure


developing countries



15. hide



10. useless



11. loss


result from

12. uncertaini

Ex. 19 a)

Find Englishequivalents


Give Russian equivalents to

in thetext

the following:


энергия является основой


surface deposits


некоторые другие источники





просачивание нефти на поверхность




с точностью почти до часа


to providejob


глубина ствола скважины


national income


целенаправленно пробурена




представление об уровне жизни


to span the globe


экономика многих стран




промышленная добыча нефти


people engagedin industry

10. спрос на нефть во всем мире

10. oil is brought to the surface


производители нефти


oil resourceswill dryup

12. в общем говоря

12. especially

13. чтобы быть пригодной к

13. energyshortage

Unit 1

Ex. 21 Make up the sentences combiningA and B.



1. Wood was used by ancient people as


jobs for a great many people.


Coal from surface deposits and oil


throughout the world.

from seepages were


to solve a lot ofproblems connected


Until the 19 * century oil



Drake’s well was the first well


the major source ofenergy.


Living standard all overthe world


are the main world oil producers.



used for limited purposes.


In developed and developing


specificallydrilled foroil production.

countries oil industryprovides


as the energy shortage and


Inoil producing countries petroleum

environmental pollution



didn’t findwide application.


Oil industry activityspread

10. on oil industry.


OPEC, Russia, Norway and some

11. makes up most ofthe national



10. Petroleum specialistshave

12. grows as the consumption of

11. Petroleum industryraises serious

petroleum products increases from

problems such

year to year.

12. As commercial oil production spans

13. oil is currentlybeing sought in every

the globe


13. World demand forpetroleum

Ex. 22 Choose the proper word.

1.Different hydrocarbon fractions (make, make up) petroleum. Large resources ofoil and gas (make, make up) a countrypowerful and politicallyindependent.

2.A flowofelectrons is anelectric (current, currently). (Current, Currently) oil isbeingproduced all over the world. (Current, Currently) financial crisis is beingheld around the world.

3.Oil and gas are important(sources,resources) offuel. Oil and gas arethemajornatural (sources, resources) ofenergy. Siberia is rich in mineral (sources, resources) such as: oil, gas, gold and others.

4.The first(commercial, industrial) well was drilled in this region in 1980. living standardin the developed (commercial, industrial) countries is high. (Industrial, commercial) nations should paymuch attention to airpollution control.

5.The early wells were all drilled by the cable tool (ударно-канатное бурение) method in which a driller had to (raise, rise) and drop a heavy tool. Originally oil and gas (raise, rise) to the surface by means ofreservoir pressure.

6.Oil industryhas to (solve, decide) a lot of environmental problems. The engineers (solved, decided) to drill a well to the depth of 100 m.

Unit 1

Ex. 23 Translatethe following sentences:

1.The method applied increased oil production.

2.The data referred to contained a lot ofuseful information.

3.The detailed analysis ofthe results obtained improved the well information.

4.The team already spoken ofconsists ofa group ofexperienced geophysicists.

5.The colour ofoil influenced bythe components present in itmay be different.

6.Drake’s well followed by other commercial wells opened up the era ofoil industry.

7.The questions answered at the conference touched upon the most important problems.

8.Members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to cut their oil productionby I million b/d.

9.While considering the pipeline project, particular attention was given to the site selection for the pipeline construction.

10.The consumption ofhome heating oil has been affected by the slowdown in the economy

11.Slightly lowered forecast ofworldwide demand for oil was referred to at the conference.

12.Norwegian oil and gas production increasing, most companies expect a handsome income.

13.The State Oil Company currently has the largest hydrocarbon accumulation under active development and exploitation in the country.

14.Havingusedmodem instrumentation and control system therefineryraisedits production and lowered airpollution

15.These facts shouldbe taken into consideration while selecting sites forhorizontal drilling.

16.Facingthe environmental problems the world’s oil and gas industries hadto learn how to find, drill, produce, transport and refine hydrocarbons safely.

17.A barrel ofoil saved is essentially equivalent to a barrel ofoil produced.

18.At least a third of all the energy consumed is used by industry.

19.Oil and gas producible and produced reserves should be analyzed.

20.The gas flow produced depended on the pressure in the reservoir.

21.Everyoil producing countrymust have an energy policythat forecasts oil supply forthe future but meets current demand for oil.

22.Currentlythe areaincludes fine oil commercial deposits, two ofwhichbeing developed now.

23.Fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) will remain the dominant sources of energy used, the fastest — growing fuel beingnatural gas.

24.Taking into account that 80% ofhydrocarbonresources are found in deposits that occur more than 3,000m deep, there exists a high probabilitythat new oil gas deposits will be sought and discovered.

25.Thediscoveryofcommercial hydrocarbonaccumulations followedbytheirexploitationresulted inraising living standards in the region.

26.One ofthe most important questionsthatmustbe answered is the future ofrenewable energies.

27.Oil and gas will remain essential to economic growth not onlyin the industrialized world but also in the developing nations seeking the ways to raisetheir living standards.

28.The data referred to indicated that the growth ofrenewable energy over the next 20-30 years would result from hydro and nuclear sources.

29.When united hydrocarbonmolecules form largermolecules known as polymers.

Unit 1

30.When compared with others the Stratfjord field provides most oftoday’s hydrocarbons from the Norwegian North Sea.

31.While making the atmospheric measurements the scientists paid attention to the increasing carbon dioxide concentrations.

32.If subjected to corrosion metals can be destroyed under its action.

33. Having collected all the information theresearchers started the experimental work.

34.Having analyzed the properties ofthe new polymers the scientists recommended them for mass production.

