Fill the gaps with the appropriate words there is an odd word

  • 0

Complete the queshions with the approprlate words. There is an oddword!
1) how … is Big Ben?
2)how … are you?
3)how …are you perents?
4)how … is the supermarket, plese?
5)how … does this car go?
6)how… can thiscar go?
7)how … can she play tennis?
8)how …people live in this town?
9)how … did it take you to get to the bus stop?
10)how …is her English?
Words: mahy,mush,fast,good,well,smart,high,old,far,long

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1)How high is Big Ben?
2)How well are you?
3)How old are your parents?
4)How much is the supermarket please?
5)How  far does this car go?
6)How fast can this car go?
7)How good  can she play tennis?
8)How many people live in this town?
9)How long did it take to get to the bus stop?
10)How good is her English?

  • Комментариев (0)

Fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. There is an odd word there!
Задание рисунок 1
Задание рисунок 2
Задание рисунок 3
stunts, comedies, stories, cartoons, music, adventure

All my friends like watching films. Boys like (a) _ stories where people do many exciting and dangerous things. There are a lot of (b) _ in these films. Girls enjoy watching (c) _ which make them laugh. When we were little children we liked (d) _ most of all. These films have interesting (e) _ .

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс FORWARD рабочая тетрадь Вербицкая. Test 1. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Заполните пробелы правильным словом из поля. Там одно лишнее слово!
трюки, комедии, рассказы, мультфильмы, музыка, приключение
Все мои друзья любят смотреть фильмы. Мальчикам нравятся (а) _ истории, в которых люди делают много захватывающих и опасных вещей. В этих фильмах много (b) _ . Девочки любят смотреть (c) _ , которые заставляют их смеяться. В детстве нам больше всего нравились (d) _ . В этих фильмах есть интересные (е) _ .


All my friends like watching films. Boys like (a)
adventure stories where people do many exciting and dangerous things. There are a lot of (b) stunts in these films. Girls enjoy watching (c) comedies which make them laugh. When we were little children we liked (d) cartoons most of all. These films have interesting (e) stories.

Перевод ответа
Все мои друзья любят смотреть фильмы. Мальчикам нравятся (а) приключенческие истории, в которых люди делают много захватывающих и опасных вещей. В этих фильмах много (b) трюков. Девочки любят смотреть (c) комедии, которые заставляют их смеяться. В детстве нам больше всего нравились (d) мультики. В этих фильмах есть интересные (е) истории.

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №42″

Тест по материалу 2 модуля

УМК “Английский в фокусе”, 9 класс


учитель английского языка

Гордеева Наталья Филипповна



Test / Spotlight 9 Module 2 (I variant)

A Fill in the missing word. There is one odd word.

make keep gravity do dust work spacious bed

1. The only thing left to do is to, …….…………. the furniture and then the house will be ready for the


2. Can you please ……………….. the bed.

3. You can’t ………………..the washing now. It’s raining and all the clothes will get wet.

4. Messy people find it difficult to ………………..their rooms tidy.

5. They live in a ..……………… house with a garden.

6. Pamela always make her …………..…… as soon as she gets up in the morning.

7. John ………..……… out on an exercise bike for 2 hours a day.

B Match the words.

C Underline the correct preposition.

1. The armchair is in / on the corner of the room.

2. The fire left half of the buildings at / in ruins.

3. Harry grew up on / in a farm.

4. If you can’t find a nice place for your birthday party, we’ll do it at / in home.

5. I know we are at / in a hurry, but can you slow down, please?

D Match phrasal verbs with the translation.

E Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. I don’t take other members’ things without__________________________(ask)

2. Do you want______________________(go) out tonight?

3. Pam has stopped_____________________(watch) TV; she’s doing housework now.

4. Her parents don’t let her ____________________(stay) out late.

5. I can’t stand_____________________(do) everyday chores.

Test / Spotlight 9 Module 2 (II variant)

A Fill in the missing word. There is one odd word.

make keep gravity do dust work spacious bed

1. There is zero ……………… space.

2. They live in a ..……………… house with a garden.

3. You can’t ………………..the washing now. It’s raining and all the clothes will get wet.

4. Pamela always make her …………..…… as soon as she gets up in the morning.

5. John ………..……… out on an exercise bike for 2 hours a day.

6. The only thing left to do is to, ….……………. the furniture and then the house will be ready for the


7. Messy people find it difficult to ………………..their rooms tidy.

B Match the words.

C Underline the correct preposition.

1. James has parked his car in / on the corner of Nicolson and Smith street.

2. I know we are at / in a hurry, but can you slow down, please?

3. The fire left half of the buildings at / in ruins.

4. Harry grew up on / in a farm.

5. Susan can’t do her Maths homework because she’s left her book at / in school.

D Match phrasal verbs with the translation.

E Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. The man refused ____________________(answer) the policeman’s questions.

2. I can’t help ______________________(laugh) at his jokes.

3. John went on ____________________(talk) about his life in Madrid all day long.

4. My mum made me _____________________(tidy) my room.

5. After _________________(have) a bath, I always clean it.


I variant:

A 1.dust 2.make 3. do 4.keep 5.spaciuos 6. bed

B 1.e 2.a 3.h 4.b 5.c 6.g 7.f 8.d

C 3.on 5. in

D 1.e 2.d 3. a 4.b 5.c

E 1. asking 2. to go 3. watching 4.stay 5. doing

II variant:

A 1.gravity 2.spacious 3. do 4.bed 6. dust 7.keep

B 1.a 2.f 3.c 4.b 5.h 6.g 7.d 8.e

C 1.on 4.on 5. at

D 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.e 5.d

E 1. to answer 2. laughing 3. talking 4.tidy 5. having

Cписок использованной литературы:

1. Spotlight 9 (Английский в фокусе. 9 класс). Учебник. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж

2. Spotlight 9 (Английский в фокусе. 9 класс). Рабочая тетрадь. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули


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  • Fill the gaps with a suitable word or phrase
  • Fill the gaps with a suitable word one word only for each gap
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