Fill the missing word in the table

  1. Учебники
  2. 5 класс
  3. Английский язык 👍
  4. Биболетова
  5. №9

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева

авторы: Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева.

издательство: «Дрофа»



Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 1. HOMEWORK. Номер №9

  • Предыдущее
  • Следующее

Fill in the table with the missing words.
Задание рисунок 1

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 1. HOMEWORK. Номер №9


Перевод задания
Заполните таблицу пропущенными словами.
Решение рисунок 1

Решение рисунок 2

  • Предыдущее
  • Следующее

Нашли ошибку?

Если Вы нашли ошибку, неточность или просто не согласны с ответом, пожалуйста сообщите нам об этом

Work in pairs. Fill in the table with the missing words. Make up as many sentences as you can. | Помогите,пожалуйста,дам 25 б. |

| | | London? | Yes, …
| you | | the Tower? | No, …
Have | she | ever been to | the Kremlin? | No, …
Has | they | | a zoo? | Yes, …
| he | | an art gallery? | Yes, …
| | | a museum? | No, …
| | | Red Square? | …


Светило науки — 17 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

поставь как лучший если не сложно
Put as best if not difficult

Have you been to London? Yes, I have.
Has she seen the Tower? No, she hasn’t. 
Have they been to the Kremlin? No, haven’t.
Has he ever been to a zoo? Yes, he has. …
Has he ever been to  an art gallery?  Yes, he has.
Has he ever been to  a museum? / No, he hasn’t.
Has he ever been to  Red Square? Yes, he has.

лексики по теме «
Why not?» 

«Английский язык.
9 класс»

the text, translating the words in brackets.

My favourite (1) _________ (автор) is A. Pushkin. He is an (2)
___________ (
выдающийся) poet, novelist and playwright. I
enjoy reading  his  books for his vivid (3) ___________ (
воображение)  and  very rich, (4) ________ (изобретательный) language.

Alexander Pushkin (5)____________ (родился) in Moscow, in 1799. He got  his
(6) ___________ (
образование) in the Imperial Lyceum in
Tsarskoe  Selo.  His first poems (7)  ___________ (
были опубликованы) in 1814.

Pushkin was a master of  many (8)
__________ (
жанров). He  wrote historical fiction,
short stories, fairy tales, plays and (9)  ___________ (
романы).  I enjoy his  famous fairy tales. 
He had (10) ___________(
живое)  imagination and developed
fabulous (11)___________(

Alexander Pushkin (12) __________ (умер)  in 1837. He was honoured by his
(13) __________ (
современниками) as  a (14) __________ (замечательный) writer. His books were translated
into many languages, and they are still popular today. His (15) _____________ (
место рождения) is visited by many tourists.

in the table with the missing words.

№ п/п













in words from the box.

  playwright,   was
honoured,  famous,  remarkable,  poet,  were set,  century

He was the  greatest (21)
____________  of all time.  Among  the most (22) _________ of his plays are Romeo
and Juliet, Hamlet, King  Lear. His  plays (23) ____________ in the 16 th
(24) __________.  He (25) ___________ by  his contemporaries as a (26)
___________ playwright. He was a great (2
_________ .

from Russian into English.

28. Где и когда родился Ч. Дикенс (Charles Dickens)?

29. Чем знаменит Пушкин?

30. Когда был опубликован его роман?


  1. author

16.  famous

  1. outstanding

17.   successful

  1. imagination

18.  suspenseful

  1.  inventive

19.  imaginative

  1. was born

20.  powerful

  1. education

21. playwright

  1. were published

22.  famous

  1. genres

23.  were set

  1. novels

24.  century

  1. vivid

25.  was honoured

  1. plots

26.  remarkable

  1. died

27. poet

  1. contemporaries

28. Where and when was Charles Dickens born?

  1. remarkable

29.  What is Pushkin famous for?

  1. birthplace

30.  When was his novel published?

Fill in the table with the missing words.

Fill in the table with the missing words?

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Английский язык, соответствующий программе для 5 — 9 классов. Чтобы посмотреть
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Below is information about famous British writers.
Fill in the table with the missing words using the suffixes below. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Then fill in the gaps in the text with words that fit in the same numbered gap in the correct form.
Jerome K. Jerome (1859—1927) was a wellknown (O) humorist, playwright and a short story writer. His best (O) humorous Men in a Boat made him (1) famous
George Bernard Shaw (1856—1950) was a (2) remarkable playwright. His most famous plays are Pygmalion, Too True to Be Good. In 1925, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
William Somerset Maugham (1874—1965) is an outstanding (3) novelist and one of the most successful (4) dramatist and short story writers. His first really (5) successful novel was Of Human Bondage. Maugham wrote (6) powerful short stories, where he gave realistic (7) description of the life of his contemporaries. The language of his short stories is considered to be very (7) descriptive and (8) invention
Anthony Horowitz (born 1955) is a (9) contemporary British writer. He is the (10) creator of two very popular book series for children and young adults: Alex Rider and The Gatekeepers Anthony Horowitz is very (10) creative and (11) imagination. He develops fabulous plots. His books are thrilling, exciting and (12) suspenseful.

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