Find in the text friends english equivalents for the following words and word combinations

8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and перевод - 8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and английский как сказать

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8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word
combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:
запущенное в обращение; было впервые использовано; между­
народные организации; разрабатывать механизмы; мирное урегу­
лирование кризисов; Международный суд; после того как не смогла
предотвратить; составлять; представлены; самые насущные миро­
вые проблемы; международный мир и безопасность; миротворче­
ство; особые усилия; ежегодная сессия; основные права и свобо­
ды; свобода мысли; прекращение расовой дискриминации; статус
беженцев; межправительственный орган
9. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word
peace-loving states; continue fighting together; to elaborate instru­
ments; rules of warfare; to adopt; forerunner; ceased its activities, to
draw up; parliament of nations; one vote; admitting new members; to
reach decisions through consensus; subjects of particular concern; sub­
sidiary bodies; to take part in government; declarations on self-deter­
mination; holds public meetings; the right to development
10. Put the names of organizations and events mentioned in the text in
chronological order.
The Declaration by United Nations
The Permanent Court of Arbitration
The International Peace Conference
The United Nations
The League of Nations
The Treaty of Versailles
11. Answer the following questions:
1. Who was the first to use the term “United Nations”?
2. What was the purpose of the International Peace Conference in
the Hague?
3. What kind of convention did it adopt?
4. What organization was the forerunner of the United Nations
5. What did the League of Nations fail to prevent?
6. When was the United Nations established?
7. How many countries are now members of the United Nations?
8. Where are all United Nations Member States represented?
9. How many votes does each Member State have?
10. How are decisions on “important matters” taken?
11. When is the regular Assembly session held?
12. What are the main human rights? Prove that all these rights are essential
for an individual.
13. Speak about the history of the United Nations Organization.
14. Speak about the work of the United Nations Organization.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and wordcombinations and use them in the sentences of your own:launched into circulation; It was first used; betweenpopular organizations; develop mechanisms; peaceful settlementthe nullity of the crises; The International Court of Justice; Once could notprevent; compose; are presented; the most pressing Mirolegal problems; international peace and security; mirotvorche234Government; a special effort; annual session; basic rights and freedom.hole; freedom of thought; ending racial discrimination; statusrefugees; the Intergovernmental Authority9. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and wordcombinations:peace-loving states; continue fighting together; to elaborate instruments; rules of warfare; to adopt; forerunner; ceased its activities, todraw up; Parliament of nations; one vote; admitting new members; toreach decisions through consensus; subjects of particular concern; Subsidiary bodies; to take part in government; declarations on self-determination; holds public meetings; the right to development10. Put the names of organizations and events mentioned in the text inchronological order.The Declaration by United NationsThe Permanent Court of ArbitrationThe International Peace ConferenceThe United NationsThe League of NationsThe Treaty of Versailles11. Answer the following questions:1. Who was the first to use the term «United Nations»?2. What was the purpose of the International Peace Conference inThe Hague?3. What kind of convention did it adopt?4. What organization was the forerunner of the United Nations5. What did the League of Nations fail to prevent?6. When the United Nations was established?7. How many countries are now members of the United Nations?8. Where are all the United Nations Member States represented?9. How many votes does each Member State have?10. How are decisions on «important matters» taken?11. When is the regular Assembly session held?12. What are the main human rights? Prove that all these rights are essentialfor an individual.13. Speak about the history of the United Nations Organization.14. Speak about the work of the United Nations Organization.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


The Find in the 8. text the English Equivalents of the word the following Words and
Combinations and use Them in the sentences of your own:
running into circulation; It was first used; between
people’s organizations; develop mechanisms; peaceful Uregei
lation crises; International Court; after it could not
prevent; make; presented; most urgent ointment
vye problems; international peace and security; mirotvorche
GUSTs; special efforts; Annual Session; fundamental rights and svob
dy; freedom of thought; termination of Racial Discrimination; the status
of refugees; intergovernmental body
9. Give the Russian Equivalents of the word the following Words and
peace-states For a loving; continue fighting together;
Elaborate instru to ments of; rules of warfare; to adopt; forerunner; its’ activities Insider ceased, to
The draw up closeup; parliament of nations; one vote; admitting new members; to
their reach through the consensus Decisions’; subjects of particular concern; the sub
is supported by SiDiary Bodies; to take part in government; on the self-declarations deter the
mination; holds public meetings; right to development the
10. the Put the names of Organizations and events mentioned in the text in
chronological order.
Declaration by United of The Nations
of The Permanent Court of Arbitration
of The International, Peace Conference
of The United Nations
of The League of Nations
of The Treaty of Versailles
11. the Answer the Questions the following:
1. Who was the first to use the term «United Nations»?
For What WAS the 2. purpose of the International, Peace Conference in
the Hague You?
3. What kind of convention did it adopt ?
Organization for What WAS 4. the forerunner of the United Nations
5. DID for What the League of Nations to Prevent the fail?
6. When was the United Nations established?
7. How many countries are now members of the United Nations?
8. Where are all United Nations Member States represented?
9. How many votes does each Member State have?
10. How are decisions on «important matters » taken?
11. When is the regular Assembly session held ?
12. What are the main human rights? That all for These Prove rights are Essential
for an Individual.
13. Speak about the history of the United Nations Organization.
14. Speak about the work of the United Nations Organization.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Главная » Английский язык » Fain the text and read out english equivalents of these words and word combinations 1) жить в условиях города 2) решать проблемы окружающей среды 3) угрожать жизни людей, подвергать жизнь людей опасности 4) загрязнение водной среды 5) загрязнение

