Find a word that should not be in the sentence

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
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  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
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  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
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  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
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  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
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  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


3apahve No 7:
Find a word that should not be in the sentence
Example: Paula failed the test because it was not too difficult for her. Extra word: not
1) There was a sale on in the shoe shop, but they didn’t never have anything I liked in my size. Extra word:
2) It is a Caribbean festival which it started in the 1950s. Extra word:
3) Every a year I visit my friend in Moscow. Extra word:
4) I go there every year and it just keeps getting more better and better Extra word:
5) You should to go now. Extra word:

2 ответа:



1) in

2) it

3) a

4) just

5) to




1. on

2. a

3. a

4. just

5. to


Читайте также

Ит ис мы пишем когда говорим о погоде,времени или дате. Иногда используем как местоимение.
Зят ис используется когда мы говорим о чем то или о ком то расположенном вдалеке..

The rigeet my gootyk 
dooti llook cefek rafshanchik
dy you sey my neme is (твоё имя) giori
Okey Cenkq

1. country

2. i think that country is more beautiful  than city

3. i think that country is cleaner than city the city

5. city is more exciting than country

6. there are more things to do in the city

7. in the country shopping is more difficult

8. its easier to find friends in the city

9. it easier to hang out and play with friends in the country

Мб что-то не так,но вроде все должно быть правильно

The children didn’t sing carls
The children sang carls, didn’t they?
Did the children sing carls?
Did the children sing carls or songs?
What did the children sing?
Who sang carls?

1. I didn’t use to go to the swimming pool when I was a child.
Did I use to go to the swimming pool when I was a child?
When I was a child, I used to go to the swimming pool.

2. In my childhood, when it was hot, I wouldn’t go to the river. I wouldn’t swim a little, I wouldn’t go to the forest.
Would I go to the river? Would I swim a little? Would I go the forest?

01.- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, then identify the types of conditionals.

1 If you ……don’t do….. (not/do) your homework, you won’t be allowed to go out. … (Type 1) …

2 If he (take out) ……….a loan, he’d be able to buy a car.

3 Keep the noise down or else someone (hear) ………….us.

4 The state of the economy (improve) …………….. provided that there is a change of government.

5 I won’t go on holiday unless you (come) ………………. with me.

6 If you (talk) ……………….. less, you would be able to concentrate on your work.

7 If she (read) …………………… the newspaper, she would have known about the earthquake.

8 If the food (not/be) ………….so good, we wouldn’t have eaten so much.

9 If you (stop) ………………complaining, we would be able to get some work done today.

10 Even if I (phone) …………….them, it would have been too late to change their minds.

11 Unless you (turn down) …………………the music, I won’t be able to concentrate on what I’m doing.

12 Unemployment will decrease provided the government (take) …………….appropriate measures.

13 If you continue to threaten me, I (have to) ……………….seek legal advice.

14 I (speak) ………… her if she apologised for her appalling behaviour.

15 I wouldn’t have been able to sit the exam if you (not/help) ………….me.

16 What (he/say) …………….if you told him the truth?

17 If you watch this film, you (get) ……………an idea of how difficult life is for these tribes.

18 If you (cancel) ……………within the time limit, we would have given you a full refund.

19 If she had realised how late it was, she (not/ring) …………us.

20 We could have some fresh air if you (open) ………….. the window.

02.- Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

Einstein is reported to have said, “If I 1) … had known… (know) the destruction I would cause, I 2) (become) …………..a watch-maker.” If we 3) (continue) …………….to use nuclear energy as a means of defence, we 4) (make) ………….. our planet uninhabitable. If the public 5) (be) ………….more aware of the dangers, they 6)(demand) ………..the right to live in a safer society. If the Cold War had developed into World War III, the human race 7) (be/wiped out) ……………forever.
Unless we 8) (discover) ………….a way to prevent nuclear war, by the 21st century we 9) (face) ………….major disaster. Some scientists claim that if we 10) (tap into) ………..the natural energy in the universe, we 11) (provide) ………ourselves with a never-ending, pollution-free source of power. Only if we 12) (put) ……………. more money into research and less into defence 13) ……………(we/be able to) discover other forms of energy. As long as we 14) (continue) ………….. to abuse knowledge and power, the earth 15) (remain) ………….an insecure planet to inhabit.


