Find in the text english equivalents for the following word combinations несколько основных систем

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russians words and word combinations : — Универсальный ; — Набор инструкций ; — Блок памяти ; — Форма двоичного кодирования ; — Контрольные сигналы , которые нужно вернуть на обработку ; — Параметр изменений в измерительном процессе ; — Кристалл интегральной схемы ; — Кристалл интерфейса ввода / вывода ; — Большая интегральная схема ; — Система промышленного управления ; — Сохранение и корректировки ; — Большое количество данных и информации ; — Двоичная цифра ; — Схема синхронизации ; — Выполнять ; — Предшественник ; — Соответствующий ; — Точность , аккуратность ; — Придавать особого значения ; — Внешний.


From the first electronic digital computers of the forties to today’s versatile computers and most up — to — date microcomputers, very little has changed as far as basic computer operation is concerned.

In the last thirty years, vast improvement in the size, speed and capabilities of computers have taken place.

But today digital computers still use the same logical operations as their predecessors.

There are many basic concepts that can be applied to all types of computers, including microcomputers.

For the most part, human beings can do whatever computers can do, but computers can do it with much greater speed and accuracy, though computers perform all their calculations and operations one step at a time.

A computer is faster and more accurate than people, but unlike most people it must be given a complete set of instructions that tell it exactly what to do at each step of its operation.

This set of instructions, called a programme, is prepared by one or more persons for each job a computer is to do.

These programmes are placed in the computer memory unit in binary — coded form, with each instruction having unique code.

Computers are often used in applications where the results of their calculations are required immediately to be used in process controlling.

These are called real — time applications ; they are often found in industrial process control in industries such as paper mills, oil refineries, chemical plants, and many others.

The measuring systems send their signals to the computer which processes them and responds with appropriate control signals to be sent back to the process.

Computers in present use range considerably : from tiny things to big fellows.

The microcomputer, for one, is the smallest and the newest member of the computer family.

It usually consists of several integrated circuit chips, including a microprocessor chip, memory chips, and input / output interface chips which are the result of tremendous advances in large — scale integration.

Minicomputers are larger than microcomputers, they are widely used in industrial control systems, scientific institutions, and research laboratories.

Although more expensive than microcomputers, minicomputers continue to be widely used because they are generally faster and possess more capabilities.

The largest computers (“maxicomputers”) are those found in research centers, large scientific laboratories, big universities.

Most of the computer principles and concepts are common to all categories of computers, although there can be tremendous variations from computer to computer.

A question sometimes arises whether computers are able to think.

As a matter of fact they do not think.

It is the computer programmer who provides a programme of instructions and data which specifies every detail of what to do, how to do, and when to do it.

The computer is simply a high — speed machine which can manipulate data, solve problems, and make decisions, all under the control of the programme.

If the programmer makes a mistake in the programme or puts in the wrong data, the computer will produce wrong results.

Every computer contains five essential elements or units : the arithmetical logical unit, the memory unit, the control unit, the input unit, and the output unit.

The arithmetical logical unit is the area of the computer in which arithmetical and logical operations are performed on data.

The memory unit stores groups of binary digits (words) that can represent instructions (programme) which the computer is to perform and the data that are to be operated on by the progrmamme.

The input unit consists of all the devices used to take information and data that are external to the computer and put it into the memory unit.

The output unit consists of the devices used to transfer data and information from the computer to the outside world.

The control unit directs the operation of all the other units by providing timing and control signals.

This unit contains logic and timing circuits that generate the signal necessary to execute each instruction in a programme.

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текст :
The United States of America
The United States of America covers the central part of North Amer­ ica. Besides, Alaska and Hawaii belong to the USA. Its territory is about 9,328,000 square kilometers. The population of the United States
is about 265 million people. The climate
is different from state to state
due to the large size of the country. It is
mostly temperate, but tropical
in Hawaii and Florida, and arctic in Alaska.

