Find a word given the definition of

89 просмотров

Тесты…. помогите пжлста

Find the word corresponding to the given definition. The sale of goods in shops for customers, for their own use, not for resale.





Choose the right translation: “поставщик”





Choose the right translation: “быть точным”

to be certain

to be specific about smth

to be sure

to be based on sth

Choose the right translation: “бедность”





Choose the right translation: “быть в обращении”

to be in circulation

open check

to be available now

at a discout

Choose the right translation: “частная собственность”

public property

state property

private property

property ownership

Choose the right translation: “взаимодействовать”

to manage

to interact

to lead

to direct

Choose the right translation: “indemnity”



гарантия возмещения убытков


Choose the right translation: “банковский отчет”

bank transaction

savings bank

bank transfert

bank statement

Choose the right translation: “distribution”





Choose the right translation: “сталкиваться с трудностями”

to have difficulties

to collect difficulties

to face difficulties

to avoid difficulties

Английский язык


(424 баллов)

15 Апр, 18


89 просмотров

The symbols that a computer uses to represent facts and ideas.

The words, numbers, and graphics used as the basis for human actions
and decisions.

Tasks performed by the project team whose goal is to produce a list
of requirements for a new or revised information system.

A computer system that collects, stores, and processes information,
usually within the context of an organization.

A computer professional responsible for analyzing requirements,
designing information systems, and supervising the implementation of
new information systems.

5. Answer the questions.

What is the difference between data and information?

Do you agree that data becomes information when it is presented in
format that people can understand and use?

How may data be processed?

What makes information useful?

Do computer systems remain vulnerable to the entry by humans of
invalid data?

Text d: System Analyst

A system analyst designs new IT solutions to improve business
efficiency and productivity. Working closely with the client,
analysts examine existing business models and flows of data, discuss
their findings with the client, and design an appropriate improved IT
solution. They produce outline designs and costing of new IT systems,
specifying the operations the system will perform, and the way data
will be viewed by the user, present their design to the client and,
once it is approved, work closely with the client team to implement
the solution.

work activities
Work activities depend on specific type of IT system and the size and
nature of the organization, but typically involve:

  • liaising
    extensively with clients, presenting proposals to them;

  • analyzing
    clients’ existing systems;

  • translating
    client requirements into highly specified project briefs;

  • identifying
    options for potential solutions and assessing them;

  • drawing
    up specific proposals for modified or replacement systems;

  • producing
    project feasibility reports;

  • working
    closely with developers and a variety of end users;

  • ensuring
    that budgets are adhered to and deadlines met;

  • drawing
    up a testing schedule for the complete system;

  • overseeing
    the implementation of a new system;

  • planning
    and working flexibly to a deadline;

  • writing
    user manuals and providing training to users of a new system.

1. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

A system analyst investigates the requirements of a business or
organization, its

and its customers in order to plan and implement new or improved
computer services.

The job of a system analyst doesn’t require the ability to identify
problems and

technical solutions.

Good communication skills are essential for interacting with managers
and other


Depending on the organization and its size, he or she might also be
called a systems

a systems engineer, an information analyst, or a business analyst.

A system analyst doesn’t have to determine which people and what
kind of

hardware, and monetary resources are necessary or available to solve


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1. something that can be seen – visible — то, что можно увидеть — видимое
2. very good at noticing things – eagle-eyed — очень хорош в замечании вещей — проницательный
3. tending to make a lot of mistakes – mistake-prone — имеет склонность совершить много ошибок — склонность к ошибкам
4. very obvious – glaring — очень очевидный — вопиющий
5. a feeling of slight pain or of being physically uncomfortable – discomfort — ощущение легкой боли или физическое неудобство — дискомфорт
6. able to make mistakes or be wrong – fallible — способность ошибаться или быть неправым — ошибочно
7. someone who has different ideas and ways of behaving from other people – maverick — кто-то, у кого другие идеи и способы поведения от других людей – независимо мыслящий, крайний индивидуалист
8. someone who insists on every detail being right – stickler for detail — кто-то, кто настаивает на том, чтобы каждая деталь была правдоподобной – быть требовательным к деталям
9. someone who is interested in films and knows a lot about them – film buff — кто-то, кто интересуется фильмами и много знает о них – любитель кино (киноман)
10. a sudden feeling that you want to do or have something, especially when there is no particular reason – whim — внезапное чувство, что вы хотите что-то сделать или что-то особенное, особенно когда нет особых причин — прихоть
11. a large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion – term feast — большая еда, в которой много людей празднуют особое событие – пир, праздник

Last update on August 19 2022 21:51:40 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

NLTK corpus: Exercise-6 with Solution

Write a Python NLTK program to find the definition and examples of a given word using WordNet.

From Wikipedia,
WordNet is a lexical database for the English language. It groups English words into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides short definitions and usage examples, and records a number of relations among these synonym sets or their members. WordNet can thus be seen as a combination of dictionary and thesaurus. While it is accessible to human users via a web browser, its primary use is in automatic text analysis and artificial intelligence applications. The database and software tools have been released under a BSD style license and are freely available for download from the WordNet website. Both the lexicographic data (lexicographer files) and the compiler (called grind) for producing the distributed database are available.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

from nltk.corpus import wordnet 
syns = wordnet.synsets("fight")
print("Defination of the said word:")
print("nExamples of the word in use::")

Sample Output:

Defination of the said word:
a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war

Examples of the word in use::
['Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga', 'he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement']

Have another way to solve this solution? Contribute your code (and comments) through Disqus.

Previous: Write a Python NLTK program to omit some given stop words from the stopwords list.
Next: Write a Python NLTK program to find the sets of synonyms and antonyms of a given word.

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Python: Tips of the Day

Casts the provided value as a list if it’s not one:


def tips_cast(val):
  return list(val) if isinstance(val, (tuple, list, set, dict)) else [val]

print(tips_cast(('foo', 'bar')))


['foo', 'bar']

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Match the words(1-6) with the definitions (a-f)
1. Lecture
2. Tutorial
3. Graduate
4. Vocational
5. Seminar
6. Campus
A) connected with the skills you need to do a particular job
B) a lesson with a teacher and a small group of students
C) the area where you can find the main university buildings
D) a talk given by a university teacher to students
E) to get a degree from a university
F) a lesson with a teacher and only one or two students

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