03.- Rewrite the following as conditional sentences.

1 You have to go to Athens to see the Acropolis .

If you go to Athens, you can see the Acropolis ….

2 You need to pass your driving test before you can drive.

Unless . ………………………………………………..

3 You must study harder to pass your exams.

If ……………………………………………………….

4 As long as the rain continues we can’t play football.

Unless ………………………………………………….

5 Tom had to ask for a pay rise or he wouldn’t have got one.

Unless ………………………………………………….

6 You need all the right spices to make an authentic Indian meal.

If ……………………………………………………….

7 Going there by bus will be cheaper than going by train.

If ………………………………………………………..

8 Entering this competition could win you a mountain bike.

If …………………………………………………………

9 We will have to leave without him if he doesn’t arrive in the next 10 minutes.

Unless ……………………………………………………

10 We will be able to go swimming if the weather improves.

Unless ……………………………………………………

04.- Read the following situations, then write as many conditional sentences as possible.

1 As long as it rains, I’ll stay at home .

If it rains, I’ll stay at home./ Only if it rains will I stay at home. /I won’t stay at home unless it rains ….

2 I’ll save money, then I’ll go to France on holiday .

3 Wait five minutes and I’ll give you a lift.

4 I’ll cook and you can do the washing up afterwards.

05.- Rewrite the following sentences omitting “if”.

1 If I were you, I wouldn’t apply for the post of firefighter.

…. Were I you, I wouldn’t apply for the post of firefighter ….

2 If you should go to the post office, could you buy me some stamps?

3 If anyone should ring, will you take a message?

4 If you had turned off the oven sooner, the pizza wouldn’t have burnt.

5 If I were younger, I’d accept his offer.

06.- Rewrite the following as mixed conditionals.

1 He’s not a good worker, so he wasn’t promoted,

….If he were a good worker, he would have been promoted….

2 They walked 40 kilometres, so they’re exhausted now,

3 You didn’t make an appointment, so we can’t see you tomorrow.

4 She didn’t take the medication and now she’s ill again.

5 The flight left on time, so they will be in Moscow by now.

6 They were working in the rain all day, so they’re soaking wet now.

7 She didn’t study at all so she’ll do badly in the test.

8 He’s so gullible that he believed everything you said.

9 She was talking all day, so her throat is sore now.

10 He doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice, so he didn’t do what you suggested.

07.- Compete the following sentences with an appropriate conditional clause.

1 If you want an exotic holiday, … you should go to Thailand… .

2 Unless you give him enough notice, ……………………

3 If you hadn’t overfed the cat, ………………………….

4 Had I known she was in trouble, ………………………..

5 Only if he apologises ……………………………………..

6 The argument wouldn’t have started if …………………

7 If I had more time, ………………………………………..

8 You wouldn’t have had so much trouble if …………….

9 Should I meet her again, ………………………………..

10 Had I known how late I was going to be, …………….

11 Only if we start recycling ………………………………

12 If you had tried harder,…………………………………

13 Had he given me clearer instructions, ………………..

14 If we leave at six o’clock, ……………………………..

15 Should she ring while I’m out, ………………………….

08.- Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 You’d better cut down on sugar.

If I … were you, I would … cut down on sugar.

2 Tom got lost because we didn’t give him clear directions.

Tom ……………………….if we had given him clear directions.

3 If you don’t criticise his work, he’ll never improve.

He’ll never improve …………………………………his work.

4 She doesn’t have many friends because she is shy.

If she …………………………………..have many friends.

5 We’ll only sign the contract if he changes that clause.

Only if he changes that clause ………………………the contract.