The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlan­
tic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the
east. It borders on Canada in
the north and on Mexico in the south. The most important rivers in the USA are the Mississippi, the Colorado, the Ohio, and the Hudson River. The main mountain chains are the Cordillera in the west and the
Appalachian Mountains in the east. Between these two mountain chains
the central lowlands, called the prairie. To the
north of
the country,
the border with Canada, the Great Lakes are situated. They include
Lake Superior, the Lake Ontario, the Lake
Eire, the
Lake Huron
and the Lake Michigan. Natural resources include nickel, lead, silver, petroleum, natural gas, iron and others.
Present-dayAmerican history began in 1607, when colonizers estab­ lished the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. Further on during the 17th century the settlers from Europe came to the new lands. They struggled Native Americans and drove them away from rich land to reservations. At first thirteen British colonies were established on the eastern coast. In 1775 the colonies began their strug­ gle for independence and succeeded in 1783. This was how the United States came into being.
In 1861 the Civil War broke out. It is usually referred to as the war between the South and the North. Its aim was to give freedom to black slaves who previously could be bought or sold. Slavery was abolished in 1865, but the discrimination of the black population remained until the 1960s. The influence of the USA was growing during the 19th—20thcenturies until by the beginning of the 21st century it became the lead­ ing power. It dominates the economy and political life of the world.
The United States is a democratic federal republic. It comprises fifty states, including Alaska and Hawaii, and the District of Columbia, where the capital of the country is situated. The largest state is Alaska, and the smallest is Rhode Island. Each state has its own legislature. Head of State is the President. Washington, DC (District of Columbia) is the capital of the country, the seat of the government. The President is elected every four years.
1) Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:
занимает центральную часть; отличается … из-за;умеренный; граничит с … ; основные горные цепи; называемые; современная история; поселенцы; начали борьбу за независимость; рабство было отменено; законодательство
2)Complete the following sentences:
1.The USA covers … .
2.The territory of the USA is … .
3.The population of the USA is … .
4.The climate in the United States … due to the large size of the
5. The USA is washed by … .
6.The main mountain chains are … .
7.The Great Lakes are situated … .
8.Present-dayAmerican history began in … .
9.The Civil War broke out in … .
10.The largest state is … .
11.Head of State is … .
12.The capital of the country is … .
3)26. Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate form.
1.The seas (surround) Great Britain are not deep.
2.The USA (surround) by the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
3.Many rivers in the USA (connect) by the canals.
4.The road (connect) these cities is very important.
5.The USA has a highly (develop) industry.

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105 Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний в тексте выше.

• герб дома Ланкастеров — the arms of the House of Lancaster

• война за престол между Ланкастерами и Йорками — the war for the throne between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists

• война Алой и Белой розы — the War of the Red and White Rose

• дикое растение — чертополох — a wild plant — a thistle

• скандинавы решили напасть на шотландскую деревню — the Scandinavians intended to attack a Scottish village

• скандинавы босиком прокрались в шотландскую деревню — the Scandinavians in their bare feet came quietly to the Scottish village

• шотландские воины — the Scottish warriors

• колючки чертополоха вонзались в босые ступни — the thorns of the thistle hurt their bare feet

• вопли пронзили тишину — howls of pain pierced the silence

• эмблема Уэльса — лук (или иногда нарцисс) — the Welsh emblem is the leek (or. on occasion, the flower, the daffodil)

• эмблема Ирландии — клевер — the Irish emblem is the shamrock

• Святая Троица (Бог Отец, Бог Сын и Святой Дух) — the Holy Trinity (God the Father, the Son of the God and the Holy Spirit)

Text 1

1. To begin your job search, you must identify the kind of job you

want, where the jobs are, and what employers expect.

2.If you are a student or a graduate of a vocational, technical, or

professional (university) training program and you have the same

interests, you already know the kind of job you want.

3.Begin by thinking about the work you can do. Include work you

have been trained to do, work you have actually done, and work you

enjoy doing.

4. Next, talk to as many people as possible about jour job interests and


5. Thinking and talking help you build a network of people interested

in helping you.

