Find hidden words from a word

Everybody loves a good riddle once in a while and solving hard word searches on a regular basis can even improve your problem-solving skills and logical thinking. It makes your brain cells go wild while trying to come with the answer and when you do solve it, the feeling of accomplishment is more than gratifying. This time, we have prepared some word searches for you — simple yet very satisfying hidden words puzzles for you to solve.

All you have to do is find the words in the pictures below. We don’t want to torture you with the unknown, so we’ll say that there are precisely six hidden words in pictures, and they do relate to the themes of the drawings.

And if these word puzzles are not enough for you, try our hidden panda picture challenge!

More info: | Facebook


Search for hidden words in the letter grid. Find them horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or backward, depending on the difficulty level you select. All the words listed on the right of the game. Tap and drag over the letters to highlight the word and check it off the list.  

Too easy? Set the game difficulty in the options menu to change the directions that the words are in. Want to up the challenge? Try timing your word search or hiding your word list. Looking to make the puzzle even harder? Try Maniac Mode!


Don’t focus on the word list at first. Almost every word search puzzle will contain a handful of obvious words that’ll just pop out at you. There’s no need to even bother looking at your list of words until you’ve circled all the obvious words first and find yourself in need of some help.

Look for multiple words at the same time. Once you’ve found the obvious words, look at the list and try keeping two or three words in your head. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll stumble upon one word when looking for another one.

Leave the hardest words for last.  If you’re having a hard time finding a specific word, skip it and look for another one instead. A good strategy is to find as many easy words as possible quickly, and then use the rest of your time looking for the remaining one or two hard ones. Once you identify the easy words on the board, the hard words will become easier to spot.

Look for the last letters of the search words. Many people have an easier time looking for letter clusters than looking for the letters in the order they’re written. If you decide to look for letter clusters while doing your word search puzzle, look for the last three or four letters of the word instead of the first couple. You’re less likely to waste your time chasing false leads that way.

Say the word out loud. People find that saying the word they’re looking for out loud helps stimulate the part of their brain that’s thinking about the puzzle and looking for words. But be careful that you’re not in a place where you can embarrass yourself!


Much like in our word scramble game, players will rely on their spelling and vocabulary skills, as well as their ability to find words among scrambled letters. 


If you enjoy Word searches, try these other free word puzzles:

Hangman Hang on to your balloons! Guess the letters to solve the word puzzle and stay alive.

Daily Crossword Put down the newspaper and solve a new hand-crafted crossword every day. Find words down and across in this classic word-guessing game.

Unolingo Use each letter in the alphabet exactly once to solve this special crossword puzzle. There are no hints, so you’ll have to really use your vocabulary!

Search for hidden words in the letter grid. Find them horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or backward, depending on the difficulty level you select. All the words listed on the right of the game. Click and drag over the letters to highlight the word and check it off the list.  

Too easy? Set the game difficulty in the options menu to change the directions that the words are in. Want to up the challenge? Try timing your word search or hiding your word list. Looking to make the puzzle even harder? Try Maniac Mode!


Don’t focus on the word list at first. Almost every word search puzzle will contain a handful of obvious words that’ll just pop out at you. There’s no need to even bother looking at your list of words until you’ve circled all the obvious words first and find yourself in need of some help.

Look for multiple words at the same time. Once you’ve found the obvious words, look at the list and try keeping two or three words in your head. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll stumble upon one word when looking for another one.

Leave the hardest words for last.  If you’re having a hard time finding a specific word, skip it and look for another one instead. A good strategy is to find as many easy words as possible quickly, and then use the rest of your time looking for the remaining one or two hard ones. Once you identify the easy words on the board, the hard words will become easier to spot.

Look for the last letters of the search words. Many people have an easier time looking for letter clusters than looking for the letters in the order they’re written. If you decide to look for letter clusters while doing your word search puzzle, look for the last three or four letters of the word instead of the first couple. You’re less likely to waste your time chasing false leads that way.

Say the word out loud. People find that saying the word they’re looking for out loud helps stimulate the part of their brain that’s thinking about the puzzle and looking for words. But be careful that you’re not in a place where you can embarrass yourself!


Much like in our word scramble game, players will rely on their spelling and vocabulary skills, as well as their ability to find words among scrambled letters. 


If you enjoy Word searches, try these other free word puzzles:

Hangman Hang on to your balloons! Guess the letters to solve the word puzzle and stay alive.

Daily Crossword Put down the newspaper and solve a new hand-crafted crossword every day. Find words down and across in this classic word-guessing game.

Unolingo Use each letter in the alphabet exactly once to solve this special crossword puzzle. There are no hints, so you’ll have to really use your vocabulary!

How to play Word Search on your phone

Did you know you can also play Word Search on your phone? It’s a great way to play without worrying about losing your save data.

For iOS devices, simply tap the «Share» icon iOS share in Safari and select «Add to Home Screen». For Android devices, tap the “Menu” icon android pwa and select «Install App».

4.6 Rating Star


Word Search Instructions

Search for hidden words in the letter grid. Find them horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or backward, depending on the difficulty level you select. All the words listed on the right of the game. Tap and drag over the letters to highlight the word and check it off the list.  

Too easy? Set the game difficulty in the options menu to change the directions that the words are in. Want to up the challenge? Try timing your word search or hiding your word list. Looking to make the puzzle even harder? Try Maniac Mode!


Don’t focus on the word list at first. Almost every word search puzzle will contain a handful of obvious words that’ll just pop out at you. There’s no need to even bother looking at your list of words until you’ve circled all the obvious words first and find yourself in need of some help.

Look for multiple words at the same time. Once you’ve found the obvious words, look at the list and try keeping two or three words in your head. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll stumble upon one word when looking for another one.