6 He’s afraid of heights, so he won’t come climbing.

If he ………………………………, he would come climbing.

7 Lucy can prepare the report, but she’ll have to be given instructions.

Lucy can prepare the report ………………….instructions.

8 As long as you give it back by Friday, you can borrow my book.

You can borrow my book ………………………by Friday.

9 If you don’t lend us some money, we won’t be able to go to the theatre.

We won’t be able to go to the theatre ……………..some money.

10 She missed the meeting because her car broke down.

She wouldn’t have missed the meeting if ………………..down.

11 I need to get this to her, but I haven’t got her fax number.

If , ………………………..I couid get this to her.

12 He forgot about the invitation so he didn’t go to the dinner.

Had …………….. the invitation, he would have gone to the dinner.

13 I think Bill should look for a better job.

If ………………………………………look for a better job.

14 We didn’t take a map so we got lost.

If ……………………………, we wouldn’t have got lost.

15 Mark didn’t tell her it was a secret so she told Pam.

If Mark had told her it was a secret, ……………………….Pam.


09.- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

I’ve had a long career. If I 1) … hadn’t been chosen … (not/be/chosen) to play the lead in my school play, I 2) (not/become) …………….what I am today. I was only nine and I’m sure I 3) (feel) ………. nervous if I 4) (not/have) my parents’ support. They encouraged me to take dancing classes after that. If only I 5) (not/refuse)…………..! I love dance now and if I 6) (be) ……….younger,I 7) (study) ………….ballet. Apart from that, I don’t have many regrets about my career. I wish I 8)
(perform) …………..more in the theatre, but I suppose if I 9) (have)……………, I 10) (not/have) time to do so many film roles.


10.- Write sentences as in the example:

1 You didn’t watch the news so you didn’t know there was a train strike .

I wish I had watched the news, If I had watched the news, I would have known there was a train strike ……

2 You work long hours and you can’t spend much time with your family.

3 You wanted to travel abroad but you forgot to renew your passport.

4 You can’t drive a car so you can’t get around easily.

5 You wanted to play tennis but you broke your racquet.

6 You want to go swimming but you have lost your swimming costume .

7 You want to climb the mountain but you are afraid of heights .

8 You didn’t set your video correctly so you didn’t record the film .

9 You want to go out tonight but you haven’t got enough money.

10 You want to cook an Italian meal but you have no pasta left.

11.- Rewrite the text using wishes or if-clauses as in the example:

Dear Mary,

I just had to write and let you know what a terrible day I’ve had today. As my neighbour is ill I offered to take her dog for a walk. My neighbour did warn me that he’s very energetic but I didn’t listen. He dragged me all around the park. What a disaster! He was so excited that he knocked another neighbour off her bicycle. Unfortunately she hurt her leg and she was very angry with me. I shouldn’t have taken the dog for a walk. To make matters worse, I had forgotten to lock the front door as we’d left the house in a rush. My house was burgled. Why was I so stupid? I hadn’t even renewed our house insurance. My husband keeps going on about it.

Well, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

With love,

I wish I hadn’t had such a terrible day today, …


12.- Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 It’s a pity I can’t go to the cinema today, but I have to babysit.

I wish … I could go to the … cinema today, but I have to babysit.

2 It’s a shame we didn’t go out for dinner.

I wish ……………………………………………for dinner.

3 I don’t have many friends here.

I wish ………………………………………here.

4 It’s a pity I can’t go out tonight but I have to work late.

I wish ……………………………..but I have to work late.

5 It’s a shame we didn’t go home for Christmas.

I wish ……………………………….for Christmas.

6 If it weren’t raining, we could go for a walk.

I wish ……………………….; we could go for a walk.

7 It’s a pity that I wasn’t given the position.

I wish ……………………………….the position.

8 I’ve been offered a job in Spain, but I can’t speak Spanish.

I wish ………………….because I’ve been offered a job in Spain.

9 If it weren’t snowing, we could go for a drive.

I wish ……………………………..; we could go for a drive.

