Find a word or an expression in the passage which means

In 1849 a servant girl wrote home to her brother from Port Adelaide, South Australia: “I have accepted a situation at £20 per annum, so you can tell the servants in your neighbourhood not to stay in England for such wages as from £4 to £8 a year, but come here.” Letters such as these, which were circulated from kitchen to kitchen and from attic to attic in English homes, were the best recruiting agents for the colonies, which were then so desperately in need of young women to serve the pioneers who were trying to create a new life for themselves in their chosen countries. Other girls read about the much better prospects overseas in newspapers and magazines, which also published advertisements giving details of free or assisted passages.

EXERCISE 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as:
a) job (in the passage, as a servant)……………………….
b) for each year……………………..
c) money paid for work – especially unskilled work (plural)…………………….
d) move from place to place, or person to person in a particular group; pass round………………………
e) room at the top of a house in the space immediately below the roof…………………………
f) the finding of new workers………………………..
g) very greatly; seriously………………….
h) one of the first people to go to a new country to work or settle…………………..
i) chance of success, especially in work [plural)………………
j) abroad; in a foreign country across the sea……………..
k) without payment; costing nothing………………………
I) provided with or given help with raising money for something
m) journey by ship from one place to another………………………..

EXERCISE 2: Choose the correct answer according to the passage.
1. Those women who went to the colonies as servants
A) were all recruited through agents back in England
B) missed their families greatly
C) played the most important role in attracting others
D) found themselves being moved from kitchen to kitchen
E) had the pioneering spirit necessary for starting new lives

2. Getting to the colonies from England for the servants
A) could cost as little as £4
B) was essential if they wanted to escape life in English attics
C) was only possible if an agent had recruited them
D) did not pose any financial problem
E) required a written invitation from someone already there

3. It is stated in the passage that
A) no men could get jobs as servants in Australia
B) servants were in great demand for the pioneers establishing new lives
C) English homes were short of servants as so many went overseas
D) the pioneers who went to the colonies were all men
E) emigration from England to Australia started in 1849

EXERCISE 3: Complete the sentences by selecting words from Column B in EXERCISE 1.
1. A person with good qualifications is bound to have brighter……………………….. than someone without
2. The local shops are giving away sets of kitchen knives………………………… with every purchase over £50.
3. The news………………………….. so quickly round the office that by the end of the day, everyone had heard it.
4. Many of the………………………….. had no information as to what difficulties they would face once they arrived in their new land.
5. She……………………………………. wanted a bicycle, and begged her parents day and night for one.


Ex.1: a) situation b) per annum c) wages d) circulate e) attic f) recruiting g) desperately h) pioneer i) prospects j) overseas k) free I) assisted m) passage
Ex.2: İ.C 2.D 3.B
Ex. 3: 1.prospects 3.circulated 4.pioneers 5.desperately


Contracts 2

Look at paragraphs 1 – 6 in the boxes,
and answer the questions that follow them. Some of the words and expressions
appeared in Contracts 1 on pages 13 and 14.


This contract is binding, and we expect all
the parts involved (both
clients and suppliers) to abide
the terms and
stated in sections 3a – 37g on pages 1 – 17.

1. One of the underlined words /
expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. True or false: a contract
which is binding is flexible and can be changed at any time.

3. Two of these words /
expressions could replace abide by. Which ones?

(A) choose
(B) agree with (C) obey (D) change (E) honour


On terminator of this contract, the company will be obliged to return any unused
materials to the supplier within 28 days, unless provision has been made for a temporary extension. If
any of the rules of the contract are broken,
all materials must be returned immediately.

One of the underlined
words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct

True or false: provision has a
similar meaning to arrangement.

Rearrange these letters to make two words which have a similar meaning to

degabtlio          edequrir


The contract was originally verbal, but we’ve finally
managed to get the company to give us something on paper. They say that
this contract is un-negotiable,
but maybe we can persuade them to amend some of the details before we sign on the dotted line.

1. One of the underlined words
/ expressions in the above paragraph is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. True or false: the speaker
thinks that it might be possible for small changes to be made to the contract
before she signs it.

3. Rearrange the letters in bold to make words which have the
same or a similar meaning to verbal in this situation

rola          kosnep


Swillpot Airline Catering Ltd
were sued by Pan-Globe
Airways when they were found to be in
beach of their contract
, specifically that they had failed to comply with clause 27B,
which stated that their food should be «fit for human

1. One of the underlined words /
expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. Find a word or expression
in paragraphs 1 – 3 above which has a similar meaning to comply with in
paragraph 4.

3. True or false: Pan-Globe
Airways are unhappy with Swillpot Airline Catering because they have breached
all of their contractual terms.

4. Both Swillpot Airline
Catering Ltd and Pan-Globe Airways signed the contract. In legal terms, would
we describe the arrangement between the two companies as an offer, an
acceptance or a consideration?


Withers Interiors Ltd have
entered into an agreement
with Sophos Construction to act as sole providers of quality interior
fittings commencing 15
August this year. This is to run for 18 months, with a 3 month period of notification in
the event of cancellation
by either side.

1. One of the underlined words /
expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. Which word in the paragraph
is the closest in meaning to the noun contract?

3. Is this an example of part
of an open-ended contract?

4. True or false: if either
Withers Interiors Ltd or Sophos Construction want to end the contract, they
must tell the other company 3 months before they do it.


This contract recognises the anointment of Mr Alan Wiley
as non-executive Director to the board of AKL Publishing following the
company’s amalgamation
with Berryhill Books. While Mr Wiley may continue to buy shares in the
company, he may not acquire a controlling
, and he may have no professional dealings with any third parties during this

1. One of the underlined words /
expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. True or false: AKL
Publishing recently separated from Berryhill Books.

3. True or false: Mr Wiley can
buy as many shares as he likes in the company.

4. In addition to sitting on
the board of AKL Publishing, how many other companies can Mr Wiley work


Contracts 2 (pages 15 – 16)


 1. part = parties

2. False. A contract which is binding
must be followed exactly, unless both parties agree on a novation

(= a transaction in which a new
contract is agreed)

3. obey and honour


 1. terminator = termination

2. True

3. obligated / required


1. un-negotiable = non-negotiable

2. True (it might be possible to amend
some of the details, or make amendments)

3. oral / spoken


1. in beach of = in breach of

2. abide by (in paragraph 1)

3. False (they breached one part, or

4. A consideration


 1. period of notification = period of notice

2. agreement

3. No, it is part of a fixed-term (in
his case, 18 months) contract

4. True (in other words, if either
party cancels the contract early, they will still have to honour the terms of

contract for 3 months, unless there was
less than 3 months to run on the contract)


1. anointment = appointment

2. False (they amalgamated, or joined
with, Berryhill Books)

3. False (he cannot buy more than 50%
of the company’s shares – a controlling interest – otherwise he will be able
to decide how the company is run)

4. None (he can have no professional
dealings with third parties, i.e. companies other than AKL Publishing)

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