Leave the hardest words for last.  If you’re having a hard time finding a specific word, skip it and look for another one instead. A good strategy is to find as many easy words as possible quickly, and then use the rest of your time looking for the remaining one or two hard ones. Once you identify the easy words on the board, the hard words will become easier to spot.

Look for the last letters of the search words. Many people have an easier time looking for letter clusters than looking for the letters in the order they’re written. If you decide to look for letter clusters while doing your word search puzzle, look for the last three or four letters of the word instead of the first couple. You’re less likely to waste your time chasing false leads that way.

Say the word out loud. People find that saying the word they’re looking for out loud helps stimulate the part of their brain that’s thinking about the puzzle and looking for words. But be careful that you’re not in a place where you can embarrass yourself!


Much like in our word scramble game, players will rely on their spelling and vocabulary skills, as well as their ability to find words among scrambled letters. 


If you enjoy Word searches, try these other free word puzzles:

Hangman Hang on to your balloons! Guess the letters to solve the word puzzle and stay alive.

Daily Crossword Put down the newspaper and solve a new hand-crafted crossword every day. Find words down and across in this classic word-guessing game.

Unolingo Use each letter in the alphabet exactly once to solve this special crossword puzzle. There are no hints, so you’ll have to really use your vocabulary!

How to play Word Search on your phone

To play Word Search easily any time, you can add it directly to your phone as an app. It’s a great way to play without worrying about losing your game save data.

For iOS devices, simply tap the «Share» icon iOS share in Safari and select «Add to Home Screen». For Android devices, tap the “Menu” icon android pwa and select «Install App».

Search for hidden words in the letter grid. Find them horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or backward, depending on the difficulty level you select. All the words listed on the right of the game. Click and drag over the letters to highlight the word and check it off the list.  

Too easy? Set the game difficulty in the options menu to change the directions that the words are in. Want to up the challenge? Try timing your word search or hiding your word list. Looking to make the puzzle even harder? Try Maniac Mode!


Don’t focus on the word list at first. Almost every word search puzzle will contain a handful of obvious words that’ll just pop out at you. There’s no need to even bother looking at your list of words until you’ve circled all the obvious words first and find yourself in need of some help.

Look for multiple words at the same time. Once you’ve found the obvious words, look at the list and try keeping two or three words in your head. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll stumble upon one word when looking for another one.

Leave the hardest words for last.  If you’re having a hard time finding a specific word, skip it and look for another one instead. A good strategy is to find as many easy words as possible quickly, and then use the rest of your time looking for the remaining one or two hard ones. Once you identify the easy words on the board, the hard words will become easier to spot.

Look for the last letters of the search words. Many people have an easier time looking for letter clusters than looking for the letters in the order they’re written. If you decide to look for letter clusters while doing your word search puzzle, look for the last three or four letters of the word instead of the first couple. You’re less likely to waste your time chasing false leads that way.

Say the word out loud. People find that saying the word they’re looking for out loud helps stimulate the part of their brain that’s thinking about the puzzle and looking for words. But be careful that you’re not in a place where you can embarrass yourself!


Much like in our word scramble game, players will rely on their spelling and vocabulary skills, as well as their ability to find words among scrambled letters. 


If you enjoy Word searches, try these other free word puzzles:

Hangman Hang on to your balloons! Guess the letters to solve the word puzzle and stay alive.

Daily Crossword Put down the newspaper and solve a new hand-crafted crossword every day. Find words down and across in this classic word-guessing game.

Unolingo Use each letter in the alphabet exactly once to solve this special crossword puzzle. There are no hints, so you’ll have to really use your vocabulary!

4.6 Rating Star



Search for a tool

Word Search Solver

Tool/solver to find all words in wordsearch puzzles. Word search puzzles are a letter puzzle game whose goal is to find in a grid of letters a given list of words.


Word Search Solver

Tag(s) : Word Games



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  1. Games and Solvers
  2. Word Games
  3. Word Search Solver

Word Search Puzzle

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

What is a word search puzzle? (Définition)

A word search puzzle grid (also called word search or hidden word) is a letter grid with several words written in all directions (including diagonals). Letters can be shared between several words. The principle of the game is to find the words composing it. The list of words is sometimes given, sometimes kept secret.

The dCode keyword solver attempts to find the list of words automatically.

How to solve a word search puzzle?

A word search puzzle can be solved by browsing/scanning the whole grid, row after row, letter after letter, and try to find words in the 4 direction (2 horizontal: from left to right or from right to left backward, 2 vertical: from top to bottom and from bottom to top) or even 8 directions with diagonals, in order to find words. A complementary technique consists in aiming the unused letters.

The goal of the game is usually to find a solution/answer word consisting of remaining letters that are never used by any word, it can be an answer like a word or a secret message.

Some words can be placed twice in the grid but will only be displayed once by dCode.

The dCode word search word finder is fully automatic and can search the answer words automatically (yeah, that’s cheating), it colors the grid with the found / scratched words and indicates their coordinate (line, column).

Example: PUZZLE (1,2) ↘ indicates that the word PUZZLE was found, its first letter is line 1, column 2 and goes in the south east direction.

How to copy my grid effectively?

The program accepts grids by copying and pasting. If copying is not an option, take a picture or a screenshot of the original grid with a camera and use an OCR software (optical character recognition/scanner) to quickly copy and paste the grid.

How to improve myself with word search puzzles?

Several tricks for playing and find solutions with word-search/word-hunt puzzles:

— Use dCode to find the words and get the answers to each grid

— Do not rush, take your time not to miss out on words

— Use an exhaustive search criss-cross strategy (from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, right to left, diagonals etc.)