10 It’s a shame we missed the beginning of the film.

I wish ……………………………….beginning of the film.


13.- Complete the following sentences.

1 If Bob hadn’t broken his leg,… he could have come with us… .

2 If only he hadn’t lied to Sally, ………………….. ……..

3 If John is in trouble, .. ……………………………………

4 If only she had more patience, ……………………………………………………..

5 If she had won the competition, ………………………..

6 Ann wishes she had set the alarm, ……………………..

7 I wish I hadn’t left the oven on too long, ……………..

8 If only I had written down her phone number, ……….

9 If she hadn’t been sitting in the sun all afternoon, ……

10 Tom wishes he hadn’t gambled last Sunday, ………….

14.- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 Suppose they ……had not turned up … (not/turn up) to meet you, what would you have done?

2 If only I (not/eat) ……………………so much last night.

3 If she (tell) …………… it was a secret, I wouldn’t have told anyone.

4 Suppose you (miss) ………………….your connection, how would you have got home?

5 Suppose he (catch) ……………… smoking, what would you do?

6 I’d rather we (leave) ……………………

7 If only I (not/stay) ……………………out so late last night.

8 It’s high time you (take) …………………some responsibility for your actions.

9 Supposing you (fail) ………………..your exams, what would you have done?

10 It’s time you (light) …………………….the fire – it’s getting very cold.

11 She spends money as if she (have) …………………………….loads of it, but I know she’s in debt.

12 If we (install) ……………………..a burglar alarm, this wouldn’t have happened.

13 I’d rather we (go) ……………………..home now.

14 I wish she (study) …………………………harder instead of watching TV all the time.

15 I’d rather she (not/wear) ………………… dress last night. She’s ruined it.


15.- Read the following situations, then make sentences using ‘would rather’ or ‘had better’.

1 You want to play tennis not squash ….
…….I would rather play tennis than play squash ….

2 You don’t want her to invite him to the party .

3 You want to be left alone to read and don’t want to go to the cinema .

4 It would be more sensible for you to go and rest for an hour.

5 I would prefer to spend Christmas in Spain and not go home .

6 We should have waited for him at home .

7 Mary always wears horrible orange lipstick. You wish she wouldn’t.

8 Your friend turns up late and you are angry with him


16.- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1 I’d rather … go…… (go) fishing this afternoon.

2 I’d rather you (not/wear) …………….my red dress to the dance tonight.

3 I’d rather you (say) ……………….that you didn’t want to come!

4 I’d rather (go) …………….by plane but I couldn’t afford the air fare.

5 I’d rather you (not/use) …………such bad language! It upsets people.

6 We prefer (watch) …………films to (watch) ……………political programmes.

7 I’d rather you (not/tell) …………….them the news yet.

8 I prefer (cook) ……………………dinner rather than (eat) …….. in that restaurant.

9 We’d prefer (call) ………..our child David, rather than (call) ……….him Stephen.

10 We would rather (recycle) ………..our rubbish than (use) …………non-recyclable goods.

11 He had better (not/tell) …………her or I’ll be furious!

12 After a lot of thought, we’ve decided that we would prefer (get/married) …………… Portugal rather than in England.

13 It would have been better if she (give) ………………us the information sooner.

14 You’d better (not/wake) ……………………her up because she hasn’t slept for two days.

15 I would prefer (pay) ………………in cash rather than by credit card .


17.- Fill in the gaps with the appropriate auxiliary verb .

