The ‘Veggie’ Lion
I’m a vegetarian Lion, I’ve given up all meat, I’ve given up all roaring All I do is go tweet-tweet
I never ever sink* my claws Into some animal’s skin, It only lets the blood run out And lets the germs* rush in.
In used to be ferocious*, I even tried to kill!’ But the sight of all that blood made me feel quite ill.
I once attacked an Elephant I sprang straight at his head. I woke up three days later In a Jungle hospital bed.
Now I just eat carrots, They’re easier to kill, Cos when I pounce* upon them They all remain quite still!
Spike Milligan
sink — penetrate or enter germs — small living things in food or in the body which may make you ill ferocious — wild pounce — jump
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♦ Is anyone in your family a vegetarian?
♦ Would you like to become a vegetarian? Explain whys or why not.
♦ Name three animals that are vegetarians and three that are meat eaters.
The Greenhouse Effect
£ümn a4 [ho Jrafrarrd radiation pas sc i i! «oljJi tip fllHOftpfiere- teft ПО&Т is. absorbed and гг-сгг l:cd in afl dlnfdloua
hy Ljri^r ¡’iTlmi ^.»IS nmlfniet and cloLis.
Тчэ effect oTihlt if to warm 1hc Earin’s- surfacc a iJ Ihe lu^f atirlciKphfc**.
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What is a greenhouse?
A greenhouse is a building made of glass, where you can grow flowers and other plants that need a lot of warmth.
How it works
The sun shines through the glass and warms the greenhouse, and the roof and walls stop the heat from getting out.
Our Greenhouse
The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases (with names like carbon dioxide) that act just like a greenhouse. The sun shines in, and the blanket of gases traps the heat like a roof, keeping it close to the planet. That’s good — we can’t live without warmth.
What’s going on?
Factories, electric power plants, and cars are making a lot of new gases. Even when trees are cut down they give off gases! These new gases are trapping more and more of the sun’s heat. This is called the greenhouse effect, or global warming.
What can happen?
If the earth’s temperature gets hotter by just a few degrees, it could change the weather all over the planet in big ways. Places that are warm would become too hot to live in, and places that are cold would become warm. The places that grow most of
our food could get too hot to grow crops anymore.
Every kid can help stop the greenhouse effect by using less energy, protecting and planting trees, and by recycling so factories don’t need to work as hard to make things.
I. Study the words:
warmth, roof, blanket, invisible, to trap, close
II. Read the text.
III. Find equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
нужно много тепла, задерживает жару, как крыша, близко к планете, вырубается, глобальное потепление, всего на несколько градусов, made of glass, acts just like…, it could change
IV. True or false:
1.The roof and walls of a greenhouse keep the heat from getting out.
2. The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases.
3.This blanket traps the heat like a roof.
4. Factories can’t make a lot of gases.
5. Cutting down trees gives off gases.
6. The Earth’s temperature gets hotter.
7. Some places become too hot to live.
8. This process is called the global effect.
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V. Answer the questions:
1. What is a greenhouse?
2. What keeps the heat from getting out?
3. What is our planet surrounded by?
4. How do the gases act?
5. What is making a lot of gases?
6. What do we call the global warming?
7. What can happen if the earth’s temperature gets hotter?
VI. Find the ending of the following sentences in the text:
1. A greenhouse is a building … .
2. The roof and walls keep … .
3. The blanket of glasses traps . .
4. Factories, electric power plants, cars are making . .
5. New gases are trapping more … .
6. If the earth’s temperature gets hotter
7. Places that are warm . .
VII. Retell the text according to the plan:
1. How the greenhouse works.
2. The greenhouse around the Earth.
3. Trapping the sun’s heat.
4. What can happen.
5. Our mission.
VIII. Tell how we can stop the greenhouse effect.
How else can you help our fragile planet?
Acid Rain
Up in the sky
When we look up, we see the clouds and the blue sky. But there are other things in the sky that we don’t see. Some of these are harmful to the Earth.