— By the end, select a word and search only this one among the remaining letters

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the «Word Search Solver» source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the «Word Search Solver» algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, translator), or the «Word Search Solver» functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for «Word Search Solver» are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app!
Reminder : dCode is free to use.

Cite dCode

The copy-paste of the page «Word Search Solver» or any of its results, is allowed as long as you cite dCode!
Exporting results as a .csv or .txt file is free by clicking on the export icon
Cite as source (bibliography):
Word Search Solver on [online website], retrieved on 2023-04-14,

French (Français)


  • Word Search Puzzle
  • What is a word search puzzle? (Définition)
  • How to solve a word search puzzle?
  • How to copy my grid effectively?
  • How to improve myself with word search puzzles?

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A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: A metal found in the envIRONment. The answer is ‘iron’. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Mar 27 15


20432 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: wealthy jeRICHo. The answer is ‘rich’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Jan 04 15


8800 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: writing fluid used by kevIN Kline. The answer is ink. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Jun 15 07


7678 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: This currency is tROUBLEsome. The answer is the Russian ‘rouble’ or ‘roubles’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Dec 13 08


4833 plays


This quiz is dedicated to my friends down under. It is all about some of the unusual and unique animals found in New Zealand and Australia. Pay close attention to letter counts, they may help you with some of these unusual animal names.

Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Apr 01 14


823 plays


Each sentence will have a colour in capitals, you need to find the shade of that colour hidden in the sentence.

Easier, 10 Qns, leith90,
Sep 23 19

gold member

Sep 23 19
836 plays


There are ten different words to find in this quiz. All are a reference to an animal’s gender, and there are clues with every sentence. Can you find all of them? Remember most animals have more than one word that can be used to identify gender.

Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Sep 10 14


1189 plays


This is the first in a series of quizzes that asks you to spell a word from a sentence.
Example: Loud in noise = din. Take either the first or last letter of each word to spell out the answer. These will progress in difficulty as they go on. Good luck!

Average, 10 Qns, silverginger,
Apr 06 20

gold member

Apr 06 20
5966 plays


A color is hiding in each sentence. Can you find them all? If you run into trouble check the clues for help.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Aug 29 15

Very Easy

1470 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: duRAN Duran spend the currency of South Africa. The answer is ‘rand’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Mar 19 04


6153 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description for that word. For example: Volcano in vi(ETNA)m. The answer is Etna. Good luck and happy quizzing.

Tough, 20 Qns, inquizition,
Sep 15 08


3631 plays


Welcome to Team Red’s 100 Question Quiz: Part 2.
Can you find the different shades of red hidden in the sentences?

Easier, 10 Qns, leith90,
May 26 19

gold member

May 26 19
698 plays


Find the missing word: For example …admiral, …carpet, …herring, the answer is ‘red’. Red admiral, red carpet etc. The answers can be part of a word or part of a two word phrase ie fortnight or Fort Knox. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Nov 13 14


3414 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: an unripe tANGERine leads to a feeling of great annoyance. The answer is ‘anger’. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Sep 15 08


5476 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: a floor covering found in bRUGes. The answer is ‘rug’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Sep 30 12


6166 plays


Several animals have escaped from the zoo and are hiding in these sentences. Can you find them?

Easier, 10 Qns, Kankurette,
Apr 05 19

gold member

Apr 05 19
454 plays


There is a doggie hiding in each of these sentences. Some of the words are a type of dog while others are a breed of dog. For example; the dachshund is a breed of dog and a type of hound. Check each question for clues.

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Dec 31 15


1015 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: African country of nebuCHADnezzar. The answer is Chad. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Oct 09 12


5274 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: A bird found on the CROWded beach. The answer is crow. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Feb 04 11


5132 plays


The words you seek are hidden in sentences, either as homophones, fractured words or synonyms. Clues are given in the wording of each question. Read them aloud for extra help.

Easier, 10 Qns, Creedy,
Aug 20 12

gold member

861 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: A sultanate in southeast Arabia is located in rOMANia. The answer is Oman. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Sep 25 18


Sep 25 18
4535 plays


Find these ten words related to the Inca Empire hidden in the sentences. (Note that some of the answers are more generic but will lead to more specific concepts).

Easier, 10 Qns, bernie73,
Mar 19 21

gold member

Mar 19 21
283 plays


Can you find the hidden animals in this quiz? They all live in Africa. Watch for hints and pay close attention to letter counts. Let’s go on a quiz safari!

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Feb 07 13


1230 plays


Take a look around you and you will see a forest of trees. Although they are right in front of you, they are hiding. Remember to look at the hints for help.

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Dec 31 15


865 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: My cousin rACHEl is a continuous dull pain. The answer is ‘ache’. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Aug 11 02


4807 plays


Can you find the hidden style or genre of dance hidden in each sentence? Study the sentence, as they will all provide a hint. American spellings used throughout.

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Oct 05 14


848 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: This Roman emperor likes a fiNE ROmance. The answer is ‘Nero’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Mar 31 03


4336 plays


In the tradition of the Trojan Horse, there is something hidden within these sentences. Not murderous soldiers this time, but instead the name of an Ancient Greek city, island, or personality.

Easier, 10 Qns, reedy,
Nov 19 14

gold member

319 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: The bACHElor is a pain. The answer is ache. Good luck and happy quizzing.

Average, 15 Qns, Inquizition,
Jul 22 11


2404 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: writing fluid used by kevIN Kline. The answer is ink. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 15 Qns, Inquizition,
Jun 13 12


711 plays

The goal of the hidden word puzzle is to find the hidden word in a puzzle grid. When you write down the answers of the clues in the puzzle, you will find in the bold rectangles the hidden word.