1 She had her hair permed and now she wishes she … hadn’t

2 Her husband spends a lot of money and she wishes he ………

3 I suspect they’ll be late again but I wish they …………..

4 She always forgets people’s names but she wishes she ……….

5 He invited 20 people for dinner and now he wishes he ……….

6 She doesn’t know how to use a computer but she wishes she ……

7 They never ring before coming round but I wish they …………

8 You’re always interfering in my affairs and I wish you …………

9 We didn’t invite the Smiths but I wish we ……………..

10 You told them I could do the job but I wish you ………..


18.- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Sarah,

I’m having an absolutely fabulous time here on Ischia! I wish you

1) ….had decided…. (decide) to come wlth me. It 2) …………. (be) even better if you were here. I wish I 3) …………….. (try) harder to persuade you to come with me. If only you 4) …………(change) your mind! I’m sure you could get time off work if you 5) ……….(ask). If you can’t come to Ischia, 6) ………………(you/consider) meeting in Rome at the beginning of next month? Of course if you 7) …………… (come) with me in the first place, we 8) …………..(have) a great time right now. Anyway, if you 9) ………(give) me a rlng, I 10) ……………. (tell) you exactly what my plans are and then you can decide what you want to do.


19.- Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 Jo was about to get on the train when she realised it was the wrong one.

Jo would have got on the train if she … hadn’t realised it was … the wrong one.

2 He didn’t go to the party because he didn’t know where it was.

If ……………………….the party was, he would have gone.

3 I think you should have your hair cut.

If ………………………………have my hair cut.

4 You’d think she was a film star.

She behaves ……………………………….a film star.

5 It would have been better if you had arrived on time.

If ………………………………………………….on time.

6 He shouldn’t have used my mug.

I’d …………………………………my mug.

7 We should leave now if we want to get the bus.

It’s ……………………………if we want to get the bus.

8 It would have been better if you hadn’t told her that.

If ……………………………………………….her that.

9 It’s a pity you missed the performance.

I ………………………………………the performance.

10 If John doesn’t turn up, we won’t be able to finish the project.

We won’t be able to finish the project ……………………..up.

20.- Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

1 If you shall pay attention, maybe you’ll learn something.

2 If Tom is busy, will ask Sarah to help.

3 If only she had been caught that train.

4 It’s time we had announced the winner.

S He’d better to payoff his debts before he buys a car.

6 I’d rather to write a project than sit an exam.

7 If only that I hadn’t lost my traveller’s cheques.

8 Suppose he had caught you stealing, what would you do?

9 Had if he known it was her birthday, he would have bought her a present.

10 Take my business card in case you will want to contact me.

Find the word which should not be in the sentence.39. When my grandfat перевод - Find the word which should not be in the sentence.39. When my grandfat русский как сказать

  • Текст
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Find the word which should not be in the sentence.
39. When my grandfather went to Switzerland he bought for
40. me a watch. For 20 years it kept up perfect time.
41. Then it suddenly was stopped. I took it to a shop
42. but they couldn’t to find anything wrong. So I
43. had sent it back to Switzerland. It came back working
44. again; that was before 10 years ago and it hasn’t stopped since.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Найдите слово, которое не должно быть в предложении.39. когда мой дедушка отправился в Швейцарию, он купил для40. мне часы. За 20 лет он держал идеальное время.41. Затем он неожиданно был остановлен. Я взял его в магазин42. Однако они не смогли найти ничего плохого. Так что я43. послал его обратно в Швейцарию. Оно пришло снова работает44. снова; Это было до 10 лет назад, и он не остановился после.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Найдите слово , которое не должно быть в предложении.
39. Когда мой дед уехал в Швейцарию , он купил за
40. мне часы. В течение 20 лет он поддерживал идеальное время.
41. Затем он внезапно был остановлен. Я взял его в магазин
42. но они не могли найти ничего плохого. Так что я
43. отправил его обратно в Швейцарию. Он вернулся работать
44. еще раз; что было до 10 лет назад , и это не остановило с тех пор.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


найти слова, которые не должны быть в предложении.39.когда мой дедушка попал в швейцарии он купил за40.мне часы.за 20 лет он поддерживал подходящий момент.41.потом он вдруг остановился.я взял его в магазин42.но они не нашли ничего плохого.так что я43.отправил его обратно в швейцарию.он вернулся работать44.еще раз, это было до того, как 10 лет назад, и он не может остановиться.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

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