What happens
When power plants burn coal to make electricity, and when cars burn gasoline, invisible gases are released into the air. Some of these gases can mix with water and make it acidic, like lemon juice or vinegar.
What can happen
Sometimes the gases get into rain clouds, where they get mixed in with rain or snow. Then the acid falls back to earth with the rain or snow. This is called acid rain.
Bad news
Acid rain is extremely harmful to plants, rivers and lakes, and the creatures that live in them. In some places it is killing forests. And it pollutes the water that animals and people need to drink.
Your mission
It’s very important for us to stop making acid rain. One good way to do it to drive our cars less. Another good way is to save energy. The less energy we use, the less coal those power plants will have to burn.
You and your family can save energy in lots of ways. Saving energy means saving the Earth.
I. Study the words:
to look up, harmful, to burn (burnt),gasoline, invisible, are released, acidic
II. Read the text.
III. Find equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
когда мы посмотрим вверх, мы не видим, как лимонный сок, кислотный дождь, меньше ездить на машине, придется сжигать, invisible gases, get mixed in with rain, is killing forest, to save energy
IV. True or false:
1. When we look up we don’t see harmful things.
2. Power plants burn coal to make electricity.
3. Invisible gases are not released into the air.
4. Gases can be mixed with water and make it acidic.
5. Gases cannot get mixed with rain or snow.
6. The acid falls back to earth.
7. Acid rain is harmful for people not for plants and rivers.
8. Our mission is to stop making acid rain.
V. Find in the text answers for the following questions:
1. What can and can’t we see when we look up?
2. How are invisible gases released into the air?
3. What makes gases acidic?
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4. . What is called acid rain?
5. Why is acid rain so harmful?
6. How can we stop making acid rain?
VI. Finish up the sentences:
1. When we look up . .
2. When power plants burn coal . .
3. . Some of the gases can be mixed with
4. . Sometimes the gases get into . .
5. . Acid rain is extremely harmful to earth
6. It’s very important for us . .
7. One of the good ways to do . .
8. Another good way is … .
9. The less energy we use … .
VII. Retell the text according to the plan:
1. Up in the sky.
2. What happens.
3. What can happen.
4. Bad news.
5. Our mission.
VIII. Tell how you and your family can stop making acid rain.
How else can you help our fragile planet?
The Ozone Hole
The ozone layer
Up in the sky, above the air we breathe, there’s a layer of a gas called the ozone. It helps us by blocking out rays from the sun that can harm our skin, and by letting the rays that are good for us come through. We’re lucky to have the ozone to protect us.
What’s happening?
Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made. The gases are called CFCs and halons. They are used in refrigerators, fire extinguishers, air conditioners, plastic foam, and some other things.
How it happens
The CFCs float up to the top of the atmosphere, where the ozone layer is and «eat up» the ozone.
Our mission
Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer, because a lot of it has disappeared in just a few years. So it’s very important that we learn to do something
about it.
We can all help to stop the ozone layer from disappearing!
I. Study the words:
to breathe, layer, ray, to harm, to damage, to float up, are concerned
II. Read the text.
III. Find equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
воздух, которым мы дышим, задерживает лучи, огнетушители, пластиковая пена, «поглощает озон», a layer of gas, harm our skin, is being damaged by gases, the top of the atmosphere
IV. True or false:
1. The ozone layer is above the air we breathe.
2. It helps us by locking out rays from the sun.
3. The ozone rays can harm our skin.
4. The ozone layer can’t protect us.
5. Now this layer is damaged.
6. The air conditioners don’t damage the ozone layer.
7. A lot of ozone layer has gone away in a few years.
V. Answer the questions:
1. Where is the ozone layer?
2. How does it help us?
3. What damages the ozone layer?
4. The gases «eat up» the ozone, don’t they?
5. Why are scientists concerned about the ozone layer?
VI. Find the endings for the following sentences:
1. Above the air we breathe, there is a … .
2. It helps us by blocking out rays from . .
3. The ozone layer is damaged by . .
4. The gases float up to the top of the atmosphere and . .
5. A lot of ozone layer has disappeared, that’s why scientists . .
VII. Retell the text according to the plan:
1. The ozone layer.
2. The role of this layer.
3. The damage of the layer.
4. How it happens.
5. Our mission.
VIII. Tell how we can we protect the ozone layer.
How else can you help our fragile planet?
