Fill the gaps with the correct word would you like to

Всего ответов: 2















Будьте добры, помогите пожалуйста.

Choose the correct word.

1.Would you like some milk?

2.You can leave at any time.

3.Could you give me any help, please?

4.We must buy anyvegetables for dinner.

5.I haven’t got any eggs for pancakes.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.- простите но вот это я не знаю как делать

1. Take … your jumper and put it into the washing machine.

2. The mirror had a big crack in it, so we took it… to the shop.

3. I will take my sister … for dinner on her birthday.

4.Fish and chips to take…, please!

5. Forget about the broken vase! It’s no use to crying … the spilt milk.



На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 10 из раздела Word Perfect, Module 8.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. Use the phrases to complete the sentences below.

Упражнение 1. Вставьте нужное слово. Полученные фразы вставьте в предложения.


• recorder • software • social • techno • charged • guarantee • power • digital

1) __ freak
2) __ certificate
3) computer __
4) solar __
5) fully __
6) voice __
7) __ pictures
8) __ life

1) Make sure the battery in your camera is __ .
2) He has a lot of friends and a very active __ .
3) You can leave a message on my __ and I will call you back.
4) I think the quality of __ and photography is improving all the time.
5) Take the __ out of the box and put it somewhere safe in case we need it.
6) There are a number of __ packages that you can use to edit your home movies.
7) We have cut down on our heating bills by switching to __ .
8) He is such a __ ! He has every new gadget that is available.

1) techno freak – помешанный на технике, техно-фрик
2) guarantee certificate – гарантийный сертификат (талон)
3) computer software – компьютерное программное обеспечение
4) solar power – солнечная энергия
5) fully charged – полностью заряженный
6) voice recorder – автоответчик, диктофон
7) digital pictures – цифровые изображения
8) social life – социальная жизнь

1) Make sure the battery in your camera is fully charged. – Убедись в том, что батарея в твоей камере полностью заряжена.

2) He has a lot of friends and a very active social life. – У него много друзей и активная социальная жизнь.

3) You can leave a message on my voice recorder and I will call you back. – Вы можете оставить сообщение на моем автоответчике, и я перезвоню.

4) I think the quality of digital pictures and photography is improving all the time. – Я думаю, что качество цифровых изображений и фотографий улучшается все время.

5) Take the guarantee certificate out of the box and put it somewhere safe in case we need it. – Возьми из ящика гарантийный сертификат и положи его куда-нибудь в безопасное место на тот случай, если он нам понадобится.

6) There are a number of computer software packages that you can use to edit your home movies. – Имеется ряд компьютерных программ, который вы можете использовать для редактирования ваших домашних видео.

7) We have cut down on our heating bills by switching to solar power. – Мы сократили оплату счетов за отопления, переключившись на солнечную энергию.

8) He is such a techno freak! He has every new gadget that is available. – Он помешан на техник! У него есть любой гаджет, который только существует.

Exercise 2. Use the phrases to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 2. Вставить фразы.


• hooked on • on the move • to the extent • apart from • it goes without saying

1) I am quite happy with our new house __ it not having a garden.
2) He is such a busy child. He is constantly __ doing something.
3) She is a teenager so __ she can be a bit moody sometimes.
4) He is __ playing video games with his mates.
5) She cannot use the computer __ that she would like.

1) I am quite happy with our new house apart from it not having a garden. – Я абсолютно доволен нашим новым домом, за исключением того, что нет сада.

2) He is such a busy child. He is constantly on the move doing something. – Он такой занятой ребенок. Он постоянно в движении, чем-то занимаясь.

3) She is a teenager so it goes without saying she can be a bit moody sometimes. – Она подросток, поэтому, само собой разумеется, что она может быть капризной.

4) He is hooked on playing video games with his mates. – Он помешен на видео-играх со своими товарищами.

5) She cannot use the computer to the extent that she would like. – Она не может пользoваться компьютером в той мере, в какой ей хотелось бы.

Exercise 3. Fill in the table. Which of these gadgets are you more likely to use at home or at work?
Упражнение 3. Распределите гаджеты по тому, где чаще вы их используете – дома или на работе.


• MP3 player • video mobile phone • TV • digital camera • dictaphone • PDA • radio • cassette player • camcorder • laptop • Walkman

HOME: ___
WORK: ___

HOME – дом:
MP3 player – MP3-проигрыватель
TV – телевизор
digital camera – цифровая камера
radio – радио
cassette player – кассетный магнитофон
camcorder – записывающая видеокамера
Walkman – плеер

WORK: ___
video mobile phone – видео-мобильный телефон
dictaphone – диктафон
PDA – персональный цифровой помощник
laptop – лэптоп, ноутбук

Exercise 4. Complete the exchanges with the words below.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова.


