Financial modelling in excel download

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Описание характеристик финансовой экспресс-модели от 5 параметров:

  • Простейшая финмодель для быстрого расчета Вашего бизнес-проекта — носит универсальный характер;
  • Данная финмодель помимо представления в EXCEL, имеет онлайн-реализацию;
  • Горизонт моделирования неограничен и периодизация может быть ежемесячной, ежеквартальной или ежегодной;
  • Доходная часть задается в денежном представлении с динамикой в виде прироста по правилам линейной прогрессии, начинающейся с заданной суммы дохода в начальный период;
  • Себестоимость задается через процент рентабельности (маржинальности);
  • Переменные расходы задаются единым процентом от дохода;
  • Постоянные расходы задаются единой суммой за период.

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Простая финансовая модель с 10-тью параметрами и с расчетом IRR, NPV, PBP, ROI и т.п.

Простая финмодель от 10 параметров и с расчетом IRR, NPV, PBP, ROI и т.п.

Баланс, прибыль и деньги. Взаимосвязь трех форм финансовой отчетности BS PL CF

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Курс обучения финансовому моделированию в Excel. Часть1

Курс обучения финансовому моделированию в Excel. Часть1



A Financial Model Template is the summary of a company’s performance, based on certain variables, which calculates the future performance of a business. This type of forecast is established on the company’s historical performance and makes predictions about the future. Financial Model Templates require preparing an income statement, balance sheet, cashflow statement, and supporting schedules (also known as a 3-statement model). Once completed, more sophisticated types of models can be built such as discounted cash flow analysis (DCF Model), leveraged buyout (LBO), mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and sensitivity analysis.

What are Financial Model Templates used for?

Financial Model Templates are used for decision making and performing financial analysis. Within companies, executive use financial models to make decisions about the following:
1. Raising capital, debt, or equity
2. Acquiring businesses or assets
3. Expanding the business organically
4. Selling or divesting assets and business units
5. Budgeting and forecasting
6. Capital allocation
7. Valuing a business
8. Financial statement (ratio) analysis
9. Management accounting

Why is using a Financial Model Template beneficial?

Using a Financial Model Template is quick, easy, and gives you your desired results. Building a Financial Model from scratch can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t know where to begin. Instead, using a template is an attractive option because it requires a much lower initial investment of time and money rather than it would to build your own model.

The Most Common Types of Financial Models

1. The Three Statement Financial Model

This is the simplest form of financial modeling and is comprised of three different kinds of financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement, all of which use dynamic formulas within Excel. The key idea behind the Three Statement Financial Model is that all three will be interconnected, and the input assumptions can prompt changes within the entire model. A sound basis of core finance, accounting and Excel skills are fundamental to linking these statements together.

2. DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) Model

The DCF model takes the Three Statement Financial Model further in order to estimate a company’s value. This is done using the NPV (Net Present Value) of a business’ future cash flow.

Slight alterations are made to the Cash Flow Statement from the Three Statement Financial Model before the XNPV function in Excel is applied, discounting them back to the company’s present day WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital).
Financial models of this kind are primarily used in capital markets and equity research.

3. M&A Models

These are more technical forms of financial models whose aim is to analyse the finances of both mergers and acquisitions, focussing on evaluating its pro forma accretion or dilution. Each of the companies is often represented within a single tab to fit with the idea that Company 1 + Company 2 = Merged company. This kind of model is commonly used in investment banking and corporate development with varying levels of complexity.

4. IPO (Initial Public Offering) Models

IPO models are often built by investment bankers and corporate development professionals before a business goes public in order to estimate its value. These models are based on assumptions of how much investors would be ready to pay for a given company. Within the model, the valuation also includes what is known as an “IPO discount” which is designed to make sure that stocks trade well on the secondary market.

5. LBO (Leveraged Buyout Model)

This is another form of advanced financial modeling which focusses on modeling complex debt schedules. These models are often some of the most difficult and detailed models to create with many intricate layers and circular references as well as the cash flow waterfalls. These models are again most common in private equity and investment banking.

6. Sum of the Parts Models

These models are created by combining numerous different DCF models. Once these have been added together, different elements of a business that may not have been suitable for DCF analysis are then added to the business’ value. As such, this model is a sum of the different elements of a business, its investments and liabilities in order to arrive at the Net Asset Value for the business.