With this page it is very easy to create your own puzzle. Just type the words and the clues and the hidden word. The page will try to create the puzzle. When it cannot place a word in the puzzle it will make the background in cell red. So you can see easily which word(s) are not used. When you have more words than the length of the hidden word you can still download the printable worksheet. It will not print the words and clues that are not used. When you really short in time, you can load a saved puzzle. There are two lists on the page. The first list is a list of hidden word puzzle. These puzzle has a hidden word, puzzle word and clues. Which means you load them and download it and you are ready. The second list contains puzzle used wtih only words and clues. When you load one of those puzzles, you only need to choose and type the hidden word.

When you create your own hidden word puzzle, I will save your puzzle. If the puzzle is suitable for other users, I will add your crossword puzzle to the game list.

Create your hidden word puzzle

Hidden word puzzle title:

Hidden word:

Terms of use of the edu games.

1. You can use the worksheets for free for non-commercial purposes, such as in schools, training centers or at home.
2. It is strictly forbidden to modify the worksheets in any way.
3. You can place an image of the worksheet on a website, but you have to place clearly and close to the image a link to
4. It is forbidden to place the worksheet as a pdf file on a website.
5. You are allowed to use the worksheets (as pdf) in a closed environment for teaching purposes, as such Google’s Classroom. As long as the school or institution is free for the students and that they have free access to the worksheets.
6. There are no limitations on the numbers of worksheets you can create and download.
7. You give the edu games website the permission to use your created puzzles. Your puzzle will be checked and if it is suitable for other users it will be published on the website.
8. It is forbidden to embed into an i-frame of another website.

What is a Word Search Puzzle?

A word search puzzle is basically find a combination of words placed in a grid. Those set of words can be placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Purpose of this puzzle is to find words that are hidden in the jargon of other words.

Most of the times the words that need to be searched are written at the bottom of the puzzle.

Benefits of playing Word Search Puzzles

Hard to believe but games and puzzles play an important part in keeping up our mental health. Such puzzles stimulate the brain activities, this helping us stay focused and increased concentration.

They are helpful for kids and adults to learn and memorize new vocabulary words, historical events, popular destinations, interesting characters and so much more.

Word Search Generator Tool

You can create your own custom word search puzzles with this Word Search Puzzle Generator. You can use variety of options to create such puzzles. Follow these steps to create your custom words search puzzles:

  • Input the Title of the puzzle
  • Create and input your Words List
  • Select the Grid Size, like 10×10, 15×15, 20×20 etc
  • Select the Font Style.
  • Select the Difficulty Level of Easy or Normal
  • Select the theme of your choice, if you wish.
  • If you wish, you select to show cell borders or not.
  • Lastly, select the color of Title, Grid and Words.
  • Once all the options are set, click on “Generate New”.
  • Select “Show Answers” button to see the answers.
  • Once generated, download the puzzles as PDF or JPG formats.
  • You can also Download Preview before actually downloading the puzzles.
  • To see the existing word search puzzles, click on the “Brose Gallery” button.
  • Print the puzzles and start playing.

What Kind of Word Search Puzzles Should I Make?

When you are customizing a word search puzzle, it is entirely up to you to include the type of words you want to use in your word search puzzle.

To keep the players interested, make sure to use the words that are not too long in length. Try to avoid phrases that can get mixed up easily with other words.

Avoid words that require special characters, punctuation marks or numbers.

PLEASE NOTE: After you create your puzzle, proofread carefully to make sure that offensive or unintended words are not used. If you happen to come across any, you can generate another puzzle by following the steps above.

Puzzle Creator: (example: Mrs. Jones)

Enter your word list in the box below.

  • Use a comma or press enter between words.
  • Minimum word length: 3 letters
  • Maximum word length: 16 letters
  • Recommended number of words: 20

Level — Intermediate

· 18 x 12 grid
· Words hidden across, down, and diagonally
· No backwards words
· Medium font size
· Recommended for grades 2 — 4

Please note:

  • There may be a limit to the number and lengths of words hidden. If you have too many words or your words are too long, they may be left out of the puzzle. Please check your puzzle carefully to make sure all of your words are there.
  • Our word search generator uses a basic word filter to prevent the accidental, random creation of offensive words. When you create your puzzle, please check it over it carefully to be sure unintended words were not added by our random letter generator.

STW members are able to save their worksheets. You are not currently logged in and will not be able to save this file.

Sample Word Search Puzzle Generator Images

Below are two examples of beginner and intermediate Word Searches! The Word Search Maker creates the puzzle page as well as a solution page.

Word Search Maker

Word Search Maker Solution

Word Search Puzzle Generator

Word Search Puzzle Generator Solution

  • Types of Drink

    These are some of my favourite drinks as well as ways they can be served.

  • Months of the Year
  • Computer Words

    A list of computer parts and software are mixed up within this grid. Try to find them as a quick as you can.

  • Sea and Beach

    Words associated with either the sea or the beach. Perfect for playing while on holiday.

  • Candy

    Yummy in my tummy, this word search will make you hungry

  • Clothing

    Common items we wear

  • Wedding

    A word search made up of words associated with ones wedding day

  • Fun things to do

    A collection of fun and enjoyable activities. Find them all.

  • Motor Cars

    List of motor cars and their manufacturers

  • Found in the Home

    A collection of places and objects that are found around the home.

  • Board Games
  • Love

    A word search all about Love

  • Nature and the Outdoors

    A word search puzzle based on objects and places you would find in nature and the great outdoors.

  • Bank

    Word search on terms used when working at a bank.

  • Weather

    Hidden within this grid are all words associated with weather.

  • Painting Colors

    A collection of colors commonly used for painting

  • Spring Flowers

    These flowers signal us that SPRING has arrived!