35.Differentmolecules have different speeds, the average speed ofall molecules remainingthe same while the temperature is constant.

36.With the compressibilityofthe kerosenebeingknown, the compressibilityofthe gas couldbe calculated.

37.Being started in time the preparations will be completed before the beginning ofthe test.

Ex. 24 Translate the sentences in writing. Use the words from thetext “Oil Industry”.

1.Энергия — основа промышленного развития.

2.Известно, что древние люди использовали в качестве топлива поверхностныезалежи угля и проявления нефти на поверхности.

3.Промышленная добыча нефти началась в 19 веке.

4.Первая промышленная скважина глубиной 69,5 футов была пробурена Дрейком в 1859г в Пенсильвании.

5.Эта неглубокая скважина явилась началом развития мировой нефтяной промышленности.

6.Экономика и жизненный уровень многих стран зависят от нефтяной промышленности.

7.Как в развивающихся, так и в развитых странах нефтяная промышленность обеспечивает рабочие места, составляя значительную часть национального дохода.

8.Следует сказать, что мировой спрос на углеводороды растет из года в год.

9.В настоящее время нефть добывают на всех континентах.

10.Основными производителями нефти являются страны ОРЕС, Россия, Норвегия и некоторые др.

11.Нефтяной промышленности приходится решать много проблем, связанных с разведкой и разработкой нефтяных месторождений.

12.Важно знаггь, как и где миллионы лет назад образовалась нефть.

13.Ученые должны спрогнозировать запасы нефти данного региона.

14.Постоянно растущий спрос на нефтепродукты может привести к перебоям в энергоснабжении и загрязнению окружающей среды.

Unit 1

Ex. 26 Read the paragraphs and arrange them in their logical order.

1.By 1880 the area around Baku on the Caspian Sea was producing much oil for Europe, and for the next 30 years the Rothschilds and the Nobels controlled Russian production.

2.The 60s ofthe last century are characterized by the exploration and development ofthe West Siberian resources. The Siberiangiants, such as forexample Samotloroil field, werediscovered andbecamethe main oil producers. And graduallyoil industrymoved to theNorth and East of the country.

3.Russia’s oil industry dates back to the 19thcentury Oil seeps, particularly in the Caucasus regions, havebeenknown formanyyears. Marco Polo reported seeingcamel caravans carrying oil from Baku on the Caspian Sea in 1273 AD.

4.Until World War II the bulk ofRussian production came from the Caucasus area. However, theVolga-Ural regions, which began producing in the 1930s, have rapidly surpassed the Baku fields. The new area, often called the “Second Baku”, stretches from Volgograd to Perm. Production is piped through a large crude-oil network.

5.With thebeginning ofcommercial oil production Russia was the first European countryto feel the influenceofoil development. WhileJohn D. Rockefeller and Standard oil wereplantingthe roots ofthe petroleumbusiness in theUnited States— two ofEurope’s most famous merchant families, the Rothschilds and theNobels, won petroleum concessions in Imperial Russia.

6.By 1900 Russiawas producing 75 mln bbl ofoil from 1,700 wells (average depth 1,000 ft) on a 4-sq mile area on theApsheron peninsula near Baku. At that time it made more than halfthe world’s oil production. But oil production dropped severely following World War I and the subsequent civil war and revolution. Oil production began to rise inthe 1930s, then decreased again during World War П.

Ex. 27 Read the sentences expressing the basic (key) idea of each paragraph ofthe text “Oil Industry”.Develop the idea ofeach sentenceusing the text.

1.The real exploitation ofcrude oil began in the 19th century.

2.The international oil industrywas bom in 1859.

3.The economyofmanynations is influenced bypetroleum industry.

4.Oil is currentlyproduced in every continent

5.Oil industry has to solve a lot ofproblems.

Ex. 28 Render the text into English.

Развитие современной цивилизации немыслимо без нефти и газа — одного из важнейших топливно-энергетических ресурсов. Наличие запасов нефти и газа во многом определяет политико-экономическоеположение государств в мире. Интенсивное освоение нефтегазовых ресурсов предопределило создание гигантской нефтегазовой высокотехнологической индустрии, которая обеспечивает рабочие места для миллионов рабочих, инженеров и ученых.

В разных странах, в том числе и в России, называют разные даты начала промышленной нефтедобычи в своей стране. Применительно к общемировой добыче многие называют

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Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Карисёнок

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    inventor — creator 
    author — composer
    to compose — to make
    very old — ancient
    profession — career
    to leave — to drop out of
    schooling — tuition
    triumph — (great) success
    breakdown — failure
    dead — deceased
    well-off — reach
    serious — solemn
    costly — expensive
    to start — to open
    continuation — sequel 
    prize — award

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Математика — 3 года назад

Решите уравнения:
а) 15 4 ∕19 + x + 3 17∕19 = 21 2∕19;
б) 6,7x — 5,21 = 9,54


Информатика — 3 года назад

Помогите решить задачи на паскаль.1)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти произведение всех элементов массива.2)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти сумму четных элементов массива.3)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива.4)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива среди элементов,
кратных 3.


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Математика — 3 года назад

Чему равно: 1*(умножить)х?     0*х?


Русский язык — 3 года назад

В каком из предложений пропущена одна (только одна!) запятая?1.она снова умолкла, точно некий внутренний голос приказал ей замолчать и посмотрела в зал. 2.и он понял: вот что неожиданно пришло к нему, и теперь останется с ним, и уже никогда его не покинет. 3.и оба мы немножко удовлетворим свое любопытство.4.впрочем, он и сам только еле передвигал ноги, а тело его совсем застыло и было холодное, как камень. 5.по небу потянулись облака, и луна померкла. 


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