• invented • digital • charge • portable • renewable • solar • player • alternative

1) I think it is time to __ the battery in my mobile phone.
2) We have three __ cells on the roof to help heat our home.
3 Our city is trying to use as many __ energy sources as possible.
4) Do you know who __ mobile phones?
5) Let’s watch a film in the garden. I’ll bring my __ DVD player.
6) Can I borrow your MP3 __ please?
7) I would like to get a __ clock with an alarm on it.
8) We have to do something to encourage the use of __ resources.

1) I think it is time to charge the battery in my mobile phone. – Я думаю, что пора зарядить батарею в своем мобильном телефоне.

2) We have three solar cells on the roof to help heat our home. – У нас три солнечные батареи на крыше, чтобы помогать обогревать дом.

3 Our city is trying to use as many alternative energy sources as possible. – Наш город старается использовать так много альтернативных источников энергии, как только возможно.

4) Do you know who invented mobile phones? – Ты знаешь, кто изобрел мобильные телефоны?

5) Let’s watch a film in the garden. I’ll bring my portable DVD player. – Давай посмотрим фильм в саду. Я принесу свой портативный DVD-проигрыватель.

6) Can I borrow your MP3 player please? – Можно взять на время твой MP3-проигрыватель?

7) I would like to get a digital clock with an alarm on it. – Я хотел бы приобрести цифровые часы с будильником.

8) We have to do something to encourage the use of renewable resources. – Нам надо что-нибудь сделать, чтобы стимулировать использование возобновляемых ресурсов.

Exercise 5. Fill in: discover, experiment, invent, research, in the correct form.
Упражнение 5. Поставить в правильную форму: discover, experiment, invent, research.


A: Who __ the Hawaiian Islands?
B: It was Captain James Cook, wasn’t it?

A: What did you do after your PhD?
В: I did some __ on artificial intelligence.

A: You shouldn’t __ with electricity. It is dangerous.
B: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.

A: Did you know that fireworks were __ by accident.
B: You must be kidding!

A: Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands? – Кто открыл Гавайские острова?
B: It was Captain James Cook, wasn’t it? – Это был капитан Джеймс Кук, не так ли?

A: What did you do after your PhD? – Кто вы делали, после защиты диссертации?
В: I did some research on artificial intelligence. – Я занимался исследованиями искусственного интеллекта.

A: You shouldn’t experiment with electricity. It is dangerous. – Тебе не следует экспериментировать с электричеством.
B: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. – Не волнуйся. Я знаю, что я делаю.

A: Did you know that fireworks were invented by accident. – Ты знаешь, что фейерверк был изобретен случайно?
B: You must be kidding! – Ты, должно быть, шутишь!

    английский язык

1. Would you like to go round the ….. if you had the chance?

2. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the ….. .

3. Antarctica is the coldest place on ….. ….. .

4. The earthquake ….. many homes.

5. There are many active ….. in the world, such as Mount Etna.


23 мая 2015 г., 14:32:45 (7 лет назад)


23 мая 2015 г., 15:25:36 (7 лет назад)

1. Would you like to go round the world if you had the chance?

2. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.

3. Antarctica is the coldest place on the Earth.

4. The earthquake damaged many homes.

5. There are many active volcanoes in the world, such as Mount Etna.


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Allisonhar / 10 июня 2014 г., 1:13:28

4 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or their derivatives.Ken is very hungry and he wants to eat 1)……………………. 2)…………………is at home to help him cook, so he