  • Office Life
  • Job Words

    Words associated with most jobs

  • Big City Life

    The hustle and bustle of a big city make for a great collection of words. Find them all in this word search puzzle.

  • Summer Break

    Word which might be associated with a summer break. Try to find them all in this game.

  • Seasons

    This puzzle is all about seasons and seasonal items

  • Minecraft

    This is my Minecraft Word Search. :D

  • Marvel Characters

    Characters created for the Marvel series of comic books

  • Modes of Transport
  • Associated with Television

    These are words which every tv viewer should recognise.

  • Found in the Forest

    These are all things which can be found or seen in forests.

  • Garden Tools
  • Fashion

    It is a puzzle all about the world of fashion

  • Continental Breakfast

    A ‘light’ meal as opposed to the English breakfast.

  • Super Mario

    Here we go!

  • On the Farm

    Things you would find around a farm.

  • Car Makers

    A list of car manufacturers are hidden in this game, try and find them as quickly as possible.

  • Beach Items

    Mostly everything you can think of when you do to the beach!

  • US School Life

    Classes, supplies and work as found in schools all across the USA every day.

  • Horror

    A word search game for fans of horror movies. Plenty of horror movie characters and places are hidden in the letter grid. Try and find them all.

  • Monsters

    Here is a list of famous monsters from books , television and film. If you don’t know one, look it up!

  • Five Nights at Freddy’s

    A collection of words which relate to the popular horror game Five Nights at Freddy’s are hidden in this puzzle. Try to find as many as you can.

  • Fruits 2

    Find the Fruits

  • Shapes

    A good puzzle for all those maths geniuses out there. This collection of words contains shapes from the everyday to the obscure.

  • Home Furnishings

    Everyday items seen throughout the home

  • Water Cycle

    Word associated with the water cycle

  • Outdoor Activities

    A collection of activities which are typically performed outdoors.

  • Nintendo Video Games

    A word search puzzle where we’ve hidden many of the most loved video game titles from Nintendo.

  • Feelings

    A word search game covering the wide range of Feelings a person may experience.

  • Phobias

    Try to solve this word search, it’s pretty difficult.

  • Celebrities of 2013

    Different celebs included in puzzle.

  • Farming

    Farming is hard work and this puzzle is no different. Find the words associated with the farming industry.

  • Mobile Phones

    Mobile phone brands, models and networks are hidden in this game. Find them as quickly as you can.

  • Justice League

    Word search covering DC Comics Justice League of America Heroes.

  • Reference Words

    Using the reference words that are important in research.

  • All about Automobiles

    Automobiles and their associated words

  • Crafting Items

    A set of different crafting terms and utensils needed to CRAFT.

  • Home Appliances

    A selection of electrical appliances found around the home.

  • Movie Genres

    Many types of films and movie genres are hidden in the grid, can you locate them all.

  • Fun for dogs

    This is a list of things that dogs might like to do indoors or out.

  • Photography

    Photography terms and famous photographers.

  • Medical Office

    Common words used in a medical office are hidden in this game, can you find them all as quickly as possible.

  • Baby Shower

    A great party game, find all of the baby related words hidden in the grid

  • Cosmetology

    The professional skill or practice of beautifying the face, hair, and skin.

  • Job Interview

    Preparing for a job. Here are some words you should know.

  • Computers & Accessories
  • Titles for Jesus

    Jesus Rocks!!!

  • Ancient Egypt

    Find all of the words hidden in the game which are connected with Ancient Egypt

  • Humor

    Words related to humor writing

  • Trucks and Big Rigs

    The title just about says it all. Find the words associated with trucking.

  • Bridal Shower

    A word search containing things related to the bride and groom

  • Creepypasta

    Find the words that relate to the famous youtube and all Reading, Creepypasta

  • Hipster Search

    Freakin hipsters these days, with their word searches.

  • Mardi Gras

    Things associated with Mardi Gras…

  • Sewing Basket

    How many of these items are in your sewing basket?

  • The Awesome 80’s

    Find as many words as you can related to the 1980’s. Have fun!

  • Board Games

    Find the names of all of the board games you can within the word search.

  • Conflict Resolution

    Fun puzzle to aid presentation

  • Our World

    A word search game on things found in nature

  • Greek Mythology

    The Olympians are a group of 12 Greek gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way. They are named after their dwelling place Mount Olympus.

  • Carbohydrates

    Try and find the 20 carbohydrates in the wordsearch and research how they are eaten.

  • Martin Luther King

    A word search on the history of Martin Luther King

  • Hairstyles

    A word search game covering the topic of Hairstyles

  • Manors, Kings and all things Medieval

    This is epic

  • Beauty Therapy

    A collection of words which relate to Beauty Therapy are hidden in this puzzle. Try to find as many as you can.

  • Customer Service

    A word search puzzle all about the art of providing good Customer Service

  • Sounds

    Hidden in the puzzle grid are words which form various Sounds, try and find as many as you can before time runs out.

  • Super Heroes

    Super heroes are always hard to find, and this word search is no different.

  • Occupations

    A word list of common occupations

  • Found in an Office

    These are all items you find or see in an office.

  • Punishment & Corrections

    A word searcg game to teach the words connected with Punishment & Corrections

  • English and Spanish Numbers

    We’ve hidden the numbers 1 to 12 in English and Spanish in this grid.

  • Emergency Medical Services

    A word search game to teach the common words associated with the ambulance services.

  • Greek and Roman Gods

    A word search puzzle filled with both Greek and Roman Gods.

  • Girl Scouts

    Word search all about the girl scouts

  • Yellowstone National Park

    Word search puzzle all about the Yellowstone National Park

  • Maths Terms 1

    The first Box Clever Word Search for Maths Terms with focus on NUMBER

  • On The Playground

    A word game covering the sights and sounds found on a playground, a fun and enjoyable place.

