Fill the missing word there are three words you do not need to use march

Помогите пожалуйста! Очень нужно!
A Vocabulary Fill in the missing word/phrase. There are three answers you do not need to use.
• march • raised • strong • life • display • bright • street • spare • contest • make • feel • transformed • return
1 Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ………..idea!
2 Why don’t you take part in the cooking … I’m sure you’ll be the winner!
3 If you see a spider, … sure you
don’t kill it; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.
4 We always sing Christmas carols during the
holidays, as it is a … tradition in my family.
5 Over the years, this organisation has ………………..a lot of money for different local
1 Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ………..idea!
2 Why don’t you take part in the cooking ? I’m sure you’ll be the winner!
If you see a spider, sure you
don’t kill it; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.
4 We always sing Christmas carols during the
holidays, as it is a tradition in my family.
5 Over the years, this organisation has ………………..a lot of money for different local charities.


 The night sky
burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks ………………began.


 Henry really
enjoyed the opportunity to
experience …………………….  as a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.


It’s amazing how the town residents have …………………..the local square into an open-air theatre for next week’s
music festival.


children were thrilled to see Disney floats at  this year’s colourful …………… parade.


Take a……………………….. change
of warm clothes with
you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at

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Spotlight 9Module 1Тест 9 класс

Вариант 1


A   Fill in the missing words. There are three words you do not need to use.














  1. If you see a spider, ….. sure you don’t kill it ; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.
  2. Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …. As a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.
  3. We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a …. Tradition in my family
  4. It’s amazing how the town residents have ….. the local square into an open-air theatre for next week/s music festival.
  5. The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful …..parade
  6. The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks …. Began.
  7. Over the years, this organization has …. A lot of money for different local charities.
  8. Why don’t you take part in the cooking …. ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!
  9. Take a …. Change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.
  10. Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ….. idea.  

B     Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition for, of, with and in.

  1. Are you interested ___ going to a fancy dress party tonight?
  2. Bill’s tired ___ doing the same thing for his birthday every year.
  3. Don’t tell me you still believe ___ Santa Clause!
  4. Are you pleased ___ the decorations we have chosen?
  5. The reason ___ this meeting is to talk about the school festival.
  6. My little brother is afraid ___ the load noise that fireworks make when they go off.
  7. Everyone was [leased ___ the success of the Arts Festival
  8. She is interested ___ learning more about traditional celebrations.
  9. The Toronto Film Festival is famous ___ appearances by major Hollywood stars.
  10. The road was crowded ___ cars and buses heading for the festival


C    Underline the correct tense

  1. The film starts / has started at 22:00 pm. We must be at the cinema by 21:30.
  2. Are you doing / Do you do anything special tonight ?
  3. Marion al allergic to dairy products. She hasn’t eaten / hasn’t been eating chocolate for years.
  4. Sue has been working / is working for this company for ten years now.
  5. Daniel thinks / is thinking about moving to a bigger house in the countryside.
  6. You look / are looking very pale. Is everything OK ?
  7. Ivan has danced / has been dancing ever since the concert started. Is it nice?

D      Join the sentences with where, who, when and whose

  1. The best time to visit Scotland is on New Year’s Eve. Hogmanay takes place then.

           The best time to visit Scotland Is on New Year’S Eve…..

  1. I’ve been studying all day. That’s why I’m very tired.

           I’ve been studying all day

E    Fill in the gaps with where, who, when and whose

  1. December 25th , _____ Christmas takes place , is also my parents’ anniversary.
  2. The costume ___ George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.
  3. Lyn is the girl ____ is having the party on Friday.
  4. John,____ brother is a clown, is throwing a costume party next week.
  5. Perugia, ____ the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year, is a city in central Italy.


F Choose the correct response

  1. We lost the match.
  2. That’s very bad luck
  3. Good luck!
  4. What a nice party!
  5. I lost my keys on Friday the 13th.
  1. What a coincidence
  2. Better luck next time.
  3. Don’t talk rubbish.
  4. Thanks. I’m glad you think so.
  5. Thanks. I’ll need it.


G Read the text am mark the sentences 1 – True , 2 – False , 3 – Not stated

Hanami A Flowering Celebration!

