Find a word or phrase in the article for the definition

1. something that can be seen – visible — то, что можно увидеть — видимое
2. very good at noticing things – eagle-eyed — очень хорош в замечании вещей — проницательный
3. tending to make a lot of mistakes – mistake-prone — имеет склонность совершить много ошибок — склонность к ошибкам
4. very obvious – glaring — очень очевидный — вопиющий
5. a feeling of slight pain or of being physically uncomfortable – discomfort — ощущение легкой боли или физическое неудобство — дискомфорт
6. able to make mistakes or be wrong – fallible — способность ошибаться или быть неправым — ошибочно
7. someone who has different ideas and ways of behaving from other people – maverick — кто-то, у кого другие идеи и способы поведения от других людей – независимо мыслящий, крайний индивидуалист
8. someone who insists on every detail being right – stickler for detail — кто-то, кто настаивает на том, чтобы каждая деталь была правдоподобной – быть требовательным к деталям
9. someone who is interested in films and knows a lot about them – film buff — кто-то, кто интересуется фильмами и много знает о них – любитель кино (киноман)
10. a sudden feeling that you want to do or have something, especially when there is no particular reason – whim — внезапное чувство, что вы хотите что-то сделать или что-то особенное, особенно когда нет особых причин — прихоть
11. a large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion – term feast — большая еда, в которой много людей празднуют особое событие – пир, праздник


of cars and lorries unable to move forward

not included in your salary

people who can’t stop working

of date and no longer useful

exchange of news and information


got make people work harder

Complete the sentences with the words from a).

I have to travel so much I miss out on all the office _______.

I get home, I like to ______ by listening by some classical music
with a glass of wine.

boss is a complete ______. She just doesn’t know how to relax and
turn off.

better to have a higher salary than _____ like a company car or free

problem with buying a computer is that in a couple of years it’s

find it difficult to ______ the accounts and usually leave them
until the last minute.

I leave home very early to avoid getting caught in _______ on the
way to work.

_______ is part of any manager’s job.

Are the sentences in b) true for you? If not, change them so that
they are.


Vocabulary through the context

salary and benefits



is also used to talk about money and other benefits that a senior
manager (or any employee) receives if they are forced to leave the
organization, perhaps after a boardroom
This money is in the form of a compensation
or severance
If the manager also receives benefits, the payment and the benefits
form a severance

Britain, executives with very high pay and good benefits may be
referred to as fat
implying that they do not deserve this level of remuneration.

1. Xavier and Yvonne are talking about Xavier’s new job as a photocopier salesman. Complete the conversation, using words from a opposite.

1 X: I get paid every

I see. You get a salary
not wages.

2 X: 1 usually have to work
late: I don’t get paid for it, but I get a percentage for every
photocopier I sell.

So you don’t get……………………….but you do
get……………………….That’s good.

3 X: The people in
production get a………………………if they reach their

Oh right. They get an extra payment for producing a certain amount.

4 X: The company pays for
medical treatment too. and the company restaurant is fantastic.

Wow! The………………………………………………sound
very nice.

5 X: And they’ve given me a
………………………………………………to go and
visit clients.

So you don’t have to buy a car, then.

6 X: What’s more, the
company pays in money for us to get when we don’t work any more.

Yes, it’s important to get a good……………………….

7 X: The

Yes, all that extra stuff is really worth having.

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Find words in the article with these meanings.
1. exams and courses that you have taken
q _____
2. money that you will receive when you are old
3. similar work that you have done before
4. special abilities
5. levels of pay
p____ s ___
6. extra hours you can work to earn more money
7. study and practice to learn how to do a job
b t

8. more advanced learning
f s

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. exams and courses that you have taken


2. money that you will receive when you are old


3. similar work that you have done before


4. special abilities


5. levels of pay

pay scale

6. extra hours you can work to earn more money


7. study and practice to learn how to do a job

basic training

8. more advanced learning

further study

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  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

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  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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Math these words and phrases from the article with the de finitions.

Come about, gender, majority misconception, prevent (from), significantly stereotype, suit, unlike, value

1) a wrong opinion

2) a very common or typical belief about someone or something

3) male or female

4) much

5) go well with

6) not the same

7) the greater number

8) happen

9) stop

10) think something is important or worth a lot

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Главная » Английский язык » Math these words and phrases from the article with the de finitions. Come about, gender, majority misconception, prevent (from), significantly stereotype, suit, unlike, value 1) a wrong opinion 2) a very common or typical belief about someone or

191 просмотров

Exercise 1 Find words or phrases which go with the following

definitions (the words appear in the text in the same order as the definitions):

About Northern Ireland

Paragraph 2

4) a way of thinking about things

5) to deliberately avoid a person, place or activity

Paragraph 4

6) to form two very different groups that are completely opposite to each other

7) a generalization, not based on specific facts and maybe not completely

correct (2 words)

Text: About Northern Ireland

Great craic, live music and the Ulster fry

Where it is

Northern Ireland is part of the UK but is physically separated from mainland

England, Wales and Scotland by the wild and sometimes treacherous Irish Sea.

Northern Ireland has sea to the north and east, and borders the Republic of Ireland

on the west and south, making it the only UK country with a European border.

Unsurprisingly these physical characteristics affect the mindset of its population,

and it is not unusual to find some people who feel simultaneously a UK citizen, and

Irish citizen and a European citizen. Alternatively, others shun their UK identity and

embrace their Irishness, and many others insist on being ‘British’ and ignore their

Irish neighbours.

In a population of 1.5 million nearly 60% are under 40, making it a country with an

influential youth culture.

Religion and identity

Identity tends to be polarised according to the religious divide – Protestants tend to

see themselves as ‘British’ and part of the UK (except when the Irish rugby team is

in action and allegiance conveniently switches!), and Catholics tend to embrace the

Irish identity and an all-Ireland ethos. As with any such sweeping statement there

are many exceptions to the rule, and Northern Ireland is home to many people of

other religions and cultural identities. There are also a huge number of people from

both the Protestant and Catholic communities who value each other as friends and

fellow citizens, and to whom religion takes a back seat.


In common with the UK, people in Northern Ireland speak English (with a distinctive,

hard to mimic accent). There also exist the lesser-used languages of Irish and

Ulster Scots and many associated cultural activities.

Political devolution

Northern Ireland shares the Westminster government with the UK but has had its

own devolved Assembly, currently suspended, with local control over various issues

including education and arts. The population waits for local politicians to come to

agreement so that the Assembly can be reinstated as independence from

Westminster is valued.


Stereotypical images of Northern Ireland often centre on its troubled and violent

past: bombs, shootings, brutality, along with the more positive: building the Titanic,

the Giants Causeway World Heritage Site, linen industry and musicians such as

Van Morrison and Ash.

Английский язык

10 Май, 18


191 просмотров

  • 0

Match the highlighted words and phrases in the article with the definitions
1 four verbs describing different forms of communication/expressions using technology
2 two expenssions meaning to a)maintain contact and b)not maintain contact with people
3 two phrasal verbs meaning to a)find a person you have not seen in a long time and b)find out some news about them
4 one verb meaning to talk casually or talk on a social

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  • 0


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  • 0

Вынесем 2у получим


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  • 0

выносим за скобки 2ху и 8у:


выносим (у-2)(2ху+8у)

можно еще 2у вынести тогда


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