Too Much Garbage
Garbage away!
When you throw something away, it goes in a garbage can. Once a week a garbage truck comes and the can is emptied, and that’s the last you see of it. But what do you think happens to the garbage then? Does it just disappear? No way!
What happens
Almost all garbage is taken to a garbage dump, or landfill, where the garbage truck empties it onto the ground. After the truck leaves, a big tractor comes along and pushes dirt on top of the garbage. So, most of our garbage is just b
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Задания для дифференцированного зачета по
специальности «Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и
электромеханического оборудования»
Вариант 1
Read the text
Practical electricity is produced by small atomic particles known as electrons. It is the movement of these particles which produce the effects of heat and light.
The pressure that forces these atomic particles to move, the effects they encounter opposition and how these forces are controlled are some of the principles of electricity.
Accepted atomic theory states that all matter is electrical in structure. Any object is largely composed of a combination of positive and negative particles of electricity. Electric current will pass through a wire, a body, or along a stream of water. It can be established in some substances more readily than in others, that all matter is composed of electric particles despite some basic differences in materials. The science of electricity then must begin with a study of the structure of matter.
Matter is defined as any substance which has mass (or weight) and occupies space. This definition should be broad enough to cover all physical objects in the universe. Wood, water, iron, and paper are some examples of matter. Energy is closely related to, but not to be confused with, matter. Energy does not have mass, and it does not occupy space. Heat and light are examples of energy.
The smallest particle of
matter which can be recognized as an original substance was thought to be a
unit called the atom. Recently scientists have found particles even smaller
than atoms, but our theories are still based on the atom. The atom consists of
a nucleus and a cloud of electrons. It is generally agreed that the electrons
are small particles of electricity, which are negative in nature. These
particles orbit the nucleus in much the same fashion that planets orbit a sun.
2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:
Electricity, electron, effect,
structure, combination, material, mass, energy, atom, orbit
3. Give the English equivalents for the words below:
1) производить; 2) частица; 3) тепло и свет; 4) напряжение;
5) сила; 6) вещество; 7) положительный; отрицательный; 9) электрический ток;
10) вес; 11) ядро
4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text:
1) atomic particle; 2) effects of heat and light; 3) encounter
opposition; 4) principles of electricity; 5) composed (of); 6) pass through a
wire; 7) structure of matter; occupy space; 9) physical objects; 10) a cloud
of electrons; 11) in the same fashion.
5. Complete the sentences using the text:
1. Electricity is produced by …
2. The effects of heat and light are produced by …
3. According to the accepted atomic theory all matter is …
4. Any object is composed of …
5. Matter is defined as …
6. Energy must not be confused with …
7. The atom consists of …
8. The smallest particle of matter is …
9. Most theories are based on …
10. Electrons are …
Вариант 2
№ 1 Read the text
The electric current is a quantity of electrons flowing in a circuit per second of time. The unit of measure for current is ampere. If one coulomb passes a point in a circuit per second then the current strength is 1 ampere. The symbol for current is I.
The current which flows along wires consists of moving electrons. The electrons move along the circuit because the e .m. f. drives them. The current is directly proportional to the e. m. f.
In addition to traveling through solids, however, the electric current can flow through liquids as well and even through gases. In both cases it produces some most important effects to meet industrial requirements.
Some liquids, such as melted metals for example, conduct current without any change to themselves. Others, called electrolytes, are found to change greatly when the current passes through them.