The beginning of spring (March-April) is a very special time in Japan, because this is whenJapan’s famous cherry trees come into flower.

The Japanese celebrate this happy time withfestivals and flower-viewing parties.

At the end of winter, everyone’s excitement starts to grow.

The whole country wants to knowthe exact day when the cherry flowers (‘sakura’) will appear.

Starting in February, weathermen try to guess when this day will be.

When the first flowers open on the trees, national joy breaks out!There are rides and gamesfour children in the street, music and dance perfomances, tea ceremonies, flower displays, and much more. But the most special thing that people do at this time is have ‘hanami’parties.

hanami means flower watching.Hanami means flower watching/ In hanami parties, families and friends take a picnicand go and sit under a cherry tree to look at and admire the flowers. Hanami parties takeplace during the daytime and also at night, because when it is dark, lights light up the cherrytrees.

Hanami is very important to the Japanese. Cherry blossoms appear on trees for only oneweek before they fall to the ground and die, and for the Japanese this symbolises the shortnature of childhood and life.

So hanami is a time when Japanese people like to think abouthow important life is.

  1. Spring is the Japanese people’s favourite time of year
  2. When the cherry flowers appear, people hope for long lives.
  3. The cherry flowers do not stay on the trees for very long
  4. Hanami takes place a week after the cherry trees blossom.
  5. It is not easy for now not know the day the cherry flowers with open

Spotlight Test 8 (Module 8) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 8 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе 9 класс» для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций (авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение).

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.A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
David carries most of his camping supplies in his …..• rucksack •…….
I don’t think we’re going in the right direction; according to the ……• map •……. we should be heading south.
Your ankle looks swollen; are you sure you haven’t ….. • sprained •……. it?
It was a …… • total •……. miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury, as she was not expected to ever walk again.
Jack has a …… • bump •…… on his leg because he broke it skateboarding.
Everyone should have a …… • first aid kit •…….. in their homes, as small injuries or accidents can happen at any time.
Helen Keller not only managed to ….. • face •……. her own challenges, but she also helped and inspired many other people with disabilities.
John’s eye was badly ……. • bruised •…….. when he was accidentally hit by the ball during baseball practice.
It’s amazing that Mike ……. • survived •…….. the skydiving accident; he fell 1000 metres when his parachute failed to open and just broke his leg!

В. Underline the correct item.
10 Tim climbed up the tree and recovered/rescued the kitten.
Experts say that ointment/sunscreen should be used daily if we are out in the sun longer than 10 minutes.
Why is Alicia wearing a(n) sling/ice-pack on her arm? Did she break it?
Sarah found a(n) harmed/injured bird and took it to the vet.
He decided to go surfing instead of/besides rock climbing.


.C. Rewrite the sentences into reported speech.
15 “Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?” Joan asked Sam.
Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign country.
“Don’t be late for dinner,” Mum told me.
Mum told me not to be late for dinner.
“We can’t go whitewater rafting this weekend,” James and Lilly said.
James and Lilly said that they couldn’t go whitewater rafting that weekend.
“Andrew took up trekking three years ago,” Liz said.
Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three years before.
“Mark will begin kitesurfing lessons in summer,” Lee said.
Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons in summer.
«The children are going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow,” Sandy told me.
Sandy told me that the children were going on a roller coaster ride the next/the following day.

.D. Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech using the verbs in brackets.
e.g. «I think you should see a doctor about that cut on your leg,” Cynthia said to Sam. (advised) Cynthia advised Sam to see a doctor about that cut on his leg.
“I can’t be at basketball practice because I broke my arm,” Bill said, (explained)
Bill explained that he couldn’t be at basketball practice because he had broken his arm.
“I will not pay for your skydiving lessons, Tom,” Anne said, (refused)
Anne refused to pay for Tom’s skydiving lessons.
“I’ll help you with your application form,” Mary said to Sarah, (offered)
Mary offered to help Sarah with her application form.
“Don’t play with that pen knife, children,” Dad said, (warned)
Dad warned the children not to play with the pen knife.
“My throat’s feeling sore,” Jennifer said, (complained)
Jennifer complained that her throat was feeling sore.