7. Consolidation Models

These models are a combination of various business units within one single model. Each of these business units is typically represented within a single tab. These tabs are then culminated within a consolidation tab which acts as a sum of all the different business units. These models are often similar to the Sum of the Parts models.

8. Budget Model

These kinds of financial models are frequently used by professionals in FP&A (Financial Planning & Analysis) in order to establish a business’ budget for the next year or years. Much of the budget model is heavily based on the information within the business’ income statement and is typically designed to display monthly or quarterly figures.

9. Forecasting Model

Again, these models are often used in FP&A as a means of building forecast estimations that can then be used in comparison and conjunction with the budget model. Budget models and forecasting models are sometimes seen within the same workbook but can also be completely separated from one another.

10. Option Pricing Model

These models are frequently found in two forms: binominal tree models and Black-Scholes models. They are a fairly uncomplicated calculators within Excel as they are based solely on mathematical models.

To find out more about Financial model templates

Financial Modeling

Business Model vs. Financial Model

Benefits of Financial Modeling Course


What is Finance?

Finance can be defined as the term describing two major intertwined activities:

  1. the management of money as an asset
  2. the process of finding necessary funds for projects

Funding is key for all major stakeholders in an economy: individuals, corporations and governments. This is what explains the classical division of the discipline into:

  1. Personal Finance
  2. Corporate Finance
  3. Public Finance

Major activities in Finance, for all of the three categories above include: investing in value-added projects, obtaining the cheapest credit possible, the allocation of funds to back up liabilities and making these operations happen (ie: banking).

More on finance on Investopedia here

Why is Finance key for organizations?

Successful Finance Management is one of the key pillars for a healthy organization. The discipline uses a number of financial instruments (eg: loans, investments, securities) to answer an organization’s financial needs. Good financial management and funding helps organizations fund the assets necessary for their growth (i.e: labor, machinery, equipment, services etc.). Keeping an eye on key financial indicators and using the right financial instruments, tools and strategies is at the heart of an organizations life, survival and expansion. Finance functions can either be in-house, outsourced, used on a temporary basis (Consulting) or, most often, a combination of the three.

How can you get a job in Finance?

Landing a Finance job isn’t easy, as having and using with success the right knowledge is a pre-requisite.

Possible paths to land a job in Finance are:

  • o Getting an MBA, Bachelors or Master Degree in Finance
  • o Statutory Courses validated by official authorities
  • o Chartered Accountants
  • o Cost & Management Accountants
  • o Specialized Finance Courses
  • o CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)
  • o CFP (Chartered Financial Planner)
  • o Economics Courses
  • o Statistics Courses
  • o CAIA (Chartered Alternate Investment Analyst)
  • o Financial Risk Manager
  • o Financial Modeling and Investment Banking Programs (Offline or Online)

More on getting a Job in Finance on Quora here

How can I acquire the skills and tools used in Finance?

Most Finance professionals, on top of their knowledge, have a set of tools they use for their daily or exceptional operations. They either build them themselves from scratch based on their expertise and experience of a large or specific sector or they use ready-made tools provided by their firm, colleagues or online web-sites.

Eloquens is in this last category, as an intermediary between financial tool authors and financial tool users, with the objective of helping finance professionals building on each other’s work instead of having to reinvent the wheel every time. You will find below, for download and open discussion a number of excel financial models and methodologies by world-class academics, experts and professionals.

To find out more about Finance in general


What is Finance?

Название: Financial Modeling in Excel For Dummies
Автор: Danielle Stein Fairhurst
Издательство: For Dummies
Год: 2017
Страниц: 336
Формат: PDF, EPUB, AZW3
Размер: 21 Mb
Язык: English

Make informed business decisions with the beginner’s guide to financial modeling using Microsoft Excel
Financial Modeling in Excel For Dummies is your comprehensive guide to learning how to create informative, enlightening financial models today. Not a math whiz or an Excel power-user? No problem! All you need is a basic understanding of Excel to start building simple models with practical hands-on exercises. Before you know it, you’ll be modeling your way to optimized profits for your business in no time. Excel is powerful, user-friendly, and is most likely already installed on your computer—which is why it has so readily become the most popular financial modeling software. This book shows you how to harness Excel’s capabilities to determine profitability, develop budgetary projections, model depreciation, project costs, value assets, and more. You’ll learn the fundamental best practices and know-how of financial modeling, and how to put them to work for your business and your clients. You’ll learn the tools and techniques that bring insight out of the numbers and make better business decisions based on quantitative evidence. You’ll discover that financial modeling is an invaluable resource for your business, and you’ll wonder why you’ve waited this long to learn how!