6. This network will lead to specific job contacts.

7. However job counseling is also useful.

8.Job counseling is a professional service that may include vocational

— interest and aptitude testing; informing and advising about

particular jobs; and providing training and guidance in the various

steps at a job search.

1. Find in the text the equivalents of the following word and


Поиски работы, профессиональное учебное заведение,

профессиональные контакты, служба трудоустройства, проверка

профессиональной пригодности и интересов, обучение и


1.2. Answer the questions to text 1.

1.What must you do to begin your job search?

2.What must you include when thinking about the work you can do?

3.How can you build a network of people interested in helping you?

4.What is job counseling?

5.Does it provide training and guidance?

занимает территорию; прекрасная церковь
эпохи Возрождения; издательства газет,
которые слились вместе; пытались
разрушить; «одинокий порт»; первоначальное
название; плотно населенный район;
гордятся; похоронен на Хайгетском

14. Translate the following sentences into English.

Лондон – столица Великобритании и самый
большой город в Европе – распо-ложен
на реке Темзе.

2. Лондон занимает
территорию в 400 кв. миль.

3. Древние кельты
дали Лондону его название.

4. Лин-дин было
первоначальное название поселения,
которое означало «Одинокий порт».

5. Современный
Лондон – это ряд городов, городков и
деревень, которые слились вместе, чтобы
образовать один огромный мегаполис.

6. Сити – старейшая
и очень важная часть столицы, ее торговый
и деловой центр.

7. Вест Энд – это
символ богатства, самая богатая,
фешенебельная и наиболее красивая часть

8. Ист Энд – беднейший
район Лондона, его промышленная часть.

9. Ист Энд – это
очень плотно заселенный район.

10. Ист Энд – это
руки Лондона.

Главными отраслями промышленности
Лондона являются кораблестроение,
машиностроение и текстильная

15. Answer the following questions.

1. Is London the main
political, commercial, transport centre of the country?

How old is London?

3. What are the main
traditional parts of London?

4. What part of London is the

5. What offices are situated
in the City?

6. What are the most
interesting places of interest in the West End?

7. What people lave in the
East End?

8. Where is the port of

9. What famous people live in

16. The information given below contains different points of view of the American students on some aspects of social life in Great Britain.

The British and the Americans
speak the same language. But life in two nations can be very

‘The police. They’re very
friendly and they don’t carry guns.’ Claude, Trenton.

‘The weather is awful. You
don’t seem to get any summer heat. It’s winter all year round.’ Toni,
San Francisco.

‘The tourists! The streets are
so crowded. I think you should do something about them. And 1 can’t
stand the litter everywhere. It’s a very dirty place.’ Jose,

‘Walking and sitting on the
grass in the parks, especially on a hot summer’s day. Oh, and the
green countryside. But why is the beer warm? Max, Houston.

‘Well, they certainly seem
rather unfriendly. Nobody ever talk on the buses. But maybe we
haven’t met any real English people yet’ Eva, Niagara Falls.

‘Feeling safe when you walk
the streets. Oh, and the polite drivers who stop at a street crossing
if they see someone waiting there.’ Moon, Los Angeles.

on the left. It’s very confusing. I keep looking the wrong way.’
Paula, San Diego.

Speech practice

17. Use the following words to speak about:

London – the capital of Great Britain

capital; the largest city in Europe; the main political; commercial
centre; the biggest port; the population of 9 million; a number of
towns; to be situated; to cover the territory; to grow together; to
make one vast urban area.

b) the history of London:

a very old city; 20 million
centuries old; the old Celts; the Romans; the Germanic invaders; the
Normans; the original name Llyn-din; a «lonely port»; to give; to
make the centre of the colony; to destroy; to mean; to make the

c) the parts of London:

the main traditional parts;
the City; the West End; the East End; banks; governmental offices;
newspaper offices; a symbol of wealth; wide streets and fine
theatres; cinemas and concert halls; workers; dockers;
handicraftsmen; the smog; many plants; factories; workshops; to live;
to be situated; to work; to hang; to produce the wealth.

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