  • DC Characters

    A word search game covering characters from the DC Comics Universe.

  • 2D Shapes

    A wordsearch with 2D shape names

  • Royal Story

    Find the royal story related words in the grid

  • Pirates

    A word search game covering famous Pirates as well as words associated with Pirates.

  • Recycling

    Recycling word search

  • Safety

    Auto Shop Safety words

  • Fashion Designers

    A word search puzzle covering fashion designers and fashion houses.

  • Cod you believe it?

    Can you find the names of the types of fish in the word search below?

  • Physical Activity and Nutrition

    Word search which teaches vocabulary associated with Physical Activity and Nutrition

  • Niagara Falls

    Niagara Falls Ontario

  • Automotive

    Words associated with cars and other automobiles

  • Journalism

    Words related to Journalism

  • Space Shuttle

    Find the words.

  • Apple

    Consumer electronics maker Apple have produced many products over the years. Can you find them all hidden within the letter grid.

  • Tupperware Party Game

    A word search game containing hidden words related to Tupperware

  • Superheroes


  • Car Parts

    A word search on items found in and around a car. Some of these words may be different in the USA.

  • Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control

    A word search game whch teaches the words connected with keeping blood pressure under control

  • Marvel Comics

    A word search featureing Marvel Comic Book Characters

  • William Shakespeare

    Can you find all of the words related to the life and times of the bard, William Shakespeare.

  • American Girl Dolls

    Find many of the American Girl doll characters hidden in this game.

  • Smartphones

    A word search game made up or words related to smartphones

  • Black Butler

    A demonic comic book and television show that contains 2 seasons and 2 side stories.

  • Packaging Materials

    Please find all of the words listed which are related to product packaging.

  • On The Farm

    Animals and items found on a farm

  • S.O.S Search and Rescue

    Search for words you learned in our presentation. Look upwards and downwards and all other ways possible.

  • Popular Authors 2013

    People who are currently writing and publishing books.

  • Social Studies Review

    We have learned a lot in Social Studies. Now I want you to find these words about all of the Units.

  • Winter Survival

    A collection of words which relate to Winter Survival are hidden in this puzzle. Try to find as many as you can.

  • Street Art

    A word search covering the terms, tools and well known names in the world of Street Art

  • Hollywood

    A word search game all about Hollywood and the movie industry

  • Names from The Old Testament

    Find and circle the names of these people found in Ye Olde Testament.

  • Electronic Components

    Can you find the hidden electronic components in the word search game.

  • Reconstruction of the United States

    The period of reform happened after the civil war, where the country gradually began to piece itself into what we know of today
    * you should know and understand each word in the word bank!

  • Lego Characters

    Characters from Lego sets

  • Kings and Queens of England

    Names of ruling monarchs — past to present

  • Macbeth

    A word search exercise on people and themes in Macbeth

  • Benjamin Franklin

    These are words associated with the life of Ben Franklin.

  • Witchy Things

    To solve the word search puzzle you must find all of the words which relate to witches, wizards and magic

  • Detention

    A word search game covering the topic of Detention on school

  • Deadpool

    Find the words associated with the Marvel character, Deadpool

  • Sonic Characters

    This word search is made for the sonic fans, this word search consists of most of the sonic characters and it’s made to see how many you can find. Sonic fans enjoy!

  • Painting

    Painting terms and famous painters.

  • Cosmetology

    A word search on the many terms used daily by a cosmetologist.

  • Toolbox

    Find the tools you need and start that project.

  • Plants VS Zombies

    This word search is going to be based on plants vs zombies. If you have any questions just write them down. Enjoy!

  • Silk

    Silk is a natural protein fibre. The best type of silk is achieved from cocoons made by the larvae of the mulberry silkworm.

  • Kitchen Utensils

    Find these items in your kitchen and in this grid.

  • Abraham Lincoln

    A word search game covering topics and themes in the history of Abraham Lincoln

  • Super Smash Bros.

    This word search consists of Super Smash Brothers character names.

  • Famous Artists

    Well known painters and sculptors are hidden in this game, try and find them all.

  • Portal

    Portal is the BEST GAME EVER! so… I made a word search ALL ABOUT PORTAL!

  • Mario Characters

    A word search on characters found within the Mario world.

  • Angry Birds

    The new angry birds word search is here

  • Economics

    All these words are related in some way to Economics. Find them all to win.

  • Drawing

    Drawing terms and famous artists

  • Batman

    A word search on the characters and gadgets associated with Batman and Gotham City.

  • Contemporary Issues in World History

    World History: Contemporary Issues 1945-present

  • Hoover Dam

    Word search puzzle on the famous Hoover Dam

  • Baking

    Baking shows the creativity you have.

  • Rabies

    Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal.

  • Warehouse Safety

    A word search about the daily safety of a warehouse

  • Debutante Ball

    Items associated with the Debutante Ball

  • Candy Bars

    Can you find all the American candy bars … good luck and have fun

  • Godzilla

    A word search game on Godzilla, the King of the Monsters

  • Super Heroes

    A selection of well known superheroes are lost in this game, find as many as you can.

  • Ancient Greek gods

    Find all of the Greek Gods hidden in this puzzle by Raisa A.Ahmed

  • Points, Lines and Planes

    Find the following basic terms of Geometry.

  • Mythology

    Find all of the words hidden in the game which relate to Mythology, Myths and Legends

  • Communication theory

    Words found in communication theory are hidden within this game grid.