.E. Underline the correct item.
26 Can you tell James that there’s someone/anyone on the phone for him?
27 Everyone
/Someone in the trekking club loves extreme sports.
Researchers come from everywhere/nowhere to explore Antarctica.
There is something/nothing wrong with your wrist; it’s not even swollen.
Helping out at the animal shelter is so easy that anyone/no one can do it.

.F. Fill in the appropriate question tag.
31 Mike likes extreme sports, …… doesn’t he……..?
Henry has never been kitesurfing, ….. has he…..?
It was an inspiring story, …… wasn’t it…….?
A compass always points to the north, ……doesn’t it…..?
Let’s apply for the volunteer position, ……shall we….?

Everyday English

.G. Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase.
• Oh, dear! What happened? • Ouch! That hurt! • Oh, that’s good. • Get well soon. • Yes, it really hurts. • Hmm … I don’t know.
A: You got a very bad sunburn at the beach.
B: Yes, it really hurts.
A: My karate teacher says I’ve made a lot of improvement.
B: Oh, that’s good.
A: What do you think about us joining an extreme sports club?
B: Hmm … I don’t know.
A: John’s in hospital with a broken leg.
B: Oh dear! What happened?
A: I’ve been under the weather for the past few days.
B: Get well soon.


.H. Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated).
Aim for the stars!
Richard Branson is one of England’s most successful businessmen. He has started more than 360 businesses, built up a personal fortune of more than £3 billion, and is the 20th richest person in Britain today. Not bad for a man who still couldn’t read at the age of eight, and for whom school wasn’t just a challenge — it was a nightmare.
Richard Branson has dyslexia — a condition which makes it very difficult to learn to read, write and spell correctly. Doctors say that about 10% of the population has dyslexia. However, when Richard was young, no one from his school or family environment realised the sort of problems he was trying to deal with when it came to reading and writing properly. Back then, people didn’t know that dyslexia was a learning disorder. Everyone just thought people with dyslexia were not very clever.
Richard was embarrassed by the problems he had with his schoolwork, and had a very difficult time in school. But he was determined not to let his learning disability prevent him from succeeding in life. So, he concentrated on his other qualities such as his creativity, as well as his ability to inspire people and make them enthusiastic about trying their best. And by doing so, he found great success.
Richard says that dyslexia is a challenge, but it is also a gift. People who have dyslexia have to deal with many challenges and often experience and see the world in a different way. He adds that the ability to see things differently is a great advantage in life.
‘My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently impossible challenges and trying to achieve them’, he says. Richard shows that we should all aim for the stars!

  • 41. At the age of eight, Richard was having bad dreams about school. — Ns
  • 42. Richard’s teachers understood that he had learning difficulties. — F
  • 43. Richard had to see a special doctor about his learning disorder. — Ns
  • 44. Richard has a talent for encouraging others to do well in something. — T
  • 45. Richard enjoys trying to achieve goals that seem hopeless. — T


.I. Listen to some people talking about facing challenges and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).
A The speaker likes setting him/herself new goals. — 49 Speaker 4
В The speaker believes that being hopeful is the key to overcoming challenges. — 50 Speaker 5
C The speaker challenges him/herself to overcome his/her fears. — 46 Speaker 1
D The speaker did something that he/she didn’t think he/she could do. — 48 Speaker 3
E The speaker overcame his/her problem with the help of family and friends. — 47 Speaker 2

Вы смотрели: Spotlight Test 8 (Module 8) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 8 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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Spotlight 9 Test 1 (Module 1) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 1 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение, 2013.


A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

1 Over the years, this organisation has …………….a lot of money for different local charities. (• raised)

2 If you see a spider, …………….sure you don’t kill it; I’ve heard it’s bad luck. (• make)

3 The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks…………….began. (• display)

4 Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …………….. as a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month. (• life)

5 Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a………… idea! (• bright)

6 We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a…………….tradition in my family. (• strong)

7 Why don’t you take part in the cooking ……………….? I’m sure you’ll be the winner! (• contest)

8 It’s amazing how the town residents have …………….the local square into an open-air theatre for next week’s music festival. (• transformed)

9 Take a…………….change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night. (• spare)

10 The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful……………..parade. (• street)

 В Underline the correct item.