must make something himself. There isn’t 3)……………………meat in the fridge but there are 4)…………………..tomatoes and peppers so he can make a delicious sauce and some spaghetti. Unfortunately, there is still 5)…………………..that Ken needs before he starts cooking. He needs some spaghetti as he hasn’t got 6)……………………. He must go to the shop to buy some.
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.Every Saturday, Ben and his friends 1)…………………………(go) to the park. They usually 2)……………………………(play) football but at the moment they 3)…………….(have)a picnic. They 4)……………………..(eat) sandwiches and apples. Ben 5)…………………..(be) very happy. He 6)…………………(talk) to his friends and he 7)………………(laugh). Ben 8)………..(like) sunny days.
6 Fill in the gaps with in, at or on.This year, I spent my summer holiday in Capri, Italy. I arrived there 1)……………August 1st and stayed at my friends’ villa for two weeks. 2)……………..the mornings, we usually went swimming and water-skiing. 3)…………….noon, we always had lunch and 4)…………….the evenings, we went to a disco. I had such a great time that I promised to go back next year 5)……………. winter.
7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.At 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, her mum 2)…………… (cook) dinner. Suddenly, the phone 3)……………… (ring). It was Lisa’s dad. «I 4)………….(have got) a surprise for you, Lisa. Don’t go to bed until I come home,» he said. A few hours later, Lisa’s Dad finally 5)………….(arrive) home. He 6)……..(hold) something in his arms. It was a puppy! Her parents bought her a pet for her birthday.
8 Complete the conversation using shall, will or the correct form of be going to.Niki: Hi, Sam. 11)……………have a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?Sam: Yes, I would love to! What time 2)………… start? start?Niki: About 8:00 p.m.Sam: Oh, I 3)……………not be able to come until 9:30 pm because I 4)…………. visit my aunt on Saturday.Niki That’s OK.Sam I’ve some great CDs 5)……….bring them to your party?Niki Yes, please!Sam OK! See you next Saturday.
9 Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs from the list, could, must, don’t have to, can’t, may, should, couldn’t, have to, mustn’t, canJenny sing beautifully. Everybody likes listening to her.Lions fly.You forget to lock the doors before you leave.You take an aspirin if your head hurts.You cook dinner. I’ve already cooked.He reach the top shelf because he was too short.I tidy my bedroom. It’s a mess.They go to the beach tomorrow but they don’t know for sure yet. 9 Edward walk when he was two.10 Nurses wear a uniform at work. (study) for a test while her
10 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Cjkkdsy / 22 окт. 2014 г., 19:14:00

how did his discovery influence the world?Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the correct form

Слова которые даются вставить вместо пропуска:
•Achievement •create •enormous •memder • name after •not discover •receive a degree •recjgnize •succed
Dmitri Mendeleev is a great Russian scientist of the 19th century. He _____ as a great chemist who_____ the periodic classification of the elements Dmitri Mendeleev was born in Tobolsk in 1834.At school,Dmitri_____ in mathematics,physics,and geography but was not good at languages.In 1855 he graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in St Petersburg with a goid medal for his____.In 1856 , he_____in chemistry. Dmitri Mendeleev’s contribution to the world’s science was_____. He was the first____the dependence of the qualities of the elements on their atomic weight.He forecast that the gaps in the table of elements would be filled in by elements which______yet.Dmitri Mendeleev was greatly honoured as a _____ of academies in many countries.Element No 101 _____ him. It is called Mendelevium.

1ИсКуСтВеНнЫй / 14 сент. 2014 г., 3:51:07

For questions (1-7), choose the correct variant (a,b,c).

1 I’d like to buy a loaf of … .
a) cheese
b) bread
c) butter
2. How much is this … of coffe?
a) bar
b) carton
c) jar
3. I’m going to the … to buy some milk.
a) baker’s
b) butcher’s
c) dairy
4. Ask a … how much this box of chocolate costs.
a) saleperson
b) customer
c) grocer
5. For this … you need some flour, some butter and salt to taste.
a) recipe
b) price
c) menu
6. At the greengrocer’s you can buy … .
a) green tea
b) a cabbage
c) a tin of dog food
7. We’ve hot … onion soup for lunch.
a) enough
b) any
c) a few

[2] Fill in the gaps with «a» where necessary.
I can give you … few pounds.
Can you buy some coffee, please? We’ve got … little left.
Will you give me some apples? I’ve got … few left.
Let’s go shopping. I’ve invited … few of my friends for lunch.
We’ve got … little milk! We can have tea with milk!
There are … few shops in this area. You’d better go to some other place.

[3] Fill the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form (past simple/past progressive)
Jane (chose) WAS CHOOSING present for her classmates while Jennifer and Susie (1) (write) ………… invitation cards.
Then jack, Tom and Charlie (2) (come) …………………… and (3) (colour) ……….. the invitation cards veru nicely! While Jane’s mother (4) (make) ……….. chocolate cakes at home, five of Jane’s classmates (5) (cut) ……………… sandwiched. Neil and Nelly (6) (draw) ……………… some pictures while Betsy and some other girls (7) (prepare) ………………. fruit salads when Betsy’s mother (9) (come) ………………… to help them.

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  • Fill the gaps with the correct word have you ever
  • Fill the gaps with the correct word do you play
  • Fill in with the correct word affect
  • Fill in with an appropriate word phrase from the list in the correct form create
  • Fill in use the word combinations from the box