  • The Legend Of Zelda

    A word search covering the characters of the Nintendo game, The Legend Of Zelda

  • Economic Terms

    These are the economic terms that you will learn in social studies

  • School Items

    To solve the word search puzzle you must find all of the words which relate to School Items

  • Buddhism

    Word Search for key words in the Buddhist Religion

  • Boy Scouts

    A puzzle reflecting some of the core values and skills of Boy Scouts of America.

  • Sculpture

    Sculpture, pottery and architecture

  • The Columbian Exchange

    By Laura Kathryn Gay

    Find the words

  • Skylanders

    A collection of words which relate to the video game series Skylanders are hidden in this puzzle. Try to find as many as you can.

  • Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

    Find all these words to do with 2014’s Call of duty Advanced Warfare on Xbox and PlayStation.

  • Pablo Picasso

    A word search on the life and words of the artist, Pablo Picasso

  • Rocks and Minerals

    Solve the game by finding all of the words which relate to Rocks and Minerals

  • My Little Pony

    Find all the Pony’s names.

  • Spidermans Enemies

    Find all of comic book hero Spidermans enemies in this game.

  • Greek Bible Names

    Greek Bible Names

  • Greek Gods

    Well know Greek Gods are hidden in this word search game.

  • Monster High Ghouls

    If you love the monster high ghouls then this is the word search for you.

  • McCarthyism

    McCarthyism and the red scare

  • Ever After High

    A word search puzzle based on words associated with Ever After High series of dolls.

  • Royal Story Game

    Words associated with the Royal Story game on Facebook

  • The Incredible Hulk

    Play this word search game based around the topic of The Incredible Hulk, including actors who have played the role and character traits.

  • Destiny

    Find all of the words connected with the video game Destiny

  • Computer Lingo

    A comprehensive list of parts to a computer, includes a lot of acronyms.

  • Ninja

    Words associated with Ninjas, so be careful and watch out.

  • Tourettes Syndrome

    Solve the game by finding all of the words which relate to Tourettes Syndrome

  • Retro NES Games

    Small list of my favorite NES games.

  • Halo

    A word search puzzle all about the video game, Halo

  • Rosh Hashanah

    A word search covering words associated with the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah

  • Money

    Vocabulary and slang words connected with Money

  • Composers

    Words can be found vertically (up and down), horizontally (right to left or left to right), and diagonally.

  • Assassins Creed

    A word search game containing hidden words taken from all editions of the Assassins Creed series of games.

  • Medieval Indian Empire

    Words dealing with ancient Indian Empire for young elementary students.

  • Makeup

    Find the hidden words in this makeup themed word search!

  • Skyrim

    All words hidden in this grid relate to the Bethesda game, Skyrim

  • Saints Row

    A word search on the PC and console game, Saints Row

  • D.Gray-man: Black Religious Society

    People of Black Religious Society from the D.Gray-man series of comic books.

  • Nelson Mandela

    A word search game covering words related to Nelson Mandela

  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Word search on the characters from the classic Nintendo game, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

  • American Girl Dolls Game

    A word search game covering many of the great American Girl Dolls.

  • My singing monsters

    Monsters that sing WOW

  • Boom Beach

    Find all of the words hidden in the letter grid which relate to the popular game Boom Beach

  • ThunderClan, by Erin Hunter

    Warriors Cats fans unite! This word search is hopefully fun and all about ThunderClan

  • Fallout

    A word search game in the popular Fallout game franchise

  • Qin Dynasty

    A word search puzzle based on words associated with the Qin Dynasty

  • Monster High

    A word search game using characters from the Monster High range of dolland and toys from Mattel.

  • Samuel Beckett

    Word Search puzzle pertaining to the great Irish writer Samuel Beckett

  • Clash Royale

    A word search puzzle based on the characters and spells of Clash Royale

  • Crash Bandicoot

    Solve the game by finding all of the words which relate to the PlayStation series, Crash Bandicoot

  • Teamwork

    Search for words associated with teamwork

  • Nelson Mandela

    A word search on the wonderful Nelson Mandela

  • Picnic

    Items that you would usually take on a picnic

  • Clash of Clans

    Can you find all of the words associated with the game, Clash of Clans

  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn

    Characters of hitman reborn

  • Assassin’s Creed

    A word search on the Assassin’s Creed franchise of video games created by Ubisoft.

  • Monster High Characters

    Monster High has so many creepy cool characters, it’s hard just to keep count! At least you have a super fun word search for a few of them now.

  • Skyrim

    A word search puzzle based on characters and places found in the open world game of Skyrim

  • Skylanders 2

    A word search game where you must find all of the words connected with the Skylanders game.

  • Airport

    Solve the puzzle by finding the words associated with an Airport

  • Undertale

    Possibly one of the best RPG-styled games of 2015, Undertale has grabbed the attention of many fans worldwide. See if you can find these characters!

  • Wintertime

    The coziest time of year!

  • Monster High

    Find all of the scrambled Monster High characters.

  • Monster High Characters 2

    Why does Monster High have so many characters? We just don’t know. Try and find them all in the letter grid.

  • Babies

    Find all of the words hidden in the letter grid which relate to new born babies

  • Fishing Terms

    A word search game covering the topic of Fishing

  • Environment Words

    These are a few environmental words

  • Computer Terms

    Find all of the words hidden in the letter grid which relate to Computer Terms

  • Construction Jobs

    Find the common construction jobs in the word search below

  • Anger Management

    Managing anger can be challenging. Hopefully this game can calm you down as you find all of the hidden words.

  • Men, Men, Men

    All things related to men

  • Dental Office

    Things you would find around the dental office.

  • Barbie

    To solve the word search puzzle you must find all of the words which relate to Barbie

  • Construction Tools

    The tools listed in this word search are tools used in a construction shop or job site. How many of the tools listed here have you used?