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russians words and word combinations :— Универсальный ;

— Набор инструкций ;

— Блок памяти;

— Форма двоичного кодирования ;

— Контрольные сигналы , которые нужно вернуть на обработку ;

— Параметр изменений в измерительном процессе ;

— Кристалл интегральной схемы;

— Кристалл интерфейса ввода / вывода;

— Большая интегральная схема ;

— Система промышленного управления ;

— Сохранение и корректировки ;

— Большое количество данных и информации;

— Двоичная цифра ;

— Схема синхронизации ;

— Выполнять ;

— Предшественник ;

— Соответствующий ;

— Точность , аккуратность ;

— Придавать особого значения ;

— Внешний.


From the first electronic digital

computers of the forties to today’s versatile computers and most up-to-date

microcomputers, very little has changed as far as basic computer operation is

concerned. In the last thirty years, vast improvement in the size, speed and

capabilities of computers have taken place. But today digital computers still

use the same logical operations as their predecessors. There are many basic concepts that

can be applied to all types of computers, including microcomputers.

For the most part, human beings can do whatever

computers can do, but computers can do it with much greater speed and accuracy,

though computers perform all their calculations and operations one step at a

time. A computer is faster and more accurate than people, but unlike most

people it must be given a complete set of instructions that tell it exactly

what to do at each step of its operation. This set of instructions, called a

programme, is prepared by one or more persons for each job a computer is to do.

These programmes are placed in the computer memory unit in binary-coded form,

with each instruction having unique code.

Computers are often used in applications where the

results of their calculations are required immediately to be used in process controlling.

These are called real-time applications; they are often found in industrial

process control in industries such as paper mills, oil refineries, chemical

plants, and many others. The measuring systems send their signals to the

computer which processes them and responds with appropriate control signals to

be sent back to the process. Computers in present use range considerably: from

tiny things to big fellows. The microcomputer, for one, is the smallest and the

newest member of the computer family. It usually consists of several integrated

circuit chips, including a microprocessor chip, memory chips, and input /

output interface chips which are the result of tremendous advances in

large-scale integration.

Minicomputers are larger than microcomputers,

they are widely used in industrial control systems, scientific institutions,

and research laboratories. Although more expensive than microcomputers,

minicomputers continue to be widely used because they are generally faster and

possess more capabilities.

The largest computers (“maxicomputers”)

are those found in research centers, large scientific laboratories, big

universities. Most of the computer principles and concepts are common to all

categories of computers, although there can be tremendous variations from

computer to computer.

A question sometimes arises whether

computers are able to think. As a matter of fact they do not think. It is the

computer programmer who provides a programme of instructions and data which

specifies every detail of what to do, how to do, and when to do it. The

computer is simply a high-speed machine which can manipulate data, solve

problems, and make decisions, all under the control of the programme. If the

programmer makes a mistake in the programme or puts in the wrong data, the

computer will produce wrong results.

Every computer contains five

essential elements or units: the arithmetical logical unit, the memory unit,

the control unit, the input unit, and the output unit.

The arithmetical logical unit is

the area of the computer in which arithmetical and logical operations are

performed on data.

The memory unit stores groups of

binary digits (words) that can represent instructions (programme) which the

computer is to perform and the data that are to be operated on by the


The input unit consists of all

the devices used to take information and data that are external to the computer

and put it into the memory unit. The output unit consists of the devices used

to transfer data and information from the computer to the outside world. The

control unit directs the operation of all the other units by providing timing

and control signals. This unit contains logic and timing circuits that generate

the signal necessary to execute each

instruction in a programme.


1. общая площадь — total area

2. расположено в стороне от– located away from

3. отделяться от континента — separated from the continent

4. важная защита против — important protection

5. на протяжении всей истории — throughout history

6. соответственно- respectively

7. нельзя описать — beyond description/indescribable/can’t be described

8. южный полуостров- southern peninsula

9. протекают через — flowing through

10. самая оживленная — the busiest

11. родной язык — mother tongue

12. белый фон — white background

13. на обоих берегах — upon both banks

14. исторические дворцы — historical palaces

15. проводить время — spend time

16. тратить деньги — spend money


1. The framework protects the organs form injury.

2. The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder or shoulder girdle.

3. The upper part of the trunk is the chest.

4. We breathe with the lungs.

5. The ear includes three principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear and the internal ear.

6. In the mouth there are gums with teeth.

7. We speak of the upper extremities (arms) and the lower extremities (legs)

8. The skull which contains the brain.

9. The principle parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and the limbs (extremities).

10. The heart contracts and makes 60-80 beats per minute.

11. We speak of the upper extremities (arms) and the lower extremities (legs).

12. The head consists of two parts: the skull which contains the brain, and the face which consists of the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the cheeks, the ears and the chin.

13. The framework supports the soft parts.

14. protects the organs form injury.

15. Такого в тексте нет. Есть The bones are covered with muscles.


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