When the electrons flow in one direction only, the current is known to be d. c., that is, direct current. The simplest source of power for the direct current is a battery, for a battery pushes the electrons in the same direction all the time (i.e., from the negatively charged terminal to the positively charged terminal).
The letters a. c. stand for alternating current. The current under consideration flows first in one direction and then in the opposite one. The a. c. used for power and lighting purposes is assumed to go through 50 cycles in one second. One of the great advantages of a. c. is the ease with which power at low voltage can be changed into an almost similar amount of power at high voltage and vice versa. Hence, on the one hand alternating voltage is increased when it is necessary for long-distance transmission and, on the other hand, one can decrease it to meet industrial requirements as well as to operate various devices at home.
Although there are numerous
cases when d. c. is required, at least 90 per cent of electrical energy to be
generated at present is a. c. In fact, it finds wide application for lighting,
heating, industrial, and some other purposes.
2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:
electric, ampere, symbol, proportional, industrial, metal,
electrolyte, battery, generate.
3. Give the English equivalents for the words and word combinations below:
1) течь, протекать; 2) цепь, схема; 3) единица измерения;
4) провод; 5) электродвижущая сила; 6) твердое тело; 7) жидкость; проводить
(ток); 9) источник энергии; 10) постоянный ток; 11) переменный ток; 12)
4. Give Russian equivalents for the following:
1) to meet industrial requirements; 2) melted metals; 3) to push in the same direction; 4) negatively (positively) charged terminal; 5) power and lightning purposes; 6) long-distance transmission; 7) to operate devices; 8) to find wide application.
5. Say whether these sentences are true or false:
1. The symbol for current is I.
2. The electric current can flow only through liquids.
3. The current can be of two types: direct current and alternating current.
4. The alternating current flows in one direction.
5. A battery is the simplest source of power for the direct current.
6. Direct current finds wider application than alternating current.
7. Electrolytes don’t change greatly when current passes through them.
8. One of the great advantages of alternating current is the ease with which voltage can be changed.
Эталоны ответов
1 вариант |
2 вариант |
2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:
Электричество Электрон Эффект Структура Комбинация Материал Масса Энергия Атом Орбита |
2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:
Электрический Ампера Символ Пропорциональный Промышленный Металл Электролит Аккумулятор Генерировать |
3. Give the English equivalents for the words below:
1) to produce; 2) the 3) heat and 4) voltage; 5) current; 6) substance; 7) positive; 9) electric 10) weight; 11) core |
3. Give the English equivalents for the words and word combinations below:
1) the leak to 2) chain, 3) unit of 4) wire; 5) 6) the solid 7) the liquid; 9) the energy 10) direct 11) AC current; 12) voltage |
4. Translate into Russian the words and expressions from the text:
1) атомная |
4. Give Russian equivalents for the following:
1) отвечать промышленным требованиям; 2) расплавленные металлы; 3) продвинуться в том же самом направлении; 4) отрицательно (положительно) заряженный терминал; 5)мощности и молнии целей 6) передачи на дальние расстояния; 7) управление устройствами; 8) найти
широкое применение. |
5. Complete the sentences using the text:
1. Electricity is produced by by small atomic particles known as electrons
2. The effects of heat and light are produced by the movement of these particles
3. According to the accepted atomic theory all matter is electrical in structure
4. Any object is composed of positive and negative particles of electricity
5. Matter is defined as any substance which has mass (or weight) and occupies space
6. Energy must not be confused with matter
7. The atom consists of a nucleus and a cloud of electrons
8. The smallest particle of matter is the atom
9. Electrons are small particles of electricity
5. Say whether these sentences are true or false: T- 1. The symbol for current is I. F - 2. The electric current can flow only through liquids. T - 3. The current can be of two types: direct current and alternating current. F- 4. The alternating current flows in one direction. T - 5. A battery is the simplest source of power for the direct current. T - 6. Direct current finds wider application than alternating current. F - 7. Electrolytes don’t change greatly when current passes through them. T - 8. One of the great advantages of alternating current is the ease with which voltage can be changed. |
(наемный рабочий), профсоюзы, зарабатывать,
заработная плата, прибыль, ссуда,
подоходный налог, инвестор, некоммерческая
V. Write down some notes next to each group of accounting information users. Retell the text using the. Unit 13
