Find a suitable word or collocation for each definition a person


Exercise 11. Find a suitable definition for each word in the right column.
1. a person who is a member of a particular country a. court
2. a large group of people b. legal advice
3. a body of rules supported by the power of government с law
4. things that people own d. a government
5. advice from a lawyer e. justice
6. to work or act together f. to cooperate
7. the people who rule g. a society
8. the quality of being just h. property
9. what we do every day i. to ensure
a room or building in which law cases are heard j. a citizen
to make certain k. everyday activities

1 ответ:



1j   2g   3c   4h   5b   6f   7d   8e   9k   10a  11i    

Читайте также

Население — population, поколение — generation, принять Конституцию — adopt the Constitution, сделать поправки — make amendments, федеральная система правления — federal system of government, полномочия — powers, полиция — police, закон — law, состоять из — conist of, исполнительная власть — executive power, палата — chamber, представитель — representative, глава — head , определять — define, простираться —  stretch.
Task V. 
The defendant was associated with the crime. Обвиняемый участвовал в  преступлении. 
The suspect will be arrested tomorrow. Подозревамый будет арестован завтра

Task VI. 
1.  A great part of work is devoted (by the police) to finding missing and wanted persons.
2.  The guilt of the suspect has been proved by the investigating officers.
3.  Sufficient physical evidence was presented by the witnesses.
4.  The suspect is being looked for by the police.
5.  The connection of the criminal with the offense  was proved (by them).

Task VII. 
1. The fingerprints were identified yesterday.
2. Proofs are usually found on the crime scene 
3. The fact of the crime was established by the court. 
4. The guilt of the accused has already been proved.
Task VIII. 
1 Незначительное правонарушение было совершено этим молодымчеловеком. A venial offence has been commited by this young man.
2 Эти законопроекты будут обсуждаться завтра в парламенте.These draft laws will be discussed in the parliament tomorrow. 
3 Обвиняемый всегда допрашивается следователем.The accused is always being interrogated by the investigator.
4 Премьер-министр уже назначен.The Prime Minister has been appointed already. 

4. 1)b
3) b
3. 1) b

I have a lot of hobbies because there are so many interesting things to do.

Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student that’s why I have to study a lot.

I like doing different things.

Such as reading detective novels, engage in courses to learn knitting, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates.

But my favourite hobby is solving crossword puzzles.

It’s not only interesting, but also useful.

When you try to solve the puzzle, you find out and learn a lot of different facts.

Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on.

You also train your brain.

There are different types of crossword puzzles.

They are Scandinavian, English, Hun­garian, Japanese, ordinary.

The crosswords are published in news­papers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords.

I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting.

All the members of our family like to take part in solving puzzles, and this unites us very much.

Look! There are new subjects in our timetable

1) play
2) didn’t cook
3) went
4) dance
5) traveled
1) copy-copied-copied
2) revise-revised-revised
3) cycle-cycled-cycled
4) listen-listened-listened
5) practice-practiced-practiced
6) play-played-played
7) like-liked-liked
8) move-moved-moved
9) shout-shoited-shouted
10) start-started-started
1) Did you like the film?
2) How many people did you ask?
3) Did they have a good time?
4) What did we do at the weekend?
5) Where did she buy that DVD?
6) Did he go to party on Saturday?
7) Who did you see yesterday?
1) Did he go to school yesterday?
2) Why did you go to home early?
3) Where did you learn English?
4) Did she work today?
5) What do you do this yesterday?

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Collocations for «suitable»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «suitable» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. is (not) suitable for use [in, by, as]
  2. [should, will] be suitable for my [needs, demands, purposes]
  3. [should] will be suitable as a [replacement, substitute, alternative]
  4. need (to find) a suitable [replacement]
  5. suitable and [sufficient, adequate, appropriate, available, effective]
  6. find a suitable place [for, to put]
  7. is a suitable [candidate, target] for
  8. [whether, if] this material is suitable for
  9. is suitable only for
  10. (not) suitable for [children, the under-fives, adults]
  11. suitable for [vegetarians, vegans, diabetics]
  12. (film is) suitable for [all audiences, audiences of all ages]
  13. [artwork, certificate] (is) suitable for framing
  14. [particularly, potentially, equally] suitable
  15. I hope you will find [this room, the accommodation] suitable
  16. is (much) more suitable than
  17. [need to, able to] find something more suitable
  18. [saving it, waiting] for a more suitable moment
  19. [waiting for, could have chosen] a more suitable moment (to)

suitable‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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