11 Annabel always makes a wish before she blows out / lets off the candles on her birthday cake.

12 Bob and Sue always exchange / receive gifts with each other on Christmas Eve.

13 Many people in the US dress up / decorate their Christmas trees with popcorn.

14 The Nice Carnival is a winter event which invites / attracts millions of festival-goers to France each year.

15 The Tulip Festival takes place every May and is one of Holland’s most popular monthly / annual events.

16 Please remind / remember me to call Linda tonight. I forgot to tell her about the costume party on Saturday.

17 Are Rosie and Sue winning / entering the school’s singing competition this year?

18 Everyone at the party made / took a toast to Lisa and wished her a Happy Birthday.

19 In many countries around the world, people throw / pull streamers and dance in the streets to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

20 Don’t expect the children to wait patiently / slowly for the treasure hunt to begin; they’re too excited!

C Choose the correct answer.

21 Georgia ……. many fancy dress costumes. Why don’t you borrow one from her for tonight’s party? A is having В has C has had

22 …….stunning costumes they’re wearing! A What В How C What a

23 That dress …….. great on Maria; pink is really her colour. A is looking В has been looking C looks

24 The children…….in the garden all morning; that’s why their clothes are dirty. A have played В have been playing C play

25 The Prague Spring International Music Festival ……. in the middle of May and lasts for about two weeks. A starts В is starting C has started

26 Has Mark found time to buy a costume for the Halloween party……..? A just В now C yet

27 Kate has not walked under a ladder……she heard it was bad luck. A for В since C ago

28 Why …….. this cheese? Is there something wrong with it? A you are smelling В do you smell C are you smelling

29 My brother…….. plays April Fool’s jokes on people because he doesn’t want to embarrass them. A usually В sometimes C never

30 Janet …… about taking part in the Mardi Gras parade next week. A think В is thinking C thinks

D Fill in: when, who, which, where, whose.

31 John …….whose………. brother is a clown, is throwing a costume party next week.

32 December 25th, ….when……. Christmas takes place, is also my parents’ anniversary.

33 Perugia, …….where…….. the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year, is a city in central Italy.

34 Lyn is the girl ……who…… is having the party on Friday.

35 The costume …….which……. George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.

 Everyday English

 E Choose the correct response.

36 I’m a bit anxious about something.   C What’s the matter?

37 I found 20 pounds in the street!   D Lucky you!

38 Oh, no! There’s a huge spider in the bath!   A It’s alright. It’s quite harmless.

39 I didn’t do well in the competition.   E Better luck next time.

40 It’s bad luck to break a mirror.   В That’s a load of rubbish!


F Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated).

Hanami: a Flowering Celebration!

The beginning of spring (March-April) is a very special time in Japan, because this is when Japan’s famous cherry trees come into flower. The Japanese celebrate this happy time with festivals and flower-viewing parties.

At the end of winter, everyone’s excitement starts to grow. The whole country wants to know the exact day when the cherry flowers (‘sakura’) will appear. Starting in February, weathermen try to guess when this day will be.

When the first flowers open on the trees, national joy breaks out! There are rides and games for children in the street, music and dance performances, tea ceremonies, flower displays, and much more. But the most special thing that people do at this time is have ‘hanami’ parties. Hanami means flower watching. In hanami parties, families and friends take a picnic and go and sit under a cherry tree to look at and admire the flowers. Hanami parties take place during the daytime and also at night, because when it is dark, lights light up the cherry trees.

Hanami is very important to the Japanese. Cherry blossoms appear on trees for only one week before they fall to the ground and die, and for the Japanese this symbolises the short nature of childhood and life. So hanami is a time when Japanese people like to think about how important life is.

41 Spring is the Japanese people’s favourite time of year.  NS

42 It is not easy to know the day the cherry flowers will open.  T

43 Hanami takes place a week after the cherry trees blossom.  F

44 The cherry flowers do not stay on the trees for very long.  T

45 When the cherry flowers appear, people hope for long lives.  NS


G Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about special occasions and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).

46 Speaker 1 В This event signals the end of childhood.

47 Speaker 2 C We look very colourful during this event.

48 Speaker 3 E We become very wet during this celebration.

49 Speaker 4 A This event lasts for seven days.

50 Speaker 5 D This event goes back to medieval times.

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 9 Test 1 (Module 1) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 1 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 6-9 классы».

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