I. Memorize the following words:
– независимая ревизорская деятельность
(в отличие от внутрифирменной )
accountant – частнопрактикующий бухгалтер
meet professional requirements – соответствовать
designate — назначать
— казначей
Public Accountant – дипломированный
– контролер; ревизор; инспектор
II. Translate the following words and word combinations:
fraction, restaurant chain, сharitable
organizations, the executive officer in charge of the accounting
III. Read and translate the text: the accounting profession
is an old profession. Records of business transactions have been
prepared for centuries. However, only during the last half-century
accounting has been accepted as a profession with the same importance
as the medical or legal profession. Positions in the field of
accounting may be divided into several areas. Two general
classifications are public
accounting and
accounting. Public
those who serve the general public and collect professional fees for
their work, much as doctors and lawyers do. Their work includes
auditing, income tax planning and preparation, and management
consulting. Public accountants are a small fraction (about 10
of all accountants. Those public accountants who have met certain
professional requirements are designated as Certified Public
Accountants (CPAs).
for a single business, such as a local department store, the
McDonald’s restaurant chain, or the Eastman Kodak Company. Charitable
organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies also
employ private accountants. The chief accounting officer usually has
the title of controller, treasurer, or chief financial officer.
Whatever the title, this person usually carries the status of
public accountants pool their talents and work together within a
single firm. Most public accounting firms are also called CPA
firms because
most of their professional employees are CPAs. CPA firms vary greatly
in size. Some are small businesses, and others are medium-sized
partnerships. The largest CPA firms are worldwide partnerships with
over 2,000 partners. Such huge firms are necessary because some of
their clients are so large and their operations are so complex.
contrast to public accountants who provide accounting services for
many clients, management accountants provide accounting services for
a single business. In a company with many management accountants, the
executive officer in charge of the accounting activity is often
called a controller.
Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]
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13. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
обязательный; до пяти лет; или … или; детский сад; лепить;
учебный план; директор; больше похоже на … ; школьная форма;
иностранные языки; продолжать обучение; подготовительный класс
колледжа; бесплатный; каникулы
Остались вопросы?
Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык
1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
the course of studies — курс обучения;
primary school — начальная школа;
secondary school — средняя школа;
previously — ранее;
creche — ясли;
lyceum — лицей;
gymnasium — гимназия;
free of charge — бесплатно;
curriculum — программа обучения;
demand — спрос, востребованность;
to adapt — адапировать(ся);
to extend — продлевать;
to conduct — проводить;
transition — переход;
vocational school — профессионально-техническое училище;
higher school — высшая школа;
competitive — конкурентоспособный;
ability — способность;
to be involved in — участвовать в;
postgraduate courses — курсы повышения квалификации/послевузовское образование
Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Find the English equivalents for the following word-combinations — оценить предложение — внести изменения в контракт — быть готовым к …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!
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Главная » Английский язык » Find the English equivalents for the following word-combinations — оценить предложение — внести изменения в контракт — быть готовым к сотрудничеству — в предложении есть преимущества и недостатки — что касается меня — разграничение обязанности —
1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously;
creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; demand; to
adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school;
competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses
3. Give the English equivalents of the following:
детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большин
ство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть; школь
ные правила; включать; изучаемые предметы; выпускники; акаде
мия; выпускные экзамены
6. Translate the words in brackets into English.
1. (Курс обучения) is eleven years.
2. Children (младше шести лет) are taken to creches and nursery
3. (Большинство школ) are free of charge.
4. At the age of six children start (ходить в начальную школу).
5. After (базовой средней школы) young people can enter (техни
ческие училища).