  • Nautical

    Feel like you are on the high seas with this puzzle

  • Mortal Kombat Characters

    All Mortal Kombat Characters That Can Fit

  • Call Of Duty Zombie Series

    Find all of the words hidden in the letter grid which relate to Call Of Duty Zombie Series

  • Pokeballs

    The Capsule devices used to capture Pokemon. See if you can find them all.

  • Airines

    Try and find all the airlines

  • Beanie Boos

    Do YOU love your beanies?If you do play this word search!!😀

  • Day of the Dead

    Word search based on the day of the dead.

  • Globalization

    Play this word search game based around the topic of Globalization

  • American Polka

    Find all the words that relate to American Polka.

  • Hidden word clues are less common in cryptics — a typical cryptic may just have one or two — but they are so nice and easy (which is why they’re often in short supply in cryptics!), I thought it would be good to cover them early in the piece. If you can find the hidden word clues in a cryptic, they are a good way to get something entered into the grid, which in turn will help you get a handle on the other clues.

    So, why are these clues so easy? Well, the answer to the clue is actually staring you in the face, within the clue! OK, the setter has no doubt tried their best to hide the fact that the answer is right there in front of you, in plain view. So they can be tricky to spot sometimes, but they are basically a very easy clue device.

    For example, the word PLAN can be hidden inside BIPLANE. And the word ROSE can be hidden inside the words ALLEGRO SERENADE. The last example is more typical of these sorts of clues … the word is often split across two or even three words in the clue. Just ignore the spaces and any punctuation like hyphens, or commas, and so on.

    Hidden word clues tend to clue short words, too, so they’re unlikely to be used in the longest words in a crossword grid.

    As with many other types of cryptic clues, hidden word clues have indicator words. These are words that tell you that the answer is within the letters of the clue. so words which give a sense of containment, insertion, or concealment can indicate a hidden word clue. Here are a few examples:

    • a bit of
    • buried in
    • central to
    • covers
    • employed by
    • from
    • held by
    • in
    • part of
    • revealed by
    • sample of

    Now that you’ve got a little idea about the mechanics of a hidden word clue, let’s see what a real one looks like:

    Herb’s buried in a filthy meadow (5)

    No need to mourn poor Herb … In this clue, buried in is the hidden word indicator. Herb is the definition (and it’s not a name). Where is the name of a herb buried? In a filthy meadow, of course. Did you spot it? Yes, the answer is THYME (filTHY MEadow).

    Here’s another example:

    Pilfer a bit of waste alexandrite (5)

     The hidden word indicator here is a bit of. The definition part of the clue is pilfer. Luckily, you don’t need to know anything about gemstones to solve this clue … the answer’s right in front of your eyes, within waste alexandrite. You know the answer is 5 letters long, so you can scan through the letters of waste alexandrite, in sets of 5. I’m sure you got it — waSTE ALexandrite. Easy!

    Here are 5 hidden word clues to have a go at. Griff (staying warm in his bag) is the guardian of the explanations and answers, scroll past him when you’re ready for the full reveal!

    1. Scapegoat concealed self esteem (3)

    2. Tapestry covers primates (4)

    3. Enjoyment from malfunction (3) 

    4. Rug held by dermatologist (3)

    5. Warmth in the atrium (4)


    These are quite straightforward clues, so the explanations aren’t long!

    1. Scapegoat concealed self esteem (3)

    Concealed is the hidden word indicator here. Self esteem is the definition, and the 3 letters you’re looking for are in scapegoat.

    2. Tapestry covers primates (4)

    Tapestry is what covers another word for primates. 

    3. Enjoyment from malfunction (3) 

    What can you get from (indicator) malfunction? Another word for enjoyment, of course!

    4. Rug held by dermatologist (3)

    That dermatologist, what’s he up to? Holding another word for rug. I’m sure you can find it!

    5. Warmth in the atrium (4)

    This clue splits the hidden word over two words. Warmth is the definition, and the answer is in the atrium.


    1. EGO
    2. APES
    3. FUN
    4. MAT
    5. HEAT

    Hidden animals

    Example: Close
    the door at once!

    1 . That will be a real help.

    She came late every day.

    He came to America today.

    Eric owes me ten cents.

    We made errors in each one.

    We will go at two o’clock.

    Is it the sixth or seventh?

    At last, I, Gerald, had won.

    That man ate eleven cookies.
    10. Your comb is on the table.

    11. It’s only a kilometer away.

    He regrets having said that.

    He called Mikko a lazy boy.

    In April I only came once.

    If Al concentrates, he’ll win.

    (l. bear, 2. camel, 3. cat, 4. cow, 5. deer
    6, goat, 7. horse, 8, tiger, 9. manatee, 10. bison,
    11. yak, 12. egret, 13. koala, 14. lion, 15. falcon)


    Some parts of the face are the eye, eyebrow,
    nose, and mouth.(brown)

    I’m not really dumb; lack of sleep made me
    forget the answers.(black)

    If I tell you what she said, will you agree
    never to tell anyone?(green)

    In the box we found a pencil, a pin, keys,
    and a few coins.(pink)

    Are three, zeros enough to write the number one thousand?(rose)

    The wheelbarrow hit eleven rocks as it rolled
    down the hill.

    Elsa and Otto ran gently down the path to
    the river.(orange)

    We’ll go in Jim’s car. Let’s leave at six

    Hidden numbers

    If I’ve said something to hurt you, I’m sorry. (five)

    We thought that was the best year of our
    lives. (four)

    The papers I xeroxed didn’t turn out very
    well. (six)

    Paul is going to leave today; Robert went
    yesterday. (twenty)

    You replaced the those and these in English
    several centuries ago. (thousand)

    Now their team is even with ours. (seven)

    It would be better to learn the language
    thoroughly. (two)

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