Companies around the world use financial modeling for decision making, to steer strategy, and to develop solutions. This book walks you through the process with clear, expert guidance that assumes little prior knowledge.

Learn the six crucial rules to follow when building a successful financial model
Discover how to review and edit an inherited financial model and align it with your business and financial strategy
Solve client problems, identify market projections, and develop business strategies based on scenario analysis
Create valuable customized templates models that can become a source of competitive advantage
From multinational corporations to the mom-and-pop corner store, there isn’t a business around that wouldn’t benefit from financial modeling. No need to buy expensive specialized software—the tools you need are right there in Excel. Financial Modeling in Excel For Dummies gets you up to speed quickly so you can start reaping the benefits today!



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&quote;I’ve worked with simulation in business for over 20 years, and Allman really nails it with this book. I admit that I own his previous book on structured finance cash flows, but I was surprised by what I found in here. He addresses the fundamental questions of how decision makers react to simulations and his read was very much in accordance with what I’ve experienced myself. When it came to the nuts and bolts of describing the different types of simulation analysis the book becomes incredibly detailed. There is working code and models for a fantastic array of the most common simulation problems. If you’re so inclined, the book very carefully steps through the tricky math needed to really understand the theory behind stochastic modeling in finance. If you’re preparing models that include any kind of randomization or stochastic modeling component, this book is a must-read, a tremendous value and time-saver.&quote; David Brode of The Brode Group A practical guide to understanding and implementing financial simulation modeling As simulation techniques become more popular among the financial community and a variety of sub-industries, a thorough understanding of theory and implementation is critical for practitioners involved in portfolio management, risk management, pricing, and capital budgeting. Financial Simulation Modeling in Excel contains the information you need to make the most informed decisions possible in your professional endeavors. Financial Simulation Modeling in Excel contains a practical, hands-on approach to learning complex financial simulation methodologies using Excel and VBA as a medium. Crafted in an easy to understand format, this book is suitable for anyone with a basic understanding of finance and Excel. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, each chapter takes you through the theory behind a simulation topic and the implementation of that same topic in Excel/VBA in a step-by-step manner. Organized in an easy-to-follow fashion, this guide effectively walks you through the process of creating and implementing risk models in Excel A companion website contains all the Excel models risk experts and quantitative analysts need to practice and confirm their results as they progress Keith Allman is the author of other successful modeling books, including Corporate Valuation Modeling and Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel Created for those with some background in finance and experience in Excel, this reliable resource shows you how to effectively perform sound financial simulation modeling, even if you’ve yet to do extensive modeling up to this point in your professional or academic career.


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Читатель! Мы искренне надеемся, что ты решил читать книгу «Financial Simulation Modeling in Excel» Allman Keith A. (EN) по зову своего сердца. С невероятной легкостью, самые сложные ситуации, с помощью иронии и юмора, начинают восприниматься как вполнерешаемые и легкопреодолимые. Главный герой моментально вызывает одобрение и сочувствие, с легкостью начинаешь представлять себя не его месте и сопереживаешь вместе с ним. С помощью намеков, малозначимых деталей постепенно вырастает главное целое, убеждая читателя в реальности прочитанного. В заключении раскрываются все загадки, тайны и намеки, которые были умело расставлены на протяжении всей сюжетной линии. Не остаются и без внимания сквозные образы, появляясь в разных местах текста они великолепно гармонируют с основной линией. Загадка лежит на поверхности, а вот ключ к отгадке едва уловим, постоянно ускользает с появлением все новых и новых деталей. Запутанный сюжет, динамически развивающиеся события и неожиданная развязка, оставят гамму положительных впечатлений от прочитанной книги. Через виденье главного героя окружающий мир в воображении читающего вырисовывается ярко, красочно и невероятно красиво. Чувствуется определенная особенность, попытка выйти за рамки основной идеи и внести ту неповторимость, благодаря которой появляется желание вернуться к прочитанному. Темы любви и ненависти, добра и зла, дружбы и вражды, в какое бы время они не затрагивались, всегда остаются актуальными и насущными. «Financial Simulation Modeling in Excel» Allman Keith A. (EN) читать бесплатно онлайн будет интересно не всем, но истинные фаны этого стиля